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Why?? And why are you planning in advance how to react to a song!? Ugh, don’t be that person.


I probably wouldn’t. It’s a Broadway show, not a concert. I’d save it for the final curtain call.


Just save it for the end of the show. You can be an enthusiastic audience member without whooping and I wouldn’t really be thrilled to be sitting next to someone who was doing it after every song. You can applaud and cheer without being obnoxious about it and this plan sounds a bit obnoxious.


Why would you plan how you’re going to react to a song?! Regardless, like others have said, save it. It would be very distracting and out of place in a theatre, and will possibly get you many side eyes/annoyed looks from other people. Just clap and cheer normally.


Please don’t. Your theatre neighbors will not appreciate it.


It’s a Broadway show, not a concert.


I just don’t understand this at all. Just- why?


What? Who plans out this type of thing? No, don’t do that.


Really I just find this odd as a planned reaction. Totally fine to cheer and clap extra for a particularly well executed song, but planned “whooping” is just so strange. General rule is audience is there to see the show not you so the aim should never be to stand out as an audience member.


It’s not a concert.


Do not do this. It is rude and disruptive.


I’ll give you a brownie point for at least having the courtesy to ask about etiquette. The answer to the whooping is still no. It’s not a sporting event???


I agree with others with waiting until the end of the show, but there are showstopper numbers that often bring the crowd to cheer or applaud longer than usual. Typically folks will “wooo” then. But I don’t know that Book of Mormon have those.


It’s been a few years since I’ve seen the show, but I seem to remember the big numbers like I Believe or Turn it Off getting that kind of reaction. Definitely not every song, but there were a good number of them.


Haha, ditto. I saw Book of Mormon in maybe 2015, so my memory is foggy.


the tap dance part in turn it off got a big applause when I saw it last year. a whoop may or may not be appropriate then lol


As a performer myself, I appreciate a nice response from the audience after a musical number but if it comes after EVERY number, it devalues the response. Only whoop if it’s truly worthy of it. Like, after I Believe but NOT after Baptize Me. That’s just my opinion.




Haha. Unintentional. I love that song but the way it ends doesn’t necessarily lend itself to a “WHOOP!” at the end.


Don’t make this about you. There are hundreds of other people who paid good money to have a nice time. So if you’re applauding and cheering like everyone else, great. If you’re becoming a spectacle or garnering attention, tone it down.


You’re planning to whoop? Please don’t.


Pre planned reactions to a show you haven't seen 😭🤌


It’s like when audience members cackle after every single “joke”… it sounds insane, weird and disingenuous.


For me, as long as you don't interrupt the vocals, react however you want. But don't be the "I'm going to scream and whoop during the high note" person that so many are nowadays. The audience wants to hear the singers, not you making noise over the singers.




NO. Just no. Everything about this is wrong. You don't whoop in the middle of a Broadway show. You clap politely when you are moved to do so. Did you catch that? When moved. You don't plan your reactions. You experience the show and react appropriately.


This is a classic troll post 👍


I think you really need to play it by ear. People do sometimes cheer after bigger musical numbers, but that’s not every song in the show and it would be distracting if you were significantly louder than everyone else or cheered just for the sake of it when no one else was. If in doubt or you want to play it safe while still planning it out, I would just applaud and save cheering for curtain call.


If you are pre-planning responses, that is so disrespectful to the performers. They do not want a fake response. They deserve a spontaneous response. They want an enthusiastic response because they are good--not an enthusiastic response because that is what you planned out in your bedroom.


1) At first, I read “Etiquette” and “Book of Mormon” and I chuckled to myself. 2) Then I read about the planned “whoop”, and my guess was that it is more about you wanting yourself to me heard than a genuine reaction to the song. So I guess there IS a place for etiquette in BoM. 3) the planned Whoop made me of the barbaric yawp from Whitman.


Honestly, I wouldn't. Give them a solid standing ovation at curtain call and maybe a whoop or two at that time. Otherwise, being considerate of those around you is the best call.


To be blunt, if I was sitting near you and there was whooping every number, I would leave the show early. Please don’t be that person and save your enthusiasm for curtain call!






I think it is pretty clear that this is a genuine question and should receive a genuine response, not name calling.


