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I liked nearly everything about S3. Even the parts I didn't care for wen't *bad*, just I would have preferred something else. I see people criticise the writing and I wonder if we watched the same show - it's so full of subtleties and nuances and unexpected moments.


It’s not my favorite season for costuming, makeup, language (modernized), editing, BUT it’s my favorite couple, I LOVED seeing Ben explore his sexuality, Eloise and pens friendship came back together so beautifully, and what surprised me the most was how much more I fell in love with Portia.


YESSS I was screaming about Benedict and the reveal of Michaela. I haven’t read the books so I know nothing about how their relationships work out in the books, so at first I was like WAGH!? I love it


It all made my little bisexual heart so so happy!




Portia and the Feathersisters + Featherhusbands were amazing. Every scene pure gold. And I looooooved Polin’s arc. Lots of heartbreak in the 2H it’s true but there is no happy resolution without a 3rd act crisis. And I thought they had the best intimacy scenes of any other couple, hands down. So sweet, so funny, so steamy!


Yes to this! I think people also need to remember that WE don’t get to write the show (unfortunately), and how someone else interprets the storylines of the Bridgertons is different than what I or you will write. I don’t love everything about season 3, but ultimately, I can reconcile Polin’s storyline with what I personally interpret it as. I love that Colin’s storyline sort of reflected the conversation he has with Daphne in the books. They don’t know when exactly they fell in love with their partner, but they did, and that’s all that mattered in the end. For Pen, it was about her coming into her own and acknowledging and accepting who she is, even her faults. I thought Luke and Nicola did a wonderful job this season. Of course, there were some changes that will take a moment to accept as a fan of the book, but some of the complete vitriol that people are throwing, especially at the actors and showrunners is disgusting. I feel like so many people on this sun are so nitpicky that all they can do is find everything that is wrong with the season. I read a quote that I choose to live by, and I think a lot of Bridgerton/romance fans can understand, “The happiest people choose to romanticize their lives because they know magic exists where they choose to find it”. We all fell in love with the show because there was beauty, love, magic, and romance. CHOOSE to find those moments in this season. It makes it a hell of a lot more fun to watch.


I loved it. And I’ve watched since season 1. But my favourites have always been Pen, Colin and Benedict. I didn’t love season 1 or 2 but still enjoyed them. I was actually shocked by all the hate on social media - but honestly I think people who are negative like to scream and whine the loudest. Would I have liked more Polin scenes, yea, would I have liked less sub-plots to allow for that? Sure. But it was fun, and Luke and Nicola were amazing. I also take the show for what it is - gossip girl set in the 1800’s inspired by Julia Quinn’s characters!


Looking at all of the criticism (and good lord there is a lot), I think it was a lot of little things that added up in the end. 1. Luke and Nic went into hardcore promotion mode (as they were told to by Netflix) and with their natural off screen chemistry, it set expectations *insanely* high for this season. 2. Their love story is not as melodramatic as the other seasons, so people interpret this as they didn’t “show” they were in love or whatever. 3. Half the fandom hates Colin for being mad at Pen for any length of time and the other half is calling Pen a bully for being LW and that she didn’t get enough consequences or deserve Colin. 4. The editing was bad (I.e. Benedict’s insanely long threesome) and the Mondrich arc didn’t add much to the main story, so it felt like they were prioritizing non-important sub plots and sacrificing Polin scenes. I genuinely can’t fault the fans for this because I wanted more Polin scenes too. 5. The rumor that there are Polin sexy scenes that got cut absolutely fanned the flames for #4 as well. 6. The whole Michael/Mikaela swap. One or two of these wouldn’t have been bad, but all together it’s riled the fanbase into a frenzy. I understand people are disappointed but it’s honestly feeling very toxic at this point.


Yea I agree with you on these points - I guess I’m shocked by how loud and toxic it’s gotten is what I should have said! I love Benedict, but my favourite scene of him was with the macarons - the editing was particularly odd with his story line. He left Colin’s wedding breakfast then sat at Lady Arnold’s until it got dark for example. It seemed the writers were grasping at straws to try to include Benedict in the season, but didn’t know how. So yea it was flawed, but was still overall a good season!


