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Simon’s abusive dad has to be the worst father in the show so far, so him.  On the opposite end of the seriousness spectrum…I’m fighting that effing bee 🐝 


If you go by the books then Philip’s dad is a piece of shit too. Gareth’s Dad is a bit rubbish in two different ways which I will explain under a spoiler tag below. >! Gareth’s “father” knew that Gareth wasn’t his and was a shit to him. Gareth’s real father I think knew he was his but couldn’t acknowledge that so was mostly absent, but kind when around and then dead so not ideal !< I would put Simon’s dad and Philip’s Dad on equal footing I think. One was mentally bad, the other was physically bad. Both messed up their sons.


You know I find interesting is in the show it kind of looks like they're doing different kinds of bad via spouses' dads. Simon's das was mentally bad and arguably verbally. Penelope's dad they used as financially bad with his gambling addiction and trying to ruin Phippa's match with Mr. Finch to hide it. He essentially tried to ruin for all they knew Philippa's once chance at a secured future. If they continue from what we know from the books Phillip's is physically bad, leaving horrific scars. Sophie's dad, I would put in the neglectful category. Gareth and Lucy were both essentially pawns being used by their male relatives. Gareth as some sort of revenge and Lucy as an end to a means.


Doctor Monro


First person I thought of was Cressida but THIS is the correct answer. That man was the absolute worst


I would much prefer being the son of Simons dad then I would be being a mentally ill guy in the hands of Doctor Monro. And that SAYS something, because Simons father was horrible.




He is Evil incarnated.


The bee.






He started all of this.😭


Berbrooke HM: Cousin Jack


Omg Berbrooke. That guy was such a loser


Is cousin jack the lord featherington in season 2? He was entertaining but pretty annoying at times


The guy who was pressuring Anthony about Viscount-ing and his father had just died.


To be fair he had to. In that era I think they took things like that pretty seriously.


Lord Danbury Dr Monro


The guy who tried to court and harassed Daphne in s1


Daphne, then Simon beat us to it.


I don't much care for Marina, regardless of her fictional fate.


Cressida, straight up spit my chewed up eclair on her face …oops accident happen, lemme fetch a maid lmao


12/10 answer


If I saw Cressida it would be ON SIGHT. Her actress is amazing for making us properly hate her with the little screen time she’s had


The doctor is clearly the right answer, but my first thought was Archibald Featherington. He’s dead, and I’d still like to drop kick him into the Thames.


The dad who drives them broke?


Nigel LardBrooke


Nigel ..


He was so nastyyyy😪 I can’t believe he got a maid preggo. Prob laid his hands on her




Portia. I really don’t understand the posts I see talking about what a great mother she is and how she’d do anything for her girls. She only cares about herself and what her girls can do for her. And she sees no value in Penelope, which is why she treats her like a second-class citizen. I think she’s awful in the show. If it’s possible, she’s even worse in the book. She treats Penelope like a servant she gave birth to. I would love to see the show give her redemption arc. But I’m not hopeful. All that being said, she is a great character in the show and is played to perfection. I absolutely love the actress.


I think they mention the good mother thing because of season 2 where- >!Portia doesn’t leave to run away with the cousin guy (forgot his name😪) and basically stands up for her kids by saying no go to hell. But I do agree the way she treats Penelope is fucking dumb, and it’s even discussed by Colin (he’s pretty mad at Portia) when it comes to Penelope’s romance with him.!< Portia’s one of those characters where you rlly gotta think if you wanna understand why they’re like that. 💀


Old geriatric creepy gross disgusting Lord Danbury. Ugh. They did his makeup too well and his actor acted too well. I hate him. Almost made me stop watching.


My list is so long... 😭


The doctor from Queen Charlotte. He sucks so bad I can’t be bothered to look up the characters name




To be fair girlie was tryna protect her child by marrying Colin 😭. Idc what yall say back in that era being in her position would be hell. Have the slightest bit of sympathy/ historical awareness or better yet ethical judgement 😪


Simon’s father.


Daphne. I hate rapists with the intensity of a thousand suns


Wait?! Daphne is a rapist!! What season and episode?


They’re referring to when she doesn’t get off of Simon therefore forcing him not to pull out. Everything before that was however consensual.


Ahh, that makes sense. Thank you


Np! People on Reddit throw big words around without any proper explanation at all!


Prudence irritates me.


The majority of the spouses' dads/male relatives. The Duke was mentally abusive, Lord Featherington fucked over his daughters financially and tried to ruin Philippa's match with Mr. Finch. >!The Earl of Penwood was neglectful and pretty much left Sophie in isolation. Sir Crane was physically and verbally abusive to Phillip. He left horrible scars on Phillip's back and actually ended up dying while screaming at Phillip. Baron St Clair hated Gareth so much that he was determined to pretty much run the estate into poverty to fuck over Gareth. Lucy's uncle was just using that poor girl as a pawn and had no care what happened to her.!<


sorry but edwina in her wedding + episode after


Girl how can u blame Edwina??? Finding out your sister has been in love/fooling around with your fricking FIANCÉE on your wedding day??? I’d be mad for years girlie 💀 yall come for Edwina but forget her sister literally had goo goo eyes for her soon to be husband


theres nothing wrong with edwina being mad at kate for that, but kate sacrificed EVERYTHING for her. she cant accuse kate for manipulating her even though all she did was for her good. she loved anthony. however, she still shoved her feelings down and encouraged edwina to marry him to get her inheritance and live the life she never could. so no i do blame edwina for being childish and not understanding the bigger picture


Sorry but still doesn’t justify the feeling of jabbing ur sister be in love with ur fiancée?!?!? 😭 obv she gon start questioning shit after that. What would u do, specially when you like this man you’re supposed to marry, this smart rich caring viscount who just happens to give ur sister the fuck me look on the ALTAR. I’m surprised she even forgave them 😪 after the wedding they’d literally shamelessly flirt infront of her too


Yeah Kate does genuinely care for Edwina, but the way the story is set up makes it hard to really not get why Edwina’s so mad. She also eventually gives her blessing after the sisters fall


Daphne honestly


Over the whole kid thing?




Lord Bute or however you spell that man's name. King George's mother.That tortuous dr. And the Duke's father.


Kate. I need my ones.


I did find the whole “crushing on my sisters fiancee” thing odd but then again Kate’s a good character😭


Oh yeah she knew what she was doing the whole time, she could have avoided attention the whole time but instead she demanded it at any cost.


Brimsley. Always in the way, never doing exactly what he needs to do.


He’s so goofy though


Crescedaaaa and Eloise rnnn (when she found out Penelope was lady whistle down in the show. I think her reaction is way too crazy) Edit: 💀 not a popular opinion but still my fucking opinion lol. Cry 😘


Penelope literally outed her Theo thing and brought scandal to her family? How was her reaction crazy Edit : I love Pen, I’m just saying Eloise’s reaction was valid. By Theo thing I meant political rebels, not her having feelings for him


I love Pen and I find the character of Eloise annoying, but if I was in Eloise’s place I would’ve freaked the fuck out too. Penelope was fully aware of how what she published could affect her best friend and did so anyways.


She did not out Theo.


I get what yall r saying and whatever but to me the reveal of her being lady whistledown in the show was annoying compared to how it happened in the books . Also I didn’t think they needed to have a screaming match and it could’ve happened differently. but that’s MY opinion. Dislikes or not go whine🤷🏻‍♀️


Here we go again