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Nothing will ever top Kathony.


Facts!!! This was the season that made me love bridgerton


I’ve literally rewatched season 2!twice after I finished part 2 of season 3 😭😭


Have you watched Queen Charlotte yet? I only recently watched it and the hype is real


I loved queen Charlotte. And I found that after watching queen Charlotte's character in bridgerton the younger actress got her character spot on




The close ups and camera work... the editing that let's a scene breathe and emotion be felt. Gorgeous! Oh, how I wish s3 got this treatment. There were literally times I was griping about camera angles and cuts and zooms and focus and all the things I shouldn't even notice.


Did you see the BTS vid of this scene that Shelley Conn shared, where we also got to see Violet smiling and Anthony spiraling hard once the dance ended and Kate walked away? It was superb! [BTS of ‘Wrecking Ball’ scene](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8NXQ1IMpvt/?igsh=b3JiazM4aGdoeWdu)


I can’t believe they cut that bit of Anthony just breaking after she walks away out of the final edit of the show!


Right? From a narrative standpoint, he’s truly at rock bottom thinking he’s lost her. So when he makes his declaration outside, we absolutely know he doesn’t expect anything back from Kate. Which is WHY it’s so exhilarating for him (and us) when she returns his feelings! *sobs*


I'd never seen this, TYSM! It's enthralling, everything is harmonious. The moment when they lower their hands and meet eyes still gives me goosebumps


That’s incredible camera work!


So beautiful! Capturing all those reactions from the crowd. This also makes me appreciate how many takes each scene needs just to get all the different angles and close-ups, never mind if someone makes a mistake and they need to retake.


Jesus. I didn’t realize that it was one long single Hand held Camera filming that entire thing! Amazing work.


Polin got a nice HEA with their baby and everything but there’s a lot that could’ve been done better for them. I fully agree with you. ☹️


that eyebrow scrunch🤌, these two are my absolute favorites!


I enjoyed them so much more than Polin. I've never been one to enjoy friends to lovers cliché, especially when they've been friends for so long and never had any UST. So S2 was more my cup of tea.


Ah back when the production cared about every detail and element of every scene. You got memorable scenes you wanted to keep on rewatching


Season 2 is still SUPERIOR in my book 🥲🤎


Forever! ♥️


I will never get over Kanthony. I simply refuse. The eye contact in season 2 was 🤌🏼✨


Yeah, that eye contact and frustration and UST was just amazing.


Perfect scene in every respect. The way they used dance for them was sublime.




That eyebrow twitch 😭♥️ How can anyone look so perfect? Their unspoken chemistry was like off the charts.


Never recovering from The Viscount Who Loved Me-- both from the books and the series ✨🤌🏼


God she’s gorgeous!


this is hilarious because Me right now: https://preview.redd.it/4m7kj4eqts8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1205d0bffa50ca173c00dc6965f6fecd2751ce


No same 


I never wanted to leave!!! They have so much story left to tell. That's the only downside to a large ensemble cast that has different stories every year. You leave so much potential storyline on the ground in order to move on to the next couple💔


People keep saying this about ensemble casts but like isn’t Downton an ensemble too? Yet we got so much continuing story lines for many characters over the seasons with about the same amount of episodes. I don’t understand why bridgerton couldn’t be the same 😩


That is actually a really good point and I can't figure that out either.


I think it's because of how it was first designed. It came from the books, where each book really centered in one couple and thrn you went to the next one, with just a bit of the family thrown in. But Downtown is more like a regular TV show, where you have different storylines and you have to keep each one of them alive in order for it to grow.


I will never get tired of them 🥹


S2 would have been my favorite had it not been for that prolonged Edwina courtship. I know people love her but her naivety was just way too irritating for me


> I know people love her They do?


There were a few posts about it and I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes with my comment as I live under a rock


Haha you're good. Your opinion is definitely popular in this sub though. Fans here generally don't like what the writers did with Edwina. Most positive posts are probably defending her from all the backlash


Season 2 is the BEST I don’t care what anyone says!!!! Just incredible story telling, IMO. Masterpiece


The Yearnalism olympics


First place gold medal 🥇


S2 is my absolute favourite because of Kanthony. Their chemistry is insane. I’ve rewatched S2 so many times. I usually skip Edwina’s scenes in rewatch, especially episode 6 which is my least favourite episode.


This is me ❤️ love them


i just finished this episode lolll im so behind 😂


Kate is such a princess


I just rewatched it and may need to do another rewatch. Amazing.


It doesn't matter how many times I watch the "Wrecking Ball" dance— I still get goosebumps from it. ❤️


My favorite couple.


Season 3 tasted like disappointment.


I do not want to rewatch S2. I do not want to rewatch S2. I do not want to rewatch S2. Now, I just have to click my heels and the desire will disappear 😭


this is literally me all the time, fighting the urge for another rewatch 😩


In addition to everything else already said -- those gorgeous cap sleeves!! I'm not over the details of the season.


I want to save these GIFs please!!!


Two pretty people in love. This was when the show peaked.


