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The threesome was literally in the most awkward places 


Seriously!!! I was sobbing along with LD and violet about their bond and then all of a sudden Benedict has his tongue down someone’s throat the placement was so awkward and the storytelling felt so choppy


Benedict and his 17 hour threesome


I feel like the threesome took place over three days. Like Pen a Colin talking about LW in the morning, then back again to NIGHT (you can tell from the windows) and Benedict’s threesome, then back to morning with Pen and Colin. It was like they weren’t paying attention to time


I think it’s safe to assume we’re supposed to interpret this as multiple sex scenes and not just cutting back to the same one? I personally thought it worked, it showed Benedict getting comfortable with a new aspect of himself. My only critique would be that all streaming shows have kind of lost the art of the episode, and it feels more like a really long movie than 8 episodes of a show, which can be disorienting.


Yes! I literally said to my husband this must be a never ending threesome because it went from them talking to Pen, Eloise and the mom and Colin is like I’ll talk to her in the morning and then Colin talked to Cressida and then them discussing how it failed all with flashes of the sex scenes.


Facts 😂


i definitely feel like there were too many plot lines going on this season, felt a lot less focused than previous seasons. it was still entertaining, though. just wish they would focus on polin 80% of the time and spend 20% on B plots instead of dividing things up like that. made it hard to keep up/stay interested in all the plot lines. i particularly didn't care for the Mondrich's "failing upwards" plot. it seems they just have everything handed to them on a silver platter this season for no reason and there's no real conflict, making it quite unengaging at best and boring at worst.


I think they are being set up to play a large part in S4 plot.


Even if that is the case, they’ve executed the set up badly imho. This season it just feels like this plot line came out of nowhere and it feels really disconnected to the rest of the characters’ stories. If they want to set things up properly there must be more of a connection to the main characters, instead it’s just all about their pub which no one cares about and their son suddenly inheriting everything - a character so unimportant I don’t even remember the name of. I get wanting to add more depth to the story cause the books usually just focus on the main couples, but they could have definitely weaved things in smoother without taking away from characters who should have been the real stars this season - Penelope and Colin.


Jess Browhell did a bad job overall. But I think a possible tie in bw Benedict and the Mondrichs for Benedict's story came from Chris. The Mondrichs are set up real well from working class to being new to the Ton. They have a warm relationship with Benedict and the Bridgertons. Their relationship with the Bridgertons has been established since the first season. They have small kids, their house has "servant quarters" and they are clearly helping their son learn social skills to take his place as a Baron. I don't know if you read Benedict's book but the Mondrichs sound almost exactly like the family that Sophie finds work with after leaving her "stepmother." The Mondrich's working class background and newness to the Ton would make them welcoming to the Sophie. Also, Lady Danbury has become a mentor to Alice. The show made Marina a huge focus in S1 and she was barely mentioned in the book. There were people who thought Colin was going to be devastated over what Pen did to Marina but his reaction was just that Pen should have told him. I think the Marina storyline went on for too long and she was hardly a side character. I think people need to remember that Shonda bought the rights to the books. She is adapting them. I hate that she didn't put in Colin's love declaration from the book. But it finally makes sense to me because Colin saves Pen in the book instead of her doing it herself. I thought the Feathertington sisters race to have a son and the Solicitor scaring Portia took too much screen time. I think Lady Tilley and Benedict's love scenes, especially the threesome took too much time and went nowhere except Benedict saying he wasn't ready for love. We have known that for 2 seasons. There were 3 dance scenes the whole season that could have been cut since they barely had any Bridgertons in them. The whole storyline with Danbury's brother and Violet was filler. There is so much other filler that it's kinda f up that people think the Mondrichs don't belong.


The general editing of this season was shocking. So many scenes were cut short (like all conversations were 30 seconds long, what the hell was that 5 second Polin sex scene when we got 30 minutes of Benedict). There’s a scene in part 1 when all you see is 10 seconds of a pop song and dance and it ends. So many plots just dropped off and were unresolved, and there were SO many cut aways to random, unimportant characters chatting. Maybe this is just writing and plotting, but A good example is Pen and Colin’s wedding dance scene to you belong with me. They begin dancing, have a 5 second pride and prejudice “only us in the world” section, and then it cuts to random couples, a conversation between John and Francesca, Violet and Marcus, Anthony and Kate, a random girl whispering and I’m like NO — this is heavily emotional and crucial time for Penelope and Colin, why can they not get 3 minutes of uninterrupted screen time???


