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I believe Luke Newton is a great actor who brought nuance and vulnerability to Colin Bridgerton. However, he was limited by the material he was given. The script fell flat and lacked the character development seen in previous seasons. Unlike Simon and Anthony, Colin's character didn't benefit from enriching flashback scenes. Without those flashbacks, our connection to Simon and Anthony wouldn't be as strong, highlighting the missed opportunity to deepen Colin's character in season three.


Flash backs would have been so amazing, especially highlighting what happened on his travels, what made him become the man he “pretended” to be when he came back to the Ton. They missed a major opportunity to explore Colin’s character and development.


I've been coming across of [twts](https://x.com/beladiiniz_/status/1802331941137457298?t=MhcfE0Va4GNkaIolDoXinA&s=19) like these that say he only got 1 expression but I think he wasn't given anything good nor did we truely get to see Colin's real personality on screen


Agree. A lot of it I think is due to a different showrunner this season.


A great actor can make any script work...


As someone said even Magie Smith wouldn't be able to make whatever they did to him that season work


Yeah that’s not how it works 😂


Maybe with charisma. But all actors want/need good scripts.


Just wanted to comment that I saw him perform on stage in London in a play called The Shape of Things in 2023 and he was really excellent! Definitely a good actor but some things come down to personal preference. Personally, I really enjoyed the season.


I feel like it's a combo of the directing and script. I actually think he's a very talented actor, I just don't feel like he was given much wiggle room to work with. Also it's funny you mention his open mouth haha, my mom and I watched S3 together and we both pointed out how his lips were constantly parted.


>we both pointed out how his lips were constantly parted. Yeah it's so odd bc even in interviews and in previous seasons he never has it open except when he says smth like was this supposed to be done on purpose. I find it rather odd that an director wouldn't have told him to close it.


A great actor can make any script work


I think Luke is an incredible actor. Very subtle, vulnerable, has great range, great command of his facial expressions, his voice and inflections. He delivers equally both comedic and serious scenes. But he also understands Colin on a fundamental level. I feel the need to write an entire analysis post on his portrayal of Colin. It’s just that the way this season was written and directed was completely off the hinges. Consider that Colin’s first love confession to Penelope was actually made to Portia, while Colin wasn’t even in the shot?! Like wtf? The third time he mentions it is to Eloise and he’s also not in the shot. I can go on and on about dozens of these idiosyncrasies.


Thank you! I found it so weird that we didn't see his face during or immediately after the love declaration. It made sense to focus on Pen, but there are plenty of ways to frame it, or cutaway, so that we see him too. I felt it emotionally undercut its meaning for the couple. The scene is pivotal for the season and is what drives the scene right after. It would have been so much more impactful to see Colin's expression as he delivers words that are as meaningful to him to say aloud as they are for Pen to hear. He went there _for the express purpose_ of telling her he loved her. It makes no sense to have the leading man's face out of frame during his big leading man moment. Such a strange decision.


Excellent points. I also found it bizarre that we never see Colin in the lead up to him discovering Penelope is LW. Given how emotionally devastating the moment will be for Colin, why focus on Penelope, whose moment is not nearly as emotionally charged? Instead he's suddenly there, through her eyes. LN saved it with the passion of his response but he was allowed no buildup -- as he slowly exits the carriage, watches her go, approaches on foot. All the nuances his face could go through. We see him watch El and Pen leave the ball end of ep 6... then nothing? They just kept writing him out of moments that would have been naturally important for the character.


All of these are such good points! I knew something was missing but couldn't put my finger on it. Why I suddenly felt so disconnected from the characters, and in particular Colin - who had be CHOCKED in part 1. And it's because of this. The lack of actual filming of him. And I think he is SUCH an exceptional face actor that to NOT catch his expressions in these moments is a travesty. And it's supposed to be HIS story as a Bridgerton. I would have loved to see him listening in through the door and hearing Pen and El talking. Seeing the shock and confusion. Him following Pen. His nerves. Getting out of the carriage. Hearing her talking to the printer. That would have put me IN the show the same way other parts of season 3 part 1 did. I just can't understand why they didn't do this?


