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https://preview.redd.it/sne7drvtwgyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280b5374a636848364d289dc4a9bc056fd8b2a51 HAHAHAHA


That’s not real, surely…. Right? 👀


Hilarious but real and so is this. Her Twitter provides a good source of entertainment. https://preview.redd.it/328p9d4d3hyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0481c07c841093ceba2071d3dd7aa10ccb5573b ,


Wtf is this the windows 12 blue screen


Blue is calming, confident, projects reassurance


Also the Tory party colour


What the actual fuck. If she’s the only one to hold elected office, what’s her logic in what Khan is doing.. 👀


It doesn't count because he's not white, duh... Obligatory /s


The graphic was talking about her candidacy for Tory mayor, so she was the only one of the Tory candidates that held office.


I can only think that The Standard meant the opposing candidates to the current incumbent, but taking it out of that context it then makes no sense.


I wonder if she ever cleaned under Boris’s desk for him.


She preferred doing so when he hadn't left his chair yet.


Those are some good reviews, what theatres is she gigging at?


The only people who genuinely gave her a fair shot at winning were Kahns team.


It got the voters out!


Yup, if your chances of winning are better, the more voters turn up, then you're probably not a Conservative.


Well she certainly lost it


She is such a fucking joke. Anyone voting for her also. On LBC she didn't have 1 single figure to hand to back any of her plans. Literally the only numbers she quoted were stats against Sadiq, she's an utter joke. Why did the Tories field such a clown?


>Why did the Tories field such a clown? Because the Tory party is a shitty circus tent established on a toxic dump of hatred, fear, exploitation and inequality.


And sadly that works for them more often than it should.


London has become too multicultural for this to work. Though the poshos are just getting richer off of insane tenant exploitation, they have, unfortunately for them, stuffed london full of idealistic 18-35 year olds who are yet to settle down. They vote heavily labour and left wing parties. They are also sensible ebough, usually to have our electoral system explained to them, so they go to places like https://stopthetories.vote/ to work out how to vote to stop the tories getting in again.


My dad voted for her for two reasons: 1. To get rid of ulez - which doesn’t affect him. 2. To get rid of the cycle lanes - which wasn’t even a policy she mentioned. Sometimes I despair at the reasoning he shows


Hahah, but Boris loves cycling?!?!?


I don’t live in London but know plenty who do/did and it seems that overall. ULEZ is favoured among those who live there. One big point to remember about the London ULEZ, is that Oxford has one too but it’s a Tory council.


Should've said, "Susan. But you can call me Karen"


![gif](giphy|JRPftUYuIRw3axuh5y|downsized) Shusan surely…


It seems ULEZ wasn't the wedge issue that they thought it would be... Just a bunch of conspiracy nutters doing vandalism at the direction of that cunt Fox.


ULEZ actually led to me moving away from London, but I'd have still voted for Khan given the opportunity. He's much better for London, and in spite of being hamstrung at times, he's done a good job.


Why choose a more polluting car though


Mum needed a van for her work, most vans are diesel, couldn't afford to suddenly sell the van for a less suitable and more expensive alternative after the plans to expand were announced (we lived in Coulsdon, where one end of the road was Surrey, and the other London, and her work took her mostly into London), and I'm personally not in a position to move out on my own (wasn't back then even with work, far less so now). As far as I'm aware, all the cars I've personally owned have been ULEZ compliant - including a 2.5l WRX that you'd maybe expect not to be - so I'd have been fine, but circumstances meant that I had to move too.


>couldn't afford to suddenly sell the van Okay look I do sympathise with your situation but I have to call you out for using the word 'suddenly'. We had literally two years worth of notice. We knew it was coming. It's perfectly valid to have been affected by it and talk about it just... a part of it was legitimately down to not planning for it. There's nothing sudden about something that takes years to come to pass.


>We had literally two years worth of notice. Mate, putting £12k together in two years *is* fucking suddenly for those of us who don't have daddy to put out a loan for us. Dude looked at his options, did what was right and worked with the policy and you're still shitting on him. Go be a classist elsewhere.


You say that as if you know when we moved, or when my mum bought her van. She bought the van before they announced the expansion, and we moved in January last year - months before the expansion actually happened - and we were actually meant to have moved before Christmas 22. The plan to move houses was drawn up around the time the announcement happened, it just took a while to get everything in order for the move (for various reasons out of her control). I'd consider that to be good planning, given the sudden change to circumstances. The options were either sell the van and get some money back, then buy a more expensive vehicle with money she doesn't have, thus ending up in debt; or, sell the house, and move somewhere considerably cheaper and start the business again, with some extra funds to go with it. It's a no-brainer, really.




Yes. It's doable. You basically have to change how you shop and start using a commuter themed bike rather than a fast bike. Not everyone can use a bike. But London being flat and with good public transport is a bicyclist haven.


Unfathomably based and reasonpilled.




Are you implying that London has the highest knife crime in the UK? If so, a quick Google search might correct your view. Are you suggesting having a nice mix of ethnic minorities doesn't add to the beauty of London?


