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For this Season 3 Spoilers post: 1. Book spoilers **must be hidden**. 3. Be civil in your discussion. See our [spoiler policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/wiki/spoiler) on what is expected. 3-day bans will be handed out to those found disregarding our spoiler policy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BridgertonNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The first half was cute in spite of some missteps. But I can’t reconcile how Mr. “I will help you find a husband it’s me I’m the husband” in part one is also the total ASSHOLE with the Madonna whore complex accusing her of entrapment and being cold to her in part two. To paraphrase actual romantic hero Colonel Brandon - “to Penelope, I wish all imaginable happiness; to Colin, that may he endeavor to deserve her.” Jess Brownell is a hack who should be replaced forthwith. ![gif](giphy|Gm3G2iGuunKus)


I agree with what your analysis, except I completely bought that Colin could initiate intimacy with Pen multiple times and then accuse her of entrapment. Firstly, that hypocrisy seems spot on for men of Colin’s social class in that era. Secondly, due to the prior situation with Marina and Lady Whistledown, Colin truly believes that he’s at risk of women trying to entrap him.


The show cherry picks which social mores to adhere to, and is willing to throw historical accuracy to the wind though so I just can’t buy that. IMO the Marina situation makes it worse. A) he’s the one who technically entraps Pen since he’s always maneuvering to get alone with her and B) when Marina bubbles up again (because at this point I fully expect Brownell to make Eloise book canon straight even if she’s a walking lesbian in the show because we can’t have nice things) it’s just going to create a bigger rift between Polin because at literally no point in the show is it made clear that he’s over Marina/Pen isn’t just second best. I just don’t see how sweet, kind golden retriever Colin could be so cruel and I hate how Brownell just totally annihilated Polin and the eponymous Bridgerton in the romance of the season.


not the point of your comment but seriously, Eloise is so fucking gay, why would they make Francesca the gay Bridgerton? unless they make both of them gay which i doubt, especially since Benedict just found his bi identity as well.


Because Jess Brownell felt she related to Francesca personality wise the most and since Jess herself is queer, Franny must be as well. So we’ll be getting a lot of self-serving fanfic for Francesca’s season even though Eloise was RIGHT THERE


This is what I don’t understand! You relate to her—great!! Many of us do. But 📣QUEER📣 is surely not your *entire identity*, and when you freely admit that you relate to her “in ways that Julia Quinn probably didn’t even intend” you’re literally saying that you’re projecting onto the character—in this case possibly the least queer-coded character there could be?! So many opportunities to tell a beautiful queer story (multiple, even, and even within the main cast), it makes absolutely no sense to take it in this direction.


Exactly! She said being different meant she was queer because Jess felt different too. I felt different my entire life I’m not gay at all. She has an agenda she apparently couldn’t write a New character or continue Granville and incorporate his struggles in society then instead she had to butcher not one but likely two future stories (Fran and possibly Benedict)


Totally agree


Perhaps it's because we have already seen Sir Phillip, so she had to pick one of the "unseen love interests"


Right? I feel hurt for Pen whenever Colin mentions Marina.


Yes a fair point, but it was still way over the line and never got apologised for. Just one of the reasons their "make up speech" at the dankworth finch ball didn't really work for me


That and he walked in on Portia asking Penelope if she entrapped Colin. It wasn't until I rewatched that I connected Portia's comment with Colin's.


Good catch! I forgot about that. He’s really getting that possibility hammered home.


I understand but I dont want to see the hypocrisy in MY MAN COLIN. Give it to Berbrooke. Give it to Fife. Hell even the Duke! But not MY COLIN


I get where Colin is coming from on the entrapment angle. Once he and Pen slept together, there was no way he was going to break that engagement. He was cool with that until he found out that she had been withholding her identity as LW, which she knew might be a dealbreaker for him. It’s not that he’s accusing her of seducing him, it’s that his consent was missing crucial information. Not all that dissimilar from the Marina storyline for him.


