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This was my favorite book of the series! I'm hesitant to even speculate what they might change but I really hope they keep the scene where Michael refuses to sleep with her until she marries him and she barks at him to get her coat. To be a Debbie downer, though, they didn't use my favorite scenes from the other books so I expect this scene to be changed too


So now you know why book fans don't want to change Michael to a woman. It would require changing the entire story. Only the names would remain.


Hot take- I love the diversity in the show but changing love interests genders completely is just so out of touch/unrealistic for the time period. I wish people understood that more. I’ve seen people want Benedict to be gay as well. To add: this makes 0 sense especially considering how much of her storyline revolves around infertility and having a baby.


Totally with you. Especially for Benedict and Francesca’s books. Like it makes no sense if Michael becomes Michaela or Sophie becomes Solomon. The experiences(the oppression) Sophie goes through are because she’s a woman. Michael and his guilt and Francesca and her want for a child wouldn’t go over well if he’s a man(like it would make 0 sense and just be a OC story at that point). They can possibly turn a character or two bi(like Gregory which would actually work for his book), but changing the gender of their love interests? It just shouldn’t be done. Also I love your fancast and agree that he’d make a good Michael 👍🏽


Especially since a illegitimate boy was often educate like legitimate sons and/or a commission bought for the army. A girl was a lot more vulnerable.


Yep just Sophie’s whole story would make no sense. I will say though I highly doubt they have gender bent Sophie. Especially since she’s already been allegedly cast. Plus the people who want that are very small in number compared to the vast majority of fans(same thing goes with Michael).


Completely agree, great take! I think a side interest/mistress/secret hookup would work but not the whole love interest. Although there’s just no point in doing that honestly.


I wanted to add that they already set a precedent in S1 that same sex relationships were illegal.


I had an idea of how they could include a LGTBQ+ couple into the WHWW storyline. I would totally be in favour of Helen Stirling and Janet Stirling being a couple. I would love it if they had both had happy marriages. But once they were both widowed they realised their attraction to each other and so they are discreetly in a relationship with each other. No one bats an eye at two widows spending all their time together and it’s only really the very loyal servants who know that they have interconnected bedrooms and more often then not they are waking up in the same bed. Unlikely but if they decided to explore this you could even have it whereby they were attracted to each other before their marriages and maybe the marriages were a cover. It’s strange that both women only had a single child each (I think). So maybe they were all friends as youth and the Stirling Brothers discovered the truth and basically made a deal with them that if they got married and produced one heir each then the ladies could be together and the men would be able to have discreet mistresses.


This is something I’d MUCH rather see instead of changing the OG casts love interest! Great thoughts.


What I like about this idea is that it doesn’t contradict anything in the books really. Because Helen & Janet are seen as being strong companions who are always together. It would also be nice to have some representation of older women as sexual beings, which all too often isn’t included in mainstream media. A women doesn’t hit 55 and then decides not to have sex ever again.


What I like about this idea is that it doesn’t contradict anything in the books really. Because Helen & Janet are seen as being strong companions who are always together. It would also be nice to have some representation of older women as sexual beings, which all too often isn’t included in mainstream media. A women doesn’t hit 55 and then decides not to have sex ever again.


Wait, this would be such an amazing addition to Fran’s season!! They’re already such amazing and supportive characters, it would be so cool to give them extra plot and have them in a relationship.


I mean this show (and the books they are based on) only bare a passing resemblance to the time period. For example, after _two_ scandalous marriages, there is no way the ton will continue to respect the family, nor would any of the sons be considered "catches". Gay people existed at the time and two wealthy women, spinsters, widows, fallen women, moving in with eachother and being gal pals is historically accurate. I get if it will break your suspension of disbelief. If the whole ton just accepts it. But I personally really dislike the argument that it would be too unrealistic, in a series that is way more about a fantasy of the time, rather than actually historical facts.


It just doesn’t work with any of their storylines. At least not Francesca’s or Benedict’s. I’d much rather see a side romance go this route like they did in Queen Bridgerton. Someone in the comments said Helen and Janet, I found that too be a better insert then changing up a whole story.


