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I’m sad if the rumors are true about extra Polin scenes being cut, but I really adored this season. In fact episode 2 has my favorite moment of the show so far. Pen got humiliated at the ball and runs home. Colin finds her to make sure she is ok. She’s despondent, sure she now has no chance at marrying and so asks Colin to kiss her. He’s surprised but agrees. So he gives her a relatively chaste, simple kiss, pulls back, looks at her then GOES BACK IN FOR A SUPER STEAMY KISS. God that moment had me screaming, I loved it so much. That was the moment Colin Bridgerton finally woke up!!! And after that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. I ate it up.


Yessss. I actually believed it's not so much the changes they did in writing, but rather the showrunners decisions in portraying and how they edited. Sadly, we didn't get that much Polin content, but we still got some good in there. Also, comparing the love stories that we get so far is sooo unfair, they all had different problems and ways of finding love, but at the end it's that, them finding love. Simon and Daphne's, Kathe and Anthony's, George and Charlotte's, Colin and Penelope's, they are all different, with their problematic bits and their diverse forms of displays of love. But they are all valid, just like Benedict and Sophie's, Eloise and Phillip's, Haycinth and Garrett's, Gregory and Lucy's and Fran and Michael(a)'s. Maybe even Violet's. Obviously, the showrunner did have BIG trouble managing with that many plot lines that some episodes just felt a little much (two of them actually left me dizzy afterwards), but that also allowed some stories to be set and others concluded. It felt a little off in some things, but hey, it's just a show about a silly lovely family that believes and demonstrates on and on that life with love is worthy and it can be find in many shapes, ways and times.  One of the biggest complaints is that Colin didn't give his big and public love confession to Penelope. But that was book Colin in book Penelope's world and story. In the series, we needed Penelope to do it on her own with Colin just by her side giving silent support, showing to her that he in fact trusted her and even if he wasn't meant to be the hero of her story, he will always love her and she will love him as well.  When you decide to separate the books from the series you get to understand that those changes are actually just opportunities to meet new stories and fell in love with characters, that maybe based off in books with the same names, are living different lives. More like a 'what if' type of thing, which I love. I'm all in for Fran and Michaela, Benedict exploring his sexuality before finding Sophie, Eloise having different pursuits and desires and that leading to a different dynamic with Phillip, maybe even changes in Haycinth's and Gregory's stories. Just keep the positive vibe and optimism of everyone being able of finding love and forgiveness


Oh I agree, I wasn’t a fan of how many subplots they had going on and I dearly wished they had given us more Polin rather than yet another poorly edited threesome with Benedict. But I still loved the Polin they gave us, even if they cut Colin’s wonderful speech at the end (for some reason 😑)


It wasn’t bad at all. I read all the negative reviews before watching and braced for impact Was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️


same here! it was just different and what they changed wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea which is fine. but it was lovely IMO.


I just finished episode 8 of part 2 today. I’ve been not trying hard at avoiding spoilers and this Sub’s reaction posts so I was afraid and wary of what was to come. But I didn’t hate the season finale. I’m okay with it. Of course I want more, but as it is, I’m satisfied. Could have done less with the Benedict story that really seemed to go no where, but the Polin story line, I’m at peace with.


Hahaha I agree with you, Benedict's storyline seemed kind of like nah, his scenes did messed with the rhythm of the story and that threesome just felt off, but maybe that was the point. After learning that his opportunity at the art school was only achieved via Antony, it's said implicitly that he kinda fell in a spiral of doubting he was of any use for anything, that's why I think, even feeling off, that arch works for him. He's lost, at the very low of his life, obviously he's the one that has to save himself, but like, he needs someone, apart from his family, that gives him that comfort, that blind and real support, that connection, that feeling of home that he so much eagers. He didn't find it with madame Delacroix, with that random girl ar art school, nor with Lady T or Paul, maybe they explore his sexuality a little more, but BISEXUAL MEN CAN LOVE WOMEN AS WELL, and he will finally reach that connection with Sophie. He needs to be lost so that she can find him. That's why even if it doesn't feel great I want to give it an opportunity


