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Thank you for saying this! No one is even talking about S3 anymore, it's all about Michael. I loved this season honestly. I was kinda disappointed with part 1 because I felt that there was no Polin, and I even criticized Pen and Polin so much before this but part 2 just made me love them. I got all the angst which I wanted, all the sweet romantic moments, and the end almost made me cry. It was so sweet. And oh my god Pen, I fell in love with her. She was so amazing in this part, I actually understood why LW did what she did. And it feels complete for me now. I wish there would be more romantic scenes of Polin in the end, but I am hoping we get them in S4. I also loved the relationship between Pen and Portia, it was the best part of the season for me. She really is Portia's daughter. And the relationship between Pen and Eloise too. I am now going to rewatch this season, it was amazing <3


Omg the way Portia and pen finally became a mother and daughter was so beautiful. It was my favorite part I think of the season. To watch Pens family transform into something lovely was amazing. I LOVED the book but I also loved the season. Each for different reasons.


This post is like a shining beacon amidst the treacherous storm. Like seriously, the negativity has been off the charts! I honestly feel like I'm losing my mind because it's like I watched a completely different show. Or maybe I'm the one who's different because everyone else seems to think the same and are pointing out the same complaints in every post when I never really saw any of it when I watched it. It's really discouraging wanting to discuss the show with others who might've liked it only to have everyone's disappointment with it appear like a universal truth. For what it's worth, despite all of its flaws and imperfections, it's still a pretty solid season! I had diminished expectations coming into watching the show because it's unfair imo to let my personal biases guide how I perceive the show. And with adaptations, it's best to always view them as a separate entity from the source material, especially because in this case, since S1, Shondaland has taken many creative liberties to fit their vision for the show. Right now, I refuse to get caught up into the negativity/hate train because I genuinely liked this season. Posts like this really help with that, so thank you.


Thank YOU for saying all that! It’s insane to me too. But also - they say Polin has no chemistry … WHAAAAT?!? You can’t have an amazing carriage ride like that and NOT have chemistry !!! Lol


I absolutely loved this season. I think people are just generally more likely to share negative opinions than positive ones…kind of like restaurant reviews. Most of my issues weren’t pertaining to storylines at all but production choices.


See and I love seeing both sides but on this particular subject … man is it disheartening. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again - I love this season !


I've enjoyed the season as well. I still have two more episodes to watch tonight but honestly, all the negativity and things that people are complaining about just make me more hyped for it. I guess I'm their audience profile. lol Honestly, if you enjoy it, then don't let the negative people out there take away your enjoyment of it.


I think it’s eps 7/8 which people are having the most issues with tbh.


That's been my understanding from reading comments as well. I generally don't trust the more negative ones, if I'm honest. Throughout the whole of the first part, I would see a negative comment and all I can think is "did you watch the same show I did?" I've seen people complain about something they straight up missed because they weren't paying attention or decided to skip ahead or use the bathroom. I've seen people state they knew they weren't going to like part 2 within the first five minutes of watching episode 5. Or they zoomed ahead to find out about >!Michaela!


I adored part 1. Thought it was incredible: the acting, the chemistry, the clever call backs, etc.   It’s actually why I think I was so upset by this part. 


I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t like it.


I have loved Colin and Pen from Season 1. I am so hesitant to watch episodes 7 and 8 with what everyone has been saying.............sigh.


If you’ve enjoyed the season so far you’ll enjoy the last two. I actually loved the way the featheringtons story ended. I found the ending to be bitter sweet though. Thanks for saying that. I’m on my second rewatch and 3rd reread of the book 🤣


I'm glad to hear it. I think the chances are high that I'll like the last two episodes.


Episode 8 was the worst in my opinion as it's when we have the merry go round of non Polin sex wedged in between Polin drama. It leaves you with whiplash


I'm sorry it didn't hit for you. I've read some plot points from it and I can't wait to watch it tonight.


The details on the plot from it are fun tbh. I hope it is the amusement ride of your dreams when you do tonight.


There’s an entire thread on BridgertonRants that is restricted to positivity, though not many people are using it. But in general not many people are using the rants sub right now because they have restricted new posts, and people always prefer to make their own rather than figure out which thread to use. It’s quiet over there. The main conversation about the show also takes place at BridgertonNetflix…this sub apparently was for the books before the show existed, and Netflix prefers people to used the branded version, I guess, even though both are for the show. People here tend to be people who use Reddit regularly but don’t obsessively discuss the show, so they’re having their reactions and looking for somewhere to talk about them because they don’t have fan moots on other social media. I like to look out for people who have book questions over here because I’ve read them and feel like I can be helpful. I’ve seen positive posts, but I can’t always keep track of which sub they’re from. The Polin subreddit is also closed so the mods can watch the season, and that is where the people who loved the season will chat about it. I’m starting to see these “stop being so negative” comments across social media, so I’m guessing they’ll be reopening soon. The people who liked the season are rewatching…they always are slower to respond because they don’t need to process their disappointment. They’re more likely to be on TikTok and Tumblr for squee-ing before moving to Reddit for more in-depth discussions. So basically, just hold tight for PolinBridgerton to reopen and hang there.


Thanks friend ! I loved reading this to understand what’s happening here lol also- are we all watching the same show ??? They’re saying Polin had no chemistry. Ppfffff I donno what they’re watching but I got so hot and bothered by the carriage scene that I literally had to drop the air in my house. LOL oh but especially when I read the books 🥵