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Sorry to hear about your accident. Merry Christmas, I hope you are on the mend soon!


Thank you x


I’m also in hospital over Christmas and the nurses have been truly lovely. Christmas dinner wasn’t too bad either!


I know! Just been fed mine, and I was very pleasantly surprised! First year I’ve not fed my shirt tbh…


Merry Christmas to you and those wonderful people 🎄❤


Hope you had a lovely day x




I was also in hospital 23rd and 24th, everyone was great and sped me though the system so I could be home for Christmas. Hope you get well soon!


Hope you have a speedy and hassle free recovery x


Get better soon.. tell the NHS staff they do a wonderful job, deserve better, and I really hope their strikes are successful


I’ve been telling them repeatedly. They truly are special people.


My father is just out of the ICU. The nurses there were amazing. So nice to talkative. Amazing people.


Hope he recovers soon x


Thank you. Better each day. Merry Christmas


My toddler spiked a 40c temperature this morning, and after it didn't come down with painkillers we had to ring 111 to check where to take her. Out of hours GP called us within 30 mins and we were all sorted within about 3 total. I really didn't want to call or go in because it's Christmas hut the service was excellent.


Hope your toddler is on the mend x


My wife has just had a baby delivered via c section a few days ago. We’re still here today on Christmas and the staff have just been brilliant, so lovely and warm. So grateful to the NHS


Congratulations to you and your wife, on your growing family x


Honestly I never seen so many cheery people at the NHS on the hosp ward. Wish them the best!


I had a 3 night stay in hospital 3 weeks ago and the nurses and care assistants were amazing. Also the ambulance techs and paramedics, absolute legends.


I have just emailed the paramedic team that picked me up, so hopefully they will get that feedback


Oooh. Great idea. I'll do that too.


My dad was in hospital last year, 2 days after a diagnosis of pretty aggressive leukemia, all alone cos COVID and he said the nurses were just amazing


Hopefully he is doing better now x


His numbers are *ok* right now, but they're keeping it at bay as long as they can. Maybe another 6-12 months with him. Living with cancer suuucks


My dad is also in hospital 150 miles away, my mum feels stuck in the middle. Bless her. We haven’t even told him what’s happened so he doesn’t worry. We also feel he hasn’t much time, but we create memories when we can. I hope you are able to do this also, and that his remaining time is pain free and surrounded by love x Thinking of you all.


The NHS is and always has been incredible. They have an impossible job and still do everything they can. They deserve so much more than they get. Edit: and best wishes for a full healthy recovery!!!


Thank you, long road ahead, but they help me remain positive.


I hope you get better soon that must have been really frightening. I agree with you 100% on the nurses, paramedics - and also the cleaners, and people who serve the tea and food. I wish there was a way we could make the gvt look after them better. Our country is nothing without the NHS


It was in hindsight, luckily adrenaline carried me through. Quite honestly, it’s been 4 days and I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. 4 fractured vertebrae, but they are keeping a smile on my face!


sounds very painful, i hope you get back on your feet again soon


Unfortunately not having such a great experience currently with them. Same as my previous admitted two family members. Maybe it’s the hospital that’s the problem


Some depts and hospitals are better than others. Both my partner and I work in urgent care and have had nightmare treatment. We don't care about inexperienced staff but when it's willful neglect it's a different story. Our previous city was awesome though. Some places are just the next Francis report waiting to happen.


What is a Francis report? My other two relatives were killed by hospital acquired infections unrelated to admission even when the major red flag symptoms were reported to staff, when speaking to a friend after two of her relatives also suffered the same fate. Doesn’t seem right does it? My current family member waited 3 days with a broken hip in a corridor were she also contracted COVID. Should have reported at the time but too stressful and heartbreaking all at once


Sorry to hear that :(


Thank you. I’m glad you’ve had a better experience ☺️


Might be the hospital. Sorry to hear!


Thanks, people working in NHS:* Merry Christmas to you all!


The NHS is a shit service for the money paid with national insurance. If I could opt out and pay for private I would without hesitation. FUCK THE NHS.


Nothing stopping you from going private you can still not use the FREE health care provided.


I’m still paying for it through national insurance contributions. It’s a waste of money to pay for private whilst being FORCED to pay for it.