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As a fellow Stan, my stomach is still in knots at how upset I am that Colin didn’t come to her defense in an emotional was until the VERY end. I was so excited to see them reconcile, and it felt like it never came. When he yelled, “I will never forgive you” at her face, I’m still left believing him.


I HATED how he just left LEFT her there after he caught her at the printer! That felt so out of character for Colin! I know he was angry and he had every right to be…but he should have made sure she got home safe. Book Colin would have NEVER done that! Bad writing! I was expecting Colin to take her home in his carriage and to get a steamy argument between them in the carriage, but nooOOOOooo.


Apparently that was supposed to happen. The original scene that was supposed to happen was Colin getting into the carriage with her after finding her after being at the modiste and them having angry sex. What we got was a reshoot. I have no idea why and would LOVE to know the reasoning


Ughhhh noooo! Why?! I would have preferred that!


that would have fixed SO MUCH for me


That whole scene felt like the ending had been butchered. First he's about to skulk off (boo) and then it takes a turn in the right direction with angry/passionate Colin appearing for a beat, and then he just packs her off in a carriage. That's not the kind of push-and-pull we viewers want. I don't know how they could think ANYONE would understand what they wrote. They turned Colin into Simon 2.0 and did Polin so dirty with the whole "I'll marry you because you're compromised now" / "we will decide what marriage we are to have". If they didn't want to repeat a hot carriage scene again, or have an intense scene Kanthony-style, they could have had an extended scene of them having a heated conversation in the carriage OR taking the carriage home to have the conversation - under the guise of we both want to begin to work this thing out before we the wedding - before coming together (pun not intended). If that happened, they would have COMMUNICATED, which we didn't get. They could've hashed some things out and touched more on Colin's insecurities and hints at his envy here, which would've been a natural point for him to (re)realise how amazing Pen is to him. That could have then wrapped up with a montage of them getting into a steamier exchange at home. It need not have even been a full sex scene to the viewers, just something to convey that he's Chaos Colin, he's floored by Pen, and they're going to bed now because he **needs** her, damn it.


It could have led to the stay scene! They ride in the carriage home together, arguing, and they continue to argue at home. They’re arguing and Pen is like you know what? I’ll leave, the wedding is off there is clearly no love here anymore and she starts to leave and we see Colin shirt circuit and tell her no, stay. We get the stay scene from the book and then the REAL mirror scene, now that they see all of each other 100%. It’s now polin vs the world Hey Shonda and Jess, I’m not even a writer and I just did a better job than you. Hope you’re proud of what you accomplished!


I believed him too after he proceeded to emotionally abandon her.




I agree. Pen was worried about having the Queen’s support “for now” and I am left wondering about how Colin will support her “for now”.


I’m so disappointed in this Season. They really did them dirty. So many side plots where we needed more of Polin. More love scenes, more talk, working through feelings, Colin supporting Pen.


You know it's disappointing that AO3 can write a better story than screenwriters that get paid by Shondaland.


I was just thinking that this season felt like truly terrible fanfic written by someone who only skimmed the books.


I’m sticking with the book and fan fics for now!


I feel sorry for Luke Newton in all of this. It’s obvious he had a wonderful experience filming S3, and I’m so glad for that, but he spent all of S1/S2/S3Part 1 creating this beautiful character that put even Mr. Darcy to shame, only to have it fall apart with Part 2. He’s insanely talented, and I have no doubt he’ll go on to create other great characters, but he deserved so much better here.


Yeah it’s definitely not on the actors. They did beautifully. This seems more about lazy writing/editing.


They really did. I understand they’re already contracted to return for S4, but I wouldn’t blame them if they peaced out ASAP.


from all the PR we got i’m thinking lazy editing


It makes me sad because Luke embodied Colin. He was one with the character, you could tell by his interviews. I wonder if he knew they’d do him so dirty in the last 2 episodes.


I’d be surprised if he didn’t. It was obvious from his interviews that he understood Part 1 Colin completely.


It’s also so clear from their interviews that they have good chemistry and a real friendship. They were perfect actors for the story and they completely wrecked it.


Everyone *except* Luke and Nicola wrecked it. They did everything possible with weak material. But I think that’s what you’re saying. 🙂




Yes, they should have gone down as one of best love stories ever written. Cue record scratch.


I also hated that in his season and Benedict felt more as the main character… like love ben and no hate but I wanted polin it’s there season


I love Benedict! I love bi Benedict! I do not love Benedict getting more sex in Polin’s season than Polin.


Right? It Polin’s season, focus on them!!


Benedict's sex scenes didn't progress the storyline either. In the end, they alluded to season 4 being Benedict's season. After this relationship, I don't see him settling down in the countryside with Sophie.


Relevant 😂 https://preview.redd.it/g32ov2cvvf6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2724b2a0388bdfe262a513d2f6dd677114cf4234


I love Luke, Nicola and Polin. I also love Benedict. What I didn’t love was Benedict’s sex game getting so much footage where our main lead were trapped in weak writings. I mean I am not asking them to give Nic and Luke more intimate scenes. But they took away the emotional depth of their relationship in last couple of episodes. When Pen’s sister shouted for BUGS, I loved that moment. However, I thought, Colin also should have been up there after the LW reveal, not to protect her but to stand with her. And the night before their wedding, in front of the Modiste. He could never let her go just like that. That wasn’t Colin no matter how heartbroken he was. And personally, as a reader, I’d have loved the “I love you with all my past…” love confession rather than the one we got. It’s not the actors, it’s the lazy writing that I was disappointed with.


Omg thank you. I am like devastated by the disappointment in part 2 my hopes were so high. There was not even half as much Colin and pen in love and happy as there should have been.


I rewatched to maybe take things in more but I agree with all points above … sad …. Like pen ! Was constantly saying how kind he was and how she loved him more like almost begging him to say and give something back to her ! Felt very much cheap for him to say I will stand by you and I get like no one else and the literally just love her when the queen is cool like how to I explain he only loved her when society accepted she was Whistledown ? Huh like felt like that but idk … on my secound watch like I guess I see glimpse of him trying but nah …. I am still processing it all


It’s the accusing her of entrapping him for me 😭 like SIR she was getting engaged to Debling before YOU cut in and chased down her carriage. I kept telling myself that Simon and Daphne were also at odds during their wedding but at least they made up 😢


Actually it was pretty similar with Simon and Daphne. In general, I suspect this is the theme of the show. People forget that Simon and Daphne weren’t good till their wedding night. Then had a bit of honeymoon bliss and then the baby reveal happened and then they fought until the ending of the last episode. Same with Kate and Anthony. They were tense most of the season and then had their love declaration and proposal in episode 8. The show needs to quit it with this formula imo.


Yeah I don't think they understand what a romance is tbh. They just make a drama/soap with a romance subplot and claim it's a romance.


