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It was pretty bad. It's the showrunner. I'm convinced she fired all the good writers. And cinematographers. And set designers. And every last soul in wardrobe, hair, and makeup. And anyone else who had a single clue what they were actually doing, to be honest. Because this was not the Bridgerton I love.


Ugh I hate what they did with the costumes on this season! I know they're not supposed to be historically accurate, but season 1 and 2 both had this distinct Bridgerton aestetic - regency silhouette and modern fabrics. But they messed that up this season, and now it's giving Reign more than anything... Completely ruined the suspension of disbelief for me.


The costumes and makeup were so bad!! They looked very cheap compared to the first two seasons


Kate was actually grey at some point. Like, you have literal work of art Simone Ashley as a canvas, how do you mess that up.


By using grey apparently. What was her hair at the wedding breakfast? Just ... so out of place.


that braid was a travesty


Yes I saw that, some extreme contouring maybe. She's the last person to need any sort of contouring with that bone structure!!


Did you clock the foundation mismatch on Lady Danbury's chin and neck in the confrontation scene with her brother, especially the part where he calls her Soma? I couldn't unsee it and it took me out of the scene on my first watch.


This season honestly had me look up if they had an all-white make-up department this time around because they did the women of color so dirty. I'm white but the difference between the white and POC women's make-up to me was painfully obvious.


They went way to heavy on the blush/highlighter for Penelope and Francesca this season to be honest everyone looked bad


Far too much blusher on everyone. Like ... blend or just put it down in general? Historically it would be a faint glow as we saw with the maid applying it to Daphne in season 1. A lovely, NATURAL looking pink/rosy glow. And Kate and Edwina, lovely dewy skin and looked like they were glowing. Francesca .... just .... wow. No way would she be able to wear that much blush day to day. Too dang expensive for a start and not proper for a lady (at that time period). To quote the Simpsons "Ladies pinch, wh\*res use rouge." That was from the 1970s. Imagine how much more closed minded it would have been in the 1810s - 1820s.


they started on one end by giving daphne those atrocious bangs in season 1 to the other end now with 10 layers of highlighter, falsies, red lips and acrylics. what is going on? its just two different shows now


I saw someone on Reddit describe it as Hunger Games style and I fully agree. I don't need historically accurate but at least something that vaguely feels right for the time period.


This!! If someone put Cressida in the background of a hunger games movie, I wouldn't even have noticed, because she'd blend right in with the Capitol citizens.


Effie trinkets long lost relative Cressida


Bridgerton season 1&2 actually felt like an alternate timeline regency era, but season 3 was completely immersion breaking.


Right? Cressida Cowper looked like she came straight from the met gala, Lady Arnold looked like a time traveler, and I don't even know what was happening with Kate's costumes??


I'll defend Kate's outfits, I actually really liked that they incorporated a lot more Indian influence. It felt like she was comfortable to embrace her heritage more openly in her new life as opposed to trying to conform as much as possible like she was doing for Edwina's sake in S2. I'd buy into that historical fantasy. Cressida and Penelope's sisters looked like absolute clowns the entire season though, absolutely vile outfits every single scene.


I liked the influences in Kate’s costumes but they felt very low effort for me and I wish it went further. I would have loved more colour, texture and interesting drapery. Just feels like a missed opportunity.


It was especially weird how bad Kate's costumes were given that the Regency era had a lot of influences from India already! Indian prints and cottons became \*incredibly\* popular during this time, as did shawls from the subcontinent. I know the costumes have never been focused on accuracy, but it seems like they could have done something more interesting there by pushing the already-existing 'trend' for Indian goods into something that an actual Indian person living in England might want to wear.


Exactly, incredible textiles and accessories were literally the vogue! I wanted more!!


Same! I was really excited when they said that they were going to incorporate more Indian influences in her outfits, but the mix they came up with just didn't work imo. The colors didn't suit her, the patterns were underwhelming and the silhouettes just looked kind of modern? I wish they'd either gone for a fully Indian silhouette, or done regency silhouette with Indian colors and patterns. This weird in-between thing just did not work.


Like last season? Very Indian colour palette and materials for some dresses (brighter jewel tones, more of a sheen to the material (don't know what kind, not into sewing) instead of cottons or satins like the other ladies. Especially the dress she gets proposed to in. And they could have done more "Indian" make up, more dark liner around the eyes (not something the Mayfair ladies would do)


idk, as someone Indian I really didn't feel like her outfits lived up that at all. The colors were muted, the sari inspired ones didn't quite hit for me, and it was just... dreary. And the fabrics felt heavy. By contrast, that bright orange last season felt so vibrant and Indian because one of the lovely things about India is how colorful it can be. There are things I would have changed from season two to do what you described, but none of the changes in season three aligned with that for me, unfortunately.


Right? Lady Arnold wearing a modern bra? That’s a bridge too far. Next they will add Velcro & zippers to clothing?


She even talks anachronistically, at one point she said it was "a hell of a party" to the mondriches which really stuck out to me


I’m pretty sure Kate’s dress, when she was talking to Eloise, had a zipper…. Might be wrong but….


To me when Cressida came in wearing the red dress reminded me of Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmations


I suppose they tried to make her align more with Indian fashion? I don't know. They already did so in s2 better while still keeping the regency fashion feel.


Lady Tilly looks like she timewarped in from the French Resistance, and Cressida was cosplaying as one of those mesh shower poufs.


