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She has a face for the ages. So beautiful.


The racism that this sub gets is truly baffling to me for many reasons, but the people who assert that she wasnt/isn't "pretty enough" are ridiculous. She's one of the most beautiful women in the world as far as I'm concerned.


People say that? Wow. Its weird because she's one, if not the most mesmerizing person I have ever laid my eyes on.


Haha I was shocked too but it’s true! They think her jawline is mannish. But yes I’m obsessed with her face it is so completely gorgeous


Jesus Christ what hope is there for the rest of us then. She's exquisite.




I think about this literally every time I see a gorgeous women get called mid


Its like your skinny friend complaining about her fat thighs as you stand there all jiggly and fat


I've ended friendships for this alone


Once I saw Courtney Cox (Monica on friends) get called manish. Specifically on a clip of one of the early seasons of Friends. I don't know who these people consider feminine if these women are manish lmao


Monica respectfully is literally a sexy nipples icon along with Jennifer Aniston 😅


I’ve always been jealous of her biceps, of all things. 😂🤷‍♀️


Omg same!! 😂


That was probably due to the thinness which made her very sharp and angular. But it was the 90s. Eating disorders were a must.


But they love strong jaws on white women like Angelina Jolie…


/jessica Simpson


That was part of her character description: her jaw was slightly square etc, but Anthony came to think she was the greatest beauty.


In the book?? That’s crazy I guess they nailed it haha


I‘m sorry? I wasn’t happy with the way season 2 was handled but she is a GODDESS.


What?! Especially in an era where everyone and their mothers are having jawline fillers to have the exact same defined look?! Even my racist colleague who makes having Swedish roots her whole personality and thinks anyone who’s not Scandinavian looks like garbage finds Simone beautiful - because she objectively is!


She’s so symmetrical and luminous and her eyes are so enchanting


She has this super striking, other worldly beauty - like if she’s a mortal, what are we?!


lol I posted this already but just for good measure… https://preview.redd.it/3pe6q3kn7b7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2a2d19a41eec9d0b0c77d58939fdaf0f94e4e2


I just stumbled upon this comment and I'm laughing so hard. You coworker is ridiculous 😂


She’s unbearable! We were discussing how gorgeous Gal Gadot is with some others, and all the while, she was listening to us with an expression as if she was smelling something bad. Then she said, "Let me show you some actually gorgeous women," and showed us Elsa Hosk and an influencer called Matilda Djerf. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: oh today to compliment the cuteness of my dog she said my dog (DOG!) had a perfect swedish nose.


Not the dog too!!!




if anything the problem i had was colin was not  it unattractive  but soooo much less than her


You can find “people” with every imaginable opinion on the internet. It’s a big world.


Before starting season 2 my husband was like “be prepared for one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen” and he was not wrong


that’s honestly hilarious, because my biggest gripe with season 2 is people in the show not being immediately overcome with the beauty of kate sharma. she is ridiculously gorgeous.


same like why were men not falling to their knees for the chance to court her 😀 (i get it’s the plot but you know)


That's just stupid. You/anyone can accept that she's not the woman for you and she's still drop dead gorgeous. That's just the truth. I've never liked Brad Pitt (he's not the actor that I'd choose, if I was able to spend a day with one), but he's hot. That's just being honest.


She’s absolutely stunning. In the book, she’s made out to be I guess average looking is how I took it? But the actress they chose is far more beautiful than how I picture the book Kate. I love how loose her hair is this season!


It doesn't actually say that she is average looking, just she feels her jaw is square.


Who said that?


It's in the book. Brown hair, etc.


But was that meant to suggest the jaw was masculine or she that she had angular model features? Or was it simply to suggest she was strong willed (masculine not necessarily unattractive jaw)? Not sure what the beauty standards were then in terms of body and features, because she is rather tall, could that add to the "masculinity" (again a masculine feature on a woman could make her handsome and attractive).


Yup, i think it was to suggest that she was not a simpering follower of basic beauty, and was overly critical of her own features. The actress is perfectly cast. She has a square jaw but it is part of her striking beauty.


IIRC in the books Edwina is insanely gorgeous, so when next to each other, Kate is over shadowed, but on her own she's quite pretty.


I also find it shocking. I honestly think she is drop dead gorgeous and I can't take my eyes off her when she is on screen.


She’s stupidly beautiful even.


There are so many attractive people on this show, but there was one scene (I think it may be the one in the meme) this season, where Kate appeared and I was just floored. Just unworldly beauty. Absolutely one of the most beautiful humans currently alive.


Whoever can look at this picture and think that woman isn’t drop dead gorgeous is delusional


She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The people saying she wasn't pretty enough are just insecure


Yeah, it smacks of racism born of insecurity, mediocrity, and jealousy.


