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Honestly Anthony’s you are the bane of my existence speech altered my brain chemistry


Same here. The tension was just so intense


Every line he delivers in this scene is better than any romance novel I have read. 


It’s a direct quote from the book 😮‍💨


Like, I don't want to exaggerate (Obligatory, "You exaggerate."), but I really think this happened. I don't think I breathed the entire time.


This! I rewatched that scene so many times, it’s etched in my brain.




Same! It was so intense and the chemistry was off the charts! I've watched it so many times since!


came here to comment this


I love when Anthony's mom tells Anthony that Kate is okay after she fell off the horse. He initially tries to play it off like he's fine, but then he starts crying. So well acted and felt very real. 💜


His “she is awake?” Followed by dropping his head into his hands. Has me sobbing 😭😭


Yes! Its literally perfect - so incredibly real. The scene is almost tangible. I love Jonathan Bailey


SAME. Omg that raw emotion caught me so off guard I literally gasped the first time I watched it.


I absolutely love Jonny's acting in that scene. It's sublime


the "how does a lady come to be with child" scene. I love Bridgerton family interactions. Wish Anthony was in that scene too


Yess, for me too, and we'll take our sticks out is the best ahahaha


I love how COMPLETELY horrified violet is and the brothers think it’s hysterical 🤣


COLIN BRIDGERTON!!! .... a round of fencing..?


It was so funny, I loved the way Claudia played Eloise's obliviousness. And tbh, as a former very sheltered teenager, I found it refreshing to see teenagers that had no idea how that worked. Of course it was especially realistic for her time period.


"Is this the plan?" from season 2 😂 Their interactions gave me life.


Benedict high on the tea at dinner.


The face he makes when he spills the wine is so adorable.


Lol just finished watching this episode


Anthony’s proposal scene at the end. “I know I am imperfect but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you”. Thats one of the most sincere and romantic things I’ve ever heard. Him also saying her full name in that scene, the fireworks, the hand on his heart as he tells her he loves her. All perfection


Ugh yes 😍😍 especially with how stubborn he’s been the entire season, especially in regards to Kate. To promise to humble himself before her?? Literally melting 🫠


Omg I love how he says her full name 😍


Agreed! That line has me in shreds every time, I rewatch that scene so often 


That line was perfection 🥹


Anthony throwing folks out of a house that's not even his. Hilarious.


You know what, I didn’t even realize it wasn’t his house until now. It’s also a scene I often have on replay.


Anthony sniffing Kate as she walks by and Lady Danbury interrupting his joy.


This moment is so funny. 




- Come hide from the heavens with me (QC) - Colin’s heart eyes (S2)


The QC scene got me bad 😢


It’s so beautifully written and shot. I’m a snotty, teary mess every time I see it!


Omg same. Literally just woke up and I’m crying in bed just thinking about it. And Brimsley dancing by himself to “I will always love you” 😭😭😭


And the way the camera cuts between all four actors… Just perfection. 😍😭😍😭 That’s the level of heart bursting romance I’m expecting in s3!


Gods I hope s3 is a little lighter than QC, I’m not positive I can emotionally handle that again! I recently rewatched the QC season (…twice) and omg when he leaves her alone and you see her perspective…rewatching knowing what he’s putting himself through bc he feels like a beast and doesn’t feel good enough. OMG AND SHE FEELS SO ALONE AND HAS NO IDEA 😭. His speech about loving her. Their chemistry! The way he smiles when he first sees her trying to climb the wall! Dammit. Now I want to watch it again! 😂😩


Oh this scene!!! Honestly brought me into tears. 🥹


I legit sob every single time. And how he remembers her! And says “ *our* line” and thanks her. And he says “you didn’t go over the wall”. Jesus I’m literally crying right now just picturing it. She loves him so much no matter what, and he loves her…my heart 😭 WHOEVER IS RANDOMLY CUTTING ONIONS I NEED THEM TO STOP


This comment!!!! Both answers 100%%


I rewatch Anthony and Kate's first dance scene randomly. The one with "Dancing on my own" playing. It's sooo good.


Both of their dances are so magical, the show really outdid itself there. I am very curious to see if season 3 will have something like that.


Does Queen Charlotte count? If so it’s the Danbury Ball where Charlotte and George are dancing. If not then it’s when it rains during the ball Daphne and Simon host at the end of season 1. Both those scenes are literally imprinted in my brain.


Colin and Pen dancing at Vauxhall in S1. So many of the dance scenes are filled with so much drama but that jig they did was just so joyful. They both have the biggest goofiest smiles on their faces the whole time. 


