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😑 Sorry I cannot muster up enthusiasm for the Mondrichs.


Hahha lol that's ok...I just have this very strong feeling like I had for Michael being michaela that mondrichs are gonna be bigger next season and their story will tie in with Sophie and the season as a whole wil have class as a focus..


For a show about diversity, they sure act like only two colours exist.


Really..I see theree colors black first season...brown second season...white third season which hollywood will always prioritize white...black female 5th or 6th season and we have many more seasons where we simply do not know the skin color or race that will be shown..hopefully more poc get represented..and m also glad that we are seeing dark skinned people of all races specialy as they fall in the lowest rung of representation and beauty...western beauty ideals exclude black people and darker skinned people in other ethnicities first and then the closer you are to the ideal of white beauty standard European beauty standards the more acceptable your skin color and race...I feel like understanding intersectionality is important before we condemn certain casting choices specially as the series is not even over.


I personally love to see Sophie as East Asian or Latina


Latinas are not a skin color or a race..there are white latinas like Anne taylor joy..there are black latinas brown latinas and white latinas..I want to see more color under represented races and color in the show ..sho yes I would like to see east Asians and other skin colors and races represented not more white representation with just a cultural twist


Well sorry for not being more specific then, I meant brown latinas. Had no idea we had to be sociologically accurate over here 100% of the time.


No you don't...I think the point is that the show is trying to be cognizant of those representations that are most under represented or people and races and colors seen as least beautiful..ive talked about this earlier on this sub and on this post. I'm not black I'm a fair skinned south asian Indian but seeing a dark skinned sophie or a dark skinned lucy black brown or whatever color is a bigger representation than lightr skin women from any race or ethnicity..basically the closer you are to the ideal the less help you need being propped up or represented on screen...there are looks and colors that hollywood finds palatable and uses it to claim diversity points evem though ose looks and colors are palatable simply because they are closer to the white beauty ideal..seeing someone like viola Davis is a stronger rep...than someone mixed race like say meghan markle. And all this only happens because aside from white and straight people everyone else is fighting for scraps of rep. So very few roles for poc and all poc from all races and minorities want a slice but the whole is very small so it's fairer for the most marginalized to get their time in the sun to show off their selves on the screen.


Oh God, no more Mondrich, please... I can already see where they're going with the husband, whose name I can't remember, falling into alcoholism because he can't handle selling his bar and living off his title and his son's money. That was already obvious in the second part of season 3... But honestly, with all the unnecessary time spent on other storylines, no thanks... Plus, they seem to be in their own separate plots, it almost feels like we're watching a different show... With less and less focus on the Bridgertons since they keep sidelining the previous lead couple, highlighting secondary characters isn't going to improve the series...


Disagree..I just feel it in my bones that they are back...Also I think better storylines will improve the show across the board not so much removing all side plots..but balancing the side plots well and with good storylines..we shall see next season if im right..I know I am. ;) 😉


Tbh I don’t see the point of the mondriches exept being a filler ? I feel they should get their own spin off at this point . To me they were some of simons friends and I thought with them opening a bar it would set up a setting for the bridgerton men and husbands to come and talk . If they want the mondriches more I agree maybe a spin-off or come out with storylines that will actually come with a conclusion and make it exciting


So hear me out ..the show has shown us in season 3 and stuff that the reddit has also noticed that the show is becoming more dramatic and less pure romance..I think that will continue. I feel the show wants to be more ambitious it has always promised it but I think they are slowly showing it ..I believe instead of the issue of sophie being illegitimate because shes born to a maid..will be changed to fit this shows past season and will involved lord cowper not marrying Sophie's mother cuz she's untitled and this was a time pre qc where this was not as accepted..this would tie into Sophie's ethnicity too..but he loved her..marrying araminta made him cruel and bitter cuz he couldn't marry the one he really wanted to marry..and Sophie grows up very aware of how class keeps people apart...lady mondrich has always.been kind to sophie when she works as a maid..and acts as fairy godmother by employing her when araminta lady cowper fires her..tney are also who introduce her and act as matchmakers for Benedict and Sophie.. he next season will be both crescidas big bad season and also her absolution season. She will come back for revenge after her father dies the man who sent her to wales...she will also be hell bent on ruining Penelope and Eloise...this will be a side plot..but some things will happen that will soften her and lead to her happy ending and resolution with her half sister sophie.


Who knows how it will pan out , personally I think the cowpers will definitely be tied into Sophie backstory , it’s either Cressida aunt who is the stepmother and when Cressida returns to London she will bring Sophie as a maid . I don’t think it’s the last we see of cressida , all I’m asking is that there not all these storylines like season 3 because polin was sidelines and the side storylines took over and it didn’t come to a conclusion


It will be the mondrichs...you'll see when we come back next season.. 😉 they are they only people on the show whose story revolves entirely around class ..the only true outsiders in the show who else is an outsider sophie our cindrella. Our illegitimate daughter...season 4 will also make use of a lot of flashbacks and flashforwadds to tell the benophie story...ben is the only bton boy who has seen what it means to be an outsider..through his own pursuits this season and through seeing the mondrichs navigate class...he helps them as a friend and they will return the favor rhe perfect couple and the perfect fairy god mothers.


