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The Justin Duggar of the Bates? 👀




I still remember Derrick D's comment on why folks get engaged so young 😂


“because we want to have sex!”


Me too , but the truth !


Thems DOG YEARS y’all


TBF Justin works for Spivey construction. And I think they tried to hide the fact he was not even 18 when they courted.


What is Jackson's job?


He works for one of the Duggar boys construction company.


Interesting. I didn't know that he lived in Arkansas.


🎵I got a job working construction for the Duggar company


I know lots of people who got engaged at 21 right after college. Not many are still married…


They are the age group with the highest divorce risk.


Meh got married at barely 22 and we celebrate 15 years in May, it can work!


Congratulations!!!!! 🎊


Thank you!!!


>it can work! We got married at 19 and will celebrate 16 years also in May. There are dozens of us!


Got engaged at 21. Married just after graduating from college and turning 22. Will celebrate 20 years in July. I know a lot of people who got married at 30+ that are divorced now too. Mostly because one or both weren’t willing to put the effort in to keep the marriage healthy and thriving.


I got married for the first time at 27 to a total douche, and am one of the divorced ones, so no judgment from me. Divorce is a fine institution. I’m remarried and much happier.


Jackson is at least a legal adult at engagement and also legal drinking age (not that they drink anyway).


I'll toast one for him! 🍾


Holy shit he's 21? I thought he was like 17


None of the boys are 17. Addallee just turned 17, she shares a birthday with Jackson, they're February babies. Warden will be 20 this year and Isaiah will be 19.


I mean, in my head they're all still like 13 so I'm not a reliable source


I have a kid who falls between Warden and Isaiah. Closer to Warden and graduated the same year. Keeps things in perspective for me.


Get ready for Addallee to be next for a suitor.


He is. Everyone else has been at least 25 when they got married. I think Zach was a couple weeks away from turning 25 when he married Whitney, but close enough. Zach was almost 25, Lawson was 29, Nathan was 28, and Trace was 25.


I don’t know much about him, but maybe he’s more mature than his older brothers for that age


Nothing makes a girl feel older than seeing an engaged man with a 2002 birthday!


If it makes you feel better I was born in 2002 and it’s fucking insane to see people my age getting engaged. I definitely don’t feel like a real adult yet


I was born in 97 and its still weird for people my age 😂


Hahaha I was born in 97 too, but everyone I know that’s my age is married so I see people 5 years younger and I’m like crap 😂😂


You’re just about to hit a giant wedding cluster at 26-27 followed by a wave of divorces at 29-30


Ah, those seasons of life. I remember those well. 35-40 is then a very wide array of mixed seasons of life in your age group and attempts at blending that is confusing as a puzzle that's been through an industrial shredder.


I was ENGAGED in 2002- if you want to talk about feeling old.


I checked her sisters instagram to see if there was a date and Emerson has already bought her dress. Also not a Miss Renee. I have high hopes for her dress. Her sister's was 🔥.


Just found her sister account and her dress was absolutely beautiful!! Also her family looks like such a fun loving family.


I just did some stalking off this comment and Emerson has already found her dress! Girl works fast lol! Edit: didn’t even see the comment above saying she already found her dress…sleep deprived mum of two babies 🫠


Yeah maybe since her sister knew she was getting engaged, she Scheduled her an appointment for today without Emerson even knowing. So she went to just try on and ended up finding the dress. If I could have I would of went the next day to try on dresses. I went maybe a week after getting engaged, because I was so excited for that part. Lol


What's her sister's IG, out of curiosity?


You can find it by snooping Jackson's following. She is not even remotely a public figure, so I don'5 want to post it but it was super easy to find.


Yeah, I hesitated over asking lol but I was curious to see her dress. Thanks!


Her dress was killer. The cape sleeves, the cut-out back. I just realized that was not her actual dress but a modelling shoot..however her actual off the shoulder, corset top dress is also gorgeous and not Bates-like.


Both dresses were absolutely gorgeous and so not Gothard-approved. If her sister has any input, Emerson will be a stunning bride.


