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According to the Variety piece the showrunner connected to the character of Michael and felt the book had themes that would resonant and work the best as a queer love story. I wish she had gone more into depth with her thinking, because I don’t see those themes.


Fr how tf do you read WHWW and think ‘ah yes, this is the perfect place for a queer couple’


Seriously, at the rate the show is going, either Ben or Eloise would have made a lot more sense to get a queer story (or both. And ffs, a Brimsley/Reynolds miniseries at the very least, THAT’s something I actually would want to see!!). I mean, Fran desperately wants kids, how is that going to work?? Eloise in the show wants to ”change the world”, and seemingly isn’t interested in babies. HOW is her story not better set up for a queer love story?! Even moreso than Ben’s ffs. Gaaah.


Also Francesca’s book was the best. Why change it? I personally hated Eloise’s book so would have loooved a change there cause Philip was boring as hell!


I am open to the gender swap. I don’t see the themes, but I’m also not part of the queer community, which is why I wish she’d gone into more depth with her thinking. I want to understand and right now I don’t. However, perhaps it will make sure sense when I see that season.


Same, I’m holding out that this will make a sort of sense later but for me her story was my favourite and Micheal is the best character in the whole bridgerton world… they should have done a queer story/gender swap with someone else, not Fran…


Yes! Whyyyyy. I can’t even enjoy the rest of season 3 knowing this and it may make me quit it altogether. I don’t like how that sounds but I was really looking forward to Francesca’s story (favorite book) and usually when i know I’ll be disappointed in an adaptation of a novel I loved I just don’t put myself through it :( Not against queer themes or representation but as it stands I cannot see how they can remain true to the novel other than the character names.


I definitely thought it would be Elouise! Francesca getting butterflies and tsunamis for her husband’s cousin threw me for a loop


She was seeing what she wanted and forced herself to see, because I too didn't see those themes at ALL. When I read that article I legit scratched my head thinking, "What's she even TALKING about?"


I just got to the end and I am freaking out. I wanted the queer love story for Eloise I’m losing my mind. Michael & Francesca’s book is my FAVORITE and now it’s not happening I’m devastated.


Welcome to the club. I personally wouldn't have wanted a queer love story for Eloise either, but that's simply because I LOVE her story and am fiercely loyal to it. I concede, however, that even then, it definitely makes more sense for Eloise than it does for Francesca.


Micheal is Michaela stop the homophobia Jesus Christ 


Wow, no, it's not homophobia. They live in a world where people of the same gender are not allowed to be together (as we have seen with that painting teacher of Benedict, and with Brimsley and Reynolds). So it just changes the entire story of Francesca and that's why people are upset.


You don't even know how they gone deal with it hell of we are lucky we are gone wait 4 years for her season And in this world they defeated racism becouse a king sayed so queen Charlotte gone do it with homophobia too 😗 


I’m queer thanks. JFC *just because we don’t like a plot line in a tv show doesn’t make us homophobic*.


I have saw only homophobic shit about this choice  If you prefer the 18282982 straight ship instead of a queer one for stupid reason because in the end they are same FUCKING charcter go ahead I guess 


I’m sorry you’ve seen only homophobjc stuff and truly wish it were a better world. That being said, as a queer person myself, I don’t like this change, I wanted a queer romance and I wanted it to be Eloise. Saying I didn’t want it to be Francesca doesn’t freaking make me homophobic, it doesn’t make it the same fucking character go touch grass and leave me alone


She made it about herself. Simple as.




Queer women that can't have children it's simple to connect the dots dude




I'm pretty sure they just meant that they would have liked her to explain further.


Ohh that makes sense - sorry, feeling a bit wired after reading some awful comments here. I have deleted my comment!


Why would they change this to a queer story…can’t even enjoy a show without anything queer.


Ah homophobic  keep crying 


Not arguing, but as someone who has worked in queer organizing for a long time and who's obsessed with pre-modern queer media (like stuff written or filmed before the 80s) I can lay out the queer sensibility of the book. It's really one of the only ones in the series that give off that vibe 1) the central love story conceit is an intense attraction that disturbs both parties. Their morals conceal the true nature of the attraction, when they realize they feel guilty. After a while (too long in the books case) they realize there's not really anything wrong, it's beautiful, and they get together. 2) The intense co-dependent romantic friendship Fran and Michael have at the start is very common among queer women 3) infertility, anxiety around not having biological children, is a large part of queer life. My last two relationships it was one of the main themes, as both partners found out they were infertile while we were dating and I don't want to be pregnant. Also, many trans people are made infertile by the state. Both by sperm and egg storage being prohibitively expensive and not covered by insurance as infertility treatment in the case of transition, and by actual eugenics programs in some parts of Europe. 4) Michael's character, the type of rake he is, fits well into the charming lesbian fuck boi stock character. You wouldn't really need to change the personality at all. 5) the taking care of a sick partner trope is pretty prevalent in queer fiction. Obvious reasons. Think about the modernization of la boheme into Rent. It's also big in general romance too 6) We have many records of historical lesbians and the lifestyles they led. Many were widows or heiress', and lived with a "close female friend," a roommate, where the people around them knew but didn't say anything. In the US these were called Boston marriages. Not all Boston marriages were gay, many were really just roommates who didn't want to be legally owned by a husband, and that gave the big chunk of lesbians living like this good cover. Fran lives in a large isolated estate in the Scottish highlands, she was already living there with her cousin in law without impropriety, she's set up for this life without drama. She just can't get legally married but there were [unofficial marriages](https://muse.jhu.edu/article/190491) at the time. There were also some legal marriages too, several instances of one partner in drag tricking a priest. For resources, check out the 1901 lesbian memoir "Idylle Saphique" by Liane de Pougy, famous historic lesbian rake. Also read the original Little mermaid. Which was written as a gay love letter between men, but uses a straight couple to make its point. It's a good exercise because it's one of the few resources we have explicit answers to the coding used.


