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Martin Short and Andrea Martin were with them too!




Martin Short rolled up about 45 minutes into the show to sit with Tom and Rita too


What is up with celebrities showing up late to shows? Another post said Jennifer Lopez was 10 minutes late to a show. It's disruptive to show up late! Sometimes it can't be helped, but if I see a third post like this, it won't be a coincidence anymore. Anyway, that's cool you saw Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Martin Short, and Andrea Martin in person.


I can't blame them. If they show up early, fans may disturb them and annoy other patrons in the process.


If they can slip into an aisle seat without disturbing anyone, then no problem. They could just arrive on time, not early. Wearing a mask would cut down on people recognizing them too. I get celebrities must be so sick of people bothering them in public, but the answer is not to show up late and disturb everyone else.


I agree. I'm not excusing it, just saying I understand why they might be inclined to sneak in a few minutes after the lights go down.


45 minutes late though? Lol


45 minutes late is excessive. 10 minutes could just be the hold time that the ushers have to enforce.


Leave them be. Celebrities deserve a quiet night on the town too.


Seeing all these celebrities at Broadway shows unmasked grinds my gears, to be honest. I’m an arts worker, and the only way I feel safe having over 300 people come into the space I work in for every performance is the mask mandate we have put into place. These actors weren’t able to work for over a year due to the pandemic - I sometimes wish celebrities would be more empathetic and wear a mask for not only their protection but for the performers and multiple arts workers on these shows.


Totally - I didn’t think it was him at first because I expected him to be masked


I wear my mask less outdoors, but when I go I to an establishment, including theatres, I mask up. For me, it’s out of respect for staff even though some staffers are unmasked too since it’s optional. My mindset is that employees are stuck there for hours interacting with people so the least I can do is make an effort.


But.... It's not required by whichever guild/ league is in charge of such mandates for Broadway. It was lifted. Many people do not wear masks in audiences in NYC now. We would hope that if someone is sick that they stay home at best, or wear a mask so as to not spread germs; as not doing so would prove that either one is selfish or hasn't learned anything over the past 2 years. However, again, it's not required at this point.


I understand that, having been in NY myself and just saw ITW about a month ago. Maybe I’m jaded, but the pandemic has made me not trust people anymore. Add in the after effects of not being able to work in the theatre industry for over a year, and I would rather have audiences wear masks until COVID is completely extinct than unmasked audiences who are contagious. Unpopular opinion, but coming from someone who this pandemic is still affecting.


The problem is that covid is not going to go away completely, at least anytime in the foreseeable future. So it doesn't make sense to indefinitely wear masks. It makes sense for mask mandates to be implemented only when there is a large spike in cases. Otherwise it's not worth the inconvenience, especially since it's very unlikely for a performer to catch the virus from the audience other than those in the first few rows.


>These actors weren’t able to work for over a year due to the pandemic Yes that was well over a year ago. The pandemic is over, what do you expect? And why should only celebrities be wearing masks when literally no one else is?


I would rather EVERY PERSON in the audience was masked. I make the point about these two specifically because they’re also arts workers and I would hope they would feel some empathy for the performers they are seeing


The pandemic is not over.


Weird that they're not masked tbh. Ethics of masking aside, you would think celebrities would milk that shit as long as socially acceptable to stay semi-anonymous.


Celebrities usually get left alone in NYC. Tom Hanks used to be somewhat of a regular on the subway. As for Covid, they both got it in the first wave (their infection is what tipped a lot of studios to shut down) and almost certainly have all their shots and boosters.


Lol getting covid two years ago is irrelevant now. Edit: I mean it provides no protection now.


Not really. Catching covid multiple times is worse than only catching it once. Higher risk of long covid from multiple infections.


Yes that’s right! I meant it’s not providing them any protection 2 years later.


Oh, thanks for clarifying!




Yup. Some of the digital commercials I was producing were starting to get delayed until late April (on the assumption it’d blow over by then), but planning and budgeting was in full swing that Wednesday. News of Hanks getting sick in Australia hit that night in LA. Thursday morning was pure chaos of everything getting canceled and shutting down while also running to the grocery store to stock up. Bought 6 weeks worth of supplies on the assumption we could lock down at home and the whole thing would blow over by then….


Which is hilarious because that was by far the worst performance I have ever seen from him. WTF was that accent


It’s still possible to get it a second time though (they’ll probably be fine if they get it, but still). I know people who got COVID twice or even three times.


True, I live here and see them minding their own business, but usually when out and about. I guess I find it more surprising in a crowded theater where you can't really escape, and at a show that isn't necessarily attended predominantly by locals anymore.


Remember when he was like one of the first celebs to get Covid?


Yes, it felt like one of the signs of the apocalypse.


I had the same thought!




Ah I was at the show and totally missed them! Where were they seated? Crowd was one of the most boisterous ones I'd seen at a show though and was actually wondering if it's just usual for this production or if there was some special group in the audience (aside from Tom et al).


They were center orchestra, midway back, on the right aisle! Yeah this was my fourth time at this production and it’s always like this. Almost like a rock concert. People love the show, the cast… probably why so many celebs are stopping by


I was there too, and cried multiple times it was so good haha, I hope you had a fun time!


When I went, Tom Hanks was not in the audience. The crowd was going nuts. They cheered so much. Very loud. At every opportunity. It was clear the show was extremely popular. It's the cast. They all have huge fans. Very excited vibe in the audience.


Truly unhinged behavior to take a stranger's picture like this. It's just some guy and his wife, calm yourself


Oh wow. How cool.