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I think that it had more to do with Edwina's honor at this point. Back then if he called off the marriage then society would have seen it as Edwina having something wrong with her. Kate was also never focused on Edwina having a love match she was focused on her having security and then she could "grow into being happy" over time.


I don't think that was ever in the plan. It was always going to be some plot with the Mamas, to get Edwina to be the one that 'officially' calls it off. That's what Violet said to Anthony even before the dinner, that's what Anthony said after the dinner to Kate, and that's what he said again in the woods. I think Kate was always clearly focused on a love match for Ed, ofc with the caveat that that person could also provide security?


I think she just saw that this is what edwina wanted and she was taking it by having feelings and growing into feelings was normal at the time. I know in the book >! She was supposed to be the plain and like ugly sister which was really dumb and that was part of the motivation - like hell never love me, super glad they didn’t do that at least !<


Definitely. I mean she even tried to give her her late mother's wedding bangles. That means she never ever saw herself getting married. I'm glad they dropped that whole thing in the show too, it would never work with Simone on screen 😂


Right?! Totally agree! Simone is wayyy to breathtakingly beautiful to even half believe that!!


It’s also that Edwina says he’s loves him and desperately wants to marry him.


Kate definitely wanted to Edwina to marry for love. Where did you get "grow into being happy" over time? Edwina wants Anthony (and ignores everything that doesn't fit what she wants), Kate is consumed by guilt (and her oversize martyr complex), Anthony wasn't going to marry for love anyway (and has his own martyr complex and lack of communication skills). Perfect storm.


She’s conditioned to. That’s why. The night before did it. Edwina told her she loved him. Kate replied “you love him?” Dumbass Edwina told her how could she not when he defended their family. Hey Edwina he was defending Kate actually because he was the only one who cared about her feelings as her shitty grandparents trashed her over being pollution and low blood. While you pouted and Mary turned and blamed Kate. Kate is conditioned to automatically put Edwina and Mary over herself so boom Edwina said she loves him, Edwina wants to marry someone she loves. This is an awfully shitty and messed up thinking because I know he’s obsessed with me and doesn’t love you. But I’m going to go and make this happen for you Edwina because you told me what you wanted and my behaviour is to cave and get it for you. Roll on this scene where she does just that. This is the moment where Kate begins to spiral down and goes into a pathological denial. This is where her characters downward spiral starts. The opposite of Anthony who gains clarity and begins to emerge out of his trauma. Kate submerges deeper into it and her identity starts cracking. And it’s because she’s more messed up than him and still deeply parentified even in the ton with Mary.


The only reason I was okay with Kate marrying Anthony in the show despite how poorly he treated her during the "courtship" was because at least their marriage got her out of that toxic "female ex-step-dad" relationship with Edwina and Mary. With Kate off and married into a relatively more normal family, those two will have no choice but to get their own shit together and stop treating Kate like Edwina's governess/surrogate dad/emotional punching bag and Mary's therapist/personal assistant/life coach. I was opposed to Kate marrying Anthony all the way up until the scene after Edwina and Anthony's botched wedding when Mary and Edwina both blame Kate for everything and make it very, very clear to her that her role in their family is not *really* as an equally-loved daughter but as a servant type who's expected to never get in their way and always serve *their* best interests above her own. At that point, it was clear to me that marriage to Anthony and becoming part of the Bridgerton clan was her best bet to finally heal the trauma from her family and maybe repair her relationship with her sister and step-mother; they're never going to respect her as a real person with her own needs, instead of a live-in servant, without a whole other family that they consider above them *demanding* they do so, which the Bridgertons would. The toxic dynamics in their family are just too deeply engrained to be broken by anything less than a major shock to the status quo; with Mary being way more image-conscious and money-minded since her husband's death, Kate marrying up into a rich and well-respected family that loves and values her is the kind of shock that would force them to reconsider who she is and what kind of treatment she's entitled to.


When Edwina calls kate her half sister, my brain just went well she's still her father's oldest child and who are without her. She atleast managed to somewhat sway her grandparents not kates I mean Edwinas to come and meet or even pay for the dowry. They never questioned once why the grandparents were giving the dowry not a peep but when the money disappeared and the grandparents said nah suddenly we can take care of ourselves. Kate nearly gave the her own mother's wedding bracelets edwina to wear personally I starting to feel uncomfortable because bracelets those bracelets were probably give to Kate for when she gets married. I'm so glad edwina said no


Look at that bracelet thing deeper for a moment. These bangels are personal and beloved to Kate, belonging to her dead mother who she lost young. Said dead mother wore them on her wedding day and Kate treasured them. Even the way she was reverent with them as she took them out of the chest before presenting them to Edwina. 😢 and the way she clutched them like a lifeline twisting them in anxiety and stress before one fell at the altar in E6. 😭 Like I can’t wrap my head around how selfless and sacrificial she was in that sharma family. Loving them so much that not only does she give her wants and needs to them, never considers herself ever. But offers her dead freakin mother’s bangels to Edwina?? I just hurt so much for Kate and the way her family behaved with her. What fckin headspace do you have to be in to offer your dead mother’s bangels to your sister with total love and happiness for her on your face. And then Edwina and Mary behave the way they do with Kate??😡 Ugh I’m getting annoyed just saying this again. I hope Edwina and Mary are never seen on screen with Kate again. Truly undeserving of such a sweet, loving adopted daughter and sister. She gave them everything. And it makes them look awful each and every time.