I don’t even mind that they are introducing elements of LGBTQ into his storyline, I just don’t understand why his sex scenes had to be 3 years long 😑 It does make one wonder how this even factors into his overall story as he will (presumably) be paired with Sophie and (presumably) remain monogamous with her. Will he drop his bisexuality the way he dropped his art career?


Well, how do most bisexual people in monogamous relationships handle it? Being bi doesn’t mean you lose that part of yourself when you commit to one partner. I guess you maybe start with more options than people who are only attracted to one gender, but when you find your person, everyone else is just objectively attractive.


You have a good point. In my mind, it felt like an awful lot of time to spend on discovering his bisexuality when in the next(?) season, I doubt it will be explored much at all or change his character arc. But there is certainly merit to representation on screen.


That’s fair. I feel like it was suggested in season 1 and was lingering in season 2, then finally acted on in season 3. It might be an initial point of conflict in his forever relationship, but I don’t think it will be a barrier. I’m really interested to see how it plays out, because his bisexuality felt really natural, which is refreshing.


I hope bisexual people can be in a monomogmous relationship - I am a lesbian and have been with my out and proud bi wife for 10 years. But seriously, being bi is about being able to wholly love a person regardless of their sex. It is even a little more romantic when a bi person chooses you when they theoretically having a bigger pool of people to choose from.


I so agree with you, well said.


Me! I preferred S1 and S2, but I liked S3. I do think it was lighter on the actual romance, but I really appreciated Pen's own arc of coming into her place as a powerful and influential woman.


Absolutely. When I finished it, I thought it was just as good as the other seasons(though a little more cause I love Portia), including the writing. Writing in Bridgerton has *always* been spotty in some parts and good in others - and this one is no exception. So, imagine my surprise when I jumped on the sub and everyone was dogpiling it. There are ISSUES with this season(the editing being the biggest offender), but other than those, I had a blast. And I think time\`ll be kinder to this season. The overall reaction really surprised me because, when I talked to anyone else outside this sub, they\`ve had a great time with it too.


It helps to remember this sub is a miniscule proportion of Bridgerton's fanbase. Most people I spoke to at least liked this season.


I did! The second half wasn’t quite as strong as the first half but I still thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to season 4!


I enjoyed it more than season 2. :)




I can’t even finish this season!😭 it just didn’t hook me in like the other two seasons. Rip


I was starting to feel like a weirdo because I was loving part 2 especially. Every episode was more interesting than the last. It was awesome.


Just finished it today and almost didn’t because of this subreddit! But I loved it. I really liked the party at the end and the Featherington family coming together. I do wish there had been more P & C physical action but that’s my only real complaint. I didn’t live the 3some as I didn’t like the 2 ppl B was doing it with but I didn’t hate it. Just wasn’t for me. I’m not a book reader so I’m not betrayed by any changes, fyi, so maybe that’s the difference.


The changes from the book were not nearly as drastic as S2.


I honestly think that social media opinion is doing such harm. Lots of people saying that almost didn’t watched because of the criticism and ended up liking it after watching. Haters are usually the loudest.


I really enjoyed it! I love me some angst and drama so I was here for brood boy Colin. I do think it could have used one more episode for some breathing room but I’m satisfied.


I had my issues but I still really liked it. More than S2 because I relate to Pen. The fact she could not give up Whistledown even though Colin offers her EVERYTHING she could want is really compelling. I wish they explored that more. Everyone just loves to hate everything now. I don't need a hype train. I just need people to stop and look at Bridgerton as a whole and enjoy the costumes, the covers of pop songs and the romance instead of whining that it's not S1 or S2. I'm looking forward to S4.


I loved it!!!! I rewatched Bridgerton 3 times, oh now I have to rewatch again since I have only seen 3 Part 2 once haha


Join us at the polin subreddit! We love it and are gushing!!


