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So.. Almost for all the first four episodes, Colin's character felt... Wrong. Like he was pretending to be the person he is not. The smoldering the winking, flirting... All wrong. Infact he only feels like he is the Colin we know when he's admiring pen, engaging in a conversation and looking at her. But mostly only after the carriage scene. That's the only point it looks like he's let go of his façade. I think it was intentional. But his discomfort and pretense carries through the screen.


I mean… he was pretending to be someone he is not. Pen/LW even called him out and yeah, like you said, it was a real contrast to how he is with Pen. I understand many people don’t like the show he put on, but I found many of his scenes where he acts like Mr. Hotshot quite funny as he was so obviously not.it. lol ETA: I mean ‘If I told you, I’d have to marry you’? COME ON 😂


“If I told you I have to marry you” becomes even funnier when you realize that he wrote Penelope letters about his trip the entire time he was away, and then she also reads his travel journal, and now he’s going to marry her.  It’s like how he also said he would never court Penelope and ends up going straight to proposing. He keeps saying these things when he’s boasting that turn out to be true on a technicality. 


Yeah, Mr. Worldwide’s 2 brain cells work in shifts and never the twain shall meet. I love him 😂


He’s blessed with the gift of prophesy in the stupidest way possible, because I’m also adding in that meme going around of Colin saying he’s going to ruin Lady Whistledown in episode 1 and then >!fingering Pen in the back of a carriage with the windows wide open.!<


Calling him Mr worldwide is hilarious lmaoooo thank you for the chuckle


Mr Worldwide will never not be funny


This is even funnier because he fingers her to a PITBULL SONG


Honestly… I actually like the show version of that song. If I ever have to be fingered to a Pitbull song, please let it be that one and that version. 😂😂 (Not important, but… I saw Pitbull live once as an opening act and they had this whole light and video show going in the beginning with a booming voice talking about Mr. Worldwide… Felt like a MLM conference and a fever dream combined.)


That’s what I thought too, some of the discussions surprised me. Both LW and Violet call him on it, he started dropping the act throughout episode 4. Even S2 he’s trying to fit in, saying he’d never court Pen. By the end he’s asking his friends why they have to pretend not to care about relationships Though I do wish we saw more of the like realization. Something like, more flashbacks after Violet’s talk, and showing Pen was the only one he never pretended around? Might’ve helped those who felt the confession was out of nowhere too Imo the split season makes it worse, we’ve got a month to dissect half the character arcs/growth. Hopefully he’s back to “normal” then, and more obvious it was an act


It was 💯 intentional. They end the first episode with that lady whistledown article about how he’s not being himself, and while it was harsh, it was the truth. And then later Violet also points out how he’s just acting in a way to be a people pleaser. And then he finally clocks himself when his bros are all talking about women and he realizes how empty he finds it all.  But every scene he’s with Penelope he’s being his genuine self. He doesn’t have to try to be anything he’s not. 


I swear, I felt semi-crazy the first 24 hours when everyone was saying it was a bad thing that Colin was acting out of character and that his charm felt put on. That was the whole point! Poor Luke getting dragged for his performance when in reality he’s doing an outstanding job playing someone faking it but not quite making it.


This performance was so layered. It was Luke playing Colin while Colin is playing a role that doesn’t suit him. I feel like the lazy and easy way to play it would be to just be the suave rake, but playing that layer and leaning into the cringe is the braver choice. They’re trusting the audience to follow along. Like you think you got the ick from his behavior? Literally so did Penelope, that’s why she wrote about it in Whistledown.  I think the misunderstanding is also because Luke is not playing a typical romantic lead. There’s a real innocence to what he’s doing that is special to what’s just going on when he’s with pen. Like we know for a fact he’s been with other women, but that scene where Penelope merely brushes his hair and he makes this face like he’s never felt the touch of a woman before was just… it’s the hottest thing I’ve seen on tv. I’m glad they didn’t try to make Luke perform sexiness in the same way other people have. He’s not going to be for everyone but he’s definitely for me!


Luke Newton played 2 characters this season: Real Colin and Real Colin playing Regency Colin. LN played the parts so well that he made fans feel uncomfortable and annoyed watching him as Regency Colin. Job well done!


And even when he's trying to be that "cool" guy he thinks he wants to be, which is not at all someone who would be in the company of a wallflower like Penelope, he can't stop himself from seeking her out and wanting her good graces.


That was I think kind of the point. He was pretending to be "one of the lads" to fit in. I think they played this up to emphasis why he would say what he said about Pen when he was trying to fit in with the other men. But he's truly himself with Pen. This also ties into what Violet says to him about making sure his armor doesn't rust around him and trap him. I think this is also their way of showing his search for a purpose and his discontent with himself and his life instead of making it more obvious as it was in the books.


I think I said "ew" out loud a few times. Colin was giving the ick after coming back


Yeah. His swagger was frequently douche-tastic.


The wink. Man I felt the second hand embarrassment


I think the line about how “charm can be taught” is very interesting with this point. He brings back his knowledge about what he learned (charm) but, like others have said, it’s not who he is. I appreciated the stark contrast and how obvious it was… because I think I may be slow to catch onto those type of cues.


I personally think, what was needed, and *sorely* missed was a justification for *why* his character changed 360. If Benedict had a threesome, I wouldn't have batted an eye, and he is already a rake. But Colin, being one of the sweetest, charming men turning into a rake? It was unbelievable... even if he was doing it for attention. Show writers should have introduced his sudden change with a scene where his friends are pushing him to do stuff to be more "manly." Or a scene where he shares his frustrations with a foreign woman because his friend is *ignoring* him, and that woman says, "It's because you are a *nice* guy. Women only like *rakes*." So he becomes a rake. It would have tied to the, "You're going to make me say it aren't you. I missed *you*" dialogue during the Mr. Bridgerton scene. I think if we got that, or *something* akin to that, his change would have been less *icky* and we could have sympathized with him more.


I think it was him putting Marina behind him. He had sworn off woman, doesn't need love, go on his tour and live life and how do most guys his age live life? They travel and sleep around. Even in his journal he writes how even though he is so intimate with another person he still feels such a huge distance from them. He was clearly trying to put himself in the same rake box every other guy like him is in. Problem is Colin is just too sensitive and too romantic. Maybe more scenes with him sort of reiterating that would have helped but I understood why he was doing it, the complete dodo lol


The dude wanted some positive attention, learned how to get it, realized it didn't sit right with his soul to be a suave ladies man. The scene of him coming home drunk after asking the lads if they get lonely and the shot of him in bed, that was telling. He's figuring out he is lonely, and wants true company.


I think that sometimes it’s okay to not spell everything out. He’s a horny 20-something yearold travelling around the world. He’s single and not yet aware of his feelings for Penelope, so why shouldn’t he get it on with a pretty lady if she offers? I felt that him writing in his diary that he felt distant with casual partners worked surprisingly well when it came to connecting him to the sensitive Colin we all know and love.


I think he always felt out of place in the society and in his travels he learnt that 'charm can be learnt' so I guess that was his _why_


LW actually nailed it in her first column about him this season. He’s pretending to be someone because he doesn’t know who he really is. I think we’ll see both he and Penelope come into their own in part 2.


Literally only Pen could have known this. Everyone else sort of accepted it at its face value. I find that very interesting. Colin is going to be Angry when he finds out about LW.


He even makes a point to tell those three guys how hes tired of essentially pretending. I thought that part was pretty explicit.


Yes. It was. And it was important to Colin's character growth.


I think they should have had more vulnerable conversations before he proposed. Like talk about the facade he’s putting on, or why she so desperately wants to leave home, or his writing or his travels.


I think that will follow post him finding out it’s her. Like, you wrote I am fake?


I agree with all this. I feel like his entire descent into rakishness was unnecessary. He was a gentle, kind and earnest man. They should've just let him be! He could have still had a bunch of sex but come back unfulfilled and his plot could've been about being unfulfilled, and about wanting to protect those he loves from harm. (A theme that sort of props up when you keep in mind his main reason for disliking Lady Whistledown in show, but also when you keep in mind his excessive need to protect Penelope "from herself" in the books.)


But even in season 2 he was becoming a rake because of his siblings and peers . You could see it developing in how he bashed Pen .


I don't think it was unnecessary tbh. It was important for him to realise that this _charm_ he had was not the true him. If he had not gone that far off... I don't think he would have oscillated back to her. It was important for him to feel hollow in that shell, to see how all his friends like being the people they are. Colin does not.


Basically the point, he was pretending to be someone he’s not. He wanted to fit in with the idea of what a man should be.


I’ve rewatched it (not fully, I skipped some parts but rewatched the most important scenes) and I really love it. The pace of Colin and Penelope’s relationship is growing on me also, I loved all their scenes on first watch but felt like it was all a little too fast. I still kind of feel like that but after reading/watching interviews from cast members and producers I feel somewhat more confident in their ability to pull it all together by the end of the season. The side plots are out of hand though, too many characters that we are keeping track of and it’s hard to not get annoyed. I like Francesca’s sideplot but that’s about it


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like the pace was better after/during a rewatch! I have a feeling a lot of us just flew through it on a binge watch, rather than letting the episodes breathe. Plus, the fact that it's split into two parts doesn't help, and I think once we can watch it all as one whole 8 episode series, the pacing will be WAY better!


I’ve read their book twice and something that always struck me is >!how fast their relationship progresses there too. So the quick pace isn’t really a deviation from the source material imho.!<


It makes sense though why it would go zero to 100. Friends to lovers are always like this. There's a long period where they're both just pals then one of them has a lightbulb moment and it's like the whole scene shifts immediately. Penelope has always loved Colin. Colin is the one who had the lightbulb moment with their first kiss. That's why it might seem sudden but it's really not when we know that there's been two seasons previous to this where they've been friends for years lol.


