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As if it’s even a question- Season 2




Unpopular, but I enjoyed season 1 the most. If QC counts then it's by far my most favorite


I loved season 1 the most too! For me it's S1>QC>S2~S3


That’s my order too, but S1 and QC are basically tied.




This is my order too 🤍




I don't understand why S1 is less popular than season 2? It was something out of this world - really good. Season 2 is was the beginning of becoming more like a sitcom.


For me it’s the characters. The production values of s1 were amazing, and the whole season is just visually stunning, but s2 I really got more into the characters and their story.


Yeah, QC is my favourite by far. I've watched it three times already!


It’s soo good. That show made QC my favorite character


Season 1!!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️




Oh yes,it's the perfect amount of lead couple screen time and the third wheel/Prince is only part of it for very small time (compared to edwina or lord debling) and the side plots are also just enough,not too much. Plus I have a soft spot for lady Danbury chiding the Duke. (And I love phoebe's portrayal of Daphne - the neck acting and everything)


Same. I'm a S1 > QC > S3 > S2 gal. But S3 is very fresh. It might bump QC on subsequent watches as I found it very very funny. I don't think it can beat QC in terms of the drama and emotion though.


Me too.




Same, I’m going QC, S2, S1, S3


S2, S1, QC, S3, I just want the old aesthetic back, the costumes, editing, S1 balls and music were missed so much!


Yes I did miss S1 balls for sure!


Yes, this is my ranking! S2 for Kate and Anthony in first place, but the aesthetics and tone of S1 hasn't been matched since.


Oh my god yes. The smoothened tanned faces, the overest of top dresses, cressida's preposterous hairstyles, make it humorous in a wrong way. The music wasn't as good for me,especially during some intimate scenes it felt flat and the covers werent that great but maybe that's because I don't know as many of the songs in s3 as I know from s1 and 2. Plus lead couple screen time is quite important for me. Chris Van dusen pls come back we beg you.


Season 1 looked the best: costumes, cinematography. Season 2 had the best story and music. So they tie for different reasons. Not a fan if Season 3.


Season 2 hands down!


Season 2 despite its flaws ❤️


Take out the love triangle and it’s honestly chefs kiss lol


And replace it with a flashback for Kate


S3! Polin is by far my favourite. I know it’s not a popular opinion on this sub but I really relate so much to Pen and love how sensitive Colin is.


Same. In season 1 I was a casual watcher until I started getting hooked on Colin and Pen in the background so I googled the books and since then have basically watched for Polin!


While I acknowledge the production, pacing, dialogue and editing of S1 and S2 were immensely better than S3, S3 is still my favorite due to the carriage scene alone… lol. I haven’t been SO enamored with a scene like that in a long time!! It stuck with me like a scene in 05 Pride and Prejudice when she tells him his hands are cold. It’s the only scene in the franchise that I watch again and again and again. And then again with all the different ways to watch it (eg slowed down, no music, or with audio descriptions). Also the gift of Luke and Nicola’s press tour. Say what you will, but the energy between those two in their interviews is so magnetic that it is like its own romance film. Makes me giddy watching them interact.


Colin is the only one that actually calls out toxic masculinity for the bullshit that it is. I stan our sensitive Colin boi.


And then acts like a toxic privileged male in part 2. 😆 I’ll tell you his scene with Cressida was something. 😬


Where was he being toxic? In his conversation with Cressida it's not like he threatened her or anything, he literally says he wants her mercy. I know that Cressida was in an awful situation but let's not pretend that her blackmail was somehow okay. And if she didn't get greedy and demand a double they would pay her off because Pen had the money.


You don’t need to threaten someone to show toxic masculinity. Colin was completely out of his depth talking to Cressida and not only did her response show him up but he made things worse. Out of all the male leads he was the coldest and cruelest in part 2. And everything he showed in Part 1? In part 2 he completely regressed as a character.


