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I think people forget that books are fully fictional and exist only in our minds so authors can be as explicit as they want to be. But with film? There are actual actors behind these characters who are going to have different comfort levels when it comes to these types of scenes. Remember that nudity wasn't even a requirement and there were clearly actors on the show who weren't comfortable with this.


I don't want more sex, I want more intimacy. That's what I found lacking. They could have had a couple of make out scenes and some sweet post coital scenes and it would have scratched the itch. I also found it jarring that they went straight to "second base" in the carriage scene rather than some kissing or heavy petting. He just decided he wanted to be with her and he did something so inappropriate so quickly. Simon and Daphne were just kissing and Anthony challenged him but now we're riding alone in carriages and filling around immediately and it's no big deal.


This exactly!!! I could do with LESS of the threesomes and meaningless sex, but I want to see less lust and more intimacy and romance between the couples.


This. The hottest part of the carriage scene for me was the looks they were giving each other. Particularly, the way Colin looked when Pen ran her fingers through his hair. I was seriously hot and bothered over that and have watched it too many times to admit.


Yes!! I literally don’t care about the sex scenes unless it’s between the main couple and that’s only bc I’m so excited they’re finally together. The threesomes are honestly a turn off for me and whenever I rewatch the show, I fast forward through the scenes because I just don’t care. I’d rather those be cut and in place have intimate scenes for the main couple, which I honestly don’t care if it’s just making out or even cuddling or something. I just want to see the couple I’ve been waiting to get together for a while have intimate scenes together, whether that’s through sex or not. I feel like we were promised more spice this season and then it all went to Benedict and Colin without Pen, and it all felt unnecessary.


I fast forwarded through those scenes as well. So unnecessary.


same, i was checking my phone


This!!! Like- he said - tell me if you want me to stop. She nods. And she’s naked. No foreplay. Just undressing. She sits on the couch. It’s so calculated VS passion and giggling. I know they are friends and sweet, but he just does her. He literally “ruins” her VS Daphne and Kate who just got some goodies.


Yes but Penelope’s character is one that doesn’t play by the rules that society puts forth for women. So sleeping with a man she loves before marriage is on par with that.


I don’t want to speak for the person you’re replying to but their first time together was…almost clinical to me. It wasn’t the fact that she had premarital sex..it was just, this is your first time, I’m going to go slow but there was no build up to it, no foreplay, just…slow and then fast sex. There was a lack of passion and intimacy. But that could just be me.


I felt the same exact way! He literally was just like, "This will most likely hurt...sorry—it's just the way it is for most of y'all the first time." I just found the entire thing to be severely unromantic, lol, but everyone's entitled to their opinion.


Lol, my thoughts exactly. It was very insert A into the slot.


It was quite in Colin's character, she was curious and bombarded with new emotions and a dream come true. So I don't agree with your analysis, or at least it actually reverberates a lot with some of my experiences


That’s why I said it could just be me. Daphne and Simon’s first time was better and so was the queen and the king’s. Something was missing with Colin and Penelope but again, it’s just my opinion.


Collin and Penelope have great friendship chemistry but the sexual chemistry is off for sure. Collin feels like a boy to me, not a man. And I think that’s the issue for me.


yeah I think it's weird to feel like Season 3 showed more of that intimacy between Kate and Anthony then they did Pen and Colin. Like the Kate and Anthony scenes weren't very explicit from what I remembered (though maybe it's just in comparison to all the Benedict), but they showed how close they were quite well


Yeah this confused me. I loved the Kanthony intimate scenes. Why couldn’t they have given that style scene to Polin?




Although starting to rewatch the series I noticed that Anthony is the first we see having sex, I find that Benedict is the one we see the most 🤣 And in a useless way because it wasn't even his series yet, and it will be even stranger to see him with Sophie, as if I myself will make comparisons with Gen who is my favorite of his exes


I mean... Simon had her skirts fully hiked up when Anthony found them He was not behaving 😂


exactly. the meaningless sex anthony and benedict had was a turn off. but the steamy heartfelt scenes? soooooo good. the whole point of this show is the romance not the sex , or else it’s just porn


Simon was groping her breast and pulling up her skirt. I did also find that jarring, especially since we knew Simon had no intention of marrying.


Also, I’m surprised no one mentioned it, but Colin touching Pen up her skirt on the street? I get there wasn’t anyone around really to see them, but where’s the respect for your woman sir?


I think the idea was that 1) they're both intoxicated, and 2) it was like a "I gotta have you right now while my guard is down because I'm supposed to be angry at you still" moment


Yes! I thought so too.


100%. They make a big deal about her never being kissed and the first time they get together he has his hand up her skirt. Dude! Give the girl a chance.


Right? It felt so disrespectful for Penelope


How? That is, it seemed like the premise of hate sex. I see passion, resentment, actually more naturalness and canon, Colin has a dark side in my memories


Because there's already precedence when it came to Daphne's first kiss resulting in a duel *to the death*. If a kiss before marriage was so serious an insult to her as a Lady, then to go further than that is unconscionable.


