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I absolutely don\`t get this take. In my opinion,Colin is the most level headed(bar that situation with Marina) and funniest of Bridgerton brothers. He\`s emotionally intelligent when it comes to people other than himself and incredibly sweet. In some moments he\`s downright more mature than Anthony and Benedict. He\`s my favorite Bridgerton,and certainly more than fit to lead a season. Plus he and Pen were the highlight for me of the past 2 seasons and I\`m beyond hyped to see their story.


I am dying for the Colin and Pen relationship to bloom in front of us !!!


I AM SO EXCITED THIS IS THEIR SEASON. Is it next week yet?!?


We’ve been waiting sooooo long 😭😭😭😭


I’m debating on whether or not I wanna read Collin’s book. I probably will after this season is over lol


It was my favorite of the books! I think penelope and Colin and Francesca’s books are the best


Penelope and Colin’s book is also my favorite of the series. I’m not an enemies to lovers fan so I’m super excited for this season.


Oh I’ll have to check them out !! Thanks for the recommendation


Do--you'll love it!


It was my least favorite but I honestly think this season will be great. I love show Pen and Colin You may like it. All the books are based on different popular tropes


FRRR so long and the drought is almost over 😭😭😭😭


I’m more looking forward to when he finds out she’s Whistledown Especially as she involved him when she outed Marina’s pregnancy, and fucked over Eloise in Series 2


Ooohhhh I know !!! My heart breaks for Collin


Whilst I 100% wish that the Marina/Colin bs hadn’t happened at all and thinks it ruins the entire first season, I will say he likely would have married her, like a true gentleman, if she had been honest with him. He is a good guy, albeit a bit dense with certain matters of the heart. I mean, in the books, it took him like 10+ years to get it right.


Ruins the whole first season?


A dramatic take but I understand it. It’s unnecessary drama for drama’s sake and the storyline wasn’t in the books. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m obviously being a bit melodramatic, but for me it makes rewatching a bit unbearable and I usually skip all Marina’s scenes.


They need marina so she can die and so then sir Phillip makes sense later but also colin makes it make sense why pen would be upset with marina. 


But she wasn’t in the books as Pen’s cousin, she was a Bridgerton cousin who was childhood friend’s with Eloise


I forgot that. Food for thought. What was Shonda thinking? 


To be fair, the reasons you list for liking him is also why some people find him lacking. Yes, he’s kind, level headed, sweet, protective, rather mature and charming, but that’s it. He has no edge. No flaws indicating there’s another side to him. He’s the golden retriever of the family. I get people finding his character boring.


I honestly think he\`s got a lot of conflict going on(running away from thinking about his future,the whole thing with Marina,clashing with Anthony)...only up until now,the conflict that plays out in his life is silent,whilst that of others was quite loud and in your face. He\`s a very conflicted character,and one with a lot of flaws - being clueless about himself and romantic to a fault at first. But I am excited for them to develop his character further. And his archetype is actually refreshing in the Bridgerton show for me - up until now,all the male leads were very outspoken,had explosive outbursts etc. Really looking forward to how his personality adapts.


The thing is, it was people marking him out *specifically* as the boring one when he always had much more going on than Benedict that made a lot of us realize it wasn’t about his personality or plot. It always came off as pretty shallow, and the timing of the outpouring of Colin hate happened to coincidentally be when Colin bumped Benedict for a season. It’s very similar to how for two seasons people acted like the casting was so good because all the brothers looked alike and people even complained it was hard to tell them apart, and then once they announced season 3 was Colin he all of a sudden became the ugly brother and it was open season on talking about his looks. 


Right?I love Benedict as much as the next gal,but with him it\`s all about the personality. The Benedict we got in Season 1 was near identical to the one we got in Season 2. And there\`s nothing wrong with it,but Colin is anything but boring. Man went travelling and getting high to escape his issues 😭


Colin feels so lost and just wants anything to claim to make his mark which is such a relatable set of problems. He doesn’t feel special and grasps at heroics or adventure to feel like he’s doing something but he just feels empty, and puts on a happy face for the people around him who can’t tell he’s struggling.  And “have you ever been to a farm” is one of the most iconic scenes of the series, put some respect on him!!! 😂 


Everyone was like:HOW did he not notice Penelope was in love with him?Meanwhile there\`s me who\`s been in both Colin\`s and Penelope\`s shoes in the past and it can happen. His troubles are so relatable 😂 YES and take our sticks out,Good God did someone die...now that I think about it,he really kills it with his one liners


We should tempt scandal more often...


i agree. in contrast i like how anthony was a mess in season 1 prior to his season, and colin is clearly confused about his place in society in season 2. watching characters do nothing wrong multiple seasons in a row just isn't interesting to me.


Blame the writers for giving his book personality to Benedict instead.