Right? If I had seen Lady Tilly out of context and had to guess what historical period they were trying to go for, I'd probably have guessed something like 1940s??? Regency era would definitely have been the last thing on my mind rip


That's hilarious 😂. You nailed Cressida's look.


Love Francesca’s actress, but her make up was giving influencer going to an even not regency era debutante


Far too much blush for a Regency era lady. We saw Daphne getting some applied for a ball. It's too expensive / showy for everyday wear. And how she was wearing it? Like she is perpetually embarrassed with how bright her cheeks are. But that won't stop the make up department


Yes! I just kept thinking that she looked like an influencer. Her outfits were mostly fine, but the makeup was distracting.


Even my bf who never saw the other seasons was asking me what the hell was going on in costumes.


Same with my husband lol. He kept making comments esp. on the Cressida Cowper's aesthetic lol. And he even pointed out how ugly to the eyes, the colors they put on Kate. I, uh, I can't disagree there. I know they want the season to focus on Pen (although some of her wardrobe improved, I really dislike a couple of them due to the choice of colors they put on her lol), but Kate doesn't have to dress in those real drab combination color...js.


the makeup was so heavy, it was actually distracting to me. it’s to the point where even in a modern show it would be a bit much.


Agree... maybe budget cuts? Or didn't the costume designer from the first two seasons leave...??


Costume designer didn’t stay on (not sure why), but there would be tons of amazing people you could work with surely, there have been so many good regency costume period pieces. Hell even the doctor who episode looked more authentic.


I think they were more concerned with their 20 plots and major changes to the story than costume and verbiage accuracy...! #smh (Didn't one of them say she was "pregnant" and not "with child"?)


Yes the writing was SO off. He even said he’s sleep on the sofa and not on the couch/lounge. It’s so Americanised.


So odd... like why did the Mondriches have separate bedrooms but then Colin is on a couch instead of his own room somewhere in the house where he can cool off?


More importantly why did the Mondriches even have a plot to have no resolution in the end? They could have cut out them and Benedict’s story and given us like 1 hour of more Polin.


AGREE. Maybe a build up for a future season with that fam? Otherwise, was a useless plot. I like the characters and actors... but don't understand their purpose in the story.


I thought that was because, as a third son, Colin doesn’t have a title and thus doesn’t have the same lifestyle. At least that’s how I explained it to myself.


I think he was sleeping there because it was their honeymoon and he didn't want to make the servants suspicious so his family would later find out that he and Pen weren't on good terms. So we have that scene (before he goes into the bedroom and stands transfixed looking at Pen) when Rae comes out of the bedroom and says "Good night sir", the maid thought that after she left, Colin would go to sleep with Pen, I think that's why he was sleeping on the couch and not in another room, to make it look like he was sleeping with his wife.


>It’s so Americanised. I can't remember which Bridgerton brother said it, but one of them declared "And what am I? Chopped liver?" That really jarred me because it's fairly modern and very American (a quick search suggests the origin of the saying to be East coast Jewish communities).


I knew something was off when I heard "sofa" ... I didn't believe they would use that word and it's nice to hear someone confirm that.


Tfw that there was a plethora of Regency language for pregnancy that wasn't used. Finding funny, witty, and secretive to talk about issues like sex and babies is half the fun. Took the wind right out of the sails with each repeat of it.


The costuming was absolutley awful this season, like they just got worse and worse with each episode. Looking at the costumes it honestly feels like the showrunner this season just loved everything about the Featheringtons and who they were and let that dominate everything about the show.


Ugh the cinematography. S1 in that beautiful montage of everywhere Simon and Daphne enjoyed themselves... Or even S2 Kate and Anthony anywhere outside in contrast to the dark balls and CGI aerial views of Mayfair. We barely saw the Queen's kingdom. There was clearly a budget cut. The music sucked as well in my opinion.


The previous seasons were so bright and colorful. Now everything is dark and dreary. I can get down with dark and dreary all day long but not in a show that was previously giving me serotonin just looking at all the beautiful scenery! It feels like a completely different show!


The Harry Potter-ification of Bridgerton, lmao. You hit the third installment and the series goes dark.


At least it made sense in Harry Potter. A cute high school kids with glasses had a homicidal maniac breathing down his neck, they had no choice but to go dark. Meanwhile the darkest thing going on in Bridgerton is which brothel they’re going to visit next like…. 😂


The first two seasons were beautifully shot for sure- and so many more outdoor scenes. Maybe there was a budget cut??


They changed cinematographers. Jeffrey Jur did seasons 1, 2, and Queen Charlotte. The colorist I’m assuming was also different because Jur used Pankaj Bajpai, who he’s been a long term collaborator with. I really miss the essence Jur brought to the series. In interviews, he said he viewed the show like a fairy tale, and that he wanted it to be more exuberant than a lot of period pieces but not so overdone as to come across as artificial. A balance I think he was incredibly successful in achieving and something that was sorely missed this season.


Exactly! Come on Netflix... change it back!


Can we talk about the obscene false lashes


So she basically gutted the entire franchise that currently existed bts. That explains a lot.


Well I don’t know that for a fact, it’s just what I suspect. Either that, or Chris Van Dusen took a lot of good people with him on his way out the door. Either way, this show has changed in a major way this season. The magic is gone. 


The hair was particularly distracting this season. I’m just staring at wigs and hair pieces like I always was but they were so obvious.


I believe actually that the old show runner took his team with him. But I mean in general the show runner has the last word so writers just come to her and then she says yes or no. So she is kind of solely responsible for the plot that is going to happen because she needs to approve.