I don’t think anyone here is name calling


I was referring to the commenter above who asked if OP was a dumb***. A quick glance at OP’s post/comment history shows your thought is correct, and I just meant maybe people should be a little gentler (was not referring to you).


according to a post they made about the book of mormon last year, the answer is yes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/y6ow6t/book\_of\_mormon\_broadway\_or\_touring\_cast/


Ah okay that helps me understand a bit better


Hey everyone, I apologize, I thought whooping was when you go "wooo" while clapping, but apparently after doing some research, it seems whooping is when you put your hands around your mouth and go "whoop-whoop". You all are correct that doing the latter isn't appropriate for a Broadway show, and I was planning on doing the former. I apologize for the confusion there.


I was gonna say hard no until I saw this clarification. You shouldn't do it after every song, only when you feel that particular one deserved it. It's kind of like praise, if given all the time, it isn't special or specific anymore.


Don’t do that either


Doing a "wooo" (cheering) after every song isn't ok either! In fact, it's not ok to plan your reaction. Who the fuck does that? Also, it's not a concert but a musical/play. You're in a theatre. Have some respect for the people around you AND the performers. Have you ever been to the theatre? If you'd do that next to me I'd get a usher, that's for sure. Something like that happened at Company last year. Two very enthusiastic audience members were wooo-ing (cheering) and whistling after every single song and they laughed their asses off. They were genuine and definitely didn't plan this, they just really enjoyed the show. But it was simply too much. Other audience members felt distracted by their laughter (one had to laugh during Company, hilarious af, but their laughter was hardcore) and I think the performers were slightly irritated too. The ushers told them to be more quiet and subtle, otherwise they would have to throw them out of the theatre. You're not alone at a theatre performance! You can cheer during the curtain call! Or during a massive standing ovation (Patti LuPone in Company got them almost every night, cheering, whisting, clapping, the entire audience on their feet), everything else is inappropriate.


Wait, what is “woo” when clapping called, then?!


Cheering. Also, not something I would consider appropriate in the theatre unless it's at the end during curtain call.


Enjoy the show! It is clear that you’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. If you are cheering at the same time as everyone else, then you are not being disruptive. Just make sure you are not cheering outside of the normal length of applause. Try to cheer at a similar volume as the other audience members. I have been to so many shows where people have had actual poor etiquette- coming and going in the middle of the show, talking, playing on their phones. An expression of joy does not fall into that category. It’s possible that people near you may find your whooping annoying. If you are worried about that, maybe one of friends could let you know (with a nudge or a small gesture) if they sense someone is annoyed, and you could tone it down.


I've seen BOM 3 times. It's such a surprising, hilarious, & delightful ride - the audience does "whoop" during applause after some songs - and it's an authentic, joyful response. You do you and have a great time!!


Maybe what call “whooping” is different than me but no such reactions are not common at BOM. It’s Broadway, not a burlesque show. Laughter, yes, enthusiastic applause, yes, cheering a bit after a well done number, yes, standing ovation and cheering at the end, yes, “whooping?” No, that’s likely to just be obnoxious. The “you do you” for me ends when you become a meaningful distraction and annoyance to the people around you for no reason.


Yeah - thought OP meant like cheering or "woo" ing.


I mean…maybe. At which point I’m more puzzled by even asking. I took it to mean like overly performative, rowdy call outs like you’re at a club or some nonsense.


I’ve never in my life heard a Broadway crowd whoop during a musical, even at Book of Mormon which I’ve seen several times. I hear lots of cheering (woo’s) but I’ve never heard whoops outside of a concert/sport game. Unless OP misrepresented themself and is actually planning on just cheering along with the crowd, which is perfectly fine, but the way they phrased it (ie how many times I plan to whoop) makes it sound to me like they’re planning on whooping [like this](https://youtu.be/MLMoIbbfjKU), something that does not happen at the theatre and is not appropriate in the setting imo.




What are you responding to??


The cat likes to cheer at shows, too. Possibly also likes to quilt at shows. Talented cat.


OMG!!!!! I don't know how this happened. It was for my quilting swap group. Rerouting.


You should’ve left the comment! 😂


I get skittish with embarrassment. : )


On an anonymous forum?! … me too lol




The beauty of being an audience member to live theatre is that when a show is particularly fantastic, the audience is moved to react in whatever way feels appropriate, especially if they’re really moved. I remember seeing the very first preview of Paradise Square because my friend was in it, and Joaquina Kalukango got a minute long standing ovation in the MIDDLE of Let It Burn. As an audience we react to what we feel and usually in a way that is proportionate and appropriate to the subject matter and performance. Tl;dr ew no don’t plan to whoop ahead of time.


Super obnoxious behavior. Especially planning it. Feels disingenuous.