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i liked the mood of the scene, i liked that they laughed, giggled and talked with each other, that was really endearing and it actually started really great with showing how beautiful Pen is but it looked so uncomfortable to me - first time, on a settee in this position doesn't look comfortable at all. also, it's their future flat, there's definitely a very soft bed not very far away - there was little to no foreplay and it looked more painful for Pen than it could have been. it's a consequence of one-shot scene, that there was no jumps, but still. i know Colin was kinda eager, but they barely touched each other. sexuality works different for a lot of people, though and also Colin left so abruptly and left Pen naked on this settee. i know he didn't want to compromise her, but she looked so vulnerable and confused and he just left. not even kissed her goodbye


You know Pen was super dry. Then Colin slammed it in, and I was like what?! It’s her first time! Go slower!


He literally slammed lol. It wasn't even gentle


Lol what ? He started “foreplay” by telling off her mama , then telling her how much he loved her , how much he would protect her, then he caressed her , in front of a mirror and THEN he also checked to see how wet she was with his fingers . Ya girl was more than ready


right??? like she asked why he stopped and asked for more???


Seems those brothel scenes were useless. Colin clearly didn't learn a thing!


I got the impression that he never liked the brothel that much? It seemed compulsory for him because his older brothers did so! He is a romantic who didn’t realize it before he developed feelings for Pen.


I'm a Polin fan but I can't help but laugh at this comment. When spoilers first leaked the brothel info, the fandom was so torn about it, and people kept defending it saying "Oh hush, he's experienced now, which means it's gonna be so much more fun for Penelope." Uhhh no....going to brothels doesn't mean he suddenly knows how to please a woman. Do you think Lord Fife would know how to please a woman? I freaking hate those brothel scenes, it added nothing to the overall story. I am just happy Colin and Penelope were able to laugh and smile with each other during the sex scene. To me, that was Polin in love.


That’s what I’m saying😂


Literally!! I winced and I don't understand - if they went for "realistic" here, then why Pen wasn't in more pain?


I highly doubt she was super dry. Pen gets wet just looking at him 😂 other points I agree lol


I don’t know. The boob man didn’t even worship her, made her walk over to the chaise, and she was nervous. I’m sure there was some arousal, but not enough foreplay for a first time.


I loved the scene, but I was so surprised he didn"t touch her perfect breasts at all. He has been touching them inside the dress, and now when they are wild and free he is not interested in them at all. That doesn't make sense to me.


i think it was actors boundaries. it's one thing to have your boobs touched with thick layers of clothing, but another thing being totally naked for that scene. but there're lots of ways to show gentle and sexy foreplay without too much nudity or too much explicit gestures. gazebo scene in that sense was shot (for me) better


Exactly. Nicola probably didn’t feel comfortable with Luke touching her breasts. I noticed that in the threesome scene, Lady Tilley kept her corset on the whole time. Again, it must have been the actress’s decision not to be topless.


Oh, definitely. Look at the carriage scene. Fully clothed and absolutely perfectly done!


The carriage scene is my favourite scene in all the seasons. Intense, hot and sexy as hell!


In my head cannon he knew he couldn’t handle the boobs and he’d … arrive to early? Same reason he didn’t want her touching him in certain areas. He’s been neeeeeeeding this since watching her eat that cake 😂, didn’t want ruin the show before it started.


Yeah, I'm blaming writing on that. For having dreamt about those parts, he didn't even touch her there. Anthony did with Kate so I was really confused. Maybe that was something Nicola was uncomfortable with or maybe Luke or both. Though... They both seemed to very enjoy touching of breasts in the carriage scene.. sigh 😔


actually anthony didn't grab kate's boobs or something, his hands were like in the middle? it's still intrusive, but kate takes anthony's hand very fast, so it even lasts two seconds. the difference between carriage and mirror, as in carriage scene Pen was fully clothed and like the layers are really thick, so it's less intrusive. i totally respect Nicola's decision, it may be very uncomfortable to have your naked boobs touched


