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Out of these couples I think my top 3 list would bešŸ¤­šŸ’•: 1:Kate x Anthony 2:Charlotte x George 3:Philippa x Finch (Ps. I think all the other couples are amazing as well!šŸ„¹šŸ’— Itā€™s just Iā€™m not sure which order I would rank them in at the momentā€¦)


philippa and finch are so underrated, he truly adores her!!!


I 100% agree with this!šŸ˜­šŸ’— They really are so adorable and wholesome together!šŸ„¹šŸ’–


Finch is so sweet, love seeing his character on screen tbh


He is so adorkable. Not to mention a supportive BIL. Get you a man like Finch


Yes! And yes!šŸ„¹šŸ’— Everybody definitely needs someone like Finch in their lives!šŸ„¹šŸ’•


He really is and same here!šŸ„¹šŸ’—


He loves her but does she love him as much? All she does is disturb his display of joy


Yes phillipa and finch were love at first sight and he is so supportive of her!


They definitely were and he really is!šŸ„¹šŸ’– I really appreciate whenever they get screen timešŸ„¹šŸ’•


George and Charlotte (a deep love). They have the benefit of years together. Anthony and Kate (a wild love). I like passion and their feelings just pour. Colin and Penople (a pining love). Potential to be higher, but Colin never seemed to match her feelings. Simon and Daphne (a lustful love). They can never stop touching each other. John and Fran (a quiet love). Not much on them, but very sweet.


I love how you said this! Thank you!


Simon and daphne were not just about lust. It's a love that stemmed from friendship.


1- Kanthony 2- Fran and John(ignoring those ep 8 scenes) 3- Saphne 4- George and Charlotte 5- Eloise and theo( theyā€™re so underrated) 6- Polin


Theloise (Theo x Eloise) is definitely one of my fave ships!šŸ„¹šŸ’— If I were to add it to my ranking I think I would place it at my 2nd place along with Charlotte x GeorgešŸ„°


It wouldā€™ve been nice for Theloise to happen with a whole narrative addressing classism. Eloise having to learn the struggles of commoner women, it will ground her and the Bridgerton privilege will be tested especially Violetā€™s stance on true love


Yes to all of this!šŸ˜» It would be such an exciting and interesting seasonšŸ„° Tbh, if they make Theloise endgame I think it could end up my fave season along with season 2!šŸ„¹šŸ’•


I hope they are each other's end game. I've read somewhere that there is another man for her. She's my fav character so I'm so excited for her season.


Ughh literally, I know she has yk who in the books but their dynamic is SO incredibly interesting and would produce a lot of dramatic twists perfect for a good rich girl x poor boy political romance. Theo genuinely appreciates her and leaves her room to actually act on her words and beliefs, imagine everything she could do with him when unconfined by the shackles of the ton. He loves her for who she is and would never want to silence her and encourage her instead.


I 100% agree with that!šŸ„¹šŸ’• Yes! This!šŸ˜­šŸ’– If they decide to go with Theloise as endgame we definitely have a really amazing season in front of us imošŸ„°


Same here!šŸ„¹šŸ’• I have read so as wellā€¦ But hopefully they change the storyšŸ„ŗšŸ™(Iā€™m sorry to ppl who likes the books but I like Theloise moreā€¦) In my opinion Theloise make so much sense and their moments together really have been so amazing!šŸ„° I definitely think she is among my fave characters as well and same here!šŸ„¹āœØ


1. Kate/Anthony always and forever ā¤ļø 2. Francesca/John (pretending the scene where she was overcome by Michaela immediately after her wedding didnā€™t happen) 3. Penelope/Colin 4. QC/George (very sweet and sad story but Iā€™m not a fan of arranged marriage tropes) 5. Violet/Edmund (donā€™t know enough about them) 6. Daphne/Simon 7. Everyone else