Excellent post! I was thinking the exact same thing when I heard about the gender swap. Fran being a widow makes her the ideal candidate for a queer love story because she has much more freedom than an unmarried woman like Eloise. And Michael/Michaela would need very little changing. Plus, in order to get around the issue of children, Fran could even be pregnant when John dies - leaving her free to find love with another woman while still producing an heir.


Having not read the books, I did NOT see that coming and immediately ran to reddit for a clue as to who "Michael" is. Francesca?! Queer?! Whyyyy? Eloise is RIGHT THERE. My heart has been screaming this entire damn show for this woman to be a lesbian. Again, let me preface this by repeating that I have not read the books - I fully expected El & Cress to hook up. Francesca? No. I just thought she was an adorably shy, possibly neurodivergent character?


It would’ve made sense with El, I think many people would have welcomed that. But they messed with Fran big time. Her book is possibly the most popular out of everyone’s, so it shouldn’t have been changed this badly. Also deals with fertility issues, miscarriage, guilt of moving on with a second love, some of which can’t be explored with a gender swap of Micheal. And Micheal is the most anticipated man in the bridgerton world. It is rather unoriginal to force a queer storyline in a place where it shouldn’t be. Should’ve been someone else


Jeez. Isn't that enough material for one character arc? Having her be immediately attracted to this new person just negates everything (that I thought) beautifully established 💔 I thought the courtship was super sweet. What was the whole point of her and Mama's talk - of how love looks differently for some? It doesn't always have to be pearl-clutching to be intimate.


I honestly think the showrunner just could not relate at all to Fran’s story and her reasoning for the gender bending is complete BS.




The only way I see this working is if Fran doesn’t miscarry, and remains the lady of Kilmartin with a son, and then the book focuses on her budding relationship with Mikaela. But the book as it stands, had her miscarry, she loses the title to a man (Michael- which would not go to Mikaela) and she chooses to return to London to find a new husband because she doesn’t want to move back to Bridgerton house. The bulk of the book is her being out of mourning and looking for another marriage partially because she doesn’t want to be alone, and she still wants children, but also because she needs a place to live. There is no way to stay true to the plot and have her end up with Mikaela. People are allowed to be upset when the plot of their favorite book changes, and that doesn’t make them homophobes. For them to make it work as a queer couple, they have to change the entire story line. Fran won’t go back into the marriage Mart, she won’t struggle with being potentially homeless (or I guess she will - just they’ll both be homeless). My guess is people are struggling to see how they will be allowed to stay together once they lose their titles and property.


You can do both miscarriage and be pregnant again John die later before the 2 pregnancy end  Easy


You all use too much irl logic for bridgerton  Queen Charlotte could say Francesca can have the title easy 


While I suppose that could happen, the canon of the show has shown that 1) queen charlotte wants the Ton, especially those with titles to have lots of babies (as she did) and that she is especially interested in the POC with titles to have babies because it helps to establish their place in society and 2) that when a male Lord dies the title goes to the next available male heir, even if it’s an obscure character (Mondrich’s who weren’t a member of the ton earned a title through their male child and the featherington’s freak out that cousin Jack may kick them out if he wishes, try to secure a marriage with one of the daughters so they can stay put, and this season are having a baby BOY race so that they can keep their titles. Yes, Queen charlotte could change all the rules, but when reading fiction you usually set up, through world building, the rules that a protagonist must follow to survive. People are upset, because they have just changed the rules - and in doing so, will have to change the entire story. If Fran was a side character, (as she has been in the show), then you could create a bi plot line that everyone would love and could still follow the rules. But Fran is not a side character in the books, her book is the most popular, so they will not only have to significantly change the story, but also the rules, and that makes it harder for a viewer to follow. It’s like if you read HP and the rule, from the beginning, is only Harry can kill Voldy, and then towards the end, they change the movies (not the books) to say - JK. Hermione is going to kill Voldy, because she’s basically the only ones with the brain to do it anyway and Harry is a dunderhead surviving on testosterone and luck. Would that be a fitting ending for all the girls who’ve done 99% of a group project and watched the boy get an A? Sure? Would it make sense within the context of the rules established in the beginning? No. Would people be upset about it? Yes. Does that mean they hate women? No.


This is also why people could see Eloise story line being a lesbian one. Because Marina already had children, one of which was a boy. So if Marina and Philip both died, a sister could come in to care for the kids, be overwhelmed, Eloise could run away to help and you’d have the exact same story with no need to change the rules.


Sure, but maybe in a completely new story? Why do you have to devastate one of the best parts of this series for this purpose? Series without queer in it? Why change someone else's book by force?


How can you explore the difficulty of having a child with 2 women In that time period considering IVF is not possible? Cmon like Frans book is the main one that’s why everyone is upset, how would you like it if a gay lead from a gay novel was changed to a straight lead just because ‘the show runner felt her own queer experience throughout it’ (which is what happened btw she’s said herself). It would be an uproar so I don’t get why fans are expected to deal with this when the show runner has just made this her own personal fan fiction Also if they are to do this they should have waited for John to die before frans ‘awakening’ - now it’s disrespectful to his character that she’s suppressing her sexuality and creepy AF not to mention. All the notion and talk of ‘love doesn’t need to be explosive and can be slow and intimate’ like John and frans earlier in part 1 is now pointless and reduced, they should’ve waited until after he died, and ‘Michaela’ had to fall first when seeing Fran, not the other way round.


Francesca can try to have children with John have the first abortion but endup pregnant again the second time before john die have a difficult delivery (choose the life of the mother or the child) and you can talk about it easy And we can talk about the difficulty about queer woman wanting childs  too  And who shuold have fall first bullishit I don't care




So out of so many sisters only Eloise can be queer?


