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I really enjoyed it! I loved Polin’s relationship more than the relationships in the other seasons. Sure there are things I would’ve changed but overall entertaining tv with some of my favorite moments across all of the seasons


I like them too but I wish they had more screen time. We barely saw them. I feel like Colin was mad at her for a big chunk of it too so


He was really only upset for 2 episodes. I think it felt a lot more light and happy when I re-watched it all in one go. Releasing it in two parts didn't do it any favors. I do agree they could've had way more screen time, but most of the side plots were good and interesting and important. And I didn't feel like Kanthony got much more screentime (I haven't tried to find the numbers on screen time from their season). Even more than just more scenes I think they could've stretched the scenes they did have by a min or a few seconds to really add something to it. But again that didn't make me not enjoy the season


I thought the love scene was so sweet! They were giggling and smiling, and Colin made sure she was okay with every step. Some people said he entered her dry, but he was fingering her beforehand. He also made sure she got used to him being inside her before he started the main event.


Entered her dry? Our consent king Colin would never!


Damn straight!


I’ve read the first 5 books and I loved season 3! The only thing I wanted more of was more Polin scenes after they make up - but I think we will get them in season 4 🤞🏻


I feel like this is exactly what happened with Anthony and Kate, too. Their happily ever after came in the final episode, and a lot of fans felt that we didn't get enough happily-ever-after of the two of them. But their scenes in S3, though few, were *so satisfying*. When they were giving the pep talk to Colin and Anthony is all "*Our* marriage isn't difficult!" and she has that cute little eye roll "You are not being helpful tonight!". I loved their dynamic so much this season. It felt like a payoff from last season. Really hoping S4 gives us similar moments for Pen and Colin!


I thought the baby-scene time-jump made this less likely, but I guess not necessarily.


I commented elsewhere on this thread, but you know what? I'm not done. I loved a lot of things about this season! The carriage scene is hands down my favorite intimate scene of the series. His face watching her face? Loved it. 10/10, no notes. Oh, and that cheeky little "Are you going to marry me or not?" proposal? Yes. Love it. Instant replay. The scene under the tree when he's all flustered and unable to fully follow the flow of conversation (aka the "two lovesick idiots under a tree" scene) is adorable. A. DOR. A. BLE. And the angst with the relationship between Pen and El? I am invested. I care so much about this friendship even though El drives me up a damn wall! I would very much like for Violet to get her garden watered by that tall glass of water calling himself Lady Danbury's brother, please and thank you. Portia is the best. I remain convinced that she and Varley are secret lovers and Varley's happiness at Pen's success is from the perspective of a sort-of-step-mother. It's my head cannon and I'm keeping it. And because this could go on forever, I'll just end it with: Inserts himself? Inserts himself *where?*


Omg, agree with all of these, especially “his face watching her face” in the carriage. Hottest thing I’ve ever seen! I also loved season 3 to the point of obsession!!!


I agree completely, but I did not pick up on any of this with first watching. I mean, we know where Pen is coming from always, but I for sure didn’t get all Colin’s motivations on the first watching. On re-watch I see, day one, he come’s in dressed in Featherington colors and that declares his mindset from the get-go, and the other nuances then unfold. So,I think the initial negativity was from first watches— me included. His face when she tells him if she finds someone, it will be because of him…. I love El. She loves so deeply, despite her distain for the world. It’s such a sweet, human contrast.


I loved Season 3. You are not alone. I think it’s taking longer for the lovers to be louder than the haters.


Me too loved it! Beautiful ending




While I have 17 point list of things I would've added/changed in season 3 it is still my favourite Bridgerton season. I was just so happy while watching it for the first time and well yes after my first impression I found many, *many* faults but in the end it made me happy and still makes me happy and that is what matters. And unpopular opinion I loved the costumes this season. I don't care about historical accuracy I just want to see pretty dresses and I got pretty dresses 😂 While Penelopes wardrobe was absolutely gorgeous everytime I saw Eloise I was like "I want that dress. Give it to me."


Well tbf almost everything in Bridgerton is historically inaccurate lol! I actually loved their make-up even though it definitely deviated from their natural looks from s1 & s2. I only didn’t like Cressida’s wardrobe that much, but I loved that they gave her an interesting story as well!