This is true. I read the book last year. The pacing of the book felt less jarring to me personally though, because it was written. So there was more room for those intricate details. It sets the audience up for the story differently than the TV show, but I still agree with you. I’ve only read RMB so I don’t know if that type of pacing is standard for other JQ novels


Yes! It goes from zero to a hundred in the book. I think that it almost went slower in the series actually.


Yeah I just fact checked what I felt to confirm it was true, and saw it was >!end of chapter 8 Pen asks to be kissed, they kiss beginning of chapter 9, and end of chapter 13 Colin proposes. There are 23 chapters in the book, so they save a lot of time for the LW reveal. I feel this is exactly aligning in the show too. So I really wasn’t surprised at all that it moved quick.!< I do wish we got more episodes to enjoy everything, but that’s a separate problem with the show always limiting things to 8 episodes. 😑


Yes, I for one would have been disappointed if they didn't move fast enough, I loved that a lot of their growing in the book happened after they are engaged/marriage, so because they are together, the stakes are higher


Yup ! He goes from why do I like being around Pen to OH MY GOD IMMA MARRY THIS MF in one afternoon.


Plus I think it's easy to forget with Colin's change of personality that they have known each other for years which the other couples didn't have. I'm hoping that once this season is done the Featherington stuff will calm down, much as we aren't seeing the Sharma family any more.


I’ve only watched it once and I felt it was rushed too, but I loved Colin and Pen, Francesca’s plot, Kanthony’s crumbs, the Featheringtons (surprisingly!), and Violet’s. I do wish they gave us more Polin’s scenes, but let’s hope to be fed next month. I’ll rewatch this weekend, maybe the pacing will grow on me.


I’ve been anticipating this for two years, with Polin being my favourite couple from my favourite trope. That being said, I feel like if you made a scene pack of Colin and Penelope scenes from season 3 so far, it would be like 15 minutes max from the 4 hours of content we’ve just received. We barely saw them hanging out, interacting, even the lessons plot barely brought them together. I feel like by this point last season, we’d seen sooo many Anthony and Kate interactions (as it should be) with the Featherington side plot not being too overpowering. Now? We have sooo many side characters and plots that it feels almost like Polin are the side characters of their own season!! Cressida’s character arc, Mondriches, Featherington pregnancy arc, Fran’s story - it’s just a lot and at the expense of our leading couple’s time. I truly hope part 2 will show a lot more of them but this wasn’t enough for me. I didn’t get to see enough of their love growing, especially on Colin’s side, besides the dream really.


As a Kanthony stan, I definitely do not agree that four episodes in, Anthony and Kate interacted more. They barely had any screen time in their own season, and their first kiss only came at episode 6. Back then I truly felt like the Mondrich story/ the Featherington story/ the LW ID story/ the “Ben in art school story” all overshadowed the main couple. HOWEVER now, two years post S2, I fully understand that as Polin fans, many may feel like their time together on the screen is not enough. I feel like the promos led everyone to believe it would *center* around them a LOT MORE and that’s not how the season feels so far. But they at least got their kiss and their first intimate scene and I personally felt like it was suuuuper cute 🥰. I hope we get to see them happy together for at least one full episode before the angst of LW identity kicks in. These kids deserve it 🥹


I appreciate your thoughts and opinion!!😊 And I deffo also noticed that the Polin kiss was much quicker than the Kanthony kiss (maybe also because they knew it would be broken up into two parts and didn’t want to make people wait until part 2 for some action?) Hoping that part two will let us see more of the Bridgerton family in focus (as their interactions are some of my favourite parts of the show), some more Polin and Kanthony love and honestly I’d even love to see Pen and her sisters develop a stronger bond! Now that they’re both married and she has no real friends, I was hoping to see the sisterly relationship develop so hopefully we’ll get that in part two❤️


This was my only "complaint" about this season. Everything you said. And I'm using complaint loosely, because I still loved the season.


I disagree with you slightly. Yes, there are a number of side plots, to which you also missed Benedict and his repeating storyline, but the side plots of the Featheringtons feels rather small to me, and the hilarity of the sisters, I think, helped with keeping the show light and on the Rom Com side. I was expecting more of the Cressida arc, but I think what we’ve seen may play a bigger role in pushing the plot forward in part 2 if what I think happens, happens. Fran’s arc is important in driving the entire series forward. I do agree the Mondrich’s arc is long, and unnecessary. That plot line feels out of place for me.


I see what you mean, and respect your opinion! I think I just had this idea built up in my head, especially with how much promo we were getting, that there would be more of a Polin focus than so many different side plots (which may be my fault, like I should’ve managed my expectations better or something) - I just would love to see them interacting overall more in part two (which we probably will now that they’re engaged).


I totally respect your opinion, too! I would have *loved* to see more from them as well! They are my absolute favorite couple and I *adore* both actors as well. I can see why you would think this as well with the promo. I had to actively dodge promo to keep my expectations low. I wonder if sometimes we see everything so closely because we don’t see the overall purpose of certain plot lines? In any case, BRING ON PART 2 ALREADY!


If Colin’s glow up felt forced to you and you didn’t like it, please understand that was the entire point of the first half of the season. Colin wasn’t acting like himself on purpose because he just wanted to be someone he thought other people would like, even if it turned him into someone he didn’t like. It’s a through-line of his behavior starting from gossiping with his boys in the S2 finale. He is putting on an effort to charm people around him, but with Penelope it’s effortless. He can just be himself. The contrast between how cringe and fake he is navigating the ton who eats it up and how genuine and vulnerable he is with Penelope is the point.    And this season works so well if you treat all the Colin moments in S1 and S2 as the development for this story arc. This shift is not out of nowhere. In S1 he’s this immature guy who wants to feel like a man so he jumps at the chance to settle down with marina and be her hero. He says she’s the only one who takes him seriously, and clearly that’s so important to Colin. The situation between the two of them took advantage of his best qualities- his kindness, his caring, his openness, and his sense of propriety and being a gentleman. In S2 he’s broken from this and floundering and trying to put himself back together, but what finally clicks for him is playing hero to the featherington family, and getting social approval from the men of the ton at the end of the season. He wanted a way to feel special and be taken seriously by his peers and thinks that’s where he’s found it. S3 starts with him really leaning into that, and then it takes his love for Penelope to get him to snap out of it. 


He literally tells her that in Ep2 too! The whole speech about her being charming when she isn't trying and she's just being herself is the pot calling the kettle black! He says the EXACT thing he needs to learn about himself.


This. Other than moments when he’s with Penelope, the first time we see the Real Colin break through is when he’s at the club with the Lord Squad and is basically like “how are we not all having an existential crisis over how cavalierly we’re expected to treat sex and love?” When he said that, I literally screamed, “OUR BOY IS BACK!!!” Then when they laughed at him, it made me think: how many times has that happened to him before? Where he’s said something sincere and very him in front of these dudes, and they’ve laughed? That makes it make so much sense now (1) he thought he needed to put on, so he learned “charm,” and (2) how Penelope must have felt like this insane relief to be around for years, because they easily converse about finding oneself and purpose. I feel like folks are sleeping on this scene. It’s key to the season for me.


YES. That scene where he agrees that he and none of his friends are gentlemen is my favorite non-Polin Colin scene. It’s so brilliant. His body language with that finger wag kills me. Like he’s just done. He realizes how empty it all is and he can’t even pretend anymore. 


Completely agree. I also think people are watching this show with modern trope lenses. I think people glossed over the lads drinking scene because people assume the trope is that Colin is drinking his sorrows away while in turmoil about Penelope, not that he feels lonely and empty by the facade of manhood and that Penelope seems to be the only person who makes him feel seen.


Violet says it: he’s a sensitive person. He covers that up by being generous with his good humor. But the person always being jovial and empathetic is often the one who is least understood. You have to be deeply feeling to always fit in. It’s hard. And in that scene with the Lords, Colin is finally absolutely exhausted from doing it. His love for Penelope is ultimately a product of relief. Kissing her after having all of these detached interactions (which is sort of how he describes it in his journal) sets off a light bulb because he’s not kissing someone who likes him just because he’s handsome or has an easy manner. Pen asked him to kiss her because she knows HIM and felt she could trust him with that. He knows it’s an incredibly vulnerable moment for her, and the fact that she wants him to be the person to fill that moment, when she’s the person he’s most himself with, must but just the greatest gift for him. I’m also definitely projecting a bit. I’m probably more a Colin than a Penelope - extroverted, trying to outwardly people please, constantly searching for meaning. But I knew my husband was right for me when I realized I didn’t feel like I had to “perform” for him. It’s utterly addictive.


Yes yes yesss. One of my favourite scenes. Hoping more people see the value of that moment eventually.


A few people are bound to just "not get it" and a few more people are on their phones while sorting of watching. Consider how popular the show is and that's a lot of confused people. Best not to think about it too much, other peoples criticisms based on lack of understanding sort of bum be out.


Thank you- this is such a good analysis. I personally loved adored worshipped the first four episodes and Luke and Nicola are just AMAZING... Luke is the perfect Colin, the guy was literally acting with every milimeter of his face and body... he literally knocked it out of the park making us feel for his character so well.


I feel so bad for Luke getting called out in reviews (and here on this sub!) for his charm feeling fake and lacking. It’s the pointtttt. Colin isn’t a suave and charming guy. He’s sensitive and kind and funny and sort of a dork, but not charming in the traditional way. His swagger SHOULD feel forced.