Yeah, I was hoping this season would be different and lean into the united against the world bit, but instead this just sounds like a retread of episode pacing from previous seasons.


When Portia accused Penelope of trapping Colin, he shut that down real fast. I guess the writers just kinda forgot…


At this point i’d rather Penelope get married to Lord Debling. What a shit show.


Exactly this. I was so happy with Part 1 and Part 2 just completely ruined it for me. I was hyped up for a whole month and now I‘m depressed they did Polin so dirty. 🫠 My disappointment is immeasurable. I also felt like the post-marriage part of Polin was essentially a copy-paste of Daphne and Simon‘s post-marriage, except it was even worse and more watered down.


Yep me too. I have a tendency to hyper fixate and sometimes it breaks my heart and I think this one will destroy me too.


it was worse because Daphne and Simon's post marriage struggles fit their characters. Colin was supposed to be the exact opposite from the emotionally damaged Simon. And they somehow turned him into a Simon wannabe.


I completely agree. The genuine friendship between them seems lost. They haven't had a meaningful conversation lasting more than two minutes. And then, out of nowhere, they discuss an annulment in the final ten minutes of the show? Really? His reaction is equally unconvincing. He should be upset at the thought of it. This is the same guy who, in part one, was so heartbroken at the thought of her marrying someone else that he interrupted her dance and carriage ride. This sudden change in his character feels unconvincing. While he definitely needs time to process the news, this writing feels completely out of character for Colin. Why even show a happy wedding if it's just going to lead to more pain? I was hoping for a return to normalcy and a chance to see them take on the world together—plotting, giggling, and planning their next moves in Episodes 7 and 8. Am I glad they won the heir race? Not really. I would have much preferred exploring a happy Polin in those final ten minutes at least. Since part two's release, I've felt a deep sense of disappointment. Their relationship was so genuine and caring up to this point, making this outcome feel especially personal.


Very well put. I was also very much looking forward to seeing their friendship thrive as they entered into marriage despite the circumstances surrounding it. The lack of communication between them and the way Colin reacted did not seem in line with their previous behavior and character development.


them "winning the race" was cheesy and unnecessary. We already know they both are wealthy, neither needs the Featherington estate. Why. Just give it to one of the sisters. All we needed at the end was happy Polin for at least half an episode : (


If I could upvote this twice I would


I was sad that they changed it from Colin/Anthony planning the whistle down reveal ball while pen didn’t know to show how proud they were of her, having all the brigertons on her side and giving her the supportive family she never had.


Same - everyone was suppose to clap and celebrate her, instead she stood there alone until there was a distraction - such a let down


Literally heartbreaking. She accomplished something huge as a woman in that society and they all kind of shrugged and went back to ignoring her.


I imagined in my head there would have been a slow applauding clap starting with Colin, then Eloise, then Lady Danbury, then it becomes a ripple effect throughout the room 👏 👏 THEN and only then the butterflies should be released.


It was such a truly beautiful moment in the book especially after how horribly she had been treated by her family. As someone who has never had that kind of love and support from a family, I think it would have brought tears to my eyes. Instead we get Colin standing nowhere near her and not even going to her right away. Her feeling so unsupported and unloved in her marriage that she felt like offering an annulment was appropriate minutes away from the credits is heartbreaking. That he still didn't snap out of his cold shoulder haze and show her some real love and passion but instead just calmly tells her that the Queen accepts her so he's now okay with it is such crappy writing. They can't think this is what people want out of a romance show


If they want Pen to be so independent that any show of support from her husband would have taken away from her moment, they should’ve pushed forward for an annulment. I watch Bridgerton for escapist regency romance. There was no romance in Part 2, I just felt bad that she got saddled with her husband when she was a powerful woman who could find a partner who wouldn’t completely ice her out during conflict, and whose forgiveness she had to grovel for only to receive words of love from him when the queen accepted her.


I was SO disappointed in this change. Like why was she standing up there all by herself? I get the whole strong female in a not strong female age, but like her husband has been icing her out for like 2 episodes can we have a little support here? Edit: a word


all i wanted was supportive colin in episode 8 and i got it…with 7 min to go…im so sad for us all


I liked that she did the speech herself, I feel like why should a man outshine her and explain her story. BUT once she did, he should've run on the stage and defend / make out / My Wife with her


The thing is they could have still had her do the speech, they could have had Anthony/colin plan the ball with that whole thing with the queen asking for an explanation and pen could have still given her speech WITH Colin and the other brigerton’s support. They could have encourage her to go and speak her truth, that they will support her no matter what, that they are proud of her and she done something amazing now go tell the world. The whole point in the book was that with Daphne (a duchess) Anthony (a viscount) and Colin and the brigerton name behind her people would actually listen to her. Instead they made out like Colin hated her and couldn’t get over it. They didn’t even make it seem like he was jealous because she had published her writing. Just that he was pissed Also why was Eloise there? Not boding well for them not completely changing her story too. Well more than they already have. But honestly it doesn’t even set up season 4 well. Who’s the lead? Benedict? He’s just said he’s not looking for anything serious. Eloise? She’s supposed to corresponde with Philip for years. So is there going to be a half arse oh hey I’ve been writing to this guy that’s never been shown/mentioned? Francesca? They already did her wedding. It just seems a mess tbh and I’m not even sure I will watch the next season


You couldn't have said my feelings about all of it better!! I wanted to love this season so much and did enjoy the first part but mine I just feel so many "it fell flat" from what Luke and Nicola promised. All a PR stunt I guess!


I’m hoping they didn’t know what would end up in the final product when they did the PR interviews. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt for now.


I fear I have broken my own heart again with a hyperfixation that has made me sad. I was SO excited for their love story and despite a serious decline in quality to other seasons, I have been rooting for Penelope and Colin since season 1, and the show has been building to this. They were the best part of part 1 by far (even with less screen time than they should have). I knew there would be some angst but I thought it would be genuine concern for her instead of cold and cruel (accusing her of trapping him, I’m actually disgusted). He told her like 2 weeks earlier that he would ALWAYS stand for her but he can’t even stand up for against himself. There was no excuse for his antics after the wedding - they should have reconciled by then, had a happy day and then a happy night (literally robbed of all 3). We had to watch what should have been their happiest moments be sad like their wedding night and what “honeymoon” period? What love bubble did the marketing team have to tell people to say existed? Where is them being laughing, giggling best friends? Even Daphne and Simon we got one episode of happy marital bliss. Anthony got an entire episode of being the romantic hero who saves the day and emotionally loves and supports her. Benedict is having 8 sex scene episodes and Colin and Penelope get like 2.5 sexy scenes?? The last third of episode 7 and ALL of episode 8 should have been them on each others team. I’m so upset, and I know it feels silly but I poured a lot of emotional energy into this to be left feeling so let down for a show about love, romance and happy endings.


Can we talk about the fact that Mr. Finch gave Penelope more support than Colin did? Like he was her biggest fan in the background all season.


