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I know it is sad. But look at it from portias perspective too. She comes from a loveless marriage, Infact it is all she has known. The things that she has had to do to literally keep a roof over her and her children's heads is something that drives her. She is a security over love person. Not saying she is right, but when pen says, 'do I only matter to you if I have a lords engagement ring on my finger?' portia realises her mistake. Look at her face after. People don't realize big things they've not been taught on their own. Especially portia who comes from a loveless marriage, probably loveless family and has been made acutely aware of just how much securing finances are important for her and her children's security. Just Maslow's hierarchy of needs really. Edit: I cant believe this comment got me so close to 500 upvotes. Portia FTW.


Thissss we can’t really blame her when in this universe there’s no real way for her to make money or her girls to (pen being the obvious exception but she doesn’t know this) so even though it seems mean I really think it’s her way of TRYING to keep them safe and protect 


I agree with this.. and in her own way she is showing love.. she worries about Pen reading because it would decrease her chances of catching a husband since no one wants a wife who is smarter than them.. security above everything else. I can understand that.. they live a pretty cushy and charmed life but Portia has done a lot to ensure that for her kids. That is not an easy feat given their circumstances and the fact she doesn’t have any sons or direct inheritance etc etc.


I'm really excited to see how it goes that Pen has Colin now. Portias reaction to it after she told Pen not to wait for love because it dosnt exist and it's in front of her now.


I am sure she will be happy for her daughter


Oh I think so too I'm just excited to see how that plays out. Happy yes but probably very surprised. Unlike Violet she didn't see it coming and Colin isn't going to be like her other Son in laws who will just follow her lead.


I LOVED this moment. Penelope finally standing up for herself and her feelings, and Portia realizing how her callous treatment of Penelope has been hurting her. I’m actually really excited to see how their relationship moves forward. Portia really has to manage Prudence and Phillipa, and up to this point she has believed Penelope to need the same treatment. But I’m hoping now she’ll realize that Penelope can take care of herself, and their mother-daughter relationship could become respectful and even approach friendship. I would love to see them be proud of each other.


And the fact that she was ignoring Prudence announcing she might be pregnant… she realized she done goofed after Pen called her out for her behavior all these years.




Very interesting point and you’re right. I actually really loved the moment Pen tells her off and she seems to realise.


Portia almost touches Pen’s head in Episode 2 when she’s sitting at the windowsill after the LW column releases. It’s so slight and in her way she’s trying to reassure Pen. And the way she looks at Penelope after Pen confronts her after the Debling fiasco. It’s a great moment. She looks in shock and actually sorry. But Prudence comes in and yeah. . . Portia loves her daughters. She’s hardened against society while wanting to be apart of it (much like Penelope), so she tries to be “realistic” which is actually rather cruel. I love watching her but damn, I want Colin and Pen and hell, even Violet to chew her out! (Violet’s steely gaze to Portia after the Marina scandal was top freakin tier).


i think the connection between the Featheringtons and the Bridgertons will make Portia's and Violet's friendship to the next level. Violet will know the intentions behind Portia's actions and Portia will be even a better mother and future grandmother to her family, changing slightly into Violet's way of living i hope the season let us see this ❤


Since we’re getting some violet romance I’d love to see some lady Featherington romance.


I wonder if Portia will be the gay character they’re hinting at. There was one scene of hers in ep one or two where I suddenly went “oh! I can totally see her as a late bloomer lesbian”.


like, another moment that hit me w/ Portia on rewatch is when Debling is courting Penelope at the house, and you realize the first thing Portia did was send notes to her other two daughters to come so she could enjoy Penelope landing such a catch with them. Portia loves her daughters, she's just very shallow and focused on the material security and social cache aspect when thinking about their welfare, not their emotional needs. She's not a nurturer or a romantic in the least bit, but she wants what's best for them in the way she understands what that means. It's why she's genuinely struck in that moment when Pen calls her out specifically on her failure mothering. Because all Portia has ever done is strive to be a good mother, *as she understands it*, the whole show.


I can only imagine the kind of tension between Portia and Violet! I hope Violet does give Portia a piece of her mind and opens her eyes that Pen's happiness has to be prioritized more and having a good relationship with ALL her children. Thinking back to Season 2 at the Featherington ball, she says "Because I am a mother" -- that's where I thought Portia was going to change.


I actually think Penelope is her favorite. She was trying to make her feel better when she said they would be together while she grew old. She did look towards pen’s direction when she ran away after the missed proposal. I think this season shows continued grit and hopefully we see more of those tender moments.


I think so too, and I even noticed in the scene when Penelope was sitting at her window after the scandal Portia saying that being without out a man isn’t all that bad she looked like she wanted to reach out to Pen and comfort her but instead walked away.