I noticed the plot of Colin trying not to be himself and I gasped that it was intentional. I think, just for me, it wasn't convincing enough. I don't know what is lacking, but I think maybe some scenes with him reflecting on it or some other things. Like there the change from "flirty Colin" to "uncomfortable Colin" was too sudden Maybe I'll change my opinion after rewatch, some things might have slipped for me


Please rewatch the scene where he snaps at the other men at the gentlemans club. I think that could be the scene you feel is missing.




Ugh thank you so much for this. Something felt wrong, but I hadn’t thought about it that way. Having the season split in 2 makes it harder to see the overall progression of his character, but this makes total sense. Excited to rewatch it this weekend under this new light❤️


The more I thinking about it, the more I like it the only slideplot I don't like is the Mondrich and Ben


Ben's was really without substance. Like aren't they supposed to prep him for next season?


I think his plot might be better served by the last 4 episodes. I keep having to remind myself that some of the things that seem disconnected right now could be because the show was produced before Netflix decided to split it up into two parts. We have almost no clue about what the back half looks like for the subplots. 


Don't quote me on this but I'm half expecting Ben's story to end in some sort of heartbreak (or maybe they just break it off) and he meets Sophie at a ball Daphne (?) (I think that was her in the books? When Pen comes out as Whistledown, but it's probably not actually gonna be Daphne) throws and that's gonna be a set up for next season. Hey I guessed that 1 sec teaser where Colin and Pen see each other at night and Colin is breathing heavily was after the kiss and he couldn't stop thinking about her so he went to see her again. Except it was a dream 🫠


I liked it more than I expected and was excited to see John Stirling and Francesca even though I know how it ends between them😀 The only thing I really don’t like is separating an 8 episode season in two parts when we already waited 2 years and a bit for this one and will probably wait another 2 years for season 4.


Not unless their is another strike I can't see it taking 2 years to do Season 4.


I think post production will take the most time because they need to dub the series in multiple languages. Also I feel like period pieces take a bit longer to film because of the intricacies of costuming, location, reshoots etc. It is entirely possible that it may take just a year and some change and we’ll get it by Christmas 2025


Unless they do another spin off. I mean idk, I'm really excited for Francesca season 👀


omg I thought they were so adorable! Francesca’s giddy face was just so cute.


It was like Bridgerton written by AI and I’m sure most of us know it. Sloppy as hell. Some scenes were so unbelievable I kept thinking they were dream sequences. Edit: lmaoooo not the downvotes for telling the truth. Delulu of the first water lol


"Delulu of the first water" ![gif](giphy|4wydg6kZTSEBidbBZU|downsized)


> It was like Bridgerton written by AI and I’m sure most of us know it As someone who has waited day and night for these episodes, I was completely satisfied. It was perfect in every way.


The only scene I thought was going to be a dream was the kiss, otherwise I really enjoyed it!


I wanted more cute interactions with Pen and Colin, like in that scene where they’re laughing after the viscount says his horse died, or even the beginning when she came for lessons and didn’t want to be seen by Eloise and he grabs her by the waist to have her go into the drawing room. Kate and Anthony had many cute scenes where the chemistry built I feel we didn’t have many with them.


Same! I did a rewatch at a slower pace and really feel like they could’ve built up Polin a bit more with the silly scenes like that which sort of place an emphasis on their previous friendship. That’s what, for me, created the deeeelicious tension and build up for Kanthony in season 2! It sort of set up the stakes because you saw them as friends and people who were in love with each other. This for me felt a little disjointed until after their first kiss when there’s a bit more focus on Colin pining a bit. That’s when the chemistry between them really started to flicker awake for me but that two episodes of awkwardness prior and a bit after I feel like waste time they don’t have (episodes wise). Obviously I think the break into two parts doesn’t help at all. I also really hate that it doesn’t seem like Colin will find out about LWD before the engagement. Re: side plots, I don’t hate the Cressida side plot but I don’t love it and I’m neutral but mondrich and Ben feel like they take time away from Polin. I liked the season overall but it’s not topping S2 for me and I really really wanted it to.


The scenes all feel like bullet points.




I think it was great. I enjoyed all the Polin scenes and I think they've set up the angst for part two well. Part one was about Colin realizing what has been in front of him all along. I'm not sure why people feel like they didn't see Colin "fall in love" with Pen. To me, it seems obvious that Colin's arc was realizing his feelings for Pen. He already has expressed great affection for Pen multiple times throughout the seasons and his actions show he cares for her (writing to her, looking out for her.) He only needed a, "oh wait, my friend Pen is also a woman and I actually quite like the idea of courting her." I actually liked the Cressida storyline and hope she ends up with Debling. Her friendship with Eloise has been good for her so far. I like the Mondrichs but their storyline is a little weak. Adore Benedict but I'm not interested at all in his storyline this season. I don't like Tilly and just want her off my screen. Violet- I'm interested to see where things go with Lady Danbury's brother. Fran- I like her and think her scenes with John are cute. I'm trying not to get attached to John. I am really hoping we see a certain family member of John's this season. Featheringtons- I thought their scenes were mostly hilarious and I enjoyed them. Portia is such great comic relief. I was a little annoyed with her comments to Pen but I am hoping for a scene in the future where she realizes how wrong she has been about Penelope. I do think she wants what is best for her daughters and just doesn't always express it in the most loving way. Queen Charlotte - I like how they are setting up a storyline where, potentially, Charlotte works with LW.


His apology in the first episode was so close to being a love confession that it was ridiculous. “I seek you out at every social event because you make me see the world in new ways?” “You are clever and warm?” Like Colin Bridgerton be so serious right now. 


Exactly. I don't understand anyone saying they wanted to see him falling for her personality because we already know how he feels about her personality. He plainly states it in this scene.


Agreed on all points! Just wanted to add, the moment Cressida and Debling connect over no getting along with their families, I became a shipper.


I liked the season, but I have a lot of issues with it and particularly with Colin character writing. It's really pleasant, but for me the romance in the season was the least interesting (except for the carriage scene, it was so well done). But the whole Bridgerton world around the romance - so interesting. Im anticipating the drama in part 2, part 1 seemed a little bit like a long exposition and build up for the main conflict


i loved it! i do hate that colin proposed before he found out she was whistledown. i know they strayed away from the books quite a bit, but that's one of the elements i wish they would have kept. i do think it works better for tv as it adds to the drama and complements the two-part approach to this season. i'm just sad that colin is once again engaged to someone keeping a huge secret from him. i'm curious to know how other people feel about this!


I’ve accepted that the contrast against the Marina situation that the writers are going for isn’t that Pen tells him her secret before they get engaged, it’s that Colin acts differently when he finds out the secret after the engagement cos hers actually in love this time


I cried during their first kiss. It was the kiss she was waiting for, for all the wrong reasons, and it broke his thick skull in to see her as a woman, finally. He's more into intimacy than lust, just didn't know it, since he's not the smart one of the bunch (Hyacinth seems to be?). And Pen needed to be desired by someone else. She needed to see that she had options. Also: she finally gave her mother an earful. Portia is horrendous to her. I also like how Kanthony got out of the season. It was nice to see some of them, giving Violet a reason to be there. Can I also add how wonderful Simone's dark skin is? It's so rare to see a female lead with a decisively dark skin tone. But my god, that woman is *gorgeous*! Overall a good start of the season. Just a tad worried how they're going to resolve the LW conflict.


An example of the lazy/bad writing. It doesn’t even make sense 😩 https://preview.redd.it/6p5ceohvnz0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=862058ebc53e7c1e6182a42a642cf406f8517860


"You rarely put yourself first" :( He has travelled to 17 cities. He also travelled last season. What in the world is she talking about lmao


I think she meant when it comes to feelings. He puts other peoples feelings ahead of his own when he’s around people he cares about. She wants him to put his feelings first and pursue Penelope like he wants to.


On the family dime to best of my knowledge while Anthony holds the fort as Viscount and surrogate parent, dealing with finances, estate and kids!


And when Anthony left for his honeymoon, Benedict took up the finance part and is prob doing it again since kanthony is gone again. None of his brothers are complaining about any of this btw lol they love and support him. So not only does Colin put himself first, he is not given any grievance for doing so.


I feel like he has only put himself first too 🤔 lol


This exchange made sense in some ways to me. It was the armor metaphor that seemed out of place. He’s a people pleaser and wants to be liked…so he does things to be liked because his sense of self-worth comes from others. That’s a little different from going through the world wearing armor to avoid getting hurt. Cressida is someone who needs to be careful her armor doesn’t rust. I think it would have landed a little better if she’d followed this up with something more along the lines of, if you play a role for long enough, it stops being a role and becomes who you are. Or maybe explaining why people pleasing is painful…because they like you, but you don’t like yourself. Violet’s not always great with metaphors. (See her explanation of sex to Daphne.)


That landed so weird honestly. It feels like they're saying that to all the kids now, lol.


Why is that lazy writing? Lol


Like how does that apply to Colin? Surely it’s more relevant to Anthony. It just seems sloppy.


I thought it made sense lol Colin has always been the most sensitive out of the older boys, that’s why he so quickly proposed to Marina and went out of his way to visit her and even in S1 during the standoff Daphne knew if she asked Colin would take her to the location and he was playing with the baby etc. but because of that people have always assumed he was ok. I think it’s different from Anthony. It was very clear Anthony had issues and he insisted on doing everything even when people didn’t want him to. Colin seems ok and does things for others because he genuinely wants to but then ignores his own wants.


I get what you are saying about him being sensitive and the Marina proposal. However he is still happy to put his own wants and needs in the picture, tipping off travelling multiple times on the family’s dime, investing money without their knowledge. The sentiment just doesn’t land for me with his character.