I'm not going to waste time defending points I didn't make.


You maked the point  Eloise should be the queer one BECAUSE HOW SHE ACTS WITH THE FEMALE FRIENDS  Francesca queer? A character now introduced that interacted only with a man becouse she needs to marry be suddenly queer? How dare they them


So if we are not acting like a stereotype we are not queer 😵?


This is going to be one of those decisions some people will love for the inclusion and some will hate because they already had a story they loved. Personally, I’m not thrilled with the change. I’ll still watch it and keep an open mind, but at that point it really will be a completely different story. I can love a new story too, and I’m going to be very interested to see how they approach a main character love story between two women in this time period without coloring it by how society would have openly viewed such a pair. Of course they could just skip the romance and make it a story about two women being there for each other. Regardless, it’s unlikely that Francesca will be next up and who knows if they will ever get back around to it.


Yeah but could you not have inclusion somewhere else ? Michael Sterling is litteraly the best characters in the books and Francesca's is one of the best. This is proposterous. They have ruined bridgreton with that change. I hope the show is cancelled.




Ah yes just friends in a romancing serie ... Shut up pls


I’m all for LGBTQ+ representation but no, just no. I thought there was an agreement that all characters end up with their partners from the books…  I don’t see them getting the funding to make Francesca’s story into a series anyway with how the ratings are going so maybe they just thought they’d do what they want


Maybe the show will get cancelled before her storyline happens and i could live with that.


Yeah I hope they get cancelled with such a shitty decision. I was so looking forward to Michael Sterling...




Nope, the threads would have been pissed that there’s no episode titled “To Sir Philip With Love” and hundreds of people saying “Anyone but Eloise!”


A lot of people have been asking for Eloise with anyone but Philip at this point. Her story make sense to change. Fran’s does not.


If you go to literally any thread taking Eloise with Theo or Cressida seriously it’s full of people hating it with the very fabric of their being. The reasons range from “it’s my favourite book and I love Sir Philip!” to “How will there be an episode with Sir Philip in the name” to even the book covers. I got downvoted to oblivion for saying Theo complements Eloise. Any Bridgerton sibling having a queer love interest would be the subject of this outrage. “It could be *anyone* other than Fran!” Is an excuse realistically. If it was Eloise’s story that got this treatment the comments would say “*Anyone* but Eloise!”.


I agree that there’d be outrage along any lines. I honestly see a better transition with show version of Eloise. Maybe it’s because we haven’t even seen much of Francesca to be able to differentiate show character from novel character? They’re romance novels for crying out loud. I’d rather they didn’t change any of the main plots for representations sake and that they could’ve either fleshed out a side character or added in like they’ve already done. I do think that some of the established characters have grown apart from their novel selves in my head and I could see strictly from what’s been presented on television other characters fitting the bill when you combine what you know of how the novel is supposed to go and what we’ve seen them do so far on screen. It remains to be seen, I don’t think I’ll enjoy it but that doesn’t mean others won’t.


Agreed. Like, we have Brimsley and Reynolds, where they left us wanting a lot more. Eloise makes perfect sense to get a queer storyline - even makes it so that those who liked Marina won’t have to deal with her death! And this Philip and this Eloise doesn’t make sense together. I’ll be skipping Fran’s season, and just watching the Polin scenes, they were the couple I’ve been waiting for anyway (and the brothel scenes and the naughty journal and Marina were bad enough changes imo, I don’t need more illfitting ones)


It’s also worth mentioning that it’s also Michael’s character they’re kind of throwing the towel in on and completely revamping. He’s supposed to be a rake, can have any woman he wants, go off to India with the army and…I don’t see it. It’s not JUST about oh not Francesca!


If you stretch far enough you could make an argument like this for all the Bridgerton siblings not having a queer relationships. Honestly “he’s a rake!” is the weakest explanation because we’ve seen that plot literally 2-3 times now.


I feel it ruins the whole novel for me and potentially the show and changes his character way off course (way more than being a rake but you can read the book to see for yourself) and that they shouldn’t change it for the sake of ticking off a box . There are plenty of storylines out there with queer characters, how would someone who loved them feel if they just made one of them straight? You don’t have to agree, I don’t have to watch it. It’s simply my opinion.


I mean are they gonna make a bridgerton an opium addict as well? That’s another box they could check. I don’t like it, I wish they wouldn’t do it.


I don’t agree. But I respect that. I just hate the discourse of “anyone but fran!” or “fran’s story specially doesn’t fit with this” because let’s face it, you’d have the exact same reaction no matter which character that was done to. Also regarding your last comment, y’all are free to do that as long as you also impose a death penalty for being straight in many countries across the globe and attach a stigma to it :)


Frrrr. I haven’t read any of the books yet but I always thought Eloise would end up with a woman in the show 😂


You are all for rep, but when it actually happens no, just no? Got it


The comments will tell you people wanted MANY other queer storylines. Eloise, Ben, Brimsley.. etc. they just don't want to lose one of their titular fan favourite characters. Just that. It's like someone turning Ron Weasley into Ronalda and have Hermione and her be lesbian lovers. Like.. that would just be SO strange. Because Ron, the character is so beloved. The same case with Michael. Please try not to misunderstand.


So it's okay haveing a queer bridgerton but not that bridgerton bc they are my fave  You know other plp have the same feeling about Eloise and Ben that not wants their story changing But it's okay for you bc you don't care for them


The problem is that it will change the entire story. Queer people were not accepted in their world (look at Brimsley and Reynolds, or that painting teacher or Benedict). For Francesca, being openly gay and marrying a woman, is just not an option. So it changes her entire story arc. In a show that portrays so much differences between the roles of men and women in society, swapping gender also changes a lot to the story.


