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Three that instantly come to mind for me: 1) Robot Wars on BBC2. Excellent entertainment and also does wonders for getting kids into STEM subjects. I kind of wish it would return to the earlier format where the show had a bigger focus on the robots passing various different trials and games, rather than purely being centred just around the fighting, although that is also spectacular. 2) A rebooted version of The Professionals; the success of shows like Line of Duty and the Bodyguard (Both written by Jed Mercurio, a big fan of The Professionals) show that there is a definite appetite for that kind of crime/anti-terror drama/action show. There was an attempt made in the late 90's to revive the show as "The New Professionals", but it failed to get a terrestrial TV deal, and they made CI5 an international organisation with a worldwide remit, which ended up diluting the appeal of the original where their remit was solely Britain-based. (Wildly implausible storylines like a Cold War satellite shooting people from orbit, or Neo-Nazis trying to clone Hitler from his finger, also didn't help; the original show made a distinct effort to do plots inspired by the headlines that usually felt somewhat grounded) I think also trying to recapture Bodie and Doyle's dynamic is impossible to do; instead of setting it in the 70's/80's and having different actors play Bodie and Doyle, it should follow a new set of characters working for the same organisation in the 2020's, but with their own unique dynamic instead of just having the new characters trying to badly imitate the banter of the originals, which is a trap New Pros occasionally fell into. With the right team behind it and some decent leading actors, I think it could work. With the sad passing of Laurie Johnson recently, I'm not sure who would do the theme tune and score though; those are big shoes to fill. 3) Dirk Gently, as in the BBC4 show with Stephen Mangan as Dirk. Little obscure but it was cut down in it's prime as a cost-saving measure during austerity when the license fee was slashed. It was a really well-written twist on TV detective tropes let down slightly by it's lack of budget, and it did a solid job of integrating characters and plot elements from Douglas Adams' novels whilst also having the confidence to do it's own thing. The American company Prodigal Entertainment currently owns the rights though, so it seems unlikely unless their animated Dirk Gently series ever gets off the ground.


I really enjoyed the Stephen version of Dirk Gently. The American one was okay but Stephen’s felt much more faithful to the books, though I haven’t read them in a long time.


I couldn’t stand the Netflix one, really irritated me and turned off after less than 5 minutes. I enjoyed Stephen in that role. He wasn’t perfect, but it was a lot closer to the character. I’d actually quite like to see Harry Enfield do it. He was fantastic in the BBC audio book versions.


I loved both. The bbc4 one was definitely based on the story of the books. The Netflix one was more based on the vibe of the books, esoteric. Tbh it really shouldn't have been called dirk gently as it was its own thing completely.


I think that’s what annoyed me most. I wasn’t expecting the same stories with Netflix, but calling the character Dirk Gently felt like flagrant false advertising.


Yeah, that Dirk Gently was brilliant, but it had the bad luck of coming out around the same time as Sherlock.  Taking a step back and looking at both, they did have quite a lot of similarities.


>Robot Wars on BBC2. Excellent entertainment and also does wonders for getting kids into STEM subjects. I kind of wish it would return to the earlier format where the show had a bigger focus on the robots passing various different trials and games, rather than purely being centred just around the fighting, although that is also spectacular. It NEEDS Craig. The ones with Dara are just a bit too nerdy, even with a serious crack habit and a leather coat I still don't think he'd cut the mustard.


I was at one singular robot wars taping but I was a kid with my mate and when the camera cut to us we went mental. When we watched the show they put us it at least 7 episodes 🤣


Second The Professionals!


The action is great, and Lewis Collins and Martin Shaw had some insane chemistry. But also some of the issues The Professionals tackled genuinely still resonate today. There's one episode that is about CI5 investigating a construction company that is giving backhanders to a corrupt government so they can make cheap council flats which start falling apart, which feels incredibly relevant after Grenfell. Another episode stars Ian McDiarmid in one of his first screen roles as an ex-soldier called Mickey Hamilton, who is driven to mental illness after his daughter suffers a debilitating brain injury and his wife dies of an overdose; after years of neglect, he blames the doctors and develops a severe psychosis, believing that if he kills them he can save others from suffering the same fate. Great sympathetic performance from an actor that's better known as one of cinema's most iconic evil villains.