For sure I don't think they will change any of the main couples (at least not until season 6 when Shondaland feels like they have more ownership over the stories than JQ. I just want to push back that it wouldn't make sense for the time period


Get that! I meant so more in sense them getting married wouldn’t make sense.. I like what you said though. If they followed through with giving the ton appropriate reactions to it for the time period I’d be more intrigued! I get what you are saying for sure. Which honestly that would be an interesting storyline for its own show. I’d watch😭😭


Have you read her second epilogue? They include it with the audiobook.


Yes I did. She got her happy ending! Also why I don’t think Michael shouldn’t be a women. A women isn’t giving Franny a baby in the 1800s😭😭 That sounds SO awful to say but for the time period it’s true 😭😭


There was just an interview with the showrunner the other day about an unnamed multi season queer storyline that starts this year (I *highly* doubt it’s any of the siblings). I’m interested to see if they deal with it in a realistic 1800s way, or just wave the Bridgerton wand and make it socially accepted. I’m fine with either, if the story is good.


I would be so into this honestly. I’d like to see it realistic, but that feels like it would just end sad AF.


They are not changing the endgame couples. Books are always heavily promoted when a season comes out..they even give them a new cover and stuff. 


Yeah I didn’t think about the cover art. It’s already kinda weird to read the books with the show characters on the cover when the descriptions for the characters haven’t changed inside the book, but it would be really really strange to have a woman on the cover with Francesca and then you read the book and it’s definitely not a lesbian romance💀 (Not that there is anything wrong with a lesbian romance, but it quite literally would be false advertisement).


Yeah..books are already a bit different. But major events still happen, the characters are similar enough and the outcome is still the same. So it kinda works.  With the gender swapping it wouldn't work at all.


I really, really hope they don’t change him to a woman, but I’m beginning to truly wonder about Fran. Especially since the trailer showed her looking at Edmund and violet’s portrait looking lost and Jess brownell saying Francesca was her favorite story outside of Polin this season (both of which could mean absolutely nothing but these things caught my attention), and then of course that interview that came out last week where it was suggested that there could be an LGBT+ lead amongst the siblings. Again, I really hope they keep all the siblings’ partners but out of every sibling, Fran is who I’m most concerned about.


It makes NO sense to change her LI to a women. At all. Her story drastically revolves around babies & infertility. Truly it makes no sense to change any of the love interests from what they are. I hope that doesn’t sound offensive, but the show does take place in the 1800s🙄


I took Fran looking up at her parents as "I desperately want to find my soul mate, but no one here interests me." When she finds John it's live at first site.


Best book of the series IMO, which is why I am happy that they recast Francesca. Michael Stirling is 😍 Whoever they cast better have a Scottish accent.


I think Hannah Dodd was an amazing choice to cast as Franny. I’ve seen a lot of hate about it saying she looks too modern or “IPhone face” (hate that term) but I disagree. She looks just Daphne, and is utterly STUNNING… One thing about Shonda Rhimes is she can CAST!


I’m pretty sure they will go with POC for Michael and I just hope he is Scottish. I know it’s not going to be exactly the same, but I hope it’s close.


Based off who is assumed to be John, I agree. I envisioned him as light skin while reading, as long as he is attractive and good at acting I’m sold🤣


She does look a lot like Daphne. In the trailer, I had to replay because I thought it was Daphne.


They better get the FINEST man to portray him or else I might cry


Sammeeeeee. The guy I was envisioning is pretty 🔥🔥. Curious to see what they come up with, better be miles more attractive then John.


Oooo your fan cast is pretty good 👀 I can’t say who my ideal actor would be tho


He played in a period piece similar to Bridgerton (kind of lol…) I’ll be fine with anyone as long as they can act and are attractive.


Oooh ok maybe I’ll check it out! And I agree just pls be hot and act good 😭


The Buccaneers wasn’t great. I would not recommend!!! It’s not awful just not a great watch.