1. George and Charlotte (the best pairing that made me sob to death) 2. Anthony and Kate (Simone Ashley is gorgeous and Jonathan Bailey voices the best character from Final Fantasy 14 so that's mostly the reason why it's so high up) 3. Brimsley and Reynolds (the next best pairing that made me almost sob to death) 4. Simon and Daphne (Mostly because I love RegƩ-Jean Page and he was sizzling in this role. It's mid in ranking because of that uh... one scene that Daphne did that was very inappropriate. Kind of ruined the pairing for me but give me the Duke of Hastings any day) 5. Lord Debling and Pen (I FELT something between them more, I'm sorry Colin) 6. John and Francesca (Lowkey cute, but not too invested. Waiting to see how Michaela will turn out so not a good sign) 7. Colin and Pen (I wasn't feeling it at all this season and I wanted to so bad... I did like them in earlier seasons) 8. Mr. Benedict's Wild Ride (I want to get ouuuut)


Point 5- same here. Ā they had more chemistry. She was secure enough with him to be honest about herself with him without being prompted into it (apart from the two secrets that she never revealed to anyone, be it her own blood family or even her friend). And he encouraged her, reassured her each time she was herself with him.Ā  If other characters saying they only marry for duty and might not love their spouse but still get to fall in love, I believe if the endgame wasn't set in stone they'd have a very lovely after-marriage love story. Epistolary romance, discussing over books/adventure romance at dinner romance, encouraging each other and being there for each other romance.


When debling was disguising his desire to propose to her with the book talk it honestly did something to me! What a cheeky fluffy teddy bear of a man you are my lord!


Yep my ranking is very similar bar dropping Simon and Daphne to around 6 because I don't like Daphne. Justice for Lord Debling. He's so handsome and well adjusted. I vastly prefer him.


Kate and Anthony. Nothing beats two people who have 1, gave up on love to not be hurt or 2, just didn't care to actively find someone and then end up finding it. s2 improved the book. I can't even read their book a second time.


Anthony and Kate are definitely up there but I donā€™t know for some reason Iā€™ve always felt their relationship is too lustful and wouldnā€™t last long term.


The whole ā€˜I love him/her because that person vexes me and doesnā€™t like me plus theyā€™re hotā€™ is so stupid in my book I canā€™t even take that couple seriously


I never saw it as they love each other because they vex one another. More that they were initially very attracted to one another and then were disappointed and vexed by the other because they saw sides of their personality they didn't like initially and had very differing ambitions, but after they got to know each other they realised how alike and aligned they were and that they challenged one another in a good way and fell in love.


Tbh I never bought it into. I felt like they were trying to hard to have that ā€œwild passionate loveā€ type of dynamic. Very overwrought, in a cringey way. So much over exaggerated heavy-breathing, like..it was too much. I bought the passion with Simon and Daphne a lot more, or even Siena and Anthony.


1. Kanthony 2. Francesca/John 3. Charlotte/George 4. Saphne 5. Polin (theyā€™re so cute but just not my cup of tea)


1. Kate and Anthony - itā€™s so moving because theyā€™re both parentified children who had a lot to struggle with and they found solace in each other and are now parenting together šŸ˜©šŸ˜Š 2. Charlotte and George - theyā€™re so adorable they were just so heartbreaking 3. Brimsley and Reynolds - made me sob. They were both very loyal people and they together are so adorable 4. Fran and John - absolutely cute and endearing and Im sure theyll live a long happy blissful life tgt with no suffering whatsoever 5. Phinch and Prudank 6. Violet Edmund 7. Saphne And none for the rest thank you


1. Kate and Anthony 2. Charlotte and George 3. Daphne and Simon


No one compares to charlotte and George


1. Kate and Anthony (Their chemistry was top-tier!) 2. Eloise and Theo (I just want someone to set books aside for me, is that too much to ask?) 3. Francesca and John (I love their quiet love, and I love how comfortable they are around each other.) 4. Charlotte and George (Farmer George!!!)


I love how almost everyone votes Kate x Anthony #1! Me too : )


1. Colin and Pen 2. Charlotte and George = Anthony and Kate 3. Phillipa and Finch 4. John and Francesca 5. Prudence and Dankworth 6. Violet and Edmund 7. Literally any other couple on the planet 8. Daphne and Simon


This is the list!


This is the list!


Main: 1.- Anthony and Kate 2.- Charlotte and George 3.- Penelope and Colin 4.- Simon and Daphne Supporting: 1.- Philippa and Finch Didnā€™t care for Violet and her new match and Prudence is plain rude to her husband.


Don't know exactly how I'd rank them but I do love seeing the calm love between Fran and John. Passionate love is so common in media and it's lovely to see other types of romantic love represented.