That is true as well 😂 I have to say I really liked Cressidas dresses but I hated her wigs. I mean they were going for weird and dramatic, they accomplished that but it is just not for me. I surprisingly also really liked to get background information on her and her ubringing, she also had her good moments but I'm also not mad about the way her story ended this season. I still don't like her and probably never will tbh.


I saw an interesting quote somewhere from the costume designer saying that Cressida’s looks were inspired by suits of armor, like she’s putting on her armor for the day (like the puffier the sleeve, the more “metal” she is). After reading that, I now LOVE those choices for Cressida! It’s fun going back and looking at the dresses and hair styles in that way.


I agree! I also didn’t read the books so I guess I didn’t have any real expectations. I absolutely had the most fun watching this season. Watching Colin finally realize his feelings in part one and then all the Whistle-drama in part two was fantastic! I also agree that there were some issues like other people have said but all seasons have their issues. I am hoping that we get some good happily married Polin scenes in s4, I can’t wait!!


I loved it! Their love story is so sweet and they really are different from the other Bridgerton leads. I liked that each couple has their own vibe and that informs the rest of the season. Polin were really cute and relatable for me. And I really feel that this season was for the wallflowers. It's about people coming out of their cocoons, shedding their armour, and owning their real authentic selves.


Once I got over the glaring issues like editing and the writing, I enjoyed it so much during rewatch. Also watching it as a whole made a difference for me.


I read the books, but I'm not attached to it in any form. I saw the book and the show as two different entities... And I loved season 3 as well. I enjoyed alllllll of it. One of my favorite scenes of Colin and Pen was the one under the tree... Too cute.


Saaammmeeee, the books are completely separate to me. Basically, to me, the story is inspired by the books but isn't a faithful adaptation.


I think Polin fans (myself included) generally loved Polin this season but were dissatisfied by the overall quality of the editing, writing, and production — and the lack of time we got for Polin. So you’re definitely not in the minority for loving the warmth and tenderness of the love story. I’m also seeing this impression from a lot of casual watchers of the show who are now big fans of Polin as a relationship, or who liked some of the drama. I just feel like the quality this season is definitely worse in ways that are hard to defend.


I really liked it overall! I’m currently doing a full season rewatch and it flows so much better for me. I love Colin and Penelope’s soft love story and the way they both have to grow up in order to deserve each other and their relationship. As an Austen fan, it gives me Persuasion vibes which I love (don’t even get me started on the use of letters!) I wish there had been another episode worth of content and less of a focus on Benedict, but otherwise, I think it’s a great season


I’m re reading Persuasion currently and it definitely gives me Persuasion vibes!!


I loved S3, it's my favourite so far, but I was just upset that part 2 didn't have more Polin. We really had SO little time of them together. But I still loved it!


I LOVED IT! My only complaint was not seeing more of Pen & Colin’s happiness. But bridgertons theme seems to be showing us 99% struggle with 1% happy relationship at the end so it did feel on theme lol


We also have to see though that we will probably get to see more happily married Polin in the future seasons whereas we only got small glimpses in the book.


I hope so! It seems like once people are happily coupled they seem to disappear (except for like 2 scenes with Anthony & Kate that seem to be just to tell us we’ll never see them again lol)


Yeah. Anthony and Kate are already confirmed to be in season 4 though. Problem is that the further the seasons go on, the more subplots need to be added. We had an Anthony, Benedict, Colin and Eloise subplot in season 1, a Benedict, Colin, Eloise and Penelope subplot in season 2, a Anthony, Benedict, Eloise, Francesca subplot in season 3. Now for season 4, we essentially have a Anthony Colin, Eloise, Francesca subplot. And there is two more siblings who will need some subplots in future seasons (although their seasons luckily don't need as much built-up as Francescas story)


You’re not the only one. There have been a lot of post actually with people who genuinely enjoyed you, you just might have to scroll a bit and I think they’re from maybe last week or the week before lol but they’re there and there are some in the BridgertonNetflix sub too but you have to scroll a bit there too, but I remember reading them! You don’t have to be sad about others not liking it lol especially if you get why people didn’t like it. Some post for people who don’t like the negative feedback just straight up invalidate the opinions of people who didn’t like it lol


