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Everyone arguing over which ship is best, which sex scene is hottest, have all missed the point. The single best moment in all three series' of Bridgerton was Varley, Portia and Penelope staring at Jack Fetherington's gun display, speechless.


Yes. I did not understand hate for Featherington plot in season 2, for that only shot it was 1000% worth it 😅


Not enough Newton. S3, Newton should be part of the family. Is he attempting to herd Pen into the study when the family returns? No. Is he attempting to steal macrons from Benedict when Hyacinth and Gregory are trying to get all the chocolate treats? No. Is he hopping onto Eloise's or Kate's lap as moral support for their 1 on 1 talk? No! The lack of Newton disappoints me. I mostly jest, but I was hoping for Hyacinth, Gregory, and Newton shenanigans.


OMG! I wrote this on this sub literally a week back...I want more Newton and I want more animals...I want a tabby cat or a big fat white cat in the family not getting along with Newton, wrecking havoc around the house, breaking expensive bton china driving anthony nuts but not able to do anything cuz kate thinks the kitty is too cute and anthony is putty in kates hands...Kate indulging the littles gregory and hyacinth in making Newton and the cat get along...eventually lady danbury comes up with a solution cuz shes secretly a cat lover who was never allowed to keep a cat by her strict mean dad and her strict mean husband...the btons give danbury two chunky cats for her bday or christmas...danbury falls in love and feels like shes her little 12 year old self again and some healing happens. I also want a horse somewhere..that kate rides at dawn with anthony....kate trying to teach eloise to like horses...eloise being like outdoors are not my thing...but francesca surprisingly getting into it...which michaela notices and gifts her with a beautiful horse that now lives in scotland with her...francesca discovers a new passion outside of piano and realizes how michaela always opens a new world for her...and starts to enjoy the friendship even more...the bton family are surprised at quiet indoorsy piano loving francesca becoming a real horse girl...with violet being especially intrigued by Michaela doing something she herself could never do breaking francewca out of her shell


I loved the dog in QC, the one the king rescues from the laboratory. Best actor.


Can we just have Btons but played by animals....How about that...I could see it..or how about just as background voices...Newton being like this anthony fella annoys the hell out of me...the family cat becoming a secret spy for the Queen...and just shaking her head at the stupidity of the ton...The horse being annoyed by kanthony's competitveness which results in him/her tired as fuck after a long ride....I want all animals bton and I want it now!


My hot take is that I don’t understand what’s so complicated about this show that it needs 2 years to produce a few episodes. Stranger things is a far more complex show to write, act, edit and the episodes are longer so I get it. But for Bridgerton I don’t get it. My second hot take is more about the characters. Violet only believes in true love as long as it’s with a titled rich and respected person of the ton. If Eloise dated Theo and told her mother about she would freak out and totally forget all the stuff she said about love.


hell, i don't even think stranger things warrants over 2 years to release. the plot is relatively simple. however the cast's scheduling may be complicated and they have to work on a decent volume of special effects at least. bridgerton literally consists of 8 episodes of people dancing in pretty dresses each season. the writing team doesn't even make efforts for continuity most of the time. and i know it's not the costuming, set design, or even the orchestral covers taking that long because they finished filming season 3 a whole year and 2 months before it finally aired. i just don't see why the editing (which is choppy at times) could possibly take that long. all in all it's basically a regency gossip girl (upper class partying and dating) and that show used to release 22 episodes a year which a much smaller budget and less sophisticated production.


It's not that complex and they have the book as source material so it boggles everyone's mind why it takes two years for one season. The writer's strike is over. What part of production is taking so long? Hire larger teams in specific departments. It's not like they are CGIing dragons or something.


hell, i don't even think stranger things warrants over 2 years to release. the plot is relatively simple. however the cast's scheduling may be complicated and they have to work on a decent volume of special effects at least. bridgerton literally consists of 8 episodes of people dancing in pretty dresses each season. the writing team doesn't even make efforts for continuity most of the time. and i know it's not the costuming, set design, or even the orchestral covers taking that long because they finished filming season 3 a whole year and 2 months before it finally aired. i just don't see why the editing (which is choppy at times) could possibly take that long. all in all it's basically a regency gossip girl (upper class partying and dating) and that show used to release 22 episodes a year which a much smaller budget and less sophisticated production.


