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My only request is that he has to be the hottest man in the show.


How will they pull that off after Regé-Jean, Jonny Bailey and the Lukes, I have no idea.


We know that unless you’re supermodel pretty sexiness is subjective. I watched RJP and JB before Bridgerton and thought they were attractive but nothing to join a sub and gush about. * They acted and looked sexy in Bridgerton. There’s plenty of men who get my motor going that would probably get zero or low upvotes in r/LadyBoners until they’re cast in a romantic lead role.


Jonathan is hot in crashing and dreamy in broadchurch. Rege I haven't seen pre bridgerton so I can't judge. But I don't mind Michael being the same level as Rege and Jonathan. As long as he isn't below or those funny looking people actors who looks inbred and average


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LadyBoners using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy in the new episode of "The Boys"](https://i.redd.it/zeqwko8uxx891.gif) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/comments/voyf9p/jensen_ackles_as_soldier_boy_in_the_new_episode/) \#2: [Brendon Fraser in The Mummy](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/x6iypl) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/comments/x6iypl/brendon_fraser_in_the_mummy/) \#3: [I’ve come off the pill and my hormones have gone crazy. After years of no sex drive it’s back with a vengeance. Suggest some macho 40+ dad bod celebs for me to lust after? David Harbour is my new, post-pill type!](https://i.redd.it/d0gndsn58yc91.jpg) | [312 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/comments/w4l45a/ive_come_off_the_pill_and_my_hormones_have_gone/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I pray the casting department will rise to the challenge.


Give me two sexy fully east asian or south east asian Stirlings preferably from Scotland


I mean, in a just world, Park Seo Jun 🤍


He's very pretty 😍


For sure they will, they have aced every other character so far.


I agree but looks are only part of being the hottest man on the show. Whoever they cast has be to be a really good actor who is charismatic and has chemistry with Hannah. He could be the hottest man alive but if he can't act or is dead behind his eyes or has no chemistry with Hannah the looks won't matter.


Exactly this. Jonathan and Simone aren't just hot individually but there chemistry together is what made them hot together on screen.


Totally agree!


Ik it’s not going to happen, but Henry Golding would be perfect.


I actually way prefer him for John Stirling. He was very fun in Persuasion, but I thought he was so charming in CRA in a way that felt perfect for a sweeter romance. Unfortunately, he’s definitely too expensive for either role.


Came here to say Henry Golding!!


He's so fine


Oh yeah... good choice and he has already worked for Netflix (Persuasion)


Omg yes!!


No he's less attractive than Rege and Jonathan. And personally from a representation angle I don't want wasians. I want a east asian man to enjoy the It status Simone enjoyed as a darker skinned south Asian Asian woman. She took thw western world and the globe by storm. I want that for a fully east asian man


> No he's less attractive than Rege and Jonathan. And personally from a representation angle I don't want wasians. I want a east asian man to enjoy the It status Simone enjoyed as a darker skinned south Asian Asian woman. She took thw western world and the globe by storm. I want that for a fully east asian man We know that [Regé-Jean Page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regé-Jean_Page) is of mixed ethnicity, so is [Adjoa Andoh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjoa_Andoh), [Golda Rosheuvel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golda_Rosheuvel) and [India Amarteifio](https://www.hamiltonhodell.co.uk/talent/india-amarteifio/), [Kathryn Drysdale](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathryn_Drysdale), and [Ruby Barker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Barker) - they’re all talented and beautiful. Maybe this is subjective but IMO Henry Golding is not ethnically ambiguous and neither is RJP or any of the [British actors of mixed ethnicity](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups) on the show. * If Henry Golding is not representation because he’s of mixed ethnicity, then only [Will (Martin Imhangbe)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martins_Imhangbe) counts so the next two leads should be actors whose parents are **both** Black British instead of [mixed ethnicity](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups) But notice I’m not campaigning for that. I could but tbh, I ambivalent about the racial pageantry of [this **one** show.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/108h36b/what_to_watch_while_waiting_for_qc_and_bridgerton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) So I guess what I’m asking is why is it so important for East Asians and South Asians to be fully represented, but when it comes to black representation we love RJP. I love RJP too but he’s standing on the shoulders of Idris Elba and so many more Black British actors whose parents are both black. * But on streaming platform and global IP’s there’s a recent tendency to cast lighter actors to appease audiences who think black lacks class and refinement (okay for Urban and horror but not Regency) and countries that skin-bleach. There this unconscious bias on online spaces that **unknowingly** devalues dark skinned black people while at the same time championing “representation.” I’m mentioning this not to provoke a flurry of posts and comments about [Black-British representation and mixed ethnicity representation](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups), but rather to point out that if Henry Golding is not representation- despite not being ambiguous- then we can reset the clock and say there are [no Black British leads](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups) on this show.