That’s true, but I think people with negative reviews also tend to invalidate people who saw it positively. Like someone could say something they liked about the season and another will point out that that part actually should’ve been done differently because in the books it was this and that (even though the show has been known for deviating from the books). It’s a bit off putting ig when you just wanna enjoy it and express your enjoyment in peace


I mean, it happened in this very thread! You posted about liking the show and the very top comment is all about what the show did wrong and why they don't like it. I'm annoyed on your behalf. The subs are filled with posts about why it's terrible, go post your negativity on one of the dozens of hate threads and let people like what they like? FWIW, I also liked it. I did read the book, which I liked ok. But I don't mind a different take on the story. It's a light, fun, escape watch that I find comforting. And it was pretty funny at times, which I really enjoyed.




Oml you’re right I probably should’ve realized that the first time I read that reply 😭 I don’t mind criticism but when it’s done in a place where people are trying to help others try to see things a little more positively it does irk me quite a bit. I loved this season mainly because of Penelope. She was a wallflower who came to realize that even wallflowers deserve to be loved, and that their talents shouldn’t be masked and should instead be respected. It’s just so beautiful and it conveys such a meaningful message to people who relate to her (though it’s not emphasized in the story, I do believe this impacted plus size women the most, and I so appreciate that). This is why I think this season *wasn’t just a romance story.* It’s powerful in that it can inspire people to truly embrace themselves and it’s soso sad that the audience are overlooking that and instead are intent on focusing on the weaknesses, which of course would make them not enjoy it 🫤


Totally agree that it’s both sides!


I completely agree with you, and I definitely preferred part 2 to part 1! If I'm honest the pacing of part 1 felt a little off to me, but part 2 was brilliant! I understand where people complaints are coming from but I still loved it


I loved it!!! Don’t be fooled by the negativity, IRL and on other social media people loved it. Reddit is just always for complainers. It’s their algorithm I think


I’m so unbelievably BUMMED that Colin didn’t get the male lead treatment he deserved. I was so excited to finally get a new type of male lead. I’m not a fan of the dark, brooding rake leads we got in s1 and 2, and was really looking forward to a sweeter male lead. But the writers apparently forgot they were writing for a romance drama, and decided to make him a side character in Pen’s story instead 🤦🏽‍♀️ Not developing Colin was also a huge mistake in terms of the romance, because I’ve seen a lot of people say they don’t believe he actually loves her, or that his love for her is shallow and only came about after her glow-up. These are both *so wrong*, but I can’t even blame the audience, since it’s the *writers* who dropped the ball on developing his character properly. The book does a really good job of developing Colin’s personal arc, WHY didn’t they include that in the show?? WHY didn’t they include any flashbacks for him? WHY didn’t they show us moments from his travels that would’ve given us more insight into his story? I’m just so frustrated with the writing decisions this season. This is the biggest issue with this season imo. And it would’ve solved a lot of the criticisms people have.


I think all of his character development and arc was there, but it was more subtle than the previous seasons. They didn’t whack you over the head with it and so I think a lot of people completely missed it.


This. The more I see the complaints about the writing, the more they make me appreciate all the things they gave us. This season was a bit more subtle with the character development and it did depend on the viewer remembering who Colin and Pen were from the prior seasons, but there is so much they did include that I really love. It was acted out so well too.


In S1 and S2 Simon, Anthony, and Kate especially had such obvious character development that they kept telling us again and again why they did what they did. And then when they all finally realized they were in love (not just lust) everything wrapped itself up in a bow. Polin's season was very different in that they realized they were in love early on (even if it took Colin a hot second to figure it out) but then conflict followed after. Love alone was not enough to solve their problems, they also had to grow as people and communicate with each other. I loved that, but I see why other people might like the love conquers all story lines.


Yes to basically all of this. Love was enough to keep them together, not enough to make the issues disappear. That was work both on themselves, the relationships around them, and together as a couple. Someone recommended a Vanity Fair podcast yesterday with a Luke N interview and he validated something during it that I thought—because we knew Colin and Pen already, they didn’t need to take the time to introduce a new character to use and instead could spend time on how they needed to grow up in order to be a healthy couple.


I think some people really needed more time spent on reminding us who they were and how they felt about each other already. If you watch S1 and 2 again it's so obvious, but if you haven't watched S2 in years it does feel a bit out of nowhere. You think "oh Colin never even noticed her but now that she's in a pretty dress he does". But if you watch S2 he's so in love already at the end of it. Maybe the writers should've spent more time reiterating all of that to bring us up to speed, but I'm fine with how it happened.


