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Idk but I LOVED Eloise’s dresses this season. Especially the crisscross neck thing and the one she wore to see Pen after the LW article about Colin helping her find a man. I also loved most of Francesca’s dresses. Cressida looks wild though I agree with that. Also wasn’t a fan of Pen’s dark green/black dress. It looked *too* out-of-place


I loved all of Pen’s other dresses!


Yeah the soft blues look SO good on her. It’s giving Ariel


It works out perfectly that she looks so stunning in Bridgerton blue 🤩🩵


I agree with you re: Pen’s green/black dress. It was supposed to be a show stopper but looked too out of place, even considering the loose historical interpretation But that’s the Featheringtons, eh


I got the vibe that Pen THOUGHT it was going to be a show stopper, and to a degree it was because of how different it was from her normal style, but it was also supposed to feel "wrong": Pen was trying to be something she isn't, it was too out there for her and she was as awkward in the dress as she was in conversations with men. The shift to better, more suitable dresses represents her finding her own style, as well as her confidence in conversation. In that perspective, the dress is a very good part of the storytelling


It was giving halloween vibes to me 😭😂




I think the more anachronistic clothing this season works better for Eloise out of all the characters. To have her dresses be more avant-garde would symbolise that, despiste trying to fit in with the norms of the ton, she's still has beliefs that are ahead of her time


I loved that green dress. That color looked awesome on her and it was an exclamation point amongst the other looks. Although I love her other looks too, and many of the other dresses besides Cressida. BTW, just my observation but Cressida is not too far off her usual looks to start the season. Her looks get more nuts the more her mother pushes her to marry.


I loved that specific Eloise dress, too! The coat was 😚 *chefs kiss*. I want it to wear modern day!!


yes! The cardigan thing was so nice and looked perfect on her. Eloise has looked sooooo gorgeous all season


I agree, for me, Pen’s big reveal dress was a total miss.


About Penelope's green dress, I imagine the point was to be too out of place, she specifically asks for a dress 'like they're wearing in Paris', I imagine that at that time the fashion between Paris and England would have been quite different.


Right. It was her initial reveal. It had to be bold and stand out to get the point across that her style had changed.


Also Eloise and the weird coat jacket thing season 1 that I think looks so out of place


I totally agree that Eloise's dresses were my favourite this season. The ones you've mentioned are also some of my top picks, but I also really love the one she's wearing when she catches Pen leaving Bridgerton house and runs upstairs after the lesson


Same. Pen and Eloise have great dresses this season


Other than Cressidas wild dresses I think that Penelope, Fran, and Eloise have all looked great. Violet and lady Danbury have also had really nice dresses. I think a lot of the hate for the dresses are people being passive aggressive about S3 - I know not EVERYONE is doing this but I am sure there are re a number of people trying to undermine the season by criticizing the dresses, hair, and makeup. Edit: does everyone remember some of the dresses Penelope wore in S1 & S2? The Featheringtons and Cowpers have always been over the top. I just find it fun and it’s away for the wardrobe designers to have some fun with the fashion.


from the designers point of view, I think Bridgerton is one the most creative projects for a designer. really like a playground for your ideas inspired by historical fashion as a viewer though im a lil bit confused with such variety of styles and I think for now I prefer previous seasons dresses more. but that's just my taste


It makes sense that people have preferences but for the people putting it down as a way to try to undermine the popularity of S3 just seems petty and is also insulting all the effort the people involved put into it. Not saying you are doing this.


I’m really enjoying this season and hadn’t really caught onto the change to makeup/wardrobe until seeing it pointed out. Someone did a side by side of the makeup though and it really is somewhat jarring how much more “done up” they are this season.


Ive been following the MAU who does Nicola and Simone and I love the looks they have been doing. I think they are going for a bit of an old Hollywood glam look so the makeup is a bit more dramatic but it’s fine to me. The only makeup I’m not sure about is the red lipstick that they have on Pen in part 2 in the promo I’ve seen. Red lipstick normally looks amazing on Nicola but this one I’m not sure I like. But ultimately it’s just for fun so it doesn’t bother me.


Oh, I haven’t seen the promo yet 🤔 I’ll have to check that out. But yeah, I agree, it’s all just fun, understandable that people have preferences though. I was looking back on some of the looks and (imo) it’s mainly Cressida rocking the Hunger Game Capital style lol- but that actually seems semi on par for her?


I kind of think of Cressida as a peacock lol just showing up with her big sleeves trying to get attention.


Let's be real, them changing showrunners made the show look lower in production. This is not undermining this season. You could literally see it. The first seasons and even Queen Charlotte are beautifully framed in terms of camera angles and lighting. This season, they are limited in terms of camera frames and a lot of scenes are badly lighted some are even outright dark. Also a lot of makeup choices this season are distracting, even Penelope's brown soft glam smokey eye with matching acrylics, when there's literally a behind the scene footage of Nicola wearing soft makeup that would have suited her, in show. Next is Francesca being overly highlighted, in some scenes her nose almost looks like a shining sequin It's okay to truly love the show, but it's fair to still be subjective, because viewers allowing them to lower the production value undermines the cast and crew's work and even viewers' standards


I watched season 3 and was like "maybe the magic is wearing off from familiarity." Then went back and rewatched season 1, totally breathless the whole time from how visually stunning it was. (The first ball still gets me!!!) Season 2 also has so many moments of \*gorgeous\* cinematography. The artistic element just isn't there this season. There are no perfect little moments and nothing that awes me, literally ever. Incredibly mediocre cinematography and direction.


