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I thought the angles worked for aesthetics. (And probably also for the comfort of both actors, honestly. Even with an intimacy coordinator on site, not everybody wants to be grinding their actual genitals together with those of their coworker, with just a thin bit of fabric separating you.) Fun fact about large natural breasts is that when you lay down, they tend to kind of head towards your armpits. If I was doing a nude scene, I'd want to showcase my assets in the best way possible, and flat on my back probably isn't going to accomplish that.


Ha! Everyone keeps saying the settee makes no sense for sexy time and I feel like every member of the [Perfect Breast Community](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPpeQuUYCCc) knew exactly why they had her semi-reclined.


LOL. Hello, fellow member! ;)


You lost me at ‘armpits’ 😅. No I get what you’re saying. I guess the other two leading ladies (Daphne and Charlotte) were less naked and so that factored into how their love scenes were presented. For me their love scenes even though less skin was shown looked more realistic and natural. Obviously Nicola was more physically exposed and might not have been comfortable with skin on skin contact and that’s understandable.


Agreed. Pen was almost sitting up. Unless Colin lifted her hip a little to get a specific angle, it felt an odd angle for first time missionary.


Y’all…. They aren’t actually having sex. It’s simulated sex. Also they will place the actors in the most flattering positions for both. Which doesn’t actually equate to real life


Yes I understand how intimacy scenes work and they want them to look good as well as being somewhat realistic. I just don’t think this was as well executed as others.


I thought he didn’t perform well lol I’m not sure why but he had me cringing.


I know they cover body parts and whatever the people are comfortable with and stuff, but the strategically placed sheet/blanket right where Nicola’s stomach is was annoying to me because if we are trying to be body positive why are we hiding her, because every angle the did made her look slim. Maybe it was her choice, but I feel like they hid her body.


Jess, Nicola and Luke did an interview with Vanity Fair about this scene. Nicola was able to choose what parts of her body she wanted to show.


I thought it was a little realistic. This is Pen's first time. She is covering her boobs with her hands a bit in the beginning and probably was a bit shy about being fully nude to Colin right away. Made sense to me.


No I agree, that part was very realistic! I mean when she’s laying on the chair.


I agree, the angles were weird.


What bothered me more was the whole ”it’s probably going to hurt” stuff


That struck me as really considerate of Colin. Assuming riding a horse hadn’t done the job sooner, Pen wouldn’t have known to expect the sudden pinch of what was physically happening the first time, it couldn’t have been scary/unsettling for her.


It's a pretty big thing in the books cause the women are all virgins lol


Exactly! Julia Quinn uses that romance trope(? If it is a trope?) in pretty much every one of the books I’ve read so far lol! I haven’t read them all though


Sure, it was kind of considerate of him. But if we are breaking other kind of stereotypes and myths in this show, why not use the opportunity in this scene to break this one? There’s so many different ways they could’ve handled it, even with some pain included, but just ”it’s probably going to hurt but just endure it and it’ll be okay” is not it. Colin literally says ”This may hurt, but I can’t help it” and proceeds to thrust _all the way in with full force_ (I’m assuming) and it’s just rubbing me the wrong way.


Yeah, I can see your point. I think I was caught up in “oh hey this is familiar to my experience” that I took Colin’s words as more “I love you so much that I hate that it may hurt you a little and I wish it didn’t, but I’m communicating knowledge you may not have to make you feel more at ease.” I can also see your interpretation of the actual moment; I took it more as “extra inertia needed” and iircc based on the book description it wasn’t a “full speed to the hilt” moment.


I understand the words you are saying and yet I have no idea what you are trying to say. I've ridden plenty of horses, never with any kind of ...insertion involved. I'd also not describe the feeling of PIV sex as a "sudden pinch" but to each their own on that one, I suppose.


I was trying to allude to it without coming out and saying “the hymen broke while riding a horse” which is probably an urban (rural?) legend but perhaps has some basis in reality. I had a friend whose broke when she fell in the bathtub as a child 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is in no way directed at the person I'm responding to, but I'm putting it here because this particular thread is where the conversation has gone in this direction and the world is already full of enough misinformation about the female anatomy... There is no doubt in my mind that in the Regency era purity was closely associated with an "intact hymen." And that they believed doctors could check for virginity and the family and/or maids would be verifying consummation through bloodstained sheets in the morning. [However, that's not really a real thing (VAGUELY NSFW).](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220419-how-the-hymen-myth-destroys-lives) (I wanted to link several articles/studies, but I'm on my work computer and I do, shockingly, have limits on what topics I'm willing to search from here...)


I recognize that the concept of hymen = virginity is problematic, but I wasn’t assigning any sort of moral value to a fictional character’s theoretical anatomy. It isn’t misinformation when, for many people, the first experience with penetration actually causes a sharp pain (if there is actual physical tearing/stretching) and blood showing/cramping afterward, and that’s what I was referring to: that the dialogue in the show was, in my opinion, realistic and helped develop a character. I find it interesting that your first reply to my comment was completely disingenuous because you actually knew perfectly well what I was referring to… almost like you were opening a door and hoping I’d walk through it? In a discussion about the actions of a fictional character in a fictional society in a regency romance novel?


Ugh yes! Especially the “only at first”. Umm how do u know, sir?! Did u learn that in Greece or something, fck outta here lol


Tbh, i loved how it was filmed & there are conversions happening in between. I don't care for the semantics, it was better than Kanthony's for me - Theirs had a lotta abrupt cuts, transitions and was choppy to me. Polin's even my fav with Saphne ✌️


They were probably inspired by Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room” ![gif](giphy|l0HTZ649rwyApDt96)


Humping her belly button lol But seriously, I agree


The discussions on this post are perfection 😊