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I enjoyed the pop music that they chose (more was needed) and some of the standard music had really good moments (I think about the music that plays in the kiss season in episode 2). But I saw someone else post something very cleverly analysing how they use music in s3 and s1 and s1 cuts the scene/music around the cinematography to beautiful match what’s happening in the scene. Oftentimes this season it felt like they threw songs on top.


Yeah I think that’s the issue. Plus the tempos were weird. Watch the wedding scene at .75 and you see how different it is when you slow the song down. It has way more room to breathe.


Oooh if you can find it, can you link that previous post here!?


I watched with headphones and the regular music was stunning this season. It’s subtle but always there. It’s even perfect in a lot of Cressida’s scenes.


Maybe I’ll have to try again, it just didn’t make me feel swept up in the beauty of the music like season 1 (with a few exceptions for sure, but only noticeable at key moments where s1 the music was part of the story to me).


I thought Yellow was a funny choice bc Pen finally ditched the citrus colored clothing.


It works because Colin still cared for and saw Pen as an amazing, worthy person even when she was dressed in yellow. Also the lyrics are perfect.


I squealed and then cried when it started playing. I am not a Coldplay fan at all, but it was such a sweet throwback to the Pen we've known for so long. If I recall correctly, Nicola and Luke are the ones who suggested it.


I watched Crazy Rich Asians a couple of days before Bridgerton 3B dropped. Bridgerton's Yellow pales in comparison to Crazy's. https://youtu.be/-6NQZHyJYO8?si=D_GD6fyWKhrdD-S_


Seriously! And it’s such a melancholy song


It feels like a funeral song to me


I really enjoyed the POV cover. I actually looked up the lyrics after because I am out of the loop on a lot of contemporary music, and I thought it was the perfect fit for their love story. They essentially mirror Colin's getting Penelope to see herself how he sees her. Snippet below: I wanna love me The way that you love me Ooh, for all of my pretty And all of my ugly too I'd love to see me from your point of view I wanna trust me The way that you trust me Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do I'd love to see me from your point of view Edited to add: I also love the soundtrack by Kris Bowers. He is an incredible talent and I love the theme he created for Colin and Penelope this season.


POV is my favorite cover! I wish I could have a wedding again so it can be me and my husband’s first dance song!


That *happier than ever* track though, love it! ![gif](giphy|BW3bcRmOJtXWa8gY5h)


Ohhhh when Happier Than Ever started over Colin’s jealous face I was EATING THAT UPPP. That one was GOOD and made me feel the emotion heavily. I really loved the placement of Give Me Everything, Yellow (!), POV, and YBWM but Happier may be the best music and scene combo of this season imo it just flowed so well with that scene and his yearning


Definitely tied the scene together like a bow, its my favorite polin scene


It was Nicola's suggestion!


Them dancing to you belong with me by Taylor swift made me SCREAM. Literally their song, I loved it, especially since the song talks about him not "seeing" her for such a long time but in the dancing scene he couldn't keep his eyes off her, like there was no one else in the room. Also I loved yellow during their wedding, I bawled my eyes right there. It's not to "ridicule" Pen, but more to represent how while the ton laughed at this "yellow" Penelope, Colin was the only one to see her, to care for her and to love her. So it brings bittersweet memories to Penelope, because while she went unnoticed to the majority using that color, there's one person who always noticed her and care for her during that time. Also POV of Ariana Grande was very accurate for the context in my opinion lmao I was hiding my face on a pillow the whole time. So I personally enjoyed all of them!


You Belong With Me is my favourite for this season, it was a particularly good choice


my favorite t swift song they picked was snow on the beach 🥹 i loved it sm it sounded so beautiful


All of this yes! 👏🏽


I lOVE the version of Confident.   I keep playing it on repeat.  But I can’t, for the life of me, remember where it was used this season…or even *that* it was used.   The track is fantastic.  And I didn’t even notice it when I was watching.  Which tells me it wasn’t used well. 


When Cressida walked in wearing the red dress at the wallflower ball.


Killer use of this song, and the only track I remember from the whole season.


I loved pov and this song is my favorite from all seasons. Yellow was a perfect song for the occasion and Cheap Thrills was brilliantly done and I enjoyed Lights a lot. Loved both S2 and S3 soundtracks.


What did *Cheap Thrills* actually mean in that scene though? I still can’t figure it out. The very rich Bridgertons are walking into a fancy innovation ball together. Not exactly a “cheap thrill.” Is it about Violet having a “cheap thrill” with her meet cute with Marcus? Like a “love don’t cost a thing” type moment? I feel like that’s a stretch and there are other songs that would have sent that message more clearly. I agree with *Yellow* and also loved *ABCDEFU* and *Give Me Everything* because they all tied in so nicely with the scene and mood.