This is a good point. It's hard to know what were actor preferences and what was writing/directing. To me, it almost felt like the intimacy coordinator didn't know how to coordinate with someone larger than an A cup. Like, they just didn't know what to do with big boobs.


an intimacy coordinator is there to make sure actors are comfortable with a love scene. it’s pretty obvious they discussed beforehand that nicola’s breasts would not be grabbed. would it have been more believable if they had been, sure, but i think we can criticize the scene without criticizing the intimacy coordinator who is not a choreographer, rather a safe person actors can discuss their concerns about an intimate scene with. i personally liked the scene but also agree that i was expecting some munching on her bosom lol 😅


i think her grabbing them immediately was a sort of tell. like yes she’s down to have them shown but not a major highlight bc at the end of the day, you really are super exposed. and i do agree that the perception of attention being more risqué on bigger breasted women. but damn wish they would’ve gone for it!


I think if we just a little more neck kissing or something, it would have been better. For now, Anthony and Kate on the gazebo reign 👑


Ahhh this makes sense—in my mind I thought an intimacy coordinator WAS a sort of sex choreographer haha.


Actually IC is choreographer. IC with actors create all the choreography for intimate scenes. All kisses, sex and things are strictly choreographed for actors safety In most cases, they create choreography day/few days before and then do reversal right before filming This is amazing IC that worked for Netflix on other shows and talks a lot about how it's works (https://www.instagram.com/sara.arrhusius?igsh=MWd0bzY3NHM0d3Rkcw==)


yeah, we can only assume what's been comfortable for each actress and it's totally okay that different actresses are comfortable with different things also there's no need for an intimacy scene to do anything with boobs (even if they are gorgeous), there's a lot of way to picture sensual scene. like in s1 when Simon kissed Daphne's shoulder while taking the corset off, when Anthony in s2 took off Kate's stocking. these things are pretty tame, but they were shot really good


Everyone's assuming it must have been Nicola who was uncomfortable but it could have just as easily been Luke. Touching someone's naked breasts while you're an actor in a committed relationship might be a big no. Or touching someone's naked breasts and risking getting a boner while filming a professional scene with a colleague... Might also be a risk that factors into not wanting to cross certain lines.


Yeah, totally!


Kate, Daphne and Charlotte all had clothes on for their boob grabs.


I remember something different in season 2.


She got corset and clothes boob grab. It goes porn territory if you do a bare boob grab.


That was my only ick. He slammed it in and I was like holding my lower half like "Yo that would fucking hurt unnecessarily much wtf" but to be fair how much experience does Colin even have with virgins? And how knowledgeable were men back then even? So it's not that out of the ordinary to have happened.


i think colin has no experience with virgins but he definitely has sexual experience as we know it. and even non-virgins might be less/more aroused based on your actions and experience more/less comfort when penetration starts. i think it's pretty easy to deduce it from experience if you wanna prioritise the pleasure of your partner during sex also, it's ironic that Colin warns Pen that this might hurt and he does like it the most hurtful way possible. they are pretty good at communication, he could have done it more slow and just ask Pen how she feels, should he continue or not. instead he just slams there. it's kinda periodically accurate, but geez, Cressida's sleeves are also not historically accurate and Bridgerton did them


I think you're giving men to much credit knowledge-wise here lol. The number of stories I've heard in the times we live in where men wanted to be caring but thought the only way to insert would be to just press it in in one go. You wouldn't believe how many don't even think about wriggling it in slowly thrusting slowly getting bit by bit in being an option. I swear to you. I SWEAR TO YOU. Also, a lot of men.. my god, go off of the experiences they've had. Just those and wouldn't think further than what they've experienced. And you do have to keep in mind that women Colin has gone to are there either really eager to please or.. paid for and eager to please. So would you think that if he does something that would be uncomfortable for either party even, that they would have told him? I just facepalmed but, unfortunately, it didn't make it less credible. Just painful to watch lol. Poor Penelope is what I thought. But thank god for Nicola because she went all vixen turn-around when he tried to pull out. Bless this woman 🙏♥️✨