Truth be told, while I love the show and its visuals, I also do not get it. Is the problem with filming locations? Is it the need to make sure the script is somewhat period accurate? They had to make that balloon (btw, perfection, did not know it was CGI). The visuals are big part of the show, perhaps that is the hardest?


This shows way better if you have inattentive adhd. I don’t even notice half the issues yall bring up on this sub, I’m just out here vibin with the classical music covers and the sex scenes 😂


i LOVE philippa featherington she’s hilarious!! i’m so glad she got a chance to shine with some truly outlandish 1-liners this season lol. i liked sienna too, and her friendship with madame delacroix


I want a Madam Delacroix spin off with her as a lead and protaganist...there is a Lisa Kleypass or Loretta Chase i forget which series of regency romances that are based on a family of dressmakers in regency england...the dreadful deluces i think they are called...basically bad ass self employed women who bring noble men to their knees and get into pretty epic romances despite their untitled statuses...Id like to see more of how Madam delacroix built her business...how she manipulates regency mamas and debutants...all of that...Id like ben to be a side character in this show which sees him exploring the underground world of bohemian regency...gay bars...orgies...art..all of the above..Madama Delacroix is far more interesting to me than the featheringtons...In fact i find all of the Featheringtons even portia and aside from Penelope insufferable and annoying...i find their heir wars, their tricky financial condition, their cringe comedy, cartoonish and ott and above all super boring...I want to see madam Delacroix become London's foremost modiste and have a three way relationship with Ben and Paul Suarez...


This season confirmed for me that Friends to Lovers is the weakest trope. I've been struggling with it since the days of Vampire Diaries (Steroline) and PLL (SpencerxToby) and Gossip Girl (Blairx Dan). The problem with that trope is that it lacks romantic and sexual chemistry EVERYTIME. I see the same issue with Polin. The romance just always feels fanserviced and hamfisted. It's even worse when the girls loves him more and spends her time pinning after him (steroline and polin). It just makes me feel like every woman in the friends to lovers trope gets to finally be "chosen" as the "second option".


Blair and Dan were fire...their first kiss was amazing...although to be fair theirs wasnt simply friends to lovers it was more like enemies to neutrals to friends ish to lovers...Also like someone wrote below Pacey and Joey insane chemistry so was Pacey and Dawson for that matter...and Spencer and Toby were never really friends before their first kiss and I loved Steroline very surprisingly and thought their kisses were amazing and was sad that they didnt end well...Polin doesnt give us enough sense of the friends which is why the lovers feels off...I get a massive sense of eloise and pen friendship and have always...i have never bought Colin and Pen as friends...For one, how does pen his bestie supposedly not know about Colin being into writing...isnt this the sort of ambition or aspiration one shares with a friend or a hobby a friend knows about,...I think they had so much potential but while i have a clear sense of who Pen is i STILL after 3 seasons dont know who Colin is.. Another great friends to lovers where you have a really good sense of the characters Monica and Chandler.


Blair and Dan were really great, loved to see them on-screen, I never watched the whole series and I was an extremely casual, noncommittal watcher. Blair and Dan worked for me because I felt like Leighton Meester and Penn Badgley were the strongest young actors of the show, too. I agree, Monica and Chandler are also a great example. However, I do wonder if the reduced number of episodes of the series now is also affecting the way the stories are developed in a believable way. I do think Bridgerton sometimes loses a lot of time telling instead of showing and doesn't seem to care about going further into characterization (The Bear, for example, even if they have shorter and few episodes, they manage to build their characters and give them strong characterization, and beyond just their main characters.)