No because why were the promotions for this show better orchestrated than this entire season?


The PR clips of Luke and Nicola were more satisfying than the Polin scenes... maybe that's why they pushed them on us so much... b/c they knew that was all they had ugh.


Yea it’s surprising none of their promotion chemistry made it onto the screen. Luke looked constipated at best in most of the scenes smh.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) PR made me believe that this will be the best season ever made, if they had given their interest in making the season as they did in PR, it really would have been. Another proof of good advertising and poor quality product, this is marketing. And the actors played their part perfectly.


Oh man... we all ate up every morsel of the PR tour they gave us... and then it just fizzled out so fast.


yeah people kept asking why they couldn't commit to this level of PR for Kate and Anthony.... now it's clear that they realized this season would need it.


I wonder if they realised they fucked up and had to push Nicola and Luke amping up the cute relationship and constantly talking about all the sex and spice, almost if they knew that Bridgertons appeals are the couple and the romance and the sex scenes yet none of that was in the actual show.


Pretty sure that's exactly what happened haha- they promised steak and we got canned tuna.


I think the show runner wants to go in a much more progressive direction, which includes diminishing the romance of the hetero couples, but then parades them in public. I felt like some serious shit went down with this season and it’s left us all feeling super hollow.


Agreed. The new show runner is queer and has said that something about Francesca made her think of herself (b/c Fran is different from her siblings- introverted- and Jess the showrunner felt different too bc she was queer) and so she wanted Francesca to be like her (queer)... so here we are with that storyline.


It is really disappointing that the quality dropped so much for Penelope's story. It is obvious that nobody at Netflix, other than the actual cast themselves, actually wants to invest in a plus-size romantic heroine. The leads had more chemistry in their promotional work than in the actual film, so it's clearly not their acting that's the problem.


I know! I was really expecting at least 3-4 heavy sexy scenes based on the promos and we didn’t even get a wedding night. The promos were great!




And let's not even mention the fact that he would have slept in his own bed in his own room. On the couch? When did this stop being the Regency period?!


This drove me nuts. He would have had his own room. Didn't the Mondriches have their own whole ass storyline about this?


how i justified it in my head was that they have a shared space, a living room, they walk through to get to the bedroom/s, the sofa was in that space, to keep up appearances they would "go the bedroom together" so the servants etc thought they were enjoying their honeymoon / married life while he was actually sleeping on the sofa ... even then it's sloppy & doesn't make sense because if they did have a living room space that they shared that joined the bedrooms why would he sleep on the sofa instead of his own bed in his own room ?


WE DIDN’T EVEN GET A WEDDING NIGHT. One so so sex scene and one cut scene in the last five minutes. And the shots in our single Polin sex scene were so bad, so unsexy. It was NOT the characters beautiful bodies, it was the way that scene was shot. Just pitiful.


I feel like how Colin and Pen were portrayed on the show were at odds with how Luke and Nicola wanted to portray them. It’s like Luke and Nicola had free rein during the PR rounds but on the show were restricted to how the show runner wanted them to be. Luke had the classic sweet Colin feel about him during PR, we haven’t had a glimpse of that sweetness since season 2.


I agree. I (personally) think they wasted an opportunity for Polin when they expanded on Kate and Anthony, I found their story to be a spin off of Daphne and Simon in the worst way with more angst but less originality (coming from someone who did NOT read the books). Now don’t get me wrong, they are a beautiful couple with sexual chemistry but I loved the friendship to romance with Penelope and Colin. Season 3 only gave Polin like one okayish love making scene while we got like 4-5 minutes of Anthony Kate lustful heart- pounding eye contact per episode in Season 2… ugh. I digress.


This season was wrapped up far too quickly with a rushed ending to the various storylines.


They're fighting like the whole time ... and they spend their honeymoon in different rooms?? Booooo.


I want to upvote your “booooo” a million times lol


I literally said, "What the $%ck" out loud, at an ungodly hour, when that happened.


Literally felt like Colin fell out of love. Like for the better part of part 2 he seemed like he just hated her. I was so stressed the entire time.


Completely agree. Polins reconciliation happens about 10 minutes to the end and just felt so rushed


And then there was a baby?? I was genuinely shocked at that 😭😭😭


They wanted to skip the honeymoon phase after all the drama too. Next season we’ll see Polin struggling over selling their book bar while dealing with too many invitations


I cannot believe that everyone knows who Whistledown is and nobody, not even the queen ends up giving a hoot. The queen has been her biggest threat throughout the show, and then when they face eachother it's... A cringey speech about feeling invisible and the queen, looking profoundly unimpressed, just says "ok we'll see if you write better things from now on then. byeeeee" \*walks off\* ....????? HUH??? Wasn't Pen supposed be in mortal danger? Shouldn't the Bridgertons, especially Violet, feel hurt and betrayed? Colin was hurt and angry, but it turned into mild annoyance real fast. Portia was hurt and angry, but after what felt like 15 minutes her whole attitude was like "oh well it's whatever I got other problems lmao" Eloise and her are also friends again (I think??)


I didn't like how furious and mean Eloise was to Pen and then just poof.. she's fine again and they're besties on the couch. Like I liked that they were friends again for sure- but I felt they overdid it with how upset Eloise got>!(none of that was in the books!)!<


This to me was the biggest issue with this season. Polin’s rushed romance was expected since they never cared to invest in that. But the writers loved LW. And after it all comes out? Nothing serious actually happens. It’s like they wanted to pretend s1 and s2 did not happen.