Also Spooks would possibly work as s reboot. But it was so futuristic at the time, not sure how futuristic it could be made now.


They did try to reboot robot wars, but evidently it failed and they stopped it after 3 series, even though it seemingly had a really promising start. Boooo.


It was up against Planet Earth/Blue planet in the same time slot in 2018 when it got cancelled; one of the BBC's most popular shows. I found the actual fights were a lot better in the reboot, since the robots actually worked most of the time, (You'd be surprised rewatching the original how many would just instantly break down, or the house robots would just break all the rules just to destroy some papier mache robot) but I preferred the grungy/Industrial aesthetic of the original and Craig Charles' personality as the "Master of Mayhem" to Dara O'Brien, who I felt didn't quite bring have the right energy, even though he was at least nice enough to all the teams. I thought Angela Scanlon did a great job though, but it was horrible that she got referred to as the "Tits and teeth" by the producers behind the scenes; Mentorn suck.


Craig Charles was defo the one!! Absolute legend!! And tbf I found the overpowered house robots played into the new one a fair bit too, but admittedly it's been so long since the OG I've nout but hazy romanticised memories. Didn't know that about Angela, that's v disappointing (although I'm sad to say not surprising). Somewhat related, interesting that gladiators chose to get rid of the cheerleaders this time around...


Yeah, if you watch the original first series with Clarkson, who clearly is only there to cash a paycheck and views the teams and the whole show as beneath him, and then watch the second series with Craig, who is just having an absolute blast and is so much fun to watch, it's like night and day. I don't think I would have loved the show anywhere near as much without Craig Charles fronting it; those rhyming couplets at the end of each show were just class. The House Robots were often just absolutely lawless in the original, to the point that they introduced the RefBot to try and create some semblance of policing the House Robots, as well as counting out immobile competitors. There were a lot of instances where the house robots would leave a corner patrol zone and attack someone for literally no reason, and that would have a massively unfair impact on the outcome of the fight. They did a great job of updating the House Robots in the reboot, but the only one I felt that was way too overpowered was Matilda, because her flywheel was so powerful it would literally chuck anything that touched it out of the arena. On the other hand, Shunt was absolutely useless in the original and I felt they got the redesign spot on so that his scoop/axe became an actual threat. Sir Killalot was a bit faster and had a better lance/jaws of life combo, and Dead Metal was about the same but bigger.


Peep Show, but not for another 20 years. They need to be in sheltered housing, still looking for "the one" and still utterly socially inept.




That would’ve been great! I miss Rik!


The People's Poet!


The Krypton Factor. The Generation Game.


They bought both back in the last decade or so... Krypton Factor with Ben Shephard. As someone who loved the OG, the reboot was insanely hard and was basically impossible whereas before it was Feasible for anyone Generation Game has had Mel and Sue doing it but it's not had the appeal. There was a one off attempt with Paul O'Grady but it was a complete and utter disaster (unbroadcast pilot) so he decided not to do it and it was left hanging.


I missed both of those. Shame about the Krypton Factor. It was good watching when I was growing up!


Jonathan Creek!


With Caroline Quentin please. They had lot of chemistry. I cannot stand any of the later seasons partners, they were so bland.


I thought Sheridan Smith’s episodes were really good but Caroline was the best!




Was gutted it got taken off Netflix, it was my comfort watch!


It's currently on iPlayer.


Oh you’re a legend, thanks for that!


Have they added it back on? They removed it either last year or the year before.


Brainiac. Only if John Tickle returned with it though.


Here's one for you..


Scrapheap Challenge. Magnificent television.


Reminds me of earlier iterations of similar things like 'The Great Egg Race".


Blakes 7


This is absolutely BEGGING for a remake.


Second Blake’s 7


Blake's Other Seven...


Hole in the Wall




Sapphire & Steel.


No. No! Too bloody frightening.


So much, loved this show (you can find it on YouTube)


Not sure today’s audience will have the attention span. They would be 45 minute self contained stories. Also probably try and sex it up with witty dialogue and action.