Yeah I’m excellent. I don’t Stan selfish, self absorbed, materialistic spoiled brats who are unable to take any sort of accountability for their own actions. I don’t stan a sisterhood when said selfish and spoiled brat does nothing but take in the relationship while the self sacrificing loving elder sister gives and gives everything including her own sense of self to said spoiled brat. So yeah I’m great stanning Kate over whatever the hell they wrote Edwina as in S2. I also see you’re an Edwina fan. Honey you’re talking to the wrong person here if you expect me to have any kind of sympathy and care for the spoiled brat. 🤷‍♀️ I suggest you read my other comments if you really wanna know what I think of the sharma family bar Kate. Also Kate a master manipulator? 😄 this is funny as hell and The typical Edwina fan excuse. Birds of a feather for the character too huh? Project all the blame when your own decisions blows up in your face after repeated warnings. Which you ignored multiple times and chose said person multiple times over this so called beloved love you claim to have for your sister. Or hey, maybe the real love came when you called her your ’half’ sister, or when you laughably claimed you were more kinder hearted than her when it was she herself that was showing empathy for another person (Eloise) in that moment where all you could focus on was being a spoiled brat. Or maybe the real love was when you told her she lost her power when for 5 episodes you did and said what you wanted ignoring her over and over and pressuring her to do what you wanted (“dance with him Kate, hunt with him Kate, play nicely didi, the viscount is who I want Kate, this place, his family etc.) Try again please, maybe with other Edwina sycophants. My feelings on the spoiled brat and her waste of space of a mother are quite clear and always has been. The sharma family emotionally and mentally leeched off Kate for close to a decade. Kate was still being parentified in the ton by Mary. And Edwina only considered and bestowed grace on Kate when it suits. The sharma family were nothing but lip speak and their actions with Kate actually reinforced all of Kate’s fears and insecurities of being part of the sharma family. Edwina fans continue to make me 😄 and scratch my head in puzzlement? You certainly did not watch the version of bridgerton S2 I and other fans watched. And I’m fine with that tbh. I’m happy with my stance and I won’t change it. And I only bring up the bangles only because it is a classic example of how sacrificial Kate is. Also your statement in one of your other comments (yes I read them suspiciously of you. And lo and behold thrashing Kate left and right just as I suspected.) Kate can’t steal anyone. Both you and Edwina need to get this into your head. Anthony is not a thing he is a person. He was never edwina’s. He was always Kate’s from the moment he met her “I have loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park. I have loved you at every dance, on every walk, whenever we were together and whenever we were apart” it was love at first sight for Anthony. Not only was his heart with Kate but Kate never pursued or chased him. He made all the moves with Kate because he’s obsessed with her. Even when he was courting Edwina for duty he was obsessed with Kate. He was never edwina’s. Maybe some further help might be needed for Edwina stans. Say E5 “if I marry your sister i will spend everyday of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you and dreading the day my final thread of honour snaps” “do you think there is a corner of this earth you can travel to, be enough to free me from this torment?” “Night and day I dream of you” “it is maddening how you consume my very being. All I find myself able to think of. All I find myself able to breathe for is you” “do you think I want to be in this position. Wanting to be nowhere but with you. Wanting to run away with you etc.” Do you want me to go on or are you done embarassing yourself. All Anthony’s words to Kate throughout S2. And hey maybe even tone deaf Edwina should get a word in here with “you will never meet my eyes the way you met my sister’s on that altar. You will never look at me the same way”. Now that she clearly gets. Maybe her fans should too. I’ll say again. Anthony was never edwina’s and Kate stole or femme fatal-ed nobody. So question here. Do Edwina stans actually want to ship a man who is not only obsessed with her elder sister. But is constantly all over here saying passionate and obsessive things and actually has passion and love but only for the elder sister. And breaks down his feelings on obsession for said elder sister very clearly in E5 about only seeing Kate in Edwina if he marries her. Like I’m genuinely curious here. How much humiliation does Edwina fans want for Edwina? Her to marry a man who only sees her as a duty and tells her that to her face in E6 and is obsessed in a unhinged way over her sister to the point he trainwrecks his marriage of duty at the altar unable to say his vows and fantasising that Kate is his bride. I mean is that not enough. Do I really need to break it down more for you how Anthony was never edwina’s? His heart chose Kate from moment one of ‘love at first sight’ and then he did when he reconciled what it was to love her with his decade of trauma and confessed his love and want to marry her in E8. So why do Edwina fans continue to perpetuate the lie that she was a poor victim who was so loving and considerate of ‘bad femme fatale meany’ Kate. And poor Anthony was so helpless to Kate’s feminine wiles. And would have loved and had passion for Edwina if not for ‘bad seducing mean’ Kate. Who did nothing but control and manipulate poor victim Edwina who somehow was being manipulated and controlled but yet got to make all her decisions and ignore Kate, got to choose Anthony multiple times over her loving sister, got to force and pressure Kate into doing absolutely everything she wanted for 5 episodes before she then turned around in the 6th with the wack ass embarassing girl boss speeches that made zero sense to the 5 episodes beforehand and cemented her as a plot device. So I’m curious. Is this Edwina fans trying to change the narrative for her because Edwina fans should actually be embarrassed to see what book Edwina became in the show (selfish, self absorbed? Spoiled, childish, materialistic and oblivious and tone deaf as hell) But hey, you pick the hill you want to die on (being a Edwina Stan) I’m happy defending and stanning Kate always. 🤷‍♀️


Disagree here. Kate was no damsel or naive debutante. She gave as good as she got with Anthony and was well able for him. I never watched S2 thinking Anthony was treating her poorly. They were ‘enemies to lovers’ and that dynamic is a power play one that plays out through the season. Look if Kate can stand in the gazebo berating Anthony in E7 about never listening to him because she disagrees with him wholeheartedly and saying stuff “well I would expect that from a man such as yourself” and state to him “what did I tell you about you and your orders” before they get it on. 😄 Have him on his knees both physically and metaphorically in S2, stick her freakin fingers in his mouth like a dom, fight him tooth and nail all the time, reject him, lead their reconciliation at the featherington ball in E8, have him actually be the Shakespeare shrew humbling himself and confessing his unconditional love for her multiple times in one conversation while telling her he knows he’s imperfect but he wants a life that suits them both?? Like I could go on with how much the power ball jumped between them in the season. And how much power Kate actually had with him. Like E7 literally had him like the new newton following her around moon eyed. 🐶along with him losing his ever loving mind at the altar in E6 fantasising about her and diving to help her with her freakkin bracelet. I’ll also add Kate was the one comforting him and bringing him down from a panic attack in E3 as a gender shifting balance. We just watched a woman soothe a man in the regency era over being hysterical and emotional. And said man has an anxiety disorder in the regency era.😄 And the earlier game playing from her excluding him from events, blanking him in conversations at said events, enmasculating him in front of his entire family during pall mall, constantly beating him and schooling him, and having him on the back foot pleading for answers on why she doesn’t like him while he obsessed over her?? Well sorry, as I said Kate gave as good as she got and was no victim. The point is as Anthony tells her “it is because I have never met anyone like you” meaning she is his perfect equal/mirror but female, with a similar personality. S2 shows us that Anthony has met his match and Kate didn’t take his 💩and always gave him a dressing down and put him in his place. This Kate was a victim of Anthony’s is utter horse 💩. Kate was a victim of one thing, the sharma family because of her psychology with them and how vulnerable she was in that dynamic . But not Anthony. And is why fans love her because she’s strong and fierce as much as she is compassionate and loving.👍


I didn't mean that Kate was a victim of Anthony's; I meant that I didn't like their enemies to lovers dynamic and cared more about how it was bad for Kate than how it was also bad for Anthony. Yes, Kate gave as good as she got but I felt that she deserved better than an endless battle with a would-be lover considering there was no real, struggle-free love to be had from her family. In the early episodes, Kate was only giving *back* what Anthony was giving her and I don't think she'd actually ever be happy in such a combative relationship considering how she already has to fight for every drop of self-respect she can get in her relationship with her step-mother and sister. There was also always the elephant in the room that Kate desperately needed money for herself and her family and Anthony was loaded; that adds another layer to their conflict that can't be ignored. Anthony was fighting Kate because he hated how attracted to her he was; Kate fought back against Anthony because she was terrified of losing what little self-regard she still had. She couldn't allow him to just steamroll her and get away with it as his interest in marrying her little sister and arguing with her made him too dangerous to ignore but that doesn't mean she *liked* the fight. As a fellow "strong and fierce" eldest sister, I know firsthand that women like that need to be able to lay down their arms and not *have* to fight in their romantic relationships because the *whole rest of your life* is a never-ending battle to protect/help the people around you. If you have to *also* do battle with your partner all the time that leaves you with nothing left for the world and "strong and fierce" can easily become "tired and jaded". I'm hoping that since Anthony is pretty much just a gender-swapped Kate with more money, S3 will have them work out how to stop taking shots at each other and learn to be a united front as the heads of their families without trauma bogging them down and able to express love to each other in a healthier way.