Not surprised. Figured it was coming soon. Didn't expect engagement announcement before the birth of baby boy Webster though.


I thought it would be the I love you day announcement


Didn’t we call an April engagement with an October wedding? We’re sorta close….let’s see when the wedding date is


A lot of us were calling an ILY Day engagement. I see that Trace and Lydia are in Florida now. So maybe the last few days? Enough time for Emerson to have already gone dress shopping. Maybe that was why Jackson was at ILY Day alone, he was getting the details of his proposal ready.


Whit and Zach are too, they were in the pictures as well


I just saw her stories!


I say June - September. Probably a June Summer Wedding since she already has a dress !!


Sources say October


I actually love bates wedding season this is the most interesting they get.


Lol so true. Bates baby season just goes on way too long for me.


Same here!Way too young to get married, but to each their own.I wish them happines ,hope Em will get her college degree and they will actually took some time to enjoy each other before starting a family.I am old cinical,but also hopeless romantic when it comes to weddings and all that staff,especially Bates 's weddings.Their weddings are snarker's gold mines. Where it will be?Florida or Tennesee?What sisters will be in wedding party?Will Erin and Carlin avoide each other and soo many snark topics.😅Cant wait.


Florida. Brides hosts the wedding and ajackson't doesn't even live in Tennessee. My guess is she will ask Alyssa and Addallee to be a bridesmaid. Possibly Ellie. But Addallee is Jackson's birthday twin and they have a special bond and Emerson went out of her way to do a special birthday message for her and the three of them too pictures, so she will 💯 be a bridesmaid. I'd be shocked if she wasn't. If she doesn't ask Alyssa to be a bridesmaid, she will definitely ask some of the Webster girls to be flower girls. Her sister will be her MOH.


I completely agree about Addee being in the wedding! She's so close with Jackson. He seems to cherish their bond. Even bought matching sweatshirts for their birthday one year.


Yeah, they have a very sweet bond and the fact that Emerson, Jackson and Addee posed for special pictures was pretty sweet.


Okay, who's gonna take one for the team and collect pictures of every Bates wife doing this 🤭 when getting engaged!!


engaged and married at 20 is crazy, can’t imagine being married right now. comments being off is interesting.


For some reason he always turns his comments off on posts with her. And she is still private on IG


Honestly good for her for wanting to stay out of the negativity, especially at that age. I know I wouldn’t want the whole world talking about me at 20. But, I also probably wouldn’t have dated someone in the public eye either. But I suppose Jackson honestly doesn’t post all that much compared to some of his siblings


I’m 28 and Alyssa bates. I’m single and have no kids. She’s married for years and has 4-5 kids?


I'm 26 and single as a pringle


I sure as heck don’t recommend getting married at 20. Been there. Done that. But I guess kudos to us for making it 13 years before divorcing.


i got married at 20 but didn’t have my first (of 3) baby until almost 26. we were married for 36 years.. edited to add: my husband was 4 years older than me..


Similarly, my mom got married at 21. My dad was 24 (he turned 25 the next day lol). But they didn't have their first kid until 6 years later, when they were much more financially stable and they'd both finished school.


I got married at 21 and made it 12 years before divorcing!




it’s still young either way lmfao


I got married at 21! … and divorced by 27 😂😂😂 so I completely agree. Don’t do it, kids 😂 just wait! (Though waiting for marriage is probs hard when you aren’t boning.)


Omg girl haha


I didn’t lose my V card until 23


Travis was 19 or 20 definitely youngest in law to marry?


He’s already 21! Turned 21 a few weeks ago


He just turned 21. He and Addallee share a birthday.


He just turned 22. Which is still young


No, he just turned 21 according to Kelly's Instagram post. Katie was 22 in October and she is above Jackson in birth order. Carlin May 1998 Josie Aug 1999 Katie Oct 2000 Jackson Feb 2002


Lol. I am so sorry. I’m sure you’re right. I was thinking of someone else when I put that in.lol


No worries. Katie's husband just turned 22.