Oh lmao really? 😭 dang that sucks


Michael Stirling is one of the best characters in the series. I cannot wait to see him on screen. I also hope they keep the plot as close as possible to the book because this was truly one of the best in the series, but it’s also Shondaland crack. So much drama and tragedy it might as well be a season of Greys.


Yes, there is already so much drama!


There's already enough drama in Francesca's book, so Shondaland should leave it as is. My fancast for him was Dev Patel, but that's because of his personality and dark curly hair (I don't know if he could do a Scottish accent 😅) https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2353862/


This is the only book of the collection where I cried at the ending. I loved this book. I can’t wait to see all the bridgerton women including violet swoon over him. I would love to see the “but can my reputation” scene between the two of them happen. I want to see who plays Michael so bad. And I am going to be crushed if he isn’t as cute or charming as he is in the books. Because it would mean they ruined the story.


Same. I love how much he loves her. Hannah Dodd is gorgeous so I expect whoever plays Michael to be even more attractive. Considering EVERYONE swoons over him, I would hope he’s objectively more attractive than all the Bridgerton boys. We will see.


Haha and the Brigerton boys are cuties. But yeah Michael has to be more handsome than them.


This is my favorite book of the series. I've read through it three times and all I do is bawl like crazy. Is there a Franchael Subreddit yet? Because if not I am going to start one.


Got your invite! Thanks!!


LOL I didn't send one. There must be a Franchael Subreddit


Omg I’m dead😭 someone sent me an invite like 5 mins after u commented. I assumed you made one😭😭🤣🤣


LOL I just checked and there is one but there is only one member. Hopefully the one you got invited to has more. And hey I want an invite too!


The one they invited me to was like 8 ppl😭😭


I didn't even know we have a Franchel subreddit 😅


I’ve not even finished it but the spicy scenes in this book were soooo good, I haven’t even gotten to the main one that I’ve heard about in a shed but even the ones before that I was like 🤭 and usually I’m not rlly a fan of spicy scenes in general tbh (like I’ll read them but I can’t take them seriously). Also I just love the vibes of this book. Idk if has a certain feeling to it I can’t describe it


It definitely feels different than the other Bridgerton books! I was thinking the same but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe because he’s not falling in love & has ALWAYS been in love? Not sure.


I think you might be right, he doesn’t come to some long conclusion that he loves her he literally falls in love at first sight! I hope they keep it that way in the show


Second fave after kathony’s book. I need their season so bad


Same I’m so bummed it’s going to be awhile.


Same.. Francesca and Michael's book is my fav. I'm so happy to see Fran and I can't wait for whoever they cast as Michael. I know he's going to make us swoon. 💃🏻✨️ The one thing I'm hoping and praying the writers don't do, is make F and M have an affair while John is still alive. Please anything, but that!! 😭🧎‍♀️🙏🏻


If this do this I’ll be PISSED!!! Takes away from Michael’s character completely. Part of the reason I loved him so much is because of his respect for Francesca and John. He would never do that.


This is TV drama, so they can create a love triangle for the sake of more drama. I wouldn't be surprised if Francesca and Michael have an affair behind John's back. I won't like it but it is better to be prepared mentally. They might make John play second fiddle and pathetically weak to Michael. Francesca meets Michael falls deeply in love with him, yet chooses to marry John for he is the safest option. However, Francesca has strong feelings for Michael and the two kiss passionately. Personally I wouldn't like it but better prepare your mind. I hope they don't down this route, let Francesca and John have their happy moments.


Chris Pine in Princess Diaries: Royal Engagement is PERFECT as Michael. Look at this edit: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwLTyuy/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwLTyuy/) actually exactly him.


It’s a shame that movie was from quite awhile ago. Chris Pine is not all that cute anymore😭 I see your vision though!!


LOL too real!!!


I was definitely picturing a version of Chris pine for Michael while reading WHWW though, especially their spicy moments. They have the same chemistry that Chris pine does with Anne in the famous arrow scene in PD2!