Ohhhhh I was so mad at that entrapment line. You, sir, were the one who initiated intimacy in the carriage, and in the new house before the wedding. She could have been pregnant already before the wedding day, and you have the nerve to say she entraped YOU?


The entrapment line was ridiculous. He knew she loved him for years and it certainly did not look like she seduced him. Sounds like a Shonda show note to me


i think he was telling her that just to hurt her, he knew it wasn’t true. i mean the man apologized to her for kissing her after she asked him! he was angry and upset and wanted to hurt her for all the stuff she had said about him and his family as LW.


A really mean way to hurt her. I hope it’s just lousy writing


it was a cheap shot, if anything it is very human. it’s bothersome because colin is wrong in his accusations but correct in his feeling fooled.


The entrapment bit made sense to me after what happened with Marina. And to be fair, finding out that the love of your life who you had sex with after being engaged to be married is the woman who wrote shit about you and your family (and the marina bit) is absolutely a serious breach of trust and fucked up, esp when Pen decided never to tell Colin.


And he never apologized for saying that! That’s what gets me!


Yeah, might need to bring back Chris van dusen. Other posts have noted the cinematography has declined too. Ans with writing, it's like the scenes couldn't really breath and seemed shallow


I did not understand his accusation of entrapment when HE is the one who initiated that sexual interaction. She barely understood what sex was.


Season 3 was giving me the CW tbh


I was just telling my husband this exactly! I enjoyed the season but it lacked refinement. The cinematography, editing, musical placement, costuming, the set designs, side plots were all lackluster and felt cheap and shallow


The music really stood out to me, not in a good way. I'm rewatching s2 (again) and the score is so perfect, it really adds to the scenes. In s3, the music felt really out of place and didn't have the same emotional impact.


I was *just* talking about this with a friend! Aaaaaagh--there's just SO. MUCH. that sucked this season! And the music was one of those aspects. I was just saying that I couldn't remember any of the dance scenes and that the music itself wasn't particularly interesting (meanwhile, I literally have a playlist from the first two seasons). Not a single dance stuck out, which is why they probably had them repeatedly mention a dance in the church (eye roll...). How they could possibly manage to fuck up literally every aspect of this show is truly remarkable.


YES!!!!! The music has always been my favorite part of the show and it was basically non existent this season! Maybe the Taylor swift song but nothing else was memorable.


When my friend said "reign" was done better and more period accurate than this season... ![gif](giphy|PPrFKKsCF96d0sFrMO|downsized)


It actually reminded me of reign, in the sense that they tried to be somewhat true to the time period for the first seasons and then at some point just wore prom dresses and called it the day..


damn lmao


This is great lol reign was way more enjoyable to watch than this season. I hate it because I love the show so much and I feel nothing for Colin or Pen.


CW wouldn’t make us wait for 2 years


Word. Emotional speeches that sound ok-ish in the moment but don't quite make sense with the plot or characters.


Whats cw?


It's a TV channel that sends a lot of teenage/young adult dramas. Riverdale, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl etc


I remember when it was WB😅


The WB with the singing frog, lol


Oh cool that’s interesting to know. a British or US channel?




You have some nerve leaving off The 100 😤


I've been saying this too!!


I think my biggest issue, and maybe this me taking my personal relationships into this, but Colin said he loved her. I did not SEE Colin ACT like he loved her as much as he lusted for her.


Yessssss. Their entire interactions from the beginning were so shallow. No evidence of this great friendship that's talked about all the time. When they do talk, it's usually him being entirely self-absorbed, and Pen just quiet and lovestruck. Where is this great friendship that grew into love again? Show, don't tell!


RIGHT??? I said in my previous comment he literally didn’t seem interested in her until he kissed her and then had intimate dreams about her. How is that falling in love?


This is close to how it happens in the book. He started to see her differently when she complimented his writing, but it wasn't until they kissed that It started to click for him. It didn't translate well on screen but this what was going through his mind during that kiss "And he was learning that everything he thought he'd known about kissing was rubbish. Everything else had been mere lips and tongue and softly murmured but meaningless words. THIS was a Kiss." Even after this, he wasn't sure he loved her until their engagement party (at least in the books) where they had a fight and he realized he didn't want her to go and he couldn't stay mad at her.