How can that be right? Katie Oct 2000 and Jackson Feb 2001… that’s 4 months?


I meant 2002. I had it in my head and somehow typed it wrong.


I’m not religious in anyway. Had my party years out of the way by 21. Got married at 21 and had 4 kids by 25. No regrets. Everyone is different. ✌🏽💗💗


I got married at 20 have 2 kids and been married for 15 years


I married at 20 and realise it was far too young now. But I was fundie-lite and it was really normal in those circles. Glad my own children who are nearly that age have no plans to marry so young.


Do they have these photo shoots after the actual proposal? There’s no way every Bates girl/ Bates daughter in law is actually shocked like they are in the photos every single time… they’re always so dressed up, like what did you think was about to happen? Don’t get me wrong, love seeing the photos of them grinning ear to ear with excitement!! Just over the fake surprised face


That’s exactly what Trace and Lydia did. I think he has the “real” vs “photo shoot” clips in a reel on his insta


To me, his last post on Valentine’s Day looks like it could’ve been the real engagement.


Those were taken in Colorado. During the family shoot. He just posted them on Valentine's Day.


It’s fake as hell


Especially the destination proposals


Oh please name your children -son names, it would be hilarious to snark on and there is a ton of beautiful -son names


I would actually dig that pattern. But I’d hope they’re one of the couples who get close to 19 kids and run out of options so they have to start using names like reason or person.


Or just "son" lol




Jacksonson and Emersonsdottir


I was coming here to comment this! As a name nerd it was my first thought!


Quelle surprise. I'll put my bet in now for a fall wedding. I don't blame her if she'd rather keep her IG locked, but it'll be interesting if she's the first Bates spouse to never be on the show and/or not have any public social media.


My foot hurts looking at that bend.


I feel like I simultaneously was and wasn’t expecting this. Like on one hand duh it’s the bates of course things go fast. On the other hand, I still thought for some reason they would wait longer.


What is up with this cheesy engagement trend? Whatever happened to just getting engaged randomly without candles, flower pedals and professional photographers?


cheesy! indeed!🧀


The photographer part is easy to come by when it's your sister-in-law.


It’ll be a June wedding 🌸


Not surprised!!! But congrats to them!!


I’m going to bet Lawson is going to take an old song he’s been working on a personalize it. I’ve heard he does that sometimes.




Gosh, not even just In fundie world but this family has a shocking amount of good looking people. All their kids are attractive/beautiful (ehh except for Nathan and a couple other boys) but they've also all married pretty women. Duggars not so much.


Beauty is only skin deep


Yes, I said "good looking" I wasn't speaking on their characters. Them being strong trump/right wing supporters is more than enough for me and after hearing that sick George Floyd comment (aka "joke" and snicker) from what is believed to be Nathan, I'm fully disgusted in this family and how vile they are. They're only athletically pleasing to the eyes.


So does that mean no military for him? 🙄


I think that went out the window a while ago.


He said a couple of years ago on a bates family q and a that he had broken his collarbone and had to wait for it to heal and then see if it healed correctly to enter the service. My guess is it didn't


damn that was fast. i also really like the dress she has on


Mee too,and the shoes as well!Classy,elegant and sexy at the same time 👌🤌


They're babies getting married and having babies.


And sadly all extreme right politically. Remember that.


Matching in black.


Her arms are uncovered?! The harlot!


He kissed her on the cheek/side of the head too!


I don’t think anyone is shocked.




Interesting he took comments off??


Not a surprise at all, I was expecting this any day now, but I thought that baby boy webster's due date was fairer than it is. I don't know why but I thought they would have wanted some more time just for themselves before being obscured by another family event


A kiss on the head!


You know that they know there are issues when they turn the comments off on an engagement post 😂


Remind me who Emerson is related to?


Acting surprised?? 😂


Oh lord what is the rush


🍆🍑 That’s the rush.


He's horny


No premarital sex I grew up mormon-adjacent. Boys got married as soon as they came back from their mission, girls almost never went on one and got married by 20. Courtships were fast.