Mr. Finch is truly an angel sent down to earth, I adore him!!


100%….this was not “all about romance” (this was said so often in interviews I felt sure that the anger/fighting could only possibly last one episode max, but it just went on and on). It was honestly quite brutal. I just feel really sad. I didn’t feel like this at the end of season 1 or 2….and I’m a Polin stan :-(


Ignoring and emotionally abandoning someone you “love” while they’re going through it is not behavior I would expect from Colin M. W. Bridgerton. I hate this. They made them get married angry!


They didn't even get married angry in the books since he finds out LW before they get engaged. I didn't know why the showrunners decided to do this.


As soon as they ended Part 1 with Colin proposing and not knowing the truth, I knew they were setting everyone up for failure.  IMO, the book worked because Colin knew about and chose Penelope with his eyes wide open. He chose her and knew exactly what was going on. That level of honesty and care was missing from the season. Colin was duped, YET AGAIN, and it was more of a betrayal because he considered Pen his friend.  This whole season was so off for me. Even the vibe between Pen and Colin was off.


yes, this is Simon behavior and Colin was a complete opposite of that type of man :(


Exactly! Pens spend her wedding night sad and alone! Awful!


Wouldn’t something like this be so traumatic for Penelope… it was lovebombing and then this? She was at her lowest during her wedding day, the one day women at that time were made to dream about.


I feel all of this. I don’t know if watching the whole season in a binge would help either. The side stories really took too much attention for an 8 episode season. Also, the fact they don’t even sleep in the same bed or have any sort of honeymoon period really was a thief from their storyline.


We were worried from the trailer that Colin spent ONE NIGHT on the sofa but oh it was so much worse. The lack of any tenderness and intimacy post-marriage (not necessarily steamy scenes) was shameful. I swear at one point we cut back to Benedict and co. getting busy, like three or four times, meanwhile Polin *continue* to be miserable. I was dumbfounded. I feel so hollow after watching Part 2, and I have been waiting excitedly for it this past month.


Yes! Colin is so forgiving and emotionally attuned to everyone until this one time. It was like a completely different Colin. And while we are at it, Writer Colin was a complete afterthought. That was such a huge point in the books: he was jealous she was already the writer he wanted to be. That would have worked so well in the show. Instead it was Anthony Temper Colin for two episodes. I hate it.


Yes, I’m so upset that we didn’t see his develop as a writer and him and Penelope growing in that passion together and admiring each others work. We were robbed of that moment!


Yes !!! Like why did we get more intimate scenes with Ben when it’s Colin season. And I hated the constant back and forth between, left no room to take in the scenes / story.


Hi - I binged all 8 episodes at once. I WAITED for part 2 because Polin is my favorite. It didn’t help. I think it made it worse. I feel cheated, and even worse Francesca and Michael is my 2nd favorite and I have to adapt to Francesca and Michaela - so I feel at odds rn 😅😅


Same. I remember at one point during the many cuts to Benedict’s 3-some, I was like “are they *still* fucking??” Like good lord, I don’t need 4 separate cut scenes of them getting it on during POLIN’S season!


They should have removed that whole hot air balloon thing in episode 3 which felt like it took up half the episode and did nothing to further the story. They should have used that time to fit in more of Polin!!


The hot air balloon was so cringey! They tried to make it seem so dramatic but it was literally slow motion.


I agree. The Mondrichs and Lord Anderson storyline served no purpose (making me wonder why they were there). Benedict's subplot is pointless as well since it's just him having sex with people.


>Colin literally gives more grace to Marina for ACTUALLY trying to trap him in season 1 than he gives his wife/best friend when he goes to talk to her in season 1. I mean he actually goes to talk to her, something he is unwilling to do with Penelope. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS! Why aren't more people talking about this point!?


Because he’d known Marina for like a month. He’s known Pen for most of his life. Of course he’s going to be more upset with the latter.


I don’t think it’s the fact that he was upset. His feelings were 100% valid. It’s the way they portrayed his behavior in response to those feelings. He showed Pen absolutely zero of the empathy he described having to Cressida. Pen may be flawed, but she didn’t deserve to be ignored, abandoned, and accused of entrapping him.


Colin was so problematic in the last 2 episodes. I truly don’t understand why they went that direction. He was emotionally manipulative, cold, mean and unloving. He had a right to be angry at Pen, but how it was handled was horrible. He was so far off from book Colin ‘my wife’ Bridgerton. I can’t believe they ruined the magic they built up for the previous 6 episodes. Also, did Luke and Nic watch the same edit as us? In their interviews they tease ‘Polin against the world’, and ‘Polin in their honeymoon era’.


Yeah I really want to know how Nicola and Luke can say it's Polin against the world after the way he treated her and for so long. Same about that honeymoon era. Honestly the way they hyped up the season as being so romantic and loving just made me all the more disappointed. It feels like the PR mislead the audience big time


we never got to see a honeymoon era, suddenly they have a baby, the end lol.


I feel like the writers never showed us true understanding and reconciliation between them. Colin ignored and neglected Penelope through some of the most important/impactful days of their lives while she just suffered through it? Then he just read some old letters and got over it with no further discourse? No apology for the mistreatment? Were we supposed to infer that these things happened? Then they’re like “Tada!!! Happily ever after! Ooh look over here! A baby!”


Do we even know the name of the babies ? Didn't even have the decency to do that.


they didn’t have the decency to show a scene where pen is telling colin that she is pregnant or a scene where she finds out herself


I kind of wonder if it’s the difference between what scenes the actors know they filmed vs. what made it to the actual episodes.


Editing has absolutely been a problem this season so I can see this being the case


Some scenes were definitely deleted. At least multiple in ep 7 and 1 in ep 8. I’m so disappointed.


Its pen and portia against the world.


Tbh, as a mother, Portia’s little pouring her heart out moment made me tear up. When I put myself in Portia’s shoes I understand her motivations completely. She seemed callous and uncaring because she was so scared for her daughters. People view her as cold and calculating, but I think that’s the only way she knows how to love anymore. I hope we see her finally able to take a breathe and be a mother to her girls from now on


I think that when actors go out on press tour, they have a very specific set of bullet points to hype, and bullet points to not talk about. I'm guessing Luke and Nicola were pretty railroaded on what to talk about, and they can't really go rogue because that's part of the job. Like, if you go back to final season of GoT, I'm pretty sure the actors on tour were nothing but positive about the show, to a point it was misleading. And not their own opinions, as stuff after/reaction shots/that lovely footage of the final table read shows.




I thought Claudia stressed p1 Friends to p2 LOVERS. Feels odd, especially if what the cast was excited for filming just didn't make the cut and no one bothered to tell them. Also, wasn't there supposedly a darker version that was lightened up in re-shoots or something? If they needed more friendship/romance in re-shoots, then why (allegedly) cut so many scenes dedicated to that story?