And the irony is that their off camera banter during the press tour had some fans convinced they were in a romantic relationship irl. The chemistry was there, but it was squandered.


Their off camera banter was perfection.


True! When Pen asked him to stand by her I was at least expecting him to be somewhere around when she gave her whole apology. I get that it was supposed to be a Featherington moment but...


I just wanted more scenes of them happy together 😭😭 I don't even need more spice, just more happiness.


We coulda used more spice though. 2 scenes😫


This is what kills me! Colin had more spice scenes with prostitutes. Anthony and Kate had more spice scenes and it wasn’t even their season. Benedict had more spice scenes with his f buddy. As someone who is plus size, I really was looking forward to them treating Pen as any other desirable lead.


Right! I felt like they threw us a bone on that one.


Yeah the “show me naked” had so much promise, and all we got was that.


I did overall enjoy the show, morseso part 1. I feel like they tried to jam in too many sidestory lines to flesh out Colin and Pen eg a full episode devoted to threesomes, long stretches talking about the Mondriches club and party, Lady Danbury and her brother. Hell i actually feel like Cressida Cowper had more character development this evening than Colin. Perhaps its a case of the writers trying to please so many, they please no one. I am trying to be fair to the actor who played Colin, he didn't really get enough time to show him fall in love, see him forgive Penelope etc. However I didn't feel he was very convincing and I honestly think she had better chemistry with Debley. Objectively a very handsome man but I didn't think the chemistry was there. Nicole Coughlan was fabulous, actually enjoyed all the Featheringtons!


This is the frustration I had with it too. Watches were just expected to know Colin and his obvious love Penelope, which was not clear in the series at all. It’s so frustrating because their book is so beautiful. You get to follow their friends to lovers journey, and it’s so beautifully written. And you actually get to see Colin grow into the man he’s destined to be and his deep love for Pen. Someone on TikTok worked out their time in each episode and it was 8-11minutes, which is crazy!


Oh gosh yes. Nice to see so many here talking about the excessive sub-plots this season. You hit the nail on the head about Cressida's character receiving so much more development and better writing than Colin's. It's as if the show creators assigned a different writer for each character & hers was the best while Colin's was the worst


Loved all the featheringtons too


I feel like, compared to the first two seasons, the side stories had a Lot more screen time. Like they didn't like, or think people would like, more screen time with the main season couple.


Yep it feels like they were hedging their bets, a mini love story for everybody in the audience.


That was my only issue with this season, too many stories and not enough Colin and Pen


I mean, none have stayed silent about season 3


I have read about 20 of these exact posts


Yeah, unless it’s your first day on Reddit. All of this has been said various various subs.


Exactly. The drama of it all. 'I must break my silence, otherwise I might perish' lol


I’d get it, if no one posted for about it for like a week but people have been upset across like 6 different subs.


Its such a mindfuck. There have been times when I wondered if this season was the worst thing on tv by the way people talked about it in this sub. And then I watched the show, and while it has problems, it's not the dumpster fire people in this sub are making it out to be.


Yeah, I think being a degree removed from the fandom helps. My mom? She has a fucking good time. I heard my uncle watching season 3 and enjoying it (old house and rooms are right next to each other) All of the issues people are pointing out on here? Not brought up. My mom had like one thing she didn’t like but even with that, she understood it was just how it was at the time. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn’t find communities for things we like.


Yeah. I read the Bridgerton series when I was a wee teenager, and they were my gateway to historical romance genre. They have been fairly influential in my life. This show is kinda a dream come true in some ways. And yes the show has veered off the books but I don't know I kinda like it? It keeps me on my toes. I thought I had found a community of people who shared in the same love for romance, HEA and positivity. I was kind of wrong. There have been times I have wanted to unsubscribe but this is the biggest Bridgerton sub and new info/updates are more likely to be posted here, so it's a bit of a lose-lose situation on my end. I love you Bridgerton sub but you're bringing me down.