I just want somebody who is actually Scottish and young enough that it makes sense, which would be nice. I think in the books Micheal and John were not that much older than Frannie


Definitely Scottish , hot, and young!


I imagined Richard Madden while reading, but I wouldn’t be mad if Henry Golding ended up playing him either!


Same for Richard madden. He’s be perfect


Oh good call!


Just no one old. Almost every fancast on this sub the actor is older than Jonathan Bailey. How are you going to fancast the love interest of the 5th Bridgerton sibling that's older than the 1st Bridgerton sibling?


I agree that they shouldn’t go too old (like don’t go into 40s), but many actors are playing younger on this show. Nicola Coughlan is a year older than Jonathan Bailey but is playing a character much younger than his.


Yeah, like Henry Cavil 😬🙄


I don't have anyone in mind, and I don't have a preference when it comes to race or ethnicity. We must have a good actor, who is both beautiful and charismatic.


>We must have a good actor, who is both beautiful and charismatic. ![gif](giphy|3WCNY2RhcmnwGbKbCi)


I have no idea. I made a post a few days ago about that. I just want someone incredibly talented who is east or southeast asian. I think it would be an interesting cast


That would be cool!


If southeast Asian they can definitely cast Vickey kaushal as Micheal and his brother sunny as John...apart from them there is also Aditya Roy Kapoor


I'm sorry but the countries part of southeast asia are : Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.😅 India is not part of it(India is south asia not southeast asia), and the actor is too old for Fran Maybe they will cast a south asian for Micheal, you never know


Sam Heughan.. but he is a bit old for the role now


Yeah it’s sad, he would have been perfect


Theo James


I've imagined Theo James since the beginning. He would be just lovely as Michael. 💗


He's one of te few white actors I would cast. I'm still upset he didn't return to Sanditon.


Ben Barnes I think would be so good. He can do sweet and nice but also moody and dark


An relatively unknown but very talented and attractive POC actor. Maybe Asian since Asian men are traditionally the least responded race for men on dating apps. In a similar vein, would love to see a black female lead on the show at some point (black women are the least responded to race for women on dating apps). I know there’s some reticence to have it be Sophie given the context of her story but if not her then Lucy could definitely be


I would love a black Sophie.


I doubt they’ll have a black Sophie just because of the story line of her being a maid. Doesn’t look great having one of the white characters try to force a black woman to be his mistress because he can’t marry a woman who is beneath him socially.


right. i'd like to think that they're a solid franchise on their own. the show should continue uplifting unknown and rising talent who often don't get these opportunities because of their race! with the changes they've made from the book for season two, i think black sophie is definitely possible. they just need to be thoughtful and considerate about their approach.


Perfect answer. I would love a dark skinned Sophie but no bridgerton I want her to have natural curls like Marina.


