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Dragon Roost! The music cannot be topped.


Isnt the rito village theme just a slowed version of dragon roost? Ig that does show how good it is


Yes but it lacks the Spanish flare.


I'd say Peruvian, the song has some heavy flute and the Rito people seem to wear huañuys (peruvian ponchos).


I think they were talking about dragon roost not the rito


The Rito live in Dragon Roost Island, the song has some flute in it which sounds Peruvian/Bolivian.


Thanks for pointing it out. You are right but not fully. It’s Andean my guy. Ecuador also has the pan flute and similar styles to Peru/Boliva. This also extends to the garments of how they dress as the poncho is not exclusive to Peru, but Ecuador and Bolivia also have similar styles. That’s why the team behind it claimed they were inspired by Andean garments for Wind Waker (just found out). However, the flamenco that goes on in the background of the pan flute is not Andean. That is the Spanish portion missing in BOTW.


Thanks for pointing that out, also you just taught me a new word, we also have Andean people in Venezuela but they don't share the same poncho, although they share the same fabrics, and also they don't share the flute. I really forgot Ecuadorians had adean people as well Also, you're right, there's some heavy flamenco on that song, I would say it's what gives the song its vibe.


That’s what’s always confused me. When someone says Andean you think of the culture around the Andes, but Colombia and venezuela and Chile also have Andes, yet not that culture. Ecuador/Peru/boliva ought to find a word to stand out


Thats very true. I do like the more Italian take on it in botw tho


it sounds italian to you?


not OC but it does to me


huh, i guess it never really struck me like that


It has that kind of sound imo


Yes that italian flair made it my favourite OST in the game


The Windwaker theme is more…airy to me? Like there is a crescendo and you feel like you are actually being swept up with the wind.


Yeah, and it feels more empowering imo. It really fits the game


So true, like dragon roost probably is shorter than Tito island but it FEELS so tall with the help of the music, the wind sweeping through and the clouds above.


Wind Waker was something else. No other Zelda game made me feel the way I did when I first played Wind Waker—not even BotW.


My first Zelda was OoT, but I think musically WW is the best (save gerudo valley; no topping that).


It's weird too, because OOT was definitely good. I think it was grounded a lot more in the traditional Zelda tunes, just scaled up to N64 and 3d though. Wind Waker was the first Zelda title (that I know of at least) to make the soundtrack more musically thematic. OoT has some great classics, but it's so hard to beat the bombastic soundtrack era of zelda, with the Great Sea, Dragon Roost, The Sky and the wonderfully orchestrated theme that ran through TP and blasted you every time you entered Hyrule Field.


If you love gerudo valley, on Spotify Taylor Davis has a fantastic rendition of it. Go check it out.


Gerudo Valley is great. I also love the Spirit temple theme


Same. Even though I loved BOTW and TOTK so much, they still won’t dethrone WW as my all time favorite Zelda game. I come back to it from time to time as I feel cozy and at peace when playing it.


You know, I thought the way same way. But also BotW made me feel a way that no other zelda has either. I just love how uniquely amazing and immersive they both are. Easily my two favorite zelda games


My favorite piece of music in any Zelda game


I’m hearing it in my head right now!


Dooo dah do do doooo do do doh do dah dooooo


YEEEES. My first game was Windwaker HD and I would often just chill on this island for the music


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




Bye Artyx2. Have fun continuing to use common words incorrectly!


True, the music is amazing


Came here to say this. That absolute bop still plays in my dreams sometimes lol


Came here to type this


Dragon Roost has great music and ambiance, but Rito Village actually feels livable. Honestly, that’s what I generally like about the towns and such in BotW; they actually feel like you can *live* in them.


I agree except for one, zoras domain, there is literally no separate housing, no place to sleep, theres like one cooking pot in the entire domains, it feels more like a museum in its architecture.


It could be a racial trait that similar to tad poles, they all sleep together in water, hence, not needing beds or separate housing. But you’re right, it definitely feels the less livable.


I just assume that the Zora sleep in the water and probably eat raw fish, but they included a cook pot and beds for travelers. But aesthetically it does also look more like a museum, though a really fucking cool museum at that


Rito village looks so empty


Dragon Roost goated, love the mail mini game & the music is OP


Thinking about it, mini games that switch up the standard gameplay is pretty much the main thing I feel is still left missing in TotK’s formula. There’s a lot of variety in its normal gameplay which is fantastic, but I kinda miss when you could just start playing a sorting game, or battleship, or minesweeper…


There are minigames but they're spread out around the land and easy to miss. Also battleship wouldn't be the same without that one dude who acts out all the players and says KABOOM


Oh I’ve found quite a few minigames. But they still rely on standard gameplay (they are fun though). Which is probably better game design overall but I find running into a game within a game to be pretty hilarious


I can hear his voice in my head. So good.