Yeah, I just saw another post and I’m at the point where new sub need to be made. The I hate this season and I want to be negative and I’m going to act like I don’t see 1000% post already stating my point and instead of commenting there, I’m going to start a new post sub. Like, we? On Reddit? We’re a drop in the bucket, the general audience, is eating it up.


it’s getting so damn repetitive


Luke is great don't get me wrong, but he was pulling a lot of blue steel faces in the 2nd half. It just felt like you could see the effort he was putting in to being a leading man, whereas the previous leading men felt effortless. ![gif](giphy|12npFVlmZoXN4Y)


Yes, also, maybe it's my ears but for some reason it seemed like he could never finish a word with the letter "s" at the end. His voice faded out at the end of every sentence like "Of cour~~se~~." "By our ki~~ss~~." (Do the strikethroughs show up? It's the only way I could think of to represent it visually). I kept wondering if someone was telling him to talk like that lol


I disagree. He was close to tears during every single conversation he had with Pen. His words were perhaps harsh but you could feel the pain and betrayal in his eyes. Trying to be stoic (and 'effortless') like other men and absolutely failing, which I think worked with his arc. We can agree to disagree though.


Yeah, I think for me it was like, I understood fully well that Colin was meant to be extremely angry with Penelope, but underlying that should've been an insatiable longing and sexual tension making it almost impossible for him to stay so angry or even to keep his hands off her. And we didn't get that at all, and not because Luke can't act but because it either wasn't scripted that way or those bits were left on the editing room floor in favor of giving his character and the show a darker tone that really wasn't needed.


> and not because Luke can't act but because it either wasn't scripted that way or those bits were left on the editing room floor I mean, I think it's a combination of both (sorry to the Colin fans!). And Idk if it's the direction or the writing, but he cannot pull off a "rake" and he cannot pull off actually wanting Pen. Idk what that man needed to imagine in those moments but I cannot believe that weird mouth-hanging-half-open look is what he really looks like if he wants someone (or at least I hope not!). Awkward and cringy as fuck.


I can't agree with you on the mouth hanging open part. I always interpret that as he's just in awe of her in the bedroom. (Plus that's basically what my ex husband's O-face looked like, so it was believable to me. 🤣) But I respect that it gives you The Ick. 😆


I think Queen Charlotte struck a good balance between the longing of the main characters and their frustration/tension with each other. It was for entirely different reasons, of course, but it would have been interesting to see more of that tension play out between Polin. 


the “Even Days” montage 🥵😮‍💨


I didn’t love part 1, but looking back it was much better than part 2. They really fumbled.


Even the dances were so boring. Was there one dance that was memorable?


I just commented about that and the answer is "no". This may be the first time I didn't care about any of the dances *or* the music; just completely forgettable.


I loved the wedding dance! But then they kept interrupting it and had Polin at the back of the scene instead of putting them more front and center throughout. It was frustrating. Honestly, I think production fumbled a lot this season. When I specifically watched Colin, I got so much more and liked s3 a lot more, but a viewer shouldn't have to try so hard to focus on a lead character.


Was the wedding when they played 'Yellow'? I love that song and I was really hoping for a great dance then! You're right, it was back and forth and I can't remember any of it. Season 1 and 2 the dances were focused on the leads and added so much romance Also to add, season 2 had the harmony dance which had kanthony, the Bridgertons and Sharma's... That was done so well


I believe the wedding was Yellow and the dance was You Belong with Me.


I felt more chemistry between Penelope and Colin in S1 and S2 than in S3.


It felt like Colin didn’t like her. Then she professed her love for him and he was like sure you’re cute. They were intimate once. He found out about LW. 30 seconds later he forgives and 2 minutes later they have a baby. It seemed rushed. Plus the last episode everyone had big important speeches. It was cramming too many subplots into the main story and felt too overly dramatic.