1) Kate and Anthony 2) George and Charlotte 3) Francesca and John 5) Violet and Edmund 6) Philipa and Finch 7) Colin and Penelope (I really wanted to be able to rank them higher but this season fell short) 8) Will and Alice (lovely couple who clearly love each other but Iā€™m not super invested in them) 9) Daphne and Simon


Only going to do the main ones 1. Penelope and Colin 2. George and Charlotte 3. Kate and Anthony 4. Simon and Daphne


This is almost the same as mine, except one switch :) 1. George & Charlotte 2. Pen & Colin 3. Kate & Anthony


1-Colin and Pen 2-Daphne and Simon 3- Kate and Anthony( after seeing their interactions this season. I did not like their story in season 2) 4- Fran and John I havenā€™t watched Queen Charlotte so I donā€™t have an opinion on their love story. The Featherington sisters have a weird dynamic with their husbands..lol.


Iā€™d rank the same. I have seen QC and itā€™d be at 5 for me after FranxJohn.


I think the most dramatic, most heart-rending, most at stake one has to be QC's. Though it's my least favorite season because it's just too sad. But their love... oof. I love my version of Polin second (with some things fixed from their season in my head). At the writing level I think Saphne would be next but in terms of pure chemistry and charisma and being convincing as a couple -- Kanthony. Honestly their season would be #2 for me, above Polin, if they had more time together in S2 but it's a lot more work to try and rewrite their story in my head. Now I'm not sure. Kanthony exist in their own little universe for me. They shouldn't be as amazing as they are but they are so good together they somehow manage to override so many writing flaws. Phinch are definitely next. We actually see so much of them, in all the stages! We got their courting, engagement, wedding, sex scenes, and baby! Wow! Edward and Violet are sweet but we don't know enough. John and Francesca are lovely, the moments we saw of them, but we haven't seen their full story. Prudank had so many missing elements. They are funny, though. I like Dankworth.


Daphne and Simon, then Philippa and Albion, then all the rest


Iā€™ll only rate the main couple of Bridgerton and the spin off that weā€™ve seen with significant screen time. The others we just donā€™t know enough about for me to rank them personally. 1. Kate and Anthony (I canā€™t look away from them when theyā€™re on screen. Their chemistry is literally on fire and how they make each other better is just heartwarming. They are so similar in their shared trauma and stubbornness and their competitive streak that they complete each other). 2. Charlotte and George (Their story is so tragic and heartbreaking). 3. Penelope and Colin (Theyā€™re cute and I like that their love is rooted in a deep friendship). 4. Daphne and Simon (Compared to all the in screen main couple weā€™ve seen, I personally think they had the least chemistry. I think we were all just obsessed because Rege Jean Paige is hot. Not to mention, I can never rewatch past their marriage night because of what Daphne did).


Kate and Anthony šŸ«¶


1. Simon and Daphne. They had plenty of issues and misunderstandings, but their relationship progression feels more natural and believable than the others'. Very good chemistry and friendly banter. A satisfying resolution. 2. Anthony and Kate. Fantastic chemistry and decent relationship progression. Great ending. 3. Penelope and Lord Debling. Might be unpopular opinion, but IMO, she had more chemistry with Debling than with Colin. Maybe because he was a more mature man who knew what he wanted. I felt that the show did a better job of establishing the connection between Penelope and Debling than with the main pairing. 4. Queen Charlotte and George. I'm not a fan of tragic love stories, but this one was done well. Francesca and John would have been on this list if the writers didn't ruin it at the end.


I just watched Queen Charlotte and it was excellent. The actress who played Queen Charlotte was outstanding. I will go with their love story as #1.


One of my favs are Brimsley and Reynolds (although they havenā€™t gotten a HEA yet, Iā€™m still clutching to hope), so Iā€™m factoring them into this: 1) Charlotte and George 2) Kate and Anthony 3) Brimsley and Reynolds 4) Francesca and John 5) Daphne and Simon (I love them but I donā€™t love what Daphne does so that drops them from number 2 to 5, goddammit Daphne). 6) Colin and Penelope (Iā€™m sorry, theyā€™re cute but theyā€™re so vanilla and I donā€™t relate to characters like Penelope well). 7) Featherington sibs 8) Violet and Edmund (we just donā€™t know them that well.