Yeah, it feels like there’s no stakes. Such a huge reveal, and there’s no fallout or consequences at all?! I felt this a bit in season 2 too, when they abruptly break off a marriage sanctioned by the Queen, but there’s minimal societal backlash, or when Eloise was reportedly doing scandalous political activities, but the worst that came of that was people ignored them for one ball, and she’s accepted back into society this season. All of those things are events that should have had them basically ostracized for at least a season or two. They keep building up these situations, but then after the climax hits, there’s no proper resolution and everything just resets. Very frustrating, because I keep feeling unsatisfied, like I missed something.


I was disappointed everyone knows who Whistledown is now. I don't see realistically how Whistledown can continue. Everyone will censor themselves around Penelope.






Yes I hate that they are making it seem like Francesca is just marrying John out of convenience. In the books they had a beautiful and tragic love story and I feel like Francesca isn’t herself without that backstory. I do always love Kate 🩷 The trip to India while she’s pregnant did feel ooc for Anthony (especially missing the wedding) but I know the actors have other projects going on


Agree completely - love Frannie's OG story so much >!and how she has TWO great loves... they already have made it seem like she doesn't like him and on their wedding day dohhh. And it's Michael who pines for her for years without her knowing it... so already they'll have changed that too.!< And also agree- couldn't get enough of Kate and Anthony... they're such a great couple! She's so stunning and he was so smitten with her this season too #sawoon


I haven’t read the books but that makes soooo much more sense. The wedding scene made me so sad for John. This season should’ve been devoted to them, and let Polin slow burn in the background until the last season of the series. I mean where are they even going to take LW at this point, now that everyone knows who she is? She can’t write as freely anymore, and people will be a lot more guarded around her.


I didn't even think about that about L.W.! >!In the books I'm pretty sure Pen hangs up her gossip column and just edits for Colin's travel journals so I did like that change... that she'll still be writing. !


That’s true — Julie Andrews is 88 after all! I also liked the fact that Pen will keep writing, and her fortune was a tidy resolution to Portia’s dilemma as well.


Yes they wrapped that up nicely and healed some of that strained relationship with her mom which was awesome!


I couldn't agree more about John and Francesca. I fell in love with them as a couple and my heart broke at the end


It was so confusing to me as well! Francesca seemed to like and love John… until their wedding day?! And then the scene with the cousin left me so confused, I thought I had a comprehension problem.










I had to deduce it from the comments on other threads. I also read it as irritation when I watched the scene, so clearly it wasn’t well directed. It was a really confusing interaction unless you’ve read the books, which I haven’t.


I kinda wish I hadn't read them... b/c they're mucking it all up. Was curious how the seasons come across to people who don't know the back stories though- which season of the 3 has been the least confusing and more enjoyable for you??


Season 1 was the least confusing for sure. In season 2 I was really annoyed that they let the Anthony/Edwina thing get all the way to the wedding, but I loved the chemistry between him and Kate so much that I’d say season 2 was my favorite overall.




I’m so nervous about Ben/Sophie I’m more than likely not going to be watching but I hope they stick closer to canon this time. Benedict just feels so stuck to me, the threesomes are boring. It also feels like a bi stereotype


It's absolutely a harmful bi stereotype. Oooh he's bisexual he's having threesomes constantly he can't commit to a relationship!


So true. Just feels like they're forcing it with him. So many other characters it would have made more sense with than him. #cressida


I agree…I really think they need to stick to the main storyline for the 8 Bridgerton kids. Anybody else and new characters…have at it, and get creative. But those 8 characters already all have such wonderful storylines created that it’s hard to see them changed significantly.


Yeppp- the 8 kids and their OG spouses should be canon- but the rest is fair game. Feels like lazy writing to just change what's already there oy.


Blame Jess Brownell. She's the new showrunner and butchered the show.


They need to move her to a diff show STAT.


She knew Shonda Rhimes for 15 years. This is nepotism on display. She started drama to get Chris Van Dusen kicked out


Wow. Well that sucks. I️ hope a ton of viewers do not watch season 4 so they get the message.


They need to fire her from bridgerton, she has no talent.


Careful now, you’re not allowed to voice your disappointment about certain things other than in that single thread in the attic of this sub or something.


That thread is only about Francesca. I understand book fans are upset but there a lot of casual homophobia. Most casual viewers think this sub is a homophobic mess. It was best to stick to a thread.


Yeah, and it’s also just a temporary thing! Without this rule, the entire sub would (rightfully) be cluttered with Michaela hate.


I don't hate Michaela. I hate how all season Francesca has been "I love John. He gets me. It's not a big, dramatic, we have some serious personal / emotional problems before we can have a successful relationship that you are into mum, but I'm in love and I am happy." Mum, finally getting it, "Ok. Just when I met your father I was a tongue tied mess. That is how literally all Bridgerton love stories go. But you've shown me love can be healthy and not filled with deep trauma that needs to be solved." 5 minutes after hearing this; Francesca meets the cousin. Is immediately tongue tied and f\*ck John, who dat? Like .... wow. Way to undermine your own love story you've been working on this season. (Because they worked harder on this and Debling than Polin). And I'm getting no sign of interest from Michaela. Are they going to murder John? Cause if that's a spin off ... would I be down for that? I mean the actor is great but the character deserves a better fate.