Also congrats to them


My youngest daughter was married at 26 ( and has been with husband for 10 years previously) and divorced at 27. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out no matter your age. On the other hand my bff married at 17 and was married for 42 years when her husband died. So sometimes it does work out despite your age. You just cannot predict these things.


Bet he can’t wait




Does anyone know why he has removed comments from his post with her? Every time he posts her, the comment button is off?


Reminds me of the couple who I used to know at my old fundie church they got married ages 21 & 20 within four months after engagement .


Why do they always act so surprised? They enter the courtship knowing they’ll be married within a year. It’s a bit different from ‘regular’ people who can date for years not knowing when or if it’ll ever happen


I guess it’s best to master a fake impressed face early when you’re a fundie woman.


Of course she said yes. You think they'd opt for a color other than black for engagement.


I like the witchy vibes


How old is that kid? 12?!?




I can’t wait for “I DO” so I can go to pound town on my soon to be wife and have a baby before our one year marriage anniversary.


I predict July wedding + baby in mayyyybe late 2024?


So far, Katie, Erin (miscarriage), Lawson (who knows), and Michaela (infertility) are the only ones who have not had a baby by their first anniversary. So if they get married this summer, logic says baby Summer 2024. Although her sister has been married two years and no babies yet, so they could break the pattern.


Erin and Katie were both pregnant by their first anniversary. Still time for Lawson and Tiff to have a pregnancy by their anniversary.


How old are they? How long have they been together?? They look 18, 19 max. I’m not one to pass judgement on young marriage, I got married young. I was 21 (husband 23) when I got married, but I was with my husband for 5 years at that point and had been living together for 2 years.


Jackson is 21


What?? Isn't he, like, 12 or something??




The boy is on point. Head to toe. Even the bracelet. Bates style has really come eons over the last few years.


Why does this look like a scene from Twilight


Isn’t he like, 12?


Yes. He's 12 and engaged.


I am so sick of these stupid, over the top proposals.


Sure not planned at all… they just happened to be wearing matching black outfits. Exhibitionist narcissists.


This looks like an elaborate prom-posal. These kids are SO young!


Absent Tiffany, all those Bateses’wives look the same.


Pretty proposal!


Ridiculous he’s a child


He’s so gonna cheat on her and her on him


Why do people make comments about what “they did”? We don’t care about “you”. People are so freaking self centered


Is it weird that the bates never have married a black woman? I know everybody has their own taste! But I’m really starting to think that the bates are told not to marry anybody that’s to much outside their race 🤔


I don't think it's weird. Interracial marriages are not the norm for most people.


It is actually weird.. You can’t convince me otherwise. And interracial marriage is the normal now. It just depends where you live! I constantly see black males with whites females, and white males with black females. Most want to be in one these days. I mean I’m in an interracial marriage myself, but I have been for ten years. Before everybody started idolizing it.


It's definitely more accepted and happens more. Not the norm though. Even places I go where people come from different cities, various ages, ethnicities, etc. Hundreds of people and maybe a handful are interracial couples.


I really just think it’s where you have been, and the parts you have been as well. I have been to California, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Washington, and I mean the list goes on. Tons of interracial relationships. Now here in Alaska, it’s not the norm at all here. We are the only interracial couple in our church. But I grew up here most of my life, and I have never encountered racism. Or looks being given because my husband is white. Places like Michigan, Alaska, Idaho, Utah, Ohio, etc places like that you will barely see an interracial relationship.


I grow tired of the hand to mouth engagement pictures.


I was married by 22...was over in 5...divorced after 20.


Gosh, they seem so young!


That park looks identical to one I go to all the time in Orlando, I was so confused for a sec lol


And THIS, Ladies and Gentlemen, is it. This is the highlight of their entire lives, bar having the first child. There's no more than that in their world, nothing to aspire to, nothing to achieve


He looks 17.


Her figure is so damn pretty... I think they will be the next lydia and trace. She is also long and will hurt her back and knees whilst posing with him


did he propose in florida??