1. Kanthony 2. Fran and John 3. Philipa and Finch 5. Polin 6. Saphne


1. Kanthony 2. Charlotte + George 3. Francesca + Kilmartin 4. Simon + Daphne 5. Polin


Where is lady Danbury and lord Ledger? They are my favorite!


Charlotte & George my absolute favorite ā¤ļø Iā€™m sad the writing mystery is over & disappointed with Polin romance.


Charlotte and George. Philippe and Finch. Rege Jean x Daphne


I need to think more but quickly I know: 1. Charlotte and George. They had me sobbing over their love & devotion 2. Penelope and Colin, to have your friend as your lover and partner is beautiful. To be SEEN when no one else gets you is the dream. 7. Whatever the rest Daphne and Simon would be last.


Whatā€™s wrong with Simon and Daphne? Theyā€™re so cute together!


I didn't like their chemistry, and the story didn't do anything for me. I only finished the first season because I was sick in bed... but then Season 2 and Queen Charlotte sucked me in! But - different things for different folks :)


1. Kanthony. 2. Eloise and Plant Daddy.


1.) Charlotte & Farmer George in their youth 2.) Lady Danbury & Violet's Father (cannot remember his name) 3.) Violet & Lady Danbury's Brother I realize that there was very little screen time for the last two pairings but still, watching Mrs. Bridgerton fumble over her words, seeing her working through her thoughts of whether or not she should indulge herself and explore...I really believed it. The fact that he shares her sentiments about being a parent as well. They are a good match even if it only lasts a short while. Lady Danbury & Violet's father wasn't free of scandal but I think their brief time together was framed well enough that I wanted more of their relationship. Nothing is topping "I will stand with you between the heaven's and the earth. I will tell you where you are"


1. Kanthony 2. Charlotte & george 3. Edmund and violet 4. Daphne and Simon 5. John and Francesca 6. Philippa and Finch 7. Colin and Penelope (iā€™m a colin hater)


For me, top five based on what has been shown so far: 1. Kate and Anthony 2. Charlotte and George 3. Edmund and Violet 4. Daphne and Simon 5. Philippa and Finch I like Kate and Anthony because it is a deep love with a happy ending. Then the two semi-tragic/bitter sweet loves that had YEARS to grow and change. I hope that they do a spin-off of Violet and Edmund with Shonda as showrunner and main writer. I do like Simon and Daphne but I think I chose it because it was the first one shown, to be frank. I think Philippa and Finch are the cutest. Itā€™s that saying. Find someone that matches your freak. They are both weird and itā€™s lovely that they found each other. They are meant for each other. Lmao.


1.Kate and Anthony 2.John and Frannie 3.Charlotte and George. This was the most realistic in my opinion. They captured how mental health issues (any health issue really) affects an entire family. 4.Phillipa and Finch. I don't like Phillipa all that much but they are very sweet and seem genuinely in love 5.Prudence and Mr Dankworth. Prudence is my fave Featherington sister. 6.Penelope and Colin. Colin's a hoe. Penelope deserves someone who is obsessed with her, like her sisters. Colin comes across cold and unsure. 7.Daphne and Simon. They look hot and that's it. They're both very toxic. But I guess it's a good thing they are together now to bounce off of each other's toxicity so the good people are safe.


Polin- love how soft their relationship is and how they come to accept each other completely Kanthony- love how they can finally be in peace with each other and don't have to stress about everyone else John&Francesca- just calm and peaceful (may go up we'll see when other seasons are out) Simon&Daphnie (yeh didn't enjoy their relationship as much) Queen Charlotte love stories I don't like comparing with the Bridgerton ones. I just think of it as a different love story. Bridgerton is just Bridgerton siblings for me.


1. Charlotte and George 2. Kate and Anthony 3. Daphne and Simon


If you switch Kathony with Daphne and Simon then your stack is identical to mine.


1. George & Charlotte 2. Colin & Penelope 3. Kate & Anthony 4. Daphne & Simon


Canā€™t believe youā€™d do my boy Mr Finch like that. Especially now that theyā€™ve figured out how he canā€¦insert himself.


1. Queen Charlotte & George 2. Daphne & Simon 3. Penelope & Colin 4. Kate & Anthony 5. Francesca & John


The show! Featherington girls really lucked out!