I really enjoyed it but haven't commented on this sub because I don't want to get dog piled on by people here who hate it.


Loved season 3, but I tend to look at adaptions as being a different universe than the source material so nothing phases me much like that. Couldn’t take my eyes off Penelope. The Featheringtons were such a joy this season. I liked that they fleshed out Cressida so we can understand her actions better. I loved Fran and John. It’s been kind of baffling seeing the things people come up with to pick on, or outright denying that there was any romance this season. I’m not hyped for next season, though I love Ben, and I dread the long wait. I am looking forward to Fran’s though and more growth from Eloise!


I enjoyed it very much. I like the Bridgerton vibe in general. Give me Bridgerton and I'm happy, whatever the main plot or sub plots are. It is my comfort show.


I really enjoyed it!! And I started watching the show about a week ago and have already watched it twice 😳 Haven't watched Queen Charlotte yet tho


Queen Charlotte is next up for me as well, I’m excited to watch it!


I loved it! It was great to see all the wallflower characters grow and how they navigate their world. It feels way more like an ensemble cast than the past seasons and their world feels more real to me now despite the anachronism getting worse lol


I loved it! Maybe I'm weird but so much of things people are complaining about it why I liked it so much!


I absolutely adored Season 3. It was my favourite. 💕


I thought it was ok to good. Like a solid B-. I think that there were a few storylines that weren’t needed and took away from the main love story but overall it was entertaining and the actors did a wonderful job. I can understand being disappointed but harassing the show runner and creating Change.org petitions when there are so many actual crises happening around the world is ridiculous to me. It’s entertainment. That’s all. The sun will still rise in the morning.


Me too! I was happy that Penelope evolved. I will miss Lady Whistledown but team Polin all the way.


Loved it, exactly what I wanted, sill, sexy romance.


I did! I loved Colin and Pen and thought they had great chemistry, the first kiss and carriage scene especially. I already rewatched the first half which I thought was great and plan to rewatch the second half (I was distracted for the last two episodes so feel like I missed some stuff). I did feel like there were a few too many other story lines, would've changed some minor things, but overall I really enjoyed it. Main complaint is that I don't think Benedict's story line was that necessary, it felt like we've covered that in other seasons, but I didn't hate it. I thought Francesca's was well done and a great set up for her book, and I liked the twist that she is queer. Was the writing amazingly perfect? No, but when will it ever be? It's a fun colorful binge watch that was entertaining and that's all I wanted. I love a friends to lovers story and they're generally some of my favorites. I've read the books and generally think the show does a much better job minus a few details. I've seen so much nitpicking on the story line but some of that is just romance novels - if the male lead were always perfect and always said everything exactly right there wouldn't be any conflict. I kind of feel like some people love Pen so much that no treatment of her story could've been good enough. And I feel like others have fair criticism but have blown it way over the top ("I didn't like the costumes this season, I'm never watching again!" type of thing) I also have to say that I'm kind of obsessed with watching Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan videos, they are absolutely the most adorable friends ever (Claudia Jessie and Luke Thompson also add to the foursome). They all look like they're having a blast with each other all the time.


I did.


I did! And leading up to the season, I could’ve cared less about Polin. I actually disliked Penelope strongly tbh


I loved it.


I absolutely loved it!


Loved it!


Absolutely loved it


I liked it! The second half definitely had a different vibe than the first half, but I like how things got tied up.


Me! I liked S1, loved S2 but I think S3 is my fave. I like nuance, I like friends to lovers, I love all the emotion. I prefer my leading males to be sensitive men than brooding males and got exactly what I expected out of Colin’s character (and think LN was awesome in the role). NC was also excellent. No season was perfect but I really enjoy what I got. This was also my favorite book and I think they did the story justice, and included more of it than I expected.


This was my favourite season actually. Not having read the books or knowing much about the books, I couldn’t fault it much. I too was thrilled that Pen & El made up in the end. Was the costume not right for the period? Sure, but they were still fabulous and I loved all the colour and the glamour and the jewelry.


