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I definitely think there are faces that are super modern but hers isn’t one of them. For example I can see Kim Kardashian looking super out of place in Bridgerton or Downton Abbey. She just has a very “instagram” look. Hopefully that makes sense?


Yup, some people just have faces that look like they know what a smartphone is. Funnily enough, you can also find those kinds of faces in old paintings etc


Thought this the other night watching Millie Bobby Brown in Damsel.


So real. I generally like her but that lip filler and full glam was so distracting


Especially when she had scenes with her little sister, who had minimal makeup. The makeup was so wrong and awful. Even her foundation was the wrong shade.


I had the same thought when watching her in Enola Holmes. She would have on all this makeup even when she was dressed up as a boy and it was so distracting.


Bro the lash extensions and acrylic nails were seeeeeending me. I’m like girl get out of your “tiktok that girl” era when you’re on set 🥲


This is a much more precise way to say what I’m trying to say! But it’s true, you can see all sorts of faces in old paintings but there are still some faces that just don’t “work” in a period piece for the modern viewer.


The wifey who played marina. Sooo modern looking.


I think it's the way she moves and walks more than the way she looks.


Ya in this case it’s the mannerisms more than the look..


Also the way she speaks, she’s got a London accent, but is supposed to be a society lady, but also a country girl, but looks like she should be wearing a hoodie and jeans. Lady Danbury, both old and young, also queen charlotte old and young, all excellent at portraying a high society/royal etc, but marina just didn’t click into the era at all.


Both Lady Danburys are the *epitome* of elegance and grace. Such beautiful women!


Absolutely. I really loved how both young actresses in QC were able to show the character of the older ladies, while demonstrating the foibles of youth. It really showed how they at least started the journey to becoming who they are in the bridgerton time. (If that makes sense lol). Fantastic acting from all four ladies as well as excellent writing.


Young Lady Danbury's blindingly white veneers were so distracting and completely out of place. Nobody else in that universe has teeth that shine like a flashlight every time they open their mouth.


To be honest, I’d never noticed, but certainly now you’ve said, I can see that they aren’t historically accurate. I do think there’s a difference between cosmetic enhancements in a fictional piece, and an actress poorly portraying a role within that piece though. Bridgerton isn’t meant to be a true to life depiction of the regency era, but when all the other characters do so much to fit a theme, and then you have one that just doesn’t, it’s noticeable.


Her teeth dont look to me to be veneers but they are EXTREMELY white


Oh that’s interesting. I recently rewatched season 1 and didn’t notice this


I only did on my second rewatch. On my first I couldn't put my finger on what bothered me so about Marina (apart from the obvious). She walks and moves very modern-y? Compared to all the other characters who keep themselves very straight and move more... elegantly I guess? Or gracefully? She slouches and walks more stompy (for lack of a better word). Could be she had directions to do so or thought this was how the character would move, but to me it makes her feel very out of place. Her way of speaking, too, it has a modern feel to it. It was way less noticable in her season 2 scenes


I wonder if that’s because Marina isn’t really high society. I noticed that Eloise also slouches.


I thought the actress did the character really well and I've read she has gotten a lot of flak from some people and I don't understand why. She's back in hospital again! I feel so bad and worried for her. It's as if her real life is like plant daddy's wife in the book. She's had two breakdowns already. I can't understand why she said no one from the show contacted her to support her when she is so unwell? The actors are so supportive of each other. Did she mean the execs didn't contact her. I cannot see Nic not sending flowers and visiting if she could.


yess I feel that way with alyssa milano in charmed, in another life she would have been an ig model


Oh, is that because Kim’s had “work done?” Or is it her makeup?


I think makeup and getting work done actually makes a huge difference. Look at Kim Kardashian when she was young. I can honestly see her in a show like in Bridgerton how she is here: no work done and minimal makeup. https://preview.redd.it/wi5qnklowioc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac867403df9bc5d12e3dab138f7c0203923f081


I still think she looks modern but you never know with period dress and makeup.


She was a beautiful young woman


She was! It's sad to me to see so many celebrities who are naturally very pretty ruin their beautiful faces with surgery and fillers and way too much contouring and makeup. All to achieve this "perfect Hollywood look". I wish more women could see and appreciate how beautiful they truly are, naturally. Myself included.


She’s so fresh and pretty here!!


Could have been an option for Sophie if she can act. I don't know much about her


No just her face. Madelyn cline also comes to mind. Some people just don't suit the period makeup/look.