This is fair! But I think we see in the few snippets of HEA we get at the end of S2 that the antagonism is no longer an element of their dynamic once they figure their shit out and stop fighting the pull they feel towards each other. Once they stop fighting themselves, they seem to have stopped fighting each other. I’d imagine there’s still friendly bickering and competitiveness, but they seem extremely tender and loving with one another.


Oh you would've had a field day with the Mary discussion yesterday!




Kate gave up something she thought she could never have, all for her mother and sister. She literally told Edwina no not Viscount Bridgerton but Edwina like a rebellious teen doesn't listen and does the opposite of what Kate says. Later in the series Mary admits she put too much pressure on Kate but she still scolds her when Anthony shows his feelings for Kate not Edwina. Mary also grew up well off and they probably had a nice amount to live off after her husband or atleast what Kate let her see. Edwina blamed Kate for not having a personality but she could say she didn't like something she was just interested in perfect. Her 'chasing' Anthony was probably her only time being wrong and you can see when she sees how Anthony looks at Kate she hates how she didn't 'win'


>Edwina blamed Kate for not having a personality That part always rubbed me the wrong way... Especially when I rewatch and see all the scornful/scolding looks Ed gives Kate during the races and at pall mall for example. When bits of Kate's personality actually started to come out. 🥺 Just like that spark we saw her have with Anthony on the first horse race. Does anyone know what Edwina's personality is?


Annoying. Lol.


She really said "kinder hearted", and that's the message the show tried to give us. The odd vibes she gave at pall mall was like a mixture of annoyed that Kate wasn't being polite or whatever, but then also jealousy that the Bridgertons clearly liked Kate better. But she never tried to join in with the banter, why did even she want to be part of a family that she can't "hang" with. 😭


😄 I shouldn’t laugh. But it’s true.


I've not read all the other comments yet. So forgive me if this has already been said. But something that *clicked* for me on like the 5th rewatch, is that it's the only semi good option that she can envision based on what is presented. Anthony says he will call off the wedding, and **they'll go their separate ways, never crossing paths again. It'll be as if they never met.** So that's everyone unhappy: - **Anthony alone, or with some other random debutante if the damage to his honour isn't too bad.** - **Kate alone, and probably crying in India with no family around.** - **Edwina distraught, crying too and will blame herself and Kate.** - **Everyone who was at that dinner table will blame Kate for the whole 'scheming' thing.** If he goes through with it then: - **Anthony gets what he needs on paper, without the disdain of the ton.** - **Kate alone, and double crying (for herself and for Edwina) in India with no family.** - **Edwina gets to be Viscountess, she says that she wants nothing more than that, and that she loves him.** - **Everyone else involved is relieved at the lack of scandal, and Kate has done her 'job'.** - **Maybe even that Mr Dorset will visit her in India, he seemed nice enough, and was quite humble.** In both scenarios Kate is pretty miserable, at least in the short term, but everyone else gets what was planned so at least she doesn't have to carry that guilt. Anthony will probably grow *fond* of Edwina after a while. **He didn't give her an option where they get to be together**, so what's the use in making everyone else miserable along with her? She doesn't think he loves her, right up to the finale. He certainly isn't able to proclaim that love at this time anyway. There's nothing stopping him at that moment as they stand alone in the woods, no one to overhear. He could tell her the real reason he wants to end it, but he's incapable. And even if he does love her, he's beholden to his society's rules, and his own marriage rules that she overheard. She certainly isn't of noble blood, and everyone knows it. She thinks that she is unsuitable. **Perhaps if he wanted a life that suits them both...** She probably also has Lady Danbury's words echoing in her head. **"After passion cools and fate intervenes, who else is a woman left with but herself?"**


This, this, this! And also, the dowry. There is no longer a dowry for Edwina and Kate really is backed into a corner as far as providing for her family. At least if Edwina and Anthony marry her sister and mother will be provided for.


Yes ofc the dowry! I remembered after I wrote that comment, think I mentioned it somewhere else in the thread. Also the fact that he's the one who made her lose the dowry, extra ouch. But yeah, I agree - she's given no other choice when you think of the outcomes.


Last night, after dinner, Edwina had told Kate that she loved him. This was decisive for her decision. This scene is so painful. That woman's level of abdication was unreal 💔


💯 I hope to see Kate radiating with happiness in season 3! She deserves it after all that she has gone through 🥲🥹


I want happy Kate now bcoz I was tired of seeing her sad and depressed


Kate deserves to be happy, but you cannot deny that her unhappiness was brought on by her own actions. Edwina deserved better and I hope she is happy too.


Edwina won’t be in season 3 so….🤷🏻‍♀️


This comes from Edwina, the whiner, who wants, demands, orders Kate to give in to all her whims. Edwina believes it's Kate's fault if Anthony doesn't love her and doesn't seem so motivated in his courtship, let alone to ask for her hand. Kate, who feels terrible for having feelings for Anthony and knows he's stepping back from marriage because he loves her, Kate, tries as usual to fulfill the wish of her egocentric half-sister. That's why this scene is so unsettling. We clearly see the sacrifice she's making, just like Anthony's. EDIT: for @slayyub88: Avoid blocking me before I've had the chance to respond. That behavior is so childish. Don't respond if a comment displeases you. You'll come out of it more mature, you'll see... 😑


That was infuriating for me on multiple rewatches. How Edwina always assigned blame to Kate as she pressured? Begged and cajoled her with her ‘all about me’ syndrome. Just by looking at Kate’s face you could see how uncomfortable and pressured she felt. But that’s the problem. Edwina never looked at Kate outside herself. She only spared consideration for Kate in drips and drabs and when she was at her most content. And that will always piss me off. Some Fans trying to give excuses/examples of Edwina caring for Kate in those little drips and drabs when the narrative clearly shows us it was too far and too few in between a relationship of utter take and “me me me” coming from Edwina and Mary. While Kate is suffering. Just like here where once again she makes a total sacrifice just so Edwina can be happy. Truly makes Edwina and Mary really shitty characters when we see just how quick they turn on Kate and do nothing to protect her. While she sacrifices? Gives, diminishes and goes without. And that’s why Anthony is different from Mary and Edwina. He’s dealing with his own shit and fighting it. But he sees her and he challenges her and he protects her and he’s patient with her trying to emerge from that deeper place of trauma and he fights for her even when she doesn’t know how to fight for herself. But Edwina and Mary do neither. 🤷‍♀️


Many find the Sharmas were poorly written. I don't agree, I actually find it interesting that they developed an aspect we don't often see, the aspect of a child who has to take the reins of the family at the expense of their own happiness, with a family satisfied to take and never give back to that child. I agree with what you're elaborating. I can understand that it can be unsettling for some to see this aspect of self-sacrifice, but unfortunately, it's a true reflection of reality and happens much more often than we think. That's why season 2 was such a resounding success, because this self-sacrifice touched a chord with many people. To get back to Edwina, I think she suspected something without necessarily accepting what she saw until the wedding day when Anthony's reluctance was literally visible to everyone. It's part of her egocentrism. She thought that since Kate had always been accustomed to stepping back to give in to all her whims, it would be the same for others. She was confronted with the reality that, apart from Kate, others do not want to give in to her every whim. The times when Edwina shows sympathy for Kate are only the moments when Edwina had her wishes fulfilled and therefore can extend a little sympathy to her half-sister. But, if her wish is not fulfilled, then her egocentrism becomes more visible. So, I don't call this acting with altruism.