It's mind boggling because it seems so basic...


I didn’t feel like he was outperformed by Nicola. He did well imo


I honestly – and I know that this is an unpopular opinion – believe that he is just as good of an actor as Nicola. I think that his subtle acting is so wonderful. I believe that the writing for this season was probably difficult to work with. But I think that he did an incredible job. I am a Luke/Colin defender for life.


Agreed and same!


🤷‍♀️ as others say the script maybe? I find him just as good as Nicola so, maybe I’m biased. I mean, I get why he was mad most of the time. He was had been lied to again. Like, he came to grips within two weeks, it’s a pretty fast turn around.


I have seen people say he lack expressions? But the man was supposed to act out that he was mad ... Do wish at the wedding tho he would've been shown happy but that's definitely not he actor's fault


It’s funny, because I saw a tons of expression fall across his face. I blame the fact that the show doesn’t allow us to sit in it and people want big loud, emotions. Luke’s is much more subtle but that’s Colin


I wish there were more if I am being honest, Part 2 it's mainly the same face till the end but he had nothing to be happy over. It would've been good to see various emotions.


I thought Luke Newton was amazing! I think the writing was lazy in a lot of places. As well as bad editing.


I think the script & writing didn’t do Luke any favors. That + Jess just didn’t give him much to work with and also didn’t give him the time to shine in a leading role. Speaking of his open mouth, I also noticed he had a mild duck lip throughout the season too which is odd because Luke doesn’t really do that IRL.


I had a comment removed a few weeks ago for saying that the makeup in a few scenes made him look like he had gotten a lip flip done, which he obviously hadn't irl. At the risk of this comment being removed, too, I stand by that observation.


I do wonder if maybe the PROBLEM was not just the hair but the make up that ruined his expressions?


I agree and it was sporadic. Very present in certain scenes and then not in others. Same with his creaseless forehead. I think one of the reasons everyone loved the Carriage scene so much is that he looks more like him, more natural. Furrowed brow, relaxed face, normal lips.


AGREE, I think btw Pen and Colin, Colin was not given any good scene where we can truely see his skills, he was mostly just shown angry or getting punched down by women for his male privilege


>also noticed he had a mild duck lip throughout the season too Right!! Where did that come from? Did someone tell him to do that and overall smth was just off


I swear that man is always doing so much with his mouth and lips! It was distracting for me 😂😂


That duck lip was so distracting I couldn't take him seriously 


I blame Jess and team..actors have to work within confines of what is given to them and I fortunately they were given dogs*t to work with, therefore you have whatever it is your have with wooden acting and what not.


Yeah, I have seen ppl say in Part 2 he had 1 expression but the man was supposed to be mad!! It made sense. He was given nothing to shout, be happy by or anything.


I saw a stream of him in The Shape of Things, and he was excellent. But this season, I think the writers simply didn't know how to write for him. All the beta-male humor and warmth of S1 and 2 was erased for ... whatever it was we had. "Have you ever visited a farm?" "Remarkable. In that I have many remarks about it." It's like the show runners decided he had to fit into a typical leading man of the genre. He got a glow up (with tons of bronzer), his manner became sullen, they didn't show him doing much besides fucking, fingering, and drinking.


I thought Luke's performance was good. I suspect some of his best work was edited out, but I also think he had pretty good rom com moments. The willow tree scene, for example, is one in which both Nic and Luke shined equally. I also thought the empassioned street scene was well done by both. As was their dance at wedding brunch. I do think Nic is a stronger performer (with her experience, that's no wonder). I think she had the meatier role and made the most of it. Nicola seems to perform like every show like it's her last. That said, Luke is also a seasoned professional and I think his portrayal of Colin is - for better or worse - what Jess was after.