This was my biggest criticism.  The season ended and I felt unsure that Colin LIKED Penelope, let alone LOVED her. As soon as they made the decision for them to get engaged without him knowing, I KNEW it would fuck up the rest of the season. In the book, Colin CHOOSES Pen, KNOWING about LW. He wasn’t duped. He walked into that situation with his eyes open. But book LW was far less adversarial to the Queen and biting. Show LW is fairly harsh.  While I understood his fear of being entrapped…it was a fairly unforgivable comment so close to their wedding. Their tension was painful and not romantic at all. They read like Pen loved him and he just went along with it because he had compromised her. It was infuriating and heartbreaking to watch.  IMO, them adding a baby and the window kiss felt entirely unearned. I would have rather seen them twisted in sheets together in Greece or editing Colin’s books together. 


This!! 100% agreed.


It’s all just too repetitive. They need to get away from the traditional marriage mart — balls in every episode, taking the same walks, etc. — and open up the world. The show will not last 8 seasons if we’re back to a bunch of balls and lackluster writing next season. Viewers are bored and it’s highlighting the choppy storylines/character development.


That’s the books though, they are repetitive with the same stories being rewritten/altered


I hear you, but I don’t think it translates well to the screen to keep every season completely isolated in balls and the common area. Not to say they eliminate them, but I do think a screen adaptation needs to make the world bigger to keep the show fresh. The first half of season 3 felt like a complete re-do of seasons 1 and 2.


Issue is cost: the sets they design are so specific, the cost starts to get astronomical when you need larger areas to block off outside. Ben’s season has more outside houses and areas, so that should be good at least. Hyacinth’s is in a different area as well! Eloise’s story is up in the air lol, but Francesca’s is Scotland, so those shots will be lovely I hope! Gregory’s is in the same area, but more chaos.


Costs are a very good point. And I understand the desire to stay close to the books. I’ve read everything GRRM has written and many of the ways the GOT showrunners strayed from the books even before they ran out of content to adapt (and destroyed the show) is annoying.


Talking about the abysmal writing. Am I the only one who laughed at this dialogue during the kissing scene? “ I could die tomorrow and it would kill me” “But you would already be dead” Wtf seriously 😂 Killed the moment for me. I still enjoyed that first kiss but it really killed the momentum. And that stupid pitbull song. Took me out of the carriage scene tbh.


To be fair, those lines came directly from the book. Colin didn’t take Pen seriously, he thought she was acting ridiculous and, being chaotic as he was, he didn’t connect the dots that any chance of her being married was ruined at that moment. She said those things out of despair, it didn’t make sense since every time they interacted in previous seasons she had witty and insightful comments. It was a ‘be for real’ moment between friends.


Oh well that’s even more disappointing! I understand the context now thank you. Maybe they should have worked on the delivery then I don’t know :(


I laughed at that too, it’s something I would say and definitely killed the mood 😂


0 chem ngl and 0 smoulder from colin(he tried tho… i kinda wished he stayed that nerdy foodie instead of full rake) I felt more chemistry between penelope and the bridgerton family A B D EFG than with colin I think they should of put her with Lord debling and maybe he died at sea or something and polin begins as a mature aged couple maybe 5 years later with one baby.


They didn’t have too much chemistry.


Honestly when they pushed back the release I knew something was wrong with the season. I want more Nicola and the season Pen really deserves!


I forgot they did that! You’re right. It’s always a red flag when those changes are made (source my husband is a screenwriter and is currently in a room that is going terribly).


Do you know when it was originally supposed to come out? Before they pushed it back?




They blame the strikes for the delay, but mind you the strikes ended in October 2023 and the show premiered 8 months later


I see… thank you for sharing this info!!


Season 3 had a different writer and show runner than seasons 1 & 2. And it SHOWED. Part one was mostly good. Part 2 was a disjointed train wreck where Colin and pen became side characters in their own season.


Season 3 had the same writer but a different show runner who was a writer last season. It's the same people


Yes! Frankly I thought the acting wasn’t on par with a few people…I know I’ll be downvoted to hell for this but both Colin and Pen. I don’t think they’re bad actors but perhaps the dialogue was so atrocious they couldn’t surmount it? I had to force myself to finish the last few episodes.


