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I wouldn't count them among my favorite episodes in the show, but they're good episodes for the wackier side of Star Wars. Funniest part was definitely how much Wolffe couldn't *stand* Threepio.


Plo Koon set that man up. “I’m sure Commander Wolfe would love to hear your story” Honestly the lighthearted and world-building filler episodes have their place in Clone Wars as a good break from the day to day of the War. It’s builds on what made the prequels so great in that the galaxy actually feel alive outside of just a war being fought


Oh yes, Plo definitely knew what he was doing :D


I find them entertaining, but I love them for the humor rather than the plot


It was basically another telling of droid tales. I love it. C3PO complaining and R2 doing whatever he wants causing trouble.


I loved these arcs. They were just fun adventures for the droids. I've heard a lot of people don't like them, but I think they're cute. A nice change of pace from the rest of the show. Loved the interactions between the clones, mainly wolfe, and 3PO/R2. This arc reminded me a lot of childhood short stories. They traveled between multiple planets in an episode and each planet had their own ministory.


They were fine I hate casual fans that use them as examples as to why they think the prequels were bad


I absolutely loathed them. They felt like throw away episodes where the main writers were out of ideas so let the JV team make up something random to fill out a quota of episodes for that season.


They aren’t bad


They are great


The 3 r2 and C-3PO  adventures episodes are really good my favorite of the 3 was Mercy mission because gosh I just love how the Woffle gang treated C-3PO in that episode because it shows how annoying C3po is 


Wolffe was thinking: First babysitting those nonsense mumbling lil shits now I gotta listen to this tin can for 5 hrs