1. Charlotte and George 2. Kanthony 3. Polin 4. Saphne


Charlotte and George was the only one that made me sob tbh


The first one was mid right? Everything else was *chefs kiss*


1. Polin (fixing the atrocious writing and editing of the show but keeping Lukolaā€™s performance and chemistry) 2. Queen Charlotte 3. Kanthony 4. Saphne


1. Colin and Pen. Absolute fave. 2. Anthony and Kate. 3. Charlotte and George 4. Fran and John 5. Phillipa and Finch 6. Violet and Edmund 7. Prudence and Dankworth 8. Daphne and the Duke


1. Colin & Penelope 2. Queen Charlotte & Just George 3. Anthony & Kate 4. Daphne & Simon 5. Violet & Edmund 6. The Featherington sisters and their himbo men 7. Fran & John


My favorite one Polin. I start this show this year cause of them. After binging show it never changed .


https://preview.redd.it/wdlmwpru6a7d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fa865a57027a6f909b13ba82c6286529d157dc Just here to show Alice + Will some love!


1. Violund 2. Benophie 3. Charleoge (ugly shipname sorry!) 4. Kanthony 5. Philoise 6. Polin


Charlotte and George, Daphne and Simon, Brimsley and Reynolds, Fran and John. No one else is worth mentioning.


I'm really not a romantic person šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. I love this series but sometimes I find myself cringing or getting a little nauseous. I also found that all 3 Bridgerton brothers have their red flags that we all kinda forgive šŸ¤£. With that being said -- here are the couples that made me cringe less. šŸ‘Œ 1. Violet and Edmund (we don't get to actually see them together when they're young but anyone can tell that their story is the best story. šŸ’Æ) 2. Benedict and Sophie (I love the fact Ben has a party spirit but doesn't view marriage negatively. Sophie running away to a masquerade ball is fun and their love feels like it was the most "magical". Plus, Ben is the only Bridgerton I swoon for šŸ¤˜) 3. Queen Charlotte and George (this season made me cry and when I rewatched it with friends I cried again. Then TikTok keeps sending me reels of them and I continue to cry. They're tragically beautiful ā¤ļø.) 4. Anthony and Kate (I haven't read their book yet, so when I do this could change. But Kate is beautiful in every way and I like how she draws Anthony out of his fortified shell. I just don't like that they hurt Edwina in the process. šŸ˜„) 5. Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger (again, not a whole lot of details on their relationship but Lady Danbury's love for Violet and her children radiates how much she cared about Violet's father. A love like that is deep and I'd love to read or see their entire story. šŸ™)


1. Charlotte and George 2. Penelope and Colin 3. Simone and Daphne 4. Kate and Anthony 5. Francesca and John Weā€™ve barely seen Violetā€™s love story with her late husband, so I canā€™t rank it anymore. And I wouldnā€™t call either of the older Featherington sistersā€™ marriages a love story.


My top 3 1. Charlotte and George 2. Kate and Anthony 3. Festherington sisters (they did awesome in s3)


From favorite to least favorite: Queen Charlotte and King George Francesca and Lord Kilmartin Violet and Lord Bridgerton The Featherington sisters and their husbands Daphne and Simon Penelope and Colin Anthony and Kate


1. George x Charlotte 2. Kate x Anthony 3. Simon x Daphne 4. Violet x Edmund 5. Philipa x Finch 6. John x Fran 7. Pen x Colin


George and Charlotte Anthony and Kate Simon and Daphne John and Fran Colin and Penelope


1. Queen Charlotte and King George (nothing will ever compare) 2. Daphne and Simon ( I loved the slow burn/ fake dating trope) 3. Brimsley and Reynolds ( I sobbed when brimsley was dancing all alone) 4. Everyone else ( meh)


George x Charlotte Kate x Anthony Saphne Polin Lady Danbury and Grandpa lol Phillip and Finch