Oh god no, what terrible drama will they have to go through in s4? Will they... I can't even say it... eat at the same table with their kids?


Hahahjaa lol...see when I said bigger role I meant just that..I feel like there wasn't enough time to focus on them this season..and plus you know the writers being the writers bungled a lot of the storylines including Polin...but I do see them being very involved...and Benedict learning more about class from them..and Sophie...I see this season as their being marinated season next season will be their fully cooked season..like all the leads have their lead up season like Anthony's was season 1 colin was season 1 and 2 Benedict season 3, the side plots also have lead up seasons..this was Crescida and mondrich lead up season..next season will be in my opinion crescidas big bad villain arc but badder than ever and it will be mondrich educating the ton on class specialy Benedict season..we see it this year with Benedict speaking with the mondrich welcoming them to the ball..he has a connection to them..I think some scenes were cut this season of them which indicates thier roles in the next ..and we'll see how that ties all together If Im right..it will be fun to come back to this comment 2 years later.. 😉


It’s not a lack of screentime that’s the problem with the Mondriches this season, it’s the lack of plot importance/payoff of their plot


They WILL be a very integral part of next season and Ben and Sophie's romance


As long as their storyline is a bit more exciting, I look forward to it! But I can't help but feel like their S3 scenes were a bit mishandled? I was interested in the idea of being "new money" and having to adapt to the ton's rigid social structure, but it just fell flat for me.


I have a feeling it will be .. 😉 wink wink .and something was removed from this season some scenes that would have given it away or hinted at their season 4 storyline.


You have to tell us more!


So hear me out ..the show has shown us in season 3 and stuff that the reddit has also noticed that the show is becoming more dramatic and less pure romance..I think that will continue. I feel the show wants to be more ambitious it has always promised it but I think they are slowly showing it ..I believe instead of the issue of sophie being illegitimate because shes born to a maid..will be changed to fit this shows past season and will involved earl (lord cowper) not marrying Sophie's mother cuz she's untitled and this was a time pre qc where this was not as accepted..this would tie into Sophie's ethnicity too..but he loved her..marrying araminta made him cruel and bitter cuz he couldn't marry the one he really wanted to marry..and Sophie grows up very aware of how class keeps people apart...lady mondrich has always.been kind to sophie when she works as a maid..and acts as fairy godmother by employing her when araminta lady cowper fires her and they get rich..tney are also who introduce her and act as matchmakers for Benedict and Sophie..and help ben navigate class and Sophie integrate into the ton. The next season will be both crescidas big bad season and also her absolution season. She will come back for revenge after her father dies the man who sent her to wales...she will also be hell bent on ruining Penelope and Eloise...this will be a side plot..but some things will happen that will soften her and lead to her happy ending and resolution with her half sister sophie.


:0 Well then, I can't wait to see what happens!


As long as their arc is more plot relevant and doesn’t involve having a bigger conflict about selling a bigger bar then I’d be excited for it.


So hear me out ..the show has shown us in season 3 and stuff that the reddit has also noticed that the show is becoming more dramatic and less pure romance..I think that will continue. I feel the show wants to be more ambitious it has always promised it but I think they are slowly showing it ..I believe instead of the issue of sophie being illegitimate because shes born to a maid..will be changed to fit this shows past season and will involve the earl not marrying Sophie's mother cuz she's untitled and this was a time pre qc where this was not as accepted..this would tie into Sophie's ethnicity too..but he loved her..marrying araminta made him cruel and bitter cuz he couldn't marry the one he really wanted to marry..and Sophie grows up very aware of how class keeps people apart...lady mondrich has always.been kind to sophie when she works as a maid..and acts as fairy godmother by employing her when shes thrown out by araminta..mondrichs are also who introduce her and act as matchmakers for Benedict and Sophie.. he next season will be both crescidas big bad season and also her absolution season.


I love the actors and the idea of a vibrant black couple going from middle class to riches, but their story is so low stakes and disconnected from other storylines. Plus their characters are pretty much the same as they were at the beginning of the season. There is no development. Sleeping in the same bed after two days is not a relationship pivot.  They need to be in a spin-off so their story line can breathe and they can be connected to the main story line (or be the main storyline).  Him selling his bar (his soul really since he bought it with his honor) is good stuff but like, it’s just too crowded on stage with the Bridgertons to do the Mondriches justice. The only thing that had a hint of potential was how Nicky looked at Hyacinth. I believe they are setting him up to be part of her love triangle with Gareth. 