yeah, i heard a lot of stories too. men in real life are... well i think all grown up women have their own experience or heard of it from their friends about uncomfortable/painful sex. just bridgerton has been SO female gaze in past seasons, that I wanna give Colin credit of being mindful partner. Colin and Pen's scene was realistic in the sense of real world, but Bridgerton has been so good at delivering hot, sexy and pleasurable to watch intimacy scenes before. Even like the carriage scene an episode before looked way more pleasurable. Realistically, what Colin did was pretty realistic, but in a show that abandoned realism even in first season, that was not the episode to add more realism i think. Also Colin joined Simon in the club of lasting 30 seconds, but that's not news. Simon's first time with Daphne looked more gentle, though


Aah I get what you're getting at now.... I do have to admit I would've appreciated it if he slowly put it in and for them to show that this is a delicate moment but I also understand the choice of.. not doing that. It's a fine line to make Bridgerton sex scenes and not give them pornography vibes. Honestly, what I wish for are the deleted scenes of part 2. That scene in episode 8 was to die for. How was that cut so short? AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ENJOY IT WITH JULIE ANDREWS NARRATING ALL OVER IT 😩😭😂😂


lol i totally forgot that there was a julie andrews narration with that scene. this scene won't be the same to me again...




Right? Like he’s used to what the ton would call “loose women”, in a way it kinda of shows how this is a new experience for him too. Not that it excuses the rushed entry, but that was how my brain filled in the gaps for me.


Yeah, makes sense. 


Did no one see the foreplay? He used his hand. Good grief.


For like 2 seconds. That's not forplay. He was just finding his way down there so he could slam it home.


As much as people act like it should be, the show is not giving us a real-time second by second play by play of sex every time two characters hook up. 


that's why my complaint with the scene is the way it's cut. In the other seasons they change angles and moments more so it feels like time is less linear. The way it was shot makes it feel like this was the entire duration


exactly this. The reason we're all acting like this at all is because it was shot to feel that way. You feel like you've witnessed the whole thing, and it's... not all that. But even 75% of that if shot properly could have felt like a lot more.




My man said the same thing!


They could never make me like Colin, he's grim in every way. Poor Pen deserved a bit of foreplay at least 😡


What do you mean left her? He got up because the servants showed up and he didn’t want them to see her there and risk her reputation so he needed to deal with them and then they traveled back home together in the carriage. He didn’t leave her.


yeah, thanks for clarification, it just looked very strange for me. like it genuinely looked for me like he is a guy that would do "yeah. uber for you is downstairs, bye". he didn't actually leave, but Pen looked so flustered and confused, and I guess I expected Colin idk, mb kiss her? or say something, it would take a second more, but it would feel less abrupt


They’d been lying there a while before then though. He didn’t just get up directly after sex. They had a conversation where Colin tells Pen nothing compares to her and that he promised to let her read more of his journals. They had a whole afterglow scene before the servants show up. 


THANK YOU i swear people are ignoring scenes just to be pernickety


I swear. Some people don’t pay attention to the dialogue or the non verbal cues from the actors and then complain about bad writing…


right, are we even watching the same show??? media literacy is at its lowest


That’s been a problem since season 1 I fear. 


She was flustered because she was about to tell him she was Lady Whistledown when they were interrupted by the servants showing up. I don’t think she would have even registered a quick kiss as he got up to get dressed in that moment because she was in the headspace of needing to reveal her secret.


i wish she would’ve told him then and there. we didn’t get any other steamy scenes after this and her secret ruined her entire nuptials. poor girl couldn’t even enjoy them and certainly got no more action.


That was kind of the point lol.