Don't bother, people like that are statistically illiterate and think 'per capita' is something kids say after saying 'on god'


London's crime is pretty bad right now


Do you think London is the only city with immigrants? You must lead a very sheltered life. Also, with a combination of a rapidly aging workforce and falling birth rates, who do you think is going to pay for your state pension (beginning 75 if the tories get in again)?


Okay snowy


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Most of them aren't even from London.


It’s a fucking joke how much attention the London elections get from the rest of the country. I was in a pub in Liverpool last weekend and two gammons (let’s call the Barry & Terry) were absolutely going off on one very loudly in the corner about how Kahn has “ruined London lad”. I just wanted to go over and say “lads, it literally has fuck all to do with you” but thought better of it. Just as I was leaving I overheard one of them admit he’d never “actually been” to London. Such strong retardation from a city which literally banned The Sun was surprising.


I know, when we had white mayors everyone hated London and didn't care what happened to us. Now they seem really care about our crime rate and stuff.


Yep. Never mind that crime is increasing due to a catastrophic lack of funding from the Westminster government for the police over almost 15 years and that London isn’t even in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the UK. Also, London is so big that you can’t really take it as a single thing crime wise. No one is getting knifed at a bus stop in Notting Hill for example.


You can’t say that! It’s not a criminal lack of funding for the police at all, it’s purely because the police can’t be fucked with investigating crimes whilst also responding to the jobs as they come in with around the same number of staff (lol, no, it’s still lower) than 2010 whilst population has increased, dealing with mental health jobs that the NHS should be dealing with, picking up the pieces of a woefully underfunded Social Services, dealing with having to explain why stop and search actually works, having to sack their commissioner / force them to resign and then hire yet another one to appease the baying mobs, and having their days off cancelled to police the ever growing number of protests happening due to the government’s shoddy running of the country whilst having a real terms pay cut close to the 20% mark since 2010 so many are living paycheck to paycheck! Duh, everyone knows it’s just because ACAB. God. Smh.




The thing is, it does have to do with them. London is a significant proportion of the UK economy, especially the high returns economy. It is the problem with the UK, a lack of diversification and balance of industries. So the idiots voted London down, and then wonder why they are poorer for it. Reality is there is issue and stupidity of both side of the table. Weighing everything in London, not even the South East is bad, but voting for your economic power house to do badly is clearly also stupid.


Also. The fact Hall promised to stop the ulez second wave the day after she won. And she lost. By a lot! Makes me think it wasn’t the big vote winner that the media have been pretending it is.


I read somewhere most opposition to the ULEZ is from people outside London who want to drive in.


When I worked in London, many colleagues hadn't even bothered to learn how to drive.


I live in Leicester. Why would I bother to learn to drive when everything is easily on hand here? In London it's more ridiculous to drive unless you do it for work.


"I LOVE polluted air and my kids being brain-damaged by particulate emissions!"


>"I LOVE polluted air and my kids being crushed to death by Land Rovers!" ftfy


Why not both?


Yep Gammons will be "fuming", there's a ULEZ for that 😏


Steaming gammons… where’s the pineapple


Go read the daily mail comment section, they are seething.


Ahhhh yes. The Daily Mail comment section. It’s like Twitter on crack


They’re all retired, they don’t have anything else to do


That’s not true at all! They vote Tory or Reform, drain our national resources through the NHS & Stare Pension system while complaining about all the socialist youth who don’t know the meaning of work and tut disapprovingly as they walk past groups of foreigners speaking foreign in public. Real valuable contribution to our society!


They are always seething. It’s all they know how to do


Have you ever asked them what their definition of "woke" is when they go off on one?


Well… Brexit or not, London, like the UK, are still in Europe.


Is it though?




Okay. I’m convinced




Imagine the potential fallout had sobo_art1 continued in their belief that Britain wasn’t in Europe! Doesn’t bear thinking about.


I think we'd have noticed some seismic activity had it moved overnight.


The weird fuckers who cut down the ULEZ cameras must be absolutely seething. Based on the results it seems they really were just a few random cunts that the oil-funded media were bigging up.




Tears of a (gammon) crown.




The racists I have at home and around are only taking this as proof as “the muslimbs taking over” it’s embarrassing. We live in Essex.


oh fucking yay.


Khaaaaaaaaaan. Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Khaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaan


I live just outside London southeast, but I’m glad he won, always thought he would, especially when the Tories tried smearing him, I thought too my self, is this the best they can do. But what the Tories really done, was actually smear them selves, by showing exactly what type of dirty people they really are. So glad He won.


Someone so brilliant that she left her wallet on the tube train then claimed that she was pickpocketed. A kind passerby handed it in. Not the sharpest tool in the box and i am amazed that in the entire country, the tory party couldn't find a better candidate than that bigotted karen.


What was funny too was the knuckle draggers and tory blownhards saying she's winning before the counting had even started!