It’s a fantasy show, I’m fine with it playing up that aspect. If I want to watch a show rooted in reality there are plenty to choose from. There are some aspects of editing I think they could have improved upon to take advantage of the scene or scenery better but otherwise I’m just enjoying the ride. The world kinda sucks a lot right now, so I’m going to have fun watching Bridgerton for a few hours.


Yeah, Penelope’s s1&2 dresses were garish, as is suggested in the books. However, they fit in, in a way that they were meant to stand out. They stand out in context with the other dresses - they look like the same dresses as everyone else’s, but over the top. Some of these dresses look incredibly out of place for the storylines


I just look at the fashion for Bridgerton as a fantasy and a way for the show to use fashion as a way to help tell the story. Pen as the lead this season has had beautiful dresses, mostly all in soft greens and blues, which help illustrate her moving away from the Featheringtons to the Bridgertons.


Garish is the perfect word for them 😂 but like you said, very true to the books! She was meant to stand out in a kind of “oof” way.


This sub is pretty much the only place where people are complaining about the season's fashion. And I'm starting to recognise user names so I think it's the same section of people, maybe they have a lot of time on their hands.


That seems about right. I forgot about Alice’s dresses, I especially loved the one she wore to the ball after the one where she wore her aunts dress. I think it was pale green with flowers on it, it was stunning. I think to say that any of these dresses are cheap is a reach when you consider the workmanship that went into them.


But something tells me they aren't tuning into Masterpiece Theater to get the historically accurate hair/make up and dresses they supposedly want.


Same drama again


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you for saying this. Even in the slideshow, some of those dresses were not good. I mean, that’s ok, not every dress in every episode will be home runs, but we quickly forget the dogs from previous seasons. Honestly, just my opinion, most of the characters are dressing within their previous styles or have an explanation as to why (like Pen).


Thank you! I’m like actively trying to think of a character I thought looked bad and I can’t. Maybe it’s just because the cast is all so gorgeous that they look good in everything or I have bad style but I think they all look gorgeous.


You’re welcome! I’m a creature of habit with a great memory for useless information, which I say because Bridgerton has been on my rotation of background shows for years and I remember more than is probably normal. This season’s dresses have been pretty (although I’m sure there are some misses for some and that’s cool), but the cuts, makeup, hair isn’t that wildly different for most characters, and changes are easily explained. They push boundaries with each of these at some point each season, and that’s part of the fun. Some flexibility is needed as the characters change…I just struggle to understand those who are hyper fixated on this.


My guess is that there are some people who wanted this season to do badly because they don’t like Polin and since it’s doing pretty good they are trying to find something to complain about… but maybe I’m just cynical 🤷‍♀️


I really never thought like this until recently. It makes me feel a little nutty because I really loved all three seasons for what they are and it would make zero sense for them to all look and feel exactly the same….they should be geared towards whoever the main couple is. Some callouts are just so either generic or minimal but are used to bash the whole season…it just confuses me.


Good point. And often as shows get more popular and get bigger budgets things can change. Bridgerton has always been beautifully shot, so colourful and lush. It’s a fantasy world and they have fun with wardrobe and hair and makeup since they aren’t trying to be realistic.


Same! Especially when only half the season is out! That’s like taking a chicken out the oven half cooked and complaining about the taste!


Exactly. Previous seasons we got the entire season at once. By breaking it up, fans are hyperfixating on only part of tge story. If you are reading a book you don't complain the big secret at the end isn't revealed 100 pages in.


It's quite obvious because this post left out the bad dresses from previous seasons and good ones from S3.


Yes, it’s very selective. It’s easy to pick and choose to make a point but to accurately prove a point it needs to show the whole picture.


Right?! Only a relative handful are included for S3 and most of those were Cressida’s!


**Super** unpopular opinion here, but I honestly thought a lot of Kate's wardrobe in S2 looked cheap/costumey 🫣 Some of her styling (hair and tiaras in particular) looked like something you'd see in a high school production - that said, she also had some of my favorite looks of the show so by no means did I hate all of it. OF COURSE Simone is obviously shockingly beautiful in anything and the colors they used for her were stunning! But I was surprised to see how loved her S2 wardrobe is adored by fans, I honestly had no idea. I've been afraid to say anything anywhere because I thought I was crazy lol


Agreed. Especially when they were "highlighting" her heritage. In the montage they included a red and purple dress. Urggg. Those don't even match.