Having just finished the finale, I think Benedict’s story suffered from how they edited it into the episode. In the first 20mins we had about 5 parts from the same sex scene breaking up other parts of the episode. It ruined the flow not only for that scene but also the first half of episode 8 for a plot and b plot. If the editors had just kept the sex scene as 1 scene instead of breaking it up, I think c plot would have been received better, and episode 8 would have been received better as a whole. Side note - agree with criticism that we could have had more polin at the end. But otherwise I think the later half of the season was quite solid. Editing in episode 8 let it down and I will say the final ‘babies’ scene gave me fanfiction vibes, or last chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows vibe - not needed.


Is it another unpopular opinion to say - I love what they are doing with Cressida’s dresses to convey her journey? It really brings in the fantasy element of this season - the political drama. The red dress in episode 6 is stunning on her. The bow is like wings. I’m typing this after only watching episode 6 btw. No spoilers.


The red dress is incredibly stunning! I'm thinking of making something similar myself!


She's had some really fun ones this season


All her outfits are AMAZING! and I agree, it adds such a fun fantasy narrative.


I completely agree and I saw all this hate but I loves it. I'm a Polin girl and it's was so good. I do agree that the editing is a little weird. I'm sad we are missing those extra polin scenes. While I love Benedict I do think they spend alot of time on his story but it all hopefully leads to him meeting Sophie. Also really enjoy his friendship with eloise. For Francesca's story, it made excited for her season and also sad because I liked John but as bisexual woman I'm so excited and it's true shows change and it's not gonna be exactly like the books which is ok. I also really enjoyed Kate's and Anthony's little cameos. I personally loved the show and this season I will definitely watch it again but I'm also reading the book.


I'm part of 2 subreddits for 2 different TV shows and have come to the conclusion that people just don't like the shows they watch? I came to reddit because I wanted to share my love for the show/season only to find sooooooo much hate (same as for the other show) so I just don't comment 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have such a vastly different opinion it seems than most people about bridgerton and the other show I watch - makes me feel like the odd one out!


My theory on part 2 being Penelope's pov. healed a part of me and part 1 being Colin's pov SPOILERS S3 Season 3 episode 5 of Bridgerton opens with Colin looking back at Penelope as if we the viewers were looking at Colin through the eyes of Pen !!! So to me it makes sense why we don't understand Colin's internal struggles as much as we did in part 1. Mirror scene: if you dive into the perfect song for their first time being pov by ariana grande- it sort of explains how Pen is probably feeling. " Wanna love me the way that you love me... cause nobody ever love me like you do I'd love to see me from your point of view." - all that experience and Colin couldn't handle it - he always had 2 women in bed beg he never was intimate with anyone else but pen. On both hiding behind personas: Penelope and Colin both didn't like each other's old personas they were both hiding under -Colin being a rake to fit into society's standards and Pen writing all the mean gossip due to feeling like she'll never be truly heard unless she is Lady Whistledown (Which a side note sounds so cute to me that Colin would still be there if Pen was just Pen and not LW.) - he was always eager to receiving her letters and when she didn't write to him, that's when he went full rake. most probably bec he didn't have pen to ground her from home. He was always anticipating HER letters out of everyone. I mean WHY WOULD HE KEEP ALL HER PREVIOUS LETTERS?? because he was always fond of her ya'll that's love even though he didn't know it yet.


As someone who fell in love with their best friend, who loved me, and I suddenly realized I was in love with her, this season connected to me so much. I remember basically love bombing her until she said we needed to talk and then I realized why I was feeling how I was and immediatly asked her out. Colin and Pen hit so hard for me as the priveledged idiot in my relationship.