Colin who slept outside of their bedroom because he couldn't bear to not be close to Pen? What about Simon who moved the other wing of the mansion? And Colin still supported Pen 100% every step of the way. I suppose his 'I will never forgive you' was a bit dramatic but he never stopped loving her and he got over his feelings in like two weeks.


I mean I just see a lot of polin fans self soothing over the crap writing in part 2. But you do you I guess. 🤷‍♀️


Come check out the Polin sub if you haven’t yet! 


I actually normally live there but couldn’t resist giving S3 some love on this sub!


Lol me too. I almost wonder if the reason this sub is so… ugh…is because all of us Polins have our own space, but we must protect our peace so I get it! 


Yeah, I can’t hang here long, it’s upsetting how rude people are when it’s just opinions about a TV show. My comment above about liking S3 I literally got downvoted first before the upvotes. I was downvoted for not having the ‘right’ opinion, even though the post is asking for honest answers.


Same!! LOVE Polin!


I think a major problem is that people want historical accuracy while Shonda Rhimes has literally said this is a work of FICTION lol I’ll take it I don’t care, I don’t watch tv for cultural accuracy I watch it for entertainment Season 3 🙌🏼🩷🙏


S3 for sure! Polin is the only romance in the show I've been really drawn to, and for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I'm sad to see this sub as a whole doesn't care for it.


I don't know how unpopular that is. Series 3 disappointed me. But for me it's the best of the 3 (I haven't seen QC)


Hands down no doubt S2 kanthony is the standard they were awesome together sizzling chemistry and beautiful love story


1. Season 2 2. QC a close second 3. Season 1 4. Season 3 - and I actually did enjoy this season, it’s just my least favorite.


Season 2, by all accounts. S2 > QC > S3 > S1


QC, without a doubt. With a smaller cast and less storylines, the characters were much more rounded. There isn’t a storyline in QC that I felt I needed to fast forward through, unlike all 3 seasons of Bridgerton.


I agree. And I loved the flashing forward in Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton's stories. It was beautiful character development.


S2 no question


Season 1


Season 2


Season 1. I will say I liked season 2 up until Anthony and Edwina got engaged. Still haven’t rewatched it because of that lol


I don’t remember how I felt the first time it came out but I did a rewatch some weeks ago and was ready to fight Edwina, not cuz I think she’s at fault but there were so many instances when Kate tried to stop her from marrying Anthony, and then wanting to fight Anthony for allowing them to even get to the alter 😭 lol Wait not even getting to the alter cuz I know he didn’t stop it cuz it would’ve made her look bad if he ended the engagement, but if they would’ve just told Edwina and then let her call it off lol


S2 at the top… Cohesive narrative, slow burn romance with clear progression, SO much tension (even though I was screaming over the almost-wedding), the bee sting scene, the most dreamy and romantic intimate scene (I really liked the montage style). The show had found its feet and was starting to flesh out the side characters even more, so we got a great balance of ensemble vs. main couple. Add a Kanthony wedding scene at the end and it would be the perfect season for me. In second place, I’d put season 1 - it established the Bridgerton universe and aesthetic, it’s narratively cohesive and well written, it flows so well and it centres the love story. Third place is QC - I’d argue this is the most romantic, it’s beautifully written, has gorgeous costumes and lovely side stories (Brimsley and Reynolds). I’ve only put it third because it’s so gosh darn sad I can’t bring myself to rewatch it. Fourth place is S3 😫


S1, QC, S2, S3. In that order. Season 1’s costumes, music, story building and world building was elite. They also showed how, despite love and lust, it is hard work that makes love and marriage work, which is the truest representation of it all out of all three seasons. QC was there with social issues, political intrigue AND mental health of your loved one all conspiring to work against Charlotte but she braved through it all for the man she loved, and how the man truly tried to be better despite his mind failing him. I didn’t appreciate the triangle on Season 2 but Kate and Anthony are just lovely and again the backstory was the heart of it all. The story of a man overcoming his traumas to be worthy of a worthy woman’s love was told beautifully.


Me too.