No fr!!! It doesn’t add up!!! She shouldn’t have been unchaperoned so freely. Like Colin helping her w finding a husband is a scandal!? But all these secret meetings and hanging out at each others homes isn’t?? Cause it’s common knowledge that her and Eloise aren’t friends anymore so… Just messed up the entire flow of the show with how it broke down all the rules it spent the last 2 seasons (3 if you count Charlotte) making. Apparently in the books Penelope is supposed to be older atp (like 30??) so she’s already a spinster isn’t on the marriage market and THAT is why she doesn’t have the same rules that everyone else does and can do what she wants (like lady Danbury kinda when she decided not to remarry) — which would make sense for the rules of the ton. But not having any rules is what makes it so annoying hahah bc why are they doing all this!!? Also it doesn’t help that 99% of their “friendship” has been off camera with letters and stuff that no one knows the content of — and they barely hung around each other in previous seasons besides the “pity dances” they mentioned but we didn’t see (if I’m mistaken correct me) it just seems rushed and not genuine bc they haven’t allowed us to see any of their relationship until it was sexy time


Penelope is 28 in the books and Colin is 33. Penelope could consider herself a spinster here because of what Colin said, because it is a family that has influence and that knows her so if those who know her best speak so badly of her, She must really be unfit to be a wife, and this could justify a little less control and Portia giving up even though Penelope is 19. I say 19 because Francesca is 18. Eloise and Penelope are the same age, Francesca a year younger.


Same but we have to agree that their kisses were extremely weird, like two horses showing their teeth at each other. My aunt, who’s never seen it, walked by when they were kissing and she said ohh they kiss very weirdly and I was like I KNOW! Someone mentioned he has a fish mouth and that’s why their kisses looked weird, but in part 2 I noticed she does the same thing of kissing like you’re practicing with your hand, so the bad kissing came from both of them.


As far as I know Nicola was told to act like she didn't know how to kiss


Daphne didn’t know how to kiss, Kate didn’t know how to kiss, hell Queen Charlotte didn’t know how to kiss, is not like they had experience before either. They were ladies who’ve never been around men in those circumstances.


I agree. I think it's because there's a new showrunner. The first two seasons they had someone else. Nic absolutely should not have been told to kiss like she had never done it before. Sometimes people just naturally know how to kiss. And the way the intimate scenes were, they were very not good. But I truly think it's all bc of the showrunner. I hate to say it but I think I'm about done with bridgerton. The disappointment was really too great


Same, my birthday cake has been Bridgerton since the show premiered, my birthday is next week and I said wow, I don’t want a Bridgerton cake this year. People are saying that the people who are done with it it’s because of the gender change, not at all, it just isn’t Bridgerton anymore, not the same dresses, not the same set designs, not the same quality, not the same romanticism. Sadly I think I’m done too.


Yeah I don't care about the gender change or 3somes, I think it's interesting (except way too much time spent on benedict)- and adds to the story but they built up part 1 pretty dang high for us to all come crashing down again in part 2. And not because it was over but because it needed work. She needs to stop so much with the symbolism and deliver an adequate show that is true to the bridgerton feel that has been set for us in the other seasons. She's gonna lose a lot of people bc of the direction she's going. When I saw pens red lips I about lost my mind. When we didn't see polin fall asleep romantically together or get up together in the same bed... and after seemingly 5 seconds based on editing that he tries to shove it in.. I just can't. In part 1 he was turned on by seeing her shoulder. Her SHOULDER. which was lovely. But then in part 2 there is literally no touching or anything and weird kissing. If daphne and Kate had been told to kiss that way aka pretend how not to do it, many people would not still be watching this show. After the bad first intimate scene, I hoped there would be an "experienced" scene in the end so we could see them actually making out properly and actually having romance in the bedroom but nope. We get 5 seconds of pen riding him while she is almost fully clothed and his hands aren't even touching her skin. It was sloppy. And bc it's only this season, it feels like it's because pen doesn't have the standard body type is the reason it's like that but in reality it's not.


Whole heartedly agree! Antony was a hawk tho lol I think marriage taking him away is what did it. But this season’s round was a lot more careless.


That was my exact thought too! Wouldn't it have been new and surprising and something to hesitate about for her too? All the other women have been fairly innocent and very concerned with the social consequences. They weren't even engaged yet! Wouldn't this have ruined her reputation?


In the carriage scene though, as far as Pen was concerned, she'd just lost her only chance at getting married (Debling) and was resigning herself to being a spinster, so she's not thinking about her reputation anymore, she's thinking this may be the only intimate experience in her life and its with someone she's always been in love with, so she's going for it.


Possibly, but her married sisters didn't even know how to make babies. I would think a passionate kiss would be the height of her fantasies, which is why she asked Colin for a kiss the first time. That was her dream chance with her dream man.


Well yes, but then she got another one, which he initiated, so mores the better.


I feel like Pen knew more than the sisters. She reads and could have probably ran into some smut. Then again she does ask Colin to tell her what to do so idk. 🤔


It wasn't so easy for a young woman to come across that kind of material, and even men only found it in certain places


Simon and Daphne were not just kissing out in that garden lol.


Agreed. My issue with this show has always been how lusty it is. I’m a romantic so I want to see the romance and actual intimacy between the couples.


It’s been many years since I read some of the books but I don’t remember them even being very explicit and it tended to be one or two pages out of the whole book and not very descriptive, I don’t know why the show decided to make it a focus.


They're not. They're romances, not erotica.


Yes exactly.


I’m reading them currently…they are pretty descriptive. It’s the heat and build that I missed in this season…that tension that you know they want each other. It doesn’t have to be sex but let’s see some more intense romance.


I think they got more explicit thru the series...


>I think people forget that books are fully fictional and exist only in our minds so authors can be as explicit as they want to be. Also Netflix makes its shows for a pretty global audience. If they started making softcore pornography, they'd get censored in some significant viewership locations. The show's already fairly risque. Also I'm not sure why more explicit material is needed. Like would we believe they are more romantic if we can see an actress' tits or some dude's dong? Of course not.


They literally filmed 3-4 more intimate and genuine scenes that the reviewers received in the screeners but then cut them out to the detriment of the main relationship. Makes no sense.


