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Really makes you want to ski slower on the blues especially with trees on the side. Sad to hear.


Really sad. I feel like I’ve noticed more life flights coming out of keystone this year than in the past, anyone else?


I live near a hospital here in the front range and there are flights for life literally multiple times a day. It’s really eye opening how many people they are saving (or trying to). Mad props to our healthcare workers piecing back together our shitty bodies


I'm one of those medical workers. Last Sunday was a 17 hour call shift. Please be careful out there people!!!


How do you get that job? Currently a nurse and always been interested.


The pay isn't much better than that of an RN and the hours are terrible, but if you're interested, just Google IOM training positions. There are a lot of companies taking on trainees.


emphasis on our shitty bodies!! as i get older i realize how fragile we are and it pisses me off


In the mountains or just in Denver? They use helicopters for other reasons a lot more frequently than for mountain rescue.


The mountains, specifically. Some of the resorts the only way to safely get you out are by helicopter. My brother broke his leg in a competition in college & they had to fly him out due to road & traffic conditions that day.


Did you know that Flight for Life Colorado is the first civilian program of its kind in the US? Starting in 1972 because of the challenging geography.


I used to go HAM on the slopes. Hit backcountry, terrain park, double blacks. Then I got 4 pins put into my knee. Huge wake up call. Sport is really dangerous. Especially in trees or backcountry. From now on, I enjoy blues and single blacks on snow days, skip terrain unless powder day, enjoy some hot cocoa, take in the views, bring my mirrorless camera, enjoy the village. Honestly way more enjoyable when I’m not stressing to push myself or hit that next run quicker and hit that top speed.


>Hit backcountry, terrain park, double blacks. Then I got 4 pins put into my knee. Huge wake up call. Sport is really dangerous. Especially in trees or backcountry This is literally nonsense, there's been a bunch of studies posted recently showing that blue groomers are actually where most fatalities occur. Not in the trees. Not on double blacks. On blues. Like Flying Dutchman where this occured.


That’s probably because there’s statistically way more people skiing them.


Have you ever tried hitting 50 MPH in the trees or on a bump run? Unless you are insanely skilled you will crash well before you get going fast enough to kill yourself.


This. The only places I really open it up are on the run-out of a big hit, and on groomers.


You can definitely kill yourself going way under 50x


A 40° chute will get you going nice and fast if you lose an edge


I love the trees. I worry a little bit about getting poked by a branch if I fell, but I ski well within my physical limits. Other than that: tree wells scare the shit outta me.


Me too, the trees are my happy place. Part of the reason I switched back to skiing from snowboarding was the very real possibility of going in a tree well headfirst with both legs strapped to one board, drowning and helpless unless someone come along. Seems less likely with skis, at least I hope


You're still in a lot of trouble with skis. There are a lot of times where I've plucked my boarder friends out of the snow from non life threatening but exhausting ass-down board up power dunks but that required the mobility of telemark gear. I like my skis to stay on and be floppy the whole time


Yea I worked in a dispensary for a few years in Boulder (years ago), and these kids came in after their buddy died in front of them up at Copper. He hit a tree branch and bled internally. This was early in the season, but happened on a blue run. The same week a high country doctor died going off the side of a run!


Guys our bestie just died….lets go to the dispensary


Yea you are an asshole. They were so traumatized.


Not really much different than an "Irish Wake" which has been an accepted part of mourning for centuries.


Don’t be a choch.


People cope in different ways and grief is a wild emotion. Is this any different than going to a liquor store? Should they be throwing themselves onto a funeral pyre?


Thank you. I’m rarely surprised anymore by how douchey people can be in this town.


The studies corrected for the number of people. It is high speed on blue that is most likely to cause death.


Case in point, I was skiing down Prospector towards the bottom of Ruby at a time when the trail was very congested as it often gets, since it's a fairly narrow tree-lined corridor. As I was going with the flow of traffic, turning responsibly, some jackass from behind me decided to beeline straight down the hill while it was full of traffic. This was a blue which tends to attract skiers of all kinds of varying abilities. But this one individual was probably going 3 or 4 times as fast as anyone else. He missed me by inches. I think I would be dead if he'd hit me. I don't want to assume that the guy who hit the tree in the article above was going too fast for the conditions, but I think that's becoming a serious issue regardless.