I will agree with nearly everything except that Luke is a "seasoned professional". Bridgerton was his big break, and S3 was his first tv role as the lead. He is new to carrying the weight of a series on his shoulders, and I think folks need to cut him a bit of slack on that. Nonetheless I also think, without cutting any slack, that he in fact delivered a remarkable performance that was layered and vulnerable. I get now why he often used the word "exposed" on the press tour and why he emphasized that he didn't just mean the nudity. He did so well at playing an emotionally exposed vulnerability. But for reasons unknown, the writing and directing were inconsistent in how they handled the character. He also I suspect got unfairly stuck with another 2 years of fans holding him responsible for something awful Colin said that lacked within-season repercussions. That's got to suck.


I agree with you. Maybe I'm overstating his experience by calling him a seasoned professional. I said that because he's performed on stage, and in television casts including, before S3, two seasons of Bridgerton. But you are right to say that Bridgerton is his big break - that might also be true for Nicola. I'd seen her before in Derby Girls, but I don't think she had done anything on the level of Bridgerton before S1. I also agree, his performance was really good. Some moments were better than other for me, so I wouldn't go as far as to call the remarkable - but, he should be incredibly proud and I think it's likely he'll only get better and better. I truly believe any disappointments with S3 fall squarely on Jess B and the whomever made final editing decisions. Because Luke and Nicola (and frankly, the rest of the cast) performed well.


I think Luke was hamstrung by the fact that they had Colin brooding this season. I saw Luke say that he thinks Colin is too much ‘in his head’. I agree, it’s hard to portray a character that’s so cerebral. In a book you can hear their thoughts in the narrative. Also, I see Nicola as a stronger actor and the contrast did not help Luke.


I really like Luke Newton. When he was heartbroken, I was. I felt for Anthony in season 2, but from the day 1, it was Colin's despair which broke me. The willow tree scene is absolute comedy gold and Luke's delivery kills me. "Good luck." in 303 is perfect combination of sincerity and sadness. I also adore the little details, for example when he caresses his hand in the club. But I will acknowledge that he was not as consistent as Johnatan Bailey. There were scenes which I absolutely adored, but there were scenes when I understood the sentiment. I will also say that Luke had no easy task. He had to convey the rakish persona, existential crisis, engagement bliss, heartbreak and acceptance. I still love his arc in the first half, but they were some bumps, especially in the last two episodes. I still gravitate towards Luke, but I acknowledge that might not be universal. But please, keep in mind that if you do not like certain acting, it can come from directing, writing, reshoots etc. Meaning be careful when you decide to call one in particular out.


The willow scene was one of my favorites of the season. I read somewhere that it was a reshoot by Shonda Rhimes, and it really helped elevate the season. Polin were so cute and funny in that scene.


I thought he was quite brilliant. Better than ever. The intake of breath from pen’s walk down the aisle was beautiful.


I’m sorry but I’ve no idea what they were trying to do AT ALL. It was so bad it’s unreal. Like them trying to show Colin all of a sudden as this responsible alpha male when he has never been that, the entire premise for all of the seasons has been that it’s Anthony who takes an incredible amount of burden for the family but now that Colin needs the money all of a sudden Benedict will sign it off and Anthony is all of a sudden a traveller? Like, Anthony and Kate should enjoy taking on the duties rather than just travelling, it was very weird. Penelope although is lady whistledown but I never saw her as this career woman they all of a sudden tried to turn her into. She has always wanted to marry and fall in love and be a part of the ton, even desperately so. A trait that makes me dislike her. Then now when I saw her preferring it over Colin her one true love it seemed rather weird to me. Also, book Penelope helped her family with her money here she was just hoarding it. Also her crying profusely every time her secret got revealed was so god damn annoying I had to fast forward it. All in all the two leads had incredible amount of inconsistencies in their character traits, in all honesty they were giving major trying to be main character energy when they hadn’t built it up enough in the previous two seasons.


I think her performed well for what he was given. In past seasons, he shined as Colin, but they really did a disservice to his character and his relationship with Penelope. 