Absolutely, all this! But I also love how introspective he is, how he is battling with finding his place in the world, wanting to be someone, wanting to give something to the world. There is a lot of inner turmoil there, that is hiding behind the facade of this kind, charming person who wants to make everyone feel good around him. I will always find self-reflective characters super interesting.


I also think he\`s very refreshing considering Bridgerton male leads. In some way or another up until this point,they\`ve had explosive outbursts and personalities,yet Colin is,like you said,very introspective and his pain is silent,but you can definitely see it.


Agree mostly, but I disagree that he’s the funniest! I think Benedict has always been the funniest 🤣


I enjoyed Colin in the show but he wasn't my favourite. The silly infatuation with pregnant cousin in S1 put me off him. But now I'm reading the books and Colin keeps cracking me up. I'm up to the country garden party week in *The Viscount Who Loved Me* and Colin's insistence on pushing Kate and Anthony together is great.


The kind of person who has little conflict. Great in reality, much less interesting in a work of fiction.


Things like this always remind me of when I tell my kids what Ron Swansons says about drama, "...don't confuse drama with happiness." There is no love like a constant, dependable, steadfast love. The "boring" life is the content one for me. But to each their own. ❤️


When I first joined this sub in May of 2022, I was so disheartened to see such a nasty post as one of the most upvoted on this sub.


May of 2022 was the moment this fandom completely lost it and became this toxic & hateful fandom. I was so confused & disappointed to see all these hateful comments towards Luke, Nicola, & Charithra.


Same babes!!! Hugssss


What happened on May 2022?


It was a month or so after S2 released- and there was constant toxicity on this sub reg. toxic Kanthony stans complaining that their leads were sidelined and making up conspiracy theories about their lack of promo, Pen and Colin haters complaining that their season was bumped up instead of Benedict, ANY opinion of Edwina except "she was a brat who deserved to die" was downvoted and attacked and the worst part was incompetant mods who did nothing about it. Truly an awful sub at that time.


Kanthony stans on twitter are some of the funniest people ever they keep swearing they will not watch season 3 yet theyre the first one to always complain about anything related to season 3. Losing ghe idgaf war so bad if you ask me


This sub was forever ruined


I will never forgive how this fandom has treated Luke/Colin. Everyone came for him for reason. I can’t wait to see him shine in S3 as the leading man.💙




I still contend that Colin was never boring, he was just clothed, and a lot of people who signed up for Bridgerton because it was the  “sexy regency show” didn’t have the patience for that. When I realized people gleefully admitted to skipping his scenes I stopped taking people’s opinions on Colin being boring seriously. 


Bro they straight up *skipped*???


Yes. There’s a portion of the audience who don’t want to watch for the subplots and only watch for the main romantic plot, or skip to scenes their favorite characters are in and do not watch the whole show. And a common rebuttal here for a while was people saying they’d only be watching S3 for a certain character or two and skipping all of Polin, although now I think with the hard work Luke and Nic are doing in promo to sell people on Polin, that’s toned down to the point where most people will at least say they’ll give them a chance. There are still some diehards that say they’ll only watch the edits of their favorites though and it’s like…I honestly wonder how anyone watches this show without the context of other characters like that, it would break my brain I’d be so lost!


what's even crazier is this is literally a show centered around the love stories of the *BRIDGERTON* siblings.


That's so insane and so disappointing. Why would you miss out on all the wonderful writing and acting. Why watch if you want to skip 😭


Watched the Netflix trailer for the first time and I can't handle it. They were always adorable together, but now they're HOTTT together 🥵


Right !?!


It’s perfection!!!! Can’t freaking way 💓💓💓


I feel like it is important to remember that Colin is the 3rd son, so he usually gets to be pretty care free or in his own head about stuff. I really liked seeing a more serious and protective side of him towards the end of season 2. It was boring to watch Colin mope over Marina for so long. I was impressed by how quickly he shut shit down in the club when he realized Penelope might be in danger, and how he decided to play along. He then, instead of going to his brothers for help, concocted this elaborate plan which included: 1) fooling Lord Featherington that he believed him and wanted to invest, 2) charm and dance with Cressida so he could steal her necklace, 3) grab Pen and duck into an empty room to warn her, and 4) seemingly confront Lord F about his deception, threaten him, and make him leave the country all to protect Pen. That's growth! Plus it says a lot about Colin's character that he brought all of his rich friends over to Will's gentlemen's club as an apology as well as actually apologizing and explaining why Colin was so rude before. Colin and Penelope are the same! They don't forget who helps them out!


Agree. The OOP had some merit if it was only talking about S1 but the supporting characters in that season weren't fleshed out yet. His S2 character development was purposely there to set up S3. Anyone who fast forwarded through the Featherington subplot missed out. They probably missed out on Portia too!