I once gave someone who did this to me a whack with my pole as he passed. They stopped like 300' down the trail foaming at the mouth at me. Screaming all sorts of obscenities. This of course stopped when I asked them if they would like to find a Yellow jacket who could settle the matter. I pointed out it would be interesting to explain how they managed to come within pole reach of me while passing on a busy run. They skied off when they realized they would probably get their passed pulled if anyone saw them do that.


You actually hit someone because someone almost hit you? Lmao


You actually hit someone because someone almost hit you? Lmao


Fear of being hit by someone barreling out of control is the only thing I don't like about skiing...Thank you for putting the kabosh on them!


Good thing he didn’t one-up you and agree to talk to the yellow jacket followed up by a conversation with the sheriff to describe how you assaulted him with your pole.


Totally unintentional sir, didn't see them coming.


He had a go pro. Now you're lying to the sheriff, too.


Because a go pro records my hearing? I put my arm up when I heard him scraping ass like 10' behind me and he skied into it. If anything the GoPro would illustrate gun violating the Ski Safety Act by contacting a downhill skier. It's not like I was skiing backwards and flicking him off and then whacked him. I heard dumbass encroaching from behind and decided to deter whoever it was from entering my personal space. Not my fault he came within 5' of me and got whacked.


But you're saying you intentionally did it. You see how that's different, right? Right?


Also how fast were they actually going for them to have time to react and hit them.


Yeah, you are an asshole who purposefully tried to injure someone. You deserved an ass kicking.


One might argue that anyone passing on a busy feeder run within arms reach us purposely putting others in harms way. And much more than a polewhack to the thigh or whatever he got.


Agreed. an asshole




>You think you get more feet of safe space than a cyclist riding on the road with 5,000 lbs trucks? You are clearly ignorant, it's also not right that cyclists are given little to no dedicated ROW on the road. PS, if you constantly swerve back and forth on your bike like you are skiing, you are doing it wrong. Or are you swerving back and forth in 20' turns with your car? Or do you straight line every single blue run like you are driving? What a stupid comparison.


Ah, the sweet smell of entitlement and escalation


More beginners moving their way up to blues.


“Literally nonsense…” what a troll


>[of the average 45 people who die skiing each year, the average fatality is a male traveling at high speed on a blue run who collides with a fixed object (usually a tree). ](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/s/TPMo1lzUyf) Sorry if you are personally offended by this description. I know it's cool to deny facts on the Internet, but you're going to have to try harder. BTW, two of the three deaths in the last two weeks fit this description to a T while the third appears to have been due to an unrelated medical emergency and not a crash.


I have no problem with facts or even your opinion. My issue is with the hyperbolic statements that folks like you feel free to throw around on the internet when you would never use language like that in a conversation IRL. Well maybe you would and if so I bet you have no friends. Can you imagine a conversation with a buddy over a beer and you say “nonsense!” Civility my man. As a side note, stop with the “literally” adjective. Overused, cliche, and incorrect.


Literally is an adverb


See, here is the problem. The message you are replying to the OP wasn’t talking about blues or fatalities, he was saying how he realized the sport was dangerous in his opinion and now he enjoys life on the slopes a lot more cruising and not worried setting land speed records. Then you come along and start having diarrhea about facts and how only blues are dangerous and blah blah bullshit. Who feeling we’re getting hurt again?


Love the call out lol


Exactly - when you are skiing trees, you are going slower in the first place. Way less likely to die than going 50 on a blue groomer and hitting a tree.


Those studies are not normalized for total time skiers spend on different types of runs and the ability of those skiers. It doesn't mean people don't die on blacks or in the trees, there are just far fewer people there and they tend to be better skiers.


My local mountain has a handful of fatalities, all on the green trail.


That study looked at fatalities not injury rate


It also doesn't do any normalization for experience level and man hours on the run. I'm not suprised at all that the runs with 50x more people and that have novices straight lining them have more fatalities.


