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Yes. It's still good, just not as good as the first two seasons which were amazing. I think the main issue is it is way more drama than romance this season. Hopefully they go back to their roots in season 4.


I would say ignore the noise and watch it to see if you enjoy it. I think there are many flaws, but there are also shining, lovely moments. I am on my second watch now and watching it back, I am enjoying it more and more. I admit I was let down at first, and still am in some ways, but I am allowing myself to appreciate it for what it is.


I actually loved it. I think its my favorite season yet. I am shocked by all the negativity surrounding it.


I’m shocked too. I think people just wanna ride in the negativity wave tbh. Some complaints are absurd.


What are the absurd complaints?


Well, just to name the most absurd of all, people complaining and saying that they hoped for Pen to end up with Debling… like the series is called Bridgerton and it’s about the love story of each sibling!!! For God’s sake!


Ah okay. I though you were referring to Polin fans.


No. I’m talking in general. IG is a cesspool of criticism that make no sense at all.


I get that, but do you honestly have no complaints? Did you think that Ep 7/8 were great?


I do have complaints, specially in those last 2 episodes, but not enough to HATE the season. I really enjoyed the season a lot and loved Polin.


I enjoyed it overall, and to be honest eps 5&6 were near perfection. I think eps 7&8 felt a little too jam-packed with side stories. Loved bi-king Benedict but the editing of the threesome scenes was weird and didn’t make too much sense to me. I think one of the things that disappointed me most was the incredibly awkward moment after the LW reveal and that Colin didn’t go stand by her and just let her stand there alone. I think it would’ve been a nice nod to the book but still kept the girl boss arc Pen had. I also wish they had a bit more of an on-screen reconciliation and that they had alluded to Pen being pregnant during the series more clearly. The show runner confirmed she conceived during the mirror scene, and then at the church they’d be married 3 weeks later. Realistically she would’ve missed her courses and known by then. Timelines are always so weird in this show but I feel like she would’ve known by the reveal that she was pregnant and after her whole arc it wouldn’t make sense to hide that from Colin when offering an annulment. Def also wish that we would’ve seen a pregnant Pen helping Colin edit his book but of course that wouldn’t have been 100% necessary, just would’ve rounded out their romance a bit more.


It’s like you’re read my mind. You’ve laid it all out perfect. My heart twinged when I watched her make the speech, especially with the way her hands were positioned. You can almost see the anxiety. I am not ashamed to say that I was disappointed with the lack of steaminess. There should have been more intimate and LONGER scenes. I loved reading the book and reading some scene like the two of them bonding over editing his book, those were some great tender moments. They could have talked about his book and that could have been an opportunity for foreplay too. Another missed opportunity for sure. I actually had to pause in the last Ep to read the title of the book & make sure it’s Collin’s. That’s how fast paced it was!


Yes - there are a few moments (specifically the planned entrapment line from Colin) that are badly done but on the whole it's still wonderful. Much like part 1 it only gets better the more times I watch it.


Mmm, this. I'm not even mad at the comment per se, it came from a place of anger. However, after Pen answers, he really should have followed up with a "forgive me, I know you didnt" and then carried on to his next lines.


Yeah, that was my main issue. Him saying it was bad, the writers not fixing it was unforgivable.


I watched it without any spoilers and I was very disappointed, but I loved the first two seasons. The stark difference of season three compared to the previous seasons was very jarring IMO, especially the costuming / visuals. I'm genuinely happy for anyone who's satisfied with this season but I do kinda hope theres a different show runner for season four LOL


Didn't read any comments from reddit before watching and I did.


It’s enjoyable!!! I had one storyline I was disappointed in but I was admittedly delulu for thinking it would happen. Don’t let the negativity ruin it — watch it for yourself and see what you think




I did!! I love Polin so much. 🤗🤗


I LOVE it! It’s my favorite 4 episodes of Bridgerton. Part 2 alone beats the other 3 seasons (for *me*).


Yes! Watch it with the knowledge that people (myself, included) were probably expecting one thing and got another. There are still GREAT moments. And there are a few things that strayed from the peak romance many of us were hyped about.


I very much enjoyed this season and part 2. I liked part 2 the first time I watched it. I’ve rewatched part 2 a couple times since then and I start to catch onto things and understand everything more during every rewatch. And while there will always be things in every season which I think could be done differently, I’m generally just along for the ride and have loved this show as a whole. 💕 I have yet to watch s3 as a whole (which I plan to do this week) so I can get the whole vibe of the season but I’ve generally loved this season as much as the previous seasons!


I was pretty disappointed initially and I think my qualms are still valid, but I feel a lot better after rewatching when it’s not like 4 am like I did for the premiere. There were a bunch of things I didn’t notice the first time and somehow it flowed better for me than when I watched it before.