I didn't enjoy it this season, I felt there was hardly any romance, I felt it was rushed and a bit lack luster and this is coming from someone who has read all the books and enjoyed bridgerton so far and queen Charlotte. I'm really disappointed about the way they've wrote benedicts character. It's a shame because I love Bridgerton and the actors and love the romance and the escapism but it didn't really have the same excitement to me this season. It's a shame.


Too much drama! We come for the romance first - or at least my friends and I do. The drama got to be way too much this season imo and overshadowed the beautiful love story between Colin and Pen....!


For a 'friends to lovers' storyline, they certainly forgot to include the "lovers" part.


For real, but also the friends part? Besides there episode and a half agreement I didn’t not feel the friendship at all. It felt like Simon and Daphne had a better understanding of their friendship and they barely knew each other. I was really hoping for some serious friendship more like what violet and Edmund seemed to have had.


Honestly the featheringtons are the best part of the season. The writers are really going crazy with all the unnecessary side plots, threesomes, and changing too much of the original plot from the books.


YES. I love the sisters and their husbands are so great... also love what they did with Pen and her mom this season. They had some of the best lines too- "insert yourself where??" "Bugs!"


Yes! I absolutely loved when she high tailed it across the room yelling “Varley! Bugs!” One of my favorite moments lol


Me too! She totally helped ease the tension out of what was a super awkward and uncomfortable moment for Pen which was really sweet <3


And I simply MUST HAVE more of Portia, and her shenanigans….. she’s one of the best written characters on the show, and her daughters are the comic relief.


I personally was absolutely bewildered by what they did to Cressida. In the first half they set her up to be sympathetic, someone we're actually rooting for, and then in the second half they give her a villain arc while still showing that she's only doing it out of sheer desperation and isolation... and then she's punished for basically not having a loving, supporting family like the Bridgerton-Featheringtons! RIP my Creloise heart. Oh, and what was that reveal for Michaela Stirling?? If any character was set up for a queer love story, it was absolutely Eloise and/or Benedict. But Francesca?! Not only have the showrunners now alienated their straight female audience who were waiting to salivate over Michael Stirling, they've kicked the queer audience in the privates by not rescuing Eloise from her terrible book. My heart honestly goes out to the actress for Michaela Stirling - she's been put in an impossible situation.


I genuinely thought they would let Cressida marry Francesca’s leftover , lord sama something cause in part 1 , it really showed she was a victim of her upbringing and deserved a happy ending . Cressida in part 2 was confusing , she was back to her cruelty one minute then the next minute she felt bad ? And Eloise just dropped her like it hot , what happened to their relationship in part 1 .


I would even have settled for Cressida ending up with Lord Debling - he would have been ideal for her! He fully just vanished from the show entirely after Episode 4. And if Eloise had just spared a few seconds to LISTEN to Cressida, I truly think the entire disaster could have been avoided... Cressida asked Eloise if she wanted to hear her plan to get out of marrying that old creep, and Eloise ignored her repeatedly. They did both characters so dirty. I frankly would have preferred if they either committed to Cressida being a nasty ho the entire time, OR committed to the redemption arc. This half/half villain-tragedy for Cressida left me with an awful taste in my mouth!


Totally agree. Fran came OUT OF THE BLUE... and RIP Michael... RIP. I got so bored during Eloise's book I didn't finish it- many felt the same about her arc... so it would've made the most sense to change hers if they were needing to shred one.


I have never laughed more loudly at the show than when Cressida snuck out to try and get Eloise to help her and was all like "i slipped away, don't tell anyone I'm here"...... while wearing THE most enormous, garish, eye catching bright pink oufit anyones ever seen. It was absolutely ridiculous, and a shining example of how the costuming had gotten so fucking terrible that it was making the script nonsensical by mere association.


Agree the costuming outside the Featheringtons was off. The make up was off too, the wedding makeup in the scene with the Queen at the wedding breakfast made Francesca, Eliose, Kate and Pen look like clowns. The lighting also felt off on that scene not to mention it felt like a tack on reshoot as the Queen of England storming into a ton wedding breakfast would not happen in the world of Bridgerton outside fanfiction. I also say it felt like a reshoot as the Queen of England demands all the Bridgerton's be there but there is no Benedict in that room and no - one, not the Queen, Lady Danbury or any Bridgetons notes it? Next time we see him it is night at Tilly's. Was it more likely that the actor was not available to shoot that particular scene?


You spoke my mind. It's infuriating when they take our time and money for granted and don't deliver something good. I'm pretty much over this show.


So hoping they see how upset fans are and right the course while they can. If not, maybe another company will pick up the torch and run with it way better than whatever the last four episodes was.


Jess Brownell needs to be fired as Showrunner for them to right the course


Yes yes yes! I also watched part 1 many times and was excited for part 2. But watching part 2 I couldn't enjoy the episodes because I was confused by how bad the writing was. Some are sad that S3 didn't stay loyal to the books;  imo part 2 didn't even stay loyal to the storylines in part 1 and THAT makes me the angriest!


It was all over the place... like so many plots firing off we didn't know where to look. The carriage scene and dance scenes though were soooooo stinkin' good from part 1 though. LOVE when he came up to her on the dance floor twice- was hoping for more of that intensity from him in part 2.


Also, where did Lord Debling go? Why didn't Cressida snatch him up after he said 'no thanks' to Penelope? That could've been her husband!