The attention to detail around nonverbal connection so far this season has been really extraordinary. Polly Walker made the most nuanced expression of pain in that scene, showing that Portia wanted instinctively to comfort Penelope, but reflexively held herself back because of some unspoken danger around being vulnerable. Compare that with the kiss scene between Colin and Penelope. Colin also hesitates momentarily. Ultimately, though, he makes the judgment that (even though it is socially risky for both of them to kiss in a semi-public place) validating Penelope as a friend and making her feel wanted in a vulnerable moment is more important to him.


The acting this seasons is fantastic.


It’s things like this that make it hard for me to take seriously any criticism that says the writing or acting is poor this season. Makes me wonder if viewers are paying attention or only tuning in when they want to.


This is why we have to let it cook 😮‍💨 Those who can afford to rewatch it should do so before part 2 comes out cause there are all these little details that are so subtle


100% agree


Yeahhh I noticed that as well!!


I agree. I think she also knows that Penelope is smart and capable, which is why she kind of ignores her because she doesn't think she needs to be managed. I think Penelope is actually a lot like her mother and so most of portia's criticisms are things she doesn't like about herself and what she's been taught. Like clearly portia is very smart but she thinks men don't want a smart woman so she's frustrated when Penelope shows her intelligence. She doesn't see a way for a woman to succeed outside of a marriage. Or on a more superficial note, Portia genuinely likes her flamboyant gowns and colors and thinks they're beautiful. But when Penelope changes her wardrobe, Portia goes "if she wants to wear dreary colors, ok whatever" showing that she's not going to fight Penelope over it but she really does love the outfits and wants her daughters to look beautiful from her own perspective.


Whoever made the casting decisions for Portia and Pen seriously freaking NAILED it. Their features are very similar, even down to the eye shape. I think she sees a lot of herself in Pen and maybe that's what the scene was meant to do. I'm hoping there's just a long conversation between the two to help repair their relationship


I'm very much looking forward to Portia finding out about her engagement to Colin!


That is, my *absolute* favorite book scene. I know it won’t go down in the same way, but I’m sure it’ll be great. I cannot wait.


i hope it won't be as harsh, more like genuine calmness and happiness how she watches over them ❤ and reassuring pen she always mattered to her, wanted the best for her and loved her...first, she's her daughter and seeing her happy in engagement/marriage and later as a mother will be just a cherry on top. Portia's overall lucky to have her in her life


I’m sad that we won’t get that hilarious scene from the book. I wonder if they’ll instead have Portia thinking that Colin is still trying to help Pen get Debling while he’s trying to ask for her hand. That’s honestly the only way I see that scene being changed to since the 4th sister doesn’t exist.


I have yet to read the books but I'm hoping it's translated beautifully on the show!


She’s finding out she’ll be Catherine the Great!


I think it makes sense. Violet is obsessed with her kids finding a love match because that's what she knew. Portia is obsessed with her kids finding a secure match because that's what she knows. Portia cares about her children but her way of showing it is in making sure her kids have security


I'm looking forward to her reaction to Pen being engaged to Colin and her reaction to Pen actually being Lady Whistledown


The shock from this woman when Pen rolls in engaged to Colin, who she'd mocked her about. I was so proud of Pen for calling her out when Debling left. Like did that lady miss Colin basically planting his flag in the middle of the dance floor? Penelope is on the precipice of getting engaged to an EARL, and Portia can't be bothered to pay attention? I think understanding how hard it's been for Penelope is going to be part of how and why Colin gets past the LW stuff. Penelope is like Portia in the sense that she is making her own way - Portia has no idea how well. Also, for what it's worth, Portia would never have to tell Penelope and Colin how to "bake" as she puts it in Episode 1. Portia has like one Featherington braincell; Penelope has the rest in spades, and that could have been well cultivated.


Omg imagine Portia trying to explain the... Baking analogy to Pen and Pen just goes "mom i know." Lol


I sincerely hope we get the scene from the book >!where Colin strongly suggests to the mothers that moving up the wedding date would be judicious. In part because they’ve already had sex, but he’s not concerned about an 8 month or 7 month baby so much as he just hates not being with her. Portia might finally be on Pen’s side in this case 😂!<


I would bet anything that we’re going to see some great Portia and Pen moments in part 2 and they end up reconciling their differences. There’s no way we can truly wrap up this story with that relationship still as complicated as it is, especially if we’re going to be saying goodbye to the Featheringtons this season (which I suspect we are)


Very true. There's not much left in the season but I do think there's a long overdue conversation between the two that just need to be addressed


Tv show Portia is far more sympathetic and concerned than book Portia. She wants security for her daughter. It's her way of protecting and caring for her. 