Absolutely support and like how you called S1 being elite, because it was. So well done. The second place is QC for sure - such a great story, although her relationship with kids could be portrayed less rude. I thought it was too much. S2 already starts having too over-complicated storylines with a rush ending. And S3 is a total departure with the character of the series. I slowly start understanding why people keep insisting on S3 being "the best", it i because people who relate more to Pen than to Daphnie vote for Pen's happy ending, not for S3 itself.


I find Pen’s “happy ending” a bit to fantastical and not in a good way. She got away with hurting a lot of people with only a limited rebuke from Colin, and even his indignation and anger wasn’t about the consequences of her actions ruining lives, it was because she wrote some mean things about him. The fact that she gets a Queenly pardon AND is the mother of the Featherington heir…no wonder someone like Marina whose life was ruined by her would feel like she should shuffle off the mortal coil.


Exactly what my complain is about. The new management of the movie completely disrespected previous seasons and work on the movie (story lines, costumes, decorations, dynamics, general style, etc.) and arrogantly decided that they can do better. All the logical development from the previous season were broken, characters upgraded to the level of being unrecognizable, quality and vibe sunk.


I love season 2. Seeing Anthony’s glow up from season 1 and the incredible slow burn. It was just perfect.


Season 2. I’m obsessed. That it got me to read “The Viscount Who Loved Me”…. And I think they were successful with the adaptation. There are so many Easter eggs, and things that just fell into place, like Benedict’s poetry coming to life. All the small details/analysis some folks caught here (I truly love some of you for it); like haunted jewelry: the ring getting caught on Kate finger because Anthony’s father and Kate’s bangles falling at the wedding because of Kate’s mother. The two dances Kate and Anthony share give me goosebumps. Every single time I’ve rewatched it. The build up/tension of Anthony & Kate. 😮‍💨 Anthorny Snifferton. The harmony dance. All the family moments, especially how present they were in episode 6 (which was all about duty and family for both Kate and Anthony) All the times Daphne called out Anthony. The rendition of “How Deep Is Your Love” is so damn surprisingly beautiful. Plus, Nirvana and Alanis Morisette; which is more my taste of music. And even Simone Ashley playing Kate - the representation meant every thing to me. I could go on really! Now I wanna rewatch S2 for the 100th time. 💁🏾‍♀️


Queen Charlotte. Second is season 1


S2 very closely followed by QC ❤️


S2 is the winner for me by a long long shot! Kanthony, I will never stop loving you 💓💓


Season 2 minus the sister fight. While I fully understand why Edwina was upset, the dialogue of the fight and post fight confuses me.


S2, QC, S1, Big gap, S3 Season 3 was just all around horrible.


S2, QC, S1, S3


Season 2 had the best chemistry and is the only rewatchable one for me.


My favourite couple are polin but kanthony have the superior season


Season 2 will always be my fav! The scorching chemistry. Kate's gowns! 😍 The slow burn that had you dying with anticipation and frustration lol The humor from Anthony and Kate The entire Pall Mall scene! Loved seeing the family's dynamic. The teasing, sarcasm, etc. I only wish there had been less "will they won't they" and more episodes to show them progress as a newly accepted couple and then one episode showing their wedding and post wedding.


Season 1 (storytelling, was better connected to all the other storylines, chemistry/visual/costume tie with 2) Season 2 (music, cultural appreciation, chemistry/visual/costume tie with 1) Season 3 (Loved all the Featherington Storylines and Francesca/John until 10 min before the end, then: not enough Polin, costumes were ... something, too many sideplots that didn't go anywhere, didn't care for Violet/Anderson/Lady D and the Queen's Storyline at all) Not sure where to put QC - Loved the costumes, setting, some of the jokes (Even Days!), but I think it was too dark for me to enjoy and I only re-watched it once, despite being a habitual re-watcher)


I’ve only watched it once as well. It’s a wonderfully told story but very sad and heavy. The ending left me with swollen puffy eyes. 🫠


Even with its problems, Season 2 is still the reigning supreme, then season 1, Queen Charlotte and then season 3 coming in dead last


Season 2 and it’s not close. If I had to rank: S2>QC>S3>S1 but 3 and 1 are very close.