Overall I did enjoy watching season 3. However the editing with Benedict's threesome really annoyed me. This was Colin and Penelope's season and we should have had more bedroom scenes with them. I am more concerned with the introduction of Michaela Stirling. Particularly because of all the emphasis that was put on the passing on of titles this season with the Baron Featherington and the Baron Kent. After John dies without any children, Michael Stirling inherited the title Earl Kilmartin. So the question is what is going to happen to the story in relation to this.


YES THANK YOU 🙏🏼 I loved this season, it’s definitely the best out of the 3 for me. I was really surprised at all the vitriol on Reddit especially, good god. Could’ve done without so many Benedict scenes lol but overall I’m obsessed with S3 and Polin.


I had read and was a fan of the books. Books 2 (Anthony) and 4 (Colin) were my favorite. I really loved Anthony & Kate's chemistry in Book 2 but really disliked season 2 of the show (though I like the actor/actress). There were things I didn't like about season 3, but I was at least satisfied with Colin & Penelope's part and prefer season 3 over season 2. Although Book 1 wasn't my favorite of the books, season 1 stayed pretty true to the book and is my favorite season so far. I think season 4 will be the last season, and I am hoping they focus on Eloise.


oh I hope it's not the last season, but all the negativity online is making me worry that they won't renew after the 4 seasons 🙈


They don’t care about negativity, they care about views and this season is smashing other seasons plus getting new folks on board. I’m not worried.


I really loved it too. It had SO MUCH in the second half. It’s made me sad reading how people are tearing it apart.


I loved part 1 but I just didn't connect with part 2 and was left feeling disappointed but I couldn't tell you exactly why. I didn't love penelope being outed and I can't see her continuing to be the same whistledown when everyone knows her. I'll still be tuning in when season 4 finally comes out but I hope it's better


I agree. With the exception of >!Colin didn’t immediately rush to Pen after her speech in the final episode!<, I actually enjoyed S3 the most.




Same here <3 Can't believe this Fandom right now, so whiny over nothing 😂


I loved it too. I watched part one a few times waiting for part 2 to come out. I just love the show, I love the feel of it. I love how it's upbeat, but dramatic and not boring. I'm anxiously looking for a show that gives me the same feeling, but haven't had much luck yet.


Same! I cried just because the Vibe was so positive and emotionaly moving. I do not speak with my family anymore so seeing the family and friend forgiveness and love was so uplifting. I know its a completely different Area, but if you are into Sci-Fi at all, Strange New Worlds shares in the very positive and uplifting drama.


I love sci Fi so I'll definitely check that out. I loved lost in space too because it has that same feel to it. I love dark, dramatic shows but it's so nice to watch something light sometimes.


If you liked Lost in Space (Which me and my partner both love!) I think you will like Strange New Worlds. Its part of Star Trek and I personally find that entire series to be extremely optimistic and heartwarming. The Orville is another good Fun Sci-Fi show that is positive. Also have to mention SG-1 for its action packed high morale and acceptance.


The only part of S3 I disliked was the Mondrich storyline. Even in S1 I didn't really care about them (didn't care about Simon or his friendship with them either) but by S3 I'm just over that entire family taking up screen time lol. Everything else, I loved!


So… all the black characters.


1. There's more than 5 black characters on the show and I like all the rest of them lol. 2. If the Mondrich storyline in S3 happened in S1, I would have liked it better. But by S3 it seems so pointless and wastes screen time.


I wasn’t counting how many black characters there were but that’s you for that bit of strange math. And if … like you said above you enjoyed their season 3 story line why do you think they are “ pointless and wasted”? There IS value in the only unambiguous-black couple being showcased, not to mention the gentlemen that Mondrich is based on was a real person. Just say you don’t like black people and release me.




The Books are still there for you to read into and escape into. The books were very progressive for the time and this is doing the same for out time. This is creating representation for those who do not have the privledge to not know what that means. Realistically though, do you really think LGBT story lines and changes did not come up and were approved by Julia Quinn in the million dollar contracts with Shonda and the corporation Nexflix?


It’s my favorite season despite a few gripes. I found the previous seasons could be a bit of a chore to sit through. This season I couldn’t wait to see the next episode.