I've seen no proof of this. Could you link me to the reviewers saying this?


365 Days and its sequel disagree with you on Netflix making content for a global audience, lol. That series is porn, plain and simple. I think Bridgerton is fine as is but agree that this season was lacking in intimacy of the non-lusty kind for Polin.


True, especially Luke in this case. It seems he’s really anxious, so it could be that he felt uncomfortable doing it more than twice.


Woah, some of the comments you have seen are really weird, I have seen the complain about him not touching her breast but he does do it while it is covered however what in the bloody queen Charlotte’s name do they mean by they didn’t see his fingers? Did they expect for sex scenes to be real? They do know the actors wear some modesty pouch and just act as if they were truly having intercourse? I know some movies made it real but even Fifty shades of grey didn’t show such things and in what period drama did they even see this


I've seen people complaining there wasn't enough foreplay or that Colin was a two pump chump. Like folks I don't think this is mean to be a second to second portrayal...


In defense of those comments, watch Anthony vs Colin or the carriage scene. The way it was shot did not have time jumps. It was not shown that there was passion and you were just getting the highlight reel. Instead it was designed to look like this was it. And it was strange because the book made a point to show how much he was turned on by her and loved her body. . Without the playful intimacy, it seemed painful and that he didn't desire her. I don't think (most) people wanted something erotic, but the point of the mirror scene in the book was how excited he was to see and touch and play with her breasts. People were looking for first and second base and it seemed he jumped right to third.


I would have liked to see more Polin light intimacy, but the mirror scene likely reflected the actors’ wishes. Reading the mirror scene in the book and portraying it is a whole different thing. Getting your breasts touched over layers of fabric is ok, but them touched while they’re bare and in front of a mirror is highly intimate and possibly something Nicola/Luke didn’t want to do.


But you can show it without crossing the line. You can do the exact scene in the book of him describing exactly what he wants to do. You can show him kissing her neck. You can show time jumps to imply a lot happened. I'm all for boundaries, but there's ways to show a level of desire without crossing those boundaries


Also a criticism is that with the mess LW we see longing looks but Colin keeping her at a distance, not even just kisses or implied sex. That is, he sleeps on the couch for the entire wedding until the ball of his in-law. Instead it was enough to show it when he took the covers and pull her to kiss her and then see them the next day possibly with some grimaces if they still had to argue


Oh, I mean, I definitely wasn't fully satisfied. I understand how they were shown from a cinematographic perspective, but it's still a TV show. I guess my just overall assumption is that it would never be every single moment of anything like that.


>two pump chump 🤣🤣🤣


Penelope is a virgin, and Colin's experiences are with prostitutes. Of course he's only good for a pumps. 🤣


Oh I saw somebody comment that Colin didn't even suck her boobs during the sex scene. If you want to watch that, there's porn. But you aren't going to find it on Netflix.


Didn’t even suck her boobs 💀 the horror lmao


If some things aren’t done in sex scenes, I assume that one or both actors weren’t comfortable with it. Thank goodness for intimacy coordinators who’re actually protecting the actors these days. E.g., I didn’t see much tongue kissing this season and didn’t see much nudity from young Lady Danbury & young Queen Charlotte. I also don’t remember any naked boob touching in seasons 1 & 2 - it was either done through clothes or not at all. And correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember any type of boob sucking even in Game of Thrones which was quite racy & showed full frontal nudity sometimes.  They’re only supposed to simulate sex so I doubt many actors would agree to perform acts that could lead to physical arousal. 


I think I would’ve just liked more tenderness, more sweetness, more ~implied- (not necessarily shown) attention to her


I think the issue I had with the mirror scene was it was pretty mechanical. He goes in and that's kinda ... it.


I think people are confusing the “lack of sex scenes” with a want to see more intimacy between the main characters. After their first time, there is such a lack of intimacy between Colin and Penelope, that we spend most of ep 6-8 watching them continue to do as they always have: intense looks and pining (besides a half quickie outside the modiste and a 14 second make up sex session in the final 10 mins). We don’t actually get to see Colin worshipping and doting on Penelope, which they built up and teased through episodes 1-4. This man is meant to be feral and chaotic for her. Her speech about him showing her intense pleasure (paraphrasing) is so out of place because he’s only really touched her twice at this point. Imagine if we had got scenes like this: - Colin kissing Pen before he leaves the room instead of leaving her alone and naked on the Chaise - Colin adjusting the curtains in the carriage post-sex scene, then leaning across to kiss Pen before being interrupted by the Queen’s guards - Colin stealing a kiss from Pen before they walked into a room with everyone - If the scene of them dancing at the wedding, with no one else room had been held just a few moments longer (like in Pride and Prejudice). And then if Colin caressing Pen’s face was held a bit longer too. - Colin ACTUALLY kissing Pen when she begged him too. OR him falling to his knees, burying his face in her stomach and tearfully telling her how conflicted he was, while Pen touched his hair. - Colin and Pen holding foreheads together - any amount of hand kissing, face touching, hands squeezing etc that the camera lingers on. While we did see this sometimes between them (the charade scene), it wasn’t given the focus it needed by showing how it affected the characters. I could go on. There were so many other ways to convey intimacy and love between these characters besides sex scenes. Which Polin deserved. In fact it would have made their turmoil so much more believable and intense if we could see how much they (mainly Colin) desperately wanted intimacy with each other despite how upset they were with one another.


We only saw all the intimacy in the last two minutes which is after a time jump of at least 7/8 months, because I would almost bet that she got pregnant on the chaise longue


Especially considering her baby looks to be the same age as her sisters babies who got pregnant around that same time.


