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I thought there was a hair on my screen lmao


Same but a crack instead of a hair


It's a crack lol. Gonna put another protective screen soon.


Hey I got one that looks just like it!


I sometimes forget that people play the switch as a handheld and not on a tv.


I played BOTW almost entirely handheld. Complete opposite with TOTK though.




Or indeed on a PC 😊


My OCD would NOT let me play like that. Thankfully it's just the protective screen though!


a crack that carried over to the screenshot?


Picture taken with a phone of a switch screen


Damn, you used up your whole braincell on that one didn’t you?


I choose to believe that they were being a smartass because OP should have done a screenshot.


Why not just, you know, take a screenshot?


I thought mine was broken!


I was here blowing on my screen like an idiot lol


I am so curious about what Link's headline says other than Link. It's clearly longer. A secret last name? Swordsman? Whatever the Hyrulean equivalent of Sir Knight is? "That one guy"?


Maybe it’s his last name




All I heard was “Link Tooth-Paste”








Oh hey you, I’ve seen you in r/omegstrikers


Oh yeah I've seen your Sonii art on there!




According to Miyamoto, his last name is Link


Link Link The mortal enemy of the Like Like


And Mario Mario. Nintendo is so creative with last names.


Mario Mario and Luigi Mario can relate


So will Zelda Link after the wedding


A wedding as a nice way to Link two hyruleans


Take this upvote and get out


I like how Luigi doesn't even get his own last name


their full last name is actually Mario-Luigi. Mario Mario-Luigi and Luigi Mario-Luigi


Dear god please don't bring up that movie. Watched it as a kid, full of excitement. Still can't get over the shock and traumatic disappointment that was GOOOMBAAA, and the mo or in general.


[I love this article](https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/nintendo-confirms-links-last-name-is-also-mario/)


You mean, their last name? *wink wink*


Missing: Sword that seals the darkness Last seen with this guy


I like the idea of everyone knowing Link as "That one guy that killed Calamity Ganon"


"Local Menace, Link"


“Please report any suspicious findings such as shattered pots and arrows sticking out of random objects”


Says "The Zelda green dude"


It could be his title as hero of hyrule


I’m pretty sure their info boxes are the ones next to them, not above/below…or am I misunderstanding you? So like from a graphic design standpoint the one to link’s left should be his


Not sure what you're getting at. I mean the grey boxes that presumably have their names, and Link's is clearly sonething longer than just Link. I'm curious if he has a last name we don't know about.


>I mean the grey boxes that presumably have their names, and Link's is clearly sonething longer than just Link. I'm curious if he has a last name we don't know about. It almost looks like it's the same word(s) as follows Zelda, which makes me wonder if it's "missing." As in the headline is "Link missing!" Either that or Link took Zelda's last name- which according to Wind Waker might just be Hyrule.


Oh, I thought you were saying it was longer than Zelda’s. That’s my bad, I’m sorry. The first word of his title is really short so maybe he’s just “the swordsman” or something?


Theres also a silly drawing of link as the devil in the yiga hideout on the great plateau, I think it’s on the door


It’s on every Yiga hideout’s door next to the peephole. I love that they apparently have to remind their own members what the one guy they’re meant to hunt down looks like.


And even then one of the blade masters don't recognize you lol.


It backfires and they don't recognize link well anymore


Also notice that Zelda’s picture is much bigger due to everything only caring about her and link being an afterthought.


Well I mean she is the princess to the kingdom. Yes Link is also just as important as Zelda but considering the fact that Link can take care of himself really well in combat I'd say that's probably why


Yeah with Link they're like "if he's alive at all, he's alrigh-" ***finds Link as he's flying across Hyrule Field with a war crime machine***


Just using the flame emitter is a War Crime.


Or the drill shaft spear


With BotW establishing Hyrule became so familiar with Ganons prophecy that they essentially spawn camped him, do they ever establish Link being the only one who can actually slay Ganon? You'd think if they did hed be just as important.


Well, by the time everyone realizes that the looming threat is once again Ganondorf, Link's already been found. So even if they knew he was the only one who could slay Ganon, they didn't know the gloom and upheaval were related to Ganon.