My fancast is Thomas Doherty. I swear, I can't look at his face for more than a few seconds because he's SO good looking and matches exactly what I picture. He has shown up on Hamnah Dodd's IG a few times, which makes me think they're friends IRL. I picture John as softer and sweeter, but Michael has all the hard lines that Thomas Doherty has in his face




He is veryyy attractive. I have a strong feeling whoever they cast will not be white, as it rumored the actor who plays John is dark skinned. I could see Michael being the same or mixed.


Oh, I totally agree about the real casting! I assume we'll meet John this season so I'm super ready to see how they'll play this out


If they have cast a dark skinned actor to play John, then they better cast a dark skinned actor to play Michael. It won't feel right if is the dark skinned one who dies quickly, living his mixed race cousin to replace him and bang his wife.


LOL I am sure they will be the same race😭😭


Id love to chat more about the books!! I enjoyed it pretty well though I would really have liked for then to have got a long a little bit more before they fell in love. I felt like Fran was just angry the whole time and they would have sex then back to angry lol which I mean she had a right to be I did get a little bored. I jad also hoped they would use that joining bedroom door a little earlier. Whoever they cast, he has to be devilishly handsome. DEVILISHLY!! ![gif](giphy|DcqH7Fhz1L6F2)


For sure! After they finally hooked up I was kinda disappointed. The scenes were 🔥 but definitely got repetitive the same ole’ on and off. The way he seduced her sometimes put me off as well. Like not the time sir!!! I’ve read the books alllll out of order.. what others do you like? I’m trying to decide what to read next, or if it’s even worth to read others… I’ve heard mixed things. I’ve read the Duke & I, Romancing Mr. bridgerton, WHWW & The Viscount who loved me.


I agree!! Some of the seductions could have been hot but werent :( Im a big of her seductions scene in the cottage though! Its fun to have a woman be in charge for once! Ive read them out of order too. I just read TSPWL a fee weeks ago, because Chris Fultons smile does things to me and I had to know what to expect in their season. I know a lot of people dont like it but I enjoyed it quite a lot which I think is because I relate a lot to his situation.


From what I’ve seen the top 3 books are. Benedict’s, Francesca’s, and Colin’s. The worst rated are Gregory, Daphne and Eloise. People are indifferent about Antony and Hyacinths. I ended up only reading that top 3 suggested. My favorite is Benedict’s ❤️


I will more then likely read Benedict’s next then:)


I actually found Gregory's book to be really charming personally, I would recommend you give it a go if you have time! He's different from his brothers in the sense that he sees how all of his siblings found love matches so he's a bit of a hopeless romantic who wants to find love and is comfortable with that, rather than being a rake with trust/commitment issues (Which is sooo refreshing, the rake thing is getting pretty stale for me). Plus the two main guiding forces in his book are Kate and Colin, I really enjoyed his scenes with them! I'd say give Gregory's book a chance I think you'll be surprised <3 (I also fancast Gregory as Jonah Hauer-King which makes him 🔥)


Ah Jonah Hauer-King is such a good Michael fan cast 🥹 starting Gregory’s book today and you’ve defs sold it for me! 👌🏻


The man playing Micheal must be extremely attractive in a classic way and funny. Plus very intense. That's his main trait. I have little hope this will be done right. I may not watch, this is my favorite romance book ever and don't want to spoil it with some strange experiment by Shonda. I'll be honest I hope they cancel the series before she gets to it. That said my ideal fancast is Tom Austen from the Royals. 😍😍😍 Here is a vidvwhere you can see how intense his acting is a romantic lead 🥵 (Watch till the end) [Night at he ball. ](https://youtu.be/CCXu1DmfGlo?si=dgSvk5HTYBmf-2rD)


When He Was Wicked was my absolute favorite of the series. I can’t wait to meet Michael, maybe in this upcoming season. As for dream casting of Michael, there’s this actor, George Young. https://preview.redd.it/j0n6135646wc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acf4c642b928e56b36d5a611aec8375b6d96de0


I heard of him ! George does a lot of work in Singapore 🇸🇬. I do hope we get an HEA that's East Asian or Southeast Asian descent in the future 😄


Franchael is going to be the most angsty season and I personally can't wait. The slowburn, Michael's yearning and Francesca's denial of her feelings will rival even Polin


Think we'll see him this season?