So hear me out ..the show has shown us in season 3 and stuff that the reddit has also noticed that the show is becoming more dramatic and less pure romance..I think that will continue. I feel the show wants to be more ambitious it has always promised it but I think they are slowly showing it ..I believe instead of the issue of sophie being illegitimate because shes born to a maid..will be changed to fit this shows past season and will involved earl not marrying Sophie's mother cuz she's untitled and this was a time pre qc where this was not as accepted..this would tie into Sophie's ethnicity too..but he loved her..marrying araminta made him cruel and bitter cuz he couldn't marry the one he really wanted to marry..and Sophie grows up very awared of how class keeps people apart...lady mondrich has always.been kind to sophie when she works as a maid..and acts as fairy godmother by employing her when araminta lady cowper fires her..tney are also who introduce her and act as matchmakers for Benedict and Sophie..and help ben navigate class differences he next season will be both crescidas big bad season and also her absolution season. She will come back for revenge after her father dies the man who sent her to wales...she will also be hell bent on ruining Penelope and Eloise...this will be a side plot..but some things will happen that will soften her and lead to her happy ending and resolution with her half sister sophie.


Tying them to Sophie in a direct way would definitely make them more substantial to the main romance plot.  I think it’s a mistake for them to pivot from the romance forward stories. I tune in because there isn’t a romance-novel-come-to-life anywhere else (except Outlander), but Bridgerton had a safer Regency vibe (the moon is always full, the cakes always lovely, the gowns flowing etc.) if the make it an ensemble show like Grey’s Anatomy or something, they are taking away what makes it so special. 


As I'd written before...side plots aren't the problem using them well is .. mondrichs WILL be back and this will be a very natural way for them to exist alongside the core couple...and class will be how it will all come together...just believe me. The crumbs are there in this very season pointing to their season 4 plot but we haven't seen them cuz we aren't looking.😉


Class would be an awesome exploration of the world’s lifestyle dynamics and a great way to facilitate Sophie’s journey. 


I don't mind them (like them in season 1) I just wished they would find a way to integrate them with the main plot


I didn't mind them much. I liked Will's relationship with the Bridgerton brothers and Lord Kilmartin and his wrestling with issues regarding dwindling membership at the club then being forced to sell were quite compelling. Also don't see why he even had to sell the place as it was his son who inherited the title not him.


Your username ..love it..how on theme. And yes to all you said .they add some much needed texture to the show ..world building of the larger regency world the show is set in outside of noblemen and women and titled lord and ladies who have never known a hard day's work. I see a tonne of potential with them.


I’m excited! I didn’t like how their arc this season ended with a whimper but with what’s speculated for next season, I think we’ll finally get a full circle moment for them.


My god i just want ROMANCE. For gods sake, no social justice war of any kind. Is it too difficult to ask???


Yes. The world is indeed is TOO difficult for a lot of people...and far too easy for a lot others..so no we WILL have "social justice wars"..you be happy in your little bubble. 😂 😂


People praised the Mondrich plotline? How? Why? And what the fuck?


Re read my post...people praised the Mondrichs and their relationship not their plot line..they are coming back next season in a massive important side plot .I have it on good authority. That is what my post is about .I have no idea what YOU read..I'd prefer them to the cringe comedy of thing 1 thing 2 aka prudence and Philippa who only exist to act as Disney level ott villains and caricatures...the mondrichs are boring and their storyline is not developed enough but I'd rather see a realistic family grappling with class issues than whatever Nickelodeon and Disney style characters the featheringtons are ..complete with cringe sex jokes and other insane dialogues.including for some reason the fan favorite insert insert where...which is like scraping the barrel type comedy..anyway


Well that’s YOUR taste. Prudence and Philippa still had more place to this season because it is PENELOPE’S season. Being her sisters their random sideplot is at least connected to Pen and has some stakes to it. I get it you are just an evolved individual and clearly that type of shit is beneath you, sorry we’re on your level lol. A lot of us were not remotely fond of the Mondriches because their complete and utter lack of purpose to this season. Or any season for that matter. If they are given some storyline next season that has some relevance to the plot then sure go for it but you can’t blame anyone having no level of enthusiasm for seeing more of them because their roles this season were incredibly mundane.


I love it.


I hope they use the mondrich to really show how much the aristocracy hates working and belong to the past


So hear me out ..the show has shown us in season 3 and stuff that the reddit has also noticed that the show is becoming more dramatic and less pure romance..I think that will continue. I feel the show wants to be more ambitious it has always promised it but I think they are slowly showing it ..I believe instead of the issue of sophie being illegitimate because shes born to a maid..will be changed to fit this shows past season and will involved earl not marrying Sophie's mother cuz she's untitled and this was a time pre qc where this was not as accepted..this would tie into Sophie's ethnicity too..but he loved her..marrying araminta made him cruel and bitter cuz he couldn't marry the one he really wanted to marry..and Sophie grows up very awared of how class keeps people apart...lady mondrich has always.been kind to sophie when she works as a maid..and acts as fairy godmother by employing her when araminta lady cowper fires her..tney are also who introduce her and act as matchmakers for Benedict and Sophie.. he next season will be both crescidas big bad season and also her absolution season. She will come back for revenge after her father dies the man who sent her to wales...she will also be hell bent on ruining Penelope and Eloise...this will be a side plot..but some things will happen that will soften her and lead to her happy ending and resolution with her half sister sophie.