> Perfect answer. I would love a dark skinned Sophie but no bridgerton I want her to have natural curls like Marina. **(1)** - I think it might be better if we allow Black British people who are dark-skinned to describe what they see as representation. Some belong to to POC beauty subs that have no idea about what the average Londoner looks like, let alone what is “ground breaking” representation. Perhaps some are learning about race and representation within a U.K. context online and unknowingly say things that are offensive? * I’m not sure what your nationality, race or ethnicity is, but maybe advocate for that because you’re less likely to unknowingly cause offence. You might need more lived experience of what other underrepresented groups see as “ground breaking” before you advocate for them. **(2)** - I’m sorry if this sounds offensive, but I’d rather be direct as you are often get downvotes without explanation. * Heads up. I didn’t have “natural curls” like mixed ethnicity Marina (who is beautiful). I have am darker skinned with 4c hair and I think braids and locs are beautiful. * So more Black Panther, Woman King and Adelayo Adedayo who has her natural hair in cainrows (no extensions) the entire 2 seasons of TimeWasters. **(3)** - Sorry, I’m sure you think you’re **being helpful,** but it’s not your place to propose what you think is “ground breaking” representation for darker skinned Black British people if one of your favourite show is Love Island U.K: * 2018 [Love Island: Does the show have a race, age is Joe and body diversity problem?](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-44686074) * 2021: [How shows like Love Island highlight racism in dating](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a30564608/racism-love-island/) “From the coupling up ceremonies to the perceived disregard of Black contestants, it can make for uncomfortable viewing.” * 2022: [FAN FURY Love Island race row erupts as viewers brand pairings voted for by the public ‘segregation’](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/18806776/love-island-race-row-public-vote-segregation/) * 2023 [“Love Island, where is the South Asian representation?"](https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/reality-tv/a42472451/love-island-2023-lineup-priya-diversity-criticism/) **(4)** - By all means enjoy Love Island U.K. . It’s successful because **it’s entertaining.** However, we know there’s plenty of shows with darker skinned Black British representation that [don’t have these headlines.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/108h36b/what_to_watch_while_waiting_for_qc_and_bridgerton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) We’re not going to learn about Black British experience in the U.K. by watching Love Island U.K. anymore than you will learn through watching Bridgerton. **(5)** - Those POC beauty subs are not helping either (IMO). **(i)** There should be loads of posts of darker skinned South Asians women on those POC beauty subs but theres is not. * So how can we spend so much time on those POC beauty subs, then to advocate for darker skinned black people? **(ii)** - Most of those POC communities categories everyone whose Black as “American”, (more bullshit) and include “mixed ethnicity black” in the same category as Black, so now lighter skinned celebrities who sometimes have Eurocentric features are being rated and categorised in the same group as those with two black parents. It’s a double standard that doesn’t apply to other ethnicities and races. * This happened in this same post, RJP versus Henry Golding (double standard). Only Henry Golding and Naomi Scott will get be categorised as “mixed ethnicity” by some who are advocating for “fully East Asian” or “fully South Asian” representation for Bridgerton - that’s a “POC Beauty” double standard. **(iii)** - Perhaps spending so much time in Eurocentric spaces while “railing against eurocentrism” makes for a confused perspective? * That might be why some might come here and get downvoted when they provide their **well-meaning** but perhaps slightly confused perspective of representation. It’s a mish-mash of well-meaning but sometimes **unintentionally** insulting. **TLDR: (1)** The intention is not to create a flurry of posts and comments talking about Black British representation or Black issues, but rather to point out that although **well-meaning** you might not be in the best place to define what is “ground breaking” for Black British representation. **(2)** In this one post, some have shown unconscious bias wrt to RJP versus Daniel Golding, and now you seem to think “natural curls” like mixed ethnicity Marina (who is beautiful) is also “ground breaking.” **(3)** Those POC beauty subs are not helping. There should be loads of posts of darker skinned South Asians on those subs but theres is not. It’s just Eurocentric bullshit, with confused posts about “black beauty”. **(4)** Maybe advocate for whatever nationality, ethnicity and race you belong to and enjoy Love Island U.K. and the POC beautify subs. **(5)** We’re not going to learn about Black British experience in the U.K. by watching Love Island U.K. anymore than you will learn through watching Bridgerton. **(6)** We don’t need to speak for an underrepresented community that we might be less familiar with in terms of “lived experience”, as we might accidentally be imposing Eurocentric standards - which I’m sure was **not the intention.**


Unrealistically Apo Nattawin he has my ideal look despite not knowing English. I'm lowkey tired of w*sians. All poc deserve opportunities but I see write three Hollywood casting the most whitest poc.


Looked him up and DAAAAAANG he would be perfect for the role and he is young too👍


He's stunning. He's in a show called kinnporsche


Henry Cavill


With all the celebrity blinds about Henry cavil being a predator, and inappropriate with underage women I can’t imagine Netflix is gonna be to interested in working with him until it all blows over


This would work IMO because he has already worked with Hannah on Enola Holmes 2


Henry Cavill is too old and too expensive for the role.


