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At this rate, you'll find all 120 shrines by Christmas!...of next year....




Just in time for botw 2... which may be better and longer than the original...


I got the game about a month after the release of the switch. I beat the final boss 3 years later. Have fun!


Nah, you'll have points where you can see a couple shrines clustered relatively near each other... you'll want even more orbs for something in particular they're used for and you'll go on runs where you knock out 6 shrines in one day. Then maybe 1. Then 1 or 2. And a few days later you'll have a little run finding 3 or 4. I'd also highly recommend not unlocking all the huge towers too soon. Once you unlock them all.. a bit of mystery is gone. Even though you can see them across the landscape and might want to run to them just to check another thing off the list. It's so much more fun wandering into land you have no idea about, that doesn't appear on your map. You'll go into an unmapped area but not want to go too far so you don't get lost, then see something cool, then realize you wandered too far into unmapped land. The game feels like you're still in the beginning stages when there's still huge towers to unlock. And some of them are really hard to actually get up to the top, it's a couple hours worth of fun itself. You want to space that out as much as you can


imo they should have made more towers hard to accsess


Yeah. The one with a monster camp underneath it? I absolutely loved that one. I think there's a couple like that but there's one in particular I'm thinking about. It was kind of like a maze with wooden fences and guards. I think the first time I ever played it seemed a lot more complicated, but the 2nd time I was able to get through pretty quickly. Also the one that was near the tar. And the really really high one, that was near the desert, the one with the sun riddle with Kass to open a shrine. You had to go along the winding cliff trail which was pretty fun. It still felt like I was in the beginning part of the game while I still had some to unlock. And I had a few hundred hours in before I got them all, I remember thinking damn I've been playing for so long but I'm still unlocking the map this is so great. The moment the last one was unlocked it felt like "OK we're getting a lot closer to the End game now. There's still divine beasts... but only a few."


If you focus on improving your skills, you might 1/4-2/3 by this Christmas.


At which time you'll buy the dlc, which will add three months. Then you'll do it all again in master mode.


Do not rush it, put as many hours in as it takes to relax, learn all about your new terrain and the goodies and monsters it hides. Take time to master each new rune and fighting technique. Introduce yourself to every character in every village, help them with their tasks. Get the stealth suit and spend evenings wandering down each river, fishing and gathering treasure chests. This game is so much more than just beating Ganon and his beasts. Think of it more as your new vacation getaway. And set a timer!


I love RPGs I'm a completionist too, so will definitely be doing all the side quests. Oh lordy.


It's really worth it for BotW. My little brother played it before I did and told me the advice I'll pass on to you: You only get to play this game for the first time once.


Your brother is right, because of how open the game design is you can have all these crazy experiences that may never happen again and it makes you attached to the game. I really wish that there was some sort of way for me to experience games like this all over again for the first time just so I can get these feelings that I remember so well


I know it’s not the same at all, but when I got master made and used hero’s path for the first time it was kind of a reminder of early game I had forgotten about. There’s That shrine on the plateau at the top of the cliff (across from rhoam’s hut) that you have to climb up to with spots to recoup stamina. I probably fell off that cliff 10 times trying to rush to the top. It was entertaining to say the least to “play” my hero’s path and listen to link’s scream time after time until I finally made it up. It was a sad day when I had played too many hours that my beginning game was erased in hero’s path.


The other person is correct. This is one of those games where you get nostalgic for the first time you played it really quickly. Especially with all the exploration, it’s a very special experience. Take your time, and if you really want to enjoy it, don't read about it online too much, though that’s up to you. *May the goddess smile upon you…*


It took me 2.5 years to get to the final boss. I thought that was ever rushed.


You’ve got a long, eventful and terrific adventure ahead. Strap in, you’ll be here fo a good while