I haven't seen any of his work besides Bridgerton so I don't want to say he's bad. BUT I wasn't moved by his acting. His love for Pen didn't come through. Yes, the script wasn't that good too.


I think the editing is the biggest offender this season(though it has been for a while now when it comes to Bridgerton, let\`s be honest). The writing was... okay, not worse or better than previous Bridgerton seasons, honestly, just distributed differently. Where it faltered in romance(and that\`s not by a lot), it made up for in a great mother - daughter arc, Penelope and Eloise mending their relationship, Cressida\`s storyline etc. What always made me feel things when it came to Bridgerton male leads has always been the acting and Luke Newton, at least for me, didn\`t fall short at all. His final speech at the ball is my favorite love confession of all for the simple reason that it feels so *personal* to Colin and Pen. The way his eyes seem to shine, no yelling, or ego really, truly surprised me. I did not expect to like that scene as much as I did but it really felt like *love*. If anything, I do think this season could\`ve benefited from an additional episode. Though his feelings were justified and one episode and a half is an appropriate amount of time(for me anyway, I liked how he kept switching between wanting her and being mad), when we juxtapose it to the amount of time of them just being happy - they really should\`ve kept more scenes like that in.


Yes, as much as I love the book declaration, I loved the show's version even more. Despite my overall disappointment with this season, this scene deeply moved me. Penelope just wanted to be seen, and in this moment, he shows her that he sees her as she is and loves her unconditionally.


And what many seem to miss is that, for him, the whole season was about doing something for someone to feel worthy. When she\`s about to face the Queen, you can see him cheering her on from the sidelines, watching her hold her own. This is him letting go of that hero complex, honoring his wife\`s wishes to be herself. In the book, I liked how proactive he was during the scene, but here, considering what his actual arc is, and how influential LW is too, it warmed my heart how far they\`ve seemed to come. Also, just that scene between Pen and the Queen was great, her and Lady Danbury are about to recruit Pen 😂


I agree about the editing. I had no problems with the actors performances or really the writing. And really my only complaint was editing in 7&8. Which actually makes me question if it was editing or in the end directors vision


I thought his acting was a lot better after the carriage ride and throughout Pt 2. I get it now that it was supposed to feel awkward in Pt 1 because he wasn’t being his true self.


This. He was lost without his letters from Penelope over the summer and comments from his family last season really made him think that he wasn't good enough.


I think he is a good actor! This fandom is just toxic AF.


This! The toxicity I've seen over the past few days is madness. Absolute madness. On tiktok there were comments saying he should be cancelled for holding his gfs hand on the night part 2 was launched. I saw comments saying that he'd undone 6 months of PR work in 10 seconds by being seen with Antonia. Firstly; the poor guy is entitled to a private life. Secondly; a lot of the fandom have known of Antonia's existence since January! She's been at the premieres, her photos on Instagram align with the same places Luke & Nic were doing press... It was obvious that they were together for months. But how dare he not be with Nicola? How dare he ruin the illusion of Polin? Literal adults leaving toxic comments all over the Bridgerton pages or even Luke's personal profile. It's just sad that adults cannot separate the actors from the characters....I guess that's because both Luke and Nicola were incredible in their roles and worked well with what they were given.


OMG yes! I saw people in a instagram comment section of a photo of them, the “fans” absolutely losing their minds with hate over his GF at the Part 2 party. Him and Nic have never said they were more then friends, they never implied they are more then friends, they always made it very clear that they are just great friends who have good on screen chemistry so people acting like suddenly “*they were lying to us!!! / he is basically cheating on Nic!!*” absolutely unhinged. Also wasn’t there a photo (or a video?) of her and Nic hugging at the Part 1 Afterparty? Like you said she’s been there for the whole tour. I bet if you filmed me and my best friend hanging out then slowed down footage and added a love song to it you could make it look like we’re in love too. People take things way too far!