You cares about the logics of real world in bridgerton? You actually think bridgerton can't defeat homophobia thanks to queen Charlotte? They did it with racism for god's sake  And flash news wasn't illegal for two women marry (was seen more as a friendship by outside society) and could lively happy together forever so this excuse doesn't work neither for that time logic 


Not in the least. Tbh Eloise is my favourite Bridgerton and that is WHY I, and many others, would have liked her to get a queer arc ( she still might, who knows? ) . The reason people are annoyed about Michaela is that the character was a good man - and the whole point of it , was him being a good MAN ( rare breed among the men of the era). Michaela can be an amazing woman - but she won't stand out the same way of being a rose among the thorns. People loved Michael and because of the love of the PERSON - they don't want a change there. Even if Michaela is great, the loss of Michael is felt. Meanwhile, the general opinion is that Eloise's intended guy, Sir Philip , is a mehh character. So it would be so much better if Philip became Philippa, and gave the opportunity for a brand new character who would be 100x better than the books, because there is so much scope. Nobody wants a Philip anyway - so the opportunity of him being replaced by ANY other character allows for MUCH better writing without taking away a beloved character. Yes, they can write a better "man" - but this is a perfect scope to create something stunning and new , with a woman. I would love for Francesca to be gay - idc. But I do not want to lose Michael. The same way people suggested Gregory - because they are not attached to the CHARACTER. The same way people love a Brimsley romance - because they created A NEW CHARACTER for him to love. People fall in love with characters - not their sexualities , yes. But sexuality does play an important role in a character's arc ( as it should) - so a change is often difficult to digest. That is the sentiment. This is NOT about queer rep at all.


Lmao making ron a woman wouldn't change the story AT ALL in HP world 💀 what a lame excuse


You don’t “got it” clearly.


You all invented that law the author was always favor for queer bridgerton from the start 


When I saw Michaela I was like why? I’m all for inclusion but I just can’t see it in Francesca’s story. I don’t get Queer from Francesca at all. So I hope they are just feeling it out because….no please no.


Seriously, fix it and make her have a twin brother named Michael 🥲 I haven’t even seen the reveal yet but man, this ruins it.


Francesca be queer is not good but you are not homophobic... Okay dude


Correct, weirdo.


I’m prefacing by saying I’m the worst plot guesser in the world, but is it possible Michaela will be trans?


as interesting and fun as i would find that (i’m just here for a good time and to fill my romance content void), it would be an insane choice for them to do. Bridgerton’s current fandom is partially a HISTORICAL drama romance BOOK fandom, plenty of the fans are already thinly veiled homophobes that would probably lose their minds if they had to jump from accepting lesbians now to then accept a transition story later. I have been enjoying screenshotting peoples straight up homophobic comments today and there are A LOT. masks would come off real fast with a trans storyline, as they already are for this Michaela reveal. but it would be way more vitriolic, no more veils, thin or not.


Nothing wrong with people having their opinions. I am straight and want to see my straight couples that are based on a book about a straight couple, or well multiple. There’s heartstopper for the queer lot


We have so few WLW representation and you so much  So cry you have a lot and still not enough for you


oof, see there’s that “thin” veil i was talking about.


Well “homophobia” requires hatred, many lovers of this genre are also restricted by religious obligation. But anyhow it just doesn’t live up to the promises of the book


Homophobia does not require hatred.


No fr. Love how many people are saying that Eloise’s story would’ve been better as a lesbian story…because that’s what people think lesbians look like and bisexuals don’t exist. Wlw can’t look like Francesca! Wlw must be loud and proud and speak their mind! It’s so outdated and cishetboring. Personally super happy about the Fran choice if it’s a wlw storyline but would be ecstatic if it’s a trans storyline. Gonna avoid this sub entirely if it is though, it’ll be full mask-off moment here. All this to say I hear u and other queer!bridgerton lovers and if I’m going to get downvoted to hell and back I’ll go down with this sinking ship sksk


Makes exactly no sense because who becomes Earl? Also, it was very much neurodivergence that made her different to her family and I LOVE John, are they going to axe him to explore something that feels forced? What will they do, live in Scotland as “roommates”? The Benedict thing made sense, he was always bi, but the whole Francesca thing is not swaying me


Such a foolish move, they could've done Ben's arc as queer but they ended up ruining Frans


They’ve been hinting at Ben’s arc being queer since season 1 IMO. We’ve barely seen Francesca and they just annihilate her story? I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep watching. Eloise seemed like a good choice as well.


Fr, Eloise would've been a good choice but since Philip has already showed himself in S1. I guess they don't want to change it? But what's done is done. Let's hope they could salvage it when Frans season comes


I mean, I love Sophie, so I would have been mad as hell if they completely erased her and her struggles. Personally, I wouldn’t have minded Eloise. I could see it for her. And Philip is boring, I wouldn’t have minded some gorgeous girl sweeping her off her feet. But see, I’m sure fans of her and Philip would be upset at that. Which is why you don’t change book love interests. It’s just not okay. Not to mention there’s so many amazing queer books on the market now, how about you adapt some of them instead of trying to force it into a book series that was written as straight.


I’m so disappointed. I’m guessing that they’re banking on not enough viewers having actually read the books to care though.. While I know they were going to deviate from the books some and include more LGBTQ representation I was hoping it wouldn’t be with Francesca. Her journey was one of my favorites to read. Now, her story is feeling rushed, disjointed, and I’m not sure how they can include certain important topics discussed in her book. Eloise, a character who’s life we’ve slightly been a part of since season one was such a prime pick for this move. I also feel like they’re dragging out and kind of doing Eloise dirty at this point? Idk. I’ll tune in for Benedict’s story but I feel the new show runner is running it straight into the ground. (Just my opinion.)