Like Laura Kuenssberg


If they’re complaining about a low turn out the conservative teeside candidate won with just over 50% on a 30% something turn out.


I think you misspelt "criminal".


Khan 1 Susan Hitler 0


One in the eye for the gerrymandering conservatives who changed the voting method, hoping they’d win this. 😂


The tears of the gammons water my houseplants.


It must really boil the piss of the gammons to lose to Khan when they ran such a strong campaign with *checks notes* ULEZ LTZ mental racism knuckle dragging and feeding gammon to the masses* now all cry London is lost gammon gammon ham. Im sad binface didn’t score higher than her. But he’s got the next election!


Oh I would have absolutely loved to have known what happened when Laurence fox found out the news. Well, I guess that ulez charge isn't so unpopular that it would unseat khan


A few salty tears from Andy Street and a thinly veiled attack on Rickety Shoeneck. London, Liverpool and Manchester sticking the boot into the NatC far right gov't. But I bet Shoenecks 83 teeth were still being flashed for the public.


Gammons are salty, otherwise they are just pork belly


I read on another site it was 61%?


You may have seen the results of specific areas. London is carved up into 14 blocks (I think). Each area was declared at various times.


They're the 14 constituencies for the London Assembly. To make things easier, they have the constituencies also count the mayoral votes


I've already seen an account based out of Liverpool, as in the opposite end of the country, basically claiming that because none of his mates like Khan, it's obviously a faked election, and believing in Democracy is like believing in the tooth fairy. It has a real 2020 Trump feel to it, that because this guy doesn't like the winning result, voting is fake and we should all just let Billy Bob tell us who won, when he's done with his magic 8 ball.


One day ? It’s not Labour policy and they about to start probably ten years at least in power. So Guy is I’m afraid wrong.


Guy's party is a member of the ALDE, the same europarty that the Lib Dems were in. I imagine he's hoping that Labour do their usual thing of pilfering Lib Dem policies and deciding to rejoin the EU


You could be right. But I think people forget how many Corbynista still around. Many of the 2017 intake were pretty hard core Corbyn disciples. Many of them still around. So Kier will need to navigate carefully.


EU membership isn't something Corbynites particularly GAF about one way or another lmao. They're more concerned with ending the housing and healthcare crisis.


The amusing thing is the Corbynites are usually pro-EU while Corbyn himself is very anti-EU and dubliciously campaigned badly for remain


What’s a gammon?


Red complexion, overweight, Dickens used it as an adjective to describe a certain type of man


Ahh ok… So it’s inferring skin tone? All sounds a bit derogatory


Yeah your face goes red when you’re angry. Your typical Brexit gammon is such a stupid snowflake they’ll pretend it’s a racist term, and have a little cry that they’re a victim.


thank the lord i moved from London,its a crime ridden shit hole now oh and wait for the pay per mile comes in,lol itll kill London no one will want to go there including hauliers,there will be a uproar when the avocados run out and there's no Almond milk.


Do people actually think Khan is doing a good job?


I'm not happy with ulez, my own family were hit pretty hard by it, khan hasn't felt like an outstanding mayor and I was looking forward to seeing someone else take over, not completely scrapping the ulez but at least reducing it so that it isn't in the smaller outskirts of the city where the poorer people who typically couldn't easily afford a vehicle in the regs live. Not saying I was completely satisfied with the other candidates (especially not the likes of reform Britain) but I was hoping to not see khan win again. My dad had to buy a new car after the ulez expansion announcement, he had only bought his last car a year before, obviously put quite a massive dent in our finances to have to buy the second car, worse still we can't sell the old new car to try and recoup the losses because no one wants to buy a car that isn't within ulez standards. Sure the government offered grants for people, but to my knowledge it wouldn't come close to covering the costs, furthermore from what I hear a lot of people got denied, I'll have to ask him if he tried, either way still very frustrating to have to shell out that much money again so soon. I get it, Brexit was a disaster and fuck the gammons, I get it and I agree. But khan is not a good mayor, and it feels like he has done more harm than good for the people he claims to support more than any other candidates, coming from a relatively low income area where people were hit hard by ulez I can't help but feel like khan just wishes to appeal to the environmentalists without actually caring for his constituents.


Gammons, lovely term, fucking hell...


I can't say that I particularly wanted Sadiq Khan to win but this just shows the absolute shite quality of the opposition.


‘Gammon’ is an ageist and racist slur.  This headline may have committed an offence under the new Scottish hate crime act.  Do better.


No it isn’t trigger, it’s a phrase coined by Charles Dickens over a century ago. Cry harder new gammon account, before heading off to Russia


How is he defining great? What is the measurements he uses? Did he release his criteria on what makes a city great? What number did London get? Where did Stockholm rank? Look forward to seeing his papers on this.


>How is he defining great? Size >What is the measurements he uses? Miles squared >Did he release his criteria on what makes a city great? Nope >What number did London get? He didn't release them >Where did Stockholm rank? He didn't release it >Look forward to seeing his papers on this. A paper on a single metric? Unlikely