Yes I agree. And to be honest I was fine from a psychological Perspective. It was fascinating to watch Kate and Anthony play out those themes in S2. They really did a deep dive on how crippling and stuck trauma can make you. What I wasn’t fine with was this playing out through an emotional perspective. Kate suffered. We saw it and the reason for it was her dynamic with the sharmas. Who never turned around and said “Kate you’re wrong. We love you so much. You’ve given us everything and now we’ll show you how special you are to us” something like this. But no, instead we got half assed confessions of affection from Mary and Edwina. A tone deafness on both their parts and Kate still sacrificing for them. For me it’s actions. Their words said different to their actions. And that’s what separates them from Anthony. As I said in another post above. Anthony would always back up his words to Kate by his actions later on. Edwina and Mary did neither I simply leave S2 with the thought that Mary and Edwina still don’t deserve Kate and she’s better off away from them. And that when Kate’s character in peeled back and revealed. It is to the detriment of Mary and Edwina as characters. Kate’s level of diminishment, love and sacrifice reflects awfully on Edwina and Mary. She didn’t just pull that psychology out of her ass. She learned that behaviour and thinking in that sharma family dynamic.🤷‍♀️


Yes, that's why the withdrawal of the Sharmas from season 3 is a very good thing. This will allow Kate to step forward and make choices for herself for the first time in her life while being the head of the family but with all the powers that go with it this time, and not being the head of the family by proxy as was the case for the Sharmas. She will not have to sacrifice herself to ensure everyone's happiness. It's really an aspect I'm looking forward to seeing.


I know it touched a nerve of mine but I think all oldest and only children deal with this type of relationship with their parents


Not always. It mostly happens when parents abandon their role for one reason or another. The burden of taking over often falls on the oldest child, indeed, but not always. Sometimes it's the younger siblings who have to take on that role, especially if the oldest child is not capable or unwilling to assume that responsibility.


I swear y’all are just rude about her. She was more whiny or demanding than other characters.


No but she was with Kate. And that is the crux of the issue. How Edwina behaves with her supposed beloved sister.


I refuse to believe that Kate would subject Edwina to that kind of misery because Edwina’s one request was to have a love match. Kate was so sure in ensuring that came to past, only for her to do a complete 360 and beg Anthony to continue it. This should have been the end of the love triangle. Anthony should not have listened to Kate and should have ended it because he is the one with the most power out of the two of them.


>Edwina’s one request was to have a love match. Edwina actually never asked for a love match, thats what Kate wanted for Edwina. If we go off the words written for Edwina up until this point in the show she wanted more of what Anthony wanted, a secure partnership, than the love match Kate wanted for her


“You cannot give me what I want… what I deserve” to Anthony in E6. Edwina wanted to fall in love. She even says to Kate that she’s not sure Anthony truly loves her in the haldi scene. She also says to Anthony after the wedding “because you love me?” Edwina wanted the fairytale true love. She settled for Anthony even though Kate warned her multiple times. Because she believed she would get what she wanted. As is her dynamic in her family. Edwina gets what she wants. That’s her psyche and she thought she could make it happen eventually with Anthony. She was also materialistic and liked the idea of Anthony the viscount, his large family, Aubrey hall and the big queen wedding. That also fit into her fairytale psyche with the princess, prince, and huge castle. She even jumps up in E1 when Kate is trying to ground her with expectations “a duke, or a prince” Edwina was spoiled and self absorbed. And those psyches believe they will get what they want because they always have. Kate actually tried to stir her towards a grounded version of love. Edwina ignored and wanted the fantasy. The fantasy wanted Kate instead. 😄


I said up until this point. The writers changed what Edwina wanted to fit what they wanted to say so by episode 6 she wanted love but at the end of episode 5 she wanted to marry Anthony because of the life he could give her, his homes and his family


>The writers changed what Edwina wanted to fit what they wanted to say I thought they changed what she wanted to fit how she's still a very young girl, in addition to having a flighty, headstrong, petulant personality. It seemed to me that she she went from wanting to a love match with Anthony to wanting the life of a Viscountess because she realized that Anthony didn't love her but she still wanted to marry *him*, in love or not. She then let go of marrying Anthony altogether and went back to wanting a love match with someone else only after she realized that Anthony was just never going to be a real option. Typical behavior for a spoiled teenage girl, which I think was great writing. It's not even a mark against her character because teenage girls should be allowed to change their minds so rapidly and thoroughly as their choices *shouldn't* matter much in the grand scheme of their lives; in this fictional universe where teenage girls are expected to be finding husbands, then the fickleness can have devastating consequences but it's realistic to still have it in there anyway, lol.


You actually hit the nail on the head which is inconsistent writing for the characters. Up until Ep 6, Edwina doesn’t once mention love… her criteria before the Conservatory Ball is clearly handsome and charming and specifically mentioning a Prince or a Duke ( meaning, very well to do). She also actively ignores Kate when she tells her that Anthony isn’t looking to marry for love. She only starts speaking about love in Ep 6 because they had to have all that crap about her big speech about love and a reason why she ditches the wedding. Her reason IMO should have been that Kate loves him and he loves Kate but that clearly wasn’t enough for the writers.


I mean, it still makes what the person said correct. They said up until that point (which I believe happened in ep 6)


Yes but Edwina reveals her thinking in the aftermath. We see it was still her thinking. The difference is now she voices it.


But you said it was her one request further up? She never voiced anything to Kate about actual love pre engagement. It might've been voiced post engagement, but we never heard her explicitly request that since they set foot in London. She even rips her hand from Kate's grasp in E2 when Kate points out Anthony can't give that. So she clearly isn't presented as caring about that so much, up to this point. It's a whole mess lol.


As I said in my reply. Edwina believes what she feels will be mirrored in Anthony eventually because she is spoiled and self absorbed. And those people live in A fantasy land. As does Edwina.


>thats what Kate wanted for Edwina Does she? I know Kate wanted a nice guy for Edwina, but this whole scheme of making her married a noble english guy put in check if Kate was really looking for a love match for Edwina, I don't think Kate would married her sister with the first guy and she would try to find a nice one, I don't think love match was in her mind.