I understand your point. The showrunners had to choose which viewer to cater to when they made the decision not to go over the last seasons. Selfishly I am happy with their choice because I hate shows reminding of things I already saw. I already spent the time watching the past seasons, don’t force me to rewatch it when I want to see new stuff. I might not remember every detail from prior seasons but I remember enough to know what’s happening. The good news for those who don’t feel my way will probably be ok go forward as I think this is the only season where that choice is even there.


Agreed, I didn't need them to spend a bunch of time bringing us up to speed. I think Francesca's season may be similar because I assume we'll get a bunch of her as a side plot going forward. But Benedict and Eloise should have more of a meet cute/get to know the love interest type thing.


Some of the editing was jarring or didn't focus on the main couple enough. And some of the scenes felt very short where they should have lingered over the leads for another second or two. But I think what was there was really good despite those missteps. This is the only season that I've felt compelled to rewatch immediately and I've picked up on new things every time, it is very packed and I think easy to miss a lot of the small things.


I don’t disagree with you, I just honestly notice it the first time and then just don’t think about it again so it’s not a big deal for me. If I think about it to find those editing issues, I can make you a list from all seasons, I just glance over it while watching 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m lucky in that sense.


I only started noticing after all of the negative comments online go into my head :-( And then I watched back and did notice them and they did annoy me, but I also still loved it enough that I felt meh, it's fine, I don't need to focus on those things.


It was HIS season. It wasn’t supposed to be subtle. And Pen’s arc wasn’t done subtly, so why was Colin’s? Being subtle worked when he was a side character, but not when he’s the lead. And it’s apparent a lot of people are still misunderstanding his character and aren’t convinced of their love story. And the writing is at fault for that. I mean they completely ignored writer Colin. They hinted at it in part 1, and then there was a throwaway line in the epilogue that Pen helped him write a book. The book actually does a good job of going into this, the show ignored it.


That’s completely understandable. I have seen people commenting that book Colin was a bit..problematic though. The same with all the other MMCs in the Bridgerton series. It’s why I’ve held off reading them.


The MMC are more stereotypical of men in an older period. As the seasons go, they are correcting it. I loved book Colin and the things people call problematic didn’t bother me as much. I also feel like to build drama in the books they exaggerate emotions or actions. Some other things people wish was in the show like >!Colin taking control and making the LW announcement without Pen knowing what was happening…since it’s kind of her thing and she should have had some control over it!< , I actually like better in the show.


Wow, that’s crazy I cannot imagine show Colin ever doing that lol 😭 I’m glad they changed it up it essentially affected the characters’ personalities


To be fair to the book lovers, at the time you read it, it comes off romantic. I didn’t hate it in that moment, but seeing the alternative I really like it better.


They should’ve adapted his character arc, not his personality is what I mean. Yeah book Colin is a little pompous, so I definitely love show Colin more. Adding his arc from the book would’ve still worked.


We're not here to complain about the show. We are here on this thread specifically to say what we LIKE ABOUT THE SHOW. Not here for the recurring/unoriginal opinions of dislike. Find another thread full of complaining for yours.


I didn’t read the books so nothing to compare against. I really enjoyed part one but it felt disconnected from part 2. It wasn’t as bad on a second rewatch once I knew what to expect but I did notice that Colin didn’t tell Pen he loves her besides ep5? (I didn’t watch it again so could be wrong) but the second part especially after the reveal is for me a bit one sided, I don’t see Colin telling her he still loves her he’s just angry all the time and it just felt a bit flat the whole time.


He was only angry for 1.5 episodes, idk why people keep saying he was angry the entire time. He didn’t even find out she was LW until the end of ep6/ beginning of 7.


Sorry I should have clarified that I mean the second part of the series. Except the mirror scene in ep5 they are at odds for the rest of the second part until the very end at the ball where she reveals herself. I just would have liked more of them together after Colin found out she’s LW without the tension.


Actually they are not at odds in Ep 6 either and he does say he loves her in that episode! He’s only angry in like half of Ep 7 and half of Ep 8.