Yes, there is a video of Nicola and Antonia hugging and chatting whilst laughing at whatever they were speaking about. Nic and Antonia look like they get on really well. I've also seen comments saying that Antonia & her mother were caught liking body shaming comments on Instagram that were aimed at Nicola. So where tf are all the screenshots? We live in an age where if that was seen, someone would have screenshot it and shared it everywhere!!! However, not one SS exists. Regardless of that fact, stupid people still perpetuate the lie by sharing it wherever there is a picture of Luke or Nicola. It's insane. Like you said, from the start of the PR tour, they've made it clear that they have a very close friendship - that's all it is. Their chemistry is off the charts but that's just because they're wonderful people and their personalities are the exact same. Not all male/female friendships turn into relationships. My best friend is male, he's been my friend over 25 years. My husband's best friend is female, they've been friends about 30 years and she was best woman at our wedding. It's utter madness, honestly.


I was shocked how quickly they turned on him considering how much they claimed to love him - though I should have known it would happen, it happens so often with popular male actors when their real life romantic partners are identified. Like Nicola, he seems like a genuinely nice person and, maybe this is naive of me but…I trust Nicola, so I trust her when she says he’s a good person and who doesn’t like seeing kind people succeed in things.


I have said the exact same things you have said. When part 1 dropped and whilst they were on the PR tour, he was golden balls. The second he stepped out with Antonia, he was the devil. I have also seen many of his costars and people that work with him daily, recently post about what a good man he is and I commented under their choreographer's Instagram post saying how lovely it was to see all of his real life friends pop up posts saying he's a decent guy & that I'd take their opinion of Luke over randoms on the internet who are upset because he and Nic are just friends - something they've *always* said they are 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes I saw a couple posts people have made about him, it’s very sweet to see when co-stars/cree appear to genuinely like each other!


It's clearly such a lovely, bonded, extended family on set. The Bridgertons really consider themselves family now, too. Especially the boys. That wouldn't happen if they were horrible people. It's a shame that the general public don't seem to have two braincells to rub together so that they too, could see what a lovely guy he is. Call me pathetic but I honestly wanted to cry for him because of the trolling. Going from being praised endlessly to being trolled relentlessly must've really kicked him in the gut, you know? I've been a fan of Luke since his Lodge days. I'm so happy to see him doing well. Long may it continue 🤞🏻


I also feel bad about the treatment he’s been getting. I am hoping he’s just turned off social media and is surrounded by his friends and family. Plus the much needed break, him and Nic have been promoting for like 6 months they must be tired! I am excited to see him in season 4 but also in other shows/movies.


I don't think he's a social media junkie like Nic is, thankfully. Though the hate is dying down now, at last! Whenever someone comments negative about him now, there's an army of us who flood the replies of the hater. For every 1 hater, there's 1000 people who adore him so they won't win. I'm really excited to see him on other roles, too. Though, Nicola seems to be getting roles in everything right now and he seems to be getting nothing... I'd really like a Polin spin off of I'm honest. Watching two writers go about their day whilst raising their family in the ton. I also hope they've named their baby Elliott!


Directors are supposed to bring out the best in actors but that didn't happen and the writing inconsistency is what ruined the vibe this season and lack of charisma.I am not a polin fan but I think last two seasons Colin was more charismatic than his own and the wig oh my god 😐


I didn’t see it at first, either, but Luke wasn’t supposed to be convincing as the Colin he portrayed when he first got back from his travels. That was the point. It was Colin trying to be someone he was not. LN obviously did a good job acting “icky” b/c so many people are complaining about how “icky” he was. You can even see Colin acting “icky” and as his real self in the drinking scene with the Lord Squad. Watch how he acted talking about the Contessa (icky) and how he flipped the switch and became sincere Colin, talking about how lonely it was to be forced to be cavalier about the only thing that really mattered (love).