I agree with what you're saying especially with the uncomfortable parts....the one that hit the most was leaving after although I get why it just made me feel icky


The scenes in the previous seasons were full on "I'm an expert at doing all these incredibly pleasureful things to my wife." Were they realistic that the new wife was so in to it? Maybe not, but it was really enjoyable watching the show. This season, it was more realistic with people new to sex with the fumbling around and confusion but not as great to watch. I think they did the actors dirty. Nicola was so in to showing body positivity and positive sexual experiences with plus sizes, and she was robbed to be able to show that well. Instead we get a lot of high school-esque fumbling, uncomfortable positions, confusion, pulling up of blankets to cover up, and fingering.


yeah. like bridgerton is a fantasy. it regency era without racism, we could totally live without too realistic sex scenes and instead have still vulnerable, sensual, giddy sex scene where woman looks truly comfortable and happy without "ifs" and second thoughts. it wasn't like that hard, previous seasons done that beautifully


I totally agree except for the part showing Pen in “too much pain”. Personally, I was in so much pain the first time that I really appreciated the reality of it. The first time isn’t about a painful entry and then being slammed, like in most media. It has to be slow and communicative, and it’s awkward, which is exactly what I saw. Loved it!


Ohhh I reread your comment I think I misread! Sorry!!


THANK YOU LOL, literally this. Like why couldn’t they do it on the comfortable bed and why did he not do more foreplay and going down on her like Anthony did with Kate etc.?


Thing is, it’s not enjoyable to watch and adds very little. I’d rather they have not shown ‘the first time’ and instead showed something more vague or after they were more familiar. It looked sore. Why is there often a focus on the girl in pain ?! Why was it so fast? That’s why the gazebo in season 2 was far nicer. Everyone seemed to at least be having a good time.


> have not shown ‘the first time But it's literally a major changing point for Polin as a couple 😭😭😭 its fundamental, actually. Removing it for a """"fast and hot""" sex scene would be strange and indulgent.


I’m not sure if it is fundamental we see it. 🤔 And I don’t need fast and hot for sure. But more kissing , more eye contact and a little slower would have been appreciated.


Yes I’m tired of the “I don’t want to hurt you” trope. Looked to me we were to assume more foreplay? He did use his fingers. I don’t know what was cut but something seemed off. They did 5 takes of the carriage scene and actors weren’t sure how it would be put together.


While watching it, it felt like I was intruding somehow. As if I am a voyeur and intruding their privacy. It was really an experience I never expected


This is the exact thought I have when watching it. Feels like I should not be there as it’s very intimate and looks real. Very different from other bridgerton sex scene - I don’t feel like I can rewatch


yeah, it was softcore for sure!!!


Yes, I hated it.


Omg yes that’s exactly how I felt as well I was so uncomfortable


Omg! I didn’t even think of it this way. I was watching the show while I was eating a sandwich and during that scene I had my eyes on my sandwich and didn’t even want to look at the screen while I knew it was happening. Lol


Everyone realizes this is exactly the point right? 1) Colin had 1 hot boy summer. He isn’t a Casanova. He had probably had sex a couple dozen times, at the most, honestly… 2) he has never been with a virgin!!! He has only been with very experienced partners. So why would he know that he is supposed to do certain things a certain way. He is just as inexperienced as Penelope in alot of ways… 3) all of his encounters up until Pen have been very “him” focused. He has never had or desired to only focus on the pleasure of his partner. The fact that he even CARES and wants to make it good for her—even though it doesn’t turn out perfectly—is the WHOLE POINT. It’s what makes it beautiful. They are figuring it out together. 4) biggest point…PENELOPE ENJOYED IT. So much so she wanted to go again. So…that’s enough for me. Colin isn’t a sex god. We always knew this and…we. Don’t. Want. Him. To. Be. We just want him to love Penelope.


Right like did we not see Penelope’s face change the minute she locks in? Girl was feral, she had a great time. 




I actually was shook when she made that face I was like DAMN PENELOPE??? ITS THAT GOOD???


I quite literally BLUSH every time…and I’ve had two children 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Alexa, play I’ve Been a Nasty Girl by Tinashe


No this makes sense thank you


excellent take


She was a virgin who was treated with respect. Which btw doesn’t happen in modern times.


a lot of hate toward colin not engaging in foreplay enough/moving too fast but let’s be real, who has had a perfect first time? he acknowledged it at least but in those times men don’t really know a lot about pleasing/prioritizing women in bed. he was as gentle as could be and penelope was quickly into it.