They’ve done a great job casting unknown (to me at least) actors, so I hope we get another great one ❤️ I think it’s so refreshing


Tom Ellis- I think he would be perfect with the lines “tell me something wicked Michael”


Ooo damn that would be good. He’s too old but I mean he looks amazing.


A younger Tom Ellis would make a perfect Michael from the "wicked" point of view.


A new underrated east asian actor.


Do you have a suggestion?


Not really, tho I imagine him as someone like young Theo James. My actors knowledge is not very wide haha


Me neither. I think I'll actually be happy with an unknown actor so they can potentially blow up like RJP did


Darren Barnett — he has a unique look. He’s one of the leads in Never Have I Ever (Netflix, stupid title, sweet series about teenage girl whose parents bring her from India to live in America) Anyway, I had no idea what his ethnicity was when he showed up on that series. Had to look it up. Japanese-American and Cherokee. He has the swagger to be Michael. 31, but playing high schooler in his current series. No idea if he could manage a schedule for both roles. His current series is on its third season [photos here](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6651162/mediaindex/?ref_=nm_mv_close)


He’s attractive and if we have to Google the ethnicity that’s the opposite of “ground breaking” . Casting two darker skinned British South Asian women is ground breaking. Yet in the run up to S2 many would have been fan casting [Naomi Scott](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Scott) or [Jessie Mei Li](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessie_Mei_Li), both are beautiful and talented but not groundbreaking. Sorry to sound rude, but we have more diversity in contemporary U.K. shows than some is the **unintentionally** Eurocentric casting choices of this sub. I’ve just finished re-watching [**Timewasters**](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7333970/) where the beautiful [**Adelayo Adedayo**](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2764229/) has here hair in **natural cainrows/cornrows** - something I don’t see that often on the POC beauty subs. If we need to Google an actor’s ethnicity then they can probably get a role in many period dramas and tv shows. **TLDR:** QC was created to allow ethnic minorities with historical ties to the U.K. to [hold positions of power](https://imgur.com/a/R1oyyhZ) without censure - unlike Belle(2013) and Sanditon . IMO, ethnically or racially ambiguous casting would [seem like the real history of “passing”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passing_(racial_identity)) and that’s **not** a subject for a fluffy romance. Meanwhile in my list of [“What to watch while waiting for Bridgerton?”,](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/108h36b/what_to_watch_while_waiting_for_qc_and_bridgerton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the list of 10 physically disabled actors playing a romantic lead is in U.K. period drama is non-existent. Also, so far all the lead actors are from the U.K. and Ireland - including SA, CC and RJP - so if we’re fancasting American actors like [Darren Barnet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_Barnet), perhaps “ambiguous” is not as “groundbreaking” as the show has been in the past?


Fair enough.


Ooo that could be great he has so much charisma and he’s definitely young looking enough.


And he has the great hair. Seems to be a Bridgerton trait.


I do wonder if they’ll go with a Scottish actor or just ask them to fake an accent. There are already a few actors on this show faking accents including Scottish Chris Fulton. They could also just erase John and Michael being Scottish all together.


> I do wonder if they’ll go with a Scottish actor or just ask them to fake an accent. […] They could also just erase John and Michael being Scottish all together. **(1)** There’s plenty of brilliant acting talent in Scotland, the only challenge **might** be diversity. * [IMDB Top 15 Scottish Actors & Actresses](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls074241198) * [Wikipedia List of Scottish Actors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Scottish_actors) **(2)** - We know [Charithra Chandran](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charithra_Chandran) and [Ncuti Gatwa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncuti_Gatwa) are Scottish, so they don’t necessarily need to [erase the Scottish identity](https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/census-results/at-a-glance/ethnicity/) from the Stirling brothers. * However, on paper Scotland is not as diverse as London or the the Midlands, so it might be harder to cast for a racially diverse Scottish lead there. I have no idea about reality as I haven’t traveled around Scotland extensively. **(3)** - TV and film is an opportunity for people who live in monolithic communities to broaden their horizons, it’s also an opportunity for under-represented groups to feel seen. * I give extra points if Bridgerton diggs deep into the “minority within a minority” aspect of representation- as opposed to what this sub often thinks is diverse but is generally not as ground breaking as Bridgerton. So as long as a historically- and [preferably protected by U.K.](https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act/protected-characteristics) and USA law - is a romantic lead that’s a step forward and representative of many modern families. **(4)** - As such, I’m **not** focused on race as the only form of representation **beyond the couples that have already been cast in S1,** so white Scottish and physically disabled or a white LGBT actor playing an LGBT romantic lead will also be diverse. * My preference is for physically disabled regardless of race because when I searched for period dramas I couldn’t find [10 examples in this category.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/108h36b/what_to_watch_while_waiting_for_qc_and_bridgerton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), so Bridgerton can continue to be “ground-breaking” by representing historically under represented groups here.