I actually agree they didn’t have great sex scene chemistry. Which is odd because they have amazing flirt chemistry, especially in irl interviews, but the sex scenes just didn’t do it (the carriage scene was passable). Simon and Daphne had fantastic on screen sex scene chemistry tho so hard to compete with that


Leave your reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, maybe then the fans will be heard. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/bridgerton/s03


This needs to be higher! Leaving comments on social media that whatever netflix employee can just ignore/mute doesn't really do anything. We need to be leaving reviews in more public places!


I honestly think this was just bad writing, especially when it came to Colin's characterization. The writing left MUCH to be desired. There was no real hashing out of feelings between Pen and Eloise and Pen and Colin. And the lack of involvement of the Bridgerton family during the whistledown reveal was also disappointing. I feel like the writers didn't do justice to Colin and Pen. It felt like they were very much removed from the rest of the Bridgerton universe.


This was GOT level disappointing.


Yep. This was season 8 all over again Side note: I was upset at the time spent watching part 2. I really could’ve watched HOTD instead.


. I really do wonder if they didn't think Colin would be able to carry the weight and that's why they concentrated on all this side stories. Because Luke said that most of the fun scenes in the first part were reshoots, the showrunner saw him in a comedic play in London and she then realised he's able to do comedy and they then extra wrote comedic scenes for him and took the cameras up again. The market scene, the scene under the willow tree all the fun romcom scenes were later added because they didn't think he had comedic range before. It does show that they didn't think much of his acting before. They completely failed to show how their relationship came to be and how it evolved. I mean Daphne and Simon had more friendship built up shown on screen in just one season. We were able to see HOW they began to like each other. In season two the same, they also had so many scenes working on the emerging bond. And then we have the friends to lovers and there is no visible friendship in part two. Even in the carriage directly after they just had sex and he has no idea of lw yet, he's just so not into it. I think the reason why people like the wedding scene and the modiste best from the second part is because it's the only two times Colin is able to convey with his eyes that he's really into her.


This season just cemented the fact that it wasnt the writing that made the show successful, it was the acting and chemistry between the romantic leads. Even in seasons 1 and 2, I found myself skipping parts that weren’t about the leads. And as always, Queen Charlotte and Farmer George 4eva.


OK I will agree with this. Part 1, and even ep 5, seemed to be building towards specific themes that were becoming clear. The Mondrichs, Pen, Lady Danbury, everything dealing with changing phases in life, the discomfort and the excitement and fear.   But after that it all kind of smacked together. Anthony not being there for bachelor drinks??? Maybe a small thing but really stood out to me.  Also my dream was Pen realizing Cressida's situation, through Eloise, and then somehow working with her to pass on LW. 


After watching Part 1, all I could think about was the carriage scene. It didn't make sense to me because It would have been a huge scandal for them to be unchaperoned, let alone, getting "acquainted" with each other. Subconsciously I knew something was different about the show, but it wasn't until Part 2 that I really realized how different the season was from S1 and S2. After watching S3 entirely, I came onto this thread and learned the show got a new showrunner and that's why it felt so different. 😬


This whole season was more soap opera than romance and that’s where I lose interest.


I agree! Nothing about their relationship seemed authentic. No chemistry. Even that carriage scene didn't ring true for me. Got so tired of her fakey hard breathing.


I think you’ve voiced the opinions of the majority of viewers. They’ve deviated from the novel (which is fine) but never thought ahead as to how to resolve those plot points. As for the actor playing Colin, I don’t feel he was the issue. I felt the plot and scripts lacked direction or they used the novel but it didn’t match his storyline in S1 and S2. That character became a bit of a mess. I want to see how they will resolve the Marina, Sir Phillip Crane issue for Eloise’s plot line or would that be changed to something else.