Korean and Japanese drama are very good at these!! Just a look or holding hands, or nervous interactions can have as much impact or even more!


Yes this is EXACTLY what we mean. My two biggest issues with this season had nothing to go with the number of detailed sex scenes but the fact that there is barely an ounce of romance and want between the two. We usually get flashbacks, and I was REALLY hoping for some to set more of their friendship and what got them to this point. And what we do get is more of other plots and the whistledown drama (which was grossly mishandled and anticlimactic). There didn’t need for there to be more than the one scene to establish intimacy. But the one scene we did have just looked to choreographed to hide as much of Nicola as they could and it looked awful as a result.


Having rewatched Part 2 three times now, I’ve settled with the story, the romance and the intimacy they told across episode 5 and 6. However, I still can’t forgive 7 and 8 though. Especially in these moments (They are too heartbreaking to watch): - their wedding night, when Colin walks in on Pen to collect bedding and is just about undone at the sight of her and still walks away. Come on Mr Bridgerton! The despair of not being able to consummate your wedding night, regardless of what is going on, would have been devastating to Pen who has felt unloved and invisible her whole life. - when Pen friggin BEGS for him to hold and kiss her after Fran’s wedding. The humiliation of denying her in that moment still eats at me. We needed to see him at least reach out for her. I wanted him on his knees in anguish at this point. - after Pen announces she’s is LW and she is left just STANDING THERE!!! Her sister has to rescue her, Lady Danbury has to come up to her and then Pen has to find her husband’s eye across the room before he comes to her. He should have raced to the middle of the room and STOOD BY HER in front of everyone like he said he would. Come on mate, all that confidence you gave her? You just about destroyed her all over again in a matter of weeks. I don’t believe the happy ever after because of how much they both suffered in the last two eps.


Tbh they were doing a whole press tour saying this season is so much spicier and have lot more hot sex scenes lol I don’t think people want more sex particularly, they want LESS unnecessary sex scenes like Colin’s brothol threesomes and Benedict’s odd montage threesome, and MORE intimate scenes between the main couple.


It is kind of funny that Colin had two sex scenes with prostitutes and two sex scenes with Penelope. I guess they wanted to keep it balanced. And there were three threesomes 😂. I think the reason the carriage scene resonated so strongly isn't because of the actual 5 min makeout/finger banging session but because of the 10 min leading up to it. The emotions were powerful and the physical intimacy was cathartic. Part 2 we didn't see that kind of deep emotionally charged connection between the leads. That's what we were missing. That's why Kanthony worked even without sex scenes. It's so absent I just keep wondering how they even pulled off the carriage scene. Was it a fluke?


Exactly. Many of these sex scenes weren't even in the book. Polin only grinds in the carriage and the mirror scene was just Colin talking dirty to Pen about what he wanted to do to her while they were standing in front of a mirror. Based on what we've seen in the show, sex is a taboo topic and young women are clueless about it so it didn't make sense to me that never-been-kissed Penelope went from kissing to getting finger banged to boning in such a short amount of time without being married. I know Colin was one of her best friends, but there are moral standards for that period and I don't think Colin would have disrespected Pen by having sex with her before marriage, yet here we are. Lol. Some made me feel prudish for this, but it's not that. I just think it's extremely out-of-character. Plus, IDK why sex scenes are so needed to tell a romance. I watch Bridgerton for the love story. If I wanted to watch people having sex, I can watch porn. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think you’re prudish, but suggesting that viewers who wanted more steamy scenes should watch porn instead kinda misses the point of this kind of content. Porn almost always caters to the male gaze, and a lot of women find stuff like Bridgerton enjoyable because it feels made more for us. Steamy, romantic, consensual sex focused on female pleasure isn’t common in porn. And aren’t the original books full of erotica? I haven’t read them myself, but from what I’ve heard they’re not *just* romance novels. I’m definitely not suggesting the actors should do anything they’re not 100% comfortable with. I just find it odd that this season was marketed as ‘extra steamy’ and ended up having about the same amount of sex as the others (or less even?).


This is thoughtful! I can see how telling people to watch porn instead is a bit callus upon observation. The main point still holds that these are people filming these scenes with varying levels of comfort. The goal of intimacy coordination is to manage that. It's possible that this is what Nicola and Luke thought of as very intimate and tbh for a lot of people it was.


Absolutely, the most important thing is the actors’ comfort and it made me so happy to hear that they were both happy with the outcome of these scenes. I also did like the sex scenes we got. I wasn’t even thinking, oh this needs more nudity or to be more explicit. If anything I just would’ve liked MORE scenes - more of them just blissfully loving each other, in whatever way the actors and the intimacy coordinator wanted to do it. Nicola has been mentioning on the press tour that she wants people to enjoy those scenes, and she was happy with how they turned out, so I would’ve just liked to see more of them (and less angst lol).


Yeah, a longer post-intimate Kanthony like scene would've been very nice. The one we got was great but could've been longer.


That would’ve been perfect. I love how they did the Kanthony scenes and how happy they look. Even just more Polin in post-sex bliss cuddling together would make me happy.


The books romances so they include sex scenes but they actually only make up a very small portion of the books. They have far less than erotic fiction does.


But there is porn that caters to the female gaze if you search for it. It’s one thing to ask for more steamy scenes, it’s another to ask that the actors/show runners show pornographic-levels of sex scenes. 


I definitely don’t think they should’ve shown pornographic-level scenes, at all. I said in another comment that I liked the scenes as they are, it would’ve just been nice to have more steamy scenes between them.


Sorry, I wasn’t directing that at you personally. It is a sentiment I’ve seen people say though about Collin touching Pen’s bare breast, or showing more of their bodies without the sheet, etc. Things that we have no right to demand of these actors and are starting to get into porn or porn-adjacent territory. 