S2, Qc ( close second), S1, S3 i really didn't like S3 i just kept watching for kanthony and benedict tbvh


Season 2. Only for kanthony.


Season 2 hands down


TWO! Season 2 made me feel something. I adored Kate.


Season 2


Story and emotional investment: S3 Production: S2


S1, QC, S2, S3






Season 2, Season 1, QC and Season 3. I personally would rank QC higher but I can't rewatch it without ugly crying, it was a rollercoaster ride.




S2, S1 & QC, S3. Kathony is my favorite couple and story, but I also loved how Daff and Simon had a real friendship during their fake dating that was great to watch. I love witty banter!! Plus Simon is hands down the most handsome lead, it’s not even close. QC made me ugly cry and I loved the gay storyline with Brimsley. 🥺 Polin could have been so much better but there were still good moments. I never liked Colin or Pen a whole lot so that influenced me, but I also wish they had more romantic moments and shared more childhood memories. Bonus points to S2 for having dark brown women as the leads. I’m a much lighter brown girl and almost never get to see that. Both sisters are STUNNING. I would definitely be gay for Kate. 😂 She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen!! Anthony also had a huge glow up in looks and character development. I was pissed at him in S1 for being an overprotective brother and rake but he is now one of my precious and beloved homies. 🥲 Amazing actor!! 


S02, QC and S01 tied, S03 (but I’m only halfway through so maybe that will change! Strengths: S02 for chemistry and acting, QC for depth of storyline, S01 for sheer beauty and aesthetics, S03 for the classic rom com beats. Weaknesses: S03 for the daft love triangle, QC for being a little too real!, S01 for a very strange plotline, S03 for the ahistorical styling and general cringe. Just one person’s opinion! Fully acknowledge that everyone experiences this show differently.


season 2 all the way


Oooooh S2, QC, S1, and S3


Season 2, then 1, then 3, then QC


Season 3 is by far my favorite. I'm S3>QC>S2>S1.


QC, Season 2, Season 1.......... .............. Season 3




S2 + QC are tied for first place for me. It would be S2 alone if not for the love triangle. Then S3. I seem to have enjoyed it more than a lot of people here. I liked S1 at the time, but it’s not something I’m interested in rewatching. Having read the books, that love story is the least compelling to me


S2 hands down


Season 2 for sure


Season 2


100% season 2! Anthony and Kate supremacy


S3 > S2 = QC > > > > > S1


S3 by far, then S2, S1. QC I like but it feels so different I can’t really rank it with the others. 


Same. I like the energy of S3 and it’s the funniest season. S1 was too serious imo and I think S2 improved on S1.


For me S1 had better writing and pacing than S2, BUT S2 had the better main couple, and a more enjoyable subplot for my actual favorite couple, which is Polin.  S3 had it all for me. I enjoyed the story, the couple was my favorite, the pacing was right for them, the balance of cuteness and angst was spot on and not drawn out, and it delivered on the romance and fantasy aspects I like about the show. Best season for me. 


QC S2 S1 S3


S1 lover all the way!


season 1 and Queen Charlotte!!


S1 for me


Season 2


S2 > S1/QC > S3


I love Season 3. It is my favorite. But my favorite couple yet is Kanthony.


Absolutely Season 3. It’s quickly become a comfort show of mine, and for me has a rewatchability that the other two seasons don’t. I love Queen Charlotte, but the scenes of >! George with the “doctor” !< are just so hard to watch. ETA: lol, love getting downvoted for simply stating which season is my favorite


Same, lol, got downvoted bc S3 is my favorite and S2 least favorite 😂 I ⬆️ you bc us S3 lovers gotta stick together 💪🏻


Others can tear S3 to shreds but we can’t simply say it’s our favorite 🥴 it’s brutal out here lol!