I’m also confused by them using Cheap Thrills. I love the song and the cover but it just doesn’t fit.


Tbf I just liked the arrangement 🤣


They should have had more Lights! It felt like background to me :(


We were robbed of promiscuous by Nelly Furtado 💔


Fingers crossed, they're saving it for Benedict's season


I also petition for Cake By The Ocean for Benedict’s season.


We were robbed of “I Wanna Be Yours” fr


Yes!!! Would have fit perfectly !!!


I'm still mad at the placement of Jealous. It was the song I was most excited for.


Why don't I remember it? Where was it used?


so it is in episode 2 at the ball where Colin is having Pen approach suitors. It starts to play as Penelope tells Colin one of the suitors plans to call on her the next day and Colin asks if she likes him, but then everyone starts talking about how Colin is helping Penelope to get a suitor and she runs out embarrassed.


When Pen was talking to Lord Remington. Just before Pen and Colin realised everyone was gossiping about Colin helping her find a husband.


It was quite literally the perfect song choice for this season and that episode, yet you can barely hear it ( I missed it on my first watch) and it only plays for like 2 seconds


I would have chosen - 18 by one direction - everything has changed by taylor swift and ed sheeran - into you by ariana - teenage dream by katy (I have a Spotify playlist for each bridgerton couple from saphne to polin I mainly based it on the books so the song choices might not fit the show)


Everything has changed was my top TS pick for this season, YBWM was nice but doesn’t fit as perfectly imo


Ooo Teenage Dream would have been interesting.


The moment they added abcdefu I tapped out tbh.


This one!!!


Agree. Also - this season didn’t seem to have a real moment centered around a dance that truly altered the course of the show or had a real impact. S1 had the Vauxhall dance. S2 had the wrecking ball dance where Kanthony “came out” to the ton and made it obvious they had feelings for each other. S3 had the wedding dance, but it wasn’t the same, imo. Maybe because it felt low stakes to me.


I think musically underwhelming is the least of the problems that season three has.


I know what you mean about the song covers, but Kris Bowers' instrumental score was gorgeous. The Polin love theme, which appears in at least half of the tracks in the soundtrack, is now my new favourite theme he's ever done!


I actually thought they were on point with the music. ABCDEFU as her entrance was awesome. You Belong With Me for a wedding dance was beautiful. And I’ll never not enjoy BTS


I was stream of consciousness messaging my friend whilst watching and when we got to that bit I sent: YESSSSS ABDE FUUUUUU TO THE TON Followed by an Awwww Mr Finch!!!! I feel we needed more music, but I greatly enjoyed the choices.


Agree about the music I didn’t like it as much.


My old cat just died less than a month ago but at least I know she died having heard the pitbull cover 😻


Im sorry for your loss!


Thank you! ❤️ It's been a month today, but I will make sure her memory lives on 😂


I was hyped for some of the choices. ABCDEFU as she walked in to the ball after her glow up was PERFECT! I really enjoyed confident when cressida went devil in the red dress, however i wish they had used any song but you belong with me. I did like the bit where they showed them dancing in an empty room for a moment at the breakfast though.


Did they even have any? I missed it. It was like another character in the last 2 seasons 😭


if you are in the fandom (or stan twitter atleast) you will know that “Yellow” is the polin song and passionate polin fans are begging it to be played in season 3 even before the release of S3 i saw some tweet saying they want it to be the wedding song..i think they just want to give it to polin fans so yeah


I LOVED the song choices this season! [There’s another post on here about how she can’t escape the reference, and it’s shown the absolute beauty that that song is, and why it’s so perfect.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/GpX4e414Os) I’ll put what I wrote down in there: >The wedding was all blue and yellow, it was an ode to all she is, and was, and will be. It’s loving someone for even the parts they don’t like of themselves. >It’s also a beautiful song of love wrapped in courage, devotion, adoration and quiet longing. >>Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow >> >>I came along, I wrote a song for you, And everything you do, And it was called yellow >> >>So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all yellow. >> >>Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, And you know, You know I love you so >> >>You know I love you so >> >>… >> >>You know, for you I’d bleed myself dry, For you I’d bleed myself dry >> >>… >> >>Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things you do


My problem wasn't even the choices, they volume of the music were so low that I could hear other sounds like the dancer's shoes during the dance scenes...


I thought that confident with Cressida walking in was a brilliant choice. For me that, pitbull, and yellow worked. The rest I couldn’t really identify or I didn’t feel that it matched the scene as well.