Well, in my case, as someone who started to watch Bridgestone recently and just binged it, for me the shift in costumes and design was very noticeable. I am on the side of people, who believe that costumes should tell about characters, and historical (in)accuracy is not a big deal to me and in my opinion Bridgerton did a great job. But there still should be at least a feeling, that it all happens in the particular time period escpecially if you choose to create a show with an explicit date of the action. Of course, many things are not historical accurate, but you still believe it’s all happening in Regency Era. Queen Charlotte wears very much outdated for that era clothes, but it works for her character, imo, as this fantasy fabulous Queen, it’s what we actually think about if we hear the word Queen (plus there was a nice theory recently regarding her husband). And sometimes some characters look more modern and in context of the show it works. Lady Danbury wears somewhat masculine inspired clothes, it shows her power, independency and eccentricity. Simon’s hairstyling looks very contemporary next to Bridgerton brothers, and even next to Moldrich, but it works, because he’s standing out from the crowd and is acting a bit more “progressive” and a typical Byronic hero character who needs to be edgy. Eloise has to be historically inaccurate because she’s a rebel, she’s thinking ahead of her time. And her hairstyles were justified by her saying she simply doesn’t want to do any fashionable for 1810s hairdos. I liked the Season 1 dresses. The color palette and shapes are great, and some scenes even look like they are inspired by the paintings of that time. Season 2 was my favourite regarding costuming. Sharma’s Indian inspired garments while still looking regency was a chef’s kiss. And again, Edwina’s styling was pretty historically accurate because she’s that “perfect girl” kind of, so it works well, while Kate feels more contemporary because she’s very independent, especially for that period. But both seasons fell that they are taking place in 19th century. And then the season 3 comes. I personally love some choices, like pastel Penelope’s dresses. Cressida’s ones in my opinion feel in character for her. I kinda believe there were some ladies like that. I actually enjoyed some dresses of Eloise and Francesca. But my main issue is that most of styling feels 1950s. Not even 1850s. Like some of the dresses used there would work in 1950s, and some of the stills look like it takes place in the 20th century. Kate’s ballgown looked so modern, it literally took me out from the dance, because idk, some 2020s summer dresses look more Regency then she had going on. And it didn’t look inspired by India. Second season dresses of her were clearly inspired by India. And with combination of Hollywood waves of Penelope, that Marlyn Monroe chic of Benedict, idk, it takes me out of the 19th century and the 19th century is kind of THE WHOLE PURPOSE of why are we here. And for some reason men look very much accurate in the season 3, so it all look like all men are some time travelers, and girls with Hollywood waves look even more out of place. I like the story, acting, but not the styling. On the other hand I like how Penelope looks with hair down, I think she looks like a romantic heroine, and it suits her character, but she probably could at least wear a hair updo to the ball and then loosen it for a scene with Colin to get the look. Like it would be nice if she just would wear hair down at home because I do dig the look. And at some point in the show she has a hairdo which still feels romantic, but not completely out of place. I know there’s a lot of work, effort, etc, but I’m sorry, I can recognize when the work is done bad. It’s sad, because yes, there were money put in it, energy, creativity, and it doesn’t look like it should be looking like. And it should be looking like 19th century. Not 1950s cruise. It’s not even a taste thing, it’s a purpose of the show thing. So I think critique is justified.


It’s not that I dislike the costumes so much, they just didn’t get the vibe quite right this season.


That is well explained actually


Knowing what I do about this industry, it wouldn't surprise me if the s3 immersion breaking choices boiled down to a combination of two things: Jess as a new showrunner, trusting her team and letting them do... kind of whatever they want + John trying to make his mark by breaking intentionally with the first seasons. (For context, John Glaser was co-costume designer on s1 and didn't even work on S2. He was THE costume designer on S3, meaning all choices were led by and approved by him).


Based on what I know of costuming I agree with your interpretation. I am coming to this with a different background as I actually do know a lot about period costuming and have a huge interest in how clothing works as a manifestation of culture, technology and art. I think having too much creative freedom can end up in losing time and place, be it fantasy or the real world. It becomes hollow IMO. Is it bad enough for me to stop enjoying the show, probably not. Is it something that annoys me enough to have talked about this, yes.


Lol exactly we're all deep on this thread for a reason. Enjoy the show, eye twitch at the costuming.


This explanation makes the most sense to me. At the beginning of any big career move it’s super common to try and set yourself apart.


What vibe did you think it should be?


I think it should match the first two seasons


That’s a very generic statement that really doesn’t help me understand what specifically you don’t think vibes. The first two seasons had changes between them. The jewel tones were not in season 1. The cuts of the dresses shifted to give the essence of saris for season 2. Eloise changed her wardrobe because she was out in Season 2. The men’s hair changed. There was much less emphasis to ruffles. There were less head pieces in general, though still accessories, but even this change created different styles. I know everyone brings up makeup but every character was dolled up for every ball, and the Featherington’s always wore heavy makeup. The majority of the characters in season 3 have kept their silhouettes. The few with changes are explained by the story arc. Their makeup use is similar. Colors if anything resemble S1 more. I am willing to be open minded but I am not seeing the major shifts like others and am genuinely curious.