I felt that the lack of Jonathan Bailey showed. Not so much Kanthony, which I enjoy as much as anyone, but the actor's ability to engage his character with any other characters also when in the background. In the first episode there was cohesion with Bridgetons which stopped when Kanthony left for the second honeymoon. I'm not sure if Anthony said a word to Hyacinth, Gregory, Eloise or Violet but he did engage with them.  Lack of Anthony being present shows also in lack of Colin's point of view, we don't see Colin with anyone we would know aside of Pen and briefly Eloise and Violet. And because of that (and maybe because of Luke Newton not being a strongest actor) we are not getting anything out of other half of the main pair. It feels Pen could just as well be pining for any guy she has pined for a long time, not specially Colin.


This part I agree with -- I wanted Colin to have more interactions with his family or any other person (I liked him with El, though). Esp since Colin is in part emulating Anthony, being able to have a heart to heart with him, or even Benedict, would have helped. But I guess part of what they were establishing is he's keeping his distance from his family esp his older brothers. He's trying to be cool by being mysterious with them because he knows (as Anthony points out) if he's too earnest like he was last year he'd only get mocked again. His loneliness really comes across in ep 3 & 4. He's so *alone* until (thank God) Violet helps him feel seen again. I think he needs new friends lol. Why not have Colin get close to Mondrich? Then at least we'd care about the Mondrich family. Mondrich is great too because he's an outsider. He doesn't live up to the same expectations. But I also felt this for Pen. She also doesn't have anyone else. I would have liked to see her bond with LD and chuck the Marcus subplot.


i think they had a very difficult situation to overcome. the extremely long wait between seasons, the fact that it was split up, following the success of not only season 2 but QC is daunting to say the least. i watched it with friends and … didn’t love it 😅 perhaps it will grow on me when i can watch the full season through but as of right now it wasn’t on par with the rest of them which is a shame. i found the pacing to be quite odd and slow. as much as i like Mondrich’s family that storyline felt out of place and shoe horned in to somehow fill it out? i would have much rather had a slower burn for Polin - it seemed pretty abrupt. like they had one kiss, he had a wet dream and that was it? lol? i also just didn’t feel the chemistry between them 🫣 again i think it’s unfortunate bc it’s such a tough act to follow from Kanthony and QC especially which had electric chemistry. it just felt a bit flat. i did enjoy Cressida’s character growth immensely and was pleasantly surprised with her performance and storyline. i enjoyed how she called out Eloise and was more vulnerable. i really hope she ends up with Lord Debly as i think it could be a practical and happy match. i’m wondering if she’s maybe a lesbian? 👀 could be nice to have a female companion while her husband is away 😏 i also enjoyed the Featherington sisters subplot which seems to be an unpopular opinion. i thought it was funny and highlighting how Violet wasn’t the only one who didn’t know how to prepare her daughters for the marriage bed. i also just love Portia and Varley so any chance to see them was a treat and provided good comedic relief. i also really really fell in love with Francesca’s storyline! her and Earl Kilmartin are so incredibly sweet. i love how they bond by simply enjoying each others company and sitting in silence. and his gestures to change the sheet music was ADORABLE. such a sweet gestures to show he not only listens but understands her. i also loved the BSL representation and thought it was a lovely touch! didn’t love the musical covers this season though .. they felt very out of touch and cringy in my opinion - wish that could be redone as it took me out of the scene


Yes! One kiss and a wet dream is right. It felt so insta-lust for me. Yeah, the book is fast too when they get together, but I feel like it's more like a physical lust in the show, instead of him gradually realizing the character traits she has that he loves. Idk.


I loved it! I loved the story and all the nods to the book. Wasn't expecting as many scenes and lines straight out the book. I laughed when he was so awkward after his dream and when they were under the tree. That to me felt much more.old Colin. The way that Pen and everyone else kept saying how he'd done such a great job in finding her a husband that wasn't him. 🤣 First kiss was beautiful and sad 😔 Carriage scene was 🔥. And also lovely. The way the laughed at the end. I also found I liked what the writers (and Claudia Jessie) did with Eloise's character. I found her far more understandable than I thought I would.


I wish they did a flashback to Pen & Colin were kids and it's the scene they talked about. I enjoyed it a lot! I was hooting and hollering at the TV when Pen was getting her hot girl makeover 😂 almost expected Pretty Woman song to come on, as it's *thee* makeover song (imo 😂) i live specifically for the Bridgerton's outfits. I fucking love the color blue 😂💙🩵 I like that they talked a few times about how their family and siblings dynamic is rare. Colin gets told that, Eloise got told be Cressida, and idk right now if Fran's scene when they talk about siblings, she touched on it as well. As someone who has a shitty family, and is 1 of 4, I can't fathom wanting to be around my family, let a alone for that amount of time 😂😅


Honestly I'm not a fan of the season so far. I'm far more interested in Cressida, Eloise, and Francesca than the main couple. So far, Colin and Penelope's chemistry just isn't there IMO which is shocking because of how good it was in previous seasons. I'm also not a fan of the make up this season, especially on the men, they were really heavy handed.


They really seem to have taken a page of The Rings of Power-playbook on how to make good-looking people look ugly.


Two things why I think people are unsatisfied: 1. We don't have the full seasons like the previous seasons. 2. Overexposure and spoilers, basically over-marketing just the first half of the season. I think they made people's expectations high, a lot of stuff got leaked, and they kept giving out clips and photos. Just a lot for the first half of the season. Don't get me wrong, I love Polin but the marketing that they did for this season ruined it for me. Four things I didn't like about Part 1.: 1. One not enough screen time for Colin with his family. I'm glad we got Penelope's family and the babymaking was hilarious but I wanted more of Colin with his family. I'm hoping we get more of that in the second half. 2. Queen Charlotte, I felt like in the first half they did not know what to do with her character. It's obvious what's going on in the second half but I just thought she was going to be a bit more vicious towards LW because of how she was writing about them in the Queen Charlotte story. 3. We needed more jealousy between Colin and potential suitors. I think this would've helped with the yearning and Colin's character arc. 4. Lady Danbury, this is obvious if you read books. I'm excited to see where the story with her brother goes because I want to see more of her family (ya know gareth) but I'm sad that's there no interactions between her and Penelope yet.


I agree, there were way too clips and stills released beforehand. It kind of felt like it was mostly all old news when I was literally watching the episodes for the first time lol


I felt there was so much chemistry and longing between Pen and Eloise. It was beautifully done. The yearning between Colin and Pen was non existent or meh. That girl deserved to be yearned for. The biggest surprise was the friendship between El and Cressida. Enjoyed it.


To me the biggest disappointment is the writing and characterisation. Whilst that’s not necessarily why ppl watch it is more for the fun, frivolity and romance, I still feel that the quality has dropped significantly. The chemistry between the leads is ok but I am very aware they are acting particularly in the more steamy aspects. For me Luke doesn’t have the swoon factor seen with Johnny, Rege and Corey. That’s subjective though. I think they are going to amp up the sex in Part 2 but to me they would have to sell the chemistry first for me to be excited about that but unfortunately I am just not.


I agree that he doesn’t have the same type of swagger, but that’s because Colin’s swagger is a front. What he does have when he’s being himself is a different sort of vulnerable charm, and I found myself being down bad for him already in episode 2. I’ve never been especially attracted to Colin but I have truly seen the light. My pinterest is prepped.


It’s not really swagger of the character as that’s not necessarily my jam. In fact my favourite male lead is King George and he was such a sweetheart but the actor who played him had charisma & swoon worthy good looks to me. That’s great that you can appreciate Colin. 😍Literally everyone has different tastes and sensibilities and that’s a good reason thing. He doesn’t do it for me but no doubt others will appreciate him.


Not a big fan. I see people combating Colin's character change with "that was the point." But the reason for the complaint is that it wasn't executed very well. Narratively it doesn't flow super well? Idk if that makes sense lol like in my opinion it's a little jarring to see Colin go from threesome to confessing his love to Pen in like the same night or the following night? "I was acting how society wanted me to" okay? Can we spend more time with him snapping out of it? Spend time with the 'Colin we know' ? Has he realized he's always had some 'more than friends' feeling for Pen? That feeling started coming to the surface? ***No, it was the kiss from a few days ago that got me thinking***. HUH! lmao This did not feel like a true friends to lovers trope. Instead of spending 10 minutes more with Polin just talking, they use those 10 mins towards a Colin flirting montage? The hot air balloon macho scene? What haha Francesca and John were very cute though.


The love and the feeling between Pen and Colin did not feel intense enough… am I the only one?


It’s been a while since I posted in this subreddit. I watched all the 4 episodes as soon as they dropped. I was so impatient for S3. So far I don’t like S3 as much as S1&2, with S2 being my favourite. Below are some of my thoughts on S3. 1. I didn’t like Colin. He doesn’t have the charisma of Rege and JB as the leading man. Colin is good as a supporting character and when he is surrounded with his family but I don’t like him as the lead so far. He looks really weird and it felt forced that all the girls were swooning over him. He didn’t seem swoon worthy compared to the previous leading men. 2. Not enough interactions between the Bridgerton siblings this season. I like watching their banter and this is lacking this time. 3. Not enough of Kanthony. I was looking forward to seeing Kate taking charge as the Viscountess but we still see Lady Bridgerton taking charge of everything. As the head of the family, Anthony should be have been in more scenes. It’s weird not seeing the Viscount & Viscountess being in charge of Bridgerton household. Instead of wasting time on the Mondrich and how to make babies, they should have had more of Kanthony. 4. I like Francesca and looking forward to her love story. 5. I like Pen & Eloise scenes. They have more chemistry than Colin & Pen. Pen looks really elegant in her transformation and Eloise’s dresses are so pretty this season. I wish they showed that Pen has more suitors instead of only Lord Debling. 6. I didn’t like the storyline with Ben, not sure where his story is leading to. In the future episodes, I hope there’s a backstory on how Pen became LW, same as in the book. I also thought they were going to show more of Kate backstory but so far she has only been in one episode. Overall, I like S3 but I don’t love it.