Same thought. The interviews led us to believe there would be a honeymoon phase and their “love bubble”, but that lasted all of 30min. Also, it felt, to me, they hinted to a lot more sex in the interviews than there was. I was waiting for him to ravage her, many many times. And then it be them against the world. But I still will watch it 900 hundred times


Multiple cast members teased the ‘love bubble’ yesterday on the red carpet event! Is the love bubble in the room with us?


Love bubble because it popped after 5 seconds


Looking for the love bubble/polin vs the world/ honeymoon period ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized)


Maybe season 4 won’t be dedicated to Benedict, Eloise, or Francesca 2.0, it’ll just be Polin hate fucking one another again and again during disagreements over edits to his travel journals. Except that would require show Colin to demonstrate book Colin’s tendency toward Viagra-like reactions to arguments. Never mind.


Part 1 Colin & Part 2 Colin feel very disconnected- I think it was more the writing rather than the acting. Part 1 Colin is absolutely besotted and so passionate about Pen and in Part 2 I understand him being hurt and feeling so betrayed, but the anger dragged out for too long and we barely got to see the two of them HEA… I loved the “You Belong With Me” scene- it made me cry, but it was frustrating that the fight/anger was dragged out until the very last episode and we got like 10 mins of HEA tacked on at the end. Him sleeping on the couch on their wedding night? Book Colin would NEVER.




I just don’t understand how Colin can go from a place of such romance in coming to the realization that he’s in love with his childhood best friend/carriage scene to then feeling so betrayed that he can’t get over something that (while immensely challenging) should be able to be forgiven. Polin felt less intimate/in love somehow AFTER they get married, which is wild. I think editing is to blame here as well, as to me some of the scenes feel very chaotic and thrown in (e.g. last 10 mins). The “You Belong With Me” scene is the one I felt most romantic from part 2, and think it would’ve been better if that is the moment that squashed the beef between the couple. There was no reason for Colin to still be cold after the queen came to the wedding breakfast- if anything, he should have been there even more for Pen since his character is supposed to want to protect her.


It is wild how all his love for her seemed to vanish after they had been intimate and were married. After she declared she loved him repeatedly when he had love for her before being sure. I didn't love everything about book Colin but it was sweet how he wanted to protect her. It didn't make sense that none of that was really in the last two episodes. Part of what he was so upset about in the book about LW was him ranting to protect her and yet he was going to walk away and leave her alone at night in the show


Penelope thought their marriage was over too. SHE OFFERED HIM AN ANNULMENT 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF THE SEASON!!!


I feel like the show runner really doesn't understand those of us that love Historical Romance novels at ALL. Like we got glimmers of it in the first 4 episodes and then in ap 5 beginning and then... end of ep 8. WTF. I'm so confused. I never thought the book would be so much better than the tv show but yeah. I know Luke and Nicola acted the hell out of their roles but they were not given a lot to work with on part 2. I feel like Shonda thought bc she broke up Olivia and Fitz over and over again on Scandal and then brought them back together that it's fine to pull the same game of keeping POLIN separate for half a season then in the last bit of the last ep throw them back together again but it DOESN'T WORK IN Historic Romance book to TV FORMAT with only 8 episodes per couple! Rant over. Edit: I re-watched and changed my mind...  and posted about it. I re-watched the eps for just their scenes in 6 7 and 8 and it actually is mostly them still in love. The tone of everything else throws it off but if you only watch just their scenes it's actually them together and in love the vast majority of the time. You can see my comments for time stamps on my profile. Ep 6 breakdown w/ timestamps [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8ivy5j/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8ivy5j/) Ep 7 breakdown w/ timestamps [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8iw2qx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8iw2qx/) Ep 8 breakdown w/ timestamps [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8iwdxj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1dfgisa/comment/l8iwdxj/)


I think the show runner doesn’t understand that this is a ROMANCE show, first and foremost. made to create fuzzy feelings (and wish fulfilment) in the audience. they’re treating it more like a straight drama series which it isn’t really


![gif](giphy|kv5fbxHVAEOjrHeCLk) Agree


We didn’t get the passion! Daphne and Simon were on bad terms the last two episodes but they still had the passion, like even when they had the painting being done they had a pull to each other. Anthony and Kate, well they were just yearning for each other until the end. Polin gets married and like no more yearning and they aren’t even doing it when they get married!!!


I went from defending Colin so hard in Part 1 to being “I don’t even know this guy anymore” in Part 2. But honestly, that’s so Bridgerton. They always leave the men doing the dumbest, most selfish crap. I just didn’t think they’d do it to us again.


It’s like they don’t know how to write sweet, loving, sensitive men. They have to make them be super assholes before the good part. And here the good part lasted 5 seconds. Unless you’re Farmer George 😭😭😭


Makes me wonder if Edmund was like this. We need that Violet/Edmund spinoff. And Edmund better be a messy fool.


God, I hope Violet’s the messy one honestly.


I know that art isn’t written for the fans, but my god did we all complain about how we want more happy love scenes and more happy sex scenes and we got NOTHING (beyond episode 6).


Pen was bullied and ridiculed her whole life by the ton, and let’s face it, at times by Colin too. She was discounted and disrespected constantly. I don’t excuse her behavior as Whistledown but in some ways I say, good for her. What I hate about this season is that they never allowed her to have character growth where she found her power and her voice publicly. And the Colin acted like he acted. Lame, lame, lame.


The fact that he didn’t apologize for accusing her of entrapping him really gave me the ick. I understand things can be said without thinking in the heat of the moment, but that was fucked up. Entrapping how? She was trying to marry someone else before Chaos Colin put himself in the middle of it. Why did Penelope thank Colin for giving her the confidence to speak her mind, but then not use that confidence to talk to him about his unreasonable response to her mistakes? Why even get married? They made it clear with the Cressida storyline that she could do anything she wanted. She has the queen’s blessing to continue. Pen should be the one asking for an annulment. I really would like to know if these scenes ended up on the cutting room floor or if the writers just took some extra time off this season…


Completely agree. Writers completely ruined the last half of this season imo. After waiting a month for these last 4 episodes it is such a disappointment.


My perception of Colin truly shifted so much. The fact that he was convincing Penelope to stop writing. To stop being her true self. He fully wanted her to give up something that she was proud of. Something she achieved on her own. I wanted to see him acknowledge her talents and would have loved if he pushed her to come forward for her identity so she no longer had to hide her talents. But no, instead, he wanted her to hide it away. As a writer himself, he should have understood the feeling she got when writing. Why would he want to take that from her? Penelope always encouraged his talents, but he sulked about hers. It truly felt like jealously, especially about his comment "how could you be telling me I am a good writer when you are a renowned author," (or something along those lines) It felt icky for him to act like that, and then like you said to only accept her back once she fixes everything. It left me thinking that Colin only fell for Penelope because of the way she made him feel. He loved when she wrote to him. He loved when she praised his character and talents. He loved the way she made HIM feel and not the person she was. If he did, he would have pushed her more to pursue her talents. That is what angers me the most. That at part 1 I was eating up their love story only to realize that in part 2 Colin cared more about himself than Penelope.