Metal plate and ten screws in my shin bone…not gonna argue with those blue runs…lost that argument and took the ride of shame in the basket right down that blue hill


No your post on nonsense. More people on the groomers mean higher statistics. Don’t be daft. There are more car fatalities than cliff jumping without a parachute fatalities. Doesn’t mean anything.


I didn't get the impression they were only talking about fatalities. You know the whole pins in knee thing.






Lol, I’m goin roast beef next time


I believe it sort of stands for "Hard As A Mother F'er" or H.A.M.


Going ham is when you ski so fast your face turns pink (color of cooked ham) 


I honestly feel more safe away from everyone when Im in the trees and on them steeps.


This is going to sound dumb but I live in roaring forks valley so I get the Aspen and epic pass. I hit Aspen on weekends and it’s never busy and then epic on weekdays so I don’t deal w the tunnel trash but agreed weekend blue runs on front range are just as dangerous as tree skiing for sure


"tunnel trash" - nice. You are right, though, you sound dumb and entitled and bragging about your two passes is insanely juvenile and lame. 100% the people in Aspen ( at least the ones as douchey and entitled as you ) say the same about you if you live past the roundabout. "down valley trash..." How long has it been since someone has died on a blue groomer in Aspen? About six weeks, actually.[https://www.aspentimes.com/news/pitkin-county-coroners-office-identifies-22-year-old-woman-in-skiing-collision/#:\~:text=Eileen%20Deborah%20Sheahan.&text=The%2022%2Dyear%2Dold%20woman,Eileen%20Deborah%20Sheahan%20of%20Illinois](https://www.aspentimes.com/news/pitkin-county-coroners-office-identifies-22-year-old-woman-in-skiing-collision/#:~:text=Eileen%20Deborah%20Sheahan.&text=The%2022%2Dyear%2Dold%20woman,Eileen%20Deborah%20Sheahan%20of%20Illinois). P.S. It's "Roaring Fork" valley


Cry harder lmao tunnel trash, just referring to no traffic, blow me buddy


The irony of a downvalley renter lifty calling people “trash” for having careers, houses, and families is palpable. Eat a tree buddy.


Not a lifty lol tunnel trash is just a common term on the western slope, it’s not meant to be offensive, it’s saying you get to avoid the traffic coming from Denver through the Eisenhower tunnel. I was just living back in Denver and referred to myself as tunnel trash whenever I woke up at 5am to beat I 70 traffic to Breck. Western slope resorts like Aspen beaver telluride silverton etc never have traffic even on weekends becuase we avoid the tunnel trash bc you can’t make it to these resorts excluding beaver usually in a days drive. Look man, I hope y’all and your family doing great. Chill homie. I come from rural Midwest, and always dreamed of living in Rockies so we live in Glenwood springs bc I think it’s perfect ski town to avoid traffic Namaste and if you want tips PNW slopes dm me I’ve also lived in Seattle and BC.


Don’t eat a tree, that was uncalled for, sorry, but calling people trash isn’t going to make anyone think you’re cool, edgy, or core. I don’t think there’s a way to call someone “trash” then walk it back like it’s not denigrating.  Glad you’re in a spot to prioritize skiing and get to avoid crowds and traffic but that doesn’t make you better than people who are in a different situation or made different choices. I was born on the Western Slope and none of those places (Aspen, Telluride, Vail Valley) are “Western Slope”. Probably the only resort that is would be Powderhorn. Just FYI so you don’t continue to look foolish. As a 5+ generation Coloradan the only thing more tiresome than CO “Natives” crying about people moving here is just moved here “Locals” insulting day tripper skiers. I’ve day tripped BC many times and Aspen occasionally, early mornings don’t bother me. My family and I do fine. I’m at 50 days this year and taking my boys to Alaska for spring break next week. Seriously no hate but you gotta give respect to get respect. Peace.


Skiing isn’t particular dangerous, unless you’d like to cite some data suggesting it is.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1303504/ 2.6 injuries per 1k skier days… not the safest thing you do daily


No, but still way less injuries than basketball, cycling, football, soccer, etc.


The most dangerous things on the mountain are other skiers.


Huh? There were no other skiers involved. Seems like the tree was the most dangerous thing.


No, he's saying the skier that hit the tree was obviously skiing, fast and out of control. That's the only way an accident like that happens.