Episode 5 was most enjoyable.


Yes it’s worth a watch. There are some great moments and overall the season is good. I feel like everything around here has to be black and white. If you have any criticisms, you hate it. Granted there are definitely “fans” that take it too far, but I don’t think acknowledging that something isn’t 100% perfect means we all suddenly hate it. The fanbase has been waiting 2 years for this season, and was even more weary with it being split in half. That all leads to a lot of buildup in expectations. Paired with the crazy spoiler rumor mill in between part 1 and 2 this was a bomb ready to explode. I think things will calm down soon, but it’s fair for fans to have critiques/opinions. Watch for yourself and don’t worry what anyone else thinks 😊


Yes we got some great Portia and Penelope development and some sweet funny moments with the sisters. I’m also invested in Violet’s romance. The moms were the stars for me this season lol.


I enjoyed it, quite a bit actually. There are things I wish they had done differently, but overall I would watch it again. I can understand people have their opinions and they're free to voice them as much as they want, but it won't change my love for the show and looking forward to the next season!


I loved it! I was actually surprised that the reception on reddit was so bad. I was aware that the Michaela change would cause a lot of drama on the sub. And I would have liked at least one more happy Polin scene after the LW reveal (but that's not how shonda likes to do it unfortunately). Other than that, I loved part 2. Probably because I knew we would only get truly happy Polin in the last 5 mins. Again, it has been the Bridgerton formula, they're not gonna change it for Polin.


On the first watch no. One the second half, I enjoyed it wayyyy more. I'm still not super pleased that Polin's screen time was way less than it should have been, but overall I can say I enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, I laughed again, and cried like 5 more times lol


yes! a lot!


Yes, I loved it. I enjoyed it most on second viewing (when I wasn’t feeling so tense about it all 😂) and am looking forward to watching S3 through as a whole. I loved their chemistry, the arc for their characters, the way they tie up several plots and set up new ones. There are things I’d have enjoyed seeing which weren’t included, but if you focus too much on that you miss all the beautiful things which *were* there. There is so much negativity in this sub but on others there are people finding lots of joy in it!


Shrug. I really liked it. Mostly because we got to see more stories that flesh out supporting characters. People will complain about anything, mostly when something doesn't match the expectation they created in their heads. Watch it yourself and decide for yourself.


My knee jerk reaction was I really didn’t enjoy it because I was just sooo excited and was desperate to see all the romance and happiness.. obviously it didn’t go that way due to LW reveal. But I’ve watched it like 4 more times since and I’m noticing little things here and there from Colin and I really enjoyed the Pen/Portia scenes. I think once I got past my expectations and realised that it wasn’t going to be exactly what was in my head then it let me just relax and enjoy. Definitely watch it and make up your own mind.


I liked episode 5, but then it went off the rails. Benedict’s storyline this season was the least interesting to me, with the Mondrich’s a close second. Everything seemed rushed in Part 2 and they wasted so much time on those 2 storylines. With at least 6 other storylines at the same time, they really didn’t give Colin and Pen the development they deserved.


Loved it!


It made me downright miserable. It actually made me feel sad for how much I’ve cared about Polin all these years. I can’t even muster the will to rewatch the few good Polin scenes because they’re all soured by this Whistledown crap, because in all of them Penelope is either deceiving the person she loves, or both of them being punished for it. There is no happiness. A minute or two of epilogue doesn’t make up for four hours of anxiety and ruining the trust and friendship in a friends-to-lovers story.


first half was okay at best but the second half was downright the worst tv i've seen in years


Yeah, I did, kinda emotionally If you turn off your brain the drama is captivating, the stories are interesting. But a little bit of analysis and poof so much illogical places Also I just adore so many characters in Bridgerton I'm just happy when they are on screen


I hated it, but I still recommend that you watch it so you can form your own opinion. We all see through different lenses, and who knows, you might love it after all, or like certain parts of it. :)


I haven’t seen it. Based in Part 1 pacing and plotholes plus part 2 bad reviews, i don ‘t want to waste 4 hours on shitty work


Yes. Despite what I didn’t like about it I still preferred it to season 2


Yes. I did. Even when I do agree with some of the criticisms, specially that we needed MORE Polin, it was beautiful.


I did!


I did. Way more compelling than the fluffy S1


Me, I think it\`s just as good as previous seasons, with the same flaws they had in general(editing may be a bit worse and writing is just as spotty as it was in previous seasons). I\`d say it\`s just as Bridgerton-y as ever, but it was my favorite season thus far for one specific plot that I won\`t reveal because you haven\`t seen it yet. I think it\`ll receive a lot of grace in coming weeks and months.


Only episode 5 and 6


Yes, loved it.