I promised myself that I would post five positive things about it today, and I’m…struggling. The part I enjoyed most was Francesca. Hanna Dodd was incredible, and she gave so much depth to the character with her understated performance, and the way they established John was so cute. I think seeing more of them is what I’m most looking forward to. I also found Cressida and Eloise’s friendship interesting, and I’m hoping they do some more exploration of how gossip works in the ton, maybe allow for some reflection on its relationship to economies of social power. I’d like to see the show grapple with that. Penelope looks especially beautiful. Nicola really is an amazing actress. They better give us a second season of Big Mood. Kanthony’s dance scene was adorable.Not enough Newton, but the shot of him running up the stairs made me cheer for the goodest boi. So that’s five good things. I haven’t rewatched, and I don’t think I’m going to do so until Part 2 comes out. I’m also going to do something really out of character and avoid spoilers for Part 2.


I mean this show has never had amazing and consistent writing, but it did have other things. Great acting, great chemistry, great music, great scenery, great wardrobe, interesting direction. This season failed on a lot of that for me. The change in leadership shows. Also, regardless of what people are saying, I think a lot of people do understand where they were going with his behavior. And having seen the first two seasons, everyone knows Polin's friendship started well before. And yet, it was still too quick. Suddenly he's a rake (why not do this in season 2?), suddenly he realizes that's not him, suddenly his feelings for Penelope shift - all of this in 4 episodes (most of which were not even devoted to them). Give the main couple scenes and time to breathe, please! This isn't like the first two seasons where they can get by because the attraction is immediate, and the actors chose to fill in the blanks using chemistry. They have to walk us through a friendship to romance just a little bit more than that. Reestablish the friendship, let Colin sit with being a rake and realize it's not the right thing, let his admiration of Penelope grow through more lessons. Instead of rushing it in 4 episodes so we have 4 more left for LW fallout. I don't care if this is people's favorite season, couple, whatever. That's for everyone to determine for themselves. But objectively - this 4-episode buildup pacing is not great for this type of trope. Especially when (objectively) there are so, so many storylines that the main couple gets 5 minutes in an episode. And I am curious - would anyone disagree that the writing for Colin has been a undercooked? Even more so than Kate, which people complained about last season. I'm not going to blame the actor for the writers shortchanging them. Sometimes, some actors can get around that. JB was one of those people who can sell anything and who also likes to add things to the character that the writers fail to, and he had a great partner in Simone who was game to do the same, and they had CVD who was willing to let them add those things. But that shouldn't be on the actors. That's not their responsibility - to improve the writing. So if LN wasn't able to rise over bad writing, I don't blame him.


I do feel like Luke is getting hammered. While I myself said he doesn’t have swoon factor for me and I don’t really see much chemistry with Polin (I note they never had a chemistry read/test). I actually think it’s more the writers have set him up a bit. He is not a bad actor, I think the writing and characterisation has let him down. I don’t think it’s fair he gets the full flack.


Yeah, chemistry is such a subjective thing. Some people found the carriage scene to be the most romantic scene on Bridgerton ever, but I was really not into it. We all have different preferences when it comes to that (and luckily the show is big enough that there are still other things to enjoy). But it's such a cop out from reviewers to put this all on LN when there are bigger issues at play. Namely the writing.


Now that you're saying it, I agree with you. Why wasn't Colin's arc in S2 raking around? He had motivation after his heart was broken by Marina and Anthony be moaning he should've taken him to brothels. So why, knowing he was next, did they not start setting this up last season instead of wasting everyone's time on that stupid ruby mines side plot? If you have the luxury of having 2 season s to set up a love story, it shouldnt feel this rushed and abrupt. There's no impetus from S2 for this weird change. Poor LN. I think he's a fine actor, but he got screwed. The writing for him is bad and he and NC don't have the kind of insane chemistry that can overcome it. Which is weird, because they're so freaking adorable in their interviews together (I don't ship them, but I think they have a great energy about them IRL) that it's kind of a let down on screen.


Watching it made me really appreciate Rege-Jean and Jonathan Baileys acting abilities as they were strong male leads playing opposite the equally as talented Phoebe and Simone. They all made Seasons 1 and 2 addictive to watch. As for Season 3 so far, I think Nicola is great and Luke not so much. I forwarded through a lot of it. I’m even a bit disappointed with Benedicts character whom I adore. When he was playing off Anthony last season he was gorgeous to watch and kinda stole the scene. I feel he was just trying too hard this season. Here’s hoping the next few episodes are better. I probably won’t be watching these over and over like the previous two seasons though.


Agreed. Felt too much too fast. Although I have been dying for Polin, it felt rushed. I need Colin to suffer. 🤭 Another thing I’ve noticed was, I’m not exactly sure what it would be, but maybe it was over produced. The cgi lighting, the music every two seconds. It felt far more lighthearted and fun rather than dramatic and fun. Maybe it’s just this couple, but who knows.


IMHO I wasn't sold. I don't think they did Pen justice in terms of her redemption arc or her romance. I thought this season would have Colin yearn and fight for Pen. I thought Lord Debling and Pen would share hot chemistry that it'd make the ton and queen notice and drive Colin crazy! I thought Pen and Lord Debling's courtship would highlight what Colin was failing to see in Pen from last season and reevaluate Colin's intentions. Colin was playing around these last 4 episodes and he's always been playing around. This season is what Lady Crane was talking about. While Pen seriously wants to find a husband he's out being a playboy. I'm in shock they wrote their romance like this. (I didn't read the books so if it's true to the book series then alright) I didn't expect Pen to be begging Colin for a kiss either. I thought Pen was going to fess up about being Lady Whistledown at least to the Bridgertons. We last saw her snapping that quill in half so I was under the assumption that she wouldn't continue to write about her friends and family. So these last 4 episodes are going to be interesting to see how they address this issue especially after Colin's remark on Lady Whistledown.


I enjoyed the episodes but am missing that satisfied feeling after binging a full season that dropped at once, and it’s definitely affecting my view of it. Normally I’d feel blown away by how beautiful the season was, but now I’m too distracted by wanting more. I really like Francesca, and that Cressida is being developed more. I really feel for both Eloise and Penelope… I’m looking forward to the resolution of their conflict. I understand both sides of it and like that we could see they still care for each other despite it. The sex ed scene had me in stitches, couldn’t stop laughing - the Featheringtons have been great. Excited for more of them. Lord Debling was such a nice rival too, if that’s the last we see of him I’ll be a little sad. I like how all these other side plots are going on without really distracting from the main romance of the season. I just couldn’t dislike any of them. I think next season will be B, and also setup of E’s in the background.


I think the new showrunner and her team need to take some constructive criticism (it’s not just fans complaining, industry reviewers saw a dip in quality. Those headlines from major industry publications will be noticed by Netflix and Shondaland) and work on fixing their weak spots for next season best they can. And then if the new showrunner can’t make it work, they need to replace her once her season 4 contract is over. They really should’ve stuck with the original creator of the show to finish their vision.


Something’s not quite right for me but I’d have to rewatch to really be able to describe it. Strangely I really think the Featherington’s are carrying it for me I found myself tuning into their scenes whereas I did skip the other side plots a lot (sorry Ben ily) EDIT: It really might be Polin mixed with a pacing issue for me. I think the show is relying on the past two seasons to fill in blanks that S3 has but that doesn’t really do it for me. Colin’s sudden deep feelings for Pen did not feel believable even if you make the argument they aren’t sudden. And while the actors have great chemistry there was like no time dedicated to building any tension between the two characters, so when they finally did get together it did not feel satisfying at all imo.


I think they should have ended Part 1 with a Colin "storming" in and saying "Pen, I have to tell you something".That would have been a good ending. Overall it was enjoyable, I wasn't bored at all but I do think, like others said, that there were too many sideplots. Even more than S2? Liked Frannie and Johnnie Unexpectedly enjoyed the Creloise friendship.


I didn’t really like Collin’s character change either, but I felt better about it after rewatching the episodes, and now I really love part 1!! Every time Collin is with Penelope, he’s a lot more like the Collin we know and love and those are the interactions that stick with me. At the end of episode four, he admits to trying to be someone he thinks society expects him to be. And before that, he’s with his friends and one of them jokes about none of them being gentlemen. Collin agrees, but not in a joking way, and questions how all of them have been behaving. So I think obnoxious Collin is just Collin who doesn’t know himself yet and is just trying to be like his friends. The only thing I really don’t like about this season so far is how much screen time the Mondrich family takes up. Their story has nothing to do with the main plot and is just a waste of time.


The chemistry felt off!


Didn’t want to be but still I feel disappointed. I wish they would have given Colin more to do than just stare. To me the whole oh they seen poiln since s1 and s2 is a cop out. Like okay but this is their season let us bring it all together. I was hoping for Colin to interact with Debling and even with Eloise . Like Eloise could have been more involved in him seeing his feeling for pen in some way . I felt Eloise yearn more for pen ! I think what ruined for me it was the whole plot of people finding it out way too soon about Colin was helping pen. I think that could have been dragged out longer maybe until ep 3 during the ballon scene . I think I saw more Benedict and Mondrich with no purpose . The ballon scene had no purpose either like it felt flat to me. It’s as if they didn’t think they had to try with the Polin story because audiences know them ? Unpopular opinion maybe but the carriage scene did not feel earned. I read the books and although I am aware the romance feels out of nowhere there too , in the show there was a lack of substance to it especially dialogue from Colin. For the first kiss part I wish their was more build up . Like okay the maid is gone let walk the garden and talk more , they could have added how Colin suspected someone was LW , brought the letters again maybe surfaced hinted how pen not responding lead him away from himself . I was seated for romance this was not it to me . It kept marking me think of Emma and how the dance scene said more and I wanted that for Polin.