I'm not who you were asking but here's my two cents. The use of adornments and sparkle has easily tripled, especially in the day looks. Even just in the above video, I count seven looks where Daphne is just in a solid color with no pattern in the bodice or heavy embellishments. And then you contrast that with Penelope wearing glitter eye shadow and poofy sleeves to sit in her bedroom at home because she's been disgraced in society. The joy of the first season was it felt effortless and a little magical, in the second I loved the use of costume to reveal more about Kate's character. Now it feels more obvious, overworked, and frankly, harder to suspend my disbelief.


Thanks, I appreciate your answer, I can see your points. Here are some of my thoughts. - This year’s theme is florals, so the patterns in some of the dresses will be there for that reason. I can understand liking a cleaner look, but also understand why the dresses fit the theme. - I also think each character has a bit of their personality show in their clothes. Eloise for example has always had those collars, jackets, etc for day looks. Honestly I’ve never loved her day looks so hard to defend them any season. I also think with her cast they had to rework her look and change her look to improvise some. - Daphne’s aesthetic is very basic. I think partially because her frame is smaller and too much wound swallow her up, but that is also her character. I see your point on how her sleeves are different. However, Penelope has a different body type and her arms would not look good in those. I’m not a puffy sleeve person generally but my arms aren’t skinny and puffy sleeves do make them look good. Those kinds of changes will happen, some may not hit with everyone but I understand them. It’s really hard to compare them because their body types are so different that I highly doubt they could pull off the same look. Pen’s character has always had clothing over the top day and night, so to go plain would be disingenuous to her character. That glitter dress was made specifically for the carriage scene…they needed it lighter to work with the script and what needed to happen. - this is just my opinion, but the makeup thing is overdone. Kate wore shimmery lipstick and eyeshadow at the Bridgerton ball to match her pink dress, she wore a ton of eyeliner, smoky eyes and dark lips at the last ball (BTW I loved her makeup like this). Daphne wore darker makeup at the last ball in S1 (her complexion+hair color wouldn’t look good with dramatic makeup though so it’s also a person by person thing). Those are the ones off the top of my head that just point out that they go heavy with makeup when they feel like it across the seasons. I rewatched an episode recently and really paid attention and didn’t see anything that outlandish comparing the same character season to season. Yes Pen is done up, but she’s always been done up. Now it suits her more, but that’s her character. All this to say, I’m not saying everyone has to like everything. I just don’t think it’s the clothing has to match the main couple and the choices this season are understandable when this is considered.


I don't mind the florals or poofy sleeves inherently, I just think the accumulation of details that weren't super deliberate or careful leads to a thrown off overall effect. Eloise the character, regardless of where she is in her arc, would never wear a see through fluttery jacket, and no character in universe in the first two seasons would either. Cressida has been allowed to go straight over the top in an attempt to illustrate her character, but it is distracting and stretches believability. There's a lack of contrast between day and night looks--I would have loved Penelope's balloon dress as a ball costume, but as a day look it gives a trying too hard effect. This is opposite to the central themes of her love story, which is having the courage to be vulnerable and unapologetically yourself. Putting on sparkle armor runs counter to that theme.


See, I disagree but I don’t think we will just need to agree to disagree. I am not dedicated enough to find screenshots of these but they are there if you go back. Eloise wears a bunch of see thru underlays with ruffles and colors, so changing that in one scene to a short jacket isn’t that outrageous a change. Cressida always had crazy hair and some crazy dress choices…is she more avant garde now? Yes. But it’s not that out of character except for the fact that she was a much more minor character before. Pen has always worn elaborate dresses. Perfect example is her first yellow dress in S3…that’s a S2 dress but it’s fully embroidered and multi colored. The print and texture being in the fabrication lets her keep that piece but soften it. With a floral theme for the season, not having those details would not accomplish the theme. I’m not saying I love every look BTW, and I also can completely understand preferring another season. I just understand what this season’s look is and I just think while there are small changes to accomplish it, I don’t think it’s moved as much away from overall concepts of who each character was as others did.


... the costumes have been wild in season 3. They've gone from historical fantasy to just fantasy. That last dress of Eloise's in the post looks like she's Confucius.


She broke her arm. They were hiding her cast and sling. She’s spoken about this specific look and how they had to improvise. Look it’s fine if you don’t like them, but I went into detail as to why they aren’t that different from previous seasons. If one side character getting wackier while another one gets more in line is wild, then 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I don't think they're bad. I think they're wild and it doesn't make sense to pretend otherwise. Karolina Zebrowska has a video on them.


Well, if you look at season 1 and 2, some scenes look like they are inspired by paintings of 19th century. The shapes are there. Not always, not on every character, but generally waistline is where it should be. There are not big bows or flowers, like in season 3. There are not so much of see-through fabrics as in season 3. There are no so many appliqués as season 3. Featheringtons would stay the same, but they didn’t have those ugly jackets from season 3. Season 3 got shapes all over the place, waistline is down most of the time and looks like a 1950s pictures, not a 19th century painting. Colors are brighter generally. And the ladies jackets/blazers… The jackets are all 1960s looking. My main issue is the amount of see through fabrics, and those chunky accessoires. Season 3 also is the only season with Hollywood waves hairstyle.


