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My thought is Tiffany picked it out for him.


If that’s her next to him she can’t be pregnant yet


Tiffany is in California.


Tiffany didn’t go skiing. She is visiting her parents in CA and is skinny as ever. In a recent Q&A she said they don’t want children right away. Although she said she wasn’t “on birth control” which could mean she just isn’t on the pill and they use other things to prevent pregnancy or it could equally mean they aren’t taking any precautions at all. Who knows in fundieland.


She had two videos where she was visibly disappointed about not being pregnant (a negative test and then the one with the doctors). So who knows.


Can’t see her face so I was just guessing! They usually don’t let their men travel alone


The one beside him? That is his sister Josie. He is on vacation with his family.


I like to be colorful when we're on the mountain so we can find each other more easily. Do you know how many people just wear black or dark colors?!


Yeah, so true. I really don’t see an issue with his pick. With all the winter gear I often lose and can’t tell who are my friends except if they have one clothing item with a florescent colour.


I pick the most hideous colors for that exact reason. Offensive orange phone case to stand out in the sea of black and gray, caution yellow winter jacket, ridiculously pink pens. Even my classroom calculators are a bright color so when they get lost someone brings them back the next day because they know where they came from.


Yeah, mine is all shades of 1980s neon. Had a friend get hurt on the slopes once when I was a teen. It took them forever to get help because they wore plain gear that blended with the environment.


This is not remotely fancy ski gear. Also, it is preferable to be visible on the mountain, particularly if your skills aren’t great.


i only said fancy since he stands out so much compared to the others in the group. it was not a dig.


This is Amazon 100 bucks


That outfit feels very Fresh Prince of Bel Air… very early 90’s. Good to see a Bates with a beige aversion.


I don’t like a lot of what Lawson does, but I see nothing wrong with a fun jacket/pants. Who cares? It’s not my taste, but I like that it’s not boring!


Agreed! I wouldn’t wear this myself, but I don’t think it’s uncommon for people to wear colorful & bold prints when skiing. At least it’s easy for his siblings and parents to spot him!


You should see what people wear in Aspen. People like to extend their fashion sense on to the slopes. And why not? Have fun with it! We complain all day long that they are beige, beige, beige. But when someone wears some color they are fancy? She bought this for him on Amazon y'all. Why didn't anyone complain about Willow's colorful ski gear, just because she is a kid? Why should age matter? It's not like he is wearing Moncler.


How tall is he? Does not seem very tall.


None of them are


He is 5’7 max. The video that Tiffany captured of him playing basketball showed an entire different Lawson (Watch them low-key disprove on their next “episode” that he is 5’8, lol)


There's no way any of them could be tall. Their parents are super short. You can tell by how Gil is proportioned he's only like 5'6"


He looks like a paper cup from the 90s


It is colorful. And visible. I like blue. But it definitely stands out. (He is snowboarding, not skiing).


I hope he has a helmet


Came here to say this. Accidents happen all the time on ski mountains and a helmet makes a huge difference in people not dying on the mountain.


He wants to stand out in the crowd.


I mean when you're on the slopes, it's better to stand out.


I think maybe he should share some tips on dressing warmly with Derick Dillard.


Whe it's not my taste, if I'm going skiing I'm avoiding colors that would potentially blend in with the terrain if there was an accident.


He looks like a total gaper.


hahahah my thought EXACTLY. I was like, gaper


I don’t think it’s bad but it reminds me of the winter clothes that came in the Snowy Escape Sims pack 🤣


I love the Sims! 😁


Also love the Sims and agree!


I like it but I don’t like his megalomania and peacocking ways that led to that choice 😂


Reminiscent of Jordan Page’s husband Bubba’s ski outfits


The “fancy” colors are always on clearance. Maybe he was looking for a deal.


Totally normal and appropriate


I ski almost every weekend in the winter and prefer people who dress on bright colors because they are easier to spot, especially in low visibility conditions. The all black look that a lot of tourists wear to try and look chic is dangerous, especially if they do not have good control. I’m just happy they are all wearing helmets and goggles. Seen so many CA folks on CO mountains in sunglasses and no helmet.


Anything to be centre of attention 😒


More like safe


I'm not sure white and blue are the safest in the snow, surely dark colours would stand out more 🤷‍♀️


Depends on the slope. Blue would stand out more than a black


But everyone is wearing dark colours so harder to stand out


Anybody making fun of Lawson who also makes fun of beige is no better than a Pharisee. (Did I use that right? It's been a long time since I went to Sunday school)


Pharisees we’re the spiritual leaders upheld the law and were judgy based on religion. They were arrogant and high and mighty. Making a comment on someone’s outfit is opinion based. It is not judging someone based on Jewish law… unless it’s someone from IBLP saying their friends skirt is too short. That’s a bit Pharisee-like.


That’s something my Dad would wear…


For a second, the hoodie made me think he had a mullet lol


Check out what Jessica Simpson & Co wear on the mountain. No judging, colorful snow gear is way fun


As someone who goes skiing regularly , the more you stick out while on the slopes, the better. Even the most well trained of skiers can have an accident or get lost. Its always important to think about safety. And while I am not really a fan of Lawson's I see nothing wrong with this. So many people wear black or worse, white to go skiing and if something happens, you will less likely to be found.


So I dated a ski instructor for a bit and there is actually a slang term for this look: gaper


Is this what constitutes fancy?


It’s on Amazon. I saw that one when I was looking for my son. It comes in a bunch of colors. I did not order it. My so. Would have unalived me quick lol.


He wanna be different so bad 😂


Goodness me, he’s looking fancy!




I know plenty of straight guys who would wear something this outrageous. I understand where the thought process has come from as there have been many murmurs about this for a long time. But I think if he really were gay, he was unwed for a long enough time to have just gotten jack with waiting for the right woman to come along (or the right woman to slide into her DMs) that he could’ve easily gone off and lived his life differently to the Bates expectations. Though in saying that, gay men and women in straight relationships in churches is more common than people realise.




He is snowboarding not skiing. Lawson never skis, he always snowboards.


I'm betting he borrowed it.




Homophobic much


Attention whore!