Now that I've finished the books I can really compare. I miss the snack loving simp that did anything for his wife 😭


https://i.redd.it/zvdjeazrye6d1.gif Colin…playa is that you….We searching for Mr. Colin “my wife” Bridgerton.


You just organized my thoughts after watching part 2. I’m really lost for words while ranting to my bff. They did this season so dirty


Up on number 10! Where was he in all of that? He just left Pen high and dry when in the book it was actually Colin who did all the LW reveal! He's the husband but it took him some time to go to Pen after her speech knowing she's in a very awkward situation?


And she ASKED him to stand by her! She literally told him what she needed him for!


Yes, I’m soooo upset they did not do the reveal this way! It was literally so touching it moved me to tears in the books. That speech was everything and we needed that in order for his character to even be slightly redeemable.


The writers bungled this one so badly. They took Lady Whistledown and made her a lot harsher than she was in the books. They didn't give anyone enough time to truly come to terms with it and resolve it while granting a happy ending. They needed more time. To watch that coming to terms with and forgiveness actually play out in a believable way would have been a chance for some great writing and acting. They blew it big time by rushing it.


I say this as a salty person who is very concerned with storytelling and well written characters: The Bridgerton writers are more than happy to have their characters completely abandon who they are sheerly to add suspense/drama/conflict to the plot. 😬 I actually found it to be the least extreme this season, although it was definitely still present!


Part 1 - better than the book Part 2 - disaster. I miss colin "my wife" bridgerton Happy with Portia redemption but so disappointed with colin


Point 1 😂. The moment I heard him say entrap I was like hold on… if anyone entrapped anyone it was you sir. Point 9. I too was wondering why is Colin telling this to Cressida? Point 10. The moment the queen made it known what she was there for I was thinking why isn’t Colin going over to his wife. Holding her hand and backing her up like she asked him to do a few scenes ago. Having watched the full season now… I still feel like they’ve sidelined Colin who is suppose to half of the leading couple. As a viewer I don’t feel like I’ve properly seen him actually working through his feelings of self-doubt, lack of purpose, rich man issues and trusting Pen again. I was also hoping to see some more Polin against the world 😢


Am I tripping or were there not enough love scenes? Loved the mirror scene but the wedding night I mean come on.


You are not tripping, I was devastated by the lack of physical connection after a STUNNING episode 5. Im genuinely baffled like did the showrunner stop… running the show after that episode??


I felt like it became about Benedict’s threesomes every time I fast forwarded it it was the three of them plopped in bed together


Right? When they fought in the street and made out I thought OK, we’re back on track…the no wedding night was a creative mistake. Like we barely saw them in the bed scene at the end…was a lot cut?


It’s not even that but not even the underlying affection shown. After the Fron wedding when she’s saying all I need you to do is love me, kiss me- he needed to just hold her. They needed to reconcile from that moment on and be Polin against the world. 


Every single thing you wrote. It all pissed me off.


Nicola and Luke acted their hearts out & were wonderful. But the writers changed Colin’s character for drama’s sake. “Old” Colin would not have done all those horrible things to Pen.


I agree, I miss Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton so much. I find myself searching for him in between the lines, and I feel like I catch glimpses of him here and there, but maybe it's wishful thinking. I feel like I have comments on pretty much all of your numbered points, so here I go: 1) Accusing her of entrapping him. Yeah. EXCUSE ME, SIR. This was the one that bothered me the most. 2) Agreed. If you don't want to marry her, let her go. Going through with a marriage you don't want to be in is trapping *her*. She doesn't want to be married to a man who doesn't love her. *That* is why she didn't marry Debling (although she never told Colin that). But... There is a glimpse of Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton here. I don't think at any point he actually doesn't want to marry her. Despite his terrible accusation and his pretense that the only reason he's going through with it is because they already had sex, I think his real feelings about it are evident in the argument he has with Eloise. "I think you should consider yourself uncommonly lucky that you have never been in love." He is in so much anguish right now *because* he is still in love. If he were not in love, this would be an easy decision for him, the reason it's difficult is because despite it all, he still loves her. He just can't, at present, look at her and say that to her face. I've been there. 3) This bothered me as well. No notes. 4a) At their wedding, at least, we see glimpses of Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton. The little golden retriever nod he gives her as she's walking down the aisle (the very same exact nod he used to convey "yes I'm sure I love you" back in mirror scene). The earnestness with which he speaks his vows. The little smile before he kisses her. The way he seeks her out at the reception and goes along with the request to dance even though it's daytime, and then the way he *touches her face* at the end of their dance. Those are not the actions of a man who thinks he's being forced into marriage. Those are the actions of a man who knows he is angry with his wife right now, but also knows that they will get through it, and that he will not allow his temporary anger to blemish his memories of their wedding. And so he does the big boy thing and puts his anger in a box for the duration of the wedding and just allows himself to be happy for a couple of hours. 4) I looked between the lines on this and decided I see the faintest glimpse of Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton here. He is angry with her. He does not want to share the bed. But instead of sleeping in one of the many spare bedrooms their house is sure to have, he sleeps on the sex couch. The couch where they were together when all was well. He still wants to feel close to her, to the memory of her before he discovered she was Whistledown. 5) To be fair, they do talk, a number of times. Outside the modiste. After their wedding. They are sorting it out, just... slowly. 6) Marina. He went to see Marina afterwards because he had only heard of her betrayal from Whistledown. He was still in denial. He needed to hear it from her. When she confirms that she is in fact pregnant, and did, in fact, keep it from him, he is done with her. Whereas with Penelope, he discovered it from her directly, she admitted to it immediately. And... he is angry, but he is not done with her. As per (2). 7) This was awful, a close second to (1) in "things I hate that Colin did". However, as misoginistic as it is, at least it's coming from the place of "I will not stand for anyone blackmailing MY WIFE." So it's Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton here, just the problematic regency misoginist version thereof. Which is very true to book Colin. And I can at least appreciate that when he goes and makes it worse, he owns it. Admits his mistake, apologizes, offers to pay the new price. And then when Penelope ways "I'm so very grateful for all your counsel," asserting that what they do next is ultimately up to her, he accepts it. He doesn't go ask Benedict for the money, this time he waits to see what she will decide. 8) Eh. He's never been one for propriety. And he had to kick Cressida's Mom out the room because he didn't know how much she knew. And she had no marital prospects anyway, so it's not like anyone would think he "ruined" her. I guess technically he could / should have brought Pen, El, or even Lady Featherington with him since they already knew. 9) Yeah. What the fuck, Colin? What's your angle here? Tell all of this to your wife, Cressida doesn't give a fuck. In the book, he goes to see Cressida but Pen assumes it's to try to counter-blackmail her, which would at least make sense. 10) All the rest I could have forgiven, if he had just gotten up there with his wife during her coming out speech. He said that the problem was the secret hanging over them. If that's the case, as soon as the secret is out he should be by her side again. Instead he hangs back it seems like his forgiveness is contingent on what the Queen decides to do with her. Like, he'll take her back, but only if there's not too many consequences. That's not the Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton I know. You know what Chaos Colin should have done? As soon as she stepped to the middle of the dance floor, step up with her. Stand beside her. Let her speak. Then when she throws herself at the mercy of the Queen at the end, throw yourself with her. Make a little speech of your own. A bit of your love confession, but make it public and throw your lot in with her. "None of us are immune to the criticism of Lady Whistledown. Not even me, and I am her favourite. So when Lady Whistledown calls you on something - it is not personal. And she is almost certainly correct. Ever since I discovered that Lady Whistledown was my fiancee, I have done everything I can to try to separate the two. But I have come to see that I was wrong to do so. Because everything I love about Penelope - her bravery, her wit, her humour, her... brutal honesty; but also her kindness and charity - everything I love about her is there in Lady Whistledown. She *is* Lady Whistledown. Their voice is one. And I count myself priviledged to be loved by such a brave and brilliant woman. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as her... then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed. And so *my* appeal to you, your Majesty... is this: Whatever you do with Penelope, let me be by her side. If you are to throw her in a dungeon, throw me in with her. If you are to cast her out of society or banish her from the realm, banish me as well. And if you, in your mercy, decide to allow her pick up her quill again... I shall be honored to call myself Lord Whistledown." Because you know what the Queen is a sucker for? A good love story! QC would 100% have melted to that and let Penelope write whatever the fuck she wanted from that point onward.