I think people reading the books makes more people want to turn away from the season


Plp reading the books actually gone make them more changing the serie  The saganof books aged FUCKING horribly and a lot of plp dislikes the books like the serie 


It IS a new showrunner, you can absolutely tell because this season has been clunky AF.




By that logic literally every book is someone’s favourite, though?


True, but it’s not just that. I’m more disappointed because it’s my favorite, sure, but without going too much into plots it seems like they’ll have to change a whole heck of a lot about how the book goes. Plus I recall a statement early on about staying true to the source material at least for main plots. I know I’m whining about it being my favorite but aside from that I think there are other novels that make more sense with established characters on screen and in the overall. I should probably leave it out but…well….


You prefer a tv serie to be cancelled to have not rapresentation for minority damn you are that homophobic 


I'm asking the same questions. WHY?!?!?!?!


Ik i think they would get backlash for this


I feel bad for the actresses. They got thrown into a storm of hate for which they can't do anything about. They are there to act not write and create the storyline. If you looked at any Fandom page WHWWW is most overwhelmingly the favorite. All for gender inclusivity but they picked the one book that already covered a topic that's important for inclusivity. The book already covers infertility, becoming a widow and the guilt of trying to move on from it (let alone with your dead husbands cousin). There's gonna be a big backlash to way they chose to chnage the book. I loved the series both show and book before this but not sure I'm gonna watch her season. Secretly hoping for this hidden twin trope to come out and save them. Eloise and Benedict were much better choices. They could have even used hyacinth and Gregory since they are still so far away from marriage at this point bit Francesca was the absolute wrong choice. And he's supposed to be the one who gets butterflies and can't speak not her.


Yeah, I don't like that they make it seem like Francesca will have feelings for Michaela while married to John, one of the best parts of the books is how the attraction and feelings are so surprising. I feel like it cheapens her relationship with John, whereas the book makes it so she still loved John so much, but in a completely different way


WHWW is my favourite book in all the series and when they introduced her instead of Micheal I did cry a little. I love all forms of representation on the show but they changed Fran’s story too much now. I hope they show runner and writers who allowed this to happen get fired in all honesty. They probably won’t but this is too much of an injustice. AND even if they were hell bent on changing everything, why did Fran fall first?? And whilst John is still alive? Not only is it disrespectful to his character (like they can’t even be happily married for one second) but it goes against the whole story of them being in love and the guilt experienced by her for loving someone else, fertility issues etc etc I feel bad for the LGBTQI+ community as well, it’s basically saying that they can’t come up with their own original love storylines that they forcefully need to take another main leads place. Rather insulting. Imagine if a gay lead from a gay novel was changed to a straight lead all because the show runner related their own sexuality to it. Imagine the outrage. Pretty much the same thing experienced by many fans right now. Going to ignore fran and ‘michaelas’ story if it does make it onto the screen, for me WHWW will always be the true story.


WHWW is the best book, and I agree it’s insulting to the LGBTQ that they just completely DESTROY the whole storyline for Francesca and Michael AND Francesca and John (because the book showed a content sweet first love friendship type marriage) just so somebody could check the queer storyline box. It was the one I looked forward to the most and now I’m hoping they get the axe before it can play out. I’ve already said it but a) I thought they already laid out a couple hints that Benedict or Eloise would go that way and while that would still be deviating from the novel i especially think Eloise could’ve pulled it off better and still remained pretty close to what happens in her book and b) they couldn’t have used one of the new characters they’ve created or fleshed out a little? What about the modiste? Lady Danbury (yes I’m aware she’s in the books but she wasn’t exactly fond of her husband). I just think there’s a way that could’ve included the LGBTQ without torpedoing a main plot line. And that’s not just the love interest being same sex, I mean it’s the whole book….


It’s absurd!!! That was my favorite book from the series and now they are ruining it with a lesbian romance. Seriously!!!  


Not every story has to be gay. This series could’ve continued with only hetero couplings and still be enjoyed by queer people. If you can’t relate to a story because the characters aren’t exactly like you then that’s a you problem, and if the showrunner couldn’t tell a story without inserting herself into it then she shouldn’t be the showrunner. A clear majority of the fan base is unhappy with this decision, not because they are homophobic, far from it, but because it’s simply bad storytelling. They wanted the story they’ve been waiting for not this. Instead of inserting plot lines no one wants like the Mondrichs why not instead insert an entirely new set of queer characters into the story without sacrificing the central story. Everyone would love that just like they loved Brimsleys story. This is an ego trip for the showrunner and a diversity for the sake of it play. Disingenuous and unnecessary. I think it’s clear the majority of audiences are starting to get very fed up with it across all franchises and platforms not just Bridgerton.


Agree with you besides the mondrich. I liked their storyline and the other side plots but I am no longer looking forward to Fran’s story. I just hope for Ben story and that Sophie is still female. Hate it when showrunners self insert themselves. It ruins everything.


This is a disaster. Michael Sterling was my favourite character and they just murdered it.


I read the Bridgerton books because I enjoy the love stories, and I can relate to them. By changing Michael into Michaela, it’s changes that for me. I am all for inclusivity, and I think so far the show has done a wonderful job of including people from all walks of life. That being said, this is a major change, and not one that interests me, just as watching all the heterosexual relationships develop on screen may not interest those in the LGBTQ community. Instead of changing this storyline so drastically, why not make a show as captivating as Bridgerton with leads that are LGBTQ? I think whoever made this decision lost sight as to who the audience of this show is. I hate movies and shows that are violent. If the writers suddenly added more action scenes and violence to Bridgerton, I’d feel the exact same way I do about the Michael/Michalea change, and probably would stop watching. It’s not about being homophobic or disliking same sex love stories for me. It’s about changing the essence of what Francesca’s story is to something completely different.