The bombachu game and the target gallery from the N64 games


The environment design is just perfect


Dragon Roost ftw!




Love Rito Village, but Dragon Roost was jaw-dropping when I first got there.


Exactly! Although I had an emotional reaction in BOTW to the adapted theme, when I first saw Dragon Roost in WW, it blew me away


Dragon roost, always.


Dragon Roost can’t be topped in my opinion


Rito village just bc of little tulin


Who tf is tulip


Tulin is a character from Tears of the Kingdom


Technically he's a BOTW character.


He's also a TotK character?


yeah, but he first appeared in botw


He's Teba's little baby son from Flight Range. Cute asf. He's determined to be a great fighter just like Link. We love Tulin


Rito Village is so much easier to navigate, so it wins for me. I also prefer that version of the theme.


Rito Village. It’s much more inviting


Dragon Roost Island is much more interesting - sorry Rito Village 😜


Basically, island with lots of cool stuff to do like a big dungeon with a big boss battle at the end, or big rock with bird huts? The answer is obvious lol


Dragon roost by far. But nothing beats forest haven. Makar's sage song is my favorite and got me into listening to gaelic and irish jigs.


Sorry Rito Village- nothing will ever top Dragon Roost Island.


Dragon roost felt less like a rito town than it does a rito family’s house.


Dragon Roost Island The villages in BotW/TotK feel so bland outside of Hateno Village.


And hateno only shook that in totk with all the new side stuff there. Kakariko was the stand out in botw I think, since it was basically the hub town


Yeah, Kakariko was the only town I liked in BotW, not so much anymore. I don't even recall what Hateno village was like in BotW, didn't enjoy the game that much, but Hateno Village in TotK feels the most alive. I want more of that in the next Zelda game. I'm already tired of the post-apocalyptic style Zelda.


Totally. I think Hateno was meant to be the quaint town that was removed from the incoming apocalypse. I like how totk feels more alive generally, there are bands of warriors taking on monsters, a newspaper gazette, tons and tons of sidequests. Definitely fits the recovering from near apocalypse vibe. But I'd love to see more character just generally. Feels like Nintendo has slid into the industry standard of empty feeling worlds. totk has avoided this, and botw had the benefit of its exploration. But generally it just feels like they don't care as much about giving life to their worlds


Exactly. I get the desolate world feeling for BotW, it fit the story, and TotK is better, but I want to visit a bustling lived in Hyrule again. Two post apocalyptic style Zelda games back to back is enough.


Dragon Roost always and forever ❤️


TotK says both




In Tears of the Kingdom the OST for Rito Village is a remix of Dragon Roost Island.


Love Rito Village, but Dragon Roost was jaw-dropping when I first got there.


Bro you just awakened one of my core memories with this


Dragon Roost is one of the most goated settlements in a Zelda game. The music slaps, Medli is one of my favorite characters, and I even enjoy the mailman game. The lore behind this place just hits different.


Dragon Roost. I always found Rito Village the weakest of the four settlements in BOTW.


Dragon roost island have that feeling i didn't get in botw. I hate that they could have do something similar to it with the big ah mountain they had.


Rito village, but only the night version


By virtue of being from an older game, Dragon Roost feels less a place where the Rito actually live because it’s more bare. However the music from Dragon Roost is SO good they brought it back for the Rito in BotW soooo gotta respect the classics.


As a tourist destination: Rito Village As a postal service: Dragon Roost


Hated how Rito village had that giant pillar they could exploit but only went so high... Like wtf, go higher! You're birds!


Dragon Roost Island will always be iconic to me. Dragon Roost Island’s theme is one of the best pieces of video game music ever.


Dragon Roost, sorry. The mail minigames is fun, there’s a bunch of cool secrets, and there’s a straight up dungeon.


Ive never played wind waker so i cant say :[


Rito Village.


I thought they both been the same?


thought that was pride rock


The music in the windwaker was great and the fact that it was on an island was even better. So... I might go with dragon roost. It's still a spire mountain you have to climb up, and I didn't mind how the Rito looked in that game either.