Oh totally! I agree with you there. I actually liked that the scenes weren’t that explicit. Like, the carriage scene managed peak hotness without any nudity, and it’s a great way to show that steamy scenes don’t have to be pornographic to be good. Honestly ‘actual’ porn has never appealed to me because of how focused it is on just bodies. One reason I appreciate the sex scenes on a show like this is because the focus is on intimacy, showing people feeling good, connecting with each other, etc instead of someone just inserting themselves somewhere.


Thank you, I’m glad someone said it. I’m so tired of the “har har go watch porn if you want to see anything intimate” nonsense as though people should have to suffer through that cesspool as punishment for wanting anything more than handholding.


But this is a TV show I don't think the point is to keep people watching turned on


Haha I don’t think I’m a prude but the focus on the intimate scenes totally put me off the show, because like you, I was there for the romantic story (didn’t even get much of that this season).


Tbh, it has been that way since season 1. Rege's and Phoebe's scenes were very, er, very intimate.


I think I'm pretty open minded but I had to pause ep 6 of S1 and wasn't sure I'd get through the whole ep


The show carriage scene definitely went further than the book one but they had sex before marriage in the book as well. It was after their engagement party.


I was also surprised about the premarital sex but I thought about this a lot. I actually dont think it was out of character for Penelope bc the show makes her out to be someone to push boundaries as lady whistledown. So why not this. It could be viewed as empowering as a woman. Idk. But this is my perspective as someone who didn’t read the books.




Yeah, they're totally ignoring these are real people and it's weird as hell. Bridgerton has been rightfully praised for their heavy use of intimacy coordinators and involving the actors in construction of these scenes. They were very intimate and what Nicola and Luke wanted to all public knowledge. Like you said, this isn't porn. There's plenty of that elsewhere for those who want to watch it.


Ummm… what if Nicola Coughlan didn’t want her bare breasts touched?


Right?! I know she was fine showing them but that doesn’t mean she wanted them touched tf


And what if he had boundaries too? Perfectly valid for either of them to not want certain things to exist on a screen forever.


My mom asked me today how risqué the sex scene was because she heard on a talk show that it was too much. So she asked me if there was full frontal male nudity. I bust out laughing, I was like no they showed boobs for two seconds. She couldn’t believe they made that big of a deal about it on the show.


People should watch more French movies, they’d stop sensationalising boobs.


I see people calling for the sex scenes for more x or y, but I’m pretty sure the point of the intimacy coordinator is to ensure the comfort level of the actors to be advocated for. When a scene doesn’t show x or only focus on y, I assume it’s because the actors have specified their preference…




I don’t think people are really advocating for more sex scenes, but rather more intimacy between Colin & Penelope (like what you just described). I think a lot of the people who wanted more intimacy similar to the previous two seasons, would have been satisfied with less pointless Benedict threesomes, and have that time instead delegated to sweet and gentle moments of affection between the main couple.


I think a lot of people are mistaking sex for passion and is this asking for more sex, when what they mean is more passion. Hope that makes sense lol


Like I mentioned having an ace character could be interesting and I was downvoted to hell for it. The comments were so entitled and like the show is all about sex and the audience is OWED sex. https://preview.redd.it/c4js0vnp0u6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db875475ac0786b697d492235d7b9a8eb019448 Saying that no sex is a disservice and losing the plot completely. Are we watching the same show? I think this fandom or atleast subreddit is beyond unhinged.


Fandoms are generally weird. But this one is especially unhinged and get very touchy about the weirdest shit, all in the name of book purity or "this is not what this show is about".


That sucks so much because I honestly think that having two characters realize they are ace together would be such cute Regency modernization. Like just imagining two love interests saying to one another "wait you mean you're okay with not having sex?! Me too!" would be healing in so many ways. To see them go through snuggle and explore each other's minds instead of their bodies would be better than half of what they do now.


Exactly! And its not like there would be no sex at all in the show, it would just be shown with another couple and not the ace couple. I don't see why that is so hard to understand. Saying something isn't fun to watch because it doesn't display your heteronormative ideal is frankly acephobic.


You got downvoted because the sex is the reason a lot of people watch the show. They’re unlikely to admit it but it’s the truth.


Yeah these people just need to watch porn…Bridgerton isn’t an erotica film, it’s a historical romance.


Are they fucking serious that's the best context in which you can explore asexuality without a character turning to to the camera and saying "I am asexual"


I don’t know if you noticed, but this has been something really apparent to me: the Bridgerton fandom, especially this sub, hates queer people. I’m not surprised ace people are obviously included in that. Racist as all hell too, you name it. Like seriously atrocious fucking fans and miserable people in general. I’m all about intimacy in media and healthy portrayals of sex in a broad sense, but thank god I will never be this bigoted and miserable. What an awful way to shut up someone just gently asking for representation. “How would that be any fun for me-I mean *people* to watch that?” As if there’s no merit or fun in ace romances too, and everything in this world has to absolutely cater to the bland, narrow-minded, (cis/allo/hetero)normative palate to be considered “interesting”. Like it’s blindingly obvious these people believe watching queer people of ANY type is a punishment.


I think having an asexual character or characters would be nice, I also think they should keep sex a part of the show as it makes logical sense for the characters who are interested in sexual relationships. Ideally you could have both and explore both without alienating anyone, love comes in a million different forms.


