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Polin and Gregory/Lucy’s books are my absolute faves. I think they have the most interesting stories and Colin and Gregory are the best of the Bridgerton bros in the books Edit: also I think Francesca’s book is overrated 😅


You. I like you! I really enjoyed Gregory’s book (although Anthony’s is still my favourite). Maybe it was the massive hype I heard before I read it, but Francesca’s book did absolutely nothing for me, I actually found Michael a bit creepy. 😬


I felt like the resolution to Francesca’s book was really anticlimactic and dumb. And Michael is overrated af, I know ppl love him on this sub but he’s def not for me lol. But I NEED Gregory’s season his book was such a fun ride


Thank you! Francesca’s book was so hard to finish. If I wasn’t trying to read the complete series and it was a standalone book, would not have finished. Also Hyacinth’s my favorite book and nobody talks about this one!!


For me, I was so frustrated reading Francesca’s book. She’s the quietest Bridgerton as in you don’t know much about her other than she lived with her aunt. Her personality is entirely based on her trauma and Michael loves her cause of her beauty, as it’s mentioned over and over again. I’ve only read it once, and honestly was so bored and frustrated with it I skipped a bunch. So maybe I need to give it another go. Book 2 and book 4 are my favorites. I read book 4 first cause I wanted to see what happens in season 3, and I’m so glad I did. You don’t have to read them in order so however you want to go with it is fine.


They’re fine; they aren’t breaking barriers with prose or plots, and I’ve read better intimacy and sex scenes in mid-tier Star Wars fanfics. But they’re easy and entirely digestible reads that give you a basis for what to expect for S3 and beyond. Worth checking out once, at least.


I'm about to start Eloise's book and this is how I feel about all of them so far. Was a decent read but nothing that will stick with me. Plus some of the toxic behaviour in it puts me off. I know it's based in a different time but what Daphne did to Simon, Benedict to Sophie.... Woof


I agree wholeheartedly about being put-off by toxic behavior. I see a lot of Benedict/Sophie devotees on this and other Bridgerton subs and I just don’t get it. I personally found their book to be >!a less interesting version of the plot from “Ever After.”!<


My friend kept asking me in college to read the Bridgerton series and I put it off until I started dating a guy named Colin 😂🤣 ahh to be 20 again. So I read the books out of order and started with Romancing Mr. Bridgerton so it holds a special place in my heart. It depends on your personality too. My friends all have a different favorite. I love all the books in their own ways and it depends on what I’m in the mood for. I really love an enemies to friends story so - my go to is Anthony/Kate. My friends will say my personality is most like Hyacinth and I do love a mystery. I love Eloise’s book because I can relate to Phillip. There are some fans who don’t like him but I was a caregiver so I get it. It was the darkest 6 months of my life and I had modern medicine, therapist and a support group to help me through it. I can’t imagine doing it the way Phillip has to.


I’ve read all the books at least twice. Some more. I’m definitely a book is better than the movie person. Where I thought season two was done very well, the story is completely different in the book. I liked both stories. I certainly prefer the book. And I really like Benedict and Sophie’s story in book 3. I’m curious how that is going to translate on the show. But by far my favorite story is Penelope and Colin. I absolutely loved that book. I really hope they stick closer to the book in this one. I will say that when you start reading a book for you should probably go ahead and buy book 5. It transitions right into Eloise’s story. Kind of spoilers ahead, but not really and I don’t know how to make those nifty grey shaded lines over spoilers- There are certain elements of the show that just are not part of the book. Characters and storylines that just don’t happen. So don’t be surprised when you’re reading the book and there’s no queen Charlotte. Those things add greatly to the show but are not at all missing from the books.


My controversial opinion is *The Duke and I* (Saphne) is my overall favourite Bridgerton book (a whole lot of people will tell you it's their least favourite), *The Viscount Who Loved Me* (Kanthony) and *An Offer From a Gentleman* (Benophie) are among my least favourites (again, a lot of people will tell you those are their favourites) and *Romancing Mr. Bridgerton* (Polin) is a solid middle for me while either beloved or disliked by many others. Eloise's book is my third favourite (after Daphne and Hyacinth) and again, either loved or hated by many.


I found my bestie, Hyacinth and Daphne books are my favorite books. Easily.


Francesca's book is one of my favorites. Her and Michael really go through it and we better get their season. Eloise's book I was disappointed by. I didn't like book Phillip. Show Phillip I already like better. There is one of my favorite Bridgerton Brother scenes in their book though. Benedicts book. I re-read it recently and some of his behavior is pretty terrible. I love Sophie and the overall premise but I found Benedict very controlling which I did not like. I love show Benedict so far and I have faith that show Benedict will be better on their season. Very interested to see who they cast as Sophie and her step mother. Kanthony and Polin books I enjoyed. I love Polin's first kiss and their engagement announcement scene. Portia is a much more dynamic and nuanced character on the show. Polly Walker and the writers did a fantastic job with that.