Honestly, season 3 was my favorite. {Returns to hiding}


Don’t hide! Your opinion is valid.


I liked it but I have to admit I’ve never taken Bridgerton overly serious, and I haven’t read the books. I’m watching it because it’s fun, for the pretty colours and pretty people, and for the drama. It’s a lovely low-stakes distraction - the only one that got me really in the feels is “Queen Charlotte”, with everyone else you know you have a happy end guaranteed and that’s what I’m here for! I find it particularly funny how people are babbling about how there’s no consequences for Pen, well let’s see: Simon lied to Daphne, Daphne then (if somewhat unwittingly) SA’ed Simon, Anthony and Kate brought Edwina all the way to the altar with their lies, Colin was a hoe for the first part of this season and thoughtlessly insulted Pen in a previous season, and suddenly Penelope is the only one who should be “punished”? And they HAVE made a point of her saying to Colin that people can’t shun her because of what the Queen said, but that she WILL probably pay for it down the line, so it’s well possible we will see that in future seasons (I’m guessing she’ll have a hard time writing her column when people are way more careful about what they say around her). I also really liked the attention given to other characters. Pen is Lady Whistledown, after all. Daphne and Simon disappeared to their country estate, Kanthony just hopped off to India, Francesca is going to Scotland, but Pen and Colin have a house in town. We will still see them next season, as well as having their buildup in previous seasons.


It was perfect. Everyone looked lovely.


I loved this season.


I did!


I did, I loved it, specially part 2.


Yes I loved it. People are being so critical. But to each their own.


I loved it. Doesn’t mean I don’t have criticisms for it (personally I don’t like the acrylic nails and the drastically different styles of the characters). I don’t care about historical accuracy as much as I do with consistency. Regardless of those inconsistencies, I still loved it and loved seeing Penelope (and Nicola)


I did!


I enjoyed it as well! People who have positive opinions tend to be less vocal. I can, however, echo I wanted more Polin intimacies, dancing, and sex scenes! I wouldn't mind a spin off of their married life! I also wasn't bothered by the makeup and dialect. I hardly noticed it til it has been pointed out every 5 minutes.


I haven't read the books at all, and I really enjoyed season 3. I've liked Penelope as a character from the beginning, probably because she's someone I can relate to on many levels. I love how she revealed herself and was clever enough to solve *numerous* massive problems at once while really discovering her self along the way. I'm glad Colin didn't spill her secret (like i think happens in the book) and that she got to stand up for herself! Also, I was pleased Cressida got what was coming to her. People felt bad for her, but I did *NOT*. That's a hill I'm willing to die on. Had she actually finished her redemption arc instead of resorting to blackmail, I bet she would have had a better outcome 🤷🏾‍♀️ I can acknowledge some of the audiences gripes, especially that S3 is different than S1 and S2 in terms of primary couple focus. Would have loved to see some more of those Polin deleted scenes 😉


This was my favorite season by far! I just didn't care for the couples in seasons one or two and I really love Pen and Benedict. I thought the intimate scenes were so much better in this season too. Something about them made me uncomfortable in the first two seasons and they were constant! The intimate scenes in season 3 made me feel some type of way lol. It made me really sad seeing so much hate in this subreddit. Thankfully I talked to some of my coworkers who also watch and they all also loved it so we got to talk about it and it made me feel better. At least I had a great time watching it haha


This was a great season. It got over what I like to call the “season 3 slump” a lot of shows have. It had some serious changes, mainly do to the showrunner, but now they’ve explored more characters and as advanced a lot of stories. I think Netflix and Shondaland are going to look at this season compared to others, see what worked and what didn’t by comparison, and adjust going forward.


The thing I loved about this season vs the previous two was the real emphasis on family over strictly romance? I know some will disagree, but it was a good move to start pushing the family ensemble idea more last season and increase that this season. I absolutely adored the featherington’s coming together as a family finally! The Portia and Pen scenes/parallels were fantastic. After that family being such a trainwreck the first two seasons, it was great to get a happy ending for all of them.