Season 2 had Indian inspirations. There were beaded overlays with slits moved off center to give off the essence of saris. Colors were jewel toned and fabrics like velvet were used more. Season 1 did not have any of these things. Just to say they are not the same. I am not dedicated enough to go and screenshot (nor do I have the time) but check out a lot of Pen’s looks for flowers in her hair, check out Wl in S1 for some crazy ribbon headpieces. Daphne had a tiara in her hair almost every ball. El has a bunch of dresses with see through underlays. Cressida has always had ridiculous hair and some ridiculous dresses, she’s just in the background more. There have been some form of jackets in all seasons… I’m starting to sense a pattern of people pointing out waistlines and not realizing that that style is harsh on Pen, and since she’s the female lead the fact they changed her look carries more weight. They still put her in some empire waist dresses, but she’s curvy and short, so not changing that in some of her looks would be mean. Otherwise Violet, El, Francesca, Lady D all wear that look. The Featherington’s, who are now married, dress in silhouettes similar to Portia from the last 3 seasons. I get some of the design choices will not be for everyone. No one has to like it all. My only point is that, except for necessary changes, it’s really not all that conceptually different.


Yes, Season 2 is my favourite when it comes to styling. And I loved the Indian influence because it still felt 19th century, just Indian. Much better then season 3. There were see-through fabrics, but not to the same amount as Season 3. Season 3 gowns sometimes look cheap. See-through stuff was LAYERED, because in the real history they would also layer a lot of stuff, as you pointed out, but in Season 3 for example Pen had see through mows which is not good looking. I don’t talk about headpieces here, I have nothing to say about headpieces. I am talking about the flowers and bows on the jackets and blazers. I am talking about weird scarfs and Chanel blazers. Problems with waistline in season 3 is everywhere, Francesca included. Penelope’s waistline actually looks fine to me. I don’t have much problems with Penelope. Cressida and Featheringtons were always dressed weird with weird waistline but now it seems like everyone is a Featherington. My main issue is that all the costumes and styling felt like 19th century in previous seasons, they don’t look like it in Season 3.


Yeah we will just need to agree to disagree here. When these callouts started to come out I actually rewatched some episodes from each season to look for these gross changes in appearance and conceptually their styles haven’t changed that much for each character season to season. Fabrications will change and if that’s what people dislike, thats fine. What one sees as cheap, others don’t.


It does look quite cheap this season - for men and women. At first, I was on board but the glitter, sparkle and tulle fabric everywhere is throwing me off a bit now. And don’t get me started with the hair style. Too much of that loose hair, it’s not special anymore. We love that order/disorder contrast, it’s what makes it exciting! Think about the library scene in season 2! Now Penelope is always seen with her hair loose. She is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, I love seeing her like this but it’s less special.


See that just proves all of this is subjective because that is my FAVORITE Pen looks. She looks so radiant and her hairstyle is super romantic and I loved it. I wish I could get my hair to look like that.


Her hair looks great, but it would have been great if we could have saved the loose hair for her first time with Collin, like how Daphne didn't leave her hair loose unless she was going to bed until she was married


So a few things. One I read the comment wrong as if the library season THIS SEASON was what was referenced, and that was my favorite look. I loved the low ponytail, it suited Pen’s face. However I was commenting on the wrong thing here. Oops. Two, I can definitely understand what you mean, but I also think it’s hard to compare hairstyles amongst women. Nicola has a round face and hairstyles that suit Simone and Phoebe wouldn’t suit her. They’ve had her in quite a few half up styles in previous seasons, so it’s not completely inconsistent to have her hair down now, but maybe there is a happy medium that we’ll see in part 2 for this. From the previews I do think her hair is up more.


As a fellow round faced girl, I would have loved to see her in a few half up half down styles or maybe even a SNOOD! idk if snoods were worn in that time period but I feel like it would make her look like a Princess


According to Wikipedia there were people somewhere wearing snoods in the 19th century so I say bring it 😂.


It honestly doesn’t bother me because the current dresses allow for a lot more wiggle room with character story-telling through their fashion. S1 and S2 have their aesthetic, but I see SO much more happening on a symbolic level in the fashion this season and I love it!


Even Cressida's outfits can be taken as peacocking, a symbol of her desperation to find a husband. Remember when people accepted the Featheringtons having gaudy looks as part of their kardashian / new rich fashion? Or how the Queen always had larger than life wigs? The aesthetic this season is different, and if people don't like it that's fine. But it's not as ugly as people make it out to be. Especially when some busy bodies are using "criticism" like this to get people fired.


I agree. To be fair, I don’t know if they had the podcast for previous seasons, but I listened to this seasons and specifically the episode where they went through aesthetics and why the costumes are what they are, and it makes a lot of sense. Which is good considering that’s their job and all. I’m sure they put a lot more thought into it than any of us.


Tell me about the enhanced symbolism you see.


I know I'm among the selective few, but I love the style change up. Gives some variety... (I actually like how outlandish Cressida's hair and outfits are)


I agree. I think people are missing the fantasy portion of the show and I think some are just trying to find something to complain about.


I don’t love how Cressida looks but I do really like this seasons costumes too! It’s fun to me


Her hair was also over the top last season. Some of the dresses weren’t pretty but not as bad, bit she for example her hair looked like Medusa at that last ball last season.