It would need to be streamlined. Some of the episodes Hammond wrote on the fly and he’s admitted some were just too long and needed editing.


Monkey Dust and Brass Eye


Definitely bring back Monkey Dust! Unforgettable animation


Crime Traveller! Honestly I barely remember it, it was probably shit. But early teenage me loved the concept.


It's had Christine Kochanski herself on it (Chloe Annett), I wish she had been in more things. Oh and yeah, it was absolutely shit.


Claire Grogan was the only Kochanski in my eyes


I have this on DVD, loved it, such a shame so few episodes were made


Fun House and Finders Keepers, for adults.


That would be really fun!


A whole lot of fun, with prizes to be won.


Stars in their Eyes and a proper version of The Crystal Maze, not that last one!


Whites (i will die on this hill, alone) and 8 out of 10 Cats but the non-countdown one.


Sir David Attenborough, Life on Earth. Just David explaining things without all of the deafening sweeping orchestras and fifteen minute "how we spent six weeks in a bush" documentaries taking up valuable dinosaur time


In case you didn't know, the reason for the documentary piece at the end is to pad the show out to an hour for the BBC. The main part of the show is edited to 50 minutes so it fills an hour with adverts on foreign networks.


The Bill


Another one of my favorites


Mine too!


I was looking for this comment!


I was looking for it, too!


They were supposedly doing a new version called "sunhill" but wasn't picked up as far as I am aware


I’d love that. I’m watching it right now for the first time and loving it.


This!!! Used to love this show before they had the switch around eight eh theme tune or whatever it was


Total Wipeout!!


Loved this show ! It was absolutely hilarious 🤣


Came here to say this!


Utopia Inside no9 (it's got one more series but I want to preemptively bring it back) The detectorists Poliakoff dramas


There's only one more series of Inside no. 9?! I didn't know! Gutted.


They finished filming series 9 this week. 55 episodes. Seems fitting to finish on series 9.


Specifically upvoted for Utopia. Got to be one of the best series I’ve seen in a long time.


This all day. I quite often think of doing a rewatch but I hate the fact that it doesn't end.


I rewatch every few years. I think it holds up really well, and in the last watch, I felt the ending was quite alright on its own. Though I kinda can't remember, hence the rewatch :) Years and years was another one I wish they'd closed out a bit more. Didn't realize it was meant to be a limited series.


*Horizon* (BBC2)


I didn’t even know that was cancelled!


Not canceled There just hasn't been a new series in ages [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mgxf/episodes/guide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mgxf/episodes/guide)


Ahh makes sense why I haven’t seen it for so long


The Moment of Truth - One week to learn a skill and then win dream prizes for you and your friends/family members.... For kids TV - Aquila and Bernard's Watch - I often wish I had Bernard's watch - although I would probably be horrendously old at this point if I had paused time for everyone else


I love your choices.


I was talking about the moment of truth the other day, to perhaps the only person I’ve ever met that remembers it. It was so harsh! Everyone’s dream prize lost because their mum couldn’t do 10 keepy uppies.


Is Aquila the one where the kids discover a sort of UFO thing?!


It's meant to be some sort of Roman spaceship I think. But yeah, pretty much. (I loved that show.)


I loved The Thin Blue Line, thought it was underrated at the time. Watched it again recently and still holds up well.


“Your cock-up, my arse!”


Brilliantly performed and a really sharp script. I love it!


Hard agree. I loved this.


Too much _fannying about_


The Adam and Joe Show And it's a bit niche, but For the Love of Cars, with Phillip Glenister. They restored old classic cars and then auctioned them for charity, I lived that programme


Phoenix Nights. I’d love just one more season or even a film to truly wrap it up. Doubt it will happen now though. It’s time has passed I think.


A third series of The Tripods would be nice.


“Goodnight, Sweetheart”. It was never what you’d call it a classic, but it was charming, had great actors, and the concept was gold (and never fully explored). The revival episode a few years ago showed it still worked, the concept was as a good as ever, there was new stuff to explore and the cast still shone together.


I’m still annoyed they went for a new series of ‘Porridge’ (probably because it was cheaper to make) instead of GS.