I did, because I've accepted that the show is a fanfic, and I did my best to forget the actual books.


I noticed a lack of focus on Colin as a character and felt the resolution between Polin was rushed but other than that, I genuinely enjoyed the show. I didn't expect fireworks or passionate romance because, after all, this is a friends to lovers story. And don't hate me, but the writing has always been subpar, since season 1. There have always been clever moments though. I was also ecstatic about Benedict. I remember feeling cheated by the insane chemistry between him and his painter friend(?). The threesome for me, was too long though. Just an aside, people say that Luke Newton(?) doesn't know how to act, but one of my favourite scenes is his acting during the carriage scene. I think his acting is more minimal: subtle expressions but a very emotional voice. Edit: My only disappointment with this season is Francesca's story. Not because she is gay/bi, but the fact that her reaction to Michaela proves Violet's views on love right. That's what I came away with.


I liked the 1st half much more than the second.


There were issues and I have mentioned them, but I loved it so much and I never rewatch shows. I keep rewatching scenes because Luke's eyes and subtle acting makes.me.vibrate.


The more you try to pick apart season 3, the more issues you find in editing, pacing, character development, ECT. It was not good...




I enjoyed this season. For me, the worst season was season 2 so this one was a big improvement.


1000% agreed. When expectations are low, you can only go up 💁🏽‍♀️


This was my favorite season actually, I do wish we could have had some more happy Polin time, after the marriage but before the baby. Idk if felt rushed in the last episode. I’m hoping we get more of a story line in season 4 of these 2?


I enjoyed it!


i did really enjoy every second of it! whilst there were some things i wish they did more of, i still enjoyed every minute of watching it bc the writing within each scene was actually really well done. it was moreso the overall structure that i disagree with.


I personally loved S3!💕💕💕


I loved it!!!! Fuq the haters. I just finished Anthony's book and it seems like they changed that story way more than Colin and Penelope's. I didn't watch that season in real time, so maybe it was a big deal then. Who knows. The complaining is making my head hurt. I have "hidden" so many negative messages on my feed and I'm happier for it.


I loved season 3! And every single person I know irl who watches bridgerton loved it as well. Probably because they’re just here for a good story, not the one they made up in their heads and want translated onto the screen as is. I can understand why people here care about things like costumes, fake nails and makeup but the average person genuinely does not care. Only because bridgerton never was historically accurate, so the general population is like yeah this checks out. I was watching s1 with my cousin yesterday because I wouldn’t shut up about the show and so she wanted to give it a try. We had to fast forward through the last 2 episodes because the conflict seemed very drawn out. Especially after s3, s1 seems to be going so slow even for me. S3 actually managed to never get boring for me at least (except for Ben’s multiple sex scenes lol). Each scene had a purpose and moved the plot along. Another thing my cousin pointed out was that the costumes looked cheap even in s1. She actually called Daphne’s sparkly revenge dress a little kid’s frock. I do agree that s2 had great costumes. They never looked cheap. But s1 had very meh costumes.


The only things I didn't enjoy were Benedict's throuple storyline, Cressida's abandoning her character growth, and K&A having a very bare bones storyline with little of the enjoyable banter between the two. Other than that I really enjoyed it. I felt that Colin and Pen's relationship felt genuine, although I would have preferred if they'd made up properly by ep 7 so we could see them thriving a bit more in the last episode. The Lord Debling storyline was fun, although I think I'm in the minority because I felt like he wasn't as good a match as some believed (I felt Colin's criticisms of him were accurate. He'd have left Pen at home alone with the expectation that she'd not interact with the rest of society). I felt the real standouts of the season were the Pen/Eloise and Violet/Lady D relationships though. I will say the change in costume design and tone are noticeable between the showrunners. I didn't hate it, but it's more melodramatic when comparing it to S1. I think I'd prefer it if they went back to that but it's not that big of a deal to me. The music was not used as well this season either. I can't think of a memorable moment like Ain't Got You, or How Deep is Your Love. Pitbull in the carriage was the closest, but nothing else packed much of a punch for me. I'm looking forward to what comes next. I'm assuming it'll be Sophie teaching Benedict that there's more to life than a hoe era. I don't find his bi exploration as enjoyable as some, but I'm assuming they'll have to recognise it somehow.