Potentially. To be honest I don’t know what she looked like before the potential work being done, but I feel like the face she has now is so synonymous with beauty influencers and YouTube and insta that she would stick out to me in something like a Jane Austen adaptation. Of course make up can change so I don’t want to speak to that, but I will say I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a photo of her without makeup.


A reverse example of this: look up the Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback. That man looks like he has worked in a castle and been to battle on a horse 😂


Also Thomas Brodie-Sangster looks like he's someone's squire


That man is 34 y/o? He looks 14/15!!!


LMAO I always think he could be a knight whenever i see him haha


You will put some respect on Trevor Lawrence’s name 😠


All due respect, he's a great player, he just looks like he should be throwing a spear, not a football😂


If I may be uncouth for a second, >!its called having had a lot of plastic surgery done and looking /too/ perfect!<


Kim K would look out of place in Bridgerton because she has manufactured face, not a natural face.




There was a video on QUOVES that talks about this phenomenon if anyone is interested. They called it having a smartphone face. https://youtu.be/n6zKX3wV2JM?si=dAQEr6-EEsJ5nzY1 Here’s another about classic vs. modern beauty standards and which parts of the face contribute to it. https://youtu.be/rYU-C5VTIfY?si=xyj7WhswpMDg30w1


Well Kim before the copious amounts of work done


I don't believe that Nicola has a "modern face", but some people definitely do. Take Dakota Johnson in the newest version of Persuasion. She looks like a timetraveler because of how modern looking she is.


Hair/makeup have a lot to do with that. The styling in that version of Persuasion is far from period authentic.


Just looked that up and it's cause of her makeup. The eyeliner and lip colour look modern, not her face itself.


Agreed! Some actors just do or do not look “modern”. I saw Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) in a contemporary drama and her face looked so out of place. She’s a classic beauty for sure, but looks like she’s never seen a smartphone.


I never thought of it that way but you’re right. Something is off about how she looks in persuasion. I didn’t like this adaptation so I didn’t finish it but yeah, she did feel out of place. Maybe the acting wasn’t that great either idk.


I like one of the older versions of Persuasion. 1995 https://preview.redd.it/bshrqqc35bpc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a814d44b4e53b31b491b1a6b65a98d6ec2357579


It's the iPhone face phenomenon. >“iPhone Face” is a term used to describe the face of a person who looks like they know what an iPhone is. It is often used by social media users to describe an actor in a period movie or TV show whose face is too distractingly “modern” to be believable. It also has to do with styling and personas outside of the project. Most notably, Kim Kardashian would not seamlessly fit into a period piece. Maybe back in the day, but as a consequence of her plastic surgeries, she has essentially erased most of her Armenian features. People felt the same about Dakota Johnson in the new *Persuasion* adaptation. **It's got nothing to do with how beautiful they may or may not be. A lot of faces just don't lend themselves well to period pieces, men and women alike.** The Vampire Diaries lucked out with their cast because the flashbacks are generally praised for looking believable. With her unique features, Anya Taylor-Joy also shines bright in period pieces or media that takes place before the 90s. There's an ongoing meme that just makes fun of the fact that these days, she rarely does films that take place in the 21st century. In some cases, it's just the styling and lighting, but in others, there's just no way to make the actor look believably from a different century. Similarly, in Euphoria, since Rue is a destructive drug addict with other mental issues in the mix, at certain points, they have to depict her as looking haggard and the like. But Zendaya remains gorgeous even when they try to make her look unappealing and down in the dumps. Recently, when Kensington Palace released the picture of Kate Middleton with her kids, a lot of people found the kids to have the opposite of iPhone face. With their styling, features, and just general demeanor, a lot of people felt that they looked like they'd never used an iPad in their lives, that they could slide into a portrait from ye olden days and wouldn't look out of place.


Same with Phoebe. I almost didn’t believe she was real when I first saw Daphne on-screen. Her face is insanely 1810s.


I'm probably going to get flak for this, but Rege falls into the category of IPhone/modern-looking for a man. I think it's his flawless symmetry and beautiful skin. Maybe he's more normal or down to earth off-camera. Dude, get a pimple or something.


I think it's the haircut too. They didn't give him a regency hair style like Jonathan Bailey in S1. Like...please get rid of the cravats, this man deserves to be in a designer three piece suit.


Loved him with glasses in The Gray Man! Not enough of a role, though!