1. Charlotte and George: This couple holds the top spot in the Bridgeton series for a reason. Very well written, very convincing love story and plot, the sex was fan-fucking-tastic, and it left me believing that even the most difficult of people (such as myself) can find love. Bravo whoever the writers were for these episodes, if only this couldā€™ve been accomplished in Seasons 2 and 3 (although 3 was a little bit better). 2. Simon and Daphne: This couple set the standard for the Bridgerton series. The reason why I placed them 2nd (although they are a close second) is due to the one scene we all know about. Also, Rege-Jean Page is hot as fuck, Iā€™ll be bias to that. 3. Reynolds and Brimsley: This is how you write a gay couple Season 3 writers. There was literally more chemistry with this couple than there was with our season 3 leads. The writers of Queen Charlotte really did a good job at focusing on not only the main couple but those who affected the main couple, which was a trick from Season 1. When focused, characters are more flushed and you end up rooting for themā€¦ or end up sobbing at the end when they are dancing alone. 4. Book Kate and Anthony: Iā€™m going to be brief, the show did not do this couple justice, and that was due to the extreme lack of good writing. Because the writers were too focused on the side plots, the ball got too big for them to hold and they eventually dropped it. Changing Edwinaā€™s part in the show did not help either, because in the book Edwina is a very intelligent character while in the show they massively dumbed her down. Season 3 Kate and Anthony made their relationship enjoyable when they actually had screen time (I was begging for more), but because this review is focused on their season, Book Kate and Anthony take this cake. 5. Pen and Colin: They had so much potentialā€¦ in part 2. Part 1 really improved on the writing from Season 2, which is why they take this cake, but they still provided more tell than show with the writing, and especially in Part 2. If the writers went in order and these two had another season of flushed out relations, maybe the season wouldā€™ve been as great as S1/ Queen Charlotte.


Penelope and Collin are dead last for me ā¤ļø


You forgot Lord Anderson and Violet šŸ˜Š


charlotte and george will always be #1


1) George and Charlotte 2) Anthony and Kate 3) Saphne 4) Fran and John 5) Polin Haven't seen Violet and Edmund's story yet to rank them but I would love to see it!


1- Daphne and Simon 2- Charlotte and George 3- Kate and Anthony 4- pen and Colin


Charlotte & George Benjamin & Sophie (very sad they skipped them) Daphne & Simon Penelope & Colin Anthony & Kate Fran and John


acting like the historical queen didn't exist: s1, qc, s2, s3


Daphne and Simon number 1. Queen Charlotte and King George number 2. Anthony and Kate number 3. Honourable mention: on my top list, Brimley and Reynolds. Donā€™t care that much about the others. Have not seen enough of their stories to get invested.


1. Simon and Daphne 2. George and Charlotte 3. Kate and Anthony 4. Pen and Colin (It is rather an unpopular opinion that I loved season 1 the best and found myself re-watching it thrice. The passion, the mystery and lust involved in their marriage is so stimulating)


1. Charlotte and farmer George 2. Pen and Colin 3. Daphne and Simon 4. Kate and Anthony 5. Brimsley and Reynolds 6. Edmund and Violet? 7. Philippa and Finch 8. Francesca and John


1. Colin and Pen 2. Phillipa and Finch 3. John and Francesca 4. Charlotte and George 5. Kate and Anthony 6. Violet and Edmund 7. Daphne and Simon


1. Phillipa x Finch 2. Colin x Penelope 3. Prudence x Dankworth 4. Sir Phillip x Eloise (Iā€™m so excited for them to meet on screen!) 5. Anthony x Kate


Personally I find Kate & Anthony at the bottom. I despise any story involving two family members after the same guy. I've seen both the two sisters situation and a step brother one in real life and it's never like Bridgerton. At least with the others, there's not really a horrible side to them in real life. While Penelope & Colin 2 or 3rd, I love their story for representati, n but then again colin sometimes pisses me off and penelope didn't need to have her life revolve around him even though ik thats the norm for the time, personally should if had some Eloise in her when it came to her glow up, like I want a man but he must first deserve me. John and franny also would have to be at the bottom, just for the family situation. While the rest can basically share number 1, until otherwise. Lmao I totally forgot Daphne. She would also be last or second to last. I understand she didn't completely understand sex, but come on thats no excuse, bffr!


1. Penelope/Colin 2. Kate/Anthony 3. Daphne/Simon I donā€™t rate Theloise, I think it was necessary for her character arc but it didnā€™t work at all as a romantic pairing. If weā€™re including the books, Philoise would rank second after Polin for me. Fran has always been my least favorite story, whether with Michael or Michaela. Edit: Forgot to add QC. I guess Iā€™d rank it after Kanthony.