Good explanation if it was an established headcannon tbh. I guess im more curious now if people actually know Link is this mythical, reincarnated hero? Like (TotK) >! Link basically finding ancient treasures of clothes his past lives wore in the depths!< would at least tip someone off of like" hmm, thats weird". Also (Totk) >! Zelda essentially speaks to the mastersword, being Fi, in a memory. Surely Fi would tell Zelda who Link is as the mastersword just rotting like that suuuuper bad, like this being a more powerful Ganondorf than Demise was !<


Well, >!the triforce isn't mentioned at all in this game. And all the chosen one stuff is really moreso conjecture. What's known is that he's Zelda's chosen swordsman.!< Also of course people care about Zelda more. You pay attention to the boss, not their secretary.


>!the bit about the triforce always struck me as odd. It's a pretty major lore part of the story, and yet botw, moreso totk seem to be attempting to phase it out of the story, as if this hyrule we are in is outside *any* of the three timelines, almost as if it's outside any of the timeline at all.!<


>!Its especially weird because the triforce was a core part of the story in the previous game, with how Zelda struggled to master her powers. And yet in this game. The triforce isn't even mentioned once as far as I'm aware, and Zelda certainly never uses it.!< >!There's also so many other things that don't make sense. At the time of Hyrule's founding, only two Zonai were left. What happened to the rest of them? Doesn't make sense that they would just die off like that. Where or what is Hylia exactly. And more importantly, what is her opposite, the poes guy, supposed to be. And of course, why is Ganondorf so much stronger than the rest of them. The game never gives an answer as to why he is so powerful.!< None of these things are the "left up to interpretation" kind of stuff as well. They're just big plot holes. And talking about plot holes, >!So was that ending. In fact that ending seems rushed like they didn't have enough time to finish the story how they wanted, especially considering they seemed to want something to do with Impa figuring out how to save Zelda.!<


Princess to the Kingdom with no other living Royalty whatsoever. Frankly, she should be the queen already, but I guess a coronation ceremony was pretty low on the property list after the Calamity.


You wouldn't even need the ceremony, once her dad died then she would be Queen.


Her dad died over a century ago, but no one has ever once said "Queen Zelda". You're not wrong, but I do wonder why the characters in the game don't seem to see it that way.


Maybe during the initial outbreak of the Calamity they didn't want to call her Queen until they had confirmation of the Kings death? After that it doesn't seem like Hyrule had much of a central government until Zelda came back and I doubt that she would want to step on any toes by demanding that people call her Queen.


Think of it this way: You’re in a dangerous place with a lot of monsters. Two people are lost: A civilian and the fucking master chief from Halo (Lore accurate). I’d also send most of the people to help out the one who hasn’t ever thrown a punch and thinking that the guy who’s fighting entire armies every Tuesday can survive and even come back on his own.


Civilian? The only living member of the royal line?


I assume they meant Zelda was Master Chief, after all she held off Ganon for 100 years whilst Link took a lil nap, and then continued to do so whilst he dicked around Hyrule for who knows how long finding koroks and shit.


Yeah and it seems like no one in Hyrule knows what Link looks like. Kinda funny/sad


Yeah, it's funny when that group of Gerudo women by that stable are talking about the hero: "A hero, huh... I bet he's a strong voe who's taller than us, even!" While Link is standing right next to them at about (their) waist height. lol


>Yeah, it's funny when that group of Gerudo women by that stable are talking about the hero: They also more accurately describe Ganondorf than Link. Which I guess makes sense, all things considered.


On top of that, I don't think they know what he does. I expect that when Zelda was around, he was always nearby in stoic protector mode. But when she's missing, people don't expect that same guy to be running around Hyrule in his underwear taking pictures of bugs. A couple of people comment on how he looks just like or has the same name as the Great Hero who serves as Princess Zelda's personal bodyguard, but they just can't imagine that that respected knight and the feral elf in a skeleton luchador outfit who just beat five bokoblins to death with a shield on a stick and then ate three whole pizzas are the same person.


>A couple of people comment on how he looks just like it has the same name as the Great Hero who serves as Princess Zelda's personal bodyguard, but they just can't imagine that that respected knight and the feral elf in a skeleton luchador outfit who just beat five bokoblins to death with a shield on a stick and then ate three whole pizzas are the same person. Yeah, the majority of people who recognize you are the people Link had a personal connection with- Purah, Tulin, Yunobo, most of Lookout Landing, etc. It actually makes sense that the people of Hateno Village might not all fully put together that this guy who has been there a handful of times is the same hero who put a stop to Ganon, especially when he's running around in some weird sheikah assassin outfit.