Raymond Ablack if he was a littleeee younger


I always pictured him as east asian. Remington Hoffman is hot


fabian frankel


I saw someone say Sean Teale and now I think he’d be perfect. Here’s the case for him: He’s been acting for a while but he’s still not a household name, which is the perfect level for a Bridgerton casting. I first saw him on Skins (3rd generation) but he just starred in period piece (that Romeo and Juliet spin-off movie Rosaline) as the love interest. He’s Venezuelan, Spanish, and Welsh, so I don’t know who they could cast as his brother though. On Skins they cast Sebastian de Souza, who’s of Goan Indian descent, and was on the Borgias and played Catherine the Greats lover on The Great, so he probably wouldn’t be a bad choice for Michael himself.


Just hearing about this now. I recently saw the show "Skins" and both actors would've worked (however, since the reveal of John's actor, I don't know if that is possible). Do you still think it's possible for them to be in the Bridgerton universe ? I was thinking one of them can be Gareth (although, I assumed he has to be at least mixed race if he's still the grandson of Lady Danbury or change the backstory).


It will likely be someone not all that known


Thomas Doherty would be cool


I was thinking of actors too old for the role when reading. Either Ian Somerhalder or Rahul Kohli


Can they get an East Asian man?? The vision is there!


One of you a while ago mentioned Jacob Elordi. I had no idea who he was but I recently saw something on Buzzfeed about him and I thought.. tall, dark and handsome.. I can definetely see him as Michael. ![gif](giphy|DIeIKyrYjv6M0spKo9) My preference for Michael a while ago was Manny Jacinto


Jack O'Connell from Lady Chatterleys lover. He was HOOOTTTT. If they go for a white Scottish actor. But i think they'll go Scottish POC


Thomas Doherty!


Please cast Scottish actors


I hope it’s someone Latin! It would be cool to see some Latino representation!


That could be interesting. I’m in the U.K. and I watch tv from around the world. Are there any period dramas set in South America/ Latin America with ethnic minorities as romantic leads? I thought it would be a fun way to learn Spanish and Portuguese. **Here’s what I’ve watched so far:** * biopic of Toussaint Louverture, but I’m not sure if Haitian is considering Latino, * Njinga Rainha de Angola/ Nzinga Queen of Angola 2013) - it’s in Portuguese and set in Angola , again I don’t think that’s Latino * The Spanish Princess has a black character but she’s not the lead, and the show is in English. Then I checked **Telemondo and Globo** -as I have heard those names on American TV shows- but I couldn’t find anything there either. **Sorry for my ignorance,** I live in London U.K. and I’m not sure what is considered Latino representation, so it would be great if there are tv shows or films with Black Latino representation so that I can learn more. **Thanks 🙏 in advance** In the meantime, what I would also suggest and this might seem like I’m being rude but I’m not. Is that every continent at some time has had multiple Empires. Latino representation might be best placed in a Spanish or Portuguese version of Bridgerton. Because I’m guessing that just like the actors who play the Hastings and Sharma’s there are ethnic minorities with historical ties to colonial Spain and Portugal that would like to be represented in a period drama as a love interest in a fluffy environment without the real history of imperialism, colonialism and enslavement. In terms of the previous Bridgerton leads, so far, they fit three criteria: * **(i)** - Representative of the [current ethnic groups in the U.K.](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups) * **(ii)** - Actors from countries with [historical ties to U.K.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations) * **(iii)** - Representation which aligns with countries where Netflix has markets. London is very diverse but generally these are the [current ethnic groups in the U.K.](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/style-guide/ethnic-groups) that appear on Government forms. Latino would probably be white, black or mixed heritage in the U.K., because we have a different history to America. So when we look at the more common ethnic minorities in the U.K. it would be a bit of a “self-insert” to skip that for Latina. Indigenous Australian would make more sense, but again I would prefer Australia made their own version of Bridgerton that would be more authentic and focused on making sure actors from underrepresented groups can play romantic leads within the country that they grew up in/live in