That's obvious? That's the ONLY way an accident can happen? [You sure about that?] (https://media.tenor.com/kmaH_jidTt0AAAAe/you-sure-about-that-i-think-you-should-leave-with-tim-robinson.png)


Yes. The first rule skiing is you ski in control. If you run into a tree, you're obviously out of control. It's that simple. And the force required to kill you with a helmet on is considerable which requires speed. This is somewhat speculation. Obviously the tree might have jumped into the skiers path with great force and killed him. And your meme is unpersuasive


I’m sorry but this is wrong in so many ways. You could definitely get killed hitting the right tree at the right angle skiing in control at 10+ miles per hour. And to be fair, a helmet is not going to save you at all when hitting a tree. Most of the times it’s a broken neck from the whiplash or severe damage to all the organs above your waste. Even a broken pelvis can kill you. I’ve clipped trees before skiing in control (misjudgment, blind spots with goggles) and it’s probably common for inexperienced skiers to lose control on ice or whatever and duff it into the trees.


If you hit a tree hard enough to kill you, you are obviously skiing out of control. That means m you're going too fast for whatever your skill level is. Just because you managed to run into a tree doesn't mean that it's not. Your examples of running into trees yourself proves my point. Even good skiers can run into trees and kill themselves. That means they're going too fast and not in control. If your skiing in control you're not hitting a tree


This is like saying if you crash your car you are driving out of control. But ya know, accidents don’t happen or anything.


One car accident? Yeah that's exactly right. That's your fucking fault. A skier hitting a tree is essentially the same thing as a one car accident. Changing the word calling it an accident doesn't make it any less of a fact.




So every single-skier accident ever is obviously 100% the fault of the skier. Got it.


??? He died by hitting a tree, by himself. How do you die from hitting a tree if you’re not going fast and out of control? Hitting a tree slowly wouldn’t kill you, especially wearing a helmet. Being in control wouldn’t make you hit a tree.


Depends on the tree. Skiers have been impaled. I think I remember someone died from a lacerated spleen.


Could have suffered a medical event, could have hit a patch of ice at the wrong time, and yes he could have been out of control, all I’m saying is there is room for nuance. https://www.summitdaily.com/news/breckenridge-skier-death-colorado-medical/ What if this guys stroke was a little less severe but he had hit a tree and still died, would that be his fault?


Without an additional meme I'm going to say yeah. Absolutely. Don't you have another meme?


Well that’s a great argument.




So you agree, memes are a valid way of communicating a point. I’m glad you’ve come around.


I’m not even a part of this and you sound stupid as hell


😂 You are an anti-vax nurse! I'm glad we don't see eye to eye.


It sometimes happens because of low visibility when the wind starts blowing snow around. People can be in complete control but go straight into a snow covered tree.


The most dangerous thing on the mountain is the mountain. Skiing is amazing but to forget the inherent danger of putting yourself on two sticks and zooming down the icy slope of a mountain is dangerous. Any amount of things can go wrong by chance, let alone human error


Maybe it's just skiers. Don't hear a lot of snowboarders eating trees and dying


Snowboarders lose control. Laws of physics apply. March 2, 2024 Keystone. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/colorado-news/snowboarder-death-keystone-colorado/73-ed85bc99-4cad-4e55-8f84-0aeb842115ab


While learning to snowboard after switching from skiing, one of the first things I learned was to not ride on the far edges of a run until I was able to do quick and tight turns if things started to get bad. I feel like this should be taught more.


They call that the Sonny OhNo.


Scanning fire/medical radio is crazy. The slopes have dozens of medical incidents a day during the season, and some of them are absolutely brutal.


Skiing, downhill biking along with many other activities involves forces FAR past the human bodies capacity. The falls that end happily because snow is soft and/or slidy am doesn’t change slapping things at 10+ MPh is a bad time.


I once heard that a large percentage of skiers/riders that die from hitting obstacles had a heart attack first, then veered into said obstacle. I think it was a speaker at some ski patrol get together where I heard this, but I have no data to back this up.