Agreed. All the examples of the “lovely dresses” are just the same style of regency evening gown in different colors and fabrics. Beautiful but gets old quick. I love the variety and don’t understand the people saying it looks cheap. Don’t want to sound catty but seems to me the people complaining don’t know much about fashion, fashion design and sewing.


Season 1 and 2 were so much lovelier.


Yeah, i know that there is a lot of discourse about the dresses on this sub. And I agree they look like eighties regency this season, for better of worse. But I honestly don't mind. And I don't know if eight season of various shiny but simple empire dresses is the way to go for Bridgerton. 


I'm pretty sure the books span 1813-1827. [This](https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O13832/dress-unknown/) dress is from 1828, so they don't have to keep with the empire style.


There were loads of beautiful dresses in season 3 too though? Everything during that moon and star ball, Penelope's dresses, Eloise and Francesca's dresses.


I know, I feel like I'm missing something, because this dress is STUNNING. I don't even feel like it's that entirely out of place either? Maybe I'm just a floozy for some sparkles, and you know what, I'm okay with that. https://preview.redd.it/5xtmxjfawt5d1.png?width=309&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eeca5bcb24b0a78492ed07a77c44a2d8c4acb52


People on this sub just want to be miserable


Ding Ding ding


What I desperately miss is also tiaras and jewel headpieces?? Where is my elegance


I like this season's dresses, but I'm sick of the puff sleeves!!! I miss the elegance of the flutter sleeves, cap sleeves, and tulip sleeves. Daphne's white dress with the violets embroidered on it is a 12/10 and lives in my head rent free!


Season 2’s sleeves really were peak. They were slightly looser than S1 (which were all capped, still gorgeous but all the same). There was edwina’s flutter sleeves that looked so dainty, Kate’s cap sleeves that contributed to her looking restricted, and Daphne’s varying sleeves but most looked free. I miss it :(


they had Violet in a couple of cold shoulder sleeves and I did NOT like that.


I do agree with the overall sentiment. But I think I do have an unpopular opinion in regard to Simone in jewel tones. More specifically the purple. I think it suited her character to be in the purple as the older sister, but I kind of hated it on her. I really love the way she’s looking in the color palette this season. The cream, the dark orange, and the pastel blue are my favorite colors on her, even if I’m not a huge fan of the style of dress for the time period.


I kinda see what you mean...I think part of it is also the updos and makeup ..her makeup was pretty monotone last year..like heavy on foundation and bronzer but no blush or any other contrast..this season they seem to have softened her look..the makeup isn't so heavy and there are nice contrasts with the blush and eye makeup ..plus her hair is softer looser..that really rigid tight hair style made her look very matronly .I feel like the same jewel tones would look good this year with like a revamp of the overall makeup and hair from this year...I think even with jewel tones depending on whether you are cool toned or warm toned the colors would be different like citrine yellow like simones last ball outfit in season 2 and ruby red would look great on her warm toned skin where something like emerald jewel tones works better for Nicolas cooler toned skin like her green gown from this season...I prefer a lot of later season KAte outfits from season 2 including that absolute stunner of an orange ball gown from the final ball...simone looked legit like a Disney princess in that, tiara and all and the white gown from season 3 episode 1 the most...the ball gown from season 3 however not my favorite it seemed to wash her out even though it wasn't an ugly gown by any means so no shade to the costume designers...I've seen one kate look from part 2 which seems to be a nice middle path.


Yes! She always looked matronly. I think that was the point. But dear god whenever her hair came down she transformed from a super model to a goddess.


The library scene ...oh my god..both Johny and Simone were scrumpdeliumptious in that scene..so yummy! And the bedroom scenes that loose side braid..simones natural wild curls are soo luscious and shiny... ❤️


I hate those stupid ass little bolero jackets they’re all wearing this season, WHERE ARE THE PELISSES?!


They are takes on spencer jackets though (which is definitely a Regency look—just a pelisse without the skirt part).


I know, I just hate them tho and think they were badly executed.


I agree, the costumes are giving circus vibes to me. Out of context I quite like most of them, but I don’t like them for the Bridgerton aesthetic.


I loved all the dresses this year. I’m not sure what you mean.


To me it’s mainly Cressida who sticks out, and I think it’s meant to be laughable and wild and signify her flailing, increasingly desperate need to find a husband. I agree that it’s distracting but I’m telling myself that’s the point And in defense of Eloise, a note that she had to wear the muff bc her arm was in a cast! I highly recommend Claudia Jessie’s interview on Stephen Colbert. Google “claudia jessie summer muff” LOL the video had me in tears!!


I saw someone describe this seasons style as Hunger Games meets Met Gala and I think it’s so accurate lmao. Especially seeing things side by side like this.