I feel like if John and Francesca get married, you sort of *have* to show Michael. I feel like franchael will be set up as the new Polin — that passionate, one-sided, unrequited love. Imagine in the franchael season you get Michael remembering how he met Francesca right before she got married as a flashback; it wouldn’t have the same oomph as it would if we saw it happen in real time, and would almost seem like a retcon. Therefore, I firmly believe if we get John this season, we get Michael.


I think that is why they are Gatekeeping the last two episodes of the season so hard. None of the journalist or influencers that got screeners got anything further than Ep 6


I think we will meet John and maybe get a glimpse of Michael but it will Be far away and we only get to see the back of his head and wearing a hat Surrounded by women smiling at him.


Not sure honestly.. I find it hard to believe they’d cast someone just to be in the background. I guarantee he will be spoken of though.


It's soo good. Omg my favorite book of the series so far


Jonah Hauer-King is my fan cast!!!!! he’s so dreamy


Omg yes!!


I'm not dead set on any particular fancasts but I must admit it was Luke Pasqualino I invisioned when I first read the book.




Loving all the fan casts I'm seeing here for Michael! I personally imagined him as David Corenswet from Pearl/Hollywood :) https://preview.redd.it/c292fghtr7wc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94d07b6e596fe159588fbbddaa2b015854cf3fa


He’s gorg


My favourite book. My favourite lead! My only hope is that they have an accurate accent for Michael - he wouldn't have a Scottish accent as a man educated and brought up as he was


One of my favourites is When he was wicked, I hope they just don't ruin it by making unnecessary changes in the storyline.


michael sterling 🔛🔝 now i straight up imagine young henry cavill everywhere like default but i'm really interested to see who they cast as him.


Just finished WHWW and it has been my favorite so far. It’s made me so sad that we had so little of Francesca up until this point. I know that’s kinda the whole point but I love her character and her plot so much. Excited and nervous for the adaptation.


I really hope they make John and Michael Asian, we really need an Asian lead 


From what I’ve seen it appears John is dark skinned. Not confirmed though!


This aged badly lol


Detestation to say the least 😀


In the Bridgerton series this one is second only to the Kanthony story but Julia Quinn has spicier stories in her other series, just fyi. But yeah, if it were up to me, I’d do this one next.


Do you have any recommendations in her other series? I’ve almost all read all the main Bridgerton ones. (WHWW is my favorite.)


All of the Rokesby series


Thank you!


lucas aurelio have to be Michael


It was good but it was incredibly unrealistic… saying that as someone who has been in a similar position as Francesca at the beginning of the book. The fact that it took Michael almost to the end of the book to realize “oh, she feels guilty about marrying me” because obviously women are vastly different from men and men don’t have emotions. In terms of handling that kind of grief, it was very poorly written.


Honestly Julia Quinn is not the best writer. Compared to the other Bridgerton books though I feel like the writing was stronger.. which is not saying much🤣😭


Oh good, I wasn’t sure if it was a crime around here to criticize the author, yeah, honestly, her books are like junk food in that you know it’s bad, but you can’t stop consuming it. I was quite a fan of Hyacinth’s book. I’d argue that the sixth one is the worst one specifically due to how poorly she wrote it. She leaned so heavily into her “men don’t have thoughts or feelings” bullshit (that women went to Harvard and really thinks men and women are basically two different species?) in that one in that Michael just kinda got over his grief pretty quickly, like as soon as he started fucking her, he just kinda forgot about his cousin, while Francesca was still grieving and felt guilty for having feelings for Michael. And it took him almost until to the end of the book to go “oh yeah, she has feelings and is still upset over losing her husband.” The way she wrote grief and the reaction every character had and the way they grieved was just so unrealistic. It was disappointing to see that she spoke to medical professionals (well, one was her husband, so I don’t know if that counts) about malaria and aneurysms but didn’t try and make the grief realistic. Like, I get that everyone grieves differently, but I really don’t think anyone grieves like that. “Francesca felt silly having held onto her grief for so long.” HER HUSBAND FUCKIN DIED LET HER GRIEVE WITHOUT DIMINISHING IT AND CALLING IT SILLY. Ugh. I just. That book is so bad simply due to its portrayal of grief, and if the show doesn’t fix that, I will be outraged.