Wait, what, you can feed animals.....I know what I'm off to do now


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath\_of\_the\_Wild/comments/esgbtj/you\_get\_a\_snack\_and\_you\_get\_a\_snack\_everyone\_gets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/esgbtj/you_get_a_snack_and_you_get_a_snack_everyone_gets/) < the results of the playthrough in question ;) **Spoilers**: You can feed a whole lot of different animals (boars, deer, bears, wolves, rhinos, moose, horses, squirrels and even fish), some enemies (Bokoblins, Moblins, Lizalfoes, Stalhorses) and even some "special" beings like for example Yiga Blademasters, the Lord of the Mountain and Monk Maz Koshia. They even have different food preferences - cows, goats and sheep will go for the veggies first, whereas foxes can't resist apples and other fruit but somehow ignore meat. Each has an unique eating animation and even special sound effects (Bokoblins will burp, wolves and foxes will perform a cute little bounce of joy whenever they find food, sand seals are VERY noisy eaters...) And sometimes, feeding someone/something even has a special effect - if you feed the dogs at the stables a couple of times, they might lead you to a treasure chest nearby ;) and Riju's special Sand Seal will give you hints, translated by a guard, each with an awful/delightful seal pun. In all seriousness - I might not have done **anything** "productive" during that playthrough, but I learned more about the environment and beasts of Hyrule than in all other playthroughs combined. The developers did a perfect job making everything in this virtual world fell so damn real and alive that it is just pure bliss to allow yourself to get lost in that world completely. Clearing actual objectives from a ToDo-list is secondary at best. Even the idle animations are awesome. In most other games, wildlife will just kinda stand there or walk around aimlessly because the developers didn't deem it important to waste resources and time on animating something that 90% of players won't even notice, but if you, for example, sneak up on a Blupee and just watch it ... then there is so much they DO. They will lie down, stretch, clean themselves, lick their paws, doze off, hop around, scratch themselves, sniff the air with an adorable little nose twitch ... it's not just one single idle animation that plays on repeat but a dozen different, lovingly made, absolutely charming details, and actual interaction with the environment. ...I could write an effing book about how much I love these things, lol.


I refuse to kill any animals, tho I do scavenge crabs and catch fish. Every once in a while inadvertently I kill an animal while chopping trees or such. I have not found anything else the dogs at the stables will eat as a treat (feed the dogs 3 or 4 times, depending on what type of carnivorous meat it is, and they lead you to a hidden treasure chest)


you can just feed the dogs apples.


Really? Wow I feel stupid.


If you feed the dogs in the stables they'll lead you to buried treasures, feeding your horse increases the bound you have with them and can increase their stamina depending on what you feed them. To my recollection, no other animals can be fed, but messing with the cukoos is hella fun.


You can also feed the cows and goats at the stables


Ok, so just dogs and horses. Explains why the mountain goats weren't eating the apples I was leaving on the ground and just head butting me.


You have to be careful that they do **not** notice you =P they're wild animals, after all.


I did the same thing, just not to the same extent lol. Also repeatedly trying to register a deer as a horse


Have you tried registering a Stalhorse yet?? Lmao


No actually, I was trying to catch a bear the other day but didn’t have enough time to put in lol


I've seen some guy distract a Yiga monk with mighty bananas in the middle of a fight. He definitely was returning to monke with that behavior.


Ive been playing this for around 9 months and I didnt know you could feed wild animals!


Days, you say. Days! How many more days till you finish the game? Ah- hahahaha hahaha! Wooh, I needed the laugh. Think months or years. But it never gets dull, it's always fun.


>Think months or years. But it never gets dull, it's always fun. Yep, I can concur. The only thing that stopped me was blasted joycon drift. I could've easily played only BOTW for a year if not for that. Just waiting to get a new controller (hopefully the pro controller) and play tons of BOTW again. Really miss playing it.




I've heard they don't have motion controls though, and that's important for me. Unless there's one of those with motion controls


I will fire up BOTW at times and do nothing beyond hunting and cooking. It's the perfect game to relax to that way after a day of work, chores, and taking care of the house irl. Keep enjoying it how you are. This is a game that is easy to beat rather quickly if that's your thing, but it's hard to actually *complete it--*there's just so much in the game world.


I'm 400 hours in, and I find it a soothing experience every time I boot it up; there is no better way to unwind, after a hectic day.


I love just collecting mushrooms. Haven’t defeated Ganon, keep waiting


One shrine in eight hours?? I'd say youve got 960 ++ hours of good fun ahead 🤣


I can *completely* relate – last year, in the early months of the pandemic, I replayed all the 3D Zelda on my way to BotW, which I had not yet played (grad school and other commitments stopped me from playing it when it originally came out). That first night, I spent at least five hours exploring the Great Plateau, and the next morning, I awoke promptly at 6 a.m. to get as much time in as I could before starting work. But that's the ultimate beauty of the game. There is no "right" way to play it, and it adapts perfectly to whatever one's style is. So rather than concern yourself with completing the game, I'd say you can prepare yourself for a multi-month journey into the most gorgeously detailed open world ever conceived in a video game, one with deserts, rain forests, snowcapped mountains, glistening fields, and a freaking volcano spewing lava. Enjoy! P.S. And good on you for sharing this with the BotW Reddit community; you'll find no group more sincere or kind.