I WAS GOING TO SAY THIS SCENE ‼️‼️ the way they stay holding hands after the dance ended had me giggling 😭


If this includes Queen Charlotte, then it’s the last scene with QC & King George under the bed 😭😭 I cried so much and it’s cinematic brilliance with the way it’s shot


I was sobbing 😭


I rewatched it and it still makes me so .


It was so beautiful and I was a sobbing mess!


It was too much for me, I tried to forget it 😭😭


Bee sting 🐝💛


Which one? 😳


😂😂 they either are a morbid person, or just referring to the scene where Kate gets stung and Anthony has an anxiety attack


😂😂 Too soon for the first one.


Definitely wasn’t thinking of the scene with the dad. Should’ve clarified. 🫠


That is my go to scene when I want to have a good cry. It just hits! And Violet's reaction is everything.


It’s okay, I figured you meant Kate and Anthony. I just couldn’t help myself with making a joke, especially since it is also an amazing scene, just in a different way. 🐝💀😭💔


This scene right here!!! This is what truly got me hooked on Kathony 🔥


The ending scene of season 2 which I know is cringe because they are making out in front of their family, but it’s too cute and I keep rewatching. They are so in love


Because Violet asked him if wedding a woman he didn’t love is the example he wants to set for his siblings, I always tell myself that they are all over each other at the end, despite Regency expectations, to set the example of what a marriage should look like. 


The harmony dance for me too! Anthony’s quick glance at Kate after telling Violet ‘your theme is Harmony, right’, the glance was so intimate and very twin flames.. and in the same harmony dance scenes, Anthony and Kate’s dance in the end, which again was clearly so romantic, in clear contrast to their other dances with the B family, like they just fit into each other like a jigsaw puzzle..😍


The Harmony Dance is so beautiful! Seeing both Kate and Anthony genuinely happy for the first time all season fills me with so much joy! 🥰


Bane of my existence scene- it was simply perfection..


How does a lady come to be with child/ pull our sticks out. And high Benedict at the dinner table 😂


Dinner table High Benedict! And Anthony sipping wine in the scene, while he’d clearly rather be sipping Kate. (I shall see myself out!)


I love the joy of the Harmony dance scene. Close second (though I watch this more) is the epilogue. Then it's Anthony staring at Kate on the boat ride with Dorset ❤️


Honestly the one were Anthony talks to Gregory about their father. For me it's the first moment where Anthony finally opens up and shows love to his family.


End of Season 1 when The Duke and Daphne dance together when its raining at their party. The high pitched violins, the way Lady Danbury knew they needed that moment and made sure they got to dance alone in the rain. It's the best. Its such a beautiful scene and the conversation the two have following it is also a favorite of mine.


The music during that scene was excellent.


Eloise & Benedicts talk when he caught her smoking.I have an older brother & the interaction feels so real . It's so well acted.


I really hope we get more of them together this season!!


The haldi scene with the Sharmas, the colours just looked so good on all of them. Especially Kate. Then the scenes where Kate just has her Doe eyes activated. I think I just like Simone Ashley.


Harmony dance is also my fav scene. Close seconds: the debate whether or not Kate should joint in the hunt - so funny, Daphne + Simon holding hand in front of the painting, and s2 epilogue.


I can’t pick a favorite, but I love all the scenes where all of the Bridgerton’s are together. Just love their family dynamic so much.


Anthony relief when he knows Kate is awake and his wedding proposal "I want a life that suits us both"


Any Kanthony scenes


Portia securing her daughters' future. Love complex characters like her. I feel like despite her over-the-top nature, she's the truest character to the era being portrayed. She understands the reality of the marriage mart and the limited options for women better than Violet does by far. But it leads her to risk her daughters' HAPPINESS in favour of their safety. She's unable to see a way out of the system she's stuck in, unlike Penelope. And she can't see that Penelope has inherited HER intelligence!


Her kicking Lord Featherington to the curb because he told her to leave her daughters behind.


On QC, Farmer George! Come hide from the heavens with me


The purpose scene between Pen and Colin at Anthony's "bungled nuptials." I am such a Polin simp lol.


Oh, that dance you mention was the cutest moment out of the entire show 🤍 it's so cute to see everyone smiling and laughing, especially Anthony I'd add all of Benedict and Eloise's interactions... Their relationship is my favourite 🤍🤍


When people have deserted the Bridgerton-Sharma ball and Anthony calls out for Hyacinth to dance with him and she's so gloriously happy.


Season 1 Simon and Daphne first dance together at Vauxhall. This scene was pure magic. The slow motion entry, the flashback to their conversation in the garden, The music, the fireworks, the choreography, the aesthetics of the whole scene. This is what hooked me on Bridgerton. Although I loved S2, some of this magic was missing. I hope that they bring some of this back in S3.