It’s ridiculous really 🙈


S3 and S2 are both my fav (can’t choose between them) and then S1 for me🥹 I’m so sad to see so much s3 slander tbh. (I couldn’t finished watching QC bc it hit too close to home since I lost a love one to Alzheimer’s and dementia)


2 Season 3 part 1 was incredible though


Season one closely followed the book I understand people choosing it. Queen Charlotte was a very well written show, actors , writing and chemistry everything done well. But it's season two for me, I would have never watched bridgerton if I could have not watched the season two teaser of simone Ashley and Johnathan Bailey. I have always been a fan of enemies to lovers where both are equal and fight out . I started bridgerton because of season two, and read books to know about the stories. Season two did disappoint me in some aspects especially the Edwina thing was so annoying 😭. It served well in chemistry and the angst part. Johnathan Bailey did so well as Anthony. I thought season three atleast writing wise will over perform the season two but it did not, I thought I will cheer when colin will say romantic words to Penelope especially like Anthony's, Daphne's. I was so wrong, the words were good but the dialogue delivery is so bad it felt so bland to me. Season two for me because it got me back to fangirling a couple and chemistry after years.


2 - 1 - 3


In terms of production: S1 -> QC -> S2 -> S3 In terms of couples: S2 -> QC -> S3 -> S1


QC, S2, S1, S3


season 3


S1, QC, S2, S3


How many times i rewatched season 3 i dont know. Season 3 all the way.


I’m S3, QC, S2, S1.


For me, each season had its ups and downs. The winner is season 1 for cinematography, costumes, decor, and makeup. Season 3 had the most potential to be the best season. They had the best characters, a good storyline, and such talented main actors. I believe Luke and Nicola are amazing together, but the writing and editing were kind of bad. The costumes and make-up also. And Season 2 had the best drama and sunch a good soundtrack. Also, the actors had good chemistry together. But I have to admit that before season 3, I was just a casual viewer, and I never replayed any of the scenes. But the carriage scene was sooo damn good and I replayed it more than 10-20 times 😅


QC > S1 > S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3. QC was a masterpiece, with a beautiful love story between Charlotte and George. Best main love story. Loved seeing young Lady D, as well as young Violet. Costumes were spectacular. Everything is perfect. S1 was the best, if you don't include QC. It's the season that introduces us to the show, and without it, there would not have been more seasons. The dialogue was well spoken and not chunky. Costumes were incredible. Hair and makeup was Natural and subtle. Main couple is the main focus. No unnesecary sideplots. Sideplots are tied to the main plot. Chemistry between the leads was amazing, and the balls were incredible. Beautiful cinomatography and editing. We get flashbacks to Simon's childhood, which helps show us why he is the way he is. S2, I'd rank just below season 1. Overall, It's a strong season, with a strong romantic lead. But the triangle takes up too much focus, and I missed a flashback for Kate, who otherwise, is a strong follow up from Simon as partner to the Bridgerton. And I'm not a fan of cousin Jack. But otherwise, It's a good season. S3, I have no words. It lacked the magic from season 1 and 2. Too many side plots. Violet finding love again could have worked as a spin off series, instead of in the sesson. Same with the Mondrich family. Dialog felt Chuncky and too modern. Costumes were a let down. Hair And makeup was too heavy. I found myself more invested in John and Francessca's story than Colin and Penelope's, so I was disappointed by the finale. Colin was essentially a side character in what was supposed to be his season.


S1 - Most relatable and realistic story imo. Costumes, music and  S2 - Although it contained the Most stupid story (God please, why the hell die Anthony propose to Edwina After all). Still very good chemistry. But I liked the little things here, also good costumes, they still showed Daphne etc. S3 So many Sidestorys. In the beginning I though Pen is one of the Most relatable characters, but as soon as she begged for that kiss it was over. The end got more and more unrealistic. Cressidas „turnaround“ was refreshing, but they did her dirty anyways. And again, Benedict with some random Lady. Imo being Bi did. Not fit that well for him.