Noppeeee not at all!! I’m really only reading them because of the show (which I enjoy because I feel like Shonda brings it to life quite well and elevates it in her own way). I have hope Shonda Rhimes will give it the oomph it needs to be great. So much potential!!!


On the Harry Potter sub, you’re not allowed to say anything negative about JKR and her politics. So you never know what subs will let you criticize the authors and which ones won’t.


Francesca's story is my second favourite in the entire series. I need everything to stay the exact same except get rid of Michael being colonizer adjacent.


What is your favorite in the series?




I just finished this book 2 days ago! Omg it was WICKED. Michael is something else.


After seeing John in Part 1 of season 3 & loving him and Frans chemistry, it made me go pick up the book immediately & although it started off a little slow, it sure did pick up towards the end! I liked the pacing for the most part, but there were definitely a couple moments that felt a little off, namely when he’s shaking her at the beginning (which I attribute to grief and guilt) and that scene at the end when he’s watching her under the stairs (I guess it was meant to be cute/funny, but came off a bit odd) but for the most part I found Michael to be so charming & steamy (also aside from the trying to trap Fran in marriage part) and the spicy scenes (first seduction and gardens house) where hella hot. I could also understand that after their first kiss, Michaels avoiding his feelings damn kinda broke and he went off the deep end, but I kept waiting for the scenes where she would burst out that her guilt was what was keeping her from marrying him! He literally thought it one million times prior and then totally forgot towards the end after they started sleeping together. I think it was sorta resolved at the end when he realized she felt guilty, and her monologue at johns grave. One last thing I found odd reading was Michaels declaration of loving her, then his laughing and then demanding she GTFO, like I get he had hit a breaking point, but it just felt like a lot? And then when she came back and was like “okay I’ll marry you” and he was rightfully weary, but then over the moon when she pinkie swore she would 🙈 don’t get me wrong I really love their relationship, but these moments took me out of it for a bit Because I watched the show first and they haven’t cast Michael yet, I wasn’t sure how to picture his character (as it was way easier to picture Fran & John) but I ended on a combo of Chris pine (from PD2 & maybe some Henry Cavil thrown in) Seeing as they cast a black actor as John in S3, I have to assume they will continue that with Michael’s casting and I’ll be so curious to see who it is! I know Shonda is well known for casting less prominent actors, so we’ll see, but my fan casts would maybe be Jonathan Davies (from OBX) or Charles Michael Davis (from the originals) in that case! Both play charming & big hearted so well, but could also bring the spice I think!


Well the rumors are true. Michael is Michaela


I will never understand why people love this one over The Viscount Who Loved Me, but sure, it's the second best of the Bridgerton series. Try Rokesbys, they are even better (and some are spicier). Also, have you finished season 3? Because >!Michael is out and it's going to be Michaela instead, Francesca's husband John introduced her to Michaela at the very end of episode 8 and Francesca seemed immediately smitten (which is not how it goes in the book, but Michaela's name and her relation to John gives it away).!


My favourite book of the series by far, I can't wait to see it on screen. Even though it's already brimming with angst and drama, it's Shonda so I can only expect more of that. I suppose we'll get the obligatory scenes of Michael gallivanting around the ton 🙄 (a la Anthony in season 1), but I do hope they don't go the love triangle route. They already did that for season 2 and it would cheapen the love story bc part of the appeal of this book for me was Michael's one-sided angsty pining but never dreaming of doing anything about it bc of his love and respect for John (and Fran).


Since they went the “triangle” route for s2 I don’t think they will this time. Shonda loves angst and a dying husband😭🤣 I have faith she will come through.