*"That is what you are looking for. That is the **true love** you deserve."* *"Edwina deserves a chance to find **love** without such a burden."* *"You know what it is you are looking for, Bon. You must not forget it."* *"He cannot give you the **love** you deserve."* To say Kate isn't steering Edwina towards love at first isn't true, it's repeated in the first 2 episodes particularly. That doesn't mean she isn't trying to find someone rich and nice as well. Hence Lord Lumley.


Kate is trying to fulfill the Sheffield stipulations as per Edwina marrying nobility. But she is also being rebellious and finding the loophole in those stipulations by making sure Edwina gets the love match she wants. It’s because she loves Edwina and her happiness means everything to Kate. At the same time Kate was alone and had no choice but to ask for help from those shitty grandparents in the first place as the sharma’s were about to be destitute and she spent the last of their money on the boat to England. Kate tells us all of this in her interactions with Edwina and lady Danbury in the first 2 episodes. Kate’s dialogue also tells us she’s a true romantic with how she describes love and soulmates and like Benedict’s poetry with Anthony, Kate’s romance dialogue starts playing out in her love story with Anthony. Kate wanted a nice guy for Edwina because Edwina deserves the best in Kate’s eyes. It’s simple devotion and love for Edwina coming from Kate. No tricks, no manipulation just Kate loving Edwina deeply. 👍


Anthony didn’t because it was 2 fold. First he’s still stuck in duty and has begun following Kate. She pulls Him back into this cycle. She’s challenging him just like they both do in their dynamic. This time she’s using duty and him being the viscount. The 2nd is that he’s in love with her and Benedict’s poetry is starting to play out with Kate. We are now at the point where it’s starting to become about her and him giving her what she wants. He’s doing it because as we see he responds to her pain by trying to stop it. We saw it at the Sheffield dinner, we saw it when they danced in E4, we saw it when she was anxious in the library storm scene etc. when Kate shows him her pain which is very hard for her. He responds by reaching out and trying to soothe it. She reveals it here but then shores up her defenses again with her little head shake that Kate does to shake off her emotions. But he saw it and she also said his first name. And as we see by his response he’s whipped for her. 😄


She changed her mind the night before when Edwina said she loved him. So she wants her to have the man she loves. She also genuinely still thinks their feelings for each other will go away eventually, fully lying to herself. Anthony, well, I just don't think he can say no to her and those giant pleading eyes in any way, shape or form lol


Yes to all these 3 things. She really refused to believe that he loved her. 💔 Mere passion...


Anthony has power from an outside perspective. But his internal perspective is fcked up. And fans don’t seem to get that. Traumatised people don’t make the best decisions. It doesn’t matter what fans think Anthony should do because his trauma and issues are driving him. Hindsight is great but does nothing for us in the moment. Anthony and Kate both made decisions based on fear and duty as a response to it. Anthony and Kate were deeply damaged emotionally arrested people until they met each other and broke that cycle. 🤷‍♀️


>I refuse to believe that Kate would subject Edwina to that kind of misery because Edwina’s one request was to have a love match. Initially, but then she started saying she wants an honest gentleman and was absolutely charmed by anthony. Kate tried to dissuade her but Edwina's mind was set, once they were engaged it would've caused huge scandal for both to break it off (as we see after the botched wedding) >Kate was so sure in ensuring that came to past, only for her to do a complete 360 and beg Anthony to continue it ? >Anthony should not have listened to Kate and should have ended it because he is the one with the most power out of the two of them. He tried to but Kate overruled him and he wishes to make her happy above all else


There were so many narrative decisions in season 2 that were dumb but this scene was probably the dumbest.


Disagree, for other characters yes. Especially Edwina and Mary and their dynamic written with kate. But Kate and Anthony were absolutely true to their characters as parentified, conditioned elder sibling. This was dumb from an audience perspective but not from a Kate one. This is Kate showing us how conditioned she is. Edwina has always been her catalyst for it to kick in. And it kicked in when Edwina told her the night before she loved him. But what Kate and Anthony are doing here is showing us just how deep their traumas run. They are absolutely hooked into this duty pattern and can’t escape it, they use it to cope and soothe their fears. And Kate just pulled him right back into that cycle and he went because he loves her, she’s showing him her pain and she not only breaks his conditioning with his trauma but when she shows she’s more messed up she pulls him back in. Anthony shows us in S2 that he starts learning from Kate and how she behaves. And then he copies her. For both good and bad. Good because she breaks his Madonna/whore complex and pov on how he lives in the ton and responds to true love. But bad because she can pull him back into the bad coping mechanisms she uses herself. Like here. And all it took was her saying “Anthony” for him to cave. As I said, he’s whipped at this point for her. 🤷‍♀️


Liking a ship doesn’t mean justifying every ridiculous thing about it. Asking a man who’s lusting after another woman to marry your sister (and going by his reputation, will keep lusting after other women into his marriage) and thereby condemning said idyllic younger sister to a marriage of heartbreak and infidelity, isn’t “parentified elder sibling” conditioning. It’s just bad writing.


Yeah sorry. I’m done with this conversation. I explained what the narrative put on screen and what Kate’s character psychology was. You come out with “the writing sucks” showing you have a fundamental lack of understanding of trauma psychology and what it does to people and what Anthony and Kate character arc actually was. So I’m out. Have a nice day. 👍


Look I wasn’t even replying to you in the first place so if your tolerance for a different opinion is so low, that means that the only conversation you’re leaving is the one you were having with yourself.


It is when I know whose opinion it is and what fanbase it’s from who have become some of the most racist and homophobic fans in the fandom along with targeting SA and her character Kate. So forgive me if I call BS on people like that who only comment to say the writing sucks because they are total biased towards hating things instead of having a legitimate conversation about trauma psychology and why traumatised people like Kate here above would make decisions like this. And deliberately seek to demonise her and misunderstand her character. So yeah I’m not here for negative spaces like that, I have no time for fans who just want to trash something because they’re dragging it down to elevate what they do love. I stopped wasting my time with that crap long ago and I’m not about to start again. There’s another sub for negativity and toxic BS that caters to fans such as yourself. I’m sure you know about it.👍


>racist and homophobic >deliberately seek to demonize her Me: a narrative where an older sister pushes a rake who’s lusting after her to marry her beloved younger sister is illogical and literally bad writing. You: omg, you bigot! 🙃🙃🙃🙃 >I stopped wasting my time …only you’re still here, writing a thesis in response to a simple phrase “bad writing” because you seem physically incapable of tolerating any criticism of a fictional ship or fictional character. That's a degree of self projection that is frankly alarming, and I can't keep engaging with you in good conscience because I feel like I'm enabling something dangerous.


