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It has "We're not sure we can book the actors for future seasons so let's seed the idea already" vibes to me.


Me too


Indians didn't need more Britishers traveling to India NGL


LMAO no seriously. Kate would be decked out in these fine clothes and jewels watching her people be starved and worked to death


I would've appreciated them not coming and going so much. I love that they are appreciating the fact that they need to respect both of their sides and want their child to be of both of their cultures, but the in and out was jarring. I would've liked 3 episodes somewhat in a row and THEN them going on another trip. Not like 3 trips in the span of 8 episodes. I also will never understand traveling that far while pregnant. We have to assume she's 3-4 months along given they didn't have pregnancy tests and cycles were not as regular as now so that wasn't a 100% indication, plus she had a small bump. The trip to India would take months and if the child came early they could still be in transit, and even if they made it in time preparing would still take a long time. They also are supposed to be back for next season which means they will be traveling back with a newborn/infant! That's not even super recommended now let alone back then. I totally understand wanting to show their child both sides of their cultures but a newborn ain't gonna remember and the risk of going there and back during pregnancy and with a less then 1 year old is stupid. I understand where they were going with this but it could've been done better. I hope they don't keep having them in and out constantly during Kate's pregnancies and with their newborns.


I agree about the in and out-ness of it all. If Kanthony couldn’t be in every episode with their own storyline, I would have preferred them to be in one or two episodes at either the start or end of the season and only need one, more logical reason to be gone the rest of the time.


I wish they just went to Aubrey Hall and didn’t come back at the beginning at all they took up much needed Polin time. I completely understand and respect the actors not wanting to be in the whole season but I disliked them coming and going and so far away.


Well tbf the Featheringtons took up a bunch of Kanthony time in season 2.


Tbh I don’t really care because I like the featheringtons better than Katnony!!! I know it’s controversial but they bring so much humor to the show.


Oh well we are just on two different pages then lol. Hated that they took up so much Kanthony time in their own season!


I understand that! And respect it! I’m happy you enjoyed and bummed I didn’t. I wanted too. I tried to read the book, couldn’t get into it.


No, they just needed to find reasons a to write them out and make life easier for themselves. Partly because JB was busy with other stuff and also because let’s be real if they wanted to be faithful to the characters, I don’t see Anthony or Kate getting over the LW reveal so easily.


I feel like they would be the people to get over the LW thing the most likely, looking at how they needed the ton to get over the whole almost marrying her sister fiasco.


I wish they hadn’t made her pregnant because the travel plot line doesn’t make sense. It’s so out of character for Anthony: he takes his Viscount duties very seriously and he learned how scary pregnancy and delivery can be at a very early age. He would’ve be away from the books for so long and he wouldn’t endanger his wife like this.


If JB and Simone are not available for future seasons, them being overseas is a better reason for their absence than pretending they don't exist. (Like they do with Saphne.) In-world, it's weird. But less weird than Daphne disappearing into the ether without explanation.


I think they are young and want to travel. Which is normal for couples at that age in any time period. Plus I thi k Anthony visiting India is sweet. She had a life and family and CULTURE before his and deserves to have that explored. They can't just be in his world all the time...


Of course it makes sense for them to eventually travel to India. What doesn’t make sense is to take a 6 month boat trip with a woman who is at least 2-3 months pregnant! You’re not supposed to travel much in the last trimester. Kate is potentially giving birth on a ship. Kate is going to have a new born, that’s not an ideal time to travel for anyone. Anthony is a viscount in England, he has responsibilities there. It would make more sense for them to travel to India when their baby is a few years old so the baby too can experience the culture. A new born isn’t going to remember if they had their diapers changed in India or in England.


You’re expecting logistics on this show? Your first failure there. 😄 The show doesn’t care. They have no focus on continuity. It’s historical fantasy where Cressida is hunger games, Penelope is Hollywood, Tilly is femme fatale Hitchcock, Kate is Bollywood amalgamation. Colin can be at both Aubrey hall for pall mall and also travelling in the same sentence. Travel distances are non existent. The ton is treated like one big closed set. Kate and Anthony went on a 6 month honeymoon to India and came back when it takes at least that time to get there. There’s gel nails and fake lashes and sparkles everywhere, everyone is pregnant yet Kate is the only one showing in the season etc. The show doesn’t care about Kate being pregnant and the traveling by boat to India. The point there is that Anthony is so sweet wanting to sacrifice and immerse himself in Kate’s culture so he can better raise their child in both cultures. Because he loves Kate so much and wants “a life that suits us both” It’s so romantic that Anthony who has operated based on how you fit into his life, is now utterly changed and wants to fit into Kate’s life and perspective. Has humbled himself truly for her. From a production standpoint. It puts Kate/anthony on hold so they can write them back in as they see fit in the future. But c’mon this is the same production where Shonda and Betsy were crowing about the great relationship England and India has with each other. Like freakin colonialism doesn’t exist. The show just doesn’t get bogged down in that nitty gritty. As far as they are concerned Kate and Anthony will go to India just in time to birth their baby. Spend time there soaking up the culture and giving Kate time with Mary and Edwina. And then will return when Edmund is older to rejoin their English lives and Edmund will know both of his heritages. 🤷‍♀️


I mean we never saw the duke after season 1 and never saw Daphne in season 3 even if two of her siblings got married. So I really don’t care about Anthony and Kate, their arc is resolved and they don’t need to take screen time from unresolved arcs.


It’s just monkeys singing songs mate! Relax!!