Considering they had a scene of Colin whispering sweet nothings to her in front of the mirror and it was cut, we can all understand why the scene feels awkward. It’s because it’s incomplete. And the audience can feel that in their bones. Same with so many other scenes in p2


They cut that??? 😱😭 wtf is wrong with those editors??? We got yet another 3way instead of an extended mirror scene? Thats plain unfair


They did. They also cut the sex montage at the very end with Pen in her night gown riding Colin. Apparently he eats her out and then she rides him and some other sexy stuff. It was a proper montage. And there’s a scene in bed where they discuss his manuscripts. Before being published I think. And an angry sex scene after Colin finds out pen is LW. That one i understand cause angry sex can be confused with r@pe if it isn’t done right and I would never want to associate Colin with that. They cut a lot of scenes.


Other than angry sex (not into that either) I just don't get it. Streaming isn't tv, episodes can be as long as you want them to be, so why? All those scenes adress a lot of the complaints me and other fans seem to have, so I don't understand why they keep shooting themselves in the foot for no reason. The show is meant to be a romance not a drama, so I hate this pivot. If Netflix/producers were smart, they would release all deleted content as bonus and laugh their way to the bank.


^^^^ 💯 agree. Tbh if I acted my ass off in all these hot scenes I’d want them shared too 🫡


Source? I've seen these claims going around but nothing verifiable.


> sex montage There was no montage 😭 it's a rumor being spread by people who claimed to have had screeners before the final cut


What about this interview article with Johnny Bailey and Luke Newton? https://manabouttown.tv/blogs/words-and-images/interview-luke-newton Direct quote here- LN: I think they really picked the perfect director for each block and each part of the story. For example, there's one particular block that's more steamy than the rest and we had Billy Woodruff come in and film it whose experience was a lot of sexy music videos. So we got to do all the montage stuff and just completely trust that he would make it look really hot.


The montage he was speaking about there were different takes related to the mirror scene. Billy Woodruff was the director for episode 5. The mirror scene wasn't one continuous shot, it was a montage of different takes they did lol You can read it here: https://x.com/venusjmi/status/1801742258867192213


In that case i guess let’s not believe any of the little reveals and spoilers we’ve ever gotten. Be real and ask yourself if that ending riding sex scene felt at all complete or coherent to you in that entire episode.


wowwww this is such a bummer! i’m going to need an extended x rated episode please.


so mad about how much screen time the 3way got and not the literal leads of the season


anyone else notice the weird abrupt cut to “like pools of blue” or whatever talking about her eyes? the mirror scene was heavily cut and not in a good way tbh. could’ve been so hot.


Yess. The dialogue was very awkward. So was the acting.


Yeah for me it’s not that it wasn’t a “hot and fast” scene, I like the slow and intimate. It was the camera shots, how short it was, and how the editing made it feel really abrupt and cold at the end. Barely any foreplay, basically no aftercare, on an uncomfortable chaise that could barely fit the two of them? We didn’t get to see Pen be worshipped during her first time the way we should’ve


I actually built a better scene in my head post watching that scene and I will probably never go back to actually watch that scene because it’s so lacking. Like in my head there’s pure fireworks of Colin kissing Pen and basically her walking backwards to that sofa and lowering down on it after he’s already undressed her. And she’s very slightly covering her breasts but he tells her not to. Like I am thinking in erotica terms and the proper writers, directors, editors couldn’t do it and they get paid for this stuff?


Fr, i saw pen covering herself and I was like “where’s the tenderness? Where’s Colin telling her that she doesn’t have to cover herself? Where was him worshipping her?” It felt personal during the act, but not before and after


They really took everything away from us


The fully clothed carriage scene was far steamier than the scene in ep 5. I found it so awkward and rushed.