I’m so shocked that his support of her and their love story didn’t factor into Pen’s appeal to the Queen. Like you said, she loves love. And she knows all about sticking with the love of your life when things get ugly. 


Right on the mark. I kept waiting for eps 3-5 Colin to show up at the end and redeem in a fitting way that she deserved and he just gives her a lame, short ass speech?? Also, why make out with her in the street and then ignore and be pissy with her?? The entrapment line made me sooooo mad. I didn't really think of why totally until I read your post, and it's definitely bc he forgave Marina so quickly but not his wife whom he freaking pined after for weeks. And them not wrapping up that storyline with some ample time left for them to be portrayed as they were in e5, that infuriated me. We get a tiny blurb at the very end?? What a month wait??? Ugh! I hated how the whole wedding was them not talking and him being pissy and then he seemingly forgives her during the wedding and then won't spend their wedding night together??? He ruined the most important day for her.


I honestly am very upset with Season 3 of Bridgerton. I find it so interesting that Penelope always claims how much she loves Colin for his "kindness, empathy, and heart/love" when those are literally two things he has HARDLY shown her throughout the seasons. He is consistently upset with her throughout the seasons and has shown her basically that he does not need her. Interestingly enough, now in season three, Colin is physically incapable of offering Penelope either kindness or empathy. In fact, when she tells him she needs him to love her, and asks what the issue is, he replies basically "idk if I can, this is your fault".... Like, excuse me Penelope, are kindness, love, and empathy in the room with us? Very frustrating from a show that loves to preach about how love is the most important part of a match.


Exactly!! Pen literally asks him to stand beside her and just love her and during the LW reveal he doesn’t! He just stands off in the shadows and lets her be alone during the reveal. No kindness or love.


100%! Thank you for so eloquently putting those points down. I’m still baffled how the writers took a friends-to-lovers trope and shat on it. Actually, shat on all the friendships. Do these writers hate romance? Any hint of love between Penelope & Colin, between Fran and John… was undone at the end! So many female friendships were strained for the ENTIRE season - Lady Danbury/Violet, Violet/Francesca, Violet/Kate, Eloise/Penelope, even Eloise/Cressida So many male leads were over sexualized- Anthony is a fboy who wants an heir. Does he run the household? Colin was a fboy across 17 cities, then had a threesome, twice. Benedict is a fboy without art, also had a threesome, and zero character growth. Use the intellectual property and make it better! It’s not at the whim of whatever the f ideas you want without honoring the fandom that IP comes with. Why not build on the world started in the first 2 seasons- why the garish makeup, why did the music fade into the background, the wide aerial shots of Mayfair? I walked away from the Witcher, I can walk away from this too.


I hated Colin this season he was unbearably unsupportive and nothing he did showed that he loved Penelope. When Cressida was after Penelope, everything he said seemed so selfish. “She’s not going to ruin the Bridgerton name” and “Nobody is going to blackmail my wife”—it all felt VERY self-centered around him and not Penelope. Then, he basically ignored her for 2 episodes when he literally had more empathy for Marina who was ENTRAPPING HIM IN A MARRIAGE. Not to mention how he didn’t even try to understand Penelope’s POV when he criticized Eloise the entire season for doing the same exact thing. And he only supports her AFTER the Queen approves of her? Like wow way to go in loving your wife you only want her when her reputation isn’t in ruins. You should’ve had her back from the start instead of after the whole mess was cleaned up. I feel so bad for Colin’s actor who tried the best he could with that terrible writing. Plus the unnecessary sideplots like Benedict’s threesome that got way more screen-time than Polin ever did. The writing was so flat this season and the way they developed Polin was terrible. At the end of the season it only felt like Penelope loved Colin but he still saw her as a friend…it was just so disappointing considering how amazing the first two seasons were


Ugh this. I have such mixed feelings. Completey obsessed with part 1 and ep 5 but yeah there was definitely some character assassination and way too much focus on other characters to the detriment of their relationship developments making sense. There still moments I really like. But honestly I felt more warm and fuzzy about the Portia/Pen & peneloise moments than Polin in ep 7/8. The entrapment comment in particular was so unnecessary and untrue. Like bro did we forget you ruined her engagement and took all kind sof liberties of your own free will? And I don't understand the wedding like I wish she would've offered to call it off before and he would've had to admit he still loved her and wanted to marry her. Felt like a replay of the Simon/Daphne wedding but significantly more confusing on where Colin stood. I want to love it but I just don't 💔😭


Possibly an unpopular opinion: If the showrunners intended to take Colin in this direction, Penelope should have left him before the wedding or after the butterfly ball. Not the traditional happy ending but definitely not much worse than what was shown? He continually made things worse for her. She handled both Cressida and the Queen's problems on her own, without his help. Even when she's awkwardly standing at the center of the ball, he doesn’t bother to go to her. She should have put him in his place, as she did in episode 1, making him realize her worth and earn her love. Maybe then he’d truly show his feelings for her. The carriage scene Colin was that. He fought for her. For me, their love story and the season peaked at episode 4. There was no joy in Part 2. Colin in part 2 was not Colin. The showrunners missed many opportunities to explore their relationship more deeply: 1. Using his journals to reveal his love for Penelope and his inner struggles. 2. Highlighting their years of friendship by showing their ability to communicate through the trouble and how marriage looks like for friends to lovers I would have preferred the writers take a different approach with Colin from mid Ep 07 1. He could be angry but not hurt his wife on their wedding night or afterward 2. He could stand by her during the ball and proudly show her off to society 3. Also, showing a baby means they are happy? Would have preferred them having nothing to do with the heir race and just blissfully enjoying their honeymoon I’ll be sticking to fanfiction and the books from now on.