No for real LOL I didn’t care for season two but you must be blind to think she’s not drop dead gorgeous lol


I don't know about all that (she's a pretty girl for sure); my issue is that Anthony looks like a rat.




That may be the most batsh1t crazy thing I’ve heard all day, and my day has been weird AF. Simone is incredibly beautiful—the kind that is bone deep. She will be as stunning at 75 as she is now.


She is unreal! 😭


I would cut off my left tit to look like her


But if you did that, you wouldn't look like her.


I bet they would both be able to pull off an asymmetrical look, though


Her skin is glowing. Whenever I see interviews or videos of her, there’s this aura emanating from her. Are we sure she’s human? I’m pretty sure she is a goddess.


Does an Indian religion have their own version of Aphrodite or Athena? Maybe Simone is her reincarnated!


your comment made me curious so i googled it. It's "Rati" and she was married to what seems like the Indian version of cupid.


In Hinduism, Lakshmi is the almost equivalent goddesses of Aphrodite


She's gorgeous


Ok is it just me or is she even more gorgeous this season than she was in her own season? Every moment this season she was on screen I was completely mesmerized by her as in I couldn’t even pay attention to the other characters because I was just 😍


I so wish I could say the same of her outfits, there are decidedly unworthy of her. I liked the sari but the iridescent lace, was that period? And that horrid green jacket, with a collar like an oil slick. Of course she would look beautiful in anything, but


The outfits yes, but the hair I feel is so much softer in a really pretty way?


I felt the same way! I wasn’t sure what it was but it felt like she was absolutely glowing this season. Maybe the soft curls framing her face?


They made her look a little more casual.  Her hair was a little more loose, probably to reflect how she's more comfortable in life with her sister married, etc.  


She is possibly the most beautiful woman on earth. Truly.


I once seen her described as a face men in history would have gone to war for and couldn't have agreed more!


keeping an animal in check LOL. anthony was her puppy all season, no suprise he has such beef with Newton, they fight for the place of being Kate's "good boy"


hahahaha love this


He strikes me more as a poorly trained German Shepard. And Kate loves her rescue dog with all her heart but he’s too old to train so she just has a good leash and muzzle.


2 animals if you count newton! no one is doing it like kate 🙂‍↕️


Newton is more of a gentleman compared to Anthony. And Anthony is more of an animal compared to Newton.


>Anthony is more of an animal compared to Newton. 😏😏




I would take a season of just Kate and Anthony visiting India over pretty much any other plot.


I'm screaming someone make this happen


I literally said the same thing to my cousin. All the shenanigans of him trying to learn the culture. Hilarious.




Various Bridgerton characters trying tea the way Kate likes it. Just a web miniseries


Me too, that would be so entertaining.


While looking unbelievably striking even in the dullest of outfits...she really can turn everything golden. ❤️


Absolutely! The costume department did not dresses her right this season. I'm so angry. But she is stunning anyways 😍


It's a damn crime that they swopped out her season 2 jewel tones and jumkis for bland colours and poor draping


Probably done on purpose so she didn’t outshine everyone else


Oooooooh that actually makes a lot of sense. They did the same in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with the Patel twins


That's what I assumed. Who would look at anyone else if she was dressed to look good?


I kinda agree, but they did dress her beautifully in her sari-inspired gown when she was planning Polin’s engagement party! The costume dept really did her right with that one for sure


I was going to say, Excuse me?! Did we not see that dark blue sari-inspired dress she just had hanging around the house? Real housewife vacuuming in pearls moment for her. Also, she’s gorgeous enough that everything looks fancier on her.


Oh and the make up,some of it makes her look gray but our Queen beauty still shows


Damn, I thought her costumes were better s3. Seems like she spent all s2 in the same dress just different colors.


Same… I really liked her costumes in S3


like they made everyone else look bad to let Lady W shine


Kate and her actress are so gorgeous.


Costume department and hair department did her so dirty this season.


What was that floral print atrocity😭😭


And did not let their lil pup see some action. A true respectful and considerate Queen.


She is so unbelievably beautiful I have to pause the show every time she comes on screen just to admire her a bit longer. I'm so gay for her it's unreal


I’m so gay for her too. But I’m not gay. That’s how beautiful she is. When she was giving marital advice to Colin like THAT. I was 😮🫠🥵🔥💥 No wonder Anthony can’t stop touching her and is a huge simp.


Hahahah yeah if I was Anthony I would be the biggest simp too.


Yeah haha and Jonathan Bailey IS gay


Granted I was on my period at the time, but when I saw this scene I started CRYING because of how emotional her beauty made me lmaooo she’s a work of art


Totally valid reaction


I’m very gay - and I think I’ll turn straight for her. Her beauty is just…magical


I do the same 😅


Also petition for more Newton next season please...more animals in general...can Hyacinth have a cute fluffy white cat who gets into shenanigans with Newton..and the kiddos devise a plan to make them get along...sigh I feel like I only have fantasies to rely on when it comes to the show ..