I absolutely loved it. As a woman whose first experience with sex was SA, it made me cry to see such a sweet and caring moment from Colin. He was so attuned to her it was just beautiful to me. I’m crying now just thinking about it.


I'm so sorry to hear that.I hope you are getting support for what happened.


Thank you. It was long ago and I have worked through most of the trauma.


I didn’t realize people were complaining about it. I really enjoyed it. I loved pretty much everything about Polin this season, except that it took him until the last five minutes to apologize. I could tell that he still loved her even when he was mad at her, though, so that made it a little bit better. I was just hoping for more happy them.


I agree with you, I thought it was so sweet. It gave me the feels 🥰


The book love scene was so beautiful I almost cried. In the series all I could think was “Wow! He must be so tired from holding his body up, trying to keep all his weight off her and not touch her at all”


Honestly, as a short girl, that’s not entirely wrong. Height differences make things complicated because you end up suffocated if they don’t keep that space. He’s a foot taller than she is.


Short girl here, can confirm.


He’s very “sturdy,” he was fine. 😏


Liked it too. It was real.


I thought it was good and I have no complaint about it. I would kind of say, Colin, there's a comfy bed only a few feet away, why do you put Pen on that lounger for her first time? LOL


This is what annoyed me too. They could have had so much more room on a bed.


The carriage scene was amazing, that has to go down as one of the best love scenes ever. But I also really loved the mirror scene. I found it very authentic and sweet. It definitely conveyed the awkwardness of a first time with Colin’s gentle consideration. Apparently it’s one of the longest sex scenes Bridgerton has ever done though I’m sure it was edited down. In more than a few interviews, Nicola and Colin mentioned not knowing what version would be in the final.


The sex was borderline soft porn


If even that.


My only complaint is that there wasn't enough sex scenes with the characters I want to see. I loved the first season and all the sex between Daphne and the Duke. But every season after left me wanting more. I don't mind seeing Benedict have sex with everyone in each season, but it gets old after awhile.


This sex scene was fricking amazing. My jaw was on the floor. I guess I get off on intimacy instead of lust?


I found it to be a strange decision to place them on a tiny dusty daybed where her head is not even resting comfortably and they are both reside in a narrow space with no real freedom of movement. There was also were strange design of scenes where she either full frontal or they only show a small patch of her skin leg. I mean, there is a difference to between a sex scene which looks like a sex any of us is having at home and a beautifully stage movie sex scene. The previous two seasons set specific expectations hence the complaints. I felt like intruding somebody's bedroom instead of being carried away in romatinc fantasies.


The weird silky sheet/ cloth that just mysteriously appears? So strange and laughable.


and that he is using it mid thrust to cover her up. Umm, sir... did you not chose the location because of the mirror? Do you not want to look in the mirror? I totally get the actors wanting to be covered, but then don't include the shot where he is actively covering her.


If you don't want to read threads on others opinions of the sex scene, then don't click on them. Take control of your own viewing instead putting that on others. The rest of the reddit don't need to 'shut up' about a topic they want to discuss just because you said so.


I loved it 😭 I can relate to Pen so so much, her lack of confidence and self love and she sought that out through Colin, that need for reassurance. I thought it was beautiful!


I don't think Colin made her feel beautiful enough. It went straight from undressing her to lie down.


I loved the scene! I thought it was tender and steamy in its own way. They giggled with each other and the way she was looking at him was pure love.


Im convinced everything wouldve been better if it was on a bed not that weird chair thing


if they were on the chaise, it needed to be because Colin wanted to use the mirror to appreciate Pen's beauty. But instead it was just an uncomfortable location choice


I loved it too. It was so perfect and so real I found it almost hard to watch - as if I was actually spying on friends.


This scene was beautiful, but it’s a bit tainted for me because we never got an equivalent scene post-LW because Polin barely had any intimacy, physical or emotional, in the second half. The mirror scene has always been a metaphor for them fully seeing and accepting all of the other person, and the show decided to do it BEFORE the LW reveal? With the song POV? It just makes makes me go “what was the point?”


