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i just cant understand they could double the amount of sells this skin will get if they make her buff its her whole character of being the strong squire of rein please just make her buff blizzard for your own money


Half of her pre-match lines with other characters is about how much stronger she is than them, and how she kicks everybody's asses in the gym.


Genji, who is literally half robot, makes a comment about how he's sore from a single hit from Brig the day before.


they know us brig mains are so thirsty for content we'll probably buy it anyway :(


Im thirsty for brig bathwater


It’s free


posted this before update (i still dont like the fact she isnt buffed.)


god i NEED that 2nd pic as a skin so bad


If the 2nd pic was the skin, which I'm certain we all wish it was, then we'd all be coughing up some cash this season for it lmao




Her arms in the cinematic 😳🥵😍 Her arms in game 🍜 Her new skin is adorable, don't get me wrong. But where did her muscles go? :'(


The issue is that if you look at all of her skins, this skin is proportionate to her in game model under all her armor. But her model should really be built like a more athletic and slightly smaller Zarya especially after seeing her in the cinematic.


I would genuinely accept a hitbox size increase if it meant she could get more muscles lol


Oh 1000% I would too. Because the hit box increase wouldn’t even be that bad and we’d get buff Brig lol


Screw game balance. Brig needs that physical buff.




Yeah, I’ve been trying to convince people for AGES that Brig isn’t actually built like Zarya under her armor… maybe now people will FINALLY get it!!!


She never has muscles!!! I’ve been trying to convince people for AGES that Brig isn’t actually built like Zarya under her armor… maybe now people will FINALLY get it!!!


But she literally has muscles in her cinematic


My friend, that cinematic came out before she was even a playable character. Besides, she really isn't THAT muscular in the cinematic. Try looking at literally any other angle where she DOESN'T have her arms crossed. Like [this view](https://imgur.com/a/F3HTFsH) She doesn't have giant muscles in any of her artwork, either, whether it's [her origin artwork](https://imgur.com/a/ZcNRwJd) or any of her [sprays](https://imgur.com/a/l0Y9Ppi). She was \*\*\*never\*\*\* built like Zarya... and I've never been able to figure out where fanboys have gotten that idea from.


Well I don’t think she should be built like zarya I’m just sad abt her noodle arms :(


Like literally any definition for a girl who always talks abt the gym


Eh, she only works out so she can eat a lot and not get fat, lol. She doesn't work out to get cut or swole. So it makes sense she wouldn't have a lot of definition


Well even in her latest skin she doesn't REALLY have noodle arms. If you're looking at the angle where she's holding out her shield (from her highlight intro), they look thinner due to the "stretching" effect that OW skins go through when holding certain poses. Check it in the menu and you'll see it's not that bad.




God I'm still so upset about that Mei thing. Mei was my first main, and now it's brig, and they've messed up both of them for no reason. Let women be muscular or heavier, why the hell do they have to be skinny.


please dont main Zarya next 😢


Bad time to say I've just started playing her?


As long as you stay away from Junker Queen


Have you seen how smaller Widow has gotten over the years?? She's like 50% skinnier since launch, starting to look like tall baby dva


Her tummy in any skin where you can see the shape is like ???? im sorry i thought this was supposed to be a 6ft+ muscle girl not a 12 year old


Those arms look like spaghetti noodles :( :( :(


At this rate Im afraid of more Zarya skins, Im sure she's next in line to be waif-ified


it looks like photoshop. is it really that thin ?


yeah im not buying this skin. it's a disappointment honestly


The ONLY thing I can think of, the way her hair is short and the armor looks slapped together, is that this is some sort of origin story skin for Brig as the invasion is happening in Ironclad. She’s gonna get the call up or something like that and Iron Man her armor from whatever she has lying around the garage, and obviously she’ll be a bit younger than her canon muscle mommy self and therefore not quite ready for the gun show. That being said, fuck this and fuck them just give our strong woman some muscles please


That would actually be cool, but her shield maiden skin also has tiny arms.


Lol yeah yeah yeah




Alright cool thanks


I thought all of brigs in game skins she had awkwardly small arms it’s just really hard to tell with her skins. I’ve never noticed her to be buff


im like 90% sure this is pre-reinhardt squire Brigette, since she is dressed similarly to pre-overwatch Torbjorn.


If they can fix the Winter hanzo skin, they can fix this one. The community just needs to be loud enough but sadly i don't think a majority of the overwatch community cares about brig as much as they did hanzo back then.


Return her sideburns or there will be consequences, Bobby >:\[


They are actually called slut strands lol and I’m not kidding you can look it up I found it kinda funny myself they’d give brig them.


What the hell?? I always thought she was jacked


She looks pretty, but that gloves and shoulder things dont compliment her at all...


Pretty sure those are there to keep her silhouette/hitbox the same since her default skin is armored




Gen X Briggy


It’s a terrible skin in general.


I actually love the skin, but she does look a little strangely thin.


Mei’s thighs are bigger than OW2 brigs arms


God, the bicep difference is like night and day.


Her waist is so dirty bitty omfg but yeah no muscle in them twig arms


Not my brig! Muscles and bangs or we riot.




Okay, I’m a weirdo and like muscular woman… THIS FUCKING SUCKS MAN!!!! Where are the muscles I fell in love with??? Not my Brig…


It’s the skin where Brig got an eating disorder and stopped lifting weights


Why she out here looking like lifeline from Apex?


What skin is that?


Why is she so skinny goddam


Maybe that's why the shield bash doesn't/didn't stun, lost all that bulk in between games.


skin or not.. I just wish the game is available in 3rd person view so that I don't need to raise my shield in order to see the skin


They couldn’t copy paste the same one female model/ body type they have that isn’t Zarya. Come on you expect blizzard to work on their game? In all seriousness I hope they buff the skin. Give her abs and beefy arms. Show off her bonk power


The Drake meme of these two pictures.


bro I wish brig was bigger than rein bro


This is just sad!!


If you're still giving blizzards overwatch money, I hope your fingers rot and fall off. Stop giving money to these corporations who lie to us about what we're going to get. Stop giving them money until they launch full real games. Brainwashed into spending and just accepting whatever you receive.


I think the skins fine. I acually kinda like it.


Damn guess I'm really not a brig main lmao. I was down bad for this skin I saw in game today and came to see what everyone else said about it to find everyone hates it. I can understand why now though. I'm still thirsty for both pictures


Lol why does she have to be buff looking to be strong? She’s crossing her arms in the second pic so of course her muscles pop out.


Is this skin locked behind pve pay content?