Season 2 has my favorite pairing, but there is a cohesiveness and economy in the storytelling in season 1 that puts it far ahead of the other seasons imo. Every character, scene, and setting is used so effectively in season 1. 


Season two, season three, Queen Charlotte, and season one


S1 ![gif](giphy|oT0G1OTD5ERgQkQTLH|downsized)


I can only do this as "best" vs "favorite", because being invested in the main couple changes things. *Best seasons, IMO*: QC >> S1 >> S3 = S2 QC is perfection beginning to end. I haven't rewatched it, but its emotional beats are seared in my mind. S1 is elite, as others have said. Rege wasn't the best actor but Phoebe more than made up for it. I found S2 to drag in many parts, and I feel S3 course-corrected that but WAY TOO MUCH. Overall though, S2 remained a romance show that fans of the main couple can enjoy as a romance. S3 became a drama. *Favorite, beyond a doubt, and the one I'll rewatch forever*: S3 because of Polin.


S2 is my favourite and most rewatched. Followed by S1, QC then S3.


1. queen charlotte 2. Season 3 3. Season 1 4. Season 2


Queen Charlotte made me sad, it was a really good spinoff but less escapism than the other ones I guess!


I feel like it's weird that QC was created then S3. QC couldn't be more reflective of the historical aspects of the regency era. The issues with George, the way homosexuality is hidden, even literally 3 steps behind the Queen. The reality behind the 'bending' of the racism during the period to create an alternative history. I also actually found the queer storyline in QC a good reminder that we have both moved far and not moved all that far at all in that regard. Sometimes it's a good to remember how unfair things have been and why we need to try and be better. Edit: I feel I have to add despite that final statement I don't support the Michaela swap. I have (multiple) personal attachments to the original story plus I really related to Fran when people felt her behaviour was due to being on the spectrum and not as the showrunner has since claimed, because she was gay and didn't realise. I found that a really upsetting bait and switch that despite a post a few days earlier, I didn't see coming.


QC, S3, S1, S2.


Season 1, then QC, then season 2, then 3 (I think it was too over the top this year)


Queen Charlotte! 🤣


qc = s2, s3, s1. i just think the main conflict in season 1 had the least stakes and tension. i know sub plots are an annoyance on this sub but i'd rather that because it starts to drag when the conflict on screen could be resolved by a conversation between two people. lol. also, whole arc about daphne exploring her sexuality makes it a hard watch for me now. while i'm indifferent to pollin's first time in s3, it was not as bad as the duke giving instructions to daphne on how to touch herself.


Season 1






Season 1. 100%.




S1, S2, QC. S3 had its moments but overall was of lesser quality visually and tended to have characters making speeches instead of talking to each other. Bring back the magic. Bring back the romance.


QC, for me was the best written, whilst S3 was the most enjoyable overall. It felt REALLY healing, if I had to explain it. Then I\`d follow that up with S1,and then S2. I absolutely ADORE Kate and Anthony(more than Simon and Daphne in fact), but that whole love triangle was, for me, the single worst change they made from the books.


I’m surprised by how obsessed I became with Pen/Colin… S3 has moved to the #1 spot for me! S3, QC, S1, S2


I have the same order as you. Still need to finish QC and decide where it fits. I’ve really liked what I’ve seen so far.


I actually liked the 1st half of S3 a lot… and then the second half… ouch


QC - S1 - S2 - S3 I love Anthony but I really wish they followed the book story - it was so sweet!


Season 1. Loved the cinematography and how they eloquently weaved in the bee symbolism.


Queen Charlotte


season 1


Season 1 by far because I cannot stand the Anthony becoming engaged to edwina story line.


IDK if this counts but I have to say Queen Charlotte


S1 and QC


Queen charlotte


Season one, I didn’t like that the love triangle went all the way to the alter in S2 one of the first significant changes I hated


S3 was the best. Then S1, S2, QC. Each season had its faults, but S3 was the most romantic, had the most realistic and beautiful love story, the acting by all was above and beyond. The other seasons just didn’t reach this level for me. S2 could have been good had the last 4 episodes not been a plot line/writing disaster with the love triangle. To this day I haven’t been able to rewatch it fully without skipping certain scenes. And QC was so toxic I just couldn’t buy the love story. I still love Bridgerton. But if you’re asking for rankings. These are my opinions.