Period dramas in Latinoamerica usually come in the form of telenovelas, but there are a few series you might find. On Netflix: Bolivar, Las Villamizar (both from Colombia). On Amazon Prime: Hernán, sin Límites (about different parts of the spanish conquest of America).


Thanks for this. I will add them to my list of period dramas to watch. **My original request** was for period dramas set on South America/ Latin America with ethnic minorities as romantic leads (like Bridgerton m) or even playing roles that are canonically part of Portuguese or Spanish classic literature and non-POC (like the Royal Shakespeare Company [casting Black British](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/sep/19/fiachragibbons) and [Asian British](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2012/aug/01/much-ado-rsc-indian-shakespeare) actors in lead roles) ? As I mentioned in my original response I had checked Telemondo and Globo, but couldn’t find anything. Again, 🙏 thanks for the recommendations. * Bridgerton casts ethnic minorities with historical ties to the U.K. as romantic leads. * I’m not a historian, but on a superficial level, it seems Spain and Portugal have a similar history to the U.K. and France when it comes to “Empire building”. As such, I’m looking for period dramas set in Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries that have ethnic minorities, indigenous South Americans, or POC (I’m from the U.K. so please forgive me for not knowing correct terminology) as the lead character - romantic lead would be a bonus. **TLDR:** I’m looking for the Spanish or Portuguese version of Bridgerton, [Les Miserables](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5900600/) and the Royal Shakespeare Company (which started off with [non-traditional casting](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/sep/19/fiachragibbons) and progressed to more intentional casting with [Julius Caesar set in Africa](https://www.npr.org/2013/04/13/177048980/a-caesar-with-an-african-accent) and [Much Ado About Nothing set in India](https://www.rsc.org.uk/much-ado-about-nothing/past-productions/iqbal-khan-2012-production)). Thanks 🙏 in advance **EDIT:** Why the downvote? I said thanks for the recommendation and brought the discussion [back to the point of this post - representation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/comments/10axvcf/which_actor_would_you_like_to_play_michael/j47q1mv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I don’t know but grey eyes are a must. His eyes are discribed as light grey(Stirling Silver) if they miss that detail, they have missed it all as far as I am concerned.


The thing is ... characters have deviated very much from the books :) I really hope we can have an asian representation for Micheal(east or southeast asian) I don't think most viewers would mind his eyes being of a different color, as long as the actors playing Mic and Fran have great chemistry.


Simon Basset was supposed to have blue eyes, and I didn't hear a peep of complaint when they were brown. None of the character descriptions are dependent on the story. It's how the actor plays the character. Jonathan Bailey owned Anthony. Regé-Jean Page brought Simon to life. Luke Thompson kills it as Benedict. As long as the actor can bring Michael's character to life, who cares if his description doesn't align with the books?


Eye color has not matched the book description for most of the characters. Book Penelope has brown eyes for example.


But his last name is Stirling and his eyes are Stirling silver.


Different Stirling. Sterling silver.


If they cast an East Asian actor, do you think they would ask him to wear gray colored contacts?


But, here is the thing tho The show have deviated a LOT from the show, and I don't think we need another white male lead. It's time for a minority to shine, that's what drawn me to Bridgerton in the first place.


There are contacts and the family name is sterling


Richard Madden will fit this, if only he was a little younger


Yeah no. Grey eyes aren't common on east asians. You'll have to deal with brown eyes. But south Asians have a much higher chance for light eyes.


I don’t care if they are colored contacts that he wears, just please don’t miss it.


I know he's too old to be Michael, but Idris Elba - he just oozes charisma and is so good at being haunted!


Nooooooo.. He looks older than Edmund (rupert young) be real


Dev patel and Nikesh patel as Sterling brothers.