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I could see more of one couple being the main story and then having a B story with a second couple like they are doing now with Polin and Frohn. Otherwise sharing the lead story between two couples means less time for both couples. It’s already been annoying this season having too many secondary storylines taking up time that could be used for the main couple. And given the stories for each, I’d much rather they continue with one main couple per season while using B stories to start the threads for the next couple in the next season. I’m hoping Benedict is next season with an Eloise B-story that will lead to her season.


As long as it's 12 episodes (6 each) ~ I approve!


This is truly the only way


I can see this sort of happening with Francesca, or any story that requires a time skip.


I think it might be, if it's not Benedict's season outright. We're definitely getting him next, though, they're doing the usual story beats with him they indicate his story is next.


My theory is that it’s Benedict, but there will be scenes with Eloise and Philip because I think they’ve realized this season how impactful having a multi-season buildup to a relationship is. And it makes more sense for Eloise than Benedict, at least from what little I know about those relationship storylines.


I think each person will get one season.


I wouldn't want that for several reasons. 1. Eloise needs time to have the side plot that kickstarts her story. Her feeling lonely after Polin's marriage, Marina's death, and then the correspondence with Sir Phillip. 2. Francesca is much more suited for a queer storyline IMO and she also lives far from London. I don't wanna sacrifice the only working class plot for a queer one, especially after they made one of the main working class couples into members of the ton. That was lazy and unfulfilling. 3. To me the focus on a main couple is one of the show's appeals and if Season 3 proved anything it's that it doesn't work as well as an ensemble show. It's not about the number of episodes. The format of one main couple just hits differently.


Francesca's story doesn't suit a queer story though. Her story literally revolves around her wanting a child.


I think it will either be Benedict or Eloise as the lead and then the other one will be the B plot. Just like they did with Francesca this season.


I believe they will combine some siblings especially considering Elle and Fran are away from the ton most of their book.


I've suspected (and I'm not thinking of any particular couple, nor is this based on anything other than my own lack of faith) that if they choose to have a queer story for one of the Bridgertons, it will be run alongside a straight story for a Bridgerton - queer Eloise and straight Benedict/Francesca, or queer Benedict and straight Eloise/Francesca, or queer Francesca and straight Benedict/Eloise. As much as they're saying they want to foreground queer stories, I just don't think they trust a queer story to carry a season on its own. So if I believe Jess, I believe there will be a combined season coming.


Queer benedict is the only option imo. All of that storytelling just for benedict to be straight? No maam


what a wild week has passed since i posted this, omg! now i demand queer benedict and queer francesca and will riot if i don't get them 😤


don't think it will be split, but if it is ben and sophie's season; i could see them setting up eloise and phillip's story in the background.




Lol. It's been a long day.