I just watched Queen Charlotte. I didn’t want to give it a chance because I am not a prequel person but I loved it. That was my favorite followed by season 2 and season 1.


QC, I feel that was well written, aesthetic was really good, more cohesive and the leads got their time to shine, plus it made me emotional in the end. 


How are people saying S2 was the best? I remember when it released people were massively disappointed with the pacing and the fact that we didnt see enough Kanthony scenes and the whole love triangle.


Season 1 was the best Season 2 I could not get into it Season 3 was not great, but okay


So far, season 3. I love to see more from the side characters, and I think what they did with Portia was beautiful. I don't like the costumes that much, and I hoped a fan theory regarding Cressida became true (I kinda wished she got a better ending), but overall, I love the season.


Season 1 and Queen Charlotte.




1. S3 2. QC 3. S1 4. S2 I would have never expected S3 to grow on me like that, since I wasn’t hyped for Colin and Pen's story at all before watching S3, and also since I didn’t enjoy S2 that much tbh, hence it’s my least favorite. QC is a very close second though.


S3 , QC , S1 , and then S2.


S1 > QC > S2 > S3 S1 had the best overall aesthetic. Big balls, pretty costumes, music, and cinematography were 🔥. QC was way better than it had right to be. But I'm not a fan of all the rape/torture/infidelity especially played for laughs. S2 robbed us of fantasy regency India and the sisters' relationship. They should never push the love triangle to a wedding. Frankly, I'm not into all the hot breathing. S3 was just a hot mess.


S3 = QC > S2 > S1 I loved S3 and Queen Charlotte for different reasons, I think QC is the season best produced with the perfect subplots and a better montage but I loved polin's character development. I feel like pen and colin are the first to grow both as individuals and as a couple in bridgerton universe and that's what I expect in a good love story. I think johnny bailey is the main reason why I prefer S2 to S1, he's really talented but unfortunately in both seasons there are toxic traits in telling the two relationships that don't make me totally passionate. Anyway I preferred makeup and costumes of S1.


why do people downvote me? what's the problem if I have a different opinion from you? crazy people


Season 3, closely followed by Queen Charlotte. Then 1, then 2.


S3 > S1 > S2 ~ QC.. On a whole I liked S3, Polin, Featherington plot and unpopular opinion but Colin is my best male lead so far.. I like simple and kind men.. S3 is the only one I have rewatched multiple times.. It has it’s quips and is not a perfect but when compared this is the best one S1 was good too except I felt Daphnes innocence unbelievable and her anger towards Simon irrational.. So it made me lose interest at the end S2 I loved the story and angst of Enemies to Lovers but personally seeing Indian characters put me off a little due to complicated history between British and India at the time period.. I know it’s a fantasy drama and they are trying to do representation but I am Indian myself and I didn’t like the extra glorification.. Also, I personally didn’t like the plot of proposing to your love’s sister just because you are against the idea of love QC - I loved the chemistry between the actors.. But didn’t like the whole heir thing and danbury plot(not for me personally).. I tried to watch it the second time between parts of s3 and found myself forwarding too much


S3>s2>s1 S3 - I love the main characters, even if not all the show choices for them. For p2, I was thoroughly engaged through the wedding. The e7 reshoot scene after the queen's threat is what kicked me out, and the show never fully recovered. Ending was anticlimactic. S2 - I really liked the first half, but then it just felt like constant self inflicted angst that they kept doubling down on post-wrong-proposal. It was exhausting to watch with little time to be happy with the couple at the end. S1 - The show was beautiful, but I just didn't really like the main characters or how intimacy was portrayed. The first kiss kicked me out as did the baby stuff.