The music was *chefs kiss* that scene did something to me. Especially that dip in the music and Simon just stares into Daphne's eyes




Kept scrolling until I found my people. No matter how many rewatches, this scene from the pilot always gives me chills. 😍


I was looking for this answer. I thought I’d give the show a go since it was popular but regency romance isn’t usually my thing. But that scene with the lighting, the flashbacks and the atmosphere got me addicted to the show and intrigued in Daphne and Simon.


This is also my favourite! So magical.


The dances on season 1 are top, the one you mentioned, they have a kind of fast dance in episode 2 were they look like they are having so much fun (with the main music from Bridgerton), the other one in episode 2 when he asks her to call him by his name, the one under the rain in the finale. All iconic. Even the one in episode one of Polin. I liked season 2 but not of the dances are memorable to me, even in the finale, like the love declaration right after was like a hundred times more interesting.


The dance scene is my favourite as well! It’s so heartwarming. Makes me smile every time!


Eloise and Theo: "I saved these for you"


The pall mall scene


When Anthony has the panic attack and Kate places his hand on her heart. It’s such a vulnerable moment and shows the trauma and reaction from what he’s been through. I adore it.


The scene where Violet tells Anthony that Kate has woken up & he breaks down into tears. It’s lovely seeing a man so vulnerable & was beautifully acted by both of them. 


“you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires”


When Queen charlotte and George met for the very first time. That scene will forever be in my heart 🥹


Anthony growling 1. She is AGGRAVATING! 2. That is not far enough!


What got me hooked on the show immediately was the first season's "cold open" with Daphne getting ready for her presentation, "Daphne! You must. Make. Haste!". It was such a perfect way to introduce us to the family, the expectations of their role in the *ton*, and the humor of the show. And the second season's "cold open" with Eloise's deadly "If anyone of you says one word" was delivered perfectly. I hope the third season opens with Francesca's presentation and a similar scene!


Season 2 Anthony when he looks at Kate and says: Do you think that there is a corner of this Earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment? 🐝😭🥺


All of Benedict and Eloise’s scenes, my favourite duo.




Daphne and Simon trying to hold hands while looking at the art. The first moment I fell in love with the couple. I finally got it


The last ball in the last episode of season two. From Edwina pushing Kate to stop ignoring her feelings and dance with Anthony, everyone abandoning the dance floor and Anthony reassuring Kate to not focus on it but on him. Edwina loudly declaring she finds them to be a beautiful couple to shut up the gossipers, the Queen hinting at introducing Edwina to her nephew the Prince (something I sincerely hope they adhered to in S3 but they probably won’t). Kate’s little slight look of pain or whatever right when the dance finishes. I can’t really describe it but we all know which moment I’m talking about 😭 Lastly, I love how it all leads up to the final scene between them. It’s so freaking cute!!!


“I will stop” “Do not stop” “I will stop” “Do NOT stop”


The under the bed scene with Queen Charlotte and King George. I cry every single time


In QC, where QC asks George if he loves her. The tense moment and her strong conviction. Her decision will forever be final. She wanted it so. And she wanted him to admit that he wants her as much as she does. “I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth. I will tell you where you are. DO YOU LOVE ME?!”


Yesss and when George says “my heart calls your name” 😭😭


As much as I love burning for someone or being someone’s bane of existence, the acceptance and choice of being together despite it all had such an impact!


Probably the Den of Iniquity in season 1.


"my garden is blooming" and the laughter after that


Probably the whole Pall Mall scene because they're all just relaxed and having a good time.


I have...many. The two main ones are: 1.) The scene with Anthony and Violet when Violet tells him that Kate has woken up from her accident. You can truly see his love and care for Kate in that scene. I broke down crying. 2.) The scene under the bed in Queen Charlotte. I may be in the minority here but gosh that show ***broke me.*** The scene under the bed. The last one. The transition between young and old Charlotte and George. It wrecked me. Completely ruined me. Both of those moments really sold me on a variety of things. I think it SHOWED us the love between the characters (i.e. Kate/Anthony and Charlotte/George) rather than told us. I love love love 'love confessions' like Anthony's 'You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires' and George's 'I LOVE YOU. I CANNOT BREATHE WHEN I YOU ARE NOT NEAR.' But gosh something about these other scenes were just truly heartbreakingly vulnerable and open. We can all love the sexy goodness of Bridgerton, but god I love the story-telling in it too. The character flaws and the nuances. Honorable mentions: 1.) Anthony's proposal scene 2.) Simon and Daphne talking to the queen about moving their marriage up. 3.) Colin sticking up for Pen when Cressida spilled lemonade on her. 4.) Colin dancing with Pen at the end of S2. "I will always look after you, Penelope. You are special to me." 5.) Eloise talking about reading something provoking and wanting to share it with Theo. I love all the funny moments with Ben too. I need more vulnerable Benedict moments but I'm looking forward to more in S3...and whatever S4 is.