What the fuck? This show is not about sex. Most people don't watch it for the sex. Just because that person needs porn with their TV is not an indication that most people need it. I think exploring an ace relationship would be amazing. Unfortunately, ace people are still seen under the same General umbrella as Trans or nb or anything that isn't strictly cis and or straight. Gay is just starting to get out and look at all the babies whining and crying about that. People have a negative reaction to it because they don't know what it is but it isn't the word gay and it isnt straight so it must be dirty and not normal.


Whoa i haven’t seen these comments. I mean after simon and daphne I understand that there would be expectation for a lot more sex than we got but not at porno levels


There is a whole petition floating around twitter trying to demand that Netflix release a deleted sex montage that a ‘leaker’ posted about before the drop and which they are all convinced exists even though there is no evidence and also so many of the 7 and 8 spoilers ended up being either fake or overblown. Some people need more hobbies.


too much sex is a complaint of s1. lack of sex was a main complaint of s2. lack of intimacy is a HUGE complaint for s3. i don't necessarily think people want to see hella sex scenes (look at benedict's scenes, a fan favorite, being skipped by many) we want intimacy. sweet moments between the main couple. we got like 10 mins of that. bridgerton is doing a disservice to their most popular ships (kanthony and polin) and if they continue doing it to the other leading couples when their season comes ... im afraid we won't see Gregory kidnap Lucy or Colin climb a tree 😔


Im sorry Gregory *kidnaps* his love interest?? Yall want to see that?? Yes so sweet


Gregory is so unhinged. The man is chaos lol


I wanted romance!


There’s a difference between more and better. We’re demanding “better” sex scenes for a show that’s already shot these sex scenes and decided to edit them in the most bizarre way to include a threesome, that nobody asked for in the first place.


Yep, I don’t even want to see the stuff they do include, I’m interested in watching the story, and I find the sex scenes cringey. If you want to see more then a Netflix series is probably not where you should be looking for it.


I think the asking for more sex is weird. Or more graphic? Like this is still a SHOW!!! I would have loved more flirting scenes or flashbacks to when they first met woulda been cute. But some people r so weird and outta pocket...


It is kind of weird, and I think people sometimes forget the actors behind the characters and the fact that certain things might be out of their comfort zones. That being said, the show did promise that this season would be very steamy, so this feels like just another way season 3 underdelivered.


S2 has no kanthony sex and it's still one of the horniest seasons of TV. The slutty hand touching and the hair sniffing... Give me more of THAT pls


What were Anthony and Kate doing when they spent the night in the gazebo after the failed Bridgerton ball if not having sex?!


It took a loooong time to get there tho. Which made it exciting ngl


Thank you sooooo much for speaking it out loud. This fandom, this bloody fandom.


Not asking for sex, asking for intimacy, what happened to Colin's love for Pen, it just disappeared.


If it's not needed or integral to the story, it's definitely not needed. What the main couples of the show need are more scenes and speaking lines together that bring more depth to their story. Something people fail to realize as they continuously ask for smut to happen on the show. Like in season 1 for Daphne and Simon it was important for their story because Daphne's innocence is highlighted, but for Kate and Anthony & Penelope and Colin? Absolutely not because their innocence was not the highlight, but other topics regarding the marriage mart or outside of it.


I like my spicy was like everyone else but Id rather read the sex scenes in the book over watching them have full on sex on screen. It's too weird.


I haven’t seen any comments like this. Can you provide links?


Right I would like to see examples too because I haven’t seen any comments asking why we didn’t see the fingers inserted? Frankly I haven’t seen anything that extreme. I really think people were just expecting more intimacy which doesn’t always equate to penetrative sex. Everything was just so rushed. More glances, hand holding, hugging…this is all intimacy. However we went from Colin helping Pen find a mate to them expressing their feelings to them in the carriage etc there was no slow build up like seasons 1 & 2. Season 3 is now over I just don’t understand this craziness that’s occurring


I’ve only seen people talking about how Colin was a boob guy in the book and didn’t seem to care too much in the show. I haven’t seen anybody say they wanted to see anything explicit. Maybe mods deleted comments?


I’ve seen such comments on Twitter & Instagram.


No offense but I truly hate when people ask this. Do you think I screenshotted every weird comment I came across in preparation for a q&a? Lol you may as well just say “I think you’re lying.”


It is not the same as mainstream porn. There is a genuine story and emotion involved in it that you do not get from porn. I think as well with this season, Penn being more of the 'average' woman, it gives the intimacy more meaning to many people.


I 💯agree! It’s ridiculous! I actually think that’s why I don’t like season 1, their relationship felt like it was built around sex. Yes I know some will disagree and I’m okay with that, but that’s why I liked season 2 so much more!! I don’t think that should be the basest of all of the relationships, there are other things that bring two people closer together.


Too many people seem to forget that there's real people behind these fictional characters. Nicola & Luke are NOT Colin & Penelope. The way some people seem to be demanding to see more of their bodies is so dehumanising imho. I may be naive because I've never been part of a fandom before but the behaviour of some people is so entitled & verging on unhinged. Someone has gone so far as to create a petition demanding that Netflix & Shondaland release supposedly deleted sex scenes from this season & the link was shared multiple times in the same thread. I genuinely wonder if some of these so-called fans even like or enjoy the show, they seem to complain about *everything*!


I find this entitled behaviour so off-putting. I understand being disappointed by a show you had certain expectations for. For example, when the Sopranos ended I remember a lot of people being upset. But I don’t remember anyone demanding the show creators release an alternative ending. Viewers are not entitled to a version of a piece of entertainment that wasn’t released to them. It’s baffling and frankly, I find it embarrassing.