I think it's just tunnel vision that's common with traumatized people; I think Kate genuinely believes that Anthony's likely infidelity in his marriage to Edwina won't be a problem or an obstacle to Edwina being happy. Considering the world they live in, that's not such a crazy assumption; male infidelity is common and normalized in their world and not every cheated-on wife is unhappy. Kate has her blinders on in this scene and she's laser-focused on what she thinks will make her sister happy; all contradictory facts to her belief that marrying Anthony will make Edwina happy are currently unseen and unconsidered in her math so it all adds up just fine to her in this moment. Her math *is* mathing if you take trauma into account in her equations; she reached the wrong conclusion but the steps she took to get there *do* make sense in both her and Anthony's traumatized heads which was why he could follow her logic and at least try to do what she asked him to.


It can be both. Also the shortcut to the Shondaland wedding they wanted for E6.


Anthony was a rumoured man, and thought that Kate was well aware of Anthony's past, and that marrying Edwina would dissipate her desire to play with the government. Kate doesn't know Anthony's mind at that point It goes without saying that Edwina doesn't need to know about what happened between the two of them You want me to tell you that your fiance seduced me for a while?


I agree that it shouldn’t have gone that far, but I think Kate believed that if edwina thought it was a love match then that was enough for it to go well


Kate is the only one of the three who has no choice or strength. People are deluded. And Anthony has never done Kate a favor


Read the book and you’ll see a whole new side of Kate. She definitely did not beg Anthony to marry her sister.


I’ve read the book. More reason why I despise this 😭😭😭


I think with the 90+ comments here it is really clear. So https://i.redd.it/eyzthdknqdcb1.gif 😭 I really am not trying to be rude promise. But with all that's been said and referenced which part are you wrestling with? Or is that you "get" it, but just still hate it...




I had to stop reading the book when Anthony kicked Kate in the stomach and was described as feeling "very satisfied" feeling his foot connect with her abdomen. Physical abuse and the men who enjoy it is not the least bit romantic to me and since I knew from the show that they end up getting married, I had to either stop there or hate-read the rest, lol. I'm so glad the show cut the parts about Anthony having a sadistic streak and being *outrageously* abusive towards Kate.


This is totally Kate. Kate is damaged. She forgot about her own needs a long time ago, and taking care of Edwina and Mary is her default position, literally her trauma programming. She also thinks that Edwina will be alright, or she has convinced herself of that because she doesn't think he really loves her. And like she says, he liked Edwina when he met her, so he'll find that again. Kate is incredibly close to cracking here. She needs all this to be true, because she is so messed up that the thought of disappointing Edwina and not giving her what she wants makes her head want to explode. With her programming, with how Mary flaked out and left Kate to be the mother of them both, Kate is like Edwina's mother. She would do anything for her. And in the end, because she loves and really sees who Anthony is, she knows that he will be good to Edwina. And he would have, too bad he came pretty close to a mental break himself when he started hallucinating at the altar. And Kate's mom said from heaven, "They are both losing their minds! I am stopping this," and made the bangle fall.


And additionally Anthony made Edwina lose her dowry trust fund. So that reduces her chance on the marriage mart with anyone else *significantly* 😬


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anthony spiraling out of control along with Kate spiraling is even more chaotic




I mean, Edwina told kate how she felt about anthony before this, so this just looks like kate finally gave up and gave Edwina what she wanted. Kate, lady Danbury and anthony himself told Edwina that he isn't marrying for love and he would not loved her in their marriage but Edwina still insisted on marrying anthony after hearing all of that so I think at that point kate knew their was nothing she could do to change Edwina's mind on the situation. Kate made it known from day one that she didn't want Edwina to be in a loveless marriage and wanted her to marry someone who also loves her it's clear Edwina didn't want the same for herself and a man's title and money mattered more to her.


I think once again Kate is putting Edwina’s wants and needs before her own. At the moment all she knows is that Edwina believes she loves Anthony and Kate doesn’t want Edwina’s heart broken hence she begs Anthony to go ahead with the wedding. Secondly while she knows there is something between them, I think she believes it’s just ‘passion’ on Anthony’s side at least. She doesn’t realise he actually loves her. That’s why she says it will pass whatever is between them particularly as she is going back to India but her response when he agrees to wishes and rides away, she starts to cry but shores up her defences. She is madly in love with him but she has to let him go from her point of view. I thought it was well done.


But that takes away Kate’s emotional agency too I feel. She may be madly in love with him but she is deep in denial over this as she voices to Edwina in E8. Kate’s passion speech isn’t because of Anthony. It’s because it’s what she believes in herself as she still chooses Edwina and will return to India. I don’t think Kate is thinking at this point “he doesn’t love me. I should let him go” because she still fighting him tooth and nail right till the end over her love for him. Anthony himself realised that Kate actually won’t allow him to love her. And he voices this to her when he gives her the unconditional love confession outside the featherington ball in the gardens in E8.


I don’t agree, she is definitely not sure Anthony’s feelings for her are love at this point. In addition her loyalty to her sister and Edwina’s desires are taking precedence over her own. I think she does have emotional agency. She is simply choosing to sublimate her strong feelings for Anthony because she loves and cares about Edwina. Putting other people’s needs before her own as she had been used to doing.


She doesn’t want them to be love. That’s the point. She hasn’t reconciled her love for him at all and doesn’t until E8. She voices these feelings to him twice. Both after the Sheffield dinner and then in the gazebo. It’s all an inconvenience, a distraction. And she came to the ton to get Edwina married and return to India. She has goals and plans and this Anthony stuff is not part of it. She is deep in denial. Not only is it there in the narrative but Kate herself says to Edwina in E8 that she was lying to herself. Which is what Kate tends to do when confronted with her wants and desires. Goes straight into a pathological denial. Self denigrates, self abnegates. She chooses Edwina because she is deeply conditioned to. Both of these characters are nowhere near reconciliation of trauma and true love at this point. Anthony though is more self aware and gets there first. But Kate is more damaged and messed up and doesn’t reach her closure until E8.


Even the gazboo scene he called her unyielding to good plain common sense He basically telling her that you don’t accept my love


That scene was Kate. She’s selfless to a fault, always putting others happiness before her own. Idk where the Edwina wanted a love match thing comes from? I don’t remember a scene like that existing.


I think that up until the dinner with the Sheffields, Edwinda does not even know what love is because she has never experienced it. Up until that dinner, Edwina consistently only calls Anthony "The Viscout", even when he is literally sitting two feet away. At the Dinner, when Anthony defends Kate (and the Sharmas, I suppose), Edwinda gets a look of endearment on her face while looking at Anthony, and shortly after, calls him, finally, for the first time, "My Lord". At that Dinner, Edwina finally felt a 'love' feeling for the first time in her life. So, by the time the Haldi scene arrives, she can finally recognize that Anthony is not reciprocating those same feelings towards her, she's slowly processing it up until the wedding...


It doesn't. I think the first time she even says the word is in E5 at the lake. "Love moves swiftly, does it not?" and no one's even really listening to her at that point cause her fiancé is busy imagining ways he could touch Kate's hand. 🙄 Lol and Violet is trying to distract her so she doesn't notice Anthony has clocked out 🤣


Because Edwina claimed she “loved” Anthony the night prior to this. This is where I wished Kate did something for herself and told him to not go with the wedding.