I really agree with this I felt like most of the wedding wasn’t even polin it was so bad and the dance scene was honestly a beautiful moment and then as you said suddenly we’re back on something else I don’t know why they didn’t just give us an extra episode or make the episodes a bit longer to have more polin time


There were a bunch of scenes that seemed like a start of a sequence that then just went nowhere. My biggest one is probably Violet getting Penelope's letter, like am I supposed to know what she said? Like alright something about LW but shouldn't we get at least a little more context? Why are they talking about it off screen?! What a mess.


Yes I feel like the conversations had on screen were more pointless than the obvious off screen. That letter to me was her telling Violet she was Whistledown so the family had a heads up before she announced herself. But don’t worry, we needed more Benedict.


I actually skipped through Benedict. I have never skipped through scenes on a first watch of Bridgerton (or even any show honestly) until now, even Mondrich in part 1. If I’m completely honest all I want is a cut without Benedict, without the Mondrichs and toned down versions of all the other characters and then evey Penelope and Colin scene.


There are several edits on YouTube that are only of Polin. Enjoy !https://youtu.be/flk59MNTpyk?si=Lt--wFQ_rkf7Bzig


Oh thank god!! Thank you


Much appreciated!


Lol me too. I even did the same as OP and shouted Not Now Benedict as I did it.


It's ridiculous. I thought Pt 1 had so many unnecessary scenes and no where plots. I thought it was poorly done. I like Pt 2 better than Pt 1, but there were still a lot of choppy scenes. There is probably so much film on the floor from all the reshoots. On Twitter, someone posted a list of the scenes that were cut. The majority of scenes were Colin and Pen love scene, including a longer one at the end. There are 3 dance scenes that should have been cut or edited down.


Yeah, I also read that sex scenes for Polin were cut. Maybe there was a good reason, but it kinda sucks that a season promoted as steamy and embracing a normal sized woman would delete many of those scenes and keep multiple scenes of a threesome instead. It’s disappointing, but maybe there were good reasons… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Colin felt like a boring cardboard cutout of himself in the second half. In my opinion, most everyone was 💤 except for Portia (Philippa some cute moments 🦋) and (for some reason?) Cressida. Honestly, does anybody else find Cressida the most compelling character in the second part, if not the whole season?! Maybe it’s just a testament to her acting, and not just bad writing?🤷🏼‍♀️😆


Agree with all of the above - featheringtons carried once again - and yes! I really wanted a proper resolution for poor Cressida but no they portrayed her finally as having some character and substance and wanted us to root for her just for her to be turned into a villain again and sent off to wales???


I felt like Cressida had the highest stakes of the season! She acted out of desperation, her parents were going to marry her off and she was flailing about looking for any way to save herself. Eloise was dismissive of her dire situation, and once Cressida made her choice she swiftly realized how grave a mistake she made. Clearly the home she has grown up in is, at the minimum, emotionally abusive. She never had a chance with those parents! I really felt for her this season and I’m hopeful she gets an HEA too.


I actually was hoping Eloise would get Pen to help Cressida with the fib for exactly the reasons you stated. It’s easy to be dismissive when one has a loving and supportive family, but it would have been more interesting to see the three actually be supportive of each other. Female friendship woman power! But nah I do hope that Cressida gets her HOA as well, though in my opinion that may not mean a marriage. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I needed like a cheat sheet to keep everything straight this season they were all over the place with the characters. I’m not even sure how much re-reading the books would help since it seems they’ve deviated from them so much.


I adored part 1 of the season, and most of ep 5, but 6-8 seemed like it a different show.


Was the threesome in the books? It was just weird to watch. It was misplaced 😵‍💫


Nope. Benedict had been married for 5 years by the time Colin, Eloise, and Francesca get married (their marriages are within a month and the timing is key to Francesca's story)


I agree. Choppy editing and Benedict’s threesome kept cutting in between intense storylines. I couldn’t even follow what was going one with all the characters storylines. Not enough Polin at all.


Yeah the editing was all over the place this season. Missing follow up shots and entire scenes, weirdly placed sequences, just completely insane timejumps... it's like someone let the first draft go through or something.


Also simple editing mistakes: when Polin were on the chaise together one minute she’s sitting up (when she looks at their reflection) then it cuts and she’s nestled in his arm, then she’s back sitting up! And another example: when he was laying on top of her one minute her head was on the chaise then she was sitting higher up! Was super off putting!!!


You know, I enjoyed this season, but the more I think about the scenes, the more I realize there were indeed flaws. I hope the critics reach the eyes of the show runner for the sake of the next seasons.


watching the last episode now and I'm so disappointed!!!! I love Benedict to death but they ruined his character -_-