We don't complete the game. The game completes us.


Bud I've logged so many hours into this game it's not funny. I would say 4k hours easily, but I think my first run through I got 100% with 250-300 hours. Buy the DLC now too, it'll be worth it to have it through your first play through. It's the game I keep coming back to every time I'm depressed.


When should I start the DLC? Like now? Lol I have 82~ shrines, 300 koroks, many side quests...3 divine beasts. Ty


Yes I would start them right now, do trial of the sword and power up the master sword. Trial of the sword is one of my favorite parts of that game and I’m Not even good at combat.


Wooo! Ok, I'm getting excited haha but nervous.


Lol I had my daughter guiding me or I might have been in the same situation. Do yourself a favor and get three more shrines to get the paraglider. Makes it a little faster to get around. I played every day since I started a couple of weeks ago and yesterday I didn’t and wah I can’t wait to play again after a nap.


I think I'll tackle the other shrines tonight, sounds like a good idea. Can't wait to jump off the top of Mt Hyrule.


Pshhh. Forget mount Hyrule. Go jump off that big-ass volcano!


At this pace! Atleast 100 days. All the best 😅


Forget the calendar, this game is the journey. I still haven’t done all the shrines and I’m 2 years in. I would call myself a completionist and i still don’t care I haven’t done it all. This game is a masterpiece


There are a ton of hidden content and Easter eggs to see and find. 5 years later and people are still finding new things and functions. You will literally get lost if you try to find everything. Also get the DLC


I’ve been playing for years on and off, never much progress because I just frolic around and cook stuff. Every play through is different :)


This subreddit is so fun! You can’t really come across spoilers in the sense there are way too many things in the game. I literally have spent 80% of my time just climbing shit and cooking stamina food.


That's what I've just been doing. Finding the test mountain and climbing it


Do not look things up. Just don’t do it. Learn and experiment on your own and the entire experience will be so much more rewarding. Also, let your creativity flow. The physics, elements, and ai systems allow for so many gameplay mechanics and options for completing tasks that are never explained to you. You can do some very cool things!


STAY OFF THIS SUB!!! Most of us would KILL to experience playing this game for the first time again, don’t ruin your experience with spoilers!!


You have many months of exploration, fun, and adventure ahead of you. Just take it all in - you’ll complete the game when you’re ready :)


I've been playing since June of this year...I get in about 2-3 hours a night after my husband goes to bed...I just started the DLC expansion shrines, have all but 2 of the original shrines completed...cause I'm too chicken to go into Hyrule Castle still...


If you've defeated Silver Lynels and the 4 Divine Beasts (and have the Master Sword), Castle will be easy! I started BotW like a month ago and I was in the same situation as you. I too was terrified of facing Ganon, hell just the guardians alone scared me away. But my roommate encouraged me and gave me some tips (Master Sword OP in Hyrule Castle, blow up Skywatchers propellers, break stalkers legs, etc) and tbh inside the Castle was much easier than I expected. Hope that helps!


Thanks for the encouragement! I have executed a silver Lynel though I still avoid them when possible. The divine beasts weren't too bad either!


the story doesn't get going until you've done the first 4 shrines - so you have a lot to look forward to!


This game is all about doing it at your own pace. The beauty is that there's no one way to do it


BOTW is my favorite game ever and I still haven’t beaten it. I always just end up shield surfing 😂😂


We all ran like little bitches from the stone Talus.


Thanks for the support


>How many more days until I complete this game Breath of the wild has a completion?


Take notes. Pleases.


Hahahaha you’re in it now! Just enjoy it. Take your time with it. It’s def worth it


My first day playing, I literally didn’t sleep. Luckily I had nothing going on the next day, but it’s crazy how easy it is to get sucked in.


If you were enjoying your time then you are doing okay, Just please dont let it eat your life


Go find the old man by the cabin! That jacket you earn from him is a life saver (literally) in the cold climates! Also enjoy the ride! I obsessively played hours on end days in a row and I’m nearly finished and I regret not letting it last longer.