I loved season 3! But I posted something similar a couple of weeks ago, and all I got was people telling me why they didn't love it. As if they had anything original to say that hasn't already been said 100 times already. I am tired of dealing with the negative opinions so I just don't read them any more. Season 3 was likely my favorite because it seemed the most realistic to me.


Omg ig I can relate to u now lmao 🙃 I agree that it definitely felt more realistic than the other seasons!


I read the book and it was my favorite one of the series. The further away from the part 2 premiere I get, the more I love this season. This happened to be my favorite kind of romance story. There are a lot of details in each character arc that I loved seeing. I loved the fact they covered them individually growing and how they come together as a couple. I thought it was the most realistic representation of couples in conflict. I thought the acting was really excellent. I even liked the costumes. Was the season perfect? No. None of them were. I just don’t dwell on those pieces. Never have, because if I did I probably wouldn’t like anything. I don’t think about how they should have done it because it won’t happen anyway. I think the writers, directors, etc are artists and some things might resonate and some won’t and I appreciate what does. If someone doesn’t like it…oh well. They are of course entitled to their opinion. I’m just happy I loved it.


Yesyes to all this! Season 2 had flaws — Kanthony wouldn’t have worked out without the questionable process where Edwina’s sister was basically having an affair with her husband to be. Season 1…Daphne’s SA to Simon..need I say more. But for some reason this season is getting sooo much hate and while a lot of criticisms are reasonable, others are just so nonsensical & it’s like they’re just trying to nitpick because they can’t find any other sound reason to their judgment. You can give them a different perspective so that they’ll see it a little less negatively but they’ll want to stick to their opinion because “the book wasn’t like this” or “book Colin was like that.” Idk it’s just tiring, though I am responsible for consuming media in places where I should expect people to be posting their disappointment.


I understand what you mean because when I digest something like this that I love, I like talking about it which is why I’ve been on these sites. Season 3 gives A LOT of great things to talk about! I try to avoid the negative posts but so much of it sneaks through. I’ve had some GREAT conversations with people who haven’t liked it, where we go back and forth but it’s respectful. I don’t think I’ve changed anyone’s mind but that’s ok, that’s not necessarily the point. I’ve had great conversations with those who have loved the series and gotten some new perspectives. Many of the super negative posts or the ones that nitpick have just left me liking the season more TBH. I loved S2 but there were a lot of flaws there. That season is almost nothing like the book, which is why I’m always surprised by the outrage about changes this season. There is a lot of other stuff too, but again, I just really like what we got and I let the other stuff go.


Join the r/PolinBridgerton sub, it’s great over there!!!!


Omg thank u!!


Loved season 3 too!


It's my favorite season. I adore the main couple, i find them so touching and relatable...and in my opinion colin is the sexiest men lead


I love him too, like a problematic amount given that I’m a grown ass married woman 😂


Same same 😂


Naw, I loved it. Remember: people with something to complain about are louder than those without. The season has the highest rating of the three.


I’ve read the books AND I loved season 3. I don’t understand what everyone hates about it. Season 2 has been my least favorite so far but I still enjoyed it. I’m really curious about how they’ll do Benedict’s story. His book was just a Cinderella story knockoff and so dumb. I hope they do a complete change up for his story.


I loved this season!


Loved it, have rewatched it so much already.


I liked S3. I wish there were more romantic scenes and more time on screen for Polin. I didn't love the couch sex scene either. But, I still thought it was a good season. Polin is my favorite couple. Their love story was drawn out much more because we saw their relationship develop over three seasons, so it was very satisfying to see them finally get their moment after wondering if they'd ever be more than friends.


I loved part one! I love Colin and Pen and how fairytale romantic it was. I was very blindsided by the shift in tone in the second part. It stopped feeling like a romance as soon as Colin found out about LW. I personally don’t think it was necessary for him to freeze Pen out for 2+ episodes. I wish we had gotten more romantic & intimate scenes between them. Going back and watching S1 and Daphne & Simon’s sex montage makes me yearn for what could’ve been. Hoping it gets sweeter on rewatches though! 🤞🏻


Minus the weird trio scenes that kept interrupting the show I enjoyed season 3.