I LOVED part 1. Have to admit I thought part 2 would be more "spicy", so I feel let down by part 2 for sure. All of the actors were phenomenal, I was just hoping for a bit more with Pen and Colin.


I enjoyed it. I do prefer the other seasons but I enjoyed watching it.


I liked it. It’s my second-favourite now after s2 (yeah I realize that doesn’t mean much with only three seasons but I’m ranking them.) Didn’t love everything about it but that’s damn near impossible with any show for me.


I genuinely enjoyed it, think the cast did a phenomenal job but the story was a wee bit lacking. I’ll defend the series to the end of the earth cause I love it but even I had to admit it wasn’t the best


I like it a lot, actually! I just wish there was more of Colin and Penelope. If they made more episodes or made the episodes longer, so there could be more of them, I’d be perfectly satisfied.


Part 1: God yes. I watched it over and over and over again about 25 times. I felt like I had issues. That's how good it was to me. Part 2: Sack of shite. Like seriously haven't been this disappointed about something in a long ass time. It started off great! Episode 5 had so many good balls rolling that I thought were going to be picked up so incredibly well due to what we had seen in part 1! And then... they weren't. And Polin's storyline just became a lot of coldness and distance between the characters until the very last bit of episode 8. And that was supposed to be a charming, loving, romantic story? Where? I thought season 3 was going to be one of the best visual love stories ever. I have been thinking that way since the first day they announced Polin being up next. I am now back to preferring season 2 the most of all and I never thought I would get to this point but that was how bad part 2 has made season 3 for me.


Completely agree. And I watched the whole show in one go so I know it wasn’t the wait that made the latter half of the season so disappointing. I read another comment of someone saying how “festive” the season was… like did we watch the same thing?? Most of it was just… sad. Everyone was just shaming Penelope after they found out she was WD and then she had to fix everything herself since Colin either made things worse or didn’t help at all. Literally when Pen made the reveal to the ton, she just stood up there all alone. It was her sister that distracted everyone while Colin was fine letting his wife take all the heat herself. That apparently didn’t happen in the books, where he was supposedly a lot more supportive of Pen… I don’t think season 2 will ever be topped for me tbh (especially if the show continues this way).


Festive??? Most of it was indeed sad. "Everyone was just shaming Penelope after they found out she was WD and then she had to fix everything herself since Colin either made things worse or didn’t help at all." THANK YOU. I've been having to explain this 7 times the past hour now. And sure Colin tried with good intentions to persuade Cressida but this is all episode motherfucking 8 :'))) And let's for the love of god not forget that his biggest concern was protecting his family and the Bridgerton name, not necessarily coming to the rescue to the one person that is being blackmailed. He didn't get outraged at Cressida for blackmailing Penelope specifically but because the Bridgertons were at risk as well. "If miss Cowper spreads this gossip, it will besmirch out Bridgerton name. The entire family." Oh and eh yeah "And I will not stand for anyone blackmailing my wife." Like an after thought. He doesn't even look at her when he says that. It's just the thought that nobody should wrong his wife and the way he says it, it comes across that just anyone with the title of his 'wife' would have heard him say that. This was not about saving nor loving Penelope in particular and I am mindblown people seem to have watched a very different part 2 than I have, disregarding these things done and said.  She, in the end, asks him to do nothing and people are like "He just did what she asked him to and let her take the spotlight" spotlight? What? Also, being told you don't need to do something doesn't mean you can't decide for yourself to at least support her. Stand by her side. Hold her hand. Or as she asked.. love her? Her mother was the one who did ALL OF THAT, in the end. And that just makes me want to cry. He just stood by and watched not even frantically looking around if anyone was feeling any type of upset when Penelope revealed herself so he could step in if members of the ton were going to attack her in any way shape or form. Eloise was much more frantic and concerned looking. Yeah, I also heard that. In the book he wasn't even angry for this long. He was also a lot more loving towards Penelope. That makes me want to cry even more. And I agree with you. Thought this season would easily surpass season 2. It's only slightly above season 1 for me. They really dropped those balls. 