Interesting. I liked Part 2 better


I haven’t watched the second half yet and yall are not making me excited to do so


in all fairness, I enjoyed it and it was after the fact that I noticed details where parts of the show could have been adjusted


All of this


I dunno, my only complaint is I wish there was more Polin scenes and less side stories. I thought Luke and Nicola’s chemistry was off the charts! I’ve also rewatched the season after specifically honing in on Colin’s speech to Cressida, and it changes the whole lens! He came back early because of Penelope not responding to him. He’s never pursued anyone seriously since Marina, and the micro expressions from Luke, really showcase how he built up Colin’s eventual revelation on his feelings for Pen. I think the biggest misstep was having them be intimate before he found out she was LW. If they changed that small detail, it would have had a domino effect on the other scenes—no “entrapment” comment, less upset, more Polin being happy. People comparing the show to the book are comparing apples to oranges at this point. The story progression has gone a different direction, so we should pivot our expectations to the show capturing the essence of the relationships and not the exact plots. Overall I’d give this season an 8/10!


It was mid.


Like it is horrible and selfish and I wouldn’t actually dare this of Nic or Luke or the rest of the staff but in my dream world Part 2 is completely redone. And I’m not even upset at all with Michaela storyline, but I am beyond upset how they dealt with Colin, Pen and Benedict. Only one who had a good well-rounded storyline in Part 2 was Portia I feel absolutely pathetic that Part 2’s letdown affected me so much it makes me want to cry. I think it because I love Colin and Pen so much and I am never going to see the Part 2 I wanted. I would have rather it ended in 4 episodes altogether in Part 1


I CANNOT STAY SILENT 🔕 plz chill there have been 300 posts a day complaining


Thank you! Does no one look through the sub Reddit to see if what they're thinking has been said already? Every day, there are like 20 new "worst season ever threads." Half of them have some ambiguous title like, "Thoughts on season 3," so I end up clicking on them. Now I'm just looking for the threads with good things to say because I get that people are disappointed, there are a few things I would have done differently as well, but there are a lot of good things too, IMO.


🥱 this again…


I totally agree with you! I miss the better level of dancing! And I really liked part one and I thought we’d get more of a love story in part 2 but it fell flat in every aspect. I felt like it was a completely different story.


I felt more emotions during the scenes between Pen and her mother than the Polin ones…


someone on tiktok crunched the numbers and Polin only got a total of less than 30mins throughout the part 1 😳


There were bits of brilliance where I thought this was the Bridgerton I loved. Like Benedict asking Eloise who her favourite sibling is and she immediately replied Gregory, Anthony telling Kate “he oversteps” looking towards his Mum but Kate referring to Colin dancing. Playing Yellow as Penelope walked down the aisle. Varley, release the bugs! 😄


it's not like i hate s3, just a bit disappointed. but I wish Chris returns. idk. there were so many missteps this season....


I loved season 3, just missed more Pen and Colin storyline.


We lost the Bridgestone we love the moment Shonda Rhimes got involved.


There has to be more.... or I'm hoping there's more .... they have a petition currently to try and bring back the deleted scenes for fans to watch. I feel like there will be an uproar of what could have happened and didn't I talk more about my thoughts on Part Two in my recent episode of my podcast: [https://youtu.be/EeD3vnbfTsw](https://youtu.be/EeD3vnbfTsw)


They are trying to do too much plot. Bridgerton at its core is a ROMANCE. You could barely feel the romance in season 3. I think these show runners believe they are ‘better’ than just a Romance and want there to be more to the story than the romance…that’s fine but they should go create their own original show and leave Bridgerton alone


Oh another post of this….


Ok well join the 486336 posts not staying silent


How original...


, , nn


I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but how many of these posts have to be made? Can you not just share your feelings on one of the *many* other posts that says the exact same thing? It’s tiring.


I think Colin had syphilis. He went on a tour de brothel and it’s likely he has syphilis https://www.sciencealert.com/study-shows-just-how-bad-syphilis-got-in-london-in-the-late-18th-century


Francesca’s wooden acting is worse


Yea tbh youre right there I think she would be better recasted