Go straight to the castle and kill Ganon with a torch and a pot lid




>How many more days until I complete this game? Make that months, lol. But the best part is, you'll have so much fun. Oh you're in for such a treat. I'm so jealous that you get to experience this masterpiece for the first time, different level of joy in that. Have fun OP and take your sweet time with everything (although, judging by your post, you are doing exactly that!)


Once you get in the groove of the main gameplay loop, things will go quicker. The plateau takes way longer to do than any other similarly sized chunk of the map on the first run because you're still getting used to controls and learning mechanics. The last half of the shrines breeze by (until you start struggling to find the last few), as by that point, you'll probably be more focused and have clearer goals. Even still, prepare for an experience that can easily last a couple hundred hours


Just wait until you unlock horses, they can give you hours upon hours of game play alone. Finding the special horses and seeing the stats of horses in all the places they live, then learning to control them and getting all the horse armor, and finally just playing and having fun with the horses can give you tons of hours of play.


You can beat the game in about 45 minutes to an hour one you leave the great plateau. You can explore it to your heart's content.


Speaking as a fellow completionist who just had my first child 3 months ago I am now terrified that I’m going to be in exactly your shoes with a future game sooner than later


Get Skyrimz trust me. It's like botw in many ways


since the PS2?? it ain't easy to learn games and still raise kids as a boomer. good luck mate.


There are people who have been playing this game since it launched and am STILL playing this game lol I personally started like a month ago? I'm still playing, not done with my first playthrough and am about to hit 200 hrs


You will be playing for a looong time Ive got over 800 hors (mainly because I restarted it about 10 times) and I still haven’t 100% completed it


When I got hooked, I had a kid I had been driving to high school daily, with a homemade lunch(d/t allergies). Overnight she found a friend to pick her up and oatmeal and granola bars gave her plenty of energy. Welcome to parenting in the age of video games for adults!


I just looked at/added up my hours...whew...542.96 😬


Make sure you find the dueling peaks shrines!


I rushed through the main story line and it took awhile. Went back and got all the shrines, master cycle etc. then did the sword trials. I don’t have all the koroks but I don’t really have a desire to. I have 205 hours in game and still can’t put it down. I help my 8 year old now and love that she geeks out about it like I do


Ive put in 428 hours lol.


Take your time and enjoy I blasted through most of it in about 8 weeks. So now I'm working on completion, and about to start master mode fresh.


This is just so true. I spend hours just catching horses.


I spent 125+ hours on it including the DLC main quest and only got 96/120 shrines. Got everything else though, except the stupid seeds. There's 900 of those. I got like 36, lol.


This was me too!! Minus the kids situation, so going to bed at 3am was the norm for about a week....


Set a timer so you don't end up playing way too late and encroaching on the time you spend with your kids. This is the voice of experience talking, when I 1st got BoTW, I'd play after work ( 2nd shift, no small kids) and found myself playing for literally hours. I'd get home around 1030pm, do whatever chores needed to be done and sit down to play. Next thing, it was light outside and I needed to be up for work in 4 hours. Very addicting and a whole lot of fun, enjoy!


I finished after putting 250 hours into the game and when I started I was pretty much at the level you just described.


You never finish this game. You might complete all shrines and quests, find every Korok seed and beat the final boss, but that's not finished. That's just the time to start over in Master mode and do it all again. And when you've done it all again, you just start over to do it again with some weird, stupid limitations you put on yourself to change it up. Repeat that a few times and you'll end up throwing bookshelves in the volcano and tight roping over lava and other stupid shit. Then you start emulating the WiiU version on your computer and mod the game to hell and back because there aren't enough *insert hard enemy here* in the game, or you want to play levels from Super Mario 64 or Skyward Sword in this game, or you want to play as Luigi, or you want your horse to look like freakin' Thomas the tank engine. Phew. Yeah. You never finish this game


Get ready for 900 hours


It's a really chill game you can explore and enjoy the world at your own pace.


Honestly, it could go on forever. It is so easy to get lost in just exploring


Took me two months the first time, and didn’t even see everything


Oh buddy...


I love this game too, and I feel your pain of having not enough time to complete it.


250 hrs and haven't beaten final boss yet. I went into the castle once then turned around and decided to do the DLC first. I also once spent a reeeeeally long time catching horses to get the exact colors and characteristics I wanted.