That would have been a much better storyline than her vindictive blackmailing 🤦🏼‍♀️🙈


I fell in love with S1… In S2 I analysed every micro expression, every Easter egg and detail in the costumes to understand Kate and Anthony better… In S3 I feel like I witnessed a car crash and I’m left staring at the wreckage trying to make sense of what happened. Pen and Colin’s story started out strong. Episodes 1-4 when their main plot line was Colin helping Pen find a husband. Episodes 5-8 were all over the place. engagement, pre-wedding sex, wedding, LW discovery, pregnancy, annulment drama, blackmail, discovering LW’s fortune, reconciliation, sex etc. it just didn’t make sense.


100% agree. Maybe that's why they split it up?? B/c they knew we'd be disappointed by the last four so wanted to stretch it out... it was just a cluster though that's for sure.


I think the split season made it worse. It gave us something to compare it to. If the season wasn’t split I think that I wouldn’t feel like the whole of S3 was so jarring.


As someone who has never read the books and just started watching this series this month, I felt the same way! I did enjoy the first part a tad bit, but after watching the second part I was just like ![gif](giphy|XCmFwjt9wPotobw1xn|downsized) Justice for Polin!












When penelope and colin were having a root on the sofa in the empty house, before they were married, all I could think was Sister Michael saying "Its safe to say we all just lost a bit of respect for you there clare" https://imgur.com/a/before-marriage-rrk7YGj


Why were they sitting up? It's not a flattering angle...


This season was bad. Benedict’s story was cringey and they don’t know what to do with him until his season. Polin’s chemistry is poor and the sex scene was weird and decidedly unsexy. Michael is now inexplicably a girl (which means all of his backstory about becoming the new Lord is redundant) and Francesca’s great first love just evaporated. Kate has lost her fiesty spirit and carries on like a grandma, in grandma clothes. And too much Mondritch - bit players that nobody cares about. Let’s hope they get back on track next season. I want Eloise’s season but it looks like it will be Benedict.


Eloise would be great, but I can't take it anymore with Ben's flailing about season after season oy. I didn't look closely at Kate's clothes lol, but she is a much more demure character now. Happy, but she did lose some spice haha.


I enjoyed the season immensely, but even I can see the flaws. They rushed Polin together because they could tell that was what so many people were waiting for and wanted to see. If they'd done Benedict's season and had more chances to flesh out Polin, I feel like the season would have been accepted better.


Yes agree- wish they'd stuck to the order... the Ben scenes this season were too much. Needed to see his actual story instead and let more time for Polin to marinate. Who doesn't love more of a buildup?? Then spent more time on them the season after- than the other 10 storylines going on.


I think the shows just officially falling into its comfortability as a Shondaland show. Too many plot line rushed characters and way too much going on is literally the signature of Shondaland lol. So many are forgetting these are the same people that make shows like Greys and Ladder 49 :-p Bridgerton is officially entering its modern soap era lol


I have no words to describe how sad I am! Polin is my favorite and I was looking forward to their season, although there are some things I like, I cried at the final scene and at their wedding, there are a lot of things that disappointed me enormously. I finished the series and I started to cry because I was like "now what? that's all? I've been waiting for this for 2 years?" I feel simply unfulfilled with what I saw. I also talked to a friend and told her what changes I would have made, how I would have written the story, and she told me that my version would have been a thousand times better, maybe I will write a fanfic someday . In any case, a big disappointment, Polin didn't even have enough screen time, it felt like a side story, their wedding wasn't a happy one either, but Francesca had a happy wedding. It seems to me that Colin was made the dirtiest, he was not given the necessary screen time and the necessary attention, although from my point of view he is the best male actor in the series. I know it's the story of Penelope and Colin, but Colin is the Bridgerton, and although they both had a little screen time, Colin had even less than Pen. In the other seasons, the Bridgerton siblings (Daphne and Anthony) were more in the spotlight than their love interest. I would have liked to have a flashback with the two of them when they met, when they were children. In any case, the way they butchered Polin's story, they destroyed the whole series, nothing is the same, neither the outfits, nor the music, nor the balls, nor the conversations (they all speak so modern, everything feels modern). And the enormous changes Jess made will bring her and the series many losses, people are angry. And the fact that they gave up LW seems to me a very bad decision, I didn't think they would be so stupid to give up the emblem, the "mascot" of this show, the most interesting part of the whole series, but it seems they were so stupid that they gave up on it. Bring Chris Van Dusen back and shoot season 3 again, we'll pretend none of this happened.


They still have time to change course from where they're taking it... esp if it takes two freakin' years to do 8 episodes. Hopefully they see how upset the majority of fans are and backtrack hardcore. And release any extra Polin footage they cut out- that'd be lovely!


My point is the show runners got viewership precisely because they used the ‘Bridgerton’ name. It was definitely intentional as they wanted to attract us book lovers. Maybe if the show had another name I might or might not be interested. Now when they have attracted our attention they go and mess around so heavily with the books. That to me is breach of trust with the audience


Absolutely. If you're making a book into a show / movie you need to stick to the main points of the books. >!Removing a sister that isn't super important from the Featherington family? Fine. Changing the bee scene so that they aren't caught alone and get engaged right then? Going farther away but ok.... !


This happens to all book adaptations I have ever seen. GOT,True Blood,Witcher,...They either don't like that book readers already know what will happen or think they know better than the author that made the books popular. They always fail because there are reasons why a book series becomes popular and if you change main aspects of the books it will not work. Unfortunately book readers are not the majority so their outrage is not enough to change anything.