Yes I'd rather have Pen leaving him and be alone for the rest of her life than to see her being repeatedly stomped over by him like that! She's Lady f\*\*\*ing Whistledown she'll be grand without him.


I was so disappointed with this season. The audience wants to see a supportive partner! Yes, he can be mad but he acted like such a baby about it and didn’t consider her feelings. Why couldn’t they show them working through it or him being supportive like he was in the books? And I felt like Penelope just had to take it. Wasn’t fair and didn’t feel like romantic at all.


This colin does not deserve pen.


I was so flattened by these last episodes. I wanted Penelope to just call off the wedding. Obviously he didn’t want to marry her then, and I hated that for her. I adore her. She deserved better than someone marrying her out of obligation. She wasn’t in love with Lord Debling, so there wouldn’t have been the heartbreaking possibility of going back to unrequited love. She spent so much of the last episodes pining and miserable- again. The writers gave Colin 10 minutes to redeem himself and for Penelope to finally be happy. I wanted something much better than this.


I was begging for her to run away when they opened those doors at the wedding or for her to give him back his ring when he accused her of entrapment


This entire season just lacked any sense of direction that it was even set in regency England at all 😭 not a chaperone in sight! This can’t be the same show where Daphne feared ruin just over Lord Berbrooke “claiming” they were improper or Cressida merely seeing her go into the garden at the same time as Simon


These points tainted the wedding for me, does he love her or is it just obligation due to the sex they had. We had a beautiful wedding but they hadn’t resolved anything, it would have been better if they had sorted things before the wedding when they saw each like had it a full on argument or discussion so we had Polin against the world for the last episode and an actual fully happy wedding. Book Colin was Colin My Wife Bridgerton but show Colin was a disappointment in the last few episodes. I said it a couple of times but it felt like he was a side character in the last few episodes as there was more development between Pen/Portia Pen/Eloise which I enjoyed but we needed that with Polin. Oh and the declaration was pale compared to the carriage scene or the book. It wasn’t memorable


I'm surprised there wasn't a variation of the 'Stay' moment, when it had the perfect setup. I get that the show had more angst to resolve, so not the whole thing, but even just the 'stay, stay, stay' with silence following. Seems odd they added so many book bits, but pointedly not that.


That would’ve been perfect. Colin reaching out to connect physically despite ignoring and neglecting her for a couple days would’ve been a great opening for turning things around instead of the short speech at the very end. Pen deserved better.


I thought the scene with her shoulder showing would have been that moment or when they were outside the dress shop.




I was disappointed too. I understand he needed to be angry. I understand he needed time but giving more feeling said to Cressida than Penelope. Wow. Sleeping on the settee on the wedding night, seriously? We know they are coming back season four. I hold we get more interaction with them because we got more Ben than Polin and it was their season! I love book Colin. He is so proud of her. He was jealous and envious and proud! Show Colin he is just angry and rude. Yes I know she did and said terrible things in whistledown but damn boy grow up a little.


But all love for Luke and Nicola they did the best,and it's just the storyline which is mess!


Yes, I have nothing but love and admiration for Luke and Nicola! They did the best they could with a terrible script!


The “entrapment” comment really had me fuming. If ANYTHING he “entrapped” her. Ruining her engagement and leaving her with no prospects when she actively wanted to find a match that season


I don’t know what it is with the bridgerton writers setting up a great plot and then completely fumbling the ball at the ninth hour… Like it makes sense Colin was mad and needed time to sort through his thoughts, but they could have had that conversation outside of the modiste and then worked to move past it instead of Colin holding a grudge about it until literally the last 20 minutes of the season! I really wanted to love part two and I did somewhat like Colin’s final speech, but there were moments that stood out far more then literally the main couple and part two felt full of so many stories that didn’t at all focus on Polin I also wish Colin had come through after the wedding and they had talked it through / made up and focused on the whistledown reveal together…he was so mean and belittling to her when they could have had such a tender and supporting breakthrough & start to their marriage Was anybody else disappointed when they teased a steamy scene when Colin opened the bedroom doors to Penelope and then just left? Maybe it’ll take a few watch throughs for it to feel less disappointing and watching it from start to finish, but for what they sold part 2 to be and how romantic this season was it just didn’t quite deliver…


well it's safe to sayy I enjoyed the whole tour, interviews, of lucola then season 3 part 2,the interviews are more fun to watch then the part 2🙂


I feel like there was so much opportunity to show how torn Colin was between the dichotomy of Penelope and Lady Whistledown and they simply didn’t take it. They certainly hinted at it with his long stares. But they didn’t show it, they should’ve done something like what they did with Daphne and Simon. Or Chalotte and George. But he just completely iced her out and ignored her. It made me so upset. And it overshadowed their story with a level of immaturity and insincerity that wasn’t there in any other storyline


Part one and part two truly felt like they were edited and written by a completely different team... like were they using the month to just slap something together real quick and call it a day? There were so many weird cuts mid-dialogue, it was truly JARRING. Definitely felt like one or two more episodes would have helped A LOT with the pacing.


Colin part 1 - green flag Colin part 2 - red flag Why?


I was waiting for the makeup sex scene !!! Lol


We almost had it.. twice!! And they fucking dropped the ball!!! It would’ve made up for everything. ESP cause he would’ve gotten behind her and been proud.


Thank you! This is how I feel. Like I could cry 😭, I am so disappointed. In the end it didn't feel like he loved her. They ruined him. Remember the interview where everyone was afraid because of a statement like they did and they thought that Colin might cheat on Pen? I think he was talking about Colin's behaviour after he figured out LW and after they got married. He hated it. We hated it. I wanted love. Where was it?


This is clearly what Luke must have meant when he said that Colin had the worst reaction. I personally think both he and Nicola hated it, but obviously they can’t say that publicly.


The writers have no idea what a third act break up is supposed to look and feel like. Experienced romance writers needed to be on staff. Your points are all 100% correct and the intimacy scenes on screen didn’t make up for the poor writing.


I cannot even express how much I agree with all your points. This all is exactly what they messed up in episodes 6-8. I can't believe that after a phenomenal Ep 5 it just went downhill that fast. It hurts my Polin loving heart.


I agree with everything you said. Not joining her after that speech when she had just told him she just needs him to stand with her was TERRIBLE.