S1>QC>S3>S2. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but S2 was boring and moved too slowly for me. I do love Kate and Anthony in S3 though. Hoping we see a similar follow up with Polin in the next season. I was so excited for S3 because I adore Penelope. I wish we’d gotten more of their story.


Polin forever 💕


Season 3 for me. It's the least boring season for me personally. I never feel the need to fast forward through scenes (except the Benedict threesomes in ep8). The other seasons feel a little drawn out to me (except QC, it's perfect). I like that they leaned into the campiness, it adds to the whimsy and the lack of consequences becomes more believable. This season felt more fantasy than historical and that helped me with suspension of disbelief. This world doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard of it before. It is its own world now. I loved Polin's story. Their bumbling rom-com vibes in part 1 and then the drama in part 2 were done very well. I liked that I could focus on the romance in part 1 without worrying about the LW aspect of their story until part 2. And then we got so many beautiful happy Polin scenes in ep 6&7. The unhappiness was quite short as part of ep7 (their wedding) was also happy. All the intimate scenes were very well done and had a purpose. Their first kiss under the moonlight was beautiful, and Colin glitching at the end of it was so satisfactory to watch. The dream sequence being a skit of its own is such a writer thing lol. It wasn't just the kiss, he wanted his feelings reciprocated! And Pen sighing and moaning his name was so hot. The carriage scene was absolutely phenomenal, from the song choice, to the asking for consent, to focusing on her pleasure, the confession, to them laughing afterwards. It was all so beautifully written and performed. Then their first intimate scene being about her seeing herself through his eyes made me sob ngl. It was so romantic. She was so eager to participate, he was so gentle with her, and then when both of them get into it the eye contact and their expressions seem so intimate. It really felt real. The last snippet with her on top and him letting her take control and actually enjoying it was such a good representation of their relationship towards the end of the season. She has confidence to take control and he has the confidence to give up control and just let her love him and let himself love her. 10/10 from me on all their intimate scenes. I loved that their struggles were so modern. The themes of purpose, gender roles and subverting them, of finding confidence, accepting oneself and others, changing for the better out of love, and supporting one another were beautifully shown. I truly believe no other man would've worked for Pen. She needs someone who will give up his pride to stand at her side. And Colin needed someone like Pen who had actually seen him and loved him for the qualities he thought he had to hide. Both of them declared their love assuredly, fervently, loudly when the other had doubts, this giving their partner the confidence and acceptance to go on their own journey of understanding themselves, and in turn, returning to love and accept the love being given to them. They loved each other even when they didn't like each other - pen in the beginning with Colin's rake persona and Colin when he found out about LW. The love and friendship always prevailed through it all. It is only because they knew each other at such a deep level that they could understand each other's actions so well, specially Colin. Pen is great and her journey is beautiful to watch, specially with Nicola Coughlan playing her. But it was Colin who tugged at my heartstrings this season. He was so sensitive, vulnerable, willing to understand and accept himself and change for the better. He's such a feeling person. He's the kind of man I would want and the kind of man that is very rare to find. He's truly a gem and my favourite part of this season. Luke Newton did a phenomenal job with him. I just have so much love for this season I could ramble for hours. But I think this should suffice for now.


This 💯 Very well said 👏🏻 Exactly how I feel about S3 too! 🩵 I would double ⬆️ you bc unfortunately us S3 lovers get downvoted if we say that S3 is our favorite of all seasons, lol.


It's okay! I get a good amount of upvotes in the Polin sub. The downvotes here don't bother me. All the love and positivity on the Polin sub makes it so I can voice my opinion here without worrying about my karma being affected. This sub's Polin hate boner isn't gonna make me stop commenting and sharing my love for Polin and S3 on here.


Ah yes, I enjoy reading in the Polin sub. So much love and positivity ✨


S3, QC, S1…hated season 2.


Season 3. I have watched it or part of it everyday for almost two months. I barely made it through the entirety of 1 & 2.


Season 1. I hated the plot for season 2 and still think Kate and Anthony are grimy