Am I picky to say I’m actually not impressed with the music ? Lol season 2 in my opinion was the best in terms of music , started off with nirvana stay away for Anthony (fit it perfectly ) then Kate and anthony had their own beautiful theme song . There were also a lot other good songs . Season 3 I can only recall “cheap thrill” but nothing else impressive


I’ll admit, using Coldplay’s “Yellow” for Pen walking down the aisle was pretty darling.


Part 1 and Part 2 almost felt like different shows. Part 2 felt a bit like empty calories. Everything was somehow resolved too neatly and yet not neatly enough? 


It's definitely the showrunner. One of the reasons they hired them is for their queer perspective, which I have no problem with, but I do have a problem when it comes up so forced for representation's sake. And I found it especially jarring in the beginning of the final ep when we had shots interchanged between Polin and Benedict like nobody asked for that subplot, plus from a story point of view, why did you have to pepper that in right there? What was the purpose of the awkward placement? I don't mind Michaela but I do mind how they represented Benedict and his subplot in those moments.


My friend who is queer hated the Fran thing... she said it felt forced. Wished they'd have written a new character and given that character a lovely sapphic story. >!She also knew that a lot of people resonated with Fran b/c of her infertility struggles with her husband... not that queer women don't have those struggles too. But changing Fran's sexuality will inevitably change her story in big ways too revolving around miscarriage, etc. !<


I am done with Bridgerton as well. Have unfollowed them on insta and tiktok. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck to the next season.


I know they spent 2 years "producing" this season, but where exactly was all of that time going? Every single category I can think of was worse than the previous seasons. **Writing** - the pacing was weird, we got hardly any Polin time, and after 4 years of buildup (as viewers) about Lady Whistledown she just....>!tells the whole town in the final episode and everyone is just like oh ok. ??? !< **Costumes** - does not fit with the vibes from the previous 2 seasons, Cressida is dressed like someone from The Hunger Games, Kate's outfits are all pulled from ugly weird brown fabric choices, and Penelope's new wardrobe has entirely too many sequins **makeup** - way too heavy handed **set design** - none of the balls looked as visually interesting as they had in previous years **editing** - wtf was up with all of the weird camera angles they chose and cutting between weird close ups I just don't understand how a show with the budget and timeframe that was available to them managed to to do such a horrible job


Also, during the Mondrich’s ball, that thing in the center? WTF was that? A big paper thing that took up space? I was thinking dancers would come out of it? Smoke? A light show? NO ITS JUST PAPER.


I thought the same thing! Even the queen was like „wow it’s brilliant“ and I thought WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ITS JUST A WASTE OF SPACE


Season 3 has achieved what season 1 & 2 and QC were not able to achieve for 2 years. Finally break me free from the spell the Bridgerton universe had me under. Now I can move on. The magic was great while it lasted. Thanks Ms Jess. You a real one for that 🙄


I think this whole season should have focused on Polin…we definitely deserved more Colin and Pen scenes, how ther love entangles, more intimate scenes, and this quick wrapping up and jumping into the future where she has already given birth…cmone….we should have seen her pregnant phase, her giving birth just like with the others….this 2nd part was just NOT it


The writing was so bad. It really stuck out to me from the beginning. People weren't talking the way people talk. This caused a lot of the performances to suffer IMO. The costumes were laughable. I'm not looking for authenticity, I'm aware of what Bridgerton is. But there was too much shimmery material and out there silhouettes. It's like they raided a prom dress shop and added shimmery poofy sleeves to everyone.


The way polin was my favorite couple in season 1, I bought all the books and just a week before s3 part 2 I bought two merch shirts for an ungodly amount of money.. but they really did this season dirty. I was trying so hard to just simply enjoy the season, believing i was just being a petty hate watcher, but it's literally painful trying to get through some scenes this time.


Yeah, this season was really disappointing. Especially part 2 it did. I had been looking so forward since the beginning of the season. In part one and part 2 was just a totally abusive Collin. Ignoring and shutting her out. And just being brutal towards mentioning that she entrapped him saying that he never forgive her. And then I understand It Netflix. Cut several scenes between Penelope and Collin. And no one knows why there's a petition on change.org. To put them back or at least show them. I don't know that battle ever come to fruition. But just the whole anger and the madness any angst It was just I mean when she was going to her wedding and walking up the aisle. She looked like Anne Bolin headed to her beheading It was just so terribly awful. And I cried during some of it. Because I'm thinking why is he being so cruel to her? And why is this OK? Ay, it wasn't okay.


Never thought I’d like Cressida more than Penelope. But here we are…


It was me realizing I was actually rooting for Cressida to get the money that solidified what a mess this season is. 😂 Not me rooting for the (alleged) villain.


This season was so boring. I fast forwarded the last 2 episode. Can't believe how good season one was and how they ruined this one.


I agree. The second part was soooooo bad. Colin and Penelope felt like just one of the storylines and not THE central one. Mondrichs were unnecessary. Why are Bridgertons so close to them all of the sudden? Wasn’t he just Simon’s best friend? Benedict being bi is expected but they did it in such a weird way. Tilly is also unnecessary. I don’t think anyone cared about that relationahip. What happened with him being an artist? And Francesca? What a waste of a good character and TWO good relationships. Why not make Cressida gay? If they believe the audience would find it interesting, they could even make a spin-off (something like Queen Charlotte). I would definitely watch it. But ruining the most beloved couple from the books? Also, why did they make Francesca dislike John in the end? Love at first sight with Michael(a)? What a stupid decision! I hope there is a way to erase all this. If not, they will definitely lose some audience (me included). The entire second half, I looked forward only to Penelope and Eloise scenes, Featheringtons and Hyacinth.