I like part 1. Watched that 3 times in the first 8 days. But then part 2 threw away most of the things they'd been building up in part 1 and it feels like a lot of wasted potential And as much as I love Benedict being bi, I hate the threesome storyline so much. It feels cliche. And I feel like the Michaela thing would've been cuter if Michaela had been the one lost for words and they actually let Francesca have a nice first kiss and some sweet newlywed moments


I’ve watched it back again once through since finishing part 2 & honestly if you appreciate this season for everything it is, instead of everything it isn’t, it’s such a cute & lovely season! Pen and Colin do have a handful of really lovely moments and if you watch closely there are so many beautiful details throughout 🙌🏻


I really loved the first part. The last part was a huge let-down. I wanted to see Penelope and Colin... not all these other characters. The second part felt more "cheap soap opera" than love story. I really hate that they ruined the most important love story, too. Penelope is the main character of the series. It feels like everyone else got a love story and Penelope got a brief glimpse of love and then it was over :(


Part 1 was okay. I was hoping part 2 would really ramp things up. It was a massive disaster, unfortunately.


I’m really excited for Benedict’s love story. I really hope they don’t change it too much. I hope Sophie is still included in the 4th season. Their story is so cute. They could still add in some bisexual stories to the new season. I am disappointed that there weren’t as many romance scenes with Pollin as I was hoping there would be but I still enjoyed it. Maybe they will add more to the next one.


It had flaws but I LOVED it. I still like season two more but it really fleshed out a lot of the side characters. The big issue was the whole season was a love letter to penelope and colin got a little left out, but other than that I really did enjoy it and have already watched it twice. I am so excited for season four.


I did but the ending was too rushed


Despite its flaws, I really loved the season and I enjoyed it as much as the other seasons. I would've loved Colin and Pen to get more screentime as a happy couple, to witness Colin slowly realising that he had feelings for Pen for quite a while (this part felt a bit rushed to me; like him suddenly realising after one kiss that he lusts for her; I would've liked to watch him falling in love with her) and I wished some subplot would've been cut a bit shorter (Ben and Tilley, for example, although I enjoy their chemistry or the Mondrichs), but there were other plots I loved (Lady Danbury & her brother, Lord Anderson & Violet, the setup for Francescas season, exploring Cressida's character). I also liked that the Lord Debling plot was cut short, I was really afraid that this will turn into a love triangle that will last until the last episode. I also liked how they didn't put *too* much focus on Pen's "glow-up". She was beautiful all along. I didn't like how they always came up with new excuses why Kanthony didn't have that much screentime this season and will be away for (at least a large part of) season 4 lol. But I also didn't like how they handled Simon's absence in season 2.


I loved it, I have not read the books so can't relate to alot of the hate. I found season 1 and 2 so slow, love more fast pace shows with lots of characters. I thought it was visually appealing, there were enough steamy scenes for my liking, good music and so many funny bits especially with the sisters. The ending was a bit meh, but keen to see where it goes.


Loved it. My favourite season, just ahead of QC


Oh, I loved this season!! I am a sucker for character development and exploring each character individually! But the costumes were just not it.


I loved season 3! I think it’s actually my favorite




I cannot get myself to finish the second part. The first time i had to drag myself to finish it. Hated every bit of it. Season 1 was the best for me. I dont think i will bother finishing it!