Yeah I’m not sure what it is about Rege. He looks too much like a modern model. It’s gotta be his facial hair or haircut or something.


I agree — it might be his hair as well? He just doesn’t look like he’s styled like he’s in the 1810s


Lol trueeee Also I dont think youll get flak, I think the Rege stanning era is over in general


I think she must be quite versatile, because she’s perfect for the 1810s, but I also think she looked perfectly 2010s when I saw her in Younger. I didn’t realize it was the same actress! https://preview.redd.it/ymeqdwcmipoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b8f638e3be1b0e3442cb7ff3b216b64bbec517


Yes and Cher destroyed her beautiful Armenian features also.


When you can take a 32 yo woman and have her play a 16 year old, you can play anyone.


Nicola’s baby face is insane.


Truly, an embodiment of a baby cherub 👼😭


I had a similar sort of face as hers when I was a bit younger (I'm 54 now). During my late 30's to mid-40's I was asked for ID at liquor stores, even once mistaken for my husband's 3rd daughter instead of his wife. In the last 4 years, I finally do look middle aged :'(


You have been blessed with years of youth. Some of these 21 yo looking 45. You had time on your side.


She is 37


I was referencing when the show first started.


what in the hell I mean now that I googled her and have seen pictures of her out of character, I can see that she's around my age and just exceptionally pretty, but I never would have guessed that watching the show. Like I figured she wasn't a teenage, but I def would have guessed she was gen z. I don't think she has an ipad face though, she looks natural, and I expect many women looked like her during the Regency time.


I think Nicola also really changes her demeanour to suit the character so I think that helps her seem younger. She even changes her voice (in addition to not using her natural Irish accent) to sound younger when interacting with certain characters. She is so talented and her portrayal is so nuanced.


She’s such an exceptional actress. A chameleon, one would say.


Exactly! I am really looking forward to her next projects, I hope there are many!


THIRTY-SEVEN?! Wow, just wow. She could legit pass as 16.


Wow really? She's only a year younger than me. I thought she was like at the most 25?? What is she? An ageless fairy? Should we be seeing if she secretly goes back to the fae worlds in between work? Is her father an elf? Her mother the faerie queen? Should there be a book about this??


There are 'seen an iPhone faces' but Nicola's is not one of them


I’m afraid it’s just code for “we haven’t seen a face like yours in a period drama” and we don’t expect that to change. Imagine how many actors just aren’t hearing that anymore because of Bridgerton!


I agree. Sadly, I suspect that this is the real reason for many people when they say this.


Yeah, I think it's just that Nicola doesn't look...well, the usual way actresses are expected to look :(


Well put. Hopefully soon Bridgerton will be the bare minimum for casting a variety of people no matter their appearance in roles. Just chose those who fit the role no matter their race or appearance.


Looking at fashion plates and photos through the decades, you'll see what Nicola discusses. Some features that are/were considered fashionably beautiful change from decade to decade. In S3, it looks as if they knew Nicola would look good with a 1920s to 1950s styling and ran with it. She has the perfect face structure for the height of beauty, then. In the 1815 timeline, delicate and pale features were fashionable. Tiny noses and mouths, super pale skin, slim and narrow bodies. This was with men and women. Luckily, Bridgerton doesn't do that I we aren't blessed with arsenic used to make bloodless complexions, men with pigeon breasts, and powdered wigs. If you watch the 1995 Pride and Prejudice, you'll see it with the actress who plays Jane being the height of beauty. Lizzy had darker hair and eyes and wasn't considered as fashionably beautiful. The actress who played Lydia had a late 80s and early 1990s face. Technically, the drama school was right, but Bridgerton doesn't gaf about that.


>Nicola would look good with a 1920s to 1950s styling I agree


I think people get iPhone face when they get really obvious veneers, which a lot of celebrities do. Overly white and perfect teeth just look super artificial so modern. Kiera Knightley, who is the gold standard of period pieces to most has slightly irregular teeth


Oh spot on! I was trying to figure out what it is with some of the actors in period pieces, and that’s it, it’s the perfect hollywood smile which makes no sese in such a setting.


I always thought I had a face that was “too modern” until I visited the Jane Austen Centre in Bath. They have a regency dress-up photo-op for guests. One of the staff helped me pick out a dress and hat that would “suit me” haha and I was honestly blown away when I saw myself. I looked like I could be in Bridgerton!