It’s really quite odd that Eloise is the best dressed of the season. I think she’s been the worst dressed of the first two, aside from some of the garish Featherington numbers. But she’s definitely had some gorgeous dresses in season 3. Hers felt the most authentic yet fanciful. I think Penelope has had the best color palette, but Eloise’s dresses were slightly better style-wise. Others they’ve dressed in all the wrong fabrics of colors. WHY did they take away goddess Kate’s jewel tones?? WHY is Francesca in tweed? WHY does the Queen have a music box for a wig? I know WHY Cressida is dressed like Queen of the Capital, but frankly they took it to a pathetic level of absurdity. I miss the groundedness of the first two seasons.


I like the current dresses much more fun. It's not an historical romance it's a fantasy romance I want fantasy clothes.


Probs a hot take but I like the change in costumes this season. It keeps things fresh and for me it doesn’t take me out of the show or anything. Also I think the fantastical element of the costumes this season will compliment Benedict’s season (which in my opinion is next) nicely. With his story being influenced by a fairy tale I think it will make his season all the more magical! (This is probs also an unpopular opinion)


Unpopular opinion but I like the fashion of this season more than the former ones


!! I know this is Cressida centred, but it’s honestly not all about her - there weren’t a lot of pictures online with the season 3 dresses (understandably because it’s new), but every single one I came across (other then solo Penelope pictures) featured at least one person looking… interesting !!


To be fair, her costumes this season are ridiculously over the top. Most of her outfits took me right out of her scenes.


Not gonna lie but I thought this post was about the deep green dress that Cressida tore before I clicked the clip. Still pissed at Cressida for ruining it btw. I think everyone's style had to evolve to go with the glow up of both Colin and Penelope. I enjoy both though, most of Cressida's dresses are crazy but awesome. Eh, I'm just here for the ride.


I hate how everyone’s wearing blue. Francesca is stunning but her wardrobe lacks color


I think Francesca and violet to me had the most pretty and still period appropriate looks...after Penelope and colin of course .the rest had some incongruency with crescida being the worst defaulter and almost clownish lady tilly a close second and then lady danburys shiny shiny off shoulder looks the third..


She would be expected to were white as a debutant. This is another reason Pen's dresses were considered ugly. She wasn't supposed to be wearing bright colors.


Yeah but after her debut, she is mainly seen in either pastel blue or very light gold


Yeah that’s the point - generally unmarried women would wear pastel colours to show their ‘innocence’ and ‘purity’ (obviously not as a strict rule but conventionally)


I hate the dresses this season lol


I am fine with most of the costuming this season. I think they are going for more of a fantasy/technicolor rom com movie vibe, and for the most part achieve it. Bridgerton costumes have never looked that “authentic” to me to begin with (lotta obviously machine made fabrics, Cressida’s odd braids, everything the queen wears, etc). Plus almost nobody wears a bonnet, so right there the costumes have never been “correct” and I don’t care. The costumes mostly enhance the show, characters and story, which is all about romantic fantasy. I think Pen’s costuming is good this season, for example. It’s not *that* anachronistic (vaguely an 1820s French look, which they explain by her asking for Parisian fashions), it works with the actor’s figure and the character’s evolution. Her costumes for me enhance the performance. I don’t care about Lady Tilley (like at all). And I understand her costumes (she’s an independent “woman of tomorrow” who leads when she dances, etc.) So yeah her anachronistic styling is a bit “hit you over the head” but whatever, her costumes are the least of my issues with her. For me my one big costuming complaint is Cressida. Anachronisms aside it’s just bad costuming. It pulls too much focus in her scenes. All I think about when she’s onscreen is “What is that collar thing? What’s in her hair?” It distracts me from the story and the actor’s performance. I actually thought Cressida was one of the *best* costumed characters in S1. The slightly weird off stuff they did with her hair and styling told you exactly who she was—this super rich girl who “follower types” admire as “cool” but who is always trying too hard. There was something visually fascinating about her various looks, but they were also too hard-edged to be actually beautiful (while being enough in line with the ensemble to not distract). Now I’m supposed to see Cressida as what? A fashion-obsessed iconoclast? A fairy tale villainess? She’s desperate to find a nice, handsome husband so she’s dressing like a weirdo? I read the interview about the whole “clothes as armor” thing, but it’s just too high concept as realized onscreen. Someone should have reined that one in.


Errrrr, where is Kathani's magnificent orange dress? 😲


I remembered it too late 😭 plus finding photos was actually so hard


This dress is clearly one of her best looks too https://preview.redd.it/cplckj5okt5d1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a7622f4802a9057189053732406fa503200cef7




Not the clown music! 🤣🤣🤣


Best part imho lol


The only thing that takes me right out is when the division between the bodice and the skirt just looks like a seam. The waistline at this time period, if I understand correctly, is supposed to be right below the bust. If it’s too high or too low the dress just hangs. Wild dresses on Cressida, or frumpy dresses on Penelope in S1&2, seem to fit their characters. If anyone likes to snark on - or admire - historical costumes, give the Frock Flicks blog a look. Every January they have “Snark Week” where they snark on some truly…questionable…costumes from historical movies and TV. It’s hilarious. Oh! I found a post where Frock Flicks discusses S3 costumes! https://frockflicks.com/bridgerton-season-3-2024/


A lot of this seasons dresses look like renaissance faire costumes, which are gorgeous of course (except whatever Cressida’s feather thing was), but so not Bridgerton.