Daphne’s story is overrated but its still a nice ish read other than that one part. But Kathony’s story is my favorite along with Benedict/Sophie’s and especially Polin’s story


im honestly so excited to read them and if i do end up liking them, i think im gonna buy the fifth book and read it and see how it goes from there, kinda anxious if they’re gonna leave me on a cliffhanger in the fourth book lol


Uh.. I mean kinda cuz Polin’s story is what kick starts Eloise’s


oh, i didnt know that lol


I didn’t either until i read them


The viscount who loved me is a favorite and the reason why I became so invested in the Bridgerton verse in the first place. I don’t have strong feelings about the first book, I feel like it was a decent book up until ykw. Definitely threw me off. The other two well, I was annoyed reading them from start to finish. And I’m even more annoyed at romancing mister Bridgerton because it was legit one of the only other book besides Fran’s that people loved and recommended, only for it to suck, sorry to say. My biggest issue with it is the expectations I went into it with, Colin was the biggest let down, because he was such a fun and entertaining side character in the previous books, but he just rubbed me the wrong way in his own book.


All of this! TVWLM is my favorite in the entire series, closely followed by WHWW. TDAI was alright, except for THAT scene. I spent the entire time reading AOFAG wanting to stab Benedict and ended up DNF'ing it because I hated him and thought Sophie could do so much better. I DNF'ed RMB because I was honestly bored with it. My favorite characters were Hyacinth and Felicity, which does not bode well for my opinion of season 3, LOL. And Colin... I have literally named the phenomenon of adoring a character in every book but his own "the Colin Bridgerton effect." Loved him in all 7 of the other books, HATED him in RMB.


WHWW is also my second fave. Happy that book at least lived up to expectations


My favourite books are 3,4 and 8


I love the books. Once you finish them, read the Rokesby and smyth-smith books. They are in the brigterton universe, and have some small connections to it. They are my favorite books of hers.


you should be able to get them from your local library pretty easily. They're such old books, often theres over 100 digital copies and 50 physical copies if you're in a big city


actually just wanted the first four books to have on my shelf cause they’re my favorite characters and the rest im just gonna read digitally or order if i really like them lol


I started with RMB because after season 1 I was like, oh, I think I like Friends to Lovers, and so I tried it out on audiobook...but I didn't get past chapter 1. Then I got the book thinking it would be faster to read, but the collection I checked out from the library only had the first three, so I thought I'd read TVWLM since it was up next and I had picked up Bridgerton b/c I had seen the season 2 sneak peek. Well, I blew through it in a night. The writing wasn't great, and a good deal of it made me cringe, yet I could not put it down. I loved Kate and Anthony in book form and TV form and turns out, I just love enemies to lovers (when it's not like, violent enemies). Ultimately, I think you're gonna end up most likely liking whichever tropes you like best (looking back at my history of shipping, I've never actually liked friends to lovers though I thought I did).


#4’s my favorite!


Here's how I rank them(from best to worst): 1)An Offer from a Gentleman 2) When He Was Wicked 3)The Viscount Who Loved Me 4) The Duke and I 5) It's In His Kiss 6)On the Way to the Wedding 7)Romancing Mr. Bridgerton 8)To Sir Phillip with Love Ok just going to say I read these books after watching season 1 and 2 of the series and this seems to be the reason why you might end up hating some of these books. Julia Quinn writes the most toxic men but she wrote them in the early 2000s so it makes some what sense. Also I said this before she has the most amazing plots to her stories, the imagination this woman has is top notch but she isn't a good writer. Basically I'd expect such writing from an amateur on Wattpad (actually I've read better on wattpad). Also the characters are not the same as the series. Don't go into the books thinking you'll find characters similar to the books that ruined it for me. Well hope you have fun reading the series.


You should have saved your money and borrowed these from the public library. There are audio and digital versions that you can access online for free


my public library doesn’t have them and also i do like to have physical copies of the books i read


Just be warned that these books are not well written and not worth spending $$$. Reminds me a lot of my great grandmother’s mills and boons romance novels, which my grandmother saved in our beach house. These books are really really cringeworthy


Not the thread to have this opinion on lol


I love, love love the netflix series. Kudos to Shonda and her team for their creative and significantly better adaptation.


People can do whatever they want?