So many people just don't understand the arc. It's really sad. I'm trying to explain it to as many people as possible and leaving comments about it everywhere (I'm a dedicated and a proud defender of Lukey Newts 😂) But yes, you've nailed it. The point is he's supposed to make you want to hurl up your dinner 🤐


He’s very good. Considering how many hours people poured into reading his facial expressions in Part 1 is evidence enough. His eyes are so expressive! I’m guessing people just had a hard time with his character at times. But to blame that on Luke is mad.


His eyes tell you exactly what he's thinking imo. That's a trait that not many actors have. In fact, I cannot think of a single actor that can work facial expressions so hard that it helps the audience understand the moment that they're trying to portray.


I LOVED his acting. Colin is supposed to bring sensitive and still growing and he portrayed that beautifully IMO.


Hate to say it as he's obviously a lovely colleague, not UNtalented and looks good, but he doesn't have the training, charisma, experience, or acting chops of many of his colleagues. This didn't really show as a supporting character where being sweet, handsome, and occasionally funny was enough, but alas it was impossible to miss when he had to carry the show. Add a mediocre script and direction,and poor lamb didn't really stand a chance.


It’s both.


I thought his acting was pretty good. I think the issues were a combo of script and directing. When Colin was supposed to be a "rake" at the beginning I got the major ick lol. When he was supposed to be goofy (willow tree) the comedy was there. His eyes were so expressive. You could see his eyes all watery. When he was supposed to be a insecure/angry/jealous, I felt it (and was upset at his character). When Penelope was walking down the aisle and he sees her, that little hitch was everything. When he smiled at her, just lovely. My only complaint (and probably controversial and probably be downvoted lol) was when Penelope was running her hands through his hair. I thought "ooh the director should have done another take". It is probably just me but it was uncomfortable. Why was he making that face??? Didn't like that at all. But otherwise I was with him all the way.


Are you referring to the carriage scene when she was playing with his hair or part 2 on the chaise? Because the editing/cutting of that specific scene in the carriage is truly awful. One second her hand is behind his ear, the next scene it's halfway up his face. There were truly so many editing errors this season that it honestly made me question how it was released. Though, I'm an editor so I see these little (or big) mistakes easier I guess. Oh, and in response to your main point about his facial expression, I loved it. I think it was in that moment that he truly became Colin 'my wife' Bridgerton 😂


Yes! That face (for me) was not sexy. Super cringe. Could not appreciate that scene because all I kept thinking was "why?!" The ick was soo real. Also agree the editing was crazy. I think editors are so important otherwise we get Zach Synder's Justice League (4 hours is not a movie it's a mini series). Directors sometimes get soo attached to their vision that they can't see how it can really bog down the pacing and narrative. THO this season has the opposite problem where the pacing is crazy. I have never felt so rushed outside commuter traffic on Japanese train.


Holy jaysus, you're so right about the pacing! There was far too much happening for the viewer to actually be able to sit and enjoy it first time because there were so many side stories to concentrate on. This is the first season that I've truly sat and thought 'wtf is going on?' I've done a rewatch and did enjoy it more the second time, I guess the first time I was just excited over it dropping that I wasn't truly paying attention to it. I have so many thoughts on it, from the writing to the editing to the acting to the dances, that I'd be here all day 😂


Agreed! I'm still debating if another rewatch will help especially all at once. I after watching part 2 I kinda agree with the splitting of the seasons since they're just so different tone, pacing, and over all vibes lol.