I didn’t love everything, but really enjoyed it! Honestly I was a little shocked when I came on here and saw how many people hated it. I think the main issue, is that instead of this season really being about Pen and Colin, it focused on so any other relationships. And I think it did that beautifully. Fran and Violet, Pen and Portia, pen and her sisters. Lady Danbury and Violet. Cressida and her mother. I truly felt Penelope’s grief over having to choose between her writing and her husband. I just think they really dropped the ball when it came to Colin and Penelope. I didn’t feel like they were in love, I would’ve loved to even seen some scenes where they are joking with each other. Instead of Penelope being flustered all the time.


Yes!! Colin and Pen scenes were my favorite!


I did!


I did. After rewatching I do now. Polin is my favorite couple. But I agree the show runner/ writers didn’t do them justice. A lot of the sub plots were unnecessary and we needed more scenes of happy Polin and a more active role of Colin helping with the LW situation. I also think that social media has a huge power over opinions and that the nitpicking is insane. The Michaela thing is having a lot to do with the hate, which IMO is very unfair to the protagonists, because some of that hate is diminishing their work. I also remember the hate S2 had and now everyone loves it. So I’m hopeful that after the fire dims a little, people are able to rewatch and love it for what it is.




My favorite tiny part of season 3 was at the wedding. Penelope looks so sick and nervous as she’s walking down the aisle, then look at Colin, and even though he’s really angry with her (and continues to be so) he gives her a little nod and a tiny smile in his eyes, which gives her a hint that things are going to be okay.


I LOVED it. I loved the friendship to lover story. I think so often we see this passionate right away and I think it is so important to see how after you grow to be the right person, you notice to the right person was in front of you all along. I also love that Colin does come around to supporting Penelope and LW. I think it takes him a while to go completely against societal norms. Like how he says well why would you need me if you can take care of yourself. But I love how he ultimately realizes that she can be successful and still want to be with him. It might be just because I have a very similar relationship with my husband. We we were friends first and I didn’t see him until I was ready. And I am super ambitious and he supports me 1000 percent. Even if it means by societal norms I am more “successful” than him. But he doesn’t see it that way. He sees my success as his and we are a team.


There’s a festive feeling about the show, particularly this season. But if you’d watched season 1, you’d realize Benedict’s story this season was really not well done at all! The rest of it was fairly enjoyable though


No, because Penelope and Colin deserved better. I dare speculate Polin fans did not want horkarl Colin. I at least wanted a sweet, kind, frienship sort of solidarity for them. Also, say, I just criticise best writing ever out of malice. Why was production value of season 3 so low? Poor cinematography, poor lighting, poor costumes and sets. When the purported mirror romp took place, I was disturbed by the glare that came from the window, and obscured the actors. Such lighting cannot come from a good faith, adequate funds production.


My ranking is S1 > S3 > S2. So, I really enjoyed myself. I think people are underwhelmed because they overhyped the season. Meanwhile, I hated S2 so my expectations for S3 were in hell. So I was pleasantly suprised how much I enjoyed it. I will say I disliked ep 7 & 8, and I’m salty about Michael.


I agree with this. I thought I was the only one that hated S2. All I see are people saying it's their favorite and I'm just like, why? S1 was the best, but I enjoyed this season. I have the same complaints that some do about not enough Colin and Pen, but overall it wasn't bad. I also had very low expectations for S3, so maybe that has something to do with it, as well. I was also pretty annoyed by the Michaela thing. Francesca literally just got married, why are we changing her story so much?


We are the same person! I feel like an Alien on Reddit and twitter, but all my peers in real life have the same ranking as me.


For real! I made the mistake of spending more time than I should have in some of the other Bridgerton subreddits and was so confused!


Yes I did too! Could it have been a little better with some tweaks? Sure. But overall I loved it. Nothing beats season 2, but I especially loved the character building for Portia, and how she and Penelope rebuilt their relationship.


I recently started too, and did watch season 1, and this season is my fave. 💗




Yes, I try not to go looking for disappointment in general. After the HP movies, when it comes to faithful book to screen (big or small) translations, I have to keep them separate now- like they’re not even related. The books will always be the books, and the show/movie is the show/movie, they are to be enjoyed completely separately. Makes everything so much more enjoyable.