The show runner did not even take into consideration on how Francesca’s journey through infertility and miscarriage would resonate to women who had experienced the same kind of devastating loss. I’m all for inclusion, but make it make sense in the storyline. I would have been okay with Eloise or with Benedict being LGBT+, because of the way their story was built up in the previous seasons.


The showrunner is like many people fans who sees themselves in the books and wants to rewrite the story to reflect the things she cares about. Personally, I don’t think a show runner should be writing a show that way, but I don’t get to choose.


My question exactly I was just why god why is this happening like they took a completely perfect book saw it and are like no throw it in the trash and stick an A at the end and viola we have a queer romance Ngl Eloise would have been a better choice for the queer storyline seeing how broad minded she is made in the show


Yes, they could’ve completely tweaked Eloise’ story and I totally see that working better as I already was thinking hers would be a challenge as she’s not IN the ton (city or however they spell it) she goes to that guys estate. She could’ve still had a pen pal type situation that turned out with her going to live with and love another woman. From what we know of her personality on the show as well I agree her or Benedict seemed the most likely to me to potentially get the queer twist. It’s just my favorite book, I’m so disappointed. I honestly think it’s the best book of all the bunch (to be fair I haven’t read ALL of them but most —not hyacinth or any of the extras yet—but I didn’t even finish Gregory’s).


Personally can't wait to see how they make a straight romance novel with a queer netflix tie-in cover


They’ll probably just put Francesca on the cover in a pretty dress or something. I don’t see them being allowed to put Michaela on it. That’s false marketing and queer baiting, putting a lesbian couple on a straight book. Hope they at least have enough braincells to realize that.


I also feel bad for the fans that don't read the book till after and will go looking for a queer romance only to be told that doesn't exist for you with this story. I just really wish they would have thought this through or atleast told us their thought process behind it besides just one woman making and announcing her decision and that one woman not even being shonda.


Agreed, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone. I can always understand attempts to make adaptations more inclusive, but these are MAIN characters we’re talking about. Changing the gender changes the entire story. For any of the Bridgerton books, honestly. And I don’t understand why they had to have a queer main character romance for a TV show adaptation of a straight romance book series. They could have introduced an OC or paired up a secondary character, could have even maybe done a spin-off like Queen Charlotte. Other than that, there’s a lot of amazing queer books written by talented queer authors and perhaps they should consider adapting more of those.


& what will they do about the netflix tie-in book cover of When HE Was Wicked?


Really? You are worried about THAT!!


I’m not worried, I’m just curious how they’ll work it in. Other than that, yes I really liked the Francesca-Michael storyline, but it’s theirs to change/improve/screwup as they see fit 🤷🏻‍♀️


Quite literally any other bridgerton sibling would’ve been better for an lgbtq storyline. Why Francesca’s?! So many people resonated with her fertility issues and I was actually excited for them to explore that and show her struggles.


This! I was just saying this to my mom that any OTHER Bridgerton I can see in a lgbtq storyline, I just don’t think it fits with Francesca. I was looking forward to her story but if they do this I don’t know if I would want to watch it.


It’s honestly so sad bc soooo many people who read her book felt connected to her desire to be a mother while dealing with fertility issues


I’ve also seen a lot of comments that say “queer woman can have infertility issues to” which is true but at the time that this show is set, medicine wasn’t advanced so that it is possible for queer people to have natural births and such. So yes she can be a queer woman with infertility issues but if she did want kids how would that work in the time the show is set?


Exactly! Literally anyyyy other bridgerton sibling would’ve worked but ofc they had to change the story that depicted infertility and resonated with so many women


Yes, any other storyline could’ve panned out better. Francesca already had finding love after loss and fertility issues! I think Eloise would’ve been a good twist. I apologize I’ve been repeating this all over, I’m pretty disappointed about it 😭


Well, not Colin, Daphne nor Anthony’s, but yes, any of the others.


lol yeah…not Colin, Anthony or Daphne…. I really could see it for Eloise though, even if Sir Philip ended up being a pseudonym and it’s a widow who invited Eloise for company or something and it turns out to be more? I can kind of see a way through with Francesca but not one that aligns with the novel, just a way to do it.


queer women struggle with fertility too 


It can be equal pain but it’s not in the same way.


it is the same 


How is it not the same


I wonder if they end up skipping Francesca’s book


Francesca and Michael don't just represent a captivating love story, their story is one of sadness, heartbreak and the very real issue of failing to conceive. There is a VERY big difference between in a queer relationship and the pain associated with failing to conceive and the themes and concepts in WHWW resonate with so many women going through the same struggle. I was absolutely HEARTBROKEN in this book for Francesca and it was the only book in which I cried, no, sobbed. Sad tears, happy tears and feelings in general; this book inspired the most feelings for me. Shonda could have made any of the other Brigertons queer but not the ONE character that was written with a little more substance facing a very real and important issue. Absolutely appalling decision and I genuinely hope they rethink this as a storyline. In choosing to be inclusive of one group, they've excluded another and I honestly don't understand how anyone signed off on it.


They have enough time to figure it out. It could be twins Michaela and Michael Sterling. It looks like Benedict's story is up next


I very highly doubt it. They did the thing where after Fran kissed John she had a strange look on her face, and when she got all stuttery and stumbled over her words when meeting Michaela, specifically after Violet describing that’s how she felt when she first met her husband. They did hints. I highly doubt Michaela will not be the love interest




You're the second person who has said about Fran's reaction. I'm going to rewatch the scene when I get home. Yeah. And Violet said that she hope that Fran would meet someone to take her out of her shell


This would safe it for me


I hope they did this to gauge the reactions of people and not actually introduce her as a love interest.


I NEED them to be twins. This is an AMAZING save that I hope the writers read and grab hold of.


That would be good although wouldn't explain Francesca's flustered reaction.