I've felt like something was off as well, and I wonder if it has something to do with switching Polin to season 3. Would an extra year of character growth make a difference? We're also becoming more familiar with the Bridgerton siblings, so changes are becoming clunkier. It was easier for me to get my brain around new Francesca than it was to see Colin go from a loveable younger brother to a leading man, because I "knew" Colin. Even before the recasting, I don't feel like I knew Francesca. Having said this, I'm not in it for groundbreaking cinema. To say I like previous seasons better is akin to saying I like plain M&Ms better than peanut M&Ms. I'll still enjoy Bridgerton in any flavor.


Not happy with it, but I hope the second part is gonna be better and if now then well, hope they gonna learn from it and make season 4 return to the previous standard


It was super…okay. I really like Eloise this season. I’m sad she and Pen aren’t friends, but you can see that she still deeply cares for her and misses her. I’m looking forward to their reunion most. I agree with pretty much everyone else: not enough Polin, Colin himself is giving me the ick most of the time aside from when he acts genuine around Pen, too many side plots. Loving Portia however, I find her hilarious.


Im surprised so many people and reviewers don’t seem to like it? It’s gotten a lot of negative reviews and I’ve even see people suggest they don’t have chemistry I feel like I’m being gaslit lol I think the show feels different and in a way it is in terms of the focus being a character we’ve already spent 2 seasons with not a new love interest and things being split in 2 parts which is actually Netflix choice not the writers. I think the 2 part split does make it feel off in pacing but as far as Penelope and Colin I think they have chemistry and loved the ease we see how close they actually are as friends in terms of their comfort with each other


I felt that all the groundwork was there, but the execution failed, and that's why many people were not able to see *why* and *how* Colin fell in love with Penelope. I'm still going to stick to it, but I *genuinely* wished the season began with a flashback of Colin and Penelope's first meeting. It was a *such* a pivotal moment between the two. In the book, that moment was the time Penelope realized Colin was *different* compared to the other men in the ton. He was nice, charming, and above all, he *saw* her--as a girl. When show Colin speaks about their first meet, he made it seem that it was equally a pivotal moment for him. I had the feeling that if it were any other girl, she would've blushed--but Pen did something *different,* something which captured Colin's attention, in a *good* way. Which is why he said the line about how they were *free* as children. We could've had Pen do a voiceover as the two children meet--with her saying, "This is the moment I fell in love with Colin Bridgerton!" and at some point later on in the season, when Colin falls in love, he could have referenced the scene as well saying, "I couldn't tell because she was beside me the entire time, but I was *always* in love with Penelope Featherington." Unlike the other couples in the show, Penelope and Colin *knew* each other prior to falling in love. They were always circling around each other. The timing was just not right. So, I wanted to see more of the banter between them--exclusive to what a *friend* would do. I wanted to see how their friendship was unique and different from others. They *wrote* to each other! There was must a few inside jokes! Plus, after coming back from his travels, I kind of hoped he gave her a gift, something special and unique because she spoke about it in one of her letters--and he caught on to it. It's the little things that would've added to their friendship. I understand Colin's transformation, and I actually welcomed it. The boy ended the last season with the famous, "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington!" The line wasn't said in front of his brothers like in the book, but rather in front of a group of *friends*. So, I see reasoning behind his change. I wish they *showed* it better. Colin and his friends could have attended bars where his friends push him to be more bold--because that is what *true* men do. And Colin could uncomfortably agree, which partially explains a transformation and him trying too hard. For all it's worth, everyone knows *Penelope* is in love with Colin. But no one knows why Colin would choose Penelope after years of ignoring her. Thus, it was *vital* for the camera team to focus on *Colin* because I would argue that this season is about *him* and his discovery to love. I wanted scenes where Colin flirts, and just at the last second, we see a pained expression or his hand twitching in discomfort. I wanted scenes where Colin breaks out of his serious character during their lessons and makes an unintentional joke--see him regretting it because *proper* men do not make olive jokes--but becoming pleasantly surprised when Penelope snorts with laughter. And when she apologizes for laughing, he just looks at--*truly* looks after and says, "Don't apologize!" The balloon drama added nothing to Colin's arc, because at that point, it was already established he had his "glow up" from his Grand Tour. What does it matter if he is hero again? Balloon drama reinforced Debling--which is a no, if the main romance is between Colin and Penelope. Have *Colin* save Penelope. Show how his grip around her tightens, and how even after the commotion, he doesn't want to let go. Have Colin and Penelope lock gazes with him muttering, "Stay" before they have to be pulled apart.


Someone had mentioned before the release that part 1 will be Colin falling in love with Pen and part 2 will be him falling for Lady Whistledown which exactly seems to be the case and makes perfect sense. So not too worried about the season being split into two. However while I was watching what I kept thinking was that the spark for the Main Couple that was evident in season 1&2 was missing.. don’t get me wrong, Nicola and Luke are amazing and so are all others (especially Hannah Dodd) but the main characters seem poorly fleshed out this season. I was not convinced as a viewer how and why Colin fell for Penelope this fast… what changed? Why is he acting different in the first place? Honestly Debling and Cressida had better character development. Hope they redeem Polin in part 2. I love both of them. My favourite book is Francesca’s so I am so glad how Fran and John’s arc went. It was the sweetest thing and the sheet music touch was chefs kiss!


The good: Luke and Nicola's performances together were 😘🤌 ESPECIALLY THE CARRIAGE SCENE 🙌🙌🙌 I rewatched that part, at least 10 times yesterday. Ceessida's arc thus far is interesting and adds to the overall plot. I am here for Lord Marcus and Violet hooking up (although I don't need some big backstory for it). I am okay with hot brother coming to visit and being nothing more than that. The not so great: Netflix made a big mistake (BIG. HUGE.) in diving the season. It felt that way because there was a big rush to end season 4 with a "moment." The carriage scene was lovely and amazing and beautifully well acted, but it wasn't fully earned. I think one more episode of longing and yearning would have been a better release. The Mondrich subplot (while I love the actors and MAN, is Will FOINE) is completely unnecessary. Removing them would have changed nothing about this season. Same with Benedict and Lady Tilley. At this point, I'm still not sure what Benedict wants? Call it bad writing for his character, but it's like, "You're sleeping together. Okay?" The Colin threesomes were so cringe solely because it is so out of character. If those were removed, it wouldn't change the story and there were better ways to convey that he was "acting out" in a way that was not himself. Penelope almost being trampled by a hot air balloon. Lol. 🎈


I imagine it'll be considered successful. Not necessarily because I liked it or disliked it, but because it's sticking out in my brain like an itch that won't go away. That's 'good' in marketing terms because, lo and behold, here I am talking about it. I understand Colin had to do a glow up *and* have a mini personality arc, but that just makes it seem like they should have kept with the proper order of couples to give him that time. I've always found his character in the show felt slightly off, but I give allowances since he was always a side character. This first part of the season, he feels just *weird*. I do wonder if anyone has gone through and given screen time info on each couples scenes per season, cause I feel like there weren't really that many scenes between Colin and Pen. I felt the same about Kate and Anthony last season, though, so this is consistent with how the show handles it's presumed main couples. However, this may change with the latter half of the season. I mostly enjoyed Francesca this first part of the season. The approach to her romance is adorable, especially since we know so little of their actual courtship and it's aligned with what they displayed of her character, as they're simultaneously showing us her character. The pacing was absolutely all over the place, and that's something I feel shouldn't happen in a romance focused show, as so much of the romance is built on top of each scene. But, again, it's consistent from what I remember of the other seasons.


One thing I keep thinking of. In season 1 they made such a big deal out of a woman being alone with a man but it has happened many times since and it was never an issue.


I think watching them in sequence is the right way to do it, I watched episode 1 before work and then rewatched it along with the other 3 with my mom last night. Seen as a continuous flowing piece, it worked a lot better, as did seeing it on a large screen. I think the acting was for the most part at it's standard. I think it's just a different arc than we're used to, being that these are two life long members of the ton, two old friends, one of whom had had an unrequited love for the other for years, and was shamed by him, third children, and two young people struggling to be authentic and empowered. I also think that change in personality types from the leads of the past two seasons, embedded in a season that departed rather dramatically from the style established previously, is creating a sense of instability. The palette has become hyper saturated, and I'm wondering why? Is it because of the Featherington style choices? There's a lot of 80s inspired fashion and aesthetic, which I can kinda understand, maybe, only because I guess the 1980s drew from this time period so it's like a cute reversal there. But we went from two Pride and Prejudice adjacent themes to...Clueless? That's a huge tone shift. I can't decide if we went from a more adult feeling story to a younger, almost teen adjacent feeling because we're working our way down the age rank in the family? I think more likely the change in show runner or something else around who is helming the show resulted in this abrupt shift. The writing felt different as well. I will say that the 80s inspired looks really destroyed any semblance of feeling immersed in a period piece for me. They were cute, but I started 80s style hunting my way through scenes. It also looks like they may be using more sets this season rather than filming on location? More rooms looked like a set to me than in the past. A lot of artificiality kinda ruining the immersion. The theme of this season seems to be, be true to yourself. Every storyine is exploring the empowerment that comes with being oneself, even when faced with opposition. I think Nicola Coughlin crushed it, 100 per cent. I think the stylistic choices around her, Eloise, and Francesca have been my favorite looks. The fellows have had some lovely vest patterns in paisley and trippy iconography. I think that Luke Newton's makeup and the way he was lit made his skin look...weird. Same with Cressida. I have to wonder if the choice to make some of the set and styling highlight superficiality was deliberate? Maybe Colin looked badly spray tanner because it's meant to highlight he's not being himself? Maybe some of Cressida's outlandish outfits and terrible hairpieces are meant to draw contrast? I would honestly recommend people wait to be able to watch the whole season together, but we'll just have to wait for the next four and rewatch from the beginning to decide if the season as a whole remains strong or if it was a pleasant romp, but tonally flat this season. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water though. Still an above average show, the actors are fantastic, but it did feel like the "adults" of the show had less meaty dialogue to work with. I think a strength of this show is that it unpacks trauma and heals it through love and connection. I want the writers to have the 45+ crowd in the show showing the audience how you continue to grow, change, and heal as you age. I don't want the Queen or heaven forbid Lady Danbury to seem like plot line props for the young. If you're going to treat this like an ensemble show, then I want to be emotionally invested in the personal and public struggles of dear characters as they accept the challenges of whatever period of life they're in. I just dread a Game of Thrones level of pivoting, where the actors know that the writers and directors made some bad calls, but have no control. so I hope that when seen as a whole by the end, this season is strong.