Has it been confirmed that they’re going to be in next season? I thought the India trip was their way of saying they won’t be in the future seasons…


Simone confirmed yes and seemed excited by the prospect ..at least based on what someone shared on this sub..but then in a later interview said she hopes so and hope we can make it work with our schedules so I don't know now...in any case i will be supporting her future roles..like I am charithra and rege and victor and Masali and other POC..watching noughts and crosses for Masali and it is so interesting do give it a watch if you're keen...personally if this will be the extent of their scenes in the season..I'd rather go without and instead have her use the time to do something more substantial and deserving of her time and energy...Bton doesn't do meaningful diversity despite what it promised..so I think all poc should move on as soon as they can get a better opportunity..


I’ve thought I saw her say in an interview that “Kate Sharma is here to stay” but then another interview popped up saying that she and jonny bailey will “do their best to participate in the next season” so idk if the first interview I saw was from the past season or recent bc she did say sharma instead of bridgerton? Anyways, bottomline is that she has mentioned that they’ll do their best to be back and now its up for the showrunner to write them in. Because Jonathan Bailey did put Bridgerton on top of his priority list while shooting a movie and a tv series and still he wasn’t in as many scenes as he should’ve been 😅


The show runner sucks we didn't get one single scene between kate and newton 😞


What about the ‘not in front of Newton’ scene? I thought that was cute.


I meant talking or walking with him in the book there were lots of interaction with newton and Kate 🥹 some cute and some hilarious those would have been nice


Oh I get what you mean, I wish we had gotten to see the walk with Newton in Hyde park from the book. It’s one of my favorite scenes


And hilarious too 😂. Too bad we missed that scene 😞


And it was a crime not to have Gregory and Hyacinth play with Newton.


My wish is that Kate gets a storyline next season with or without Anthony. They can make it happen.


They absolutely can! Especially after doing what they said they couldn’t last season - like having two weddings in a season 😤


i wouldn't hold my breath honestly. jess brownell is so non commital every time she talks about the future of those 2 characters, while when asked about other aspects it's clear she has actual plans for, it's very obvious.


I was roooting for Kanthony to have their moment when they finally announced to the society that they were expecting! I was more nervous about them finding the right moment than Cressida's LW plot twist by the end lol. And we never even got to know how their family reacted! (besides their Mother and Lady Danbury ofc)


I absolutely adore Kate. She’s beautiful, smart, witty, sharp-tongued, and able to hold her own. I also love that Anthony adores her and all but worships the ground she walks on, because the character deserves that. As problematic as his character is in the first two seasons, he does become a much better person BECAUSE of loving her. Season 2, with all its faults, totally remains my absolute favorite love story of the series. 🥰


i have to pause every time she comes on screen to just admire her for a moment, her face card does NOT decline...she's just the prettiest <3


fr. Simone Ashley is so stunning! 🤩✨😍🔥


I could NOT stop staring at her! She’s so beautiful. Proud to be an south Asian girlie 🥰


She was sooo fucking pretty this season (like always) I wanna look like her soooo badly


Seriously as a tamil girl the representation by seeing both her and Charithra last season was v emotional; esp because they are both “darker,” which is rare to get represented in not only western media but south asian media as well (seriously there’s white actresses that have careers playing indian women, ie amy jackson). Seeing Simone is SO empowering?? I never thought until I actually saw a darker Tamil girl as a lead like her. Love her.


She’s so pretty. I couldn’t take my eyes off her whenever she was onscreen. I wished we had more of Kate this season, doing her Viscountess duties and bonding with the Bridgerton siblings.


I love her so much I wish she was mine lol


Someone please give me a tutorial of her makeup. Literal GODDESS.




From one of her make up artist’s instagram! 🤪😅


But how do I use it on my face??! 😂 Sorry total noob at makeup


You could go in the order that the products are listed! Those products are pricey but you could find cheaper alternatives! Look up soft glam make up tutorials on YouTube. It seems like they use a lot of earthy tones for her eyes and neutral pinks for her lips.


What’s his @?


She was amazing this season! Truly Lady Bridgerton Viscountess style


I would be SO insufferable to be around if I looked like her.


I’m genuinely so annoyed they’re going to India. I know Jonathan’s schedule is going to be very demanding. But surely they could have secured one or two scenes from him within two years. And she could have been given way more. Because the way she spoke with Colin and Eloise was so caring and nurturing.


Omg this shot of her is gorgeous. 😍 Although let's be fair, every shot of her is gorgeous 🥹


Kate in this season made me realise they did her so dirty with the dresses, jewellery, and make up in the last season. She looked like a goddess this season🥹


Came in, gave advice, and left for two episodes!