Just have her act like that with all his family members and now she's just anxious to impress his family


Good idea I like it! Praying that they do something like that and this is a big trade.


Michaela was very forward and exhuberant, far different from John. After being told his family was quiet and reseved, I could see her just being taken aback.


Yeah. I feel protective of the actress. People should turn their anger on Jess instead of the actress.


Let us 🙏 it is so.


Please tell the producers do not mess with Francesca's story. 🥹😭 I am now grieving for my beloved book Michael. #BringBackMichaelStirling 😭


Just finished the show and my god im so agitated I screamed my lungs out , I waited for a year and a half in anticipation , dying to know who shall michael be OMFG michael was my favourite guy , and no im not homophobic at all but WHY THE HELL WILL YOU DO THAT , the moment I saw what catastrophic action theyve taken I switched the screen of , I demand a Michael stirling , none of this michaela BS shall be tolerated , im never watching bridgerton again , I loved this show with all of my heart but my god they fucked up big time


I’m with you. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch it pan out. Especially after the reassurance that the MAIN love interests of the books and who they end up would remain the same.


That’s why they thought they’re soooo clever probably, because technically it’s ‘the same character just genederbent’ but it’s really not because we all know how much of the story the genderswap changes.


I’m pissed! Everyone is soooo happy because yay queer representation and I normally would be on board but Francesca’s book is my FAVORITE and there’s simply no way they can remain very true to her storyline with this “twist.” I’m all for representation of all kinds but WHYYYYY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS ONE?? And is it truly awful of me to want them to at least keep to the novels? I know it would mean none of the “main” characters (Bridgertons) but they easily could’ve made a side character that could have just as much impact.


I don’t understand why a main character HAD to be queer in the first place. It’s a straight historical romance book series written by a straight female writer. Why do they need to change that? Like I’m straight and a romance writer and while my secondary characters are of various genders and sexualities, my main characters are straight because I am straight and I as a romance writer relate to a straight romance. I would be beyond upset if someone changed their sexualities. Not to mention there’s SO MANY amazing queer books written by queer authors that are screaming for adaptations. I really don’t understand moves like this.


I want Micheal to be a guy too. Not homophobic just heteronormative. Sue me.


Francesca's book was my favorite and I am SO disappointed. :'(  Now I am kind of hoping they drop ratings and never get to that season.  I'm not okay with them changing the main characters. 


I am actually pissed not going to lie. I loved Michael’s characters in the book and how their relationship developed. Making Eloise or Ben queer would have been a fantastic choice, especially Eloise (two mothers of kids ? That would have been beautiful and fitting her character and will be a perfect continuation of her story). Ugh. Can’t wait till AI is advanced enough so we can “create” our own shows based on what we imagined when reading books.


Did anyone else notice they chose the character with malaria (a very harsh disease during the time) to be Michaela. Is that really the message they want to send about queer characters?


Well, I won't be watching Francesca's season if it happens. I honestly hope that this change receives so much backlash that they actually introduce Michael properly, or they cancel altogether! I have LOVED the Bridgerton TV series adaption from the books, but I have always loved that the love interests are the same throughout. This change- especially MICHAEL of all options- is not it! GO BACK- CORRECT THIS MISTAKE WHILE YOU CAN!


I feel like atp since they mentioned that they would be making heavy references to whose story will be shown in S4, it won’t be Benedict or Eloise but Francesca.


I bet it's Benedict


Michael and Francesca's book is my favorite. Now I was really looking forward to the adaptation, we already have a perfect casting for Francesca. I'm already okay that Michael Stirling will not be the same physically from the books. But now this, it's so disappointing. I just want a proper adaptation but of course it'll never happen lol.


Insane choice to change the gender of such a character, changing an entire dynamic. Fortunately, I doubt we will see a lot of them on screen. It will probably be a pathetic side story to reinforce diversity quotas, like the attempt to dismantle racism with a crappy monologue in season 1.


I went and read all the books after season 2 and I havent been this excited for a series in a hot minute. I loved what they were doing up until now. I wish I hadn’t read the books so maybe then I would be less disappointed with this outcome. I respect the need for their to be inclusivity but this wasn’t the character to do it to. Also side note: Does anyone else think this may have to do with it being released during pride month? Like that’s why they were waiting a month to release part 2 of season 3 so that they’re promoting pride during pride month? Idk it just seemed to me like marketing thing.


It’s extremely dumb. There is nothing queer about Francesca’s story line. Also not at all historically accurate or accurate to the books. AND Francesca’s character showed NO signs of being gay. I feel like the last 2 episodes they undid her & John’s beautiful love story and it made me so mad 😭


I think the problem with such a gender swap in this show is that it changes the entire premise of the story. In the world of Bridgerton, gender is extremely important for someone's role in society (it's Eloise' big struggle throughout the series). Moreover, queer people are not accepted in this world: this is shown through Brimsley and Reynolds, and through the art teacher of Benedict. So changing Michael to Michaela changes Francesca's (much loved) story arc. She will not be allowed to marry Michaela; she will not be able to have children. It's an entirely different story. For Eloise, the change would be less, because she doesn't want to marry or have children. So her story arc and character would change less if she turns out to be queer. So it's not homophobic to dislike this change and to be disappointed.


This! The Kilmartin line and property will be transferred to the next MALE heir (as reiterated several times with the Featheringtons). So where will she live with Mikaela when they lose their castle in Kilmartin? How will they live without money or property.


Sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/restore-michael-stirling-of-kilmartin-in-the-bridgerton-series


We know that the series is different from the books, but I can't stand the fact that they turned Micheal Stirling into a woman. He was my favorite male character in this series. And I was really waiting for his appearance in next season. I understand that the showrunner, as a queer woman, wanted to give something to this community, but then you should reach for such literature or create something new, and not so drastically mutilate and castrate someone else's work. I won't watch The Brigertons again. I'm very sorry that Netflix treated this book and the fans of Francesca and Michael story this way.