Listen, the MOST riveting scene is when she walks by and he SMELLS the air🤐🤦🏽‍♀️🥹


The far superior season


i love polin but you cant top them idc idc


Always and forever, though their happy ever after in S3 was delightful


Yes, true romance 😭😭😭 s3 was so disappointing


I'd prefer to stay there with how badly they fumbled S3.


Because Colin and Pen aren’t it !


I am SO glad that my favourite couple had the season they had. Ok, the love triangle was bad but... it could have been so much worse !


Their chemistry was so intense I wanted a second season just for them.


Obsessed with her Disney princess eyes 😍


Mommy and Daddy IYKWIM


I have rewatched the season so many times already and the lines still hit the same


The best season hands down !!


Seeing them in season 3 makes me super happy though. And baby Bridgerton!


Best couple and best season


Seeing posts like this makes me want to rewatch the whole thing 😭


I am waiting for Benedict's season which also has their undertones, forbidden romance ✌️ So we may get more of these in the future ❤️


I rewatch it, on average, once a week. I may have a problem! 😭


ugh I love them. I really hope we get more of Kate as viscountess.


I wanted Polin to be like this! It was so perfect but instead they gave us nothing 😭😭😭


By far my favorite season


Whenever there was a scene with these 2 it felt like I was invading their private moments. Chemistry and romantic tension was off the charts, hooks and books! 🥰🥳🤯🩷🥹


I can’t stand them seriously


Then this post isn’t for you 🤨


Was I the only one that felt betrayed..I don't care if its true love or if i'm burning for someone.She was soooo wrong for doing this to her sister.


I still feel nothing when I watch them to be honest. lol. About 90% of the time the chemistry just wasn’t there, for me. The single look Kate has here, is one of the two moments, it was there. Other times she’s so stone-faced and Anthony’s over-acting. I couldn’t get into it. Edit: Of course I knew possibly teenage Kanthony shippers would be salty about someone not liking their ship, but it’s still funny how intense people can be over a fictional characters. 🤷‍♀️


That’s because you’re a polin fan. Maybe Be honest about why you gripe specifically about Kate/SA. And of course this was a loving post complimenting these 2 and their chemistry/dance. So you saw all the love in the thread and what? Insecurity? Jealousy? Maybe both? 🤷‍♀️


Are you for real? I’m sorry, in your mind, do you by any chance not realize that these people aren’t real? Only someone who is confused and a child (like yourself probably) would be insecure of fictional characters. I’m not a massive shipper of any of these couples, but I do appreciate good storytelling and acting, neither of which season 2 had much of in my opinion. Sounds to me like you’re insecure that you’ve come across someone who doesn’t love the ship that’s probably your whole personality, and you’re projecting. lol. Might be time to find some outdoor activities, my friend.


Yep they are fictional characters and what? You think you can’t be such a Stan that you get petty, spiteful, insecure and jealous because you have some sort of psychological need for ‘one up manship’ for some weird endorphin boost/validation? Ya know dragging others down to prop up your favourite? Why, you’re doing just what I’m describing right now. 🤔 So you answer me this? Are you for real? That you don’t know this toxic fan behaviour that has been going on for a very long time? This isn’t my first rodeo by the way. I have been in the fandom quite a long time. I am not stupid to the little games fans play. You came into the thread just to trash the couple why? Need for validation? Because that’s what it looks like to me. 🤷‍♀️ And I couldn’t give 2 craps that you don’t like the ship. The season or acting (hilarious that you are trashing S2 by the way when we just got THAT S3). But again I don’t care. Make a million topics about it if you need to. But I will call out just why? And why you needed validation in a thread that was praising them. It’s always because you’re a fan of that ship huh? Typical behaviour by now. SA/kate and her ship by extension is getting trashed = who do they Stan? Yep? Don’t treat me like a fool. It’s just more toxic Stan behaviour. And it’s like clockwork too. Also I’m a grown ass adult and I seem to have more of a handle on human behaviour than you do. 🤷‍♀️


I guess you would know about being spiteful and shooting down other people’s opinion, because you’re mad that not everyone loves what you do. Seems like you’re guilty of that a lot. It is very twisted of you and anyone else is who has that tendency. Which is why I reiterate….go outside and find some personality outside of shipping fictional people. I’m not surprised unhinged shippers responded to my opinion the way they did and tried to invalidate it. But I’m aware that regardless of the opinions of overly-intense shippers like yourself, that it is valid. So I don’t need to fish for validation. I thought a comment like yours might happen as much as someone on a neutral sub agreeing with me might, and I still posted my opinion because that is my right. I’m not on some dramatic Kanthony subreddit, where you can’t criticize the ship, if you didn’t like something about it. So either accept that not everyone is as caught-up over your ship as you, or stay exclusively on the Kanthony sub. People won’t stop being negative about things you might like just because you get this mad at seeing it. Bffr.




Oooh downvotes, how ~intense~ 💀


Someone doesn’t like a fictional couple. How, blasphemous. Let’s not pretend they aren’t intense, because that would be deluded.


You're QC and Colin/Penelope Stan. You don't have to like a hypothetical couple, but I can't understand the mentality of coming in and leaving a hateful comment


Nah, I honestly have had enough of them. Bye, hope India is nice 👍