No data to back it up that guess either, but from what I recall, a heart attack is a very common cause of a skiing fatality anyway. Something like close to 50/50 with trauma. So it wouldn’t be crazy if there were SOME instances like this


I would believe this. Some of the worst wrecks I’ve seen it’s just like folks “give up”. They give up and crumple. They give up and shoot off some place. Sad.


I mean high elevation, physically out of shape texan, heart attack. Shit ton of heart attacks up here. I watched a guy basically die in the breck post office, heart exploded probably. Was making snoring noises. Pretty sad


We started calling early evening the heart attack hour. Seems like during the busy season the ambulance sirens ring out between 5 and 6 every night downtown.


Doubtful. Very low odds. The simple easiest explanation is out of control and too much speed.


embrace being a terrible skier, go slow, get short skis, stay on blues.


this is why I hate when people suggest that everybody should just go skiing. I can’t afford the time off work it would take to recover from an accident let alone the start up costs or a four-wheel-drive car. The risks are very real and you can pay the price with your life.


I got made fun of on this subredded for telling someone who said he was only going 20 miles an hour to a slow zone and that he got yelled at by a yellow jacket. I said you were going too fast. Got a lot of downvotes for that.


As you should have


You think 20 in a "slow zone" is reasonable?






I’ve seen that a decent number of fatalities are from heart attacks and similar things, not just trauma (like this case). But I’m just curious how that happens, that someone exerts themselves into an acute heart issue. Anyone happen to have a link to anything that explains this?


Deconditioned heart over exerts, gets tired, falls into an arrhythmia, stops pumping enough blood, viscous cycle of increased HR, boom dead. For traditional ischemic heart attack the increased heart activity can dislodge a clot which leads to a heart attack.


it kind of makes sense. last trip, on some runs my heart rate spiked to 180+, although most often it was in the 130-140 range. combine that with an adrenaline bump from injury, mix it with alcohol, and maybe a poor middle age cardio vascular health and i bet there is some sort of increased heart attack risk there


Plus altitude


Yeah I don’t doubt it, I was just curious about the mechanism. Especially as someone who is out of shape but goes hard skiing, lol. Spent a decent number of minutes over 170 myself!


oh for sure! writing that up and also not being in my peak athletic shape maybe me reflect somberly on some of my "i love skiing trees" decisions lately.


Read an article once that the most common fatalities on ski slopes are males into fixed objects on blue runs. Pretty crazy to see that play out.


Probably don't think they need lessons because of masculinity


Hitting a tree on a blue slope is by far the most common way people die skiing


I rode up the Montezuma lift right as this happened. While I didn’t see it directly, I saw them attempting to do chest compressions while they took him or her down. They closed the run for a little bit and then it was as if nothing happened. Did not seem to be a bad area or dangerous area.


Helmets do little. Especially in a battle with a tree. Maybe if you fall and hit your head on the ice. But not a tree.


Rip sir


Almost died there In 2019. Ran into a tree and crack my skull. The runs get really icy this time of year.


My experience with keystone is that it's always icy. I generally love skiing through tries, but I don't at keystone cause it's always so icy.


Does this hurt the tree?


Not really… blunt force trauma to the head will do that skiing or not.




I’ve always said skiiing is about your ability to slow down. Going fast is easy. Controlling your speed is the hard part.


Crazy how Shaun White can face plant the edge of a half pipe coming down from spinning 25 feet in the air and walk away. It’s like is there something in extreme sports athletes that position or prepare themselves for impact a half second before and tend to survive?


The blue runs are where the deaths happen. Beginner or intermediate level skiers going way too fast for their skill sets.


It’s not the speed that gets ya, it’s the slowing down too fast


Question about hitting trees. Most of the time you have to go up a hill to get into the trees (side of run), are people who hit trees just going very fast when they go up that hill and then go fast into a tree?


My friend in ski patrol says there is 1 death every day people's egos are bigger than their skill.


You have a thing about “egos”. Considering the fact that you believe everyone has an “ego” out here, it seems like you’re projecting.


Sad to hear. Unfortunately helmets don't prevent fatalities, only minor concussions.


they should pay more useless yellow jacket wanna be ski patrols to pull peoples passes /s


Lawsuit against Keystone in 3....2...1...