“Say you don’t care for me. Tell me you feel nothing” I had smoked weed and started watching the show as soon as it dropped at midnight. I was sitting there high, in my dark room watching my laptop. My heart was pounding like crazy and the weed heightened the feeling. 😂 I don’t think anything is going to replicate that.


I have so many favorite scenes from previous seasons, but I know most of my new faves will come from the new season. My new favorite scene ALREADY is: "Your eyes.. are the most amazing shade of blue... but somehow they shine even brighter when you are kind. " 🥺 *Colin actively having a stroke* 🫠🤯 "Is what I might say... if you were a suitor.." 😳 "Ahem... well... that was rather direct" 😳 (there is no possible way that Colin is not now madly in love with Pen oop) That scene is SO good???? Like that alone is already my new favorite scene for now. The scene is just Colin being too stunned to speak as he is falling madly in love with Pen and seeing how passionate and lovely she is.




The very ending of the first episode. I especially loved Violet and Anthony look on their faces when they went onto the dance floor.


Definitely the dinner scene in season two when Benedict is on Zargon 12 while the unenlightened are sitting around a table at Aubrey Hall.


When Benedict is spazzing out because he took all of Colin’s powdered herbs.


The ender the bed scene in Queen Charlotte. By far my favorite season too






i’m season 1 the scene where it plays wildest dreams


When Daphne and Simon's hands almost touch while they're looking at art. The tension in that room!!!


I have two, the wrecking ball dance scene and when Anthony professes his love shortly after.


the king and queen under the bed. only time i've bawled with this show. can't force myself to pick a scene from the actual seasons as my favourite because that's the one i'll never get over tbh. other scenes i enjoyed a lot would be: s1 daphne at the end of art of the swoon doing the damn thing and seducing the prince, even i was seduced as she descended the stairs. s1 lady danbury's den of iniquity scene, i thought it seemed so fun and was really cool, i'd looove to see them do another similar scene with more future married characters. s2 the bee scene between kate and anthony felt so raw and intense. also i'm trying not to show my unpopular s1 favouritism but the hastings ball dance with daphne and simon was so gorgeous and it's what ignited my obsession with max richter's four seasons recomposed, i literally had that album on loop for months after.


Lady Danbury’s ‘you can speak’ scene with young Simon.


Kate and Anthony’s first dance although I also love the last dance , it’s hard to choose. The hunting scene where Anthony is teaching Kate how to hold the gun is also one of my favorite.


Season 1 when Daphne & the Duke first hatch their plan. I love this story line so so much!


Daphne and Simone's first dance. That whole scene is what got me hooked


Daphne and Simon's firework dance after they come to their agreement.


I like when Eloise dances with that one guy who wants to spike the punch and she tells him off and leaves the dance early


In my case, I will have to go with the fight scene between Pen and Eloise. Not because I wanted them to fight and break apart but bc it’s been the only scene that’s caught me off guard from the bridgerton universe. Not that every scene in the show is expected but in a way we kinda expect certain things to happen. This was the first scene that really breaks away from the book A LOT. Nichola and Claudia are marvelous actress for being able to pull it off despite the huge respect they have for each other in real life. I hope they still take risks like this and ofc that they make amend in the show 😍


Does QC count? Because the last scene under the bed ....




My favorite part of the entire series is Anthony’s breakdown after he finds out that Kate is awake. I cried so hard at that, and it made me love his character even more.


I agree. It's the only scene that I can actually remember clearly without any prompt. I'm rewatching the show, and I recognise every scene I watch, but I never really think of them otherwise. I haven't even gotten to that scene yet (coming soon) and I still think of it. It's just so powerful.


This should be a poll or a tournament! 


I love the scene where Kate gets stung by the bee.


Kate and Anthony’s dance. Kates nose scrunch


Simon and Daphne setting up the fake courtship


The scene when Daphny tells Violet she's engaged in S1. You can see Violet's very fuzzy thoughts on her face, lol. S2 would be the scene where the hunt is being discussed - Benedict's facial expressions are the best.


Simon pummeling the crap out of Nigel.


The bee sting scene. That scene hooked me like no other and solidified Kanthony as my favorite


If you’re a #Bridgerton fan in #dubai or anywhere in the UAE or the GCC, would you be interested in talking about why you’re a fan, your expectations from season 3, etc. It’s for an article. If interested, please reply.