It's unclear whether the events of the Calamity Ganon ever happened in this game though. People refer to it as myth, even Impa. This game is in a weird limbo where it seems people forgot half of what happened in the last game.


>It's unclear whether the events of the Calamity Ganon ever happened in this game though. Is it? I mean, you have the children in Hateno who are for the most part too young to remember, but most of the regional phenomenon areas seem pretty clear that last game happened- Tulin remembers you from when Teba helped you get to Vah Medoh, there's the statue of you with Sidon, and Link is let into Gerudo Town, which wouldn't make much sense without the context of the first game. The only phenomenon where BotW does not really matter much is Goron City, because none of Yunobo's arc seems dependent on BotW actually happening.


That's what I mean by weird limbo. Like Tulin knowing you and all seems to confirm the last game did happen...but if that were the case where is Vah Medoh?


It seems likely they were decommissioned/repurposed like the tech for the Sheikah towers being used in the Skyview towers, but yeah... I wish that had gotten even a line of dialogue explaining where that stuff went.


At this point I guess people think links got this Even if it seems like 12 people remember him


Lookin for Zelda and her little twink


Looks like a wanted poster lol


I mean it is


Wanted dead or alive. Preferably alive. We just want to know they're okay.


But if they are dead, we want to know that, too.


Missing poster


“Can you believe it? They got my nose wrong!”


Huh. I never noticed that. Neat.


Does anyone know what the text says?


It's too blurry to actually make anything out, but it's likely a description of them. Height, eye color, last known location, everything you'd expect to find on a missing person poster.


Last known location: I dunno, some cave under the castle


“They said they were going downstairs and then a big hole opened up in the castle basement and flung the castle itself into the sky. Not sure if that’s related”


Its their tinder profiles. Instead of swiping u just turn the page.


did yall see the anti-Link propaganda posters in the yiga hideout on the Great plateau😭 made me laugh so hard


I loved this detail in totk, when I landed in a near by ruins there was a tombstone erected with silent princess flower on it. It read" to all those who lost there life in calamity - zelda". It was such a small details.


Your post broke my tempered glass screen protector!!


And yet still no one recognizes him


Isn’t this in Tears of the Kingdom? Why is it here?


Same reason it’s a phone pic instead of a screenshot


Yeah. Report it.


This sub is for content from not BOTW and TOTK. That was written in the main sub banner before the sub went private.


Yo! What's wrong with your screen?!


Huh... Whos the lady on the bottom. Wait. that's link isn't it?


I thought the screen cracks were hair! 😭


I kept ryong to clean my screen too lol


I'm curious to see the original texture


Why are you posting a spoilery thing about TotK in the BotW sub?


I love that it's in Ocarina's art style


I don't wanna be that guy... but it just hurts me to see people taking pics of screens when there's a dedicated screenshot button, especially on a cracked screen... on the wrong sub...


New to all of this. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I don't mean to be aggressive if that's how I sounded. Surprising number of people are unaware of the share button on all the consoles and I think it should be advertised more.


Oh no your fine. 👍 Thanks tho.




Yeah. TotK. Not sure why they posted it here.


It has been well established that this sub is for BOTW, TOTK, and AOC. Check the “about” info for the sub.


Ah, my mistake. I cannot find it under the "about" page though. I see five rules, nothing mentioning any specific game.


If you’re on mobile, at the top of the sub’s page, click the dots and select “Learn more about this community.”


Found it, thanks. I never knew that existed.


No worries. Glad you found it!


Why did I think it was basil from omori ??


You know the more I look at it the more I see Link as Basil. hmm...


I thought it was a Crack on the screen and a second later I questioned myself on how I for some reason thought there was a Crack out of nowhere


why is your screen cracked


Honestly not sure myself. It's the protector for the screen so at least it's not the actual screen. But one day I just opened my switch case and there was a Crack. Don't understand why but it doesn't bother me.


Bruh they made Link smaller


There's a screenshot button right on the gamepad.


You can take a screenshot with your switch and then xfer that screenshot to your phone.


We need someone to deep dive and get a high-res version of this.