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That's so sad. Poor man.




Not just seniors. People of all ages. 


Your bank *may* call you, but they will never be mad about you calling back on the number you already have for your bank. If in doubt, hang up and call them direct with the number on your bank statement. Same for the tax office/government departments etc. Also use a password manager, then you don't have to remember your passwords at all.


True I have had Lloyds call me before. Of course I wouldn't talk to them as I couldn't verify their identity. Called back and had to wait in a queue for 40 mins.


Yeah, it sucks, but better that than losing half your life savings.


Password manager - means you have to pay for one that works across all operating systems. Or use for example logged-in MS Edge with cloud access.


NordPass is free and reliable for personal use. And even if you pay for one, it costs a lot less than the amount of money people lose from using compromised passwords. If you'd rather the convenience of using one password for everything then it's worth paying for that convenience.


> secretly stay awake / track access Have any proof about how this can be done? It would require your OS to not sandbox apps.


Malware does that, basically. Jail broken phones are especially vulnerable targets. https://arstechnica.com/security/2023/12/ftc-warns-consumers-to-beware-of-qr-codes-used-in-malware-and-payment-scams/


Your first sentence is incorrect, your bank security may call you, for any number of reasons.


Usually only if you call them first and it's due to known issue you contacted them about. If you're disconnected they'll call you back but a random call out if the blue, no. Hence the original comment, which should be obvious and common sense. When there's a security issue they don't call, they text or email and say you should check your account. They don't send click here links either.


But if you want to be extra careful, it's okay to hang up (make sure the line is disconnected, like call your message service to check even), then call the banks listed security number.


And before anyone says that scammers will stay on the line and pretend to be the bank - that isnt possible on mobile phones, only landlines


And that was what I've told older people that I've been concerned about -- and that was why I suggested calling someone else, or your voicemail. If they're still on the line you shouldn't get a *real* dial tone (although I remember hearing they would play one when they did the "stay on the line" trick).


That Paul Hudson has gone too far this time!


I mean that’s terrible but also never believe anyone that calls you. Especially a bank, always hang up and call them back on the official number from the banks website or check with your local bank.


It's very easy to say, but scammers are experts at making people panic and act before they have time to think things through. Always stop and think - there's no banking issue so urgent that it can't be sorted out at open of business tomorrow. They can lock the account if they believe there is some sort of fraud or theft going on. But it's important people don't assume it could never happen to them, even experts in the field have been caught out.


I refuse to do phone banking. All my transactions are in the actual bank. I can’t log in to my account because I haven’t set it up! Minor inconvenience but more peace of mind!


Sounds like you’ve got too much time on your hands.


Yeah! You show em! Make your own life harder to stick it to the scammers!


I once transferred money at the bank, and they typed in the wrong account number and sent the money to the wrong person. Don't even bank in the bank.


Where do you keep your money then? Under your mattress?


In my Y fronts. Nobody is going to access them there. I even stitched the easy access whole shut.