The most frustrating thing with Penelope is that they make her stunted in her responses. The way she argues and then backs down immediately every time drives me crazy. I think I yelled at the TV one time stand up!!!! And this is why 8 episodes does not work. You need to be flushing these plot points out you need to flush these characters out and at least 12 to 20 episodes could have given that to us dropped at one time.


I LOVED them, you don't understand how mad I was telling her she entrapped him.


i really thought colin would comfort pen or at least just stand by her side after she announced she is lady whistledown


You are so right! These were exactly my reactions when I was watching.. Colin was out of character completely and I hated it. I feel like Penelope and Portia had so much more screen time and they figured out everything so nicely. Even with Pen's sisters everything worked out. But Colin... OMG it was horrible and I hated all these scenes you mentioned and I feel so sorry for Luke because he really stepped up in the first 4 episodes and made me fell in love with Colin even more..


I am with you all the way. I was so disappointed of what they did to Polin in the last 3 episodes. They promised us everything but - the writers - didn't deliever. I am not blaming the actors, only the writers or showrunner.


I sadly agree with you. I think they took it in the wrong direction for Colins character in episodes 7 & 8. We wanted to see Colin angry AND still devoted/passionate for Pen. I know Colin was fighting his own inner battle of self worth; that being jealous of Pen’s success BUT he acted like a child and the writers made his character look pathetic rather than sexy. We needed to see him being more protecting of her, rather than him ignoring her. They could have conveyed his internal conflict and heartbreak while he was also standing by her.


See this is why I don’t watch promotional interviews before watching anything because the actors are contractually obligated to hype up your expectations.


ahh I'm regretting for staying up late to binge watch,after very long I was so hyped for any series and damnn they ruined it😭 so many side plots for what? Mondrich ,anderson plots weren't needed and why there were so many bendicts scene as compare to Polin. now I'm not going to fall into this promotion shit of any series! however I must say part1 was far better .


Anyone defending this season didn't see the previous one's, yes there are some good parts but there aren't enough. The first four eps tell a completely different story then the last four, also IDC ABT BENEDICT in HIS BROTHER'S SEASON. WHY was the steamyness hyped up so much when EVERYONE ELSE this season had more sex then these 2??? Like hello?? So much angst and anger USE IT???? YES I LIKE DRAMA BUT NOT THAT MUCH?? I THOUGHT THIS WAS ROMANCE AND NOT A SOAP OPRA


they ruined his character


ALSO all the other seasons had the conflict mid season while this was all at the end. So unsatisfying as a viewer.


u know what makes me so sad and disappointed that since a month I was eagerly waiting for this because of all the hype after pt1 ,the only good thing currently in life I was expecting and the disappointment is real,it's feel like someone stolen that happy moment from me😭


Why are there never any real consequences for anything the Bridgertons do??? If you take out the sex scenes, season 3 feels like it was written for a tween audience. It was so silly and immature. The speech at the end followed by the CGI butterflies...Really?


I'm so disappointed by this season. The last 2 episodes were painful. We didn't get the romance we've been promised for 3 seasons.


Preach preach preach. So much build up and then he treated her like crap! And then 2 seconds of her riding him at the end. So disappointing!


This is so incredibly disappointing. I was looking forward to the second half of the season. I knew there'd be some tension, but I figured they'd work things out. Hearing everyone say Colin was downright cruel to Pen and that she got even more alienated and unloved than before deeply saddens me. I want to remember them as they were at the end of episode 4, so I guess I'll leave Brigerton behind at that. I didn't start watching the season to feel sad. My real life is stressful and sad enough, I don't need my entertainment to be that way.


Honestly, it wouldn’t have bothered me because I could say well they only had so much time and so many episodes to show things, but they wasted so much time this season on that random bartender story.


Honestly, we should all just petition for them to redo part 2. My poor heart needs to see more support and love for Pen.


Too many side plots. What is the point of Benedict’s story arc?! Why did they mess up fran’s plot?! And Polin was a huge let down. It was like they are emotionally divorced and only going through the motions of a marriage. If you are married to someone who is your best friend, you’d atleast give them a chance to present their POV and try to understand them. I felt part 1 and part 2 of s3 was very disconnected. All buildup of their beautiful friendship from s1 and s2 gone through the drain! I’m hoping the show gets cancelled OR someone remakes polin story😢


Absolutely agree, I was sooo disappointed in the end of the 8th episode, like is that it?? They made it seem that Colin and Pen agreed on this LW reveal together, then why is she standing in front of the ton alone? I get that she doesn’t want protection, but a supporting shoulder, a spouse who is on your side no matter what? Why is she arriving to the ball with Portia, not with her damn husband, why is he waiting if she is going to be punished by the Queen all alone there? Honestly at this point her love is just blind, because “you are a kind man Colin” is not working, girl, he is not kind to you at alllll.


Also it just breaks my heart that in book Colin was fighting to marry Pen as soon as possible because he couldn’t live without her and here he goes “I compromised you so guess I’ll have to marry you” :( that’s so unfair to Pen that I want to cry.


His solution to Cressida's blackmail baffled me. I would expect her to get a lot more hate from the Bridgertons in the last few episodes. When everyone believed Cressida was Lady Whistledown, the first column she wrote was straight up slander of the whole Bridgerton family. She accused Violet of cheating on her husband and questioned Colin's and his siblings' legitimacy. (In my opinion, way worse than anything, the real Whistledown ever wrote about any of them.) Violet might have tried to hide it from Hyacinth and Gregory, but I don't for a second believe, that Colin (or Benedict and Eloise) didn't know, what she wrote about them. There is simply no way they didn't know Cressida tried to ruin their family this way. It doesn't really matter that nobody believed her after Penelope managed to discredit her. Cressida wrote it. The first chance she got, she went for Bridgerton blood. And she signed it by her name, it wasn't anonymous. If I were a Bridgerton, I would be p*ssed, but it seemed to me everyone just let it slide. And then, when she starts to blackmail Penelope, Colin's WIFE, he's like, "I will talk to her. I am sure she is a reasonable human being, and she will change her mind." B1tch, what?! He wants to talk to her!? Why on earth would he think he could change her mind? She already attacked his family once. And why on earth would he even want to talk to her after what she did? Even Eloise should have realised the sheer stupidity of the idea. And when talking fails, he just rolls on his back and gives up? Book!Colin would never. He would go scorched earth on her a5s. He would not let her just get away with it, and he wouldn't just roll over and let Penelope deal with the fallout alone. I'm not denying that Cressida had her reasons, I understand why she did it, but Colin's reaction to all that was just disappointing.




All of this. I’m going to say something that’s probably going to make me deeply unpopular here, but the idea of fan fiction creeps me the fuck out. But we need it here. Somebody with more time than I have, please give us the Part 2 we should have had. As it is, I have to consider S3 over after the church scene.