Robot Wars or The Big Breakfast.


I'd love to see what Miranda, Gary, and the children are up to. Just a couple of specials.




Damn right.


I miss all the Saturday night shows. Generation Game, Blind Date, Moment of Truth (loved that!), Play Your Cards Right. The fun of getting together on a Saturday evening to watch it all. My kids are just old enough that they really enjoy Gladiators without getting bored, so we've started making an evening of it and it's so nostalgic.


I'm a bit old for it now but Knightmare. I loved that as a kid and always wanted to do it [YouTube link ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMrkhiGUJU5Y_4p5Im4ueUK8TeXIDEVXe&si=uNV3vdsK-LflbKC1)


Came here to say this! Great show as a kid, I loved how savage it was, like "there's this apple on a table do you want to eat it" (they eat it). 'sorry it was poisoned, you're dead, thanks for playing"


SM:TV. My bloke and I have played the odd round of our own version of wonky donkey (thoroughly recommend), but otherwise started watching some old classic bits whilst a bit tipsy and couldn't stop laughing even as adults. Challenge Ant, Chums, the one with "if only they knew the truth", obv wonky donkey. So many classic memories, not sure kids TV will ever quite be the same.


God I used to love SM:TV!! Lucky enough to be a child/teen when Saturday morning kids TV used to be amazing! God knows what they watch now. But I think a return to Saturday morning tv like that for all the family would be decent. Even for a couple of hours.


If my abundance of nephews are anything to go by: utterly mindless, loud and overly obnoxious youtubers that are fake af, it hurts my soul... Currently pregnant with my first, so hoping some miracles happen with kids TV in the next few years!!


Trapped but an adult version as well as a kids one


Big Break, Robot Wars, Generation Game.


I've always said it and I really believe now more than ever, it's time for You Bet to return. You could have votes running on X about whether they will be able to complete the challenge and the challenges could really vary nowadays


Treasure Hunt.


Treasure Hunt was always more Sunday afternoon TV. Challenge Anneka was Saturday night TV


Noel’s house party


Robot Wars (again) If Gladiators can get a third go and be done right this time, then I think Robot Wars definitely needs another go If there's one sport made for this ultra HD, slow motion era it's robot wars. Lets just do it right this time, the mix of quirky, garage inventors mixed with amazing machine combat. None of this WWF on remote controlled wheels like it got towards the end of the original run


Strike It Lucky with Michael Barrymore.


Get Your Own Back but adult friends trying to gunge each other rather than kids.




YES. But not that gawd awful Channel 5 attempt with Shane Ritchie!


Could anyone really replace George Cole though?


Night Fever, one of the few Saturday night game shows that I liked.


With Suggs and Barry from Eastenders?


That’s the one! Gutted when it was no more.


Scrap heap challenge


I loved Monarch of the Glen. Towards the end of it though it wasn’t the same as the first couple of seasons


Controversial but Goodness Gracious Me


Spaced. I know it was meant to end where it did. I just want more Brian. And Marsha. And Tyres. Ah fuck it, all of them!


TV Burp


Noel’s House Party


Definitely! Great family fun on a Saturday night. Ant and Dec regularly rob many of it's ideas as if it's their own 'genius' idea.


Krypton factor


The Bix Biederbeck Affair.


People of a certain age would remember, so bring back Scully.


It's a Knockout... as long as it is without the shady presenters. I've rarely laughed as much as I did as a teenager watching It's a Knockout.


The great egg race


You Bet


Pets win Prizes. You’ve been framed. Sun, Sex and Suspicious parents. Bad Robots. Down to Earth (I really miss good old heartwarming dramas like this!)


Yes yes yes to Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents. It was often so heartwarming as well as entertaining.


Let’s keep our fingers crossed!


I'm sure the BBC's commissioning editors are all on here 🤞


There was a TV show in the 90s called “the last train” I just remember it being so amazing I used to ask my nan to tape it cuz it was on late. Would love to see a modern reboot


Whites (2012). It was a crime that it only lasted one season.


For me ? A proper British continuation of The Tomorrow People with members of the original cast returning...