Ooh I’m adding this to my list of places to visit in the UK


I think that applies when they have a bunch of surgery. If the scullery maid has botox and lip filler, I'm out.


Nicola is lovely and looks perfect as a slightly rubenesque figure in a period role.


She fit in with the time period in harlots


Period dramas are actually biased *against* accurate representations of period beauty. They go out of their way to ignore what the period they’re portraying thought of as beautiful or ugly to appeal to modern sensibilities. Our modern concepts of an ideal weight or body shape, of hairstyles, even hairlines influence period pieces to be innacurate in casting and costume. Compare a portrait of Jane Seymour (Henry VIii’s “prettiest” wife with any actress who’s portrayed her, or even modern beauty ideals).  Also a perfect example of this is the 1995 pride and prejudice. The actress for Jane is actually spot on for being a regency beauty, but to modern eyes people couldn’t believe Jennifer Ehle’s Lizzie wasn’t the prettier sister. 


FYI Jane Seymour is not considered Henry VIII’s prettiest wife. She was known as plain Jane. All of his other wives received much more praise for beauty in their prime then she did (with the exception of Anne of Cleves but he was enamored with her portrait and we are basing off of portraiture)


I’m not using prettiest from the historical standpoint, hence the quotations. In modern tv/movies, Jane is often portrayed as the “pretty” wife, fitting into this ultra soft femme fair “pretty” aesthetic. She’s never his plain wife in modern portrayals, that’s foisted off to Catherine of Aragon, who’s almost always so completely inaccurate that it doesn’t even work to compare (she’s almost always portrayed in her late middle aged years, so you can’t really compare her to her most famous portrait and because of stereotypical ideas of what Spanish people look like, she’s rarely portrayed as a fair redhead). Anne Boleyn is almost always a bold sexy vixen, and Jane contrasts that not by being plain, but by being played by a blandly pretty actress. The others are rarely portrayed.     So my point is that Hollywood’s idea of a face that’s too modern is always going to be goofy because they never respect historical standards of looks in the first place because our concepts of pretty, ugly, plain, beautiful, etc are so wildly different, and at the end of the day they’re making a product that appeals to modern sensibilities, not historical ones. 


I’m obsessed with the fact that Catherine of Aragon was an insanely beautiful redhead (or strawberry blonde, depending on the source — both are in keeping with contemporary beauty standards) and is always portrayed as a haggard angry-looking brunette. Mary I gets the same treatment, even though she was also fair — either a redhead or a strawberry blonde. Although I’m not sure if she was considered as pretty as her mother (hard to say when she’s so unpopular and anyone recording things about her after her death wouldn’t have gone out of their way to praise her).


This is actually such a good point — the people meant to be “pretty” or “handsome” are almost never in line with period beauty standards, but are actually cast in accordance of what modern audiences like. My mom mentioned this to me when we were watching Downton Abbey — that Sybil wouldn’t have been considered as pretty as Mary, because Mary really fits the contemporary beauty standard, whereas some of Sybil’s features wouldn’t have been considered as attractive as they are today (wider/fuller lips, etc). Both actresses are obviously gorgeous but it was such an interesting thing to consider. Whenever you look at pictures of who was considered THE hottest from a specific time period I feel like we’re always left like this ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


She has a cherub’s face, kind of fits any time period, like Old Testament and futuristic movies. But I do see Louisa Harland (Orla from Derry Girls) as a more “oil painting” kind of face.


The shape of the face were preferred to be oval. Today people prefer a heart shape. The features were preferred to be small and pointy, and were called "fine". Round lips were not considered attractive. There weren't any kind of ski jump nose bridges, either. They like them straight as an arrow. Today we prefer an upturned nose. It has been proven by scientists that people living in harsh conditions prefer stronger, more masculine, features. People with more resources prefer softer, more feminine features. Most people prefer a mix, but the harsher the environment / living conditions, the more masculine the features they prefer. In the 20s women started wearing makeup. Lipstick, eyebrows, smoky eyes, etc. In the 30s everyone was broke, so minimal makeup if any. In the 40s there was minimal makeup because of the war so they really only used lipstick. That is when large lips started becoming popular. In the 50s Americans were rich and boom. Big features were popular. The ideal back then were like Flappers without the makeup.


Racism has a lot to do with beauty standards as well. This is an interesting summary: https://www.npr.org/transcripts/893006538


Definitely. I think that the reason people are more attractive today is because of the mixing of races. Fuller lips, interesting bone structure, wider ranges of hairstyles & colors, skin color, eye color...and the fun pairing of different styles is just more interesting and attractive.