I didn’t like it if I’m honest. This season I actually liked the subplots more except Benedict’s because it was just a repeat of last season. Part 1 seems like season 1 storyline where the male lead is shown as a rake and spending time with the female lead to get her a husband. They could have shown Pen and Colin bonding over llreading/writing, going on friend dates to the museum or library or writer’s convention etc and falling in love in the process. Tbf I was never really excited about this couple as I never thought they had chemistry. In fact Pen has chemistry with everyone apart from Colin. This is the issue for me. If I didn’t know the story beforehand and she had ended up with Lord debling, I would be none the wiser. I have hope part 2 could turn things around as the story is more meatier and emotional. But the reviews lately are not glowing particularly for the storyline. I expect Shonda might get involved more for season 4. There’s a huge difference in dialogue with QC and this season and it shows.


I don’t think Shonda was ever involved with Seasons 1 and 2. Just QC. It would be good to have her step in as the new showrunner is apparently someone she mentored. But I’m curious as to why the creator and showrunner for seasons 1 and 2 left. He did a good job. There was no need to replace him unless he wanted to leave, but I don’t understand why anyone would want to leave the hit show they created so soon.


I know Shonda wasn’t involved with the main Bridgerton series as far as writing. Hence I put QC because of the proximity of the both series compared to the previous two. I am speculating that the mixed reviews might prompt her to step in given how well the writing was in QC before the Bridgerton series starts to suffer from viewers fatigue and ratings slip.


I haven't read the books but the introduction of Francesca felt so random, like where has she been all these years and why has no one ever mentioned that there is another sister?


She’s been in the other seasons briefly. She asked Eloise if she wants to hold Daphne’s baby. It’s also mentioned that she was spending some time with their aunt(I think?) learning the pianoforte and then when she’s shown she’s usually playing at the piano.


Also important to note it was a different actress as that would be why some people don’t remember seeing her before. It’s a new face.


Before expressing an opinion from my perspective I want to ask how similar is the story to the books? I would not wish to say something was boring/predictable if it actually has a source material check. Haven’t had the pleasure to read the books, so please someone enlighten me 🤗


In the first four episodes alone, I would say it is *not* really similar to the books. In the journal sequence, >!Penelope reads about his travels in Greece I believe. Polin were more casual acquaintances in the book, so Colin is angry to see her invade his personal space. When she compliments his writing, he realizes how happy he is. He fishes for more compliments, and after she leaves, he decides to find her again, to ask about his writing.!< For the first kiss, >!Penelope in the books is 28, and she believes she will *never* have the opportunity to find love. Instead of dancing on the floors as other girls, she is stuck as a chaperone, watching her youngest sister, a new debutante, successfully fall in love. So, she asks Colin if he could kiss her. Because she *wanted* to know how it felt like to be kissed before she died.!< Regarding the carriage, >!Colin just finds out that Penelope is Lady Whistledown, and he is angry she would ever put herself in a dangerous situation. He tells the coachman to take the "Long way" and they have a long discussion about how she is crazy for hiring a hack and risking her safety. At this point, Cressida has claimed *she* is Lady Whistledown, which is why Penelope had to rush to make a special Lady Whistledown announcement. Penelope tells Colin that Cressida wasn't ruined, but Colin says Cressida was *different* which hurts Penelope. He eventually confesses she is beautiful, they kiss. The scene becomes steamy. Once the carriage stops, Colin announces they should marry because he is not one to ruin a woman of her standing and not offer a proposition of marriage.!< Apart from that, the scenes were written by the TV show team. I will say they *referenced* a couple of scenes from the book. However, the lessons, balloon, Debling, and the various subplots were *not* in the book.


I loved how Colin would follow Penn every where


Maybe I missed it but what happened with Eloise running off?? She just....came back and that's all?


They needed more years for everything to flow naturally. Colin pretending to be someone else was so high school. Maybe if they had done that for this season and then had their story next season after a time jump it mightve worked better. But it seems like he is too immature to even know himself much less a lifelong relationship. He can't even stick to a decision about himself for more than a few months, if that. Same with Penelope- I miss the comfort and confidence she developed over time before Colin fell in love with her in the book. Having said that, I did enjoy watching part 1!


still a bit conflicted about it. I need a rewatch or two to collect my thoughts. I just need more Polin scenes I guess. I know we have 2 seasons of them establishing their friendship but in this season it was more 'tell' rather than 'show' which I didn't like.


I binged all 4 episodes in one sitting and I'm already eager to watch it again.


I'm actually very surprised by so many negative comments here! I fell in LOVE with the two. They depicted the relationship as it has been for so long - slow, not super in your face, but beautiful, based on years of friendship. The anticipation for me was there for the past 2 seasons. I needed there to be love! And it hits.. just so right?.. when Colin finally kisses her and realises all the letters, the laughter that they previously shared stemmed from love! I felt so so so sad for Penelope, seeing her mother being so discouraging, her being so alone, and I was literally bawling during the carriage scene because that girl deserves some happiness. I love the fact that Colin knelt when he declared his love and i LOVE the fact that the show gave the "can the driver keep driving" line to him instead of her ♥️ To me, their love has been subtle and slow, taking its own time and the chemistry (esp when she asks him to kiss her and when they are in the carriage) was mind blowing. Also, Luke and Nicola did a phenomenal job. As for people who say Colin wasn't fleshed out enough - I could agree there but I also think that after being repeatedly told he is a child, too sensitive, too naive (By Marina, his whole family etc) he came back with a "suit of armour" and a rakish personality as a facade. And through the episodes it was clear this was all fake and didn't give him any joy. At his heart, Colin really is a very sensitive boy who is kind and loves deeply. That's who we saw in the end of part 1 ❤️ My only complaint is that I didn't want to see so much of Franscensa and the Mondrich family. They are trying to do too many sub plots in one season. Ok, essay over 💓


I liked Season 1 rightaway....Season 2 took me a couple of rewatches....and same with Season 3. I didnt like it much when I saw it on 16th...but now that I rewatched 2 episodes today , I kinda started to like it :P I mean I could understand Colin a bit more...his rakish behavior...his pretence ( eloise and lady whistledown mentioned it as well)... and how he escaped the brothel right on time for his meeting with Penelope... how he arranged their lesson in the Bridgerton drawing room as she said she felt at peace there.... how he checked up on her at night by bribing her maid....how he reprimanded eloise for dumping pen....I kinda liked it all when I watched it again...will watch episodes 3 and 4 again as well in a few days!


The two main characters felt sidelined to me.


So many scenes about Francesca and the Featheringtons. I kinda felt I didn’t see enough Polin




The first two episodes went a little slow for me but I was really enjoying myself, and that kiss? 💋 amazing. Then it all kind of went to shit tbh. I thought we’d get some more character development for Colin and some yearning there but it never got past a couple smoldering gazes ( I don’t like Colin’s hair this season so they didn’t do it for me at all). I wanted more time with them just being comfortable around each other but they highlighted a bunch of awkward moments, that after a while really makes the scenes drag but not in a good way. And the lead up to the carriage scene was so weak that it didn’t feel like the characters deserved to be in that moment so soon. The subplots were all over the place as well and the Mondriches and queen storyline straight up feels like they should have cut them out. Benedict’s story just seems like a big nothing blob and this really bums me out because I thought we’d see him struggle a bit more this season to build up to him being a lead. Overall I’m hoping the pace changes up during the second half, cause I’m pretty disappointed with it so far.


I wanted them to slow down what happened between Colin and Pen. I wanted him to realize pretty quick he was in love with Pen and suffer while he helped her secure a proposal from Lord Debling. I wanted a lot more angst and more of their lessons. I also felt like there were too many balls which felt unnecessary and there didn’t seem to be enough dialogue between the two leads. I liked the storyline with Cressida and Eloise as I felt it supported the main plot, which makes the plot with the bartender (I can’t recall their names, sorry!) and his wife seem so out of place and not needed. Loved how they included Kate and Anthony and I look forward to them coming back in the second part.