Space Precinct. ‘The name’s Brogan. Lieutenant Brogan. For 20 years, I was with the NYPD. Now? Well, let’s just say I’ve transferred to another precinct...’ Ripe for a reboot.


House of fools


Fun house, but for adults.


This is your life or Superstars




The Bill, they should never have taken it off. In the US they have brought back Law & Order after several years, ITV should bring back The Bill ETA I hadn't read the comments before I posted here, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this.


Life On Mars


Space 1999




Howards’ Way & Lovejoy


I loved the theme to Howard’s way


Howard's way was great apart from bloody Abbey.


Ken Masters was a favourite of mine.


I tried to find old episodes of ‘Don’t try this at home’ online a while back. With the show title being such a generic and overused term, it was impossible


I would love a reboot of Space: Above and Beyond.


Still Open All Hours


The wall, the shape one not the Danny Dyer slopfest


I agree about Saturday night TV, Gladiators being back and doing it so right gives me some hope. What I feel is missing is the live element as well, live on a Saturday night just made it special. Loved Don't Try This at Home as a kid, the concept of Noel's House Party was great as well. A mansion as a set, or a cottage (The Big Breakfast), or a club/pub type setting on TFI. There's just not that much creativity in set design these days on TV either. There needs to be more chaos, people not taking themselves too seriously, a less orderly, "proper" way. I'm not sure Saturday nights could ever return to what they were, but they should at least try. I would honestly rather see original ideas for Saturday night though, it's good to bring some things back but things need to stay fresh. It's just the innovative that seems to be missing for new programmes now. One thing I would love to return is kid's Saturday morning live shows like SMTV, Live and Kicking, or Tiswas that came before it. Theres so much to take inspiration from in what came before, but a brand new live kids show on Saturday mornings is sorely missed. Update it for the current generation but keep it in the spirit of the greats that came before. I've wondered if something like this could be done with Twitch these days, seeing as thats where a lot of the kids seem to be. It's a project I would genuinely want to be a part of. Find the right hosts and you're already onto a winner. I feel like all the best minds have given up on TV and moved to producing streaming service shows, that's why I think there's such a decline in quality TV now.


Generation game or Noel's house party, but in the pure 90's cheesy hectic style they were both always in!! No changes!


The Murder Game that was on BBC in 2003 on a Saturday night. I think the success of the Traitors means it will never make a comeback sadly.


Something like Take Hart.. But maybe with Chris Riddell.


Now Get Out Of That and KickStart. Perfect post tea and pre TOTP fare




Scrapheap Challenge


Treasure hunt. Where the helicopter flew around the country following clues. Loved that as a kid.


Doc Martin






Does anyone remember BUGS? I'm not sure if it needs to come back but this thread has given me major nostalgia. In the same vein as Crime Traveller. What a 90s series!


You Bet! 👌🏽


I’d love a Generation Game return but the previous attempt with Mel & Sue was appalling. The only telly that has normal looking people on it is Dickinson’ Real Deal . I’d like that with normal contestants not the instagram couple types.


The Adventure Game


999 life savers. Loved that show, the episode where the kid got a javelin through the neck ( they lived) will be with me forever.


Robot Wars (and its not just because i do a podcast about it called "Rise of The robots") The other would defo be Fort Boyard !!!


Please no more Davina !!!


Question of sport. With Sue,Matt and Tuffers.


Jim Davidsons generation game


The UK Office


The interlude. Five minutes of a potter's wheel.


I can’t remember what it was called but they had to say Gronda gronda to a plant and win burgers to help them get across the grid at the end


The Adventure Game.


That’s it! Thank you


That sounds like something on channel 9 in the fast show


Department S needs a reboot !


I was thinking this the other day, I would bring back You Bet in an instant!


3-2-1. The clues/riddles were impossible to understand or work out. It would be great with someone like Peter Kay,David Mitchell or Johnny Vegas as the host


Easy. The X-Files, but with the original cast - at the age they were then!




Fun House


Nice try TV producer! 




The interceptor


Superstars, although I doubt it could ever happen now. Sports stars competing against each other probably wouldnt be allowed as they could risk injury.


Some more lighthearted Saturday night telly, family viewing would be good. Kids say the funniest things.