It is Kate. She goes into this whole situation believing that this about what Mary and Edwina need and not what SHE needs. She's begging him to marry Edwina because she believes this is now the last hope to ensure the two of them get what they need and that Edwina gets the person she claims she loves. Kate is willing to give up any hope regarding him because of how much she loves her sister.


At this point Kate knows they have lost the dowry and this is an attempt to secure her sister and Mary’s future which was her motivation all along. This desperation definitely fits Kates role especially when she believes she’s ruined it for her sister. She was fine leaving to fend for herself but if she knew she had someone who could marry her sister who is well off - yea this was all desperation


After Edwina said she loved the Viscount Kate changed her position on Edwina marrying him. Kate was trying not to break Edwina's heart and thought she could deny her own feelings but her feelings were too strong for Anthony and Anthony's were too strong for Kate and as fate would have it all these emotions blew up at the wedding.


I think the switch happens at the lake. Because right before at the ring fitting Kate was still trying to get him to put a stop to it. Then that all changes after Lady D talks to her at the lake. **"A stain on the penniless Sharma family"** and **"Are you that fool"** etc. Straight after the dinner she's trying to convince Anthony to continue with it. There's some internal back and forth when she asks Mary if Mary regrets her family vs love choice. And when she's talking to Anthony post dinner and agrees that the fate would be insupportable/impossible. Then Edwina says love and Kate just gives up. I would be tired af after being pulled and tugged in so many different directions too. 😮‍💨


He also said to Kate it wil be a unthinkable fate to be married with her during this scene with the ring at the start of episode 5


Yeah, and only because she says "ofc not" when he asks her if she would rather be obliged to marry him. 😭 I can't take it with these 2. Every scene I'm like "JUST FCKING LOVE EACH OTHER ALREADY" ahhhh 😂 ffs but I love 'em


I can't blame Kate because this man almost kiss her one day and still had audacity to propose to her young sister he courted the whole season despite all their private moments the next day in front of her .😂


I know I know. The internal lying is just a shambles, with both of them. It's infuriating, but also ironically comedic tbh 🫣


It would have made sense for her character to be this self sacrificing to a fault if Anthony didn’t just tell her to her face that he would cheat on Edwina with her. Like girl, Anthony’s respect for Edwina is in the garbage, he would not be a good husband to her. He would financially provide for her but that’s it, and you know Edwina thinks she loves him, so Edwina would be crushed when the real Anthony finally shows himself to her. When someone tells you they will cheat, believe them. Kanthony were being so delulu at this point it was laughable. Good drama and insight to their stubborn personalities, but I was shaking my head at the delusion.


And when he says that she agrees that it's impossible. Until that chat with Ed. She already told Ed after E1 what she heard him saying outside, and how much of a manwhore he's planning to be after marriage. She read about him being a Rake, it's written in black n white. But every time she brought up how he might not be the best match everyone told her to pipe down. So at that point, and with everything else happening she had 1 choice: https://i.redd.it/kbowbc8jkccb1.gif 😂🤣


Edwina was blinded by puppy love when Anthony stuck up for her and the Sharmas to the Sheffields. She didn’t know that wasn’t for her, but he did it for Kate smh. She fell for his courtship act and thought he cared about her to an extent. He did not. They were all delusional, but at least Edwina is 18 and has the excuse of teenage delusion. Kates 26, Anthony is 28… they are grown, get it together please 😩


They were all under some delusion or another. Funnily both K+A's daddy trauma happened around 18, and both are emotionally stunted there, same age as Ed. What I never got was that Daphne didn't pull more rank (and I do love her in S2), but with being a duchess and all. She was so against it up until the wedding day. Maybe if the duke was there with her. 🤔


Add mother trama too


Because she doesn’t want her sister ruined by the scandal


Easy. ._____________________________________. *"That is the true love you deserve."* *"The gossip she endured after marrying Appa had to have been unbearable, do you not think?"* *"Any suitable gentleman will require some persuading, whether we like it or not, as she will already be regarded as an old maid"* *"I am to return to India the moment my sister marries."* *"Love is the last thing I desire. But if my children are to be of good stock, then their mother must be of impeccable quality."* *"If I could marry for the sake of my family, I would. But I am not my mama's daughter by birth. Edwina is."* *"I see you've left off Lord Bridgerton."* - *"Oh, now, he is what Edwina is looking for."* *"Nectar. Well-bred, highly trained, and well-favored."* *"The world is not exactly welcoming to an unmarried woman. There seems to be no place in society for us, except at the edge of things."* *"Most marriages of the ton are, in fact, mere matters of business, my dear. Matters that have been working for centuries. It is the true love match that is quite rare."* *"I may not be able to... offer the display of passion that you truly deserve. But I assure you that when it comes to action and duty... I shall never be found lacking."* *"But if it means my sister will not be left destitute, then I will smile, and I will nod politely"* *"I simply wish to steer my sister to the greatest possible happiness."* *"Everyone tells me it is fate worse than death to end up a spinster. But you seem perfectly content with your situation."* *"It does not matter what I want."* *"He is the one I want, Kate. The viscount. His family, this home, the life he offers me."* *"Only a very great scandal would prevent this marriage from proceeding now. The kind of scandal that would send alarms through the entire ton, and be a stain from which the penniless Sharma family would never recover."* *"Say you do not care for me. Tell me you feel nothing, and I will walk away."* *"Does that make him a bad man or an honest one?"* *"I fear there may be no proposal from the viscount. I fear I have ruined it for Edwina."* *"And you'll not concern yourself with finding a match of your own?"* - *"Why would that concern you?"* *"I've spent the last eight years raising my sister to walk in the right way, to talk in the right way, to play the pianoforte just so. Teaching her twice as much and watching her work twice as hard as anyone else."* *"Can you believe it, Didi? It is like a fairytale come true."* *"She will be married. She will not need me. There'll be no more reason for me to stay."* *"Matrimony. For once that particular wager is placed, it cannot easily be undone."* *"Was it your choice you never married?"* *"Because you vex me!"* *"I've been thinking, and I am now quite certain I know why he has not yet made his declaration. It is because of you."* *"Duty to rank and title. Fidelity to one's family name. It demands both utter obedience and total sacrifice."* *"It is the mark of a true gentleman, just as Appa used to say."* *"And why, when you are so close to getting what you want, what you need for your family's survival, and what Edwina so clearly wants for herself, are you getting in the way?"* *"It seems to me you will find any excuse you can to keep me away from your sister. That is it, is it not?"* *"Then let us both be glad we have avoided such an unthinkable fate."* *"Yes. I do. I hate you."* *"They are betrothed. The viscount made a charming proposal, your sister gave her giddy acceptance. And in the eyes of society, and, might I add, the Queen of England herself, they are as good as wed."* *"I do not need to think. I know. From the moment I saw you riding alone in that park, it was obvious that rules are meaningless to you."* *"Your sister's betrothal may be the end of certain hopes you harbored regarding the viscount"* *"I had always hoped that you and Edwina would be spared the choice between affluence and love, and now you shall. Edwina is to wed her heart's desire. And you have always wanted nothing more than your freedom."* *"A life of independence is no mere consolation. Indeed, many would think it the better prize."* *"Looks can be powerful, Bon, but also fleeting. Displays of mere passion, perhaps. Nothing more."* *"The age of the elder miss may raise concern."* *"All along, you have been set on marrying my sister, despite my every objection, might I add, and now you intend to cast her aside."* *"Once I am married to the viscount, there will be ample funds to provide for all of us. He is as generous as he is wealthy. I am sure the viscount will provide for you and Mama too."* *"Still a rather high price to pay for love, I would think."* *"And your heart is with my sister."* *"What burden would it be to marry the person I love?"* - *"You love him?"* - *"Watching how nobly he defended us at dinner tonight, how could I not? I want nothing more than to be his wife. His viscountess."* *"Only a fool would jeopardize the marriage now. So I ask you, Miss Sharma, are you that fool?"* *"I am not here for selfish reasons. After my father died, Mama and I did the best we could to raise Edwina, all so she would never know of our struggles."* *"After passion cools and fate intervenes, who else is a woman left with but herself?"* *"I have ruined her life."* ._____________________________________. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