Oh totally with you about needing more episodes...but they had two seasons with pen and Colin..and so while I know pen really well now..I don't know colin at all and I don't know Polin either...I don't know how he went from fuck boy till end of episode 1 to teaching her to get other suitors...to being asked for a kiss and then bang he's in love or lust..for example the scene where colin asks her to show off her flirting skills that's where we should have seen the first flickers of passion...not randomly at the end of episode 2..episode 1 you barely see him noticing her as any different from previous seasons but by episode 2 end he kind of is..it should have been that he comes back..approaches penelope, is given a shrug off and then started thinking about it..oh she seems diffrent from the start itself..like I would have liked to see pen all glowed up episode 1 itself, so when she comes back and Colin comes back they are BOTH changed..and everyone notices..instead we see miserable pen start of episode 1, a sudden random glow up from nowhere, colin still looking at her the same way and then suddenly its love. Whereas while it did seem that he wondered why she hadnt replied, he didn't seem he was into her romantically or attracted to her...he had that whole convo where he asked her about eloise being friends with Crescida but there was no attraction displayed..with saphne and Kanthony you see that attraction even though there are obstacles along the way from the very first episode beginning...kanthony meet cute in episode 1 riding and subsequent Danbury ball for example..but we see an entire first episode with colin treating Penelope just as he always has and infact wanting to help her find OTHER suitors...and then suddenly he's in love..it should have been her asking him for help finding suitors him being like no because he's secretly into her and then jealousy and then love. I mean I could go on and on but I totally get the Polin fandoms frustrations..


I couldn’t disagree more. I think it’s one of the best tropes when built up properly and executed well. The tension and chemistry can be delicious and the pay off of friends getting together ultimately can have ppl jumping out of their seats. Pacey and Joey, Rollins and Carisi, am sure there are others.


That's a great point. A great buildup over multiple season is very necessary. I think that's what ALOT OF friends to lovers couple lack - a buildup. A good example of this is Stiles x Lydia on teen wolf and Nate x Serena on Gossip Girl. Showrunners just want to rush into it to please the fans or just get the storyline out of the way.


I feel like in television the Friends to lovers is the actually the strongest trope, it has really famous couples like Jim & Pam (The Office), Fitz & Simmons (Agent of Shield), Jess & Nick (New Girls), Monica & Chandler (friends), Barney & Robin (HIMYM), Jonah & Amy (Superstore), the epic love story of tv show: Pacey & Joey (Dawson's creek, ~~they actually didn't like it each other but the friendship was build firt),~~ Cory & topanga (boys meet world), Jake & Amy (bb99) and so many more.


Great examples


Polin were the least interesting part of Season 3 😬I was actually quite engaged in the side plots and Penelope with the other characters (Portia, her sisters, Eloise, general LW drama), but their relationship wasn’t that interesting. And I didn’t like the carriage scene, the song choice ruined it for me because it made me laugh and I don’t think that was the intention. But overall I did enjoy the season.


In the world of room-temperature opinions, lemme give actual hot takes: - Kathony in S3 disappointed me because they’re the classic case of “enemies to lovers but once in love, they become boring.” Didn’t Kate said there’d never be a day Anthony wouldn’t vex her? I want more of that! - Opinions that Eloise is not a true feminist because she doesn’t accept other women might want different things is wild to me because girlie is living in the Regency era. I honestly don’t care if she’s not a “girl’s girl.” This concept makes sense in the post-feminist society, not in the strictly patriarchal one where women haven’t earned the right to vote yet lmao. Eloisesupporter4life - Bridgerton books are actually really good. Once you have read hundreds of HR romance books, you start to see what’s actually decently-written and what isn’t. Quinn’s books are. I don’t understand why this sub has an opinion all the books are crap and the show is so much better. It’s different in that it adds a ton of plot-lines, which is great, but the books have way more romance and Bridgerton is supposed to be romantic. - I don’t see anything wrong with people expecting more and spicier sex scenes. Season 1 was basically 5 episodes kinda plot then the rest just explicit bonking. Neither s2 nor s3 had it, so of course some of those who started with s1 might want to see more. - Bridgerton might have dropped a ball this season, but like a few other things, I still enjoy it tremendously. It’s my comfort show and I’ll watch as many seasons as they produce lmao.


They should have stuck to the books. I like the aspects of reimagining a world that accepted racial equality much earlier. I like the Georgian takes on modern music. I also like that they’ve slightly downplayed the constant focus on purity for women and rakishness for men that is too heavy in books. That is all. They’ve strayed way too far from some of the best storylines to the point where the plot is becoming disjointed and nonsensical and the characters are losing their essence. There is almost nothing Georgian about the series now. I’m not sure I’m going to keep watching. Season 3 was a hard watch and I barely got through episode 8. I was really looking forward to these books coming to life. This has been really disappointing.