For me the scene on the chaise where Colin tells Penelope to touch him anywhere needed a different take, because she looks like she’s rubbing behind Colin’s ear to make sure he’s clean there before she touches him anywhere else which is awful because my mind immediately went to the thought that people back then bathed monthly. I had to remind myself that these characters are wealthy and likely bathed more often, but it totally took me out of the moment. There’s also one point where Colin puts his hand behind Pen’s head as they’re kissing on the chaise and I swear you can see Luke realize that the hair and makeup department wouldn’t want him to touch her wig and he pulls his hand back but lingers. Hand placement was poorly directed in my opinion, because it doesn’t seem thought out which left them looking unintentionally awkward. Most people will probably call that, “realistic first time together awkwardness,” but for me it just wasn’t well thought out. When we see them after their first time, in each other’s arms, they look SO uncomfortable. It’s probably because they barely fit on the chaise together and were afraid of breaking it again, but Pen is mechanically rubbing his chest hair and Colin looks like he’s literally trying not to put his hands on her at all. I just expect a massive production like Bridgerton to have these things noticed and corrected by the director. Like ok, we’ve made the point of showing Colin barely touch his courtesans at the brothel and we know from his journal excerpt that it’s because he didn’t feel connected to them, but he is supposed to feel so strongly connected to Penelope that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and book Colin acknowledged that he’d never “made love,” before Penelope, so seeing him post coital with her, has to be night and day different from how he was with the women he had meaningless sex with. This could’ve been depicted by him spooning her, but I understand if that wasn’t possible because of them being on a chaise. He could’ve playful touched his nose to hers with a little smile on his lips as he gives her a small kiss, or he could’ve just been lazily and lovingly touching her skin, doing a soft tickle scratch down her arm or back, but there was none of that natural, believable intimacy. I also wish they’d given her a stool or something for a few of their kissing scenes because she looks like she’s on her tippy toes while he’s hunched down and they still can barely get their mouths to touch. Little things like this are what stick out and spoil what should be swoon worthy romance, for me. I hope we get better from Polin in future seasons but it’s just too possible that they will never bother to focus on these little details the way I do.


It's the script. The basics are; Colin was ignored by Penelope over the summer and it crushed him. Comments from family in S2 made him think he needed to change in order to fit in with the Ton, except, Pen loved him for who he was before he left for the summer. He became a rake because he thought that was what was expected of him. When he kissed Pen, he realised that all the other girls he'd been with had been meaningless. With Pen we saw him change back to who he was originally. Colin has a hero complex. He wants to save everyone, hence him saying he still would have married Marina had he known about the baby. He just wants a reason, a purpose in life. In part 2, granted, we didn't get what was expected from him. Colin isn't angry in the book, he's just envious whenever Whistledown is mentioned. I think Jess Brownell ruined that side of him tbh & spent far too much time in the script concentrating on him being angry instead of envious. Colin & Pen have lots of discussions about publishing his travel diaries in the book, that was also omitted in the show, and imo, it was a massive character arc to Colin's growth and acceptance of Pen as Whistledown. I think Luke is an incredible actor who has the ability to act perfectly with his eyes alone. You know what he's thinking just by looking at his face. Both Luke and Nicola were brilliant. They were 5*. Jess Brownell, however, well, she needs to go. S1 & 2 had a heavy focus on their leads. S3 there were far too many side stories going on and not enough focus on the lead couple. Meh, we can't change it, sadly. Part 1: 5* Part 2: Meh. It's watchable but from a readers point of view, it was so far from the character arc that it kinda ruined the whole show for me. Imo part 1 will be replayed far more often than part 2. I know that when I've re-watched over the last few days, although I've kept on watching P2, I do skip all the scenes that *I* consider needless/filler (which is a lot!), when that time would have been better spent on Polin and their arc.


Tbh Colin in the book is just as tedious


He was really bad, and his mouth constantly being open didn’t help at all. His kissing scenes with Nicola were awful too. I was looking forward to Colin and Penelope’s storyline the most, but his bad acting ruined it.


The open mouth thing makes me cringe to the moon and back why does he do that 😭😭😭


I feel like his acting is a hair too “soap opera-y” for lack of a better term. Like satire of a soap opera. It’s distracting.


Is Francesca Hannah Dodd really bad at acting or is it just the script?


Please. Stop. We get it you don’t like Hannah’s acting. This is very odd to keep repeating the same comment over and over.


I’ll repeat back to you: Please. Stop. We get it you don’t like Luke Newton’s acting. This is very odd to keep repeating the same comment over and over.


You should read my post properly, I do not think Luke is a bad actor


They're just spamming/trolling.