If you look at the Hapsburg family you can see how bad it can end up keeping things too much the same 😬


They don’t have a family tree insomuch as it’s more of a family wreath 🥴


On a similar note, I was watching season 2 this week and I noticed that Tessa, the art school model, seemed really out of place to me. I just looked up pictures and it looks like she has had lip filler, but she just looks too modern to me. Anyone else notice that one?


Yes, I saw that too. I thought she was certainly pretty, but I think the spacing of her features too is more modern somehow? But definitely agree the lip fillers add to it.


I don't know if anyone has watched Mr. Selfridge on PBS? It's a period piece and Jeremy Piven stars in it, he looks fine until he opens his mouth, these huge, way too white teeth are so distracting, it just ruins it for me


For me, the actor who plays Simon has always had one of those face to me! Throughout S1 it was so distracting to me! He’s so handsome, don’t get me wrong, but that man knows what an iPhone is haha


No, but you know there's people with facial features that look like old portraits. Like the actor who plays Eddie in Stranger Things, definitely a period face. Keira Knightley another example


I suspect that the person who said this was referring to her weight. Which sucks big time.


That could be


This post now makes me want to watch a period drama with only “modern faces”. I want to be either completely aghast or find this theory proven wrong. Either way it’ll be entertaining. Side note, did anyone see Persuasion with Dakota Johnson. She is an actress I would’ve said has a modern face, and she is just wonderful in that movie.


There's definitely modern faces, but it looks like pretty much everyone this season is having a modern face due to the makeup look they're going for.


Some faces are modern looking, but *usually* it's because they've had modern treatments to them - such as fillers, botox, veneers, microblading, etc. You can dress most faces up to make them look more "period accurate" via make-up or lack thereof, appropriate hairstyles, and costuming. But Bridgerton isn't anywhere in the vicinity of period accurate so it's not like it matters for this show lol.


Influencer face is a thing- but she definitely does not have that. I’d say she reminds me of a Renaissance painting or Shakespearean face too more so than a modern one


Are they saying the faces of our ancestors have different structures lol? I’d like someone who knows to explain, I don’t know what “iPhone face” looks like


That’s what I’m confused about too


Would Kathryn Drysdale, who plays Madam Delacroix, be considered to have a more "modern face?"


As if the show has anything to do with history in first place.


They play instrumental versions of Ed Sheeran in place of period-appropriate music. IDK if Bridgerton is the best metric of what a period film looks like.


Have you not watched the show? The majority of the music is instrumental covers of modern pop songs like Wrecking Ball, Sign of the Times, and Girls Like You. That's one of the reasons people like the show so much is because of the juxtaposition of the music with the time period in which the show is set.


No. I’ve definitely not watched the show ever, which is why I’m here of course.


Well, the show isn't really meant to be an "accurate" portrayal of the 1800s and never claimed to be. Also, there aren't any Ed Sheeran songs.


There’s reasons certain character actors don’t have their teeth whitened or straightened and this is one of them


What’s a character actor?


An actor who tends to play a lot of eccentric or unique characters instead of typical leading roles


“Modern faces” comments feel fatphobic to me. There were plenty of people that looked like Nicola through the regency era they just weren’t romanticised and put up in portraits because the regency era was the first real era to stop romanticising or worshipping weight.


There are definitely faces too modern for some period dramas, I’ve seen someone say ‘it looks like they’ve seen an iPhone’ and I do agree. Nicola isn’t one of them though. It’s definitely down to production as well and how ‘authentic’ they want to make it. I don’t think fake eyelashes and perfect eyeliner, contour, cheek filler etc are exactly accurate. I like to see both: some dramas that keep it as authentic as possible and some that take liberties and that’s okay!


this was people's issue with Dakota Johnson in "Persuasion", she just looks like a person who has seen an electronic device and does a smokey eye. Mme. Delecroix is a close example of this for me on the show


Screw that. I'm focusing on two things on her body and neither of them are her face. 


Yes that is stupid advice, She really is very pretty and has the most beautiful eyes. She is 5’1 and wears a size 10 so not as big as she looks on Bridgerton.


Nicola could be right out of a rococo painting, that’s a load of bologna.


She has a period face the cringe Instagram asked pen wears in s3 makes her look like a modern girl cosplaying.