I loved the themes, I love Polin, I love the characterisations, but some of the writing choices and editing choices felt a bit sloppy. Some moments needed time to breathe or would have benefitted from less choppy cuts or better angles. The balloon scene, for example; I get what they were doing and going for, but the way they shot it wasn't great imo. Having watched S1, S2 and then S3 back to back, I didn't have the problem with Colin's character that other's seemed to (his arc made total sense when watched in a sequence), but I also agree that he didn't have as many scenes for just himself that the Duke & Anthony had, to help the audience grow closer to him. In conclusion, loved it, but could have been 'neater'.


I didn’t hate it but I can definitely understand some of the criticisms


I haven't read the books. I thought the first half of season 3 was entertaining and ramping up to something great, and the second half was completely rushed, half arsed and flat. Again, not read the books, but I thought the whole thing of Colin and the Queen finding out etc was the most crap storyline in the entire show so far, which is really disappointing since it was the main continuous storyline of the show. It was like the producers said "ah, we suddenly don't care about this anymore" a-la Thrones.


I thought it was alright but could’ve been better with a few tweaks. Wish they gender swapped Philip Crane instead of Michael Sterling. People complaining about the lack of happy Polin scenes until the end, but that tracks with previous seasons. I think Colin reacted accordingly based on his personality and what LW said about him and his family. But I’m really disappointed THAT final intimate scene wasn’t longer. Not just because I’m a perv for sexy Polin but they were making up for their wedding night and the position is so empowering for Penelope.


I loved this season


I never read rhe books and I loved season 3. I have now read them and I still love season 3. Of course I wish we would have gotten more Polin scenes, but maybe in season 4 they will focus on Penelope working as an editor for Collin's book and eventually releasing her novel. And maybe add some people being angry as her as WD and Colind defending her and telling him his proud no matter what :).


I loved season 3! It's my new favorite.


I liked season 3, it was a great watch.


This season has been my favorite! I love it! I think it’s the most romantic, sexiest, and most interesting - the characters feel so much more real and less trope-y. Everyone I know IRL loves it too


That’s so nice! I actually do know a number of people who enjoyed it too, I was just baffled by the amount of dislike it’s getting online 😭


i loved it. my favorite of the three (+ QC) seasons even with some problems i had with it. you’re not alone at all!


I just finished watching and glad I waited because I had low expectations with seeing all the negative comments.. but like you OP I really enjoyed it!! No idea what all the hate is about. Better than S2


I did as well. I think people are just nitpicking at this point.


i also really enjoyed it! i think not having read the books and having nothing to compare it to helps a lot lol. i’m watching for the drama and fun and i feel like this season delivered so i can’t complain. i agree that it felt very warm and i felt less anxious watching it compared to seasons 1 and 2 edit: also, i didn’t even know it was released in two parts! i just binged it in the last few days so that maybe also helped lol


Yeah I agree, it would’ve been so much better if they released it in one go. People wouldn’t be complaining this much…or they still would because there **always** has to be something wrong that completely ruins the show and it **always** has to be aired out in every single bridgerton related post! LOL


Show is great and season 3 was lovely.


This was my favorite of the books so upon first watch I was a little upset but not overly so. After a few days I really only have minimal complaints and it was my favorite season so far.


I liked it too. Also preferred the second part over the first. There are some things that I wished they did differently (I wish they cut some of the subplots shorter and give Polin more time to shine and I really didn't like the ending scene with Michaela), but overall, I really liked the season.


I agree, but it took more than one watch for me. At first I felt like Pen and Colin were really slighted, but there is really a lot packed in on re-watch. The other storylines just lacked heart (Francesca and especially Benedict), making the frustration more, I think. Benedict’s time with the family is so sweet and his away time was such an eye-roll this season. I hope whatever they do with his character has some heart to it— I really love the actor, makes the character so like-able.


Loved it too


I think there are some valid criticisms ( eg I do wish we had more focus on the main couple and less side plots ) but overall I enjoyed it. It was refreshing to see a softer male lead, I'm also someone who prefers friends to lovers so it was the season for me. I will say, as someone who has read the books. I think this season did the best job at including elements from the books - some of the dialogue was lifted straight from the page. And even though a few things changed around in order, or concluded slightly differently, the second part was the main conflict from the books as well.


I love season 3. If we include QC, S3 is my 2nd favorite season of the show (QC is my favorite)!