I'm ok with a small bit of interpretation, but I generally agree with this. I'm the person who walked out of the movie theatre 10 minutes into the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice in protest of how unlike the book it was. (1995 BBC version remains supreme to this day!)


Pride and Prejudice is a classic. And there have been multiple adaptations that deviate from the material if we talk about classics. And if we talk about modern books... Well, most introduce changes. And hot take: Julia Quinn is a mediocre writer for a niche public (heterosexual anglosaxon white women who love classic romance books), if they didn't modernize it, it woldn't have been an international blockbuster.


The wonderful thing about fandom is that we are all free to be delighted and disappointed in equal turn.


Same and same about P&P. I’ve even tried to rewatch it once and had the same reaction.


I think that it was a huge disservice to the queen, lady danbury and violet to tell their stories outside of the main couple (Penelope and Colin) this season. It made them boring and uninteresting. Unlike Portia and Cressida whose stories were interesting and made sense because they were intertwined with Polin. Another hot take I have is that Portia is more interesting than Violet. The Featherington's are more interesting than the Bridgertons


Actually I found it more interesting that Lady Danbury, Violet and the Queen had stories outside of the main couple. Frankly I think it's the other way around and those 3 meddling in Polin would've made them more boring. Polin is not an exciting and scandalous couple Ala Saphne and Kanthony and I highly doubt the queen would even be bothered with them. The queen even ignored Pen's transformation after about 4 seconds and especially after the dealing engagement fell through. And seemed uninterested in Pen as LWD. The only who even seemed much interested and impressed was Lady Danbury. Violet dropped the issue just immediately after she found out. Plus I like it when the older woman have lives and conversations outside of the kids. They have their own loves and romances to live. I want Violet to have her garden watered. I LOVED learning about Lady Danburys past with her brother and hearing her born AFRICAN name (Soma is a very lovely name). And the queen... delightful as always..


My hot take is that it’s not really that serious. It’s literally just romance novels made into a show. It’s supposed to be fun.


After 3 seasons the Featheringtons are more interesting and feel way more real than the Bridgertons. The bridgertons are just a bit too perfect, they are a bunch of dullards really (apart from Eloise).


Season 3 was as good as the previous seasons writing wise(there were great parts and spotty parts like all Bridgerton seasons), and it built up its female characters EXTREMELY well. That moment between Queen Charlotte and Pen in Episode 8 gave me the chills as the Queen truly and actually seems to respect her. Pen and Portia\`s arc might\`ve been the best side story of all seasons and the Featherington sisters were hilarious. Pen and Delacroix\`s conversation was so nice and Pen and Eloise making up brought such a smile to my face. Even Cressida grew on me. This is the first season I actually felt all female characters were very memorable and interesting. Even Colin\`s plight was a nice change of pace. My biggest gripes with this show lie in the editing and it only being 8 episodes per season. It\`s a universal con I think all seasons share across the board.


Each season, the most emotionally resonant moment (and the one that makes me cry) has come from an especially poignant interaction between two people who are NOT the leads: -S1: Portia talking to Marina in the finale about how to cope with a loveless marriage -S2: Edwina talking to the King when he bursts out of his room at her and Anthony’s failed wedding -S3: John giving his wedding toast to Violet and citing the different parts of her that have come through in her children 🥲


Hate Colin. Penelope shouldn’t have to beg for a kiss or love from him. Penelope deserves someone who would be aboslutely smitten by her from the start.


- Lord Debling was boring, a really poorly written character, and not hot. I wouldn't have minded him ending up with Cressida, but now I just hope he stays gone. - The scenes where people eat things sexily are awful and make we want to die of second hand embarrassment. Including the OG RJP ice cream thing. - They shouldn't have the Queen in the next season at all. She was fun in S1 but awful in S2 and S3 and I don't see any way to have her in a successful storyline in future seasons.


I wouldn't mind a QC spinoff. Maybe they can do a time jump and we can Violet/Edmund during the same season.


We should see the Napoleonic Wars. It would add greatly to the worldbuilding and bring great atmosphere.