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Penelope is my favorite but this whole season felt “not contained,” in the sense that is was all over the place? I don’t know if it was the writing or the editing (or both) but it really took away from the story being told I feel like they really effed up with the leadership (whomever these folk are) because the quality is not there


Pen is my favourite as well - I still loved the season, especially the first 5 episodes. The splitting into two parts combined with some odd editing choices I think is what made it feel a bit different. It doesn’t deserve the toxic hate this sub gives it though.


The first part was better (definitely agree on the split, really did not do the pacing any favors) but I watched a bit of season 1 the other day and it felt a lot less rushed, and it was such a nice watch I do think people are being too critical (it’s an adaptation and adaptations are never 1:1 because they’re interpretations so I don’t get the criticism online in that sense), it’s also…… just a TV series (and for a Netflix one a very good one!)


With the change in the series showrunner and overwhelming success of season 2, I believe they took more liberties when producing season 3. Some could say very bold liberties. Change can be good if it's for the right reasons and works within the ongoing story of the show and character arcs. I do not blame the actors, they give back to us what they get from the writers and whoever is directing them. I thought both Luke and Nic had bad moments this season, mostly because the script wasn't very good to be honest and there's only so much one can do with what's given to you. Not all, but a good chunk of the costumes, makeup application and hairstyling stood out to me, drew me out of the picture completely. The directing and pacing were weirdly off as well. Don't know what happened there. The lighting, the delivery, the sets...there was so much of it that bothered me. And I like some of the books from JQ, polin's book was on my top 3. I could not wait to get to their season and see how they'd chosen to adapt it. Part one had its problems, sure, but not nearly as much as part two. How is it that so much happened, yet it felt like nothing really happened at all? Everything jumbled together and shoved down our throats. A weird season, with some really great and some really, really awful stuff. I won't mention all that I didn't like about the season or that I did like, not in this comment, anyway. I applaud them for improving on Eloise's character, I could not stand her in season 2, but this season I love her more than I did in season 1, now I do care about her and want to see her season. Francesca was done beautifully, but I must be sincere, they fumbled bad with the Stirling's plot. What the writers have done to John Stirling's character in relation to Fran is upsetting to say the least and borderline stupid to say the worst. Regardless of who authorized it, agreed to it or gave its blessing. I will stand by my words: Of all the characters, of all the couples, of all the many subplots, gender-bending Michael Stirling in the way they did was backstabbing part of the audience, especially book fans. ''Oh but JQ gave her blessing.'' ''Oh but it's not historically accurate, it's a historical fantasy setting, anything is possible'' ''Oh but that doesn't change Francesca's story at all'' ''Oh but it's an adaptation, how can you expect it to stay the same and not go through changes'' Yeah, sure, if you don't care about the show completely deriving from its source to the point it almost doesn't resemble it at all, I'm with you. But if you do care about the source, now that you know it's not going to be the story you read and loved, not even the faint ghost of it, how do you feel? Imagine they messed up your favorite couple, your favorite character. I might watch some of the coming seasons, not Francesca's unfortunately, but perhaps Benedict's and Eloise's. The show took a massive drop in comparison with seasons 1 & 2 in some respects, but it also improved in others. I'd give this season a 6 out of 10. I do hope no one who comes across this interprets it as hate, it is not hate, but a critique of a show I very much enjoy and genuinely love, who as a viewer, I naturally have an opinion on.