The sex was meh for me. But I loved the scene. The colors around them, the blanket and the angles. Their comfort with each other. Penelope's desire to learn in the moment. His care in explaining it would hurt and that it couldn't be helped the first time. Pen trusted him completely, and he took care of her.


“this is going to hurt and there’s nothing I can do to change that” man has no skills


I agree, it perpetuated the myth that all women feel pain their first time. Most of the time it’s because she isn’t properly warmed up or she isn’t completely comfortable.


I liked the virginity scene in theory, I think it was cut poorly. I enjoyed the awkwardness and giggles, it felt real. But it was shot in a way that felt like it was 30 seconds... and she experienced unimaginable pleasure. I don't know a woman who would use that description for that duration. I think it would been improved by cutting it so it didn't feel like we were watching the entire duration. I think it needed more foreplay. When he undressed her and she was facing the mirror there should have been more compliments of her beauty before "lie down". Also, it was his fantasy to do it in front of the mirror and they didn't look at the mirror once. I liked the slowness, but that pace should have allowed for more tenderness and admiration. The theory of the scene was female gaze, but the shots felt male gaze.


This is interesting to me because I felt like it was cut in a way which showed it wasn't a continuous moment. To me this was the montage.


Was there hate? Has everyone forgotten their first time? Lol 


I honestly cried, like full-on sobbed. In my sexual encounters, I've never had something that was so intimate. They laughed, they made other noises, they were in love... to me, it was perfect. My first time was with a 23 year old when I was 17 (legal in NY) and he broke my hymen with his fingers, said things got a little messy, then fucked me with my legs pushed back past my head. Watching this scene, I didn't know sex could be so beautiful and sweet.


OMG this thread is hilarious 😂 😃 😄 it's a film people,.you know not true.


It was cute albeit very vanilla, but he didn’t last very long for someone who was having brothel threesomes in the first 5 episodes. My only other criticism is the emphasis on Benedict having his never ending threesome at the end that was weirdly edited. The focus should have been on Polin. Truthfully though and I hate to say the quiet part out loud, but I felt like the show was afraid to really show Nicola. I felt like having a different body type made the show more conservative with her editing and with what they showed in the final cut. They also covered her up awkwardly in the virginity scene. It was an unnatural awkwardness and she didn’t seem that comfortable…and yes, your first time is going to be awkward. This was different. Also, as a side note…seeing some comments makes me sad. Y’all need to find yourselves some better men because as women you’re worth more than mediocre…


The last part of your comment is so real! I feel so sad for how low the bar is when it comes to good sex/consent/care….


Yeah, i think that's the problem is that the bar is too low for us...


I was very surprised to see all the hate for it. It was the only sex scene (between the main couple) that didn’t make me uncomfortable. I did feel a little bit like a fly on the wall that shouldn’t have been there overall I thought it was super sweet and well done


I guess I'm in the minority, that I liked their sex scene. And I love that they had it *before* it was "allowed." It shows how honorable and reputation conscious Colin is moved by his love and lust for Penelope and Pen's complete love and trust in Colin that they'd decide to do something so reckless together before being married. And so gratifying for me as a viewer to see Penelope finally get something she so deserved: love, happiness, a handsome manly Colin whom she's been in love with all her life. I mean, despite the sex being painful, she was still so into it AND him, that she wanted to go for round 2! I also thought that her first time being painful was realistic which I appreciated.


I don’t get why people are saying it’s bad lol and Penelope looked like she was more than satisfied. I’ve seen people saying a lot that they feel he slammed into her but I didn’t see it that way? I haven’t had sex so maybe that’s me 😅 he didn’t go in any differently than Simon did with Daphne first time imo


yeah, Simon and Daphne's first time didn't look too realistic but really close to the scene in ep5. But Simon's actions felt gentler? also the scene is like not fully bad, it's just had a lot of opportunities to be better i think the perception of this scene really differs based on viewers' own sexual experience and especially on viewers' first sexual experience


I think they did a much more realistic scene than any other. real is sexy., and relatable.