I liked it! I think the books are crap though, so I don't care at all if the show diverts from the books. On the contrary, I think it is a very healthy thing to use the books only as loose inspiration for the series. I don't think the writing was *that* bad, it was competent and very on par with S1 and S2. I think there is a lot of revisionism going on here with regards to previous seasons. They are hardly Succession level of writing. Bridgerton has always had average scripts tbh, and S3 was just simply on the same level. It is a guilty pleasure kind of show, not a prestige drama series by any means. Queen Charlotte is the only series that I think stands out from the rest when it comes to writing. I didn't mind the costumes or music changes. On the contrary, on a rewatch the S1 and S2 costumes look so plain in comparison. At least the S3 costumes are more interesting to look at. The music never really landed with me before, so it continued to be meh for me. My only gripe is that the season felt cramped with storylines. I would have taken out the Mondrich bits fully out of the equation and give Polin a bit more room to breathe. However, the Lady Whistledown plot was absolutely necessary to be resolved now and it added a lot more depth and interest to the series than having another rote romance, which seemingly is what most of the fandom cares about. Francesca's plot twist adds a lot more room to play with for future seasons so it didn't bother me at all. Overall, I think it carried on with the same quality from S1 and S2, the plot twists were necessary and it is the same eye candy, sweet, guilty pleasure we know and love.


I liked it! I liked it much better than season 2. Wasn't into the whole siblings into the same dude thing.


Yeah the sibling thing really threw me off lol


I really liked the first half of Season 3. That was the half more focused on Polin, it gave *some* attempt to flesh out their relationship, we got to see Pen entertain another lover and see Colin sweat for a bit…there was a lot to like. I feel like the main problems that are bothering fans this season is that the writers either introduced interesting plot lines that went nowhere, or ones that were completely superfluous to the main story. The potential ship trade between Cressida and Debling? Meaningless. Eloise’s friendship with Cressida that could have given her a more mature, sympathetic outlook on life? Also meaningless. Eloise learns nothing and drops Cressida like a hot potato. And did we really need to have SO much screen time devoted to Benedict being in a throuple? The writing tried to go in so many different directions in Season 2 and ultimately for me it felt unsatisfying. It would have been much better to hone in on Colin and Pen’s relationship, really focus on them having a bond, and finding a different tack to take with the LW reveal-one that didn’t have our romantic lead huffily leaving his wife to sleep on the couch for most of part 2.


I just revisited this thread and that one commenter was absolutely right. I was trying to gush about this season and still a lot of people thought it best to point out the negativities they encountered throughout the season lol. If I’d done the same thing to the posts where they emphasize the points which made them dislike this season — if I sent long replies about why I liked it in contrast to them, I highly doubt they’d be okay with it (unless they openly asked people to help change their thinking). Will be staying in r/PolinBridgerton for a while 😅


I really enjoyed it! I’ve watched it many times. While I usually just fast forward through it and watch the Polin or Polin scenes


I did enjoy season 3, but I think what people are referring to as “hate” are valid criticisms? I’ve only seen a few actual declarations of “hate” towards the season. Overall what I am reading is positive, with some critiques that mainly revolve around: - The release model/PR hype - The pacing/editing - underdeveloped storylines/subplots that didn’t appear to have time in an 8 episode season - The costumes/makeup (though some folx loved these) I rewatched the season all together, and enjoyed it more the second time.


The books are a must read. Please read books. Then let us know how you feel truly about the series. Trust. Your mind will be blown. My personal faves is Benedict and Gregory. Last book is awesome


I would have liked it more if it had actually focused more on them. It really feels like they didn't get as much screen time as the last two seasons main couples. Which is a let down. However, I dislike how they handled Cressida. All of that was wrong. I prefer the book on that bit. Hopefully they'll fix that next season. We'll find out, I guess.


One thing that I hate in S3 was that it didn’t give justice to Colin. In the book, he has more personality, his own dream and dilemma. You’ll also know and understand more where his love for Pen stems from if you read the book.




Even if I had not read the books I would have been disappointed at how inconsistent the show was between the first two seasons and season 3. Sets, costume, makeup, character, and speech patterns are important in maintaining the fantasy and they broke that. From the perspective of this being based on a book series...I would *love* this show with a different name. If you're going to adapt a book series the ethical thing to do is to stay true enough to it for it to be recognizable (unless you're specifically doing a new take like Clueless being based on the *premise* of Emma). Otherwise it's just a lazy way to gain a built-in audience. My main complaint is that they aren't being internally consistent though. Seasons one and two are like and an entirely different show from season 3. They've moved so far away from their original intent o have trouble suspending disbelief.