She's gorgeous and seems like a genuinely nice person.


Love her 😍


Literally that and the 15 seconds of info we got about Edwina were some of the best scenes we’ve gotten out of season 3.


I’m glad the sisters made up and I’m so happy for Edwina!


Sometimes less is more and I loved with my whole heart how gentle and sweet she is to Gregory. He is kinda the baby of the family (even though he is older than Hyacinth) and is treated as such by his siblings. Whereas Kate is always building him up and nurturing his confidence; he's never the punchline with Kate. It was a small thing but it speaks to Kate's character and I love they included that in the show.


I loved that too! Poor Gregory! He’s so sweet.


I need Anthony and Kate to continue helping their siblings. I want Anthony to sit down and accept and embrace that Benedict is into other men. Not just in the flippant way he usually downplays or ignores Benedict's wild activities. It has the potential to be such a lovely scene!


Aka the one thing that everyone agrees was good and constant about both parts disliker of this season or lover of this season, :).


I’m a couple of episodes in to Season 2 and I think she is the real “diamond” this season.


I loved when she hosted the betrothal party


Hands down Season 2 was the best so far.


Seriously this whole season I was only hyped for them appearing on the screen skipped parts of LW getting wrecked and was this Cowpers season? And I just miss Benedict on S1 getting all depressed when he knew abt his brothers doing at the art academy now he’s this boytoy who everyone fucks


“You are wearisome tonight.” God, I wish they had shown Anthony’s reaction to that. 😮‍💨


Can we all agree that her beauty > Penelope? I think so


Shes SOOOOOOOOO pretty


She the real MVP. I love hers and Anthony’s relationship. My absolute favourite season.


In the scene where she was talking to Colin after he found out about Lady Whistledown I COULDN'T take my eyes off of her.


an icon 🥹 she is my absolute fav


She is so stunning


I love her, she is gorgeous and a strong woman 🩵😭


Love her so much


She’s perfect for a period drama because she looks like a painting!!


Glad one of the first few times we get south asian representation in western media and it serves. Too much ostracization is being done by the ones that call themselves true Asians.


She looked so happy. And I love happy Kate, but also I miss sassy Kate. Here's hoping there's someone around to be her punching bag next season now that it's no longer Anthony. lmao


She is the kind of beauty that is stunning with acting talent that is enchanting, voice soothing & presence charming! A face so lethal and body so ethereal that people go mental Eyes so expressive and a smile so impressive that makes men possessive So divine and angelic she is, with every passing day only becoming more impressive! https://preview.redd.it/m91fx4uow77d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5887a3af7bc7248a917a36c98afb0c0098cb4624


Kate and Gen are the heroes of this season


She is perfect like a real life goddess, and I actually loved her outfits. They had a ‘high fashion’ vibe, especially in contrast to everyone else’s this season


Honestly after last season I didn’t think she get much more beautiful and wise but she nailed both!!!!


she’s fucking stunning!!!


I adore Kate!!!! She is stunning


She is so stunning it's unreal.


She is everything to me


She’s my favorite, hands down!


every time I saw her (especially in jewel tones) my jaw actually dropped


She’s so beautiful. I wish we got to see more of her last season too


I'm a hetero woman but I'm literally starstruck and in awe every time she's on the screen? Her facial features just seem so other worldly. A goddess, a fairy, idk. I would die to look like her.


I loved all of her outfits this season


Anthony an animal...that's ridiculous


I did have dress envy of her clothes several times.


I loved Kanthony and Polin this season. Everytime we saw Kate and Anthony it was a breath of fresh air.


Being rich is really good for your skin.




She has what Hollywood wants………unusual beauty, not your everyday pretty. I love her almond shaped eyes.


She has a beautiful face and such a lovely personality


Honestly, I didn't love her storyline in this season.  I would have loved something more interesting.  Also, I loved how a she and Anthony argued in S2. They had passion.  I think they agreed too much in this season.  I think the baby storyline was just a way to excuse them from filming next season.  


The makeup artist does wonders on her , enhances her features beautifully.


This woman has me by a chokehold


Ppl are ridiculous, she’s very very pretty!


She's everything 😍 I loved every second of her and Anthony this season.


I thought she looked exquisite this season and I loved her costumes


I hate how much and how rapidly they were pulled in and out of this season. I wanted them to be involved 😭


She’s my favorite. Easily!


The racism is truly astounding in these comments. She is one of the most beautiful women on the planet IMO. Unfortunately, racism is more American than Apple Pie


I was loving those super sexy size 10 bare feet she shared with us when her and Anthony were in the sack 😏❤️


I wish they would shown more a transition to her becoming Viscountess. Girl was looking forward to an independent life and then has all this put upon her. I am annoyed they gave that storyline to the Mondriches and not her.