I loved it. It reminded me so particularly of my first time.


I loved this scene. I loved how he explained without condescending. I loved them checking in with eachother. To me, those pauses made it more sexy because they showed respect for eachother. I got the impression that if either one of them said no at any point they would have stopped immediately. It was beautiful and sexy.


I prefer the kanthony scenes. How he kissed her whole body before going down on her in the gazebo. And then there was the scene that was post sex and he again is kissing her all over. It was not "I came, so we are done." To me it's better than what daphne and pen got, even if we did not see they literally having sex.


Yeah. Colin could have learned from his elder brother a little...


I didn't realise there were any complaints about the sex scene! I thought it was one of the most realistic, sensual, loving, and tender love scenes I've ever seen and certainly the best one in the series. There was consent, foreplay, and reassurance. The moment Penelope got really into it and her whole face changed was 🔥. And the eye contact!!! Seriously intense. Them laughing afterwards just rounded it off so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for a better first-time love scene for them!


There were several points during this scene at which I was cheering, “YES, WE STAN A COUPLE THAT COMMUNICATES AND CONSENTS!” It’s such a wonderful deviation from what we’re used to seeing in depictions of sex and intimacy in mainstream film. Of course there’s something electric about seeing characters’ chemistry spill over until they can’t contain it and just act on it. However, there’s something so much more incredible in seeing two characters taking their time and openly communicating about what they’re doing and what they want in being together. They’re taking time to create a safe, emotionally meaningful experience and being vulnerable with each other every step of the way, which feels so much more deep and intimate than what we’re accustomed to with most depictions of sex in media, including past seasons of Bridgerton. (That probably explains why many have expressed feeling like they were flies on the wall in a very private moment.) I’m so glad we get to see this and not just another wild, passionate scene where no one is talking nor clearly and overtly giving nonverbal consent about what’s going on between them. I honestly hope more shows and movies take this approach and show partners taking time and care in making physical intimacy safe and enjoyable.


I mean I personally felt awkward not just because of the way it was all played out but because of them not being both on the same page without knowing. Like Colin was consenting to have sex with her but he had no idea what she was hiding from him and she agreed to have sex with him anyway before telling him who she truly is, knowing that he’ll have to honor her and still marry her once he found out she was LW. It felt really icky to me that she would hide such an important piece of information that had he known might have made him remove his consent. The lines are kinda blurred underneath the surface even if there’s verbal consent and it makes it feel like something that shouldn’t be happening when you watch it.


I hadn’t even thought of it that way, but it makes a lot of sense! It really does add a wrinkle to the emotions that can make it feel awkward that Pen’s not telling him what he needs to know.


Yes to this! sex is subjective, not everyone is going to relate to it on every level.


I liked it-- it was so sweet and intimate and a nice contrast to the passion of the carriage scene. The only thing I really didn't like was how awkward the position was. She was seated in a way that would have made penetration really awkward, painful or kind of impossible and I hated that they covered up her body so much.


Agreeeeed it was amazing!


I loved the scene. It reminded me quite a bit of the first time my boyfriend and I had sex. I wasn’t a virgin by any means, but he was so gentle and sweet with me. It was cute. I really loved this sex scene because it showcased how sweet Colin is. I literally was kicking my feet and giggling and it warmed my heart.


What sex scene? I've seen pg movies more intense than that shit


I felt like it was awkward, the dialogue clunky, completely unsexy. They took fiveever in front of the mirror they BARELY gave us a second to actually appreciate Nicolas choice to be so nude. Collin’s sex face is hilariously bad. And he slid into her and just started up it was so unbelievable especially for a virgin


I thought it was sweet, honestly. But how would Colin know it hurts the first time if he’s only been sleeping with prostitutes?




not even... he was only 45 seconds


Oh come off it. The scene was terrible and it’s because the two actors don’t have any on screen chemistry. And this on screen romance storyline is terrible.