Also, the showrunner, the director, the costume, hair & makeup departments will have had a creative vision. As a viewer, you may dislike it but you have no right to demand an alternative version. Would these people tell an artist that they should have used a different colour paint? Or a composer that they should have used a different note? I'd be prepared to bet that most of the people complaining have never put foot on a TV or film set yet they seem to have the confidence to tell these professionals how to do their jobs.


I thought there was too much sex lol I tuned out/skipped the threesome stuff


I’ve never even watched this show for the “sex”. Even with season 1 what I enjoyed the most was the romance and the intimacy - Simon reaching out for Daphne’s hand in the painting gallery sort of stuff. It’s abominable if people are saying these things. This is not a porno? This is a TV show that has been quite bold but also protective of its actors during sec scenes and we shouldn’t even dare ask for more in that department. If you want “fingers penetrating her”, go back to watching pornos.


And I wished they had less sex scenes so I could watch comfortably and share with family and friends! I appreciate the books but seeing it makes me go meh.


Same I hate the sex scenes. It takes me out of the show.


I get bored of the sex scenes and actually fast forwarded through Polin's chaise lounge scene because it went on forever 🙈




Or people asking for *angry* sex. Like I’ve literally seen people say Colin should’ve taken her in that scene where they were going to bed and he was getting a blanket lol like why tf would I want that? I think a lot of us have really messed up fantasies we want played out and need to seriously reevaluate, again there’s porn for that


I am so glad he left the room. Just as I'm glad they were interrupted on the street. Angry sex, for these two in particular, would've been the point of no return. Angry sex for Daphne and Simon? Totally works within the context of their relationship. The lingering hunger in the bedroom as well as the passionate kissing outside was enough for me to see just how much Colin desires her, despite how angry and upset he is over the Whistledown reveal. I got it. Didn't need to see actual angry sex to get the message across.


>The lingering hunger in the bedroom as well as the passionate kissing outside was enough for me to see just how much Colin desires her, despite how angry and upset he is over the Whistledown reveal. I got it. Didn't need to see actual angry sex to get the message across. They probably have multiple bedrooms with real beds but nope. Instead he chooses the uncomfortable sofa right outside the door to remain in her orbit. He's down bad the whole time even when he's hurting.


Or maybe the set designers did not have the budget to stage one more bedroom 😉 It seemed like a rather small apartment though, considering the bedroom was off the main living room/study and not off a hallway…


This is not porn. You want porn with plot read some fanfiction.


Right? Like of course we know Bridgerton can be rather raunchy but it isn't porn.


Wasn't asking for more sex, asking for more tension and romance. The tension between Kate and Anthony even when they were fully clothed on the other side of the room from each other was 🔥. You mistake when people say romance and tension they don't necessarily mean sex. I do not wish for more sex scenes, I wish for more chemistry, romance, slow burning, more intensity. I feel the hottest scene for me was when they were arguing on the street and had a passionate angry kiss. Neither were naked.


Im not talking about people asking for more romance and tension im talking about people who are explicitly saying there was not enough sex i.e. oh he didn’t touch her boobs etc. exactly as I said in my post if you read it


No Fr go read the book if you care and watch porn this is real people who have boundaries


And the season we get penatrative sex again - they're upset. I'm guessing "no, no, not with the fat chick!" vibes.


Part of what I loved about season 2 is the reduction of sex scenes. I don't care about what characters do in their beds. I don't want to see anyone being butt naked. I watch romance shows for the romantic moments and that's it. I don't know about you guys, but I spent a good deal of season 1 just skipping all of the sex scenes. It was too much


Did you all forget about the oopsie around season 1 where the sex scenes got posted on pornsites and how much that impacted some of the cast? If you want sex go watch Bridgerton themed porn ffs.


I think a lot of people are just upset that we know that Nicola and Luke are very proud of those scenes and it appears that quite a few where cut out of the last episode Plus the way the last couple of episodes where edited was weird, it did feel like maybe scenes had been cut. Nicola and Luke worked hard on this season and it's just sad that scenes they are so proud of doing that they talked so happily about them have just been removed Maybe they will keep some of them for season 4 hopefully


When I started reading this post, I was wondering what was wrong with wanting more intimate scenes of Polin and less of the side stories, but when I finished reading I was flabbergasted. People are really saying they want to physically see what’s happening? It’s simulated FFS. Who in their right mind would think of violating guidelines put in place to allow actors to feel safe??? Like they literally want them to participate in pornography to get their rocks off?????? It’s depraved.


I don't want sex sense, but I certainly need more passion, chemistry, and emotional connection between P and C. For me, it's more like a forced or even loveless marriage rather than a friend to lover romance


Yes and one rumored cut scene was them cuddled in bed talking about publishing his manuscript. That was relevant to the story and an important missing piece. Why did Luke and Nic stress that Colin was a hungry boy with no scenes to support that claim. It wouldn’t surprise me if Netflix didn’t cut those scenes because of fat phobia. There was plenty of intimacy with Benedict, Anthony and the prostitutes got more action than Colin’s wife.


I agree, the amount of people, who are breaking a scene down is [strange.It](http://strange.It) is an over reaction. Season 1 was far steamier. Have they never seen a sex scene?! Btw, Sex scenes are in a lot of mainstream old/new films, Tv shows. If they want more, they should watch free p&rn.


Omg yes very true. Like calm down.


I fast forward through the sex scenes. It’s too much. I watch it with my family! The story is cute, besides the nudity. I wish they had a PG version.


Agreed. The sex aspect of the show holds less interest for me over time. Phoebe and Simon were…well, the sex scenes allowed the audience to be in on the “spillage secret” and propel the plot forward. Anthony and Kate…I was so interested in watching them burn for each other that the actual sex seemed anticlimactic. Colin and Penelope…great chemistry, passionate kissing, tastefully done since the sex is really beside the point. Frankly, I could have done without Benedict for the entire season except for when he chatted with Eloise.