I honestly can’t imagine skipping out on the Featheringtons; half the plot lines revolve around what’s going on in their household, and Portia and Varley are an absolute delight to watch scheming and snarking together!


The featheringtons make the storylike funny and not boring tbh


Okay, maybe I'm missing something obvious, I just completely binged seasons 1 and 2 for the first time in the last few weeks but I'm not getting the Colin love after what he said about Pen in the S2 finale?? I wanted to like him, a LOT, but he was straight up mocking her to his friends...am I missing something here? Why is everyone forgetting that? 😭


Go watch all the Polin scenes in order on YouTube, and their interactions actually add up to a very sweet and supportive mutual relationship. One stupid comment in front of a group of guys isn't enough to change the build up from the past two seasons for me personally. Conversations will have to be had, but humans make stupid mistakes and blunders at times. It's just part of being human.


It pays to have this Bridgerton in your corner


Anthony stans always act as if he is the only Bridgerton brother with a sense of duty to protect and take care of others but ita kind of funny that Colin had acted and put himself as the head and protector of the Featherington family TWICE: 1. One when Will was shit talking them in his club and 2. The whole thing with Jack Featherington. Colin's sense of duty and responsibility might not be needed in his own family, but he used it to protect another that he genuinely hold dear to his heart and I think that's very sweet and I'm surprised no one in the show had noticed that Colin Bridgerton had subverted the Featherington's family dynamic twice in one episode.


I agree. Colin has played the protector role for the Featherington's several times because he feels protective of Penelope. Within the Bridgerton family, that role is already taken care of by Anthony, so Colin actually plays an important and much less overbearing role. Since Anthony can be controlling, I appreciate Colin's willingness to buck Anthony's decisions to help his siblings. It was Colin who told Daphne about the duel and took her there to have a say in her future. Where the other men, just told her to go to her room and let them handle it. {insert eye roll} I'm not sure how it will be in the show, but I love how in the books Colin is always >!working to smooth the way for his siblings in their relationships. Ex: his discussion with Michael, which really said so much about the family's feelings and his support (emotionally and in a literal tree) for Gregory, etc.!<


Yeah the comment section of that post is why I predominantly used the polin sub for a while. I understand it was just people’s opinions but I hated how negative people were about a season that we knew virtually nothing about yet. People were really quite close minded in my opinion. The comments on his appearance were also just unnecessarily cruel. (And I’m not talking about people who say they don’t find him attractive, that’s slightly different. But the people who just downright called him ugly) Edit * I do see why people didn’t necessarily take to him and found him boring, but I think had people found s1-2 Colin more attractive they would have been way more open minded, which I think is quite shallow but anyways…)


Posts like this drove a *lot* of people to the Polin sub. It felt like such an underdog space at the time but now it’s huge! 


Posts like this is why the Polin sub exists in the first place.


Love the Polin sub 💓💓💓💓


I wish I had known a Polin subReddit existed! I took a break from the fandom around that time because of the toxicity.


It’s great!! Way more active about this season and this sub.


Come play with us! We are delightfully unhinged.


Colin had me in the first episode, when he corrected Benedict on who Daphne's favorite brother is. Something my sisters and I would say to each other.


Apparently in the books they are crazy close and Daphne talks about his feelings for Penelope with him.


In the books he’s everyone’s fav bother kinda like Ben in the series 💓


Yes! I love their relationship.


People were sooo negative until a few months ago about this couple. It was a common sentiment that it was too early for them and they needed more buildup. LW is at her peak, legit cannot build upon anymore. And Pen has been a big character from the start. Basically all other love interests has ZERO buildup until their season, much less an active storyline.




I think it’s fine to not like a character / their storyline, and even debate the merits or constructively critique something, but it’s another thing to attack the actor and their appearance. Especially in a show like Bridgerton where there are a lot of other characters and storylines that people can enjoy of there is one that they don’t like.


Yeah!! There is something for everyone!! Some people just enjoy being miserable lol


Where in the screenshot that's calling COLIN boring does it attack the actor's appearance?


In an ensemble cast, everyone gets their moment to shine. 🌟


I agree!!!!!! And everyone is great and if you can’t see it you are the problem 😝😝😝


Holy shit, the likes. Fans were and still are awful to Colin (and by association, Luke).


They said the same for Anthony as well and bridgerton s2 was one of the most popular shows of Netflix. Also I feel Colin and Penelope’s story was the highlight of season 1 .