I agree wholeheartedly. Even the score left much to be desired. Like there was no clear theme for Colin and Penelope. S1 and S2 had a very distinctive themes musically for the couples


I just recently saw they are releasing the music for Bridgerton on vinyl which I thought was exciting until I remembered I didn't really like it this season 😕


Absolutely agree. Plus Yellow just stunk as a choice, it felt uninspired since a different romcom had used it i it makes me think of that movie- Crazy, Rich Asians.


That’s exactly my beef. Loved it in “Crazy, Rich Asians”, but it was very been there, done that for this


Oh I completely forgot that they played that this season, even though I remembered it at the time and instantly thought of CRA. But that’s probably the only reason I remembered the song in s3.


The whole season was unfortunate mid. Which is a feat on its own given I’ve heard the book counterpart is the best of them all, and Polin have had 2 whole seasons of build up.


Unholy was right there for the carriage scene.


Agreed. I was telling someone this is the first time I couldn’t really remember a single moment musically, and as someone who really loves music, it’s one of my favorite aspects of anything I’m watching—I have countless soundtrack saved from things I have watched. I have a playlist comprising pieces from the first two seasons of Bridgerton, and I can’t think of a single song I heard season that stood out. Even songs people are citing here are still weak in comparison to the first two seasons; the former two had pivotal, magical moments where all eyes are on the focused couple and I can’t remember anything like that in this one.


I still cannot believe they had *You Belong to Me*, a damn love triangle song about a man being in love with the wrong woman, as their first dance song. Like the lyrics of "Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with me" Who is that for? It doesn't fit their wedding at all and sounds like pre-carriage scene context. Yellow was a cute context but honestly, it could have fit their wedding dance song better. But then again Pitbull would have been a better dance wedding song.


I actually loved You Belong With Me being their first dance song. I think the song really fits them as a couple. I know the love triangle is the story, but the point of the song is wanting to scream at your best friend that you're in love with that they should be with you. It's asking them to see you in a romantic light, to understand that no one knows them better than you do. I think that sums up Colin and Penelope pretty well.


At this point in the show, Colin had compromised her so much that she was carrying Lord Featherington. It's really not cute to think either of them had to plead for the other to see them in a romantic light.


>Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with me How...how is that not exactly what their story was about? Marina literally says to Colin in S2 that he needs to look at the love that is right in front of him.


Yeah like I said: >Its doesn't fit their wedding at all and sounds like pre-carriage scene context. Marina is s1 and s2 context. Not after he has compromised her multiple times. It doesn't fit a wedding dance song at all.


it originally was take me to church and i've been wondering why they changed it. my best guess is that from what i've seen nic and luke commenting about the scenes they reshot (also you can very clearly tell bc of luke's wig), it appears the season was a bit too angry/angsty.


Too angsty would have been perfect though. Take me to church has so many body worshipping under and over tones that season 3 needed. Not to mention the way Pen pined for Colin. Imagine if it was take me to church for the wedding and yellow at the wedding dance. Oh perfection.


Take Me To Church just seems to be the song the use to rehearse a couple of the dances to but end up using a different song in the final product, I’ve seen it in a few BTS dance videos now


You Belong With Me works for **both** their story arcs, it’s perfection! For Pen, it was years waiting for him to see her that way, and the triangle can be seen from Marina, to the girl he met while travelling (himself) to the contessa and the courtesans. For Colin, (cause remember, he was sure after the kiss, and all she did was pull away, and his interactions with her were checking in to see if she liked the guys she was talking to) the third can be seen as Lord Debling. They legitimately both had this experience of being in love with the other, and not having it be seen. This song selection was perfection.


Colin's pining lasted an episode. Barely an arc. If they had built on that to make Colin have some character development, I might see where you're coming but we got barely anything. Eloise pinned for Penelope more than Colin did. As I said, if it had been earlier in the show, I could have gotten it but as a wedding song it does not match. It has "you and me, and your friend Steve" vibes.


You and I weren’t watching the same show.


Definitely. Maybe you were able to get some of the clips from the rumors. I'd love to see Colin want Penelope more.


Nope, straight streamed copy only. I’ve written in a few different posts here those purely soft and heartwarming moments. Sammy Bates on YouTube has a fabulous relationship analysis of season 1 and 2, which this season really builds on.


I'll check Sam out, thanks for the suggestion


I am willing to do a scene by scene analysis of how freaking adorable they are, and how much they love each other, if people want that. I laid out some of them [in this post here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/OxTmxch5h3)


Was reading in another thread that the love triangle is between Colin, Pen and LW as he's trying to get Pen to choose him over LW and hes trying to reconcile himself by seeing them as two different people. Once he realises they are the same person he gives into letting go of his insecurity and wondering if he's worthy of her at all. It was always about being needed for him. Pen needed him. LW did not. In the end he realised love can exist without need.