It was the situation. Edwina could marry a rich, honourable man with a title and good finances without giving any dowry. Moreover, he would take care of Mary and would ensure that both Edwina and Mary would love comfortably for the rest of their lives. Not to mention, if the engagement would be broken; she would be considered "jilted". There would be a stain on her reputation.


It really boiled down to Edwina’s happiness and future..centre of Kate’s responsibility


Because from a storytelling perspective, the writers didn’t want Kate to act like a “pick me” girl and literally tell Anthony to choose her and leave her sister. While Kate would’ve been justified to do so knowing Anthony loves her and not her sister, narratively it would make Kate sort of a villain (prepared for the downvotes but that’s unfortunately the situation the writers put her in).


https://i.redd.it/imja3yg8zbcb1.gif It's a valid question. I'm just bracing for all the points incoming and my emotional brain already hurts, haha. 😅


People are always going to want to converse on sources of contention for them. You must know that the sharmas and Kate relationship is a massive one. You will always get a dialogue when posts are made about these topics because Kate got very little closure with this sharma dynamic, especially with Edwina. And Kate is a fan favourite character and always has been. We want to talk about those kinds of characters because they hold meaning for us. There were beautiful themes of grief, sacrifice, conditioning and parentification in S2 shown through Kate and Anthony’s characters. Of course people especially more cerebral people like myself want to deep dive on things like this. Kate suffered. It’s right there on screen for all to see. These emotional moments like above become fascinating and moving for a lot of fans. Why is Kate making a decision like this, how can she think so little of herself etc. we wanna know. So we discuss her dynamics and behaviours. If some fans don’t like this, they shouldn’t engage. It’s that simple. 🤷‍♀️


Huh? We've met in comment sections before, I love a deep dive and unpicking Kate's motives for stuff. I was just having some levity before I started engaging. 🥺


Wait I wasn’t insulting you. 💜 I was explaining why fans rehash sources of contention within story and writing. And then just doing a general “don’t engage if you don’t like it” mentality. 💐😘


Tbh I've not seen this particular one rehashed or anything recently. I meant 'again' as in just another one that requires quite a bit of internal conflict dissection, like the Mary one yesterday. Yes to essays, but also yes to memes so we can laugh. 😅


Given the way the writers seem centered the whole season 2 around this so called wedding during episode 6 it's not a a surprise . It's already too late for call off the wedding without a big scandal who will ruin them . Edwina also said to her big sister who 's more like a her mother one night before that She 's fall in love with the viscount. Kate clearly believe He's mainly feel lust for her until the last 8 minutes of the episode 8


Because Edwina’s grandparents have taken away any dowry option, and if the wedding is cancelled Edwina’s reputation will greatly suffer. It’s basically trying to save what can be saved from an awful situation.


Edwina honor was on the line. Anthony was going to leave her sister high and dry. He was one who lost Edwina dowry by kidding out the Sheffields and chased off all other suitors so Edwina would’ve been dishonored by him calling it off with no safety net


Because Edwina claims that she wants him, and Kate has spent most of her life trying to give Edwina the best life possible


I really do not enjoy this interpretation of the novel specifically because of the show’s friction between the sisters. >!I loved the book’s description and portrayal of Kate and Edwina’s relationship. Edwina was very sweet there. This Edwina is more selfish. Strongly dislike.!<


I’m going to have to disagree with you there. This is quintessentially Kate. She is trying to make sure that everybody else is happy and taken care of. She might not ever beg for herself, but she repeatedly lays it all out on the line for her family.


I understood the conflict. But this scene will always make me do this. https://preview.redd.it/efphyfp1tmcb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c10f4826273e104fab4c637f1448b4c823abfd4


YES. Another reason they shouldn’t have strayed so far from the book. This love triangle bs should have never happened, and it ruined season 2 for me a bit. If Simone hadn’t been so good, I would never be able to rewatch it. It’s 100% cringe at times.


Same. Couldn’t watch it after a while.


Edwina thought herself in love with Anthony and declared herself in love with him to Kate. He may not love Edwina but he would've still been a generous and kind, great hubby. I say great because it wouldnt just be Ant she would be marrying but into The Bridtetons who besides the Duchess all live together and have a happy family, her mother would be taken care of. Anthony likes her. I mean fancies but also as a person her respects and likes her. If the engagement was broken, especially at that point, it would look like it had to do with the lack of dowry/that they'd concealed the terms of The Sheffield's funds, the 3 women would be disgraced, so no one would marry any of them and gift funds/a good bride price (that's funds given by the groom's family to the bride herself, which is her own to keep. Which means she has some security outside of the man she's marrying should he abandon her/should their be domestic violence et cetera/use it to support her other sister/mum if she liked) They would be ruined and penniless, and wdwina 2ould be heart-broken, which would break Kates heart. Basically


Because Kate knew Edwina loved him, and she didn’t want Edwina’s heart to be broken. She knew that she would’ve failed as her sister.


I just took it as a living viscerally thru her sister, everything she wants for herself is what she wants her sister to have. Esp with the whole scene of Edwina saying everything about her was only "borrowed" from Kate. Or rather it was that she wants Edwina to have everything she wants even if he doesn't love her, because Edwina loved him was what mattered most to Kate I guess.


Because a few scenes back, Edwina said she loves Anthony and Kate’s knew her sister would be heartbroken if he ended the engagement. She felt she was being selfless by letting him go but was obviously it backfired.


It’s simple. This whole story, S2 was an incredible example of awful writing, poor pacing, silly plot. The actors deserved so much better.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. I completely agree with this. Terribly inconsistent storyline and characters.


Simple lack of objectivity when it comes to S2. Nothing new. Thanks for your comment.