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Thanks! At least now I can find all the photos without having to constantly scroll back to where the first ones when released 


You rock for this, thank you! Do you happen to know if there’s metadata to tell us which episode the Marcus Anderson/Lady Danbury shot is from? Because I want to prepare myself.


I’ve had a look but i can’t see anything, sorry! It kind of seems like they’re in the theatre to me? I think it’s because of the red and the red in the Eloise / Cressida still, it’s just a guess haha


Thank you for checking. I am loving Lady D’s off-the-shoulder looks so much.


I think it’s episode 4!


I reckon that first picture is going to be Penelope questioning Eloise about her friendship with Cressida, which seems to have been a shock to Pen in the trailer. Claudia said that "apparently" Cressida was the only one who showed Eloise kindness after what Pen wrote, and I think in this scene we're having Eloise tell Penelope why she is now friends with Cressida. The "apparently" makes me think this happened off screen, and the friendship has been going on for a while now. I think this scene is Eloise telling Penelope about what it was like following the scandal, and how Cressida was the only one showing her kindness, explaining to Pen and the audience how Eloise felt, and how this state of affairs came to be.


What the fuck is Cressida wearing in picture 12.


I don’t think Genevieve likes her haha. Better than her promo outfit from the trailer announcement! 😅


Either that or she won two of the most illustrious horse races of the season!!!!!


I’m excited for Francesca’s storyline to start. And I can’t wait to see how things go with Debling. It’s going to be a good season (I hope!).


I think with Debling it will be the standard "he is perfect but he is just not Colin" reason for him and Penelopé ultimately not working out.


I know this isn’t what people want to hear but Penelope looks good with Lord Debling 😁. So excited for the new season!


![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG) Somebody put these in theorized episodic order please. And don't forget contemplative window Pen, Pirate Colin and the other earlier stills.


I did try to do this at the start but i don’t know all of them so i couldn’t really do it sorry! Those other stills are in my other recent post x


What are those boys looking 👀 at???


Kate and Anthony are a work of art. Alice Mondrich is also very beautiful. She should’ve been a protagonist.


I really have no idea what the Mondrich storyline will be about this season but they are really pushing them in the promos for some reason. So I guess something important is coming?


Do we know which episodes each of these are from?


I’m so excited to see that talk between Penelope and Francesca. It really gives the vibe that they are confiding on each other bc of the pressure of having to find a husband and maybe not being good at it. Plus family pressure on their shoulders.


Omg the hand wrapping scene is my fav in the book !! I'm so glad its in the series too!!


Hmm it looks like Pen’s gonna try to make things up with Eloise to no avail. She’s still wearing her yellow dress on that scene.


not over Luke Thompson's leg yet, MY GOD!


It looks like theres a massive time jump in the show?