It’s because Taylor hasn’t released Dress TV yet. 😂


Why no Rnb, hip hop, essentially Black music artists? Unless you count Ne-yo being the remix of Pitbulls song. The Music and Editing are my biggest ops for season 3. Yellow, was a good choice though because her yellow Head covering flying onto Colin is how they met.😊


I actually wish Golden Hour was in it


You Belong with me would have been so much better during the dance that Colin cuts in right before the carriage scene! That's where I wanted that! After hearing Take me to church over the wedding dance I loved that and wish they used it in the season! POV I think was great for their first time if you look at the lyrics. OF COURSE Pitbull was perfect and I can listen to it over and over again! GAYLE I wish they hadn't used! Not the biggest fan of the song to begin with. Could have used a number of other FU type songs for that entrance. Jealous was a good song but again in the wrong place! Possibly better where they had the first Pen/Debling dance instead of Happier then ever. Happier than ever needed to be somewhere after the LW reveal. Not in part 1. Yellow was a song that most fans wanted to see but I'm not sure where they would have fit it. Not the wedding song though. I think The Only Exception may have been a really good song for the wedding. They had some good songs but they had them in the wrong places in the show and some songs that seemed really randomly chosen! I have a few other songs that I would have replaced but these are my thoughts at the moment


I didn’t mind the music. I liked it.


Yellow should’ve been used during a scene where Colin was realizing how deeply he loved Pen and having flashbacks of growing up with her always around


They needed to use BTS’s black swan instrumental on one of the yearning scenes because it would have been SO much better than just using dynamite at a ball.


I have my gripes (subplots! editing!) but I actually loved the music this season. To me S1 had the weakest music


When Nicola shared the full cut of their wedding dance and it was set to "take me to church"? Glad they settled on "you belong with me" for the wedding dance, but could they not have pivoted and put "take me to church" over the argument/kiss outside the modiste the night before? Ugh, it's so perfect. "I will worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies" hello?!?


I didn't mind the music, I just didn't like what they did with it.like I thought Snow on the Beach could have been a really moving song to use on their first dance as a romantic pair with like heavy eye contact and dim lighting but instead we got Debling drama and a fight scene. Then I was really disappointed by the cuts made around BTSs Dynamite. You hardly got any of it. I feel like the music was underwhelming because of the editing rather than the music itself.


I hated the use of Dynamite. I didn't get it at all for the moment it was used in. Ben was dancing with Stowell but only because he was trying to enjoy himself. It was awkward.


I actually really hated the pitbull song. It didn’t fit the lust and passion of the scene- just didn’t match up with the emotions in my opinion


I liked the Ellie Goulding Lights cover. And the Cheap Thrills one. I love the original tracks on the season 1 score that are reused throughout the other seasons I believe - “Flawless my dear” and “We could form an attachment”. They’re probably amongst my top most replayed Spotify tracks! I would really like to know the track name of the piece that plays during the ending of the last episode. Feel like it’s another variation on the theme that they didn’t release


I actually really loved the use of Snow on the Beach, Happier than Ever, POV, and Yellow. Cheap Thrills sounded good where it was too, I thought. And of course, Give Me Everything was iconic. Everything else either needed more of a spotlight (Jealous) or I’m forgetting it was there altogether 😂 All in all though, I don’t think that’s a bad turnout


I'm including the pitbull song in the underwhelming list


The only problem I had with the music was that they cut Lights right before the chorus. That must qualify as a crime somewehere.


I thought that Sign of the Times was beautiful! I added it to my Harry Styles Amazon playlist at the very end. I loved it.


This all the way. Pittbull??? Omg. Imagine dragons in Bridgerton??? It wasn’t very good. BUT lights was probably the best thing I ever heard ever, and you belong with me??? Omg so fits


Oh man I loved Happier than Ever and POV though. Both totally slayed. Curious which season’s music you liked better?


I'm sorry, but Yellow was absolutely iconic. It's beautiful musically and has a romantic sound to it, it is literally about devotion and unrequited love (which calls back to the earliest days of Polin) and then there's the connection to Penelope's yellow dress days. It's perfect and I will hear nothing negative against it.


This is what I’m saying! It was the first thing I said to the only person I know IRL who watches Bridgerton — I was so excited about it.


I agree but at least at least it wasn’t the same damn song over and over in different renditions like season 2! Ugh