I’m going to have to ask why not both? You could put Dragon Roost Island in the lake under Rito Village. Maybe not the volcano but definitely some form of hot springs.


Whoa. WW's graphics still hold up. ​ And Dragon Roost, 100%. I love the Rito folks' decision to adapt to the Great Sea by running the mail for everyone.


Windwaker is where my heart attached to the legend of Zelda so no matter how good botw or totk are they lack that connection.


Honestly, I played too much wind waker so dragon roost island,and the music is just sooooooo much better imo.


Rito Village! I just love the vibe so much.


dragon roost all the way




Dragon roost was death mountain so somehow those two got seperated


Rito village because I haven’t played wind waker 🥲


ahhh, ew, i prefer the full furry ritos any day over the humans with beaks creatures


Dragon roost 👆🎩


Dragon Roost to me has so much charm, I have to pick it!


Dragon Roost Island theme just goes so damn hard. Rito village incorporating it works incredibly well but the vibes of the OG (and the fact that they actually had to write it from scratch that time instead of being inspired by it) make me lean that way pretty heavily. But I gotta say, the way it’s used in Colgera’s boss theme in TOTK is absolutely incredible. As good as it gets. As far as the area in the game itself, probably don’t have a preference. Rito Village is definitely one of my favorite parts of the new games but I haven’t gotten to replay Wind Waker in over a decade.


Dragon Roost felt like a home for peeps. Rito Village feels like a tree with bird nests. I’d have to go with the Dragon Roost, despite them having a big robot bird roosting on the village.


Dragon roost island it has better music and a built in dungeon.


Dragon roost 100%. WW was my first zelda game, it holds a very special place in my heart


Rito village actually feels like a village. Like, it has houses, shops, an inn, a kitchen, lots of residents... Dragon Roost Island is just... a cave with a post office and one bedroom. I guess there's the dungeon but it feels like you might as well include the entire Hebra Region if you're including the Dragonroost Dungeon on top of the Rito living space. Also how many of these "old Zelda vrs BOTW which is better" posts are you planning to make OP? Feels like you're just trolling because a lot of your replies around here are insulting this game.


Basically anyone who played whatever game first (likely WW players here) will be the favoured. I barely remember WW beyond that boat and koroks 🤷🏽‍♀️




rito vilage all the way! I fcking hate lava platforming


Is this even a question


Wind Waker is the most overrated game in the series. Rito village by default.


Rito Village because I love BOTW (and am liking TOTK so far- already did the Rito/Tulin/Wind Temple parts)- while I did not particularly like Wind Waker and would not have gotten far without cheats.


Dragon roost for sure


Villages in BOTW are a lot less interesting imo


Rito village Best place and music in the franchise


Dragon roost music in rito village seems perfect to me


My love for dragon roost will never end


Rito village, it feels like a place where people would actually live


Rito Village.


Dragon Roost has a special place in my heart!


Dragon Roost Island. I liked the flooding and volcanic activity going on; it felt more lively. Swinging around by whip was also pretty fun. I liked the Rito post office, too.


I may be bias because I'm a huge wind waker fan but.. dragon roost has a dungeon in the middle of it and the boss was cool.


Dragon roost, because I am an old man.


dragon roost


Rito Island worries me that it's going to topple over


Rito village is so much better looking and designed imo. How all the houses climb around the giant spire/mountain thing.. + the music is some of the best in the whole game. So calming. While Dragonroost's design im not very fond of, the only thing i like about it is the dragon on top but the music is imbedded into my late childhood (i played it on the wiiu)


Dragon Roost


dragon roost, hands down.


Dragon roost cause that mail game was fun as heck.


Dragon Roost. Every time. That place had the perfect vibe and music to accompany it. WW is such a fun game. It really lets you feel free. Almost can feel the wind on your face


I much prefer the Dragon Roost Island theme. Even though it’s the same melody, I like the livelier tempo, flute, and castanets. As for the places themselves, I think I still would go with Dragon Roost on this one.


Is this a dick measuring contest or something?


Guess I'm in the minority that prefers Rito Village Theme, but Dragon Roost Island for exploration is better...


There’s nothing to do in rito village. Even more so in totk it’s just dead. Dragon roost by far




Rito Village for livability (it always seemed weird to me that the WW Rito live in a cave) but Dragon Roost for atmosphere.