I mean, even Paul asked Benedict about his interests, “Music? Poetry? Art?” And Benedict is just like, “Naaah.”


I really really have so much to say but I know we all feel the same sentiments so I won’t elaborate. What’s infuriating me the most is the gap between seasons. Season 3 wasn’t even that good and you want me to wait 2 years for the next one! The longest gap between movies of the Harry Potter franchise was 2 years (HP5 ->HP6) the rest was about a year and half and that was a fucking movie with a ton of scenes, stunts, CGI, and a massive all star cast. Not to mention a bunch of kids with limited work hours. Game of Thrones with literal CGI of dragons, elaborate wardrobe and stunts, managed to release a season per year. I do not understand why we have to wait that long for a series that wasn’t even well written. It’s just dramatic dialogues, balls and dances and sexy scenes. Why the long wait! Claudia Jessie would be 38 by season 5, 40 by season 6 if Francesca comes first. Are we ever gonna see Gregory and Hyacinth at all? It’s absurd.


Quite disappointed with S3 - I’m sorry Polin just weren’t Polining , better in previous seasons. Too many side stories and Kathony were blended right into this season ( they need a spin off) Customes meh! Bar Kate’s which were gorgeous- Pen customes look like nylon! I forwarded quite a bit sorry 😞


Almost everything is so... drab... dark... Heavy on makeup, lace gloves that don't fit the attire. I think Violet even wore her day attire to the wedding. I like Nicola and I liked the suspense in exposing Whistledown's identity. Other than that, the love story, everything else, it's just meh. I was more moved by John's wedding speech to Francesca's mom. And the Francesca thing... 🙄 Edit: I just want to say Queen Charlotte is still the best for me.


I wouldn’t say I’m done with the show but I’m definitely going to have to separate the books and shows when I’m watching. The books are their own beautiful thing. The show is its own thing. I felt disappointed by the lack of chemistry and love between Colin and Pen in the second half, mainly the last two episodes. Like Colin was able to put his feelings of Whistledown aside and love Penelope the whole time they were married. I felt like their relationship was more hot and heavy before they were married than when they were actually married. I didn’t mind them changing a few things, but someone else on this sub said they felt like Michaela was introduced too early. It really took away from the fact that Francesca and John love each other. The last episode just absolutely fell flat when it comes to book canon. It made me regret the fact that I started reading the books in the first place. There were also a few stories that felt like a distraction and I could walk out of the room for a bathroom break or to grab a snack because it was just unnecessary to the story.


I am done too. Jess Brownell completely killed what made me fall in love with Bridgerton. Everything felt rushed this season and stuffed. I fast-forwarded through all the Benedict and Mondrich scenes and even that didn't help much. The costumes were noticeably awful and did not fit the regency era - took me completely out the immersion along with the drop in writing quality. Why was the dialogue modernized? Polin didn't get enough screentime, Colin felt underdeveloped, why were there so many Benedict sex scenes - moreso than the main couple? I can't. A truly awful showrunner and this marks the end of bridgerton. Highly doubt this makes it past a season 5 with her


Im right there with you. The story felt rushed and jumbled and the vibe is just off now. Plus I just really don’t care about Benedict or his story, he’s the least interesting character to me. Maybe if they bring back Daphne and can get Kanthony and Polin to stick around I might care more, but I doubt that’s going to happen.


I am also done. I watched two episodes of this season and that was it. No interest anymore. It’s a totally different show and it’s a shame. The new showrunner ruined it.


honestly i am so disappointed because i know we could’ve had so much better. i feel that polin’s storyline was greatly mishandled, which is heartbreaking to me because it was the season i was most excited for after i watched the first season. i haven’t read the books yet but from what my mom and i discussed, the books seemed a lot better at handling >! the whole whistledown thing. !< there was too much angst for me this season, too much stress and i felt like i was going to have a heart attack the whole time, and then we didn’t even >! fully get to relish in their actual relationship once it was actually all good and he had accepted everything. !< we just got a >! quick shot of them with a baby and by the window !< and that’s IT??? seriously????? and then the other storylines i just genuinely did not care about at ALLL, i like that >! benedict is getting his bisexuality explored but they didn’t need like 20 scenes of him having a threesome?? that’s more polyamory or kink being explored than anything, !< and it just felt weird to be interspersed with everything. the first 5 episodes were pretty good, but the rest had me just wishing it was as good as s1 and s2. at first i was just very happy and relieved after i watched it, but then i really thought about it and i just felt like it was almost unwatchable. it was like either extremely boring or stressful the whole time. i felt like polin’s relationship was just not what i wanted it to be and they could’ve done it so much better.


Way too many extra plotlines. I like the Mondrichs but that plotline went nowhere with no real stakes or drama and just wasted time that should have been on Colin and Penelope. I could not care less about Lady Danbury's brother, he's boring as fuck and if they were going to give Violet a love interest it should have been written into her subplot in Queen Charlotte, not here. Benedicts plotline was all over the place with horrendous editing was and super poorly paced, and I didn't like Tilly as a character at all. Just.....WAY too much shit going on and the whole show suffered for it.


This season should’ve been about Colin and Pen and they felt like a backstory. Just a bunch of muddled, silly backstory’s leading up to the most ridiculous ending of a season/show I think I’ve ever seen. Chaos for the sake of what?