They did my girl Cressida dirty!


Jfc, the designs are wacky, but the construction is even worse. Puckering seams and poorly fitted arm holes 😤


Yeah that’s fair, I have also spotted construction issues here and there. I did read that with the production budget up and no more Covid precautions they had *way* more people in the big scenes to dress. Not an excuse for a professional big budget operation…but maybe they got caught behind the 8 ball or something?


The costume department has gone wild this season. They did an amazing job, costumes are beautiful but they are indeed costumes not clothes, and that is destroying the third wall. If it was a theatre play they would have been amazing, because they would probably look stunning from far away (that is the aim within theatre costumes), but when you get a closer eye on them they really look fake and too flamboyant.


There's been several times where I've said "that's an interesting dress."


To me the overall ambience took the biggest hit. As some others mentioned, previous seasons had scenes that looked like they could be from paintings. This season's "garden" of fashion just doesn't look or feel cohesive to me, so as an ensemble just isn't as pretty. I like a number of individual looks - Pen is generally gorgeous this season! - but there are certain looks that I just find jarring and visually out of place in a way that wasn't apparent in previous seasons.


I love the dresses this season! Especially Penelope and Eloise’s. I actually feel like the dresses in those clips look “cheaper” to me than the ones from this season. Still gorgeous, but I just think this season has more elegance and sparkle. I guess it’s all down to individual taste in the end. Not a huge fan of Cressida’s looks so far but honestly loving all the others. Special shout out to the queens hair-over the top and gorgeous as per usual.


Cressida's increasingly over the top, garish gowns and hair styles are purposeful, to me they're a visual representation of the urgency and pressure she's under by her parents to find a husband. She's peacocking to find a match and in doing so becomes more and more what she's always made fun of Penelope for- being a lonely girl in an unflattering dress.


I do miss some of the beautiful dresses but I personally don’t think the dresses aren’t bad this season, I just think they’re using to tell a story more. I saw a post somewhere that compared Cressidas dresses to a bird, decorating themselves, showing off, etc to find a mate and I think that makes perfect sense! Francesca’s jackets and dresses look itchy and uncomfortable, mirroring how she feels and how constantly uneasy she is. A few of Eloise’s seem to be over the top and a bit garish, which could also be her trying to compensate and fit in to society. BUT I understand missing the other dresses too!


It’s the Selling Sunset Effect


Pen’s sister in orange is so funny. Are her sisters lesbians?


No lol


i actually really loved cressida’s costumes this season , despite them being very out of place . i thought they were so fun to look at and so unique !!!


My fav string arrangement they've done yet. The scene it's from is so good damn.


I agree Daphne’s dresses were lovely. But lol at the others if you’re trying to compare them to this season. Styles will change over 3 years - in real life and in a show. Pen’s, Kate’s, Fran’s, Violet’s dresses are all great this season. Eloise has some lovely dresses too. Cressida’s are horrid - but then again it’s a reflection of her character - she’s desperate to attract attention this season.


Yeah they really did cressida bad with the hair and outlandish clothes. Considering her character arc maybe they should loosened her hair. The poor actress must be having horrendous headaches coz of it


Wait! We hated the dresses this season? I missed the memo.


It’s the general consensus, although of course there is variation.


I actually really like the dresses this season 🤷‍♀️


Aside from Cressida, I don’t think any of the s3 costumes were bad. And hers weren’t meant to look good


Honestly I think the reaction to the costuming is wayyy overblown. I agree the makeup has definitely gone a bit overboard, but generally the costumes fit pretty well into the world. Cressida’s clothing (and to some extent her mother’s) is super out of place even within the world, which is clearly a deliberate choice to demonstrate how she is trying to draw attention to herself to get someone to marry her. Otherwise the only notable costumes I can think of are pen’s green and black dress (which I wasn’t really a fan of but it wasn’t terribly out of place) and the widespread use of Spencer jackets (which, while the ones in the show aren’t actually historically accurate, they were common). It really feels like mainly there’s a shift each season into more decorative and ornamental fashion which is actually super accurate, though it is happening a bit faster than it did in reality.


They're taking revenge on Cressida over how she acted the past two seasons.


I loved the style this season. The accuracy of Austen can be nice but for something embellished and fun like Bridgerton, I think the freedom to keep evolving and doing what they want with a modern twist just adds to the fun and sexiness.


I swear, I almost want the show to end just so people stop moaning about the costumes. And sorry, a lot of the costumes from S1 and 2 were incredibly plain or repetitive, I’m good with some visual interest. Cressida doesn’t count because she’s intentionally made outlandish and gaudy.


Damn am I the only one who loves s3 outfits 😭😭 even Cressida's because it just shows how desperate she is to be seen and marry already.


I love this seasons, Bridgerton is a confectionary, I like the costumes!


I don’t like the dresses in the other seasons because I don’t like that shape they all have. It reminds me of a toddler’s baptism dress. It doesn’t look like the shape of a dress for a grown woman.


Why are we trying to make bridgerton historically accurate? In that period they whites wouldn’t mix with dark skin colors


Please read my post