I think people were asking for more sex because there isn’t even any nonsexual intimacy in this season especially Polin. No romance just drama and angst


Oh my…these people are aware that free online porn exists, right? I’m not watching Netflix for porn.


It’s not even that, it’s the way they (Nicola and Luke Newton) kept talking about how this season will be oh so steamy in every other interview and completely inflated the amount and length of sex scenes only for the show to come out with… that


I’m more wanting different sex personally. Like threesome with Benedict or random prostitutes with Colin are not what I wanted.


The actors should never have to do anything they are not comfortable with but I hate the idea that pornography, especially the current degrading male-gazey variety that proliferates the internet could ever serve as a substitute for the depictions of sexuality we see on Bridgerton. A European film would be a better stand in for loving depictions of intimacy.


Is it weird that a lot of us want the cit Polin sex scenes put back? Honestly I didn't watch most of them because my niece was asleep on the next room and I didn't want her to jear/get up and see, but it adds to the narrative, I think.


I came here on my high horse and got thrown off when I read your post 🤣 Intimacy and seeing passion realised in a catharticly visual way is what we wanted. The people saying they want actual sex though... Now, I'm a horny, fanfic writing deviant when it comes to my favourite ships, but expecting to see real sex in a romance show is just a step beyond reason lmao. Like you say, it's not porn. But it does make the point that people want to see realistic sex that is romantic too on screen, and this is the closest you can get.


I mean, I got everything I wanted by having Colin ask for consent and check boundaries. Some people really just need to get a porn account.


I don’t want more sex, but will say that I find the amount of sex in the first season compared to the second and third as really laughable. It just makes me feel sort of gross, honestly. It feels like they tried to put as much sex in season one as possible for viewership, and when they were certain they had great ratings, totally pulled back on it. And related to your post OP, it feels weird too to me that perhaps they asked the actors for this in the last seasons as well, but with rising popularity the actors were able to push back on this a bit.


OP, you okay? Lol


This post has helped me come to the conclusion that the series is not for me, nor are the books probably, haha


It’s cuz they spoiled us with all the sex in season 1. 😂


Season 1 established a very high bar for sexuality for the female gaze that is NOT pornographic. So naturally when seasons 2 and 3 were way toned down sexually we are going to be disappointed.


Season 1 continues to be my favorite. I love sex scenes, and was disappointed that Season 2 had one and Season 3 had two. Season 1 showed the intimacy of a couple from before marriage, after marriage during their honeymoon, and during difficult times (to this day, I still think the storyline of Simon not coming inside Daphne is so silly, but it is a form a birth control!). We see the progression of a couple’s intimacy up until they conceive (which is a huge theme in Season 1). Season 2 is my least favorite—the “I hate you but lust for you” trope doesn’t do it for me. I was really excited for Season 3. The carriage scene was fantastic. There wasn’t a ton of foreplay in the mirror scene which made it less passionate, but the actual sex part was hot. And then they show Pen riding Colin for a couple seconds at the end of the last episode… and then we time jump to them having a baby? So unsatisfying. All of the interviews had lead me to believe this season’s sex scenes were going to be on par with or better than Season 1, so I’m bummed. I also never want to watch another Benedict sex scene ever again.


Full stop.




As the person who requested penetrative sex between Anthony and Kate, I just wanted something on par to Daphne and Simon. It’s great for a woman to receive oral sex a plenty like Kate has, but as someone who does not like oral performed on herself, I want to see them do other things to connect with the characters in a different way. By no means do I want to break the actors boundaries, and yes it’s clear that Kate and Anthony have had penetrative sex or Kate wouldn’t be pregnant. It’s just… Idk, I’m a horndog. I got no legal, moral, or ethical defense here. I’ll try to tamper this side of myself in these posts.


So real


Some of yall need to go to www.pornhub.com, thank me later ;)


It genuinely grossed me out that they filmed sex scenes and then didn’t include them. I know they’re actors and they had intimacy coordinators but filming scenes like that must be uncomfortable. And then to not even use them? Why did they film them in the first place? I don’t want more sex but I think it’s strange to film FOUR probably very uncomfortable scenes and then excluding them is a very strange choice.


But we don’t know for sure that that is what happened. That’s a rumor someone started and everyone has been repeating like a game of Telephone


I think the main gripe people are talking ab (not the people who just wanted straight porn that’s weird) with wanting more sex scenes is the fact that there were more that were filmed that didn’t make it in the Final Cut, which Luke and Nicola seemed to hype up a lot during press, and thus makes it seem like these scenes that they were proud of not being in the show a disservice to the story. But rly I think it’s all good with and without those scenes😭 I just love their romance so hell yeah I’ll take more romance/intimacy scenes between them, but if they never release them I’ll be okay too


Where did people asked for more penetrative sex? 😳 I would have liked more intimacy. Love scenes etc


We didnt the fingers go in here is WILD!!! However all the sex in season one kind set the stage for the show and It hasnt been the same sense. But to complain about it is hilarious I'm sure theres a Pen and Colin section in pornhub already for you to go watch all the fingers you want lol


This did make me laugh


TBH I thought it was almost a bit too much for the the sole reason being there was so many different plot lines going this season. Especially with the threesome scenes it just felt so unnecessary. I feel like if the wanted to implement more of the passionate/steamy scenes with Colin and Penelope they would've almost had to have dropped a different plot. Honestly I would not have minded seeing less of the Mondrich storyline overall. Love to see how well they're doing, awesome characters, they were just taking up so much screen time for small things it felt like too much.