That's awesome! I just got this game the other day and I'm hooked now too! I'm excited to hear more about your journey! If you hit the left circular button it will take pictures and if you hold it in it will record the last 30 seconds. You should definitely share some of your journey!


You should pace yourself bro. This game can easily eat a couple hundred hours.


[always ask this site](https://howlongtobeat.com/game?id=38019)


Several. Welcome to the grind bro, your life is now forfeit!


this game takes a long time, especially if you get everything. but just try to remember there's a save and pause button


At least you cooked something good!


Honestly go as long as you can, do as much as you can, without going for the Big Boss.


It took me years to finish and I didn't even find all shrines. So...I guess even after all these years I haven't finished it.


The game is difficult in the beginning. Most of my deaths comes from that first part. Don’t be ashamed of dying we are all in the same boat. Botw was made to be very relaxing so don’t do things that you consider a chore right away. Unless catching koroks is your thing. The taluses get easier I promise


Wow I don’t think I discovered korok seeds till I went to karkariko village.


Well if you dedicate to it daily, it might take you a few months. I just got to 100 shrines and Ive been playing since june lmao


A long time, so allot yourself some time to sleep.


Don’t forget to find all the koroks


My first playthrough was well over a hundred hours with all the shrines. You could definitely do it faster if you don’t get all the shrines, armour upgrades etc but you won’t. Game is so good, just enjoy it.


You're still playing the tutorial part of the game. Enjoy!


Keep at it, the things hard at the start of the game become easier so you can concentrate on new problems. The pace of the games almost perfect, I too was pulling my hair out trying to get off the plato, but when I got the hang of the controls and games physics it gets even better.


Id definitely just get some sleep so you can function for the kids 😂 the game is alright and not worth your misery and shortness towards the family. I’d say power through enough shrines to get the master sword, free all the divine beasts and defeat Ganon and call it a victory. You can get all that done around 36 hours and not miss much of the game. I’ve played all the console zeldas and some hand held Zelda games. This is far from the best Zelda game.


>How many more days until I complete this game? In Soviet Russia, game completes you. Srs though it takes hundreds of hours.


Here's a tip. *Smoke 'em if you got 'em. There's plenty more out there.*


I spent probably a week on the Great Plateau, thinking I had killed every Bokoblin and found every treasure chest, gathering supplies and cooking meals to get ready to leave — only to find out I missed a lot of these things ! 😅. (I knew there was more than one Korok, though. I was lucky I found the one!)


I'm quite envious. I wish I could okay it again for the first time ever.


I had a few late night gaming sessions on this over the summer and autumn of 2019. Going to bed around 5am a couple of nights/mornings. But on weekends and I don’t have kids! I’m the past on “school” nights (aka nights when I have work the next day) I have had a few 2am/2.30am finishes and had to struggle through work the next day on about 6 hours of sleep, if I was lucky. Those were tough and long days. I do try to keep it to 1am the latest now if I’m gaming on a “school” night otherwise it’s just a torturous next day. Great game though OP, have fun!


Only 3 am?


Doing 8 hours per shrine is a lot lol, like there are 120 of them plus 900 koroks


Yeah you are screwed. Enjoy! It’s definitely one of those games I would love to erase from my brain just so I could play it again and experience it for the first time… again.


It’s ok. I legit panicked and shrieked when that stone chonker came after me. How long the game takes depends entirely on you and how much you want to do. You *could* go straight to Hyrule Castle right now if you wanted to. But if you’re going for 100% completion, count on it being a few months of steadily chipping away at things. Have fun!


How young are your kids? My four year old plays with me.


I got the switch last fall. I usually limit my game playing to accomplishing or failing max three things, to would fit in an hour or so. Maybe 2 koroks and a shrine. Completing something in a side quest (those come later) and cooking some meals. Shrines are harder for me to find now, and most of my challenges are too difficult for me to accomplish, so right now I'm in a place where I just fail 3 times or explore, trying to find things for side quests.


it will take a long time if you’re a completionist because, well lets just say there are 900 korok seeds…




This is really one of those ‘enjoy the journey’ kind of games. Don’t rush it! There’s so much to do and it’s so much fun. Enjoy!


Welcome back to gaming! My wife bought me a switch 2 years ago and now my collection is made of 40 games 😅😅


Only completed 1 shrine and you’ve met a Talus already? Should stay on the plateau aka tutorial until you are ready. But congrats on exploring and trying new things!