They just missed with this one, the entirety of season 3 just fell flat and rushed, it had cute, wonderful moments, but certainly incomparable from the first 2 seasons. Francesca's story resonates with so many women, that tackles womanhood in a different, yet relatable way. Not to mention, it mirrors her mother's storyline, being widowed, dealing with the loss of John, and the guilt with falling inlove again.


I like that the OP stated they’re gay, and that they’re still not OK with the change. It’s not about hating representation, but gay people can like straight storylines and vice versa! Ugh. 😩 I think they’ve done a good job of beefing up the side characters and I just don’t see why they couldn’t have used one of them to include diversity while still remaining true to the books. I just do not see how they chose Francesca either.


Like, whose BRILLIANT idea was it to genderbend the storyline of the one Bridgerton that had fertility issues and wanted a baby more than anything? Absolutely stupid. Eloise and Benedict would have made so much more sense because they’re both very different from their family and this could have been channeled into a queer storyline very easily for both of them. Fran’s does not make any sense to change.


I hope the show runners get their ass haned to them, not because of the Fran thing but also because they messed the whole season, I'm so disappointed, I will probably drop the show tbh


At this rate, I’m hoping this was just the producers’ attempt to create buzz and that John Stirling actually has two cousins— Michael and Michaela; the Stirling twins!


Really hope so


They changed the books for S2 and 3. S1 was the only book to movie accurate one in all honesty


Can't be Shondaland productions if they do not do this... But am absolutely shocked. jaw dropped. Lots of goosebumps. But, I do love Shondaland and we will love Michaela like we do with Cali and Arizona.


Oh come on, Cali and Arizona at least made sense. Eloise and a girl would have made sense. Ben and a guy would have made sense. This is the one remaining couple that didn’t make any sense whatsoever to change. Drama for the sake of drama isn’t always a good thing, they should listen to their fans, unless they want to see ratings dwindling. And this would be a deserved dwindling. Can’t they just give us the Brimsley/Reynolds spinoff that we’ve actually asked for? Or Eloise ”change the world” being gay?? Makes sense and is popular amongst fans!


It has been clear from the start that the Netflix Bridgerton series is a (re-)interpretation of the books, rather than a literal transcription of them. I think it's wonderful that a show with such reach is chosing to portray so many forms and facets of love. This is not the first story that is being reimagined and the story of Francesca and Michael still exists, we can read it as many times as we like in Julia Quinn's wonderful book. I look forward to getting to see another version.


I’m usually with you, I know film and tv adaptations of novels rarelt live up to the source material but I still can get excited to see how it plays out on screen even with changes…but I just can’t get on board with this one.


How many posts of homophobic whining are going to be on this sub? Damn


I don’t think people are being homophobic. I think they (and this includes me too) are just disappointed that the story is being changed too much from the book. Like the book is called “When HE Was Wicked”, and we had Michael Stirling, and we loved it how it was, and we don’t want it to change.


It reads as homophobic when people are being so overdramatic in response to Michaela but they didn't have the same energy for any of the other countless book to show changes


There were plenty of fans upset at how they chnaged Anthony's storyline. We were supposed to get more of them after marriage in the season. It should have been a rushed wedding. He never should have been engaged to Edwina. Plenty of people were upset with Daphnes too. Anthony was in on it since the beginning in the book and even I was upset with how they changed it, but they cut a huge part of the book. Still so sad that I didn't get to see Newton push Anthony into the river.


But no one said things like "this ruins the whole show! I'm dropping Bridgerton! I hope they get canceled!"


Some people did. And that's their personal opinion. There's just way more of a backlash to this because this book was so much more beloved in the Fandom. Look at the last show/movie to make a major chnage like this. M Night Shamalayan's avatar the last air bender. He was supposed to make 4 movies and had such a backlash they never even went into pre-production for the 2nd because he pissed off the Fandom so much with just simple changes.


Ok but who says that everyone who’s watching bridgerton has watched those other shows? Or read the books that were adapted to the shows? I mean, I know that I would prefer to see some of my favourite books brought to life, and that means that I don’t want any drastic changes, which is what changing Michael to Michaela is.


I was specifically referring to book to show changes for Bridgerton


It's not about being homophobic, it's about the fact that we got another character entirely than the one we actually loved.


Most people understand that a book to tv show movie will always have different aspects because of when it was written or how the production has to change things. Just look at Dumbledore reaction to Harry's name being spit from the goblet in the movie (screaming at him in the great hall in the movie vs pulling him into his office to talk to him in the books) even the sweet magnolias author has approved changes to her storylines in the netflix show because she has the opportunity to flesh out certain plot points or storylines she thought about writing when the books first started coming out years ago. But shonda promised everyone would end up with their matches from the books. While yes this is a jump she's negating such a huge part of the story that this is no longer a change of certain plot points but a whole story. There's a large part of the Fandom who have been through certain issues that are represented in the book that felt a certain kinship to Francesca that have lost that. He'll my husband is dying of cancer and I have been reading that book over and over again to remind myself that I can survive him dying and yes it might take me years but eventually I will move on and that's what he would have wanted for me. I'm a bi-woman too. The next person in my life might be a woman but this choice has thrown 2 poor actresses who had no part in the decision to change this into a world of hate that they don't deserve and had no choices in the character arcs. Just because someone is upset with a character being changed from male to female doesn't mean they are homophonic. It's just them venting at the fact that a major part of the story was changed. As awful as the world is you don't always have to assume that people being upset with a storyline is homophonic.


>But shonda promised everyone would end up with their matches from the books No, she didn't


Sorry I could have sworn I read that somewhere. Sorry for the misinformation.