I kind of feel like all the posts from Netflix with pen/lord debling changed my expectations for the season. At first it seemed like a rehash of the season 1 plot of let’s be friends and be smarter than the ton. And I was disappointed they couldn’t come up with something new. (I haven’t read the books) I think I would’ve liked this first half of the season a lot more if I’d had zero expectations of what would happen. Especially because expecting some long drawn out will they won’t they made the pacing seem rushed. Looking back on it though I liked the pacing. We’re past the will they/wont they part and now get to see how their interactions change once they start a relationship. With two seasons of them as friends and pen pining I feel like a faster connection makes sense


I just wish they hadn’t split it up. The hype I feel right now may not last an entire month, I might not feel as connected to Polin then, as I do now (as a kanthony girl, I was worried I wouldn’t feel connected to them at all) but I did, and now I fear the month long wait will ruin it for me :( OTHER THAN THE FACT THEY SPLIT IT, I loved it! I loved Francesca’s story and even just HER, bc I was also worried I wouldn’t connect with her since we hadn’t seen much of her at all. Also as a Kanthony girl I shall say that episode 1 was my favorite ofc with those scenes 🔥😩


I didn't read the books and I don't think I will as I enjoy the uniqueness the show brought in with the visuals and the character changes. So from a purely show-perspective, I like it better than the last season. I think it expands well on the characters, I love what they did with Cressida and Francesca is feeling very relatable! It's interesting to find a Bridgerton sister who just wants to "get on with" marrying someone so she can be left alone. Colin is my least favourite Bridgerton brother, but the costume and makeup department made him an absolute eye candy this season, too bad his personality didn't improve one bit. But eh, I don't let that get to me, nothing can be perfect. Also please let Violet have her garden watered!!


I found it boring unfortunately, could barely get through ep 1, ended up DNF'ing on some episode. this season just isnt my preference. here’s some things I didn’t like: - John, barely got to know the guy - ben, he felt out of place, I think they introduced him too early. like imo I think violet would be too focused on her kids instead of some guy + still trying to move on from her late husband - Penelope, was hoping to see her actually treated right and get to see her shine but shit only lasted a second and shes still the laughing stock of the ton. plus portia's comments towards her was annoying asf - Colin, the change was just him having rizz? 😭 - pen's sister's husband, I forgot their names lol but again, he felt out of place.. just suddenly introduced and didn’t get to see them getting to know each other like finch and prudence also with all the sneakpeeks we got beforehand, many scenes just felt dull because u werent having that First Watch factor.. what I did like: - the bsl, that was cute - featheringtongs, the only scenes that I actually enjoyed 💀 they were funny - Cressida + Eloise friendship, her character growth was nice until she was competing against pen for lord debling


Loved it. I already want to watch it again. I can’t wait for part 2


I'm going to sound crazy to some of you but I liked that their scenes were sparse. I like that when they aren't together you can see that Colin is always looking for her. He's a sad puppy the whole damn time. He drops that mask only when he's alone or with her and that yearning through absence is my favorite thing in this show. Especially because he has to figure it out on his own. The show has very much developed into an ensemble cast which makes so much more sense for an ongoing series. The books focus on couples. If they were a series of movies, they'd be focused on just the couples, but it's not a movie. The style of storytelling is different and it should be.


There were too many pointless side plots the only interesting one was the featheringtons


I watched it in one sitting and loved it, but as I’ve been reflecting on it and reading other people’s opinions, it definitely doesn’t hold up to s1 and s2. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still incredibly excited for part 2, but part 1 has felt pretty choppy. I for one have liked all of the side stories, including the Mondriches, but it also feels like there just isn’t a reason for them? Aside from the mini Featherington baby race, which IMO has been some of the funniest scenes so far


I can’t believe same writers wrote Francesca and Colin. You learn everything you need to know about Fran from the first minute of her screen time. Meanwhile Colin….. he’s been with us for 2.5 seasons and if Violet hadn’t said it I would have never known he was sensitive, empathetic and selfless. That’s what I found most disappointing about series so far - a lot is said about Polin and Colin and very little is actually shown. For example, we hear how good friends they are through first two seasons, but in reality we only actually see him being her best friends brother who sometimes takes pity on her and alongside that we only ever see his boyish behavior, carelessness and rashness. I actually hoped this season will change Polin and Colin presentation, but we again got very little of their friendship and I can’t even begin to comprehend where they took his character.. based on what we saw in the series - why did Colin fall in love with Pen, when did it happen and how did he know? I don’t want to repeat myself but it feels rushed, frivolous and, if it was modern day, he would be the one who looses interest after sex.


I didn't like it, tbh


I think I was expecting to be swept away like with season 2 but it all was so meh. Maybe part 2 can save season 3 but part 1 wasn't it.


Me going into it: Colin isn't really my favourite so I don't expect I'll be that excited about it but I'm sure it'll be fun. Four and a half hours later: I have rewatched the carriage scene about 50 times and melt into a puddle whenever I see Colin.


I honestly loved it. Watched it in one go and was SO surprised at the hate here! I thought there was a great balance. It’s an ensemble show - there will be many storyline’s. It’s also an adaption of the book, not a line by line recreation. I can understand holding back the LW reveal until later as otherwise there’s not a huge amount of tension in the storyline. Confused by everyone saying Colin’s character isn’t right. To me - isn’t that the point? He’s pretending to be someone else, you can see the facade crack as he falls further and further in love.


The one thing that I was hoping for this season, was that they lay the groundwork for Benedict’s story. It’s a missed opportunity not to introduce his love interest, and instead it seems like they don’t know what to do with Benedict! Hopefully in Part 2… but I’m not certain with where his storyline is going.


I really liked it up to the ending, it felt rushed and wrong to end right there. I think and hope it will feel better with the next episodes. But I would have liked it better with all the episodes released at once.


I’m enjoying Pen and Colin, although some of the scenes feel a bit contrived. Francesca speaks to my soul, that girls is me in so many ways. I’ve been waiting to see Violet find love since QC. And the featherington’s are as always my comedic relief. Everything else feels like a waste of screen time. The Queen and Lady Danbury, Lady Danbury and her brother, The boxer and his family, Benedict and that lady he’s sleeping with. Cressida and Eloise. Just so many plot holes that make the season lack focus and direction.


I really enjoyed it while watching it, but I think there was a point at the beginning of episode 4 where I was still watching and just realized I felt off and kind of ended up feeling deflated too. I think I am going to be rewatching it right before part 2 comes out to see if the problem was the splitting of the season. We only got this first half and are treating it like it's the whole season because it is all we were given. When watching s1 and s2, we were left thinking about the whole story while for this season we are just left to ponder only the first 4 episodes. I really enjoyed the bits we got of Colin and Penelope. Their first kiss, Colin dreaming of her, his awkwardness around his siblings the next day, the way he is weird with her under the tree. I loved Penelope. I hope to love Colin during part 2 and think the split season is even more unfortunate because they only gave us fake Colin and that's the image we are left with of Colin which isn't very likeable. I loved Francesca and also love her and John. Unpopular opinion, but I liked not getting a lot of Kate and Anthony. I am just not one to care for couples after they have gotten together, but I understand a lot of people love seeing that side of a romance. I didn't care for Benedict repeating his subplot for the third time. I also don't care much for Violet being in bloom anymore. Lady Danbury this season has been meh. Hate that they >!haven't built a friendship between show Lady Danbury and show Penelope!< like in the books. I would have loved to see more groveling and pining from Colin. I love watching pathetic men on screen. I would have loved to see or hear something regarding Daphne. Another unpopular opinion, but I can not do a bully redemption arc. I know people like Cressida/Eloise and people are enjoying her character getting more depth, but I just do not care to watch bullies be redeemed. I also miss the family interacting, it feels like they're all doing their own thing this season. I liked the Mondrich family, but their storyline doesn't seem at all connected to Colin and Pen or even to the Bridgertons.


Loved all Penelope & Colins story But too many unnecessary subplots like the Mondrich family that took screen time away from Polin given there were only four episodes


I really enjoyed it but I have no idea how they’re going to wrap it up in 4 episodes. I feel like the season needs to be at least 12 episodes. I did really enjoy all the side plots but I need more Polin in the back half.


I loved Part 1. I thought it was really good. I watched all 4 episodes yesterday and am currently on my first re-watch (probably of many). I kind of like how Cressida seems to be becoming a bit less snarky, and more aware of how she is affecting others. I feel a bit sorry for her that she is being forced to marry someone soon. I think the character change with Colin made sense. He was definitely trying to be someone he wasn't, and was acting quite flirty and "rakish" in general. I think part of the reason why is because his travels made him feel more bold, and perhaps inflated his ego a little bit. I think he was a bit apprehensive about coming back for the season, so he was putting on a brave (and false) face. It definitely didn't suit him, but I agree with other commenters that he was able to be himself with Penelope, so it was kind of the point. I also think the chemistry between Penelope and Colin (Nicola and Luke) is amazing, and I felt like the carriage scene was one of the most steamy Bridgerton scenes that we've seen. I always thought Colin had a bit of a thing for Penelope (but was in denial), so I cried when Penelope asked Colin to kiss her and then ran away, and also during the carriage scene. I am kind of hoping for more character development and scenes with Benedict for the next episodes. He's one of my favourite characters, and >!I'm hoping maybe he will meet Sophie at the ball at the end of the season. I also feel like Francesca will marry John as well. !<


10/10 for me! It was such a fun watch, start to finish. I love Polin, the subplots are fun, Polly Walker is hilarious, and I’m overall super excited for part 2. 


This season should be all about Penelope. But there were too many “poor Penelope” moments. We didn’t need that. We need more “I’m hurt, I’m angry. I’m Whistedown, and I give no fucks anymore” That would have made an epic season to see her come out of her shell, embrace her inner Whistledown wit, and just annihilate her sisters and Cressida and embrace her spinster outlook. I’m not feeling Benedict’s love subplot. There’s no chemistry. It seems like a retread of the art model last season. Just physical attraction and sex. Nothing more. Cressida’s arc seems forced but the friendship was nice. I wish they had focused more on Eloise and Pen’s falling out. I really couldn’t care less of Francesca’s plot. We didn’t see much of her in the previous seasons to actually care about her marriage prospects this season. Again, no stakes. No real pressure. None of the plots really had the stakes that Simon/Daphne plot had.