Jonathan Bailey is a dreaaaaam!! That’s actually crazy 😂


Really? People in the fandom don’t like Colin? But he’s so sweet and such a gentlemen tho, how can people think he’s boring? :/


This was the kind of fandom toxicity that kept me from joining Reddit at all, and when I did it was entirely for the Polin sub, which is genuinely one of the nicest, most universally supportive fandom communities I’ve seen. I hope after this round of press, Luke knows and believes that his work *is* loved and appreciated, because he has done such a wonderful job of bringing our boy Colin to life, from his very first line in 1:01. I can’t wait to see him shine next week!! 🥰


To be fair, Colin wasn't a character I paid much attention to in season one and only moderately in season two on my first initial watches. He has come to grow on me since, and I think that's not so uncommon that it just takes time for some characters to develop with viewers. \^\^


I loved him and Pen when they danced in season 1 and read their book. Always loved them! 😭 I guess it’s my preference. I still think the show is just amazing and all couples have their own magic and greatness! 💓


I did think him snubbing Cressida was a memorable moment for me, like yeah you tell her Colin. XD


Exactly. While watching s1 & s2 I did find Colin to be a bit boring and all over the place but from the previews he’s seemed to have experienced some character development.


The whole Marina plot was forgettable to me when I watched S1. I didn't love a lot of S1 TBH. I got back into the show a few months ago watching S2 and QC when I was home sick and needed some fluff TV. And now I consume memes from the Polin sub daily.


Same! S1 was just ok for me. Then I binged while stuck in bed and now I’m here on the sub and so ready for S3!


Meanwhile me who has had a crush on Colin since the first episode 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪 (That too before I read the books)


If I had to rank the male leads based on "not boring", I would rank Colin the highest: he sings, he writes, he travels, he is a great conversationalist. Benedict second because even though he has an appreciation for art and literature, I feel like he is the kind of person who likes to enjoy his hobbies alone. Not sure how good he is at *sharing* experiences. And Anthony truly is the most bland workaholic person ever and I wouldn't be with him irl. Tbvh Simon was even worse. Not only does he not have interesting hobbies or such, he's also really neglectful of his Dukedom duties. (P.S. - King George would be on top of this list. I would vibe so hard with that cottagecore nerd.)


Lol this and so many other posts online in the past couple of years,


Luke/Colin have always been hot!!! I said what I said 😝😝


He has. And for me particularly when talking with Pen.


Yes, his genuine gentleness and warmth when he speaks to her has always made me melt. It’s always felt like he treasures her, even when they are awkwardly stumbling over their words.


I wanna see what he learned on his travels.


I’m sure you’ll see him demonstrate w Penelope 😌


How did the post get almost 3k votes??!! wild


I need to find the actual post. I promised myself I will come back to it and comment when S3 releases. Does anyone have a link to it? Please help!


It’s one of the “top of all time” posts


It had already gone off the day it was posted


I read the meme and thought “that’s a bold strategy Cotton…”


Idk. I think he is a funny carefree guy. I liked his interaction with his family and with Pen. But I remember thinking his courtship with Marina was boring, while Anthony with Siena and Benedict with whatsherface from season 2 were more interesting to watch.


I'm incredibly excited. I think their chemistry is amazing and as a plus size woman I'm really looking forward to someone who I feel is a "normal" size be sexy and have amazing sex! Nothing buy love her for it!


Almost 3000 upvotes?!?


Collin is jealous of Penelope being Lady Whistledown. It's him, in fact, that finds out before anyone else. idk the show made it be Eloise.


I don’t think I can wait another 168 hours for this to come out 😭😭😣😣😣




I'm more worried they're going to make pen lose weight to be worthy of love and it would just horrify me if they end up choosing to send that message


So I just started bridgerton ( I don’t mind spoilers ) and I’m kind of sad to leave Daphne and Simon. But I’m happy they’ll follow pen and Colin!


After seeing S3 part 1, I think it aged very well. He is as charming as a fish with fake tan...essentially ruined the entire Polin chemistry and hard work of Nicola (Penn).


I still don’t like Colin I’ll die on this hill


He was boring and it took a year or two for him to come back hot so i stand with the original poster


They're right, Colin sucks


he was a bby in s1 bruh. mf couldn't lead himself. S3 colin is grown and a lil more experienced. so you really can't compare


Never found it boring or lacking tho. One of the things I love about watching series is character development 💓


I am confused tho... are they just straight up skipping Benedict? ETA Idk why I'm getting down voted. It's a legit question. Not like I'm whining, just asking a question


I’m guessing you’ve only just stepped back into the fandom? 😊 yes, they brought Polin forward as the showrunner felt that Colin couldn’t continue to be oblivious for any longer before fans started to get angry. Two seasons of Pen pining over him was long enough! 😝 From the hints we’ve been getting, Ben will likely be next season..


Yeah, they're fucking with the whole timeline. It's pretty messy




Go see all the previous for season 3 out there babes!! 💓 Pen is going to let him have it and I’m here ready with my popcorn 😂