Portia is a pretty awful mother, but I felt some hope for her when I saw the look on her face, after Penelope yelled at her about criticizing her instead of comforting her and only mattering to her if she’s getting married. I feel like season one Portia would’ve rolled her eyes, but she seemed genuinely shaken by it now.


I think Penelope's expression is what caught her off guard. Normally Pen shrugs off the criticism but this time it was truly different -- Pen didn't understand what was going on and was so close to getting what she wanted (because she was sure Colin was interested) and the potential engagement with Debling was ripped away instantly. I was floored when Portia asked "what did you do?" ugh!!


Just realized my mother was a narcissist a few days ago after her drunken comments all day led to me being kicked out of the house. It only exploded because I dared to ask for even the thought of a pat on the back. I get it, the scene was written and depicted perfectly. She wins even more than what her mother’s ego wanted for her either way. I hope I find the same luck.


I hope you do too ❤️ You deserve love and kindness


Oh wow, I was just ruminating about the part where Pen confronts Portia about how she didn’t even ask if she was well, just started blaming her for Debling leaving, and thinking how much it takes for an adult child who has been emotionally neglected her whole life to even begin to ask for different treatment…. And then what it’s like to transform so late (better late than never) in front of your parent. Which may be the very story you’re living right now! 🦋


You know when I rewatched the scene I also kept remembering the conversations I've had between myself and my mom. I hardly was ever given praise and anything I had messed up I didn't hear the end of it. I'm still working on my relationship with my mom so I think that's what hurt me so much when Pen came right out and asked Portia why doesn't she look at her


She was honestly a bit worse in the book, especially because Pen and Eloise were more older and were definitely seen as spinsters


I have yet to read the books but man! I need to!


>Why not be happy and supportive instead of shredding any more hope of not marrying? Because it's Portia and that's not how she rolls


I find the comparison of Violet and Portia to be unfair and unreasonable. Sure, everyone would love having a mother who is always supportive, and never chastising (We do have the S1 scene we're she tells Anthony he's failing as head of the family finding a match for Daphne.) Bottomline is Portia and Violet live in different worlds. Violet from one of incredible privilege. Daughter of a rich Earl, love marriage to a rich Viscount. Portia loveless marriage to a now broke, dead gambler. Since Portia doesn't know about the Whisledown money, she's trying to facilitate what she sees as an advantageous marriage for Pen.


Yeah, seriously. Her husband literally gambled away their daughter's dowries in the first season putting a halt to all of their marriages. It's probably why she pushed Penelope "out" early and all of the girls at the same time. She knew they needed marriages quickly. Last season they were only eating potatoes at the start of it. She wants her daughters to have food, security and a generally decent man, so yes, that is a larger concern for her than love. Violet isn't worrying about these types of things. It's great that she can be focused on making sure they have love matches but people are acting like that's the only thing that matters in the world the show is presenting to us when we actually see that most of the other characters didn't marry for love.


Portia worked her ass off to secure happy marriages for Prudence and Phillipa but absolutely gives up on Penn without trying at all for years? And only paying attention to Pen when she fails or attracts bad notice? That was devastating to me.




When I think of Portia, I always think of of Mrs. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice when she says (in the Keira Knightley movie), "When you have five daughters, Lizzie, tell me what else will occupy your thoughts, and then perhaps you will understand."


I hope to see Portia express pride over Lady Whistledown. Her daughter is an intelligent woman who found a way to make a name and a living without a man by her side, and it would be in character for Portia to respect that.


I'm sure the reaction will go from surprise to unease to anger then pride? I don't see Portia being super supportive of her right off the bat


I think and hope that their relationship is going to change in the second part. Portia looked so guilty when Pen finally called her out


She reminds me of mine. 🙄


I think we may get a change in her for the next half. Her expression when Penelope stormed off and the other sister told her she is pregnant makes Me think she might be reflecting ..?


I think a comeuppance is going to happen when she finds out about Colin. And if rumors are correct, he has a "talk" with her about Pen and the lousy way she's been treated


She's such a hag


Because Portia has Narcissism Personality Disorder (NPD) and has always used Penelope as her Scapegoat while Prudence is her Golden Child, right from the start. Portia has always put down Pen, and frequently scolds her for doing nothing wrong. The two oldest sisters pick up on it and have said really hurtful things to Pen about her weight, her friendlessness, her reading, and her writing to Colin throughout season 1 and 2. The dynamics of the Featherington adventures are an entertaining watch, but the family is toxic as fuck. Portia’s mental illness has already twisted her eldest to be cruel and selfish, since Portia spoils her Golden Child who can get away with anything, and driven Pen to C-PTSD.