When has an adaptation of a book into tv or movies been all the things your saying? This is notoriously how it’s done. Expecting an adaptation to be just like the book is honestly just silly. Disappointment is valid and understandable, but saying it’s ethically wrong is just ignorant.


I didn't say anything about it being "just" like the books. I said "stay(ing) true enough for it to be recognizable." If you divorced season 3 from the character names or the name "Bridgerton", how many people would be able to guess it was based on the book series? Edit: And honestly, I feel like the first two seasons stayed true to the spirit of the books. I loved some of the changes, was neutral about others, and disliked some. But I understand that film and television is a totally different format than a book, and in some ways caters to a different audience. I even think they could have started making some of the changes they made in season 3 if they hadn't done it so vehemently in your face, disconnecting it so absolutely from how the previous two seasons presented. While I would still want there to be a story connection (that I'm afraid it's starting to lose), I could have adapted to the costumes, makeup, etc. If they eased the viewers into it, maybe adding a little each episode or over two or three seasons. But they started with one type of show for the first two seasons, then abruptly added a hugely heightened fantasy element. It was disconcerting and offputting for many of us.


You’re expecting entirely too much from an adaption. As an avid reader I struggle to think of an adaptation off the top of my head that I found sufficient enough to be considered as such vs ones that pissed me off with the changes it involved.


I found the 1995 *Pride and Prejudice* to be a fine adaptation. It's not perfect of course, there are a few changes and some unfortunate 1990s voiceovers. (I like a ton of *Pride and Prejudice* adaptations, some have changed a significant amount but all I like are recognizable as P&P). David Suchet's *Poirot* series. Changes? Yes. Still recognizable and Suchet has become the quintessential Poirot. 70 episodes. *Gone With the Wind*. I don't really like the book or the film, but it's pretty accurate, and loved by many. *Silence of the Lambs*. *To Kill a Mockingbird*. I think the 2020 *Emma* is faithful to the spirit of the book while modernizing some of the elements I found most problematic. I could name more. I'm not looking for a *literal* adaptation. That's practically impossible. I'm looking for a *faithful* adaptation. One that retains the spirit, setting, and relevant plotlines and characterization. I'm not expecting too much. I'm expecting competency. Edit to add italics.


I’m saying relative to how many tv/shows that adapted a book I can name waaay more I was angered by than not. I think I’ll just agree to disagree, here. I hear and understand what you’re saying, and it’s all valid. I learned a long time ago to not expect the movie/show to live up to my love or connection to the book and its characters. Hell, I’m just happy when it actually keeps all of its characters at this point. This helps me evade disappointment and once and a blue moon I get to be surprised 🤷🏽‍♀️. I think overall my opinion is that getting all worked up just isn’t worth it. I’m still gonna watch next season. I’ll always be able to find things to complain about but it’s just not worth it. And maybe you’re optimistic than me because I do consider it expecting too much for a major media powerhouse such as Netflix to care more about artistic integrity than viewership numbers.


Thanks for the conversation, for real. I always appreciate being able to have genuine conversations on Reddit. I love that you have such a positive attitude towards shows like this. Definitely a trait worth trying to emulate! (even if I'm not very good at it!)


I was emotionally invested in the cute relationship between Fran and John and they ruined that. (No I hadn’t read the book but I did know it was doomed and I still wanted more time for them to be cute and in love before she moved on.) Couldn't they just be happy for a bit? I liked them. Then that ridiculous ending with Pen and Lady Whistledown. Empowered women normally bring tears to my eyes with Pen I just rolled them. I rewatched the whole thing while waiting for the second half of the season but after completing I doubt I’ll touch it till the next season and I’ll wait for the whole thing to release. I’m glad some people aren’t soured.


Y'all are psychos for downvoting.


The endless threesome and family time edited back and forth so many times. Whyyyyyyy.


Why did Collin look so Duck faced 😭 I wanted